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Tag "Muhammad (Prophet)" details:

tag name: Muhammad (Prophet)

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  type: Religions, Middle Eastern
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"Muhammad (Prophet)" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (40 results)

  1. Rodney H. Clarken. Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness (1997). — Baha’u’llah’s ideas of poverty as detachment, and nothingness as selflessness. Cites some comm...
  2. Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks (2018). — 167 selections, updated August 2023.
  3. Michael Cook and William F. McCants. Affairs of the Heart: Early Theophanic Interpretations of Muhammad's Relationship with the Divine (2001). — The relationship between God and humanity is one of the principal motifs of the Qur’an; the human ...
  4. Rauf Murtuzov. Apparent Contradictory Dates in Bahá'í Texts Regarding the Public Announcement of the Prophet Muhammad (2023). — Short discussion of quotes showing an apparent discrepancy between writings of the Bab and Abdu'l-Ba...
  5. Moojan Momen. Baha'u'llah's Prophetology: Archetypal patterns in the lives of the founders of the world religions (1995). — Explores the theory that the lives of the prophet-founders of the world religions have in some ways ...
  6. Necati Alkan. "By the Fig and the Olive": `Abdu'l-Bahá's Commentary in Ottoman Turkish on the Qur'ánic Sura 95 (2001). — A translation and discussion of an Ottoman-Turkish Tablet by `Abdu'l-Baha: his commentary on the Qu...
  7. George Townshend. Christ and Baha'u'llah (1957). — The Kingdom of God, as foretold in the Bible, has come and Baha'u'llah is the Return of Christ.
  8. Moojan Momen. Comparative Lives of the Founders of the World Religions (1995). — Table comparing the lives of the Founders of the world's religions.
  9. Todd Lawson. Cosmopolitan World of the Quran and Late Antique Humanism, The (2021). — On the Qur'an's use of the themes of epic and apocalypse to reveal its most cherished sacred truths:...
  10. Marzieh Gail. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays (1976). — A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Baha'i studies and history. Most of these we...
  11. Rachel Woodlock. Dying for Our Sins (1998). — Examination of the Christian doctrine of the substitutionary atonement and whether such a doctrine h...
  12. Boris Handal. Genealogía de los Profetas de Dios (2010). — A chart connecting the major Messengers of God through historical, prophetic, and interpretative inf...
  13. Grover Gonzales. Genealogy of Shoghi Effendi (1957). — A hand-drawn chart of Shoghi Effendi's family history.
  14. Kay Zinky. Genealogy of The Báb and Bahá'u'lláh (1950). — Chart showing the Semitic line of prophets, including source citations.
  15. Sandra Lynn Hutchison. In the Noble, Sacred Place: One Rainy Day in a Holy City (2021). — A memoir of visiting Jerusalem — a contemporary pilgrim's note written as a literary piece — wit...
  16. Nosratollah Rassekh. Islám: The First 138 Years (1980). — Overview of the start of Islam, the life of Muhammad, the Qur'an, succession, early splits and philo...
  17. Stephen Lambden. Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur'an: Some Introductory Notes (1991). — Islamic contributions to Western culture and science and discusses the place of Islamic Studies in t...
  18. Rowshan Mustapha. Islám: The Road Ahead: Reflections of a Bahá'í on Islamic Topics (2014). — Questions about the finality of religion, the Day of Judgment, the role of Jesus and the Mihdi, and ...
  19. William S. Hatcher. Jesus et Muhammad (2008). — Fireside talk.
  20. Christopher Buck. Joseph in Religious History and the Bahá'í Writings (2022). — Just as the story of Joseph is the "best of stories," the metaphor of Joseph is the "best of metapho...
  21. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, comp. Key Passages from the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude) in Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (2022). — Cross-reference compilation of 40 passages from the Kitab-i-Íqan selected by Shoghi Effendi for inc...
  22. Brian Wittman. Keys to the Proper Understanding of Islam in "The Dispensation of Baha'u'llah" (2001). — Some references to Islam in Shoghi Effendi's English-language writings.
  23. Mirza Abu'l-Fadl Gulpaygani. Juan Cole, trans. Letters and Essays, 1886-1913 (1985). — Treatises of "the greatest and most learned of all Baha'i scholars" about Alexander Tumansky; on mee...
  24. Abdu'l-Bahá. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — Tablets of ‘Abdul-Baha describing aspects of the life of Baha’u’llah including the tribulation...
  25. John S. Hatcher. List of Articles on (2021). — List of online essays and articles by Dr. John Hatcher.
  26. Boris Handal. Mahoma, Profeta de Dios (2005). — Overview of the life of Muhammad and the teachings of the Qur'an, and world Islamic culture.
  27. Sholeh A. Quinn. Mi'ráj in Select Shaykhí, Bábí, and Bahá'í Texts, The (2023). — The ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to heaven, and commentary on its meanings by religious leaders...
  28. L. P. Elwell-Sutton. Muhammad and the Course of Islam, by H.M. Balyuzi: Review (1977).
  29. Todd Lawson. Muhammad as Educator, Islam as Enlightenment, and the Quran as Sacred Epic (2020). — To Islam, civilization in prosperity and harmony is sacred; education is pivotal in the journey from...
  30. Robert L. Gulick. Muhammad the Educator (1953). — On the life of Muhammad from the standpoint of influence on world culture. What methods did he use t...
  31. Christopher Buck and Necati Alkan. No More Jihad: Muhammad's Message in Baha'u'llah's Dream (2017). — Essay about a Tablet of Baha’u’llah in which He describes a dream in which He "associated" with ...
  32. Robert Stockman. Notes on Islam from a Bahá'í Perspective (1998). — Overview of Islamic history and teachings and brief notes on Islam and the Baha'i Faith.
  33. Muhammad and Imam Ali ibn 'Abu-Talib. Anton Haddad, trans. Oath of the Prophet Mohammed to the Followers of the Nazarene, The (1902). — Promise of fair-treatment from Muhammad to the Christians, with commentary by Imam Ali, given in the...
  34. Bahá'u'lláh. Shoghi Effendi, comp. Passages uit de Kitáb-i-Íqán (Boek van Zekerheid) in Bloemlezing uit de Geschriften van Bahá'u'lláh (2022). — Compilatie van 40 passages uit de Kitab-i-Íqan door Shoghi Effendi geselecteerd voor opname in Bloe...
  35. Duane Troxel. Powerpoints for Deepening (2004). — 26 presentations in Powerpoint format, on a variety of topics covering Baha'i history, Central Figur...
  36. David Russell Garcia. Kees Poolman, trans. Reis naar het Hart van de Qur'án: Het Heilige Boek van de islam voor hen die nadenken (door een niet-moslim) (2022). — Een overzicht van de Koran en zijn thema's: islam versus het christendom; wetten, geestelijke en soc...
  37. Abdu'l-Bahá. Marzieh Gail, trans. Secret of Divine Civilization (1957). — Originally issued anonymously in 1875, this was ʻAbdu'l-Baha's program for the developmental reform...
  38. Farnaz Ma'sumian. Story of the Prophets (2013). — Biographies of nine Manifestations, from Abraham to Baha'u'llah. Designed for junior youth by a reti...
  39. Bahá'u'lláh. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans. Tablet to Hasan-i-Sháhábadí (Lawh-i-Hasan-i-Sháhábadí) (2002). — A tablet from the Akka period, addressed to a certain Hasan living in Shahabad of Arak in central Ir...
  40. David Russell Garcia. Voyage to the Heart of the Koran: The Holy Book of Islám for Thinking Minds (By a Non-Muslim) (2003). — A lengthy overview of the Qur'an and its themes for a Baha'i audience; holy war and fighting; reason...

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