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  1. 1862-05-03 — Mírzá Mihdíy-i-Káshaní was directed to remain in Baghdad to guard the Holy House. He remained until banished, along with the other Bahá'ís, to Mosul. [MoF96]
  2. 1863-05-03
      When Bahá'u'lláh left Baghdad for Constantinople, He bade Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahájí Ismu'lláh move into His house and become its caretaker. [RoB2p273-274]
    • For details of the life of this man see RoB2p274.
  3. 1864-00-00
      Bahá'u'lláh revealed the Suriy-i- 'Ibad (Tablet of the Servants) for Siyyid Mihdíy-i-Dahájí Ismu'lláh, who, at that time, was the custodian of the Most Great House in Baghdad.

      In it the urges him to live a pious life, to cleanse his heart from the defilement of the world, and to become detached from his own self and all created things. Bahá'u'lláh extols His own Essence, and states that for many years He had revealed the Words of God in great profusion while hiding His glory behind many veils of concealment. When the appointed hour had struck, however, He unveiled His exalted station and shed an infinitesimal measure of the light of His countenance upon all created things. As a result of this outpouring, the Concourse on high and the chosen ones of God were awestruck and dumbfounded. [RoB2p274]

    • The title Ismu'lláhu'l-Mihdí (The Name of God, the Guide) had been conferred upon the siyyid by Bahá'u'lláh but after His passing he became a Covenant-breaker and became known as Takhthe-Kanah-si (Bedbug) because of his stubborn personality. [MMoB720]
  4. 1864-12-00 — After years of imprisonment in Tehran, Àbdu'r '-Rasúl-Qumí visited Bahá'u'lláh in Adrianople then took up residence in Baghdad, caring for the garden of the House of Bahá'u'lláh. He was well-known to the Muslims and a target of their attacks. One morning as he was carrying skins of water from the Tigris River he was ambushed by a number of attackers and was mortally wounded. He managed to disperse the assailants, drag himself to the garden where he watered the flowers for the last time.

    His name was mentioned in many Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh, consoling his family. His son was appointed caretaker of the pilgrims in 'Akká and he served in this capacity until the days of Shoghi Effendi. [FAA8]

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