- The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact, by Kathryn Jewett Hogenson. (2021-02-23) On Abdu'l-Bahá's interest in the Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration in New York, 1912, and the Quaker founders Albert and Alfred Smiley; Leroy Ioas and the World Unity Conferences; World Unity magazine (later World Order).
- Oneness of the Reality of Humankind, The, by Author unknown. (1912) Summary of Bahá'í principles: investigation of reality, oneness of humanity, harmony of science and religion, religion as the bond that unites mankind, elimination of prejudices, gender equality, economic equality, and humanity's need for the Holy Spirit.
- Who Will Bell the Cat?: 'Abdu'l-Bahá at Lake Mohonk, by Janet Ruhe-Schoen. (2012) History of the Lake Mohonk conference center and addresses there by Alí Kulí Khán in 1911 and Abdu'l-Bahá and 1912.