- Marco Oliveira. Dei Verbum: A Bahá'í Perspective on the Roman Catholic Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (2019). On some basic Christian Catholic beliefs on divine revelation, how the Bahá'í Faith views Christianity, and theological differences and similarities between the two.
- Marco Oliveira. Giuseppe Castello, trans. Dei Verbum: Un punto di vista bahá'í della Costituzione Dogmatica Cattolica Romana sulla Rivelazione Divina (1999). Lo scopo di questa presentazione è quello di discutere alcune basilari credenze cristiane cattoliche sulla Rivelazione Divina e spiegare le sue differenze e somiglianze con la Fede bahá’í.
- Patricia de Luna Garcia, Rodrigo Vazquez Canales. Género y catolicismo: Concepciones y realidades de practicantes del catolicismo referente a la pluralidad del género (2022). Relaciónes entre el ser un practicante del catolicismo y la apertura a la pluralidad de género. La hipótesis que buscaba determinar si hay alguna relación entre el ser católico practicante y estar abierto a las diferentes manifestaciones de género.
- Jose Luis Marques Utrillas. Julien Hagelstein, trans. Lettres à un bon catholique (1987). Translation of "Letters to a Good Catholic," in which Spanish Bahá'í Utrillas narrates his personal adventure, his inner crises and mental readjustments, his experience as a post-conciliar priest, and his secularization
- Jan T. Jasion. Polish Response to Soviet Anti-Bahá'í Polemics, The (1999 Winter). Response of non-Bahá'í scholars to Marxist-Leninist polemics and attacks on the Bahá'í Faith, in particular the attitude of Polish scholars writing between 1945 and 1988, while Poland was still a 'satellite' of the Soviet Union.
- Kevin Brogan. Roman Catholic Priesthood and Bahá'í Administration, The (2002). Helping Bahá’ís understand the theology and function of Roman Catholic Priesthood and helping Catholics understand how the elements of its priesthood (Leadership, Teaching, and Sacrament) are in many ways fulfilled in the Bahá’í Administration.
- Kevin Brogan. Theology of the Sacraments in the Roman Catholic Church, The (2001). Helping Bahá'ís understand the Catholic church's historical perspectives and spiritual significance placed on sacraments, which are: Baptism, Penance, Confirmation, Eucharist (or Mass), Marriage, Holy Orders, and Sacrament of the Sick (“Extreme Unction").