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Tag "Burundi"

tag name: Burundi type: Geographic locations
web link: Burundi
related tags: - Africa
referring tags: Bujumbura, Burundi; Ruanda-Urundi Q5107     Links to Bahá'í wikis:   Expand

"Burundi" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (1 result)

  1. Bahá'í Communities by Country: Research Notes, by Graham Hassall Jonah Winters, ed. (2000). — Brief notes on the history of Baha'i activities and the dates of NSA formation in Africa, China, Aus...

2.   from the Chronology (12 results; expand)

  1. 1954-04-21 — The first local spiritual assembly was formed in in Usumbura (later Bujumbura, Burundi) and it compo...
  2. 1964-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Uganda and Central Africa was formed with its seat in Kampala. [
  3. 1969-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Burundi and Rwanda was formed. They had previously been under the...
  4. 1972-04-21 — The counties of Rwanda and Burundi were known as Ruanda-Urundi up until 1962 when the area was divid...
  5. 1972-05-11 — Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Baha Rúhiyyih Khanum and her companion, Violette Nakhjavani, arrived in R...
  6. 1973-04-07 — Following the return to stability in Burundi, the Baha'i Faith was granted formal recognition by the...
  7. 1974-00-00 — As a result of an intervention by the Egyptian chargé d'affaires, Baha'i activities in Burundi were...
  8. 1975-00-00 — The ban imposed on the Baha'i Faith in Burundi in 1974 was lifted but Baha'i activities continued to...
  9. 1978-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Burundi was re-formed. [
  10. 1990-00-16 — Pope John Paul II made mention of the Baha'is at a reception held in his honour in Burundi. [AWH88]
  11. 1996-04-21 — National Spiritual Assemblies of Burundi and Rwanda were not able to form due to political instabili...
  12. 2011-04-21 — Burundi elected its first National Spiritual Assembly in 17 years. Civil war and unrest during recen...
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