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Tag "Martha Root" details:

tag name: Martha Root type: People
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author: Martha L. Root

"Martha Root" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (19 results; expand)

  1. Robert Stauffer, comp. Bahá'í Studies Bulletin: Index by volume (1998). — List of articles in all issues of Bahai Studies Bulletin, 1982-1992.
  2. Universal House of Justice. Fadil-i-Mazandarani (1998-08-11). — Was Fadil-i-Mazandarani declared a Hand of the Cause of God, and on determining if there were other ...
  3. Robert Postlethwaite. Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith, by Della L. Marcus: Review (2000).
  4. Jiling Yang. In search of Martha Root: An American Bahá'í feminist and peace advocate in the early twentieth century (2007). — Early life of Root, her four world teaching trips from 1919 to 1939 with a focus on peace advocacy, ...
  5. Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani. Interdependence of Bahá'í Communities, The: Services of North American Bahá'í Women to Iran (1991). — Some early American Baha’i women’s contribution to the development of the Iranian Baha’i commu...
  6. Abdu'l-Bahá. Ali Kuli Khan, trans. Letter to Martha Root (1920). — A letter to believers in America.
  7. Barbara Casterline. Martha Root: "Herald of the Kingdom" (1972 July-August). — Two-part overview of Root's life and a concise history of her travels.
  8. Duane Troxel, comp, Farid S., comp. Martha Root's gravesite in Honolulu, driving directions (2004/2024). — Photo directions to the resting place of Martha Louise Root, in Honolulu Hawaii.
  9. Fuad Izadinia. Panama, The Crossroads between the Continents: The Story of the Early Days of the Bahá'í Faith in Panama 1939-1972 (2015). — History of the first Baha'i community in Panama, including a photo album; biographies of Martha Root...
  10. Hussein Ahdieh. Precious Glimmers: The Bahá'í Faith in New York, 1892-1932 (2020). — Highlights of the first forty years of the Baha'i Faith in the City of the Covenant, 1892-1932. Incl...
  11. Robert Postlethwaite. Queen Marie and the Baha'i Faith (1994). — On the first monarch to embrace the Baha'i Faith; the stature and the character of Queen Marie and h...
  12. Richard Francis. Root, Martha (1993/1998). — Bio of the "Herald of the Kingdom, Lioness at the Threshold."
  13. Loni Bramson. Root, Martha Louise (2011).
  14. Lil Osborn. Shoghi Effendi in Oxford, by Riaz Khadem, and Her Eternal Crown, Queen Marie of Romania and the Bahá'í Faith, by Della Marcus: Reviews (2001).
  15. Universal House of Justice. Tahirih and Women's Suffrage (1990-01). — Two letters on Tahirih's association with women's suffrage, and the authenticity of the words "You c...
  16. Martha L. Root. David Merrick, comp. Tahirih, The Pure, Iran's Greatest Woman (1938). — Life story of Tahirih, the "heroine" of the Faith of the Bab.
  17. Sarah Munro, Sofie Geschier. This Gem-Studded Crown: A Dramatic Sketch (2017-03). — Fictional dialogue of the first of eight actual meetings between Martha Root and Queen Marie of Roma...
  18. Keith Munro. Through the Eyes of Margaret Cousins: Irish and Indian Suffragette (2018). — Biography of the co-founder of the Irish Women's Franchise League, a theosophist, who met both Mart...
  19. Sidney Edward Morrison, Frank Lewis. When the Saints Come Marching In: The Art of Bahá'í Biography (1986). — Comments on hagiography, including reviews of nine popular Baha'i biographies. Includes response "In...

2.   from the Chronology (40 results; expand)

  1. 1872-06-10 — Birth of Martha Root, Hand of the Cause and itinerant Baha'i teacher, in Richmond, Ohio....
  2. 1909-00-00 — Martha Root became a Baha'i. [SYH58]...
  3. 1915-01-03 — Martha Root sailed from New York on her first around the world trip. [MR58]...
  4. 1915-08-00 — Martha Root made a brief stopover in Dalian, Manchuria en route from Yokohama to the Hawaiian Island...
  5. 1919-04-26 — The 14 Tablets of the Divine Plan were unveiled in a dramatic ceremony at the Hotel McAlpin in New...
  6. 1919-07-22 — Martha Root left New York on the first of her teaching journeys for the Baha'i Faith in spite of a s...
  7. 1919-08-04 — Martha Root set foot in South America for the first time, at Para (now Belém), Brazil. [MR93; MRHK4...
  8. 1919-09-19 — Martha Root arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay, the first Baha'i to visit the country. She spent 12...
  9. 1919-09-20 — Martha Root arrived in Argentina, the first recorded visit of a Baha'i to this country. [MR101] ...
  10. 1919-10-00 — Martha Root visited Chile, the first Baha'i to do so. During her four-hour stay in Valparaiso s...
  11. 1919-10-25 — Martha Root arrived in Panama, the first Baha'i to visit the country. She spent one week there....
  12. 1919-12-31 — Martha Root visited Cuba for one day, the first Baha'i to do so, and lectured on the Baha'i Faith....
  13. 1921-05-19 — The first Race Amity Conference was held in Washington DC at the old First Congregational Church, 1...
  14. 1923-04-25 — Martha Root left Osaka for northern China. [PH31; [Film Early History of the Baha'i Faith in China 1...
  15. 1923-11-04 — The first recorded Baha'i Feast in China was held in Beijing. [PH33] Martha Root and Agnes Alex...
  16. 1924-00-00 — In 1924 Amelia Collins became the first to visit Iceland when she and her husband had a two-days sto...
  17. 1924-12-05 — Martha Root gave the first African radio broadcast about the Baha'i Faith, in Capetown....
  18. 1926-00-02 — Martha Root visited Budapest and taught the Faith to one of the grandsons of Arminius Vambéry, Mr. ...
  19. 1926-01-28 — Martha Root sent a note and a copy of Baha'u'llah and the New Era to Queen Marie of Romania. [GBF42;...
  20. 1926-01-30 — Martha Root met with Queen Marie of Romania for the first time. [BBR59; GBF42; GPB390; PP107, HEC49]...
  21. 1926-02-01 — Martha Root arrived in Bulgaria, the earliest documented visit to that country by a Baha'i. [MR247] ...
  22. 1927-00-00 — Martha Root gave a talk to the International Esperanto Conference in the Free City of Danzig*. [SYH...
  23. 1927-03-27 — Martha Root left Shanghai for Hong Kong. At the end of May she sailed for Australia and New Zealand...
  24. 1927-04-30 — Martha Root journeyed through the Baltic States and become the first Baha'i to visit Latvia, Lithuan...
  25. 1928-06-00 — Martha Root visited the parents of Milosh Wurm in Brno. He had been the first to become a Baha'i in...
  26. 1928-07-00 — The first International Religious Congress for World Peace was held at The Hague. It was attended by...
  27. 1929-08-31 — Martha Root arrived in Albania, the first Baha'i to set foot in the country. [MR317] She obtained...
  28. 1930-01-02 — Martha Root met with King Faisal of Iraq in Baghdad to discuss the issue of the House of Baha'u'llah...
  29. 1930-08-22 — Martha Root returned to China for her third visit and stayed two months. She sailed from Shanghai ...
  30. 1933-09-13 — Louise Gregory sailed from Boston to Europe on the SS Sinai. She spent some time in Salzburg and met...
  31. 1934-03-14 — Louise Gregory arrived in Belgrade to join Martha Root in the teaching work. Their overlap lasted un...
  32. 1934-03-26 — Martha Root arrived in Athens to oversee the work of translating and publishing Baha'u'llah and the ...
  33. 1935-07-12 — When Martha Root landed in Iceland in 1935 she immediately made contact with Hólmfriôur Árnadótt...
  34. 1935-09-30 — Louise Gregory returned to Europe for her last teaching trip on that continent. Over the Christmas ...
  35. 1936-02-00 — Martha Root met with Queen Marie of Romania for the eighth and last time. [MRHK413]...
  36. 1937-06-00 — Martha Root made her final trip to China, arriving in Shanghai from Japan. She was evacuated on th...
  37. 1938-00-00 — Felix Maddela became the first Filipino Baha'i. His first encounter with the Baha'i Faith was in 192...
  38. 1939-09-28 — Martha Root, 'foremost Hand raised by Baha'u'llah', passed away in Honolulu. (b. 10 August,1872 Rich...
  39. 1951-12-20 — Hand of the Cause Roy C. Wilhelm, (b.17 September, 1875) passed away in Lovel, Maine. He was buried ...
  40. 1954-10-03 — Shoghi Effendi designated Martha Root as a Hand of the Cause of God posthumously. She had passed awa...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (2 results; expand)

  1. 1920-06-00 — The arrival of well-known Baha'i scholar and travel teacher Jinab-i-Fadil accompanied by Ahmad S
  2. 1932-01-00 — The first known use of radio to spread knowledge of the Faith was in Montreal by Martha Root. [M
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