- 1894-02-00 — Ibrahim George Kheiralla settled in Chicago. [BFA1:XXVII, AB65]
Owing to his work, the first Ba...
- 1912-06-08 — Talk at 309 West Seventy-eighth Street, New York,
`Abdu'l-Baha arrived in Philade...
- 1912-06-09 — Talk at Unitarian Church,
Fifteenth Street and Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [PUP172...
- 1912-06-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha left Philadelphia and returned to New York, arriving the same day. [239D:88; AB211]
- 1912-11-11 — `Abdu'l-Baha traveled to Baltimore by train and arrived at Camden Station at 11AM. He was accompanie...
- 1924-01-28 — Isabella Brittingham, Disciple of `Abdu'l-Baha, passed away at the Revell home in Philadelphia. [SEB...
- 1924-10-22 — The fourth Race Amity Convention was held in Philadelphia. Because there were few Baha'is in the cit...
- 1954-06-09 — The passing of Alain LeRoy Locke (b. September 13, 1885, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.) in New York...