- 1958-08-02 —
The Ontario Summer School Committee presented three courses at the YMCA Camp Kitchikewana at Geneva Park on Lake Couchiching. Audrey Westheuser presented "Sources of Hidden Power", Beatrice Ashton, "The World Crusade" and Winston Evans, a Bahá'í from Nashville, Tennessee, contributed, "Bahá'í Faith in a Christian World". He suggested that in teaching Christians that they not be considered as a homogeneous group but rather they should be approached with an appreciation of the tenants of eacch particular group. [CBN No 105 October 1958 p5, UC79]
- Winston Evans extended his teaching trip throughout Western Ontario to consult with the Promulgation Committee. Two new pamphlets were designed, "The Reality of the Return of Christ" and "Letters to Christians". He spoke at public meetings in Toronto, London, Ajax, Georgetown, Dundas, Forest and other communities. [CBN No 105 October 1958 p3; UC80]
- 1958-09-00 — Promulgation Conferences were held in St. Catharines and London to initiate the programs being carried out by the Promulgation Committee in Niagara and Western Ontario. [CBN No 106 November 1958 p3]
- 1958-10-00 —
Based on previous experience of a proclamation to Christian clergy in Hamilton and consultation with Winston Evans at the Summer School, the Promulgation Committee launched a proclamation directed to both clerics and the layman. Packages were sent to Christians in Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, Saltfleet, Burlington, Dundas, Campbellville, Ancaster, Georgetown, London, St. Thomas, Ingersoll and Forest. The pamphlet "The Reality of the Return of Christ" was included in all packages with the Catholic priests receiving a copy of the tablet that Bahá'u'lláh addressed to Pope Pius IX and the Protestant clergy were sent the pamphlet "The Lord of the New Age".
About 1,400 to 1,500 were sent. Advertisements were placed in the local newspapers announcing that the clergy had received this material and that a speaker would be coming soon to speak about the theme, "Christ and Bahá'u'lláh". The only negative reaction reported was from the town of Forest where the Faith was denounced from the pulpit. [CBN No 107 December 1958 p2; UC80-81]
- Note that Shoghi Effendi had encouraged such a proclamation in the British community. UD379 refers.
- 1958-11-09 — A Promulgation follow-up conference was held in Dundas with approximately 40 Bahá'ís in attendance. A campaign was planned to keep the promulgation issue alive in the area.
[CBN No 108 January 1959 p5; UC84]
- 1959-08-30 — Douglas and Elizabeth Martin travelled to the Maritimes to introduce the Promulgation Campaign. The Bahá'ís of Halifax, Charlottetown and Saint John participated in the project and over 2,000 letters were sent out from these three centres during the first week of September. Winston Evans, from Nashville, once again participated as a speaker at the meetings. [CBN No 117 October 1959 p4; UC96]
- 1959-09-00 — Carol and David Bowie pioneered to Ear Falls, Ontario and had to relinquish membership on the National Promulgation Committee. The new membership was: Fred Graham, Douglas Martin, Jeannie Seddon, Donald Dainty and Gail Burland (secretary). [CBN No 127 August 1960 p70] iiiii
- 1960-03-00 —
Twenty-seven communities in seven provinces participated in the Promulgation Campaign. 12,000 ministers, priests and laypersons received the letter and the newspaper ads reached a total of one million readers. The results could be analyzed in three ways: the spirit of the believers; the response from the churches; and the immediate effect in the teaching work.
- It was noted that in small communities where economic conditions were more difficult, the level of sacrifice appeared greater.
- While the responses from the Christian communities was encouraging there was opposition from the pulpit in such places as Saskatoon, Regina, Saint John and Winnipeg. The Premier of Alberta, Ernest Manning, on two occasions, attacked the universal nature of the Cause on national network broadcasts. Other indications are that the awareness of the claims of the Faith is high among some groups and that it is a topic of their discussions.
- There were some 300 promulgation meetings across Canada and over 50 persons wrote for literature in response to the advertisements.
- It was realized that with a mass-education program that repetition was essential and so sustained local follow-up was necessary to maintain the momentum. [CBN No 122 March 1960 p4-5]
- 1960-03-00 — As part of their Promulgation Campaign, the Bahá'ís of Saskatoon sent out some 950 letters. Bill Lacey of Minot, ND spoke to an audience of 68 at a public meeting at the University. There was a barrage of opposition from the floor but there were many who responded in defence of the Bahá'ís. At a subsequent meeting with one of those who rose to defend the Bahá'ís came the idea of having an inter-religious meeting. That brought out 32 people of different nationalities, 11 of which gave short talks on their faith. Members of the International Students Club who attended decided to hold a meeting at the University that was attended by some 150 people. Bill Gossen made a presentation on behalf of the Bahá'í Faith. [CBN No 122 March 1960 p6-7]
- 1960-05-00 —
The Promulgation Campaign moved into the fifth stage. The National Spiritual Assembly approved the participation of Toronto, Scarborough, North York, Etobicoke, York Township, Forest Hill, Montreal, Vancouver, Verdun, Westmount, St. Lambert, Ottawa, Eastview, Kingston, Victoria, Nanaimo, New Westminster, West Vancouver, Penticton and Vernon.
- In Regina there were six declarations, in Saskatoon and Moose Jaw two. [CBN 123 April, 1960 p1]
- 1960-09-15 —
All the communities in the greater Vancouver area united to launch a Promulgation Campaign in their area. [CBN No 129 October 1960 p5]
- They sent out about 1,500 kits to clergy and laymen and held a follow-up public meeting attended by 70 to 80 persons including three clergy. Doug Crofford spoke on "Christ and Bahá'u´lláh" and answered questions that followed. A series of panel discussion meetings were planned to begin on October 16th. [CBN No 130 November 1960 p5]