- 1845-06-30 — At Dalaki, some 40 miles northeast of the Búshihr, the Bab met the soldiers of the governor of Fars...
- 1846-06-23 — Quddús met Mulla Sadiq-i-Muqaddas in Shiraz to whom he entrusted a copy of Khasa'il-i-Sab`ih (`the ...
- 1850-00-00 — Vahid clashed with the authorities in Yazd. He escaped and made a missionary journey through Fars. [...
- 1883-00-00 — Six Baha'is were arrested in Yazd and sent to Isfahan in chains. BW18:383]
Four Baha'is were arre...
- 1887-00-00 — Karbala'i Hasan Khan and Karbala'i Sadiq were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and imprisoned for two ye...
- 1888-07 — Two Baha'is were arrested in Sarvistan, Fars, and were sent to Shiraz, where one was imprisoned. [BW...
- 1902-03-18 — Áqa Muhammad-Zama-i-Sabbagh and Siyyid Ja`far were executed in Isfandabad and Abarqú, Fars. Severa...
- 1913-12-00 — Áqa Abu'l-Qasim-i-Isfandabadi was killed by two assailants in Qúzih-Kúh, Bavanat, Fars. [BW18:387...
- 1920-10-02 — Mirza Mustafa was killed at Farúgh, Fars, and other Baha'is were imprisoned. [BW18:387]
He was a...
- 1924-06-22 — Aqa Husayn-`Ali was martyred in Firúzabad, Fars, Iran. [BW18:388]...
- 1926-04-07 — Eight or perhaps as many as twelve Baha'is were beaten to death in Jahrum, Fars, Iran. [BW18:388, SE...