- Audrey Mike Parker. Beginnings of the Bahá'í Faith in Watauga County, North Carolina (1988/2019). — Beginnings of the Faith in a mountain community. Less an historical account, this is more an overvie...
- Christopher Buck. Constitutionality of Teaching Islam, The: The University of North Carolina Qur'an Controversy (2012-07). — Legal commentary on the lawsuit Yacovelli v. Moeser, filed in 2002 against UNC Chapel Hill over its ...
- Steven Kolins, ed. History of the Baha'i Faith in North Carolina, 1845-1970: Presentations from the First Summer Seminar (2018-08). — Presentations at the first Summer Seminar on the history of the Baha'i Faith in North Carolina, orga...
- Charles Mason Remey. Report to Abdul Baha of the Bahá'í Activities in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, A (1919-06-07). — Diary of travel-teaching March-April 1919. Includes letter to the members of the Baha'i Board of Tea...
- Steven Kolins, ed. Select Clevenger Archives, 1926-1936 (2021). — Personal letters to Ella Robarts, the National Spiritual Assembly, Horace Holley, and others; articl...
- Universal House of Justice. White Bahá'í Men as a sub-group combatting racism (2000-03-14). — Use of the phrase "white Baha'i men" in an anti-racism project in North Carolina.
- Michael L. Penn. Why Constructive Resilience? An Autobiographical Essay (2020). — Reflections on growing up African-American; guidance from and a meeting with William Hatcher; the re...