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Tag "Peru"

tag name: Peru type: Geographic locations
web link: Peru
related tags: Andes Mountains; South America
referring tags: Lake Titicaca; Lima, Peru

"Peru" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (10 results; expand)

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  1. Birth of Radio Bahá'í of Lake Titicaca in Peru, The, by Boris Handal. (1981-09) On a momentous international Bahá'í teaching project linking the sister communities of Peril and Bolivia.
  2. Ella del Valiente Corazón: La Vida de Miss Eve Blanche Nicklin (1895-1985), "Madre Spiritual del Perú", by Boris Handal. (2002/2024) The life of Eve Nicklin, "Spiritual Mother of Peru."
  3. Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, by Boris Handal. (2011) The life of the "Spiritual Mother of Peru."
  4. Finding the Lamp: My Bahá'í Experience, by Boris Handal. (2012) A personal adventure of faith, influenced by a background where faith and reason talked to each other, and an oriental ethnic heritage and curiosity for Eastern cultures; thoughts on inclusive spiritual agendas for the future.
  5. Guidance for Bahá'í Radio from the Bahá'í World Centre, Donald R. Witzel, comp. (1990) Selection of guidance received from the Bahá'í World Centre on Bahá'í radio from May, 1980 to December, 1989, on four major themes: administration; programming, training and production; finance and technical matters.
  6. In Memoriam: Mercedes Sánchez (1912-1999), by Boris Handal. (2021) On the life of one of the first Peruvian Bahá'ís, who encountered the Faith via Eve Nicklin, the first American pioneer to settle in Peru.
  7. In Memoriam: Isabel Camacho de Sánchez (1931-2013), by Boris Handal, Enrique Sanchez. (2021) On the life of an active member of the early Peruvian community, who first encountered the Bahá'í Faith in her hometown in Argentina in 1948 before travel-teaching in Peru.
  8. In Memoriam: Mas'úd Khamsí (1922-2013), Spiritual Father of Peru, Mentor and Counselor, by Boris Handal. Samuel Duboisme, trans. (2021-03) On the life of a distinguished Bahá'í from Rasht, Iran, who travel-taught to Africa and South America and later became a member of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Bolivia and Peru.
  9. In Memoriam: Salomon Pacora Estrada (Pacora Blue Mountain) 1899-1969, by Boris Handal. (2022) Short bio of the first known Bahá'í of Inca descent, who served as a pioneer in Ecuador.
  10. Indigenous Messengers of God, by Christopher Buck, Kevin Locke. (2014-2020) 68 essays on Native American theology and history from the perspective of Bahá'í teachings.

2.   from the Chronology (13 results; expand)

  1. 1941-06-00 — Eve Nicklin arrived in Peru from Jamestown, NY, the United States and became the first resident pion...
  2. 1944-11-07 — The passing of John Stearns, pioneer to Quito while in Lima, Peru for medical treatment. He was bur...
  3. 1951-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of South America was elected at an international convention in Lima,...
  4. 1953-08-11 — Virginia Orbison arrived in the Balearic Islands from a pioneer post in Spain and was named a Knight...
  5. 1957-04-21 — The Regional Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela was formed at Lima,...
  6. 1961-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Peru was formed. [BW...
  7. 1975-00-00 — The first all-Quechua Baha'i Conference was held in Cusco, Peru, attended by Baha'is from Peru, Boli...
  8. 1977-12-02 — The first International Conference of Baha'i Women in South America was held in Lima, Peru, attended...
  9. 1981-11-26 — The Comunicación Intercambio y Radiodifusión Baha'i para America Latina y el Caribe (CIRBAL) was e...
  10. 1981-11-27 — The inauguration of Radio Baha'i Peru at Chucuito near Puno on the shore of Del Lago Titicaca (Lake ...
  11. 1985-08-02 — An International Youth Conference to support the United Nations International Youth Year was held in...
  12. 1988-09-02 — A five-day teaching project in the Lake Titicaca region of Peru enrolled 738 youth and 1,026 adults,...
  13. 2013-03-05 — The passing of Mas'ud Khamsi, former Counsellor member of the International Teaching Centre in Lima,...
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