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Tag "Gender"

tag name: Gender type: General
web link: Gender
referring tags: Gender pronouns; Glimpses into the Spirit of Gender Equality (film); God, Gender of; LGBTQ; Man versus human; Men; Mother Book; Pronouns; Women

"Gender" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (148 results; expand)

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  1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive, by Various (1970-1995). — Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995.
  2. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Encounter with Modernity during His Western Travels, by Wendi Momen (2012). — Abdu'l-Baha's responses to the West's technology and innovations on the one hand, vs. its archaic ra...
  3. Activities in the Bahá'í World Community to Improve the Status of Women during the United Nations Decade for Women, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-07-15). — Report presented to the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Natio...
  4. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024). — 85 selections, last updated August 2024.
  5. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá Bahá'í World Centre, trans. (2018/2024). — 209 selections, last updated August 2024.
  6. Advancing Toward the Equality of Women and Men, by Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (2009-12-08). — Issues that lie at the heart of the struggle for the equality of women and men, via the Institute’...
  7. Affirmative Action and the Jurisprudence of Equitable Inclusion: Towards a New Consensus on Gender and Race Relations, by Steven Gonzales (1995). — The principle of equity and the Baha’i emphasis on unity in diversity as a basis for considering A...
  8. Africanity, Womanism, and Constructive Resilience: Some Reflections, by Layli Maparyan (2020). — The meanings of the metaphor "pupil of the eye;" experiences of growing up African-American in the W...
  9. Ambivalence of Hostility and Modification: Patriarchy's Ideological Negotiation With Women, Modernity and Cinema in Iran, by Elnaz Nasehi (2020-10). — Passing mentions of the Baha'i Faith in the context of how forces behind the Constitutional Revoluti...
  10. "And universal peace — in what Book is this written?": How and Why 'Abdu'l-Bahá Identified "New" and Distinctive Bahá'í Principles, by Christopher Buck (2022-09). — Reflections on ‘Abdu’l-Baha's answer to the question "What has Baha’u’llah brought that we h...
  11. Authority of the Feminine and Fatima's Place in an Early Work by the Bab, The, by Todd Lawson (2007). — While Tahirih inspired many in Europe and eventually America, she is very much a daughter of her own...
  12. Báb on the Rights of Women, The, by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam (2023-06). — Statements of the Bab on issues such as mutʿah and tahlil marriages, polygyny, bridal consent, divo...
  13. Bábí Theology in Poetry, A: The Creative Imagination of Táhirih, Qurratu'l-'Ayn, by Anthony Lee (2023). — Examination of Qurratu’l-Ayn's writings to discern her social, religious, and political beliefs, m...
  14. Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique, by Michael W. Sours (1995). — Constituents of Baha'i cosmological symbolism; introduction to the main feminist/environmentalist ar...
  15. Bahá'í Education: Sources of Guidance, Peter Terry, comp. (2007). — A lengthy compilation covering many subjects of interest to parents, teachers, and students, such as...
  16. Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford, Fiona Missaghian, Udo Schaefer, Robert Stockman Jonah Winters, comp. (2004). — Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college co...
  17. Bahá'í Faith and the Equality, Rights, and Advancement of Women, The: A Survey of Principles, Praxis, and Discourse, by Wendi Momen (2023). — Equality of women and men; education, advancement, and rights of women and girls; their application ...
  18. Bahá'í Faith and the Singapore Women's Movement, The: Challenges for the Next Millennium, by Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew (1999). — On the relationship between religion and the fight for women's rights after the founding of the Sing...
  19. Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology, by Juan Cole (1997). — The idea of liberation and equality is central to Baha'i theology; the poor in the 19th century Midd...
  20. Bahá'u'lláh's Symbolic Use of the Veiled Ḥúríyyih, by John S. Hatcher, Amrollah Hemmat, Ehsanollah Hemmat (2019). — Analyzing some of the meanings behind the appearance of the Veiled Maiden, as alluded to by Baha'u'l...
  21. Bahá'í Faith and Peace Psychology, The: The Potential for Science and Religion to Collaborate, by Rhett Diessner (1994). — On the potential for Bahá’í peace initiatives, coupled with empirical peace psychology approac...
  22. Base Espiritual de la Igualdad, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-07-10).
  23. Being and Becoming: A Photographic Inquiry with Bahá'í Men into Cultures of Peace, by Chuck Egerton (2020). — How Baha’i men experience and perform their masculinities as told through their stories and photog...
  24. Beyond Legal Reforms: Culture and Capacity in the Eradication of Violence Against Women and Girls, by Bahá'í International Community (2006-07-02). — Statement on the epidemic of violence against women around the world, as perpetuated by social norms...
  25. Bushido (Chivalry) and the Traditional Japanese Moral Education, by Nozomu Sonda (2007). — Japanese virtues explained by Nitobe in 1900 in comparison with the Baha'i perspective on moral educ...
  26. Calling, The: Tahirih of Persia and Her American Contemporaries, by Hussein Ahdieh, Hillary Chapman (2017). — Simultaneous, powerful spiritual movements swept across both Iran and the U.S in the mid-1800s. On t...
  27. Commentary on "Equality of Women: The Bahá'í Principle of Complementarity," by Linda O'Neil: Response, by Nancy Lease (1991).
  28. Condicion juridica y social de la mujer, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1988).
  29. Conferencia Mundial del Año Internacional de la Mujer: Declaración presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í, by Bahá'í International Community (1975). — Declaración presentada por la Comunidad Internacional Baha’i (en caracter consultivo con el Conse...
  30. Conferencia Mundial para el Examen y la Evaluación de los Logros del Decenio de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer: Igualdad, Desarrollo y Paz, by Bahá'í International Community (1985-06-15). — Informe presentado por la Comunidad Internacional Baha'i acerca de las actividades de la Comunidad B...
  31. Considerations Relating to the Inheritance Laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, Some, by Sen McGlinn (1995). — Gender distinctions in the Baha'i inheritance laws might at first glance seem to favor male heirs, b...
  32. Crisis of Identity, The, by Shahrzad Sabet (2023-01-17). — Exploring how the Baha’i principle of the oneness of humanity can resolve the seemingly intractabl...
  33. Dawn over Mount Hira and Other Essays, by Marzieh Gail (1976). — A collection of essays on various topics of interest to Baha'i studies and history. Most of these we...
  34. Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Nine Year Plan, by Universal House of Justice (2022-11-01). — Matters relating to the Nine Year Plan (2022-2031), ethnic and cultural diversity, humanity's crisis...
  35. Demographics of the United States National Spiritual Assembly, by Archives Office of the United States Bahá'í National Center (2016-03-17). — Percentage of women, African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and Latino Americans serv...
  36. Dialogue between Yin-Yang Concepts and the Bahá'í Faith, The, by Phyllis Ghim-Lian Chew (2001). — Yin-yang, a pivotal theory in Chinese thought influencing government, architecture, relationships, a...
  37. Discussion with Farida Vahedi, Executive Director of the Department of External Affairs, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of India, A, by Michael Bodakowski, Katherine Marshall (2011-03-02). — Overview of Vahedi's life and work, history of the Faith in India and development projects, the Inst...
  38. Effect of Philosophical and Linguistic Gender Biases on the Degradation of Women's Status in Religion, The, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (1997). — Women’s rights have been undermined for centuries; philosophical and linguistic gender-related bia...
  39. Electoral Process, Bahá'í: Clarifications, and Three Way Tie, by Universal House of Justice (2012-11-07). — How to resolve a 3-way tie when 2 parties are minorities; when voting, should one consider age distr...
  40. Elegibilidad de las Mujeres en la Casa Universal de Justicia, by Universal House of Justice Cortesía, trans. (1988-05-31).
  41. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica Arjen Bolhuis, comp. (1982-2023). — Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles.
  42. Equality and Baha'i Principles in Northern Ireland, by Edwin Graham (2001). — A paper in two parts: (1) the development of equality legislation in Northern Ireland, and (2) the B...
  43. Equality of Women, The: The Bahá'í Principle of Complementarity, by John S. Hatcher (1990). — The Baha’i teachings simultaneously assert the equality of men and women whilst advocating in some...
  44. "Exploring Male Oppressions from a Family-Systems Perspective,: Commentary and Response, by Hoda Mahmoudi, Janet Huggins (1991).
  45. Extracts from Letters Written on Behalf of the Universal House of Justice on Transsexuality, by Universal House of Justice (2021-02-04). — Extracts from three letters from 2017 and 2018, with updated or "additional" guidance on gender and ...
  46. Family Life, by The Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi (1991).
  47. Fasting period ends Sunday, by Ted Slavin (2011-03-19). — The Fast helps us remember the goals of eradicating poverty and achieving gender equality.
  48. Father and the Maiden, The: The Abrahamic Patriarchate and the Divine Feminine, by Mark A. Foster (1999). — While the outward structure of the Baha'i Faith may be patriarchal, the spirit of the age is express...
  49. Female Representations of the Holy Spirit in Bahá'í and Christian writings and their implications for gender roles, by Lil Osborn (1994). — A response to feminist theologian Mary Daly's argument that a male representation of God reinforces ...
  50. Feminine Forms of the Divine in Bahá'í Scriptures, by Paula A. Drewek (1992). — Examples of the interaction between male and female principles in the writings. Complementarity of m...
  51. Feminism, Men and the Bahá'í Faith, by Morgan Wilson (1996). — Separate reflections on feminism and on men and the Baha'i Faith. The challenges faced by each are a...
  52. Feminist Movements in the Late Qajar Period, by Janet Afary, et al. (1999/2020). — Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  53. Gender in Babi and Bahá'í Law, by Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam (2010-12-14).
  54. Gender perspectives and the work of the United Nations, by Bahá'í International Community (2007-09-20). — Statement to the UN Human Rights Council on integrating gender perspectives.
  55. Género y catolicismo: Concepciones y realidades de practicantes del catolicismo referente a la pluralidad del género, by Patricia de Luna Garcia, Rodrigo Vazquez Canales (2022). — Relaciónes entre el ser un practicante del catolicismo y la apertura a la pluralidad de género. La...
  56. Goddess Religion, Ancient, by Universal House of Justice (1992-02-23). — Ancient goddess religions and the role of the feminine in theology.
  57. Harvard Pluralism Project: Bahá'í, by Author unknown (2023). — Six overview essays on Baha'i history, beliefs, and practices. (Offsite)
  58. Hidden Words: References of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1998).
  59. How Individuals Can Improve Their Understanding of the Bahá'í Teachings, by Universal House of Justice (1994-08-01). — On the inability of the finite human mind to fully grasp the import of the Teachings, and how indivi...
  60. Husband and Wife, Relationship between, by Universal House of Justice (1996). — The "functional" divisions between husband and wife in the Baha'i Writings should be considered in t...
  61. Immanence and Transcendence in Theophanic Symbolism, by Michael W. Sours (1992). — Baha'u'llah uses symbols to depict theophanies — the appearance of God and the divine in the real...
  62. In All the Ways that Matter, Women Don't Count, by Moojan Momen (1994). — The Baha'i goal of achieving sexual equality cannot be achieved merely by trying to advance the posi...
  63. In search of Martha Root: An American Bahá'í feminist and peace advocate in the early twentieth century, by Jiling Yang (2007). — Early life of Root, her four world teaching trips from 1919 to 1939 with a focus on peace advocacy, ...
  64. "In the Beginning Was the Word": Apocalypse and the Education of the Soul, by Ross Woodman (1993). — Hidden meanings in scripture and the soul are metaphorically identified with the huris, or brides. T...
  65. Indonesian Bahá'í Community's Perspective on Gender Equality, by Samsul Hidayat (2023). — On the concept of gender equality in Indonesian context from a Baha'i perspective; Baha'is view gend...
  66. Information Technology Strategies for the Promotion of Gender Equality, by Andrew Stranieri (1996). — Equal opportunity of women and men is best achieved if both genders embrace the changes now occurrin...
  67. Inheritance, by Seena Fazel (1994). — The apparent contradiction between sexual equality and the unequal inheritance laws contained in the...
  68. Inheritance Laws of Bahá'í Community: A Gendered Analysis of Inheritance Under the Kitab-i-Aqdas and the Indian Succession Act, by Ishita Kohli (2021-11). — Baha'i laws create a symmetrical equality between sexes, via the principle of mutatis mutandis; the ...
  69. Inheritance Laws of the Baha'i Community and Gender Equality, by Sarthak Sharma (2021). — Examination of whether the Baha'i Faith's teachings on gender-justice and equality are reflected in ...
  70. Inheritance Laws of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, by Sen McGlinn (1995-04). — Conceptualizing the Kitab-i Aqdas as establishing a fixed and elaborate set of laws and requirements...
  71. Integracion de la mujer en el desarrollo enocomico y social de America Latina y el Caribe, La, by Bahá'í International Community (1988-09). — Revisión y evaluación critica de algunos aspectos de la condición de la mujer en la region, inclu...
  72. Interdependence of Bahá'í Communities, The: Services of North American Bahá'í Women to Iran, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (1991). — Some early American Baha’i women’s contribution to the development of the Iranian Baha’i commu...
  73. Letter to Corinne True re Women on the House of Justice, by Abdu'l-Bahá Ameen Ullah Fareed, trans. (1909-07-29). — Translation by Amin Farid of a short letter stating that "men and women are equal in all rights save...
  74. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
  75. List of Articles on, by Christopher Buck (2014/2020/2024). — List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
  76. Literary Imitation in Three Poems Attributed to Tahirih Qurrat al-ʿAyn, by Sahba Shayani (2023-12). — The poetry of Tahirih has largely been ignored by historians, partly from politico-religious intoler...
  77. Maid of Heaven, the Image of Sophia, and the Logos, The: Personification of the Spirit of God in Scripture and Sacred Literature, by Michael W. Sours (1991). — The Logos in Christianity and the Maiden for Baha'u'llah can be equated as one and the same eternal ...
  78. Materials Provided by the Bahá'í World Centre on Gender in the Writings, and Matters of Translation, by Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice (2002-07-25). — A collection of letters about gender pronouns in Writings, a compilation concerning the translations...
  79. Meetings for women only, by International Teaching Centre (1997-09-02). — It is acceptable and perhaps even sometimes necessary for Baha'is to hold gender-segregated meetings...
  80. Men and the Bahá'í Faith: The Role of Indigenous Men in the Early Bahá'í Community in the British Isles, by Lil Osborn (2016). — Includes slide-show included when presenting the paper at the Baha'i Studies Seminar, Kellogg Colleg...
  81. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice Geoffrey W. Marks, comp. (1996).
  82. Mobilizing Institutional, Legal and Cultural Resources to Achieve Gender Equality, by Bahá'í International Community (2008-02-01). — The central role of girls and women in human development; the need to end the cultural, institutiona...
  83. Modernity and the Millennium: The Genesis of the Bahá'í Faith in the Nineteenth-century Middle East [introduction only], by Juan Cole (1998). — Introduction and first 4 pages of Chapter One.
  84. Monogamy, Sexual Equality, Marital Equality, and the Supreme Tribunal, by Universal House of Justice (1996-06-27). — Questions about monogamy, the Supreme Tribunal, and the Baha'i concept of equality of the sexes in l...
  85. Mujeres y Hombres, Una Sociedad para un Planeta Saludable, by Bahá'í International Community (1991-11). — Exposición presentada al "World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet", Miami, Florida, 8-12 Noviem...
  86. Munirih Khanum: Memoirs and Letters, by Munirih Khanum Sammireh Anwar Smith, trans. (1986). — Autobiography of Khanum (1847-1938), the wife of Abdu'l-Baha. Includes the arrangements for her marr...
  87. National Spiritual Assembly members who are women, Percentage of, 1953-2007, by Bahá'í World Centre (1998/2008). — Two letters from the House, with attached tables, showing the number of women serving on NSAs 1953-1...
  88. Nature of God, The: Some Extracts from the Bahá'í Writings, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi (1992). — Brief compilation on nature of God.
  89. New Religious Movements, Tolkien, Marriage, by Universal House of Justice (1994-07-06). — Various questions: new religious movements; Indian Letter of the Living; J.R.R. Tolkien; eternality...
  90. Obligatory Prayer, Questions about, by Universal House of Justice (2000-11-28). — Answers to four questions about reciting prayers at meetings; changing language gender; repetition o...
  91. Off the Grid: Reading Iranian Memoirs in Our Time of Total War, by Negar Mottahedeh (2004-09). — Observations on contemporary culture and gender issues in Iran.
  92. One Common Faith, by Universal House of Justice (2005). — Review of relevant passages from both the writings of Baha'u'llah and the scriptures of other faiths...
  93. Perceiving Differences: A Look at Gender and Equality, by Mark Brush (1988). — Observations on what Richard DeNovellis' "Personality Type Preference Indicator" tests show about ag...
  94. Places Where the Manifestations of God Have Appeared; Equality of Men and Women, by Universal House of Justice (1986-10-27). — The consistent portrayal of all known Manifestations of God as male and their historical emergence e...
  95. Possibility of a Woman Being Designated a Manifestation of God, by Universal House of Justice (1999-04-02). — No elucidation in the writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha or Shoghi Effendi has been found for the passage "......
  96. Power and the Bahá'í community, by Moojan Momen (2018). — While Baha'i social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the...
  97. Preliminary Survey of the Bahá'í Community of Iran during the Nineteenth Century, A, by Moojan Momen (1998). — On the early growth and consolidation of the Baha'i community in Iran; its membership and social and...
  98. Preparing Bahá'í Communities in the East and West to Embrace Gender Equality, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (2011). — The way Abdu'l-Baha dealt with the matter of gender equality, some of his writings revealed in honor...
  99. Promoting the Equality of Women and Men: The Role of the Covenant, by Janet A. Khan (2000). — The implementation of the principle of gender equality; the application of relevant Baha’i law, in...
  100. Pursuit of Social Justice, The, by Michael Karlberg (2022-08-03). — An interdisciplinary examination of prevailing conceptions of human nature, power, social organizati...
  101. Question of Gender, A: A Forum on the Status of Men in Bahá'í Law, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles Maneck), Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani, R. Jackson Armstrong-Ingram, Anthony Lee (1987). — Six authors address issues of theology, sociology, law, inheritance, equality, the Kitab-i-Aqdas, ma...
  102. Reason and the Bahá'í Writings: The Use and Misuse of Logic and Persuasion, by Ian Kluge (2001-09-02). — How to study the Baha'i Writings through the use of logic.
  103. Reflections of a Human Spirit in a Male Body, by William S. Hatcher (2008). — Includes discussions of the nature of patriarchy, chauvinism, and feminism.
  104. Reflections on Human Rights, Moral Development, and the Global Campaign to Eradicate Gender-Based Violence, by Michael L. Penn (2001). — A review some of the most significant developments in human rights law designed to contribute to the...
  105. Rethinking Women's Nature, by Deborah Clark Vance (2010-08-13).
  106. Revolution without Rights?, A: Women, Kurds and Baha'is searching for equality in Iran, by Geoffrey Cameron, Tahirih Danesh (2008-11). — Discussion from the Foreign Policy Centre in London on the religious, legal, and social obstacles to...
  107. Rewriting the Script: Some thoughts on gender roles and the Bahá'í Teachings, by Sonja van Kerkhoff (2000). — A collection of visual and physical art exploring these themes.
  108. Rights and Responsibilities in the Bahá'í Family System, by Hoda Mahmoudi, Richard Dabell (1992). — Duties ascribed in the Baha’i teachings to the members of the family; complementary functions of w...
  109. Role of the Feminine in the Bahá'í Faith, The, by Ross Woodman (1995). — On the terms 'Masculine' and 'Feminine' as referring to 2 interdependent energies at work within the...
  110. Role of the Feminine in the New Era, The, by Marion Woodman (1989). — The  unveiled feminine, symbolized by the unveiling of the Persian poet Tahirih at the conference ...
  111. Searching for May Maxwell: Bahá'í Millennial Feminism, Transformative Identity and Globalism in the New World Order, by Selena M. Crosson (2013-06). — On forces influencing and shaping womens' roles in early Baha’i culture, 1898-1940. A group of Wes...
  112. Seed of Creation: A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Baha'i concept of creation, by Ahmad Aniss (1998). — A philosophical approach towards the status of Universal House of Justice in respect to Baha'i conce...
  113. Seneca Falls First Woman's Rights Convention of 1848: The Sacred Rites of the Nation, by Bradford W. Miller (1998). — Explores parallels between the Seneca Fails First Woman’s Rights Convention in the USA and the Bad...
  114. Sex, Gender, and New Age Stereotyping, by Lata Ta'eed (1994). — Advocates the abolishing of culturally produced differences between men and women and challenges gen...
  115. Sexual Equality in the Bahá'í Community, by Shiva Tavana (1986). — Women are oppressed minorities who often feel isolated, even in Baha'i communities. Baha'is need to ...
  116. Shoghi Effendi and Social Justice, by Jack McLean (2007-03). — The term "social justice” has been used by many engaged groups as a rhetorical tool to obtain more...
  117. Social Justice, Wealth Equity and Gender Equality: Bahá'ís and non-Bahá'ís of Alberta, by Leslie William Kuzyk (2003-09). — Baha'i theology takes distinctive positions on wealth distribution and gender equality. These issues...
  118. Social Organization of Mentorship in Bahá'í Studies, The, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1998). — Mentorship in contemporary Baha’i Studies is influenced by gender inequality, generational differe...
  119. Spiritual Inheritors, The, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání (1987). — Reflections on growing up Baha'i, and a report on a conference about capturing the power of the Six ...
  120. Spiritual Oppression in Frankenstein, by Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis (1999). — Comparing Shelley’s depiction of a spiritual malaise in Frankenstein with Baha’u’llah’s defi...
  121. Tahirih and Women's Suffrage, by Universal House of Justice (1990-01). — Two letters on Tahirih's association with women's suffrage, and the authenticity of the words "You c...
  122. Táhirih's Message to the Modern World, by Martha L. Root (1941). — Transcript of a radio address from Sunday April 21, 1940, telling the story of Ṭahirih, describing...
  123. "Tahirih: A Religious Paradigm of Womanhood," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary, by Janet Cundall (1992).
  124. "The active force and that which is its recipient", by Betty Hoff Conow (published as Betty Conow) (1988). — Metaphysics of gender and the Lawh-i-Hikmat; universal spiritualism; social indoctrination of gender...
  125. The White Silk Dress, by Marzieh Gail (1945). — An "intimate portrait" of Ṭahirih first published Friday April 21, 1944.
  126. The Woman Who Read Too Much: A Novel, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavani: Review, by Mary A. Sobhani (2018).
  127. To Set the World in Order: Building and Preserving Strong Marriages, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2023-08). — The cause of unity; creating families that illuminate the world; the ideal milieu for learning the p...
  128. To the Believers in the Cradle of the Faith, by Universal House of Justice (2009-11-24). — Regarding the family and its role in the advancement of civilization.
  129. Translation List: Provisional Translations of Baháʼí Literature, Adib Masumian, trans. (2009-2023). — Index to talks, letters, and other items translated from Persian and Arabic to English by Adib Masum...
  130. Two Books on the Life of Tahirih: Review, by Catherine Nash (2019). — Reviews of Rejoice in My Gladness: The Life of Tahirih and The Calling: Tahirih of Persia and Her Am...
  131. Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Women and Men, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1997). — The emancipation of women, the achievement of full equality between the sexes, is essential to human...
  132. Unclipping the Wings: A Survey of Secondary Literature in English on Bahá'í Perspectives on Women, by Trevor R. J. Finch (1994). — Annotated bibliography of Baha'i perspectives on women and women's issues.
  133. Universal Language, Adoption of, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Ehsan Bayat, comp. (2008).
  134. Use of Masculine Pronouns and Images, by Universal House of Justice, Research Department (2002-07-25). — Overview of the use of gender terms in language, and a "cover letter" introduction to four compilati...
  135. Use of the Masculine Gender in the Bahá'í Writings, The: Extracts from Letters Written By and on Behalf of the Universal House of Justice, Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2002). — Extracts from letters from the House of Justice from 1981-1999 on general principles in relation to ...
  136. Usuli, Akhbari, Shaykhi, Babi: The Tribulations of a Qazvin Family, by Moojan Momen (2003-09). — The emergence of the Usuli school in the evolution of Shi'is jurisprudence and theology in 18th and ...
  137. What Do Bahá'ís Believe about Gender?, by Gleibys L. Buchanan (2011-04-15). — Baha'is believe that gender equality must be manifested as a social reality.
  138. Why There are No Women in the Universal House of Justice, by Vladimir Chupin (2011). — Upon learning that it is forbidden to elect women to the Universal House of Justice, many people bec...
  139. Women, by Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, Universal House of Justice Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (1991). — Explores the status of women in the world, the development of women, the role of education in that d...
  140. Women and Wisdom in Scripture, by Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani (2015). — Treatment of women in religion; influence of Baha'i teachings in raising awareness about the plight ...
  141. Women Entrepreneurs: Catalysts for Transformation, by Diane Chamberlin Starcher (1997). — Describes the dramatic rise in importance of women entrepreneurs and how feminine qualities contribu...
  142. Women on the House of Justice; meaning of "Umumi", by Universal House of Justice (1997-03-30). — Clarifies that 'Abdu'l-Baha, in a tablet to Corinne True, indeed refers to the Universal House of Ju...
  143. Women on the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice (1988-05-31). — Response to a paper presented at a Baha'i Studies conference which raised the possibility that women...
  144. Women Serving as Continental Counselors or in the International Teaching Centre, Percentage of: 1980-2010, by Universal House of Justice (2013-01-23). — Chart showing the percentage of women serving as members of the Continental Boards of Counsellors fr...
  145. Women's Education and Socio-Economic Development: The Pathways of Impact, by Geeta Gandhi Kingdon (2010-04-13).
  146. Zaynab, by John Walbridge Reina Pennington, ed. (2003). — Brief biography of a female Babi fighter.
  147. Ziba Khanum of Yazd: An Enslaved African Woman in Nineteenth-Century Iran, by Anthony Lee (2017). — Issues of race, gender, slavery, and religion as experienced by an Afro-Iranian family in the 19th a...
  148. طاهره پیشتار آزادی زنان شرق (Tahirih: Forerunner of Women's Liberation in the East), by Hussein Ahdieh (2019). — A biographical work on the life of Tahirih detailing significant moments including her early years, ...

2.   from the Chronology (6 results; expand)

  1. 1848-06-26 — The Conference of Badasht Baha'u'llah, who hosted and directed the event, rented three gardens, one ...
  2. 1848-07-19 — The Women's Rights Convention was held in the Wesleyan Chapel at Seneca Falls, NY. The principle org...
  3. 1850-05-19 — The Governor sent a mob against Hujjat, (Mulla Muhammad-Ali) which was dispersed by Mir Salah. The G...
  4. 1852-08-16 — The martyrdom of Tahirih (Qurratu'l-'Ayn) in Tihran. [BBR172–3; BBRSM:30; BW18:382; BKG87; MF203] ...
  5. 2001-06-25 — During the special session of the General Assembly on the HIV./AIDS pandemic held at the UN headquar...
  6. 2021-02-03 — To mark the 25th anniversary of the landmark Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action that result...
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