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Tag "Fred Graham"

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3.   from the Chronology of Canada (12 results; expand)

  1. 1952-01-05 — Fred and Jean Graham were registered as Baha'is. They had been closely aligned and were sympathetic...
  2. 1957-04-26 — The National Convention was held at the new Haziratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street. It was attended by...
  3. 1957-05-00 — About twenty-five different itineraries were arranged for Canadian Baha'i teachers who served on t...
  4. 1957-12-00 — The National Spiritual Assembly appointed a National Promulgation Committee with a mandate to bring ...
  5. 1958-04-29 — The National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel, 475 Yonge Street in Toronto. Those elected t...
  6. 1959-03-00 — Fred Graham was asked to preside over a name-giving ceremony for Michelle Jamal Bowie, daughter of C...
  7. 1959-09-00 — Carol and David Bowie pioneered to Ear Falls, Ontario and had to relinquish membership on the Nation...
  8. 1960-04-29 — The 13th National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. It was attended by Hand of t...
  9. 1961-04-28 — The fourteenth National Convention was held at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. Those elected were: A...
  10. 1969-03-00 — As of this date, the Auxiliary Board Members in Canada served in the following areas: Mr. R. Ted An...
  11. 1975-07-21 — The passing of Fred Graham (b. 26 August, 1913 Rose Valley, PE) at his cottage, KirKonKotta, near Ki...
  12. 2013-00-00 — The publication of An Uncommon Canadian: The Story of Fred Graham by Dale Sims The book can be
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