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Tag "Amelia Collins"

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Amelia Collins
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"Amelia Collins" appears in:

1.   from the main catalog (6 results; expand)

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  1. Address to the Bahá'ís of Los Angeles, California, by Amelia Collins (1954-07-12). — On the need for Baha'is to study teachings, avoid feelings of panic about the future, and actively p...
  2. Collins, Amelia: The Fulfilled Hope of 'Abdu'l-Baha, by Richard Francis (1993/2003). — Short biography of a prominent American Baha'i.
  3. Fadil-i-Mazandarani, by Universal House of Justice (1998-08-11). — Was Fadil-i-Mazandarani declared a Hand of the Cause of God, and on determining if there were other ...
  4. History of the Bahá'í Faith in Arizona, The: The First Fifty Years, 1900-1950, by Maureen M. Thur (2004). — Historical details and biographies about Arizona, from Nellie French moving from Chicago to Bisbee i...
  5. Milly: A Tribute to The Hand of the Cause of God Amelia E. Collins, by Abu'l-Qásim Faizí (1977). — A moving personal biographical history of Amelia Collins.
  6. Tribute to Shoghi Effendi, A, by Amelia Collins (1958-07-25). — Address delivered at the Intercontinental Baha'i Conference held in Germany, July 1958, which Collin...

2.   from the Chronology (31 results; expand)

  1. 1873-06-07 — Birth of Amelia Engelder Collins, Hand of the Cause, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  2. 1919-00-00 — Amelia Collins, Hand of the Cause, became a Baha'i in Pasadena, California. [PSBW74]
  3. 1919-11-00 — William Harry Randall, an American, asked `Abdu'l-Baha if he might contribute to the building of the...
  4. 1924-00-00 — In 1924 Amelia Collins became the first to visit Iceland when she and her husband had a two-days sto...
  5. 1925-07-04 — The Seventeenth Annual Convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was held at Green A...
  6. 1925-12-02 — The Guardian expressed his "heartfelt and abiding gratitude" to Milly Collins and seven others who h...
  7. 1926-03-21 — The National Convention was held at the Hotel Whitcomb on Market Street in San Francisco. Because o...
  8. 1927-04-31 — The third National Convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was held at the Windsor...
  9. 1928-04-26 — The National Convention of the Baha'is of the United States and Canada was held in the Foundation Ha...
  10. 1935-07-12 — When Martha Root landed in Iceland in 1935 she immediately made contact with Hólmfriôur Árnadótt...
  11. 1938-04-27 — In a message addressed to the Thirtieth National Convention the Guardian announced: "As token my gr...
  12. 1938-05-01 — The National Convention was held in Chicago. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: ...
  13. 1939-00-00 — Amelia Collins continued to support the spread of the religion in Iceland as she supported the publi...
  14. 1944-04-21 — The thirty-sixth National Convention was held in Wilmette and hosted representatives of the Baha'i c...
  15. 1945-04-00 — The election for the National Spiritual Assembly was held by postal ballot. The tellers completed th...
  16. 1946-11-22 — Amelia Collins was appointed a Hand of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi. [PP258; PSBW878] He dI...
  17. 1948-04-21 — The first All-Native Baha'i Assembly was established on the Omaha Reservation in Macy, Nebraska. [BW...
  18. 1948-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly was elected in the United States. Those elected were: Dorothy...
  19. 1950-11-00 — From Switzerland, Shoghi Effendi invited five Baha'is—Lotfullah Hakim, Jessie and Ethel Revell, Am...
  20. 1951-12-24 — Shoghi Effendi appointed 12 Hands of the Cause of God, the first contingent of Hands to be appointed...
  21. 1952-03-08 — Shoghi Effendi announced the enlargement of the International Baha'i Council to eight members. [MBW2...
  22. 1953-03-00 — Shoghi Effendi obtained a wrought-iron gate from England with the intention of installing it at the ...
  23. 1954-04-06 — In his Ridvan Message Shoghi Efffendi announced that: The site for the first Mashriqu'l-Adhkar of t...
  24. 1955-03-20 — Shoghi Effendi announced the acquisition of 36,000 square metres of land for the first Mashriqu'l-Ad...
  25. 1957-11-15 — Hands of the Cause Rúhiyyih Khanum, Mason Remey, Amelia Collins and Leroy Ioas, accompanied by Hand...
  26. 1957-11-19 — Nine Hands of the Cause were chosen by Rúhiyyih Khanum to examine Shoghi Effendi's apartment. [BW 1...
  27. 1957-11-25 — Nine Hands were chosen to serve as Custodians of the Faith residing in the Holy Land. [BBD57; BW13:3...
  28. 1958-07-25 — The fourth Intercontinental Conference was held at the mid-point of the Crusade and convened in Fran...
  29. 1960-11-20 — The cornerstone of the fifth House of Worship was laid in Langenhain, Germany, by Hand of the Cause ...
  30. 1962-01-01 — Amelia Collins passed away in Haifa. (b. 7 June, 1873) [BW13:399, 840; MC12] For her obituary see...
  31. 1964-07-04 — The House of Worship in Langenhain, Germany, the Mother Temple of Europe, was dedicated. [BW14:483...

3.   from the Chronology of Canada (3 results; expand)

  1. 1944-04-21 — Those elected to serve the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States and Canad...
  2. 1951-04-27 — Canada's fourth National Convention was held in the Vancouver Hotel. Those elected were; John Robar...
  3. 1953-05-09 — Following her attendance at the Intercontinental Conference in Wilmette Ruhiyyih Khanum met with Bah...
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