- 'Abdu'l-Baha in Britain, 1913: The Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, by Ahmad Sohrab David Merrick, ed. (2018). — Diary of the travels to Liverpool, London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Bristol, and Woking, 1912/12/05-1913/0...
- 'Abdu'l-Baha in Edinburgh: The Diary of Ahmad Sohrab, by Ahmad Sohrab David Merrick, ed. (2008). — Diary of Abdu'l-Baha's visit to Edinburgh, January 6-10, 1913.
- Bahá'í Community in Edinburgh, 1946-1950, The, by Ismael Velasco (2004). — Historical context of the rise of the Baha'i community in Scotland, community development, diffusion...
- Bahá'ís in the West, Peter Smith, ed. (2004). — Essays and illustrations on the beginnings of the Faith in Australia and New Zealand, Denmark, Hunga...
- Josie McFadden, by Sarah Munro (2013). — Josie McFadden is a fictitious character who works in the home of Reverend Frederick White and his w...
- New Cycle of Human Power, A: Abdu'l-Bahá's Encounters with Modernist Writers and Artists, by Robert Weinberg (2021-01). — On the impact of ‘Abdu’l-Baha on a number of individuals who were at the cultural vanguard of a ...
- Seven Candles of Unity: The Story of `Abdu'l-Bahá in Edinburgh, by Anjam Khursheed: Review, by Wendi Momen (1993).
- Speaking in Edinburgh, by Rúhíyyih Khánum (1981-08). — Address at Edinburgh Baha'i Centre. Includes discussion of Shoghi Effendi in Scotland and the eagle ...
- Tablet 27 Feb 1913 to Graham Pole (Secretary General Theosophical Society), by Abdu'l-Bahá Ahmad Sohrab, trans. (1913-02-27). — Tablet to Graham Pole, Secretary General of the Theosophical Society (Scotland), from France, 27 Feb...