Bahai Library Online

Tag "Business"

tag name: Business type: General
web link: Business
related tags: Economics
referring tags: Accounting; Competition; European Bahá'í Business Forum (EBBF); Profit; Trade unions

"Business" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (25 results; expand)

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  1. Application of Bahá'í Principles in a Business Context, The, by Kirsten Daly (1996).
  2. Báb's Business Etiquette, The, by Bahá'í Inspiration (2020-08-31). — Anecdote about how the Bab changed unseemly business practices while he was a merchant in Bushihr, a...
  3. Business, Development, and the Bahá'í Funds, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. (1993-05). — Compilation by the Office of the Treasurer on the challenge for America, business ventures and devel...
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Success, by Marcello Palazzi, George Starcher (1998). — How social responsibility can contribute to competitiveness and success.
  5. Ethics and Entrepreneurship, An Oxymoron?: A Transition to a Free Market Economy in Eastern Europe, by George Starcher (1997). — The process of entrepreneurship and the importance of business ethics to entrepreneurial success, an...
  6. High-Performance Organization, The: An Assessment of Virtues and Values, by Lawrence M. Miller (2001). — How a people-centered organization can enhance competitiveness and job satisfaction.
  7. History of EBBF, The: Twenty-Five Years of Contributing to the Discourse of Ethics in Business, by François Couillard (2015). — The European Baha’i Business Forum, a small network of individuals dedicated to promoting ethical ...
  8. Interest (riba) in Islam and the Bahá'í Faith, by Gad Gilbar (2004-01-20). — Baha'i scripture permits charging interest (riba) on loans, in contrast to Islamic law which forbids...
  9. Learning to Read Social Reality in the Light of the Revelation: Twenty-Five Years of Contributing to the Discourse of Ethics in Business, by Haleh Arbab (2015). — The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity works to learn how to advance the capacity of individ...
  10. Management of Small Rural Businesses: Some Views of the European Bahá'í Business Forum, by Michel P. Zahrai (1998). — The challenge and benefits of restoring pride in rural non-farm businesses.
  11. Missing Moral Dimension, The, by Suresh Sahadevan (1999). — Today's social and economic policies are materially efficient and technically sound, but something v...
  12. Night as Frontier: Some Implications for the Bahá'í Community, by Will C. van den Hoonaard (1997). — Sociological effects of night-shift employment and the nocturnal populace.
  13. Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen (2011). — The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions...
  14. Power and the Bahá'í community, by Moojan Momen (2018). — While Baha'i social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the...
  15. Principles of Consultation Applied to the Process of Innovation in a Corporate Environment, by Robert B. Rosenfeld, Michael H. Winger-Bearskin (1990). — Innovation is essential for industrial growth, but is obstructed when creative employees are unable ...
  16. Reflections of Our Values: Digital Technologies and a Just Transition, by Bahá'í International Community (2021-02). — A statement to the 59th session of the Commission for Social Development on technological innovation...
  17. Religion, the Bahá'í Faith, and Accounting: Is There a Link?, by Roger K Doost (1997). — Summary of discussions in an accounting class about spirituality. As a system that seeks to create b...
  18. Responsible Entrepreneurship: Engaging SMEs in Socially and Environmentally Responsible Practices, by George Starcher (2004). — The importance of reputation, and segmentation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) according to t...
  19. Role of Business in Enhancing The Prosperity of Humankind, The, by William Walker, Jane Nelson, Matthew Weinberg George Starcher, ed. (2001). — Three articles about exploring and implementing concepts from Prosperity of Humankind, including bui...
  20. Socially Responsible Enterprise Restructuring, by George Starcher (2001). — A condensation of a 130 page joint working paper of the International Labour Office and EBBF. Does n...
  21. Spiritual Approach to Microcredit Projects, A, by Michel P. Zahrai (1998). — Spiritual considerations that should guide the elaboration and implementation of microcredit schemes...
  22. Spiritual Dimensions of Microfinance, The: Towards a Just Civilization and Sustainable Economy, by Barbara J. Rodey (2001). — Prepared for the Microcredit Summit to emphasize the importance of universal spiritual principles to...
  23. To Build Anew: Creating Bahá'í-inspired Enterprises, by Don Brown (2002). — A study in social and economic development, applying Baha'i principles in a business how-to manual. ...
  24. Toward a New Paradigm of Management, by George Starcher (1991/1997). — The fundamental changes taking place in management and organization in reaction to globalization and...
  25. Women Entrepreneurs: Catalysts for Transformation, by Diane Chamberlin Starcher (1997). — Describes the dramatic rise in importance of women entrepreneurs and how feminine qualities contribu...

2.   from the Chronology (7 results; expand)

  1. 1835-10-01 — Siyyid 'Ali Muhammad (the Bab) moved to Bushihr to manage his uncles' business interests in that cit...
  2. 1882-06-00 — Baha'i books were published for the first time, in Bombay and Cairo by the Nasiri Press. The Bombay ...
  3. 1912-04-20 — During `Abdu'l-Baha's eleven days in New York He gave 15 formal talks and countless informal one in ...
  4. 1990-00-24 — The formation of the European Baha'i Business Forum in France with members from 26 countries in Euro...
  5. 1990-09-02 — The European Baha'i Business Forum was formed at a meeting in Chamonix, France, attended by people f...
  6. 1993-00-04 — EBBF (Ethical Business Building the Future) was registered in Paris as an official non-profit associ...
  7. 2009-07-02 — More than 20 members of the European Baha'i Business Forum participated in the Global Ethics Forum, ...
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