Baha'i Library Online

Tag "Bernard Leach" details:

tag name: Bernard Leach

web link: Bernard_Leach

  type: People

"Bernard Leach" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (6 results)

  1. John S. Hatcher. Anecdote of the Jar, The (2017).
  2. Universal House of Justice, comp. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983) (1986).
  3. Robert Weinberg. Bernard Leach, Potter: A Biographical Sketch (1999).
  4. Julie Badiee. Drawings, Verse, and Belief, by Bernard Leach: Review (1989).
  5. Robert Weinberg. New Cycle of Human Power, A: Abdu'l-Bahá's Encounters with Modernist Writers and Artists (2021).
  6. Trudi Scott. Remembering Bernard Leach (1986).

2.   from the Chronology (3 results)

  1. 1976-04-24 — The passing of Mark George Tobey (b. December 11, 1890 Centerville, Wisconsin - d. April 24, 1976 Ba ...
  2. 1979-05-06 — Bernard Howell Leach CBE, (b.5 Jan 1887 Hong Kong), internationally known potter, artist and author, ...
  3. 1987-09-29 — The Post Office of the United Kingdom issued a commemorative stamp honouring Bernard Leach, Baha'i a ...

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