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Tag "Bahá'í history"

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  1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive, by Various. (1970-1995) Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995.
  2. `Abdu'l-Baha in Abu-Sinan: September 1914, by Ahang Rabbani. (2005) The story of Abdu'l-Bahá's relocating the Haifa/Akka Bahá'í community of some 140 people to a nearby Druze village to keep them safe during World War I.
  3. Afnán Family, The: Some Biographical Notes, by Ahang Rabbani. (2007) Genealogy of the Báb and biographies of his descendants; meaning of afnan.
  4. Australian Bahá'í Studies: Vol. 2, by Various. (2000) The complete issue of volume 2. Some papers were delivered at the 18th annual ABS conference "The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Bahá’í Faith" (Melbourne, September 1999).
  5. Australian Bahá'í Studies: Vol. 4, by Various. (2002-2003) The complete issue of volume 4.
  6. Australian Bahá'í Studies: Vol. 1:2, by Various. (1999) The complete issue of volume 1 number 2.
  7. Australian Bahá'í Studies: Vol. 3, by Various. (2001) The complete issue of volume 3.
  8. Azálí-Bahá'í Crisis of September, 1867, The, by Juan Cole. (2004) On the history of a fateful weekend during which the Bábí movement in the nineteenth-century Middle East was definitively split into the Bahá'í and Azalí religions.
  9. Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts, by Moojan Momen. (1981) A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Bábí and Bahá'í religions in contemporaneous accounts and newspapers.
  10. Bahá'í Faith 1957-1988, The: A Survey of Contemporary Developments, by Peter Smith, Moojan Momen. (1989) A general account of developments in the Bahá'í Faith during these three decades.
  11. Baha'i Faith, The: The Emerging Global Religion, by William S. Hatcher, Douglas Martin. (1985/2011) Overview of Bahá'í history and teachings, designed as an introductory textbook. Available in English or in Persian.
  12. Bahá'í History, by Firuz Kazemzadeh. (n.d.) Significance of history to the study of the Bahá'í Faith.
  13. Bahá'í History, by Moojan Momen, Peter Smith. (1993) A general survey of the history of the Bahá'í Faith, including a brief overview of main events in Bábí and Bahá'í history. Next, a series of themes that have developed throughout Bahá'í history is examined.
  14. Baha'i Religious History: Introduction, by Todd Lawson. (2012-12) Introduction to a special issue of this journal titled "Bahá'í History," summarizing the prophetic record, the divine hierarchy of history, and the primacy of science and education.
  15. Baha'i Studies Youtube Playlist, by Peter Smith. (2020) Link to Smith's videos on Bábí and Bahá'í history: Emergence of the Bábí movement; Bábí conflict and collapse; development of a new religion; Bahá'u'lláh; Bahá'í beliefs and practice; geo-cultural breakthroughs; expansion of the Bahá'í Faith.
  16. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), Universal House of Justice, comp. (1986) Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith.
  17. Biography of Napoleon: Tablet to Napoleon III (Lawh-i-Napulyún), by Author unknown. (1999) Biography of Napoleon III, to whom Bahá'u'lláh wrote two Tablets.
  18. Biography of Pope Pius IX: Tablet to Pope Pius IX (Lawh-i-Páp), by Author unknown. (1999) Biography of Pope Pius IX, to whom Bahá'u'lláh wrote a Tablet.
  19. Biography of Tsar Alexander: Tablet to Tsar Alexander II (Lawh-i-Malik-i-Rus), by Author unknown. (1999) Short biography of Tsar Alexander ll describing him as a great historical figure without the charisma of a great man. Suggests history should view what he did, such as abolishing serfdom and building railroads, as more important than who he was.
  20. Celestial Burning, A: A Selective Study of the Writings of Shoghi Effendi, by Jack McLean. (2012) Style, content, and context of the major writings of the Guardian; providential history; critique of Hegel; the military metaphor; the language of interpretation; history of the apostolic age.
  21. Centenary of a World Faith: The History of the Bahá'í Faith and its Development in the British Isles, by Author unknown. (1944) On the lives of The Bab, Bahá'u'lláh, and Abdul-Baha, progress of the Faith in the East and West, and growth of the cause in the United Kingdom. Published for the centenary of the declaration of the Báb.
  22. Century of Light, by Universal House of Justice. (2001) Survey of the history and dramatic changes of the 20th Century and the Bahá'í Faith's emergence from obscurity, "demonstrating on a global scale the unifying power with which its Divine origin has endowed it."
  23. Change of Culture, A, by Moojan Momen. (2003/2011) An overview of the process of cultural change in the Bahá'í community.
  24. Chart of the Eras and Epochs of Bahá'í History, by Arjen Bolhuis. (2000) Diagram of the periods of Bahá'í history. Available in English and Russian.
  25. Chronicle of `Abdu'l-Ahad Zanjani: Personal Reminiscences of the Insurrection at Zanjan, by Aqa Abdu'l-Ahad Zanjani. E. G. Browne, trans. (1897) Translation of an account of the Babi struggle at Zanjan in 1850, as recollected by an aged eyewitness who had been a child at the time; an important source for early Babi history.
  26. Conspiracies and Forgeries: The Attack upon the Bahá'í Community in Iran, by Moojan Momen. (2004) Early attacks on the Bahá'í community in Iran were made mostly on the basis of religious accusations, but in the 20th century, non-religious accusations based on widely held and often fantastical conspiracy theories have become more prevalent.
  27. Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran: Some Preliminary Observations, by Susan Maneck (published as Susan Stiles Maneck). (1990) Conversion patterns of Zoroastrians and Jews in the period 1877-1921.
  28. "Conversion of Religious Minorities to the Bahá'í Faith in Iran," by Susan Stiles Maneck: Commentary, by Foad Katirai. (1992)
  29. Critical Examination of 20th-Century Baha'i Literature, A, by Vance Salisbury. (1997) Explores the claim, first made by E. G. Browne, that some Bahá'ís suppress or distort historical texts. Includes tables of changes made in different editions of four popular Bahá'í books.
  30. Debunking the Myths: Conspiracy Theories on the Genesis and Mission of the Bahá'í Faith, by Adib Masumian. (2009) Response to Iranian conspiracy theories portraying the Bahá'í Faith as a subversive political group, Zionist spies, affiliates of the secret police, British agents, etc. Available in English and Persian. Includes interview with author.
  31. Demystifying Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of the Holy Mariner: History, Translations, Interpretations and Analysis, by Hui Bau. (2016) Lengthy compilation, with background information on the Tablet, and commentary from Bau, Adib Taherzadeh, Michael Sours, Jamsheed Samandari, and Aziz Mboya.
  32. Descripción de La Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í, by Bahá'í International Community. (2000-06-06) Descripción de La Comunidad Internacional Bahá'í
  33. Early History of the Bahá'í Faith, by Thomas the Slav. (2015-05) A map showing the origins of the Bahá'í Faith via the journeys and exile of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh.
  34. Early Western Accounts of the Babi and Bahá'í Faiths, by Moojan Momen. (1995)
  35. Election and Infallibility of the Universal House of Justice, by Universal House of Justice. (1996) Answers to three questions: Why were steps taken to elect a Universal House of Justice with the foreknowledge that there would be no Guardian? Was the time ripe for such an action? Could not the International Bahá'í Council have carried on the work?
  36. Epochs of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice, Research Department. (1996) On dating and defining the three major evolutionary "Ages" of Bahá'í history, and the five "epochs" within our current Age.
  37. Fact and Fiction: Interrelationships between History and Imagination, by Bahíyyih Nakhjavání. (2000) On the tension between "fact" and "fiction," between objective history and our relative and subjective stories, between art as the representation of reality and faith based on the Word of God. We inherited a responsibility to resolve this tension.
  38. Genesis of the Bahá'í Faith in Middle Eastern Modernity, The, by Juan Cole. (1999-03) Middle Eastern religion is seldom mentioned in the same breath with modernism. The Bahá'í faith, which originated in Iran, poses key conundrums to our understanding of the relationship between modernity and religion in the global South.
  39. Globalization of the Bahá'í Community: 1892-1921, The, by Moojan Momen. (2005) On the connection between Abdu’l-Baha’s thinking and his practical directives in the global expansion of the Baha’i religion, considered in light of Jan Aart Scholte's globalization categories: normative, psychological, economic, and institutional.
  40. God Passes By, by Shoghi Effendi. (1971 [1944]) The classic — and canonical — historical summary and interpretation of the significance of the development of the Bábí and Baháʼí religions from 1844 to 1944.
  41. Growth and Spread of the Baha'i Faith, The, by Arthur Hampson. (1980-05) A detailed attempt to describe and account for the spread of the Bahá'í Faith, including the roles played by its centralized leadership, its belief system, and its policies, as well as attitudes and conditions outside the control of the Bahá'í movement.
  42. Historia de su Cooperacion con las Naciones Unidas, by Bahá'í International Community. (n.d.)
  43. Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Bahá'í World Faith, An, by Vernon Elvin Johnson. (1974) Detailed study of major changes in the Faith's history, opposition to such changes, and their resulting tensions and resolutions.
  44. Historical Development of Genoa Square in Acre Israel from the Seventh Century to the Present Day, The, by Amy Suzanne Hollander. (1995) A study of the structure, development, space, and historic preservation of a portion of Akka, including discussion of its place in Bahá'í history.
  45. House of Abdu'llah Pasha, The, by Author unknown. (1986) Short history and restoration of a house associated with "some of the most dramatic and historically significant events of the Heroic Age of the Bahá'í Faith."
  46. Humanity's Coming Encounter with Baha'u'llah, by Douglas Martin. (1992-04-09) Retrospective look at the previous 100 years of Bahá'í history, current shifts of focus and teaching plans, and the prospects for the future which the new Message can bring.
  47. International Bahá'í Council, by Duane L. Herrmann. (1990-03) History of the formation of the IBC.
  48. Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law, by Ignaz Goldziher. (1981) An early academic overview of Bábí and Bahá'í history and theology. From translation of a 1910 book Vorlesungen uber den Islam, "Lectures on Islam."
  49. Judeo-Persian Communities of Iran in the Qajar Period: Conversion to the Bahá'í Faith, by Mehrdad Amanat. (2009) Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  50. Learning from History, by Moojan Momen. (1989) The challenges caused by the influx of Third World villagers into the Bahá’í world community. The value of a study of the history of the Bahá’í Faith in understanding this development and in helping us towards appropriate presentations of the Faith.
  51. Majestic Process, The: Cycles, Eras, Epochs and Stages, John Conkling, comp. (2004) A one page chart developed as a class handout on the "Majestic Process," the Ages and Epochs of the Faith.
  52. Map of Stages in Baha'u'llah's Successive Exiles from Tihran to Akka, by Muhammed Labib. (1968) Map of Stages in Bahá'u'lláh's Successive Exiles from Tihran to Akka, compiled and designed by Labib in 1968, includes an extensive list of which tablets Bahá'u'lláh revealed and where.
  53. Map of the Travels of Baha'u'llah, National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the Hawaiian Islands, comp. (1991) The progressive exiles of Bahá'u'lláh through the Middle East. Includes timeline.
  54. Materials for the Study of the Babi Religion, E. G. Browne, comp. and trans. (1918/1961/2013) An early collection of historical documents related to Bahá'í and Bábí studies. (Not fully complete.)
  55. Meaning of Baha'i History, The, by Moshe Sharon. (1999-12) Disregarding personal belief, a neutral historian uses tools of objective research to deal with the scriptures of any religion as "literary texts" and not as "divine revelations"; issues of historicity in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Bahá'í Faith.
  56. Modernity and the Millennium: The Genesis of the Bahá'í Faith in the Nineteenth-century Middle East [introduction only], by Juan Cole. (1998) Introduction and first 4 pages of Chapter One.
  57. New Religion, Babism, A, by Paul Carus. (1904-06/07) Overview of early Bahá'í history, the Faith in Chicago, a review of Myron Phelps' book Life and Teachings of Abbas Effendi (1903), and a review of Ibrahim Kheiralla's book Beha Ullah (1900).
  58. Notes on the Twentieth Century, by Douglas Martin. (2001-09) Multiple transcriptions of talks given in Atlanta, New York, and Massachusetts in September and October, 2001, largely based on the document Century of Light.
  59. Notes on the Zuhuru'l-Haqq series, by John Walbridge. (1996) Brief overview of this historical work. Includes letter from the World Centre explaining that no official translation is forthcoming.
  60. Part of the Baha'i History of the Family of Charles and Maria Ioas, by Viola Tuttle, Margarite Ioas Ullrich, Monroe Ioas, et al.. (1978-08) Biographies of Charles and Maria: from his birth in 1859, their introduction to the Faith in 1898, experiences with 'Abdu'l-Bahá in 1912, and four Tablets from 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
  61. Picture Gallery of Early British Bahá'ís, by Author unknown. (1998) Published in honor of the UK Bahá'í Centenary, 1998/99.
  62. Promised Day is Come, The, by Shoghi Effendi. (1980) A book-length letter written by Shoghi Effendi to the Bahá’ís of the West, dated 28 March 1941, about Bahá'u'lláh's letters to the kings and rulers, and their relation to historical events.
  63. Sacred Mythology and the Bahá'í Faith, by William P. Collins. (1990) The mythological universe created by Bahá’u’lláh employs three significant spiritual verities: the unknowable nature of the Ultimate Mystery, the relativity of religious/mythological truth, and the necessity of science and investigation of reality.
  64. Shoghi Effendi's View of Providential History in Light of the Judaeo-Christian Tradition, by Jack McLean. (2005) The Guardian's letters reveal six features of his historicity: palingenesis and transitional history; providential synchronization; teleological history; organically whole history; periodisation of ages and epochs; history as community identity-creation.
  65. Social Activism Among Some Early Twentieth-Century Bahá'ís, by Will C. van den Hoonaard. (2006) Socialist involvement of some of Canada's earliest Bahá'ís, before and after the prohibition of involvement in political affairs.
  66. Star of the West: Use of, in Electronic Form, by Universal House of Justice. (1999-03-03) Guidance on use of the publication Star of the West in electronic form as well as advice on how to describe the authoritativeness of the material
  67. Statement on Bahá'u'lláh, A, by Bahá'í International Community. (1992-05) Introduction to the life and work of Bahá'u'lláh, released in 1992 in honor of the centenary of his death, at the request of the Universal House of Justice.
  68. Stories of Baha'u'llah and Some Notable Believers, by Adib Taherzadeh. Kiser Barnes, comp. (2003) Extracts compiled by Kiser Barnes from Adib Taherzadeh’s The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh, Volumes 1-4.
  69. Sweet and Enchanting Stories, Aziz Rohani, comp. (2005) Stories and memoirs by and about ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Mirza Haydar ‘Ali, Zia Baghdadi, ‘Ali Akbar Furutan, Adib Tahirzadih, Abul-Qasim Faizi, and other loved and historic figures.
  70. Tablet of the Centennial, by Shoghi Effendi. Khazeh Fananapazir, trans. (1998) Partial translation of an epistle to the Persian-speaking Bahá'ís, written shortly after "God Passes By" in 1944. Includes English translation of Muhammad Varqa's "Le Style persan du Gardien."
  71. Taqiyyah (Dissimulation) in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, by Sepehr Manuchehri. (2000) The historical application of taqiyyah and instances where Bábís cooperated with the authorities in suppression of their peers, and the attitude of government officials towards these individuals.
  72. The Bahá'í Revelation, by Arthur Pillsbury Dodge. Paul Carus, ed. (1905) Article, with photographs, correcting and expanding on some of Open Court's previous articles on the Faith. Introduced by Paul Carus with a brief essay, "The Behaist Movement."
  73. Understanding Bahá'í History: Introduction to the study of history, by Moojan Momen. (2013-03) Video and transcript, prepared for the Wilmette Institute, about how to approach and understand the study of history, biases of eyewitnesses, and the subjective construction of facts.
  74. Unfoldment of the Divine Plan, by Author unknown. (2021) Visual overview of the Bahá'í Cycle, the Bahá'í Era, the three Ages, the three Epochs, and all of the Plans.
  75. Universal House of Justice, The, by Universal House of Justice, Research Department. (2021-02) Compilation about the "Universal House of Justice" from the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, 'Abdu’l-Bahá, and Shoghi Effendi, and from the constitution and letters of the Universal House of Justice.
  76. Visits of the Hands of the Cause of God to Ireland, by Betsy Omidvaran. (2003) An overview of all known visits by the Hands, the highest-ranking officers of the Bahá’í Faith, to Ireland. Review of the many historical sources about this largely-uninvestigated topic. Includes timeline of the visits between 1952 and 1986.
  77. Windows to the Past, by Darius Shahrokh. Grace Shahrokh, comp. (1992) Deepening talks on 25 topics about Bahá'í history and teachings, downloadable in MP3 audio format and PDF transcripts.
  78. Witnesses to Babi and Bahá'í History, by Ahang Rabbani. (1996-2010) Multiple volumes of historical materials, translations, and original research.
  79. Zuhur al-Haqq, by Moojan Momen. (2002) Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.
  80. اسرار الآثار (Secrets of the (Bahá'í) Writings), Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani, comp. (1968-1973) The first large-scale attempt to define Bahá'í theology; the volumes, written ca. 1955, are essentially a dictionary of terms that appear in the Bahá'í writings or stem from other religious traditions that bear some relevance to the Bahá'í Faith.
  81. تاريخ ظُهور الحق (The History of the Manifestation of Truth), Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani, comp, Adel Shafipour, ed. (1968-1973) Nine volumes of Tarikh-i Zuhur Al-Haqq, hand-typed and proofread. The first volumes were originally published 1932-1936.
  82. مصابیح هدایت (Lights of Guidance), by Azizu'llah Sulaymani. (1948-1976) Biographies of 99 prominent Bahá'ís from the formative years of the Faith, published between 1948 and 1976.

2.   from the Chronology (6 results; expand)

  1. 1924-10-01 — In the latter part of 1924, Shoghi Effendi began the process of recording the recollection of the be...
  2. 1941-03-28 — The publication of The Promised Day is Come. It was, in effect, a survey of the world in relation t...
  3. 1957-12-26 — The passing of Mirzā Asad-Allāh, known as Fāżel Māzandarāni (b. Babol, Persia 1881). He bec...
  4. 1983-08-05 — The first Los Angeles Baha'i History Conference was held at the University of California at Los Ange...
  5. 1999-00-00 — The publication of Sacred Time; Babi and Baha'i History and Biography by John Wallbridge. The paper ...
  6. 2001-03-00 — The publication of Century of Light, a statement by the Universal House of Justice. The purpose of t...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (1 result)

  1. 1954-05-00 — The National Archives Committee made an appeal to all assemblies and individuals to keep and record ...
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