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Tag "Conferences, Other" details:

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2.   from the Chronology (16 results)

  1. 1915-04-19 — The Panama-Pacific International Exposition was held in San Francisco and the 24th of April was decl...
  2. 1924-09-22 — The conference `Some Living Religions within the British Empire' was held in London. [BW2:225; ER233...
  3. 1926-08-02 — Two Baha'i Esperanto conventions were held in conjunction with the Eighteenth Universal Esperanto Co...
  4. 1972-00-03 — The first Baha'i studies seminar was held in London. For an account of the development of these semi...
  5. 1977-04-16 — The first annual Baha'i Studies Seminar supported by the Departments of Religious Studies and of Soc...
  6. 1977-12-15 — The Hemispheric Baha'i Radio and Television Conference was held in Panama, with 125 participants fro...
  7. 1982-04-09 — The first Conference on Baha'i Scholarship to be held in Australia took place at Yerrinbool Baha'i S...
  8. 1983-08-05 — The first Los Angeles Baha'i History Conference was held at the University of California at Los Ange...
  9. 1985-09-00 — The first Baha'i Studies conference in Hawaii took place at the national Baha'i centre. [BW19:360]...
  10. 1988-09-25 — The first annual Baha'i Studies Conference of Spain was held in Barcelona. [BINS192:5]...
  11. 1990-03-31 — The first Baha'i International Chinese Symposium was held in San Francisco, California; it was atten...
  12. 1990-09-01 — Eighty leaders of thought from around the world gathered at Landegg Academy for the first Internatio...
  13. 1992-01-02 — The first European Conference on Baha'i Activities in Universities was held in Brno, Czechoslovakia....
  14. 1992-02-03 — The Association of Baha'i Publishers and Distributors was established at a Baha'i Publishers' Confer...
  15. 1992-04-04 — The first Children's Festival and Family Conference of Turkey was held in Cankaya, Ankara. [BINS269:...
  16. 2000-12-17 — The first International Conference on Modern Religions and Religious Movements in Judaism Christiani...

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