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Tag "Mulla Ali Bastami" details:

tag name: Mulla Ali Bastami

web link: Mulla_Ali_Bastami

  type: People

"Mulla Ali Bastami" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (6 results)

  1. Moojan Momen. Ali Bastami, Mulla (1995).
  2. Moojan Momen. Alí Bastámí, Mullá (2009).
  3. Denis MacEoin. Alí Bastámí, Mullá (1985).
  4. Ramsey Zeine. Bahá'í Faith in the Arabic Speaking Middle East, The: Part 1 (1753-1863) (2006).
  5. Necati Alkan. Epistle of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad 'the Báb' to Sultan Abdulmecid (2003).
  6. Moojan Momen. Trial of Mullá 'Alí Bastámí, The: A Combined Sunní-Shí'í Fatwá against The Báb (1982).

2.   from the Chronology (6 results)

  1. 1844-07-01 — Forty days after the Declaration of the Bab, the second Letter of the Living, Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami, ...
  2. 1844-08-11 — The Bab sent Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami to Najaf and Karbala to proclaim His Cause among the Shaykhis. In ...
  3. 1845-01-13 — The trial of Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami in Baghdad. A fatwa is issued in Baghdad against both Mulla `Aliy ...
  4. 1845-02-27 — The Bab left Jiddah. [MS2] He disembarked at Muscat and remained there for two months, awaiti ...
  5. 1845-04-16 — Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami was removed from his prison cell in Baghdad and taken to Istanbul, where he wa ...
  6. 1846-12-00 — Mulla `Aliy-i-Bastami died in Istanbul naval dockyards. He was the first martyr of the Babi Dispensa ...

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