- Augur, George Jacob, by Duane Troxel. (2009) On the American doctor who became one of the early Bahá’ís of Hawaii and was the first resident Bahá’í in Japan, designated by Shoghi Effendi a Disciple of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.
- History of the Bahá'í Faith in Japan 1914-1938, by Agnes Baldwin Alexander. Barbara R. Sims, ed. (1977) An account of the Bahá'í Cause in Japan, China, Korea, and the Hawaiian Islands, prepared by request of the Guardian.
- Martha Root's gravesite in Honolulu, driving directions, Duane Troxel, comp, Farid S., comp. (2004/2024) Photo directions to the resting place of Martha Louise Root, in Honolulu Hawaii.
- Morning of Your Lives, The: Talk given at a Hawaiian Youth Conference, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. (1975-04) A very short published talk.
- Native Bahá'ís: Bios of past and contemporary Bahá'ís of native ancestry, Paula Bidwell, comp. (2014) Links to photographs and information from the 1910s to the present about Native Bahá'ís, both from the United States, Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska, and indigenous Bahá'ís elsewhere around the world.
- Outposts of a World Religion by a Bahá'í Traveler: Journeys Taken in 1933-1935, Accompanied by Edward R. Mathews, by Loulie Mathews. (n.d.) Autobiography of trips to New Zealand, New Guinea, Australia, Hawaii, and South America teaching the Faith.
- Powerpoints for Deepening, by Duane Troxel. (2004-2014) 26 presentations in Powerpoint format, on a variety of topics covering Bahá'í history, Central Figures, teachings, and relationship with Islam.
- Teaching Seminar conducted by Hand of the Cause A. Q. Faizí in Hawaii, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí. Shirley Macias, ed. (1967) Lengthy notes from five sessions of talks, including question-and-answer periods.