- Awakening: A History of the Bábi and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman (2013). — Eight items: The complete book in Spanish, sample chapter in English, reviews, audio interview, and ...
- Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Robert Harris (2013).
- Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Naysan Naraqi (2013-10-21). — Brief review of book, and short interview with Ahdieh, conducted by bahaiblog.net.
- Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, by Anne Pearson (2015).
- Awakening: A History of the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh: Review, Hussein Ahdieh, trans. (2013-09). — English translation of a short review in Persian.
- Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts, Moojan Momen, ed. (1981). — A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Babi and Baha'i religions in contempo...
- Babi-State Conflicts of 1848-1853, The, by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam (2003-12-23). — Overview of four conflicts between the Babis and the Qajar state: one at Shaykh Tabarsi in Mazandara...
- Bábís of Nayriz, The: History and Documents, Ahang Rabbani, ed. and trans. (2006). — Extensive collection of historical documents: autobiographies, narratives, genealogies and chronolog...
- Bábism in Nayriz, by Hussein Ahdieh (2015). — Brief excerpt on Nayriz and Sayyed Yahya Darabi (Vahid), with link to article offsite.
- Bahá'í History and Videos, by Hussein Ahdieh (2013-2022). — Links to Zoom videos on a variety of topics: Kahlil Gibran, the life of Varqa, Baha'i schools for gi...
- Eastern Persia: An Account of the Journeys of the Persian Boundary Commission 1870-72, by Major St. John (1876). — Brief description of the town of Niris [Nayriz], "the head-quarters of Babism," and the road to Shir...
- Eyewitness Account of the Massacre of Bahá'ís in Nayriz, 1909, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (2013). — Shaykh Dhakariyya's rebellion in Nayriz culminated in the martyrdom of nineteen Baha'is on Naw Ruz, ...
- Foreigner: From an Iranian Village to New York City and the Lights That Led the Way, by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman (2019). — Biography of a young boy in Nayriz, Iran in the mid 20th-century, his reflection on the sad society;...
- Making of a Survivor, The: A Foreigner's Story, by Hussein Ahdieh (2019-05-22). — The author on his new book, growing up as a Baha’i in Iran, and how his faith and family nourished...
- Nayriz Heroes: 22 Biographies of Bábís and Bahá'ís from Nayriz, Calligraphy of Ahmad Nayrizi, and Poetry of Vafá, by Hussein Ahdieh (2013). — Bios of Muhammad Shafi, Nayrizi Vahidi, Abu Turab, Imam Jumih Shirazi, Ahmad Khoshnevis Nayrizi, Muh...
- Social Basis of the Bábí Upheavals in Iran (1848-1953): A Preliminary Analysis, by Moojan Momen (1983). — In the mid-19th century, Iran was shaken by unrest caused by the Babi movement, which set off a chai...
- Tablet of Patience (Surih Sabr): Declaration of Bahá'u'lláh and Selected Topics, by Foad Seddigh (2014). — This significant Tablet from Ridvan 1863 covers the Seal of the Prophets, appearance and presence of...
- Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins, by Muhammad Afnan, William S. Hatcher (1985). — A critique of articles by Denis MacEoin, and a defense of Baha'i interpretations of history vis-à-v...
- صبح بيداری تاریخ دیانت بابی و بهائي در نیریز (Awakening: A History of the Bábi and Baháʼí Faiths in Nayriz), by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman Maryam Rouhani Seysan, trans. (2014). — An historical account of the brutal persecutions of 1850, 1853, and 1909 in the town of Nayriz, Iran...
- وقایع حیرتانگیز قصبه نیریزمشکبیز (The Astonishing Events in the Town of Nayriz the Perfumed), by Muhammad Husayn Nayrizi (1926). — Account written by the grandfather of Hossein Ahdieh, who describes this book as an authentic and de...