- 1911-08-09 — When 'Abdu'l-Baha was about to depart on his first voyage to the West, He wrote to Albert Smiley, ho...
- 1911-08-11 — The beginning of `Abdu'l-Baha's first Western tour [AB139]
`Abdu'l-Baha departed from Egypt with a ...
- 1911-08-12 — Star of the West volumes chronicled both the first and second Western journeys of `Abdu'l-Baha.
- 1911-08-16 — After four and half days of travel over 2500 kilometres L'Orénoque arrived in Marseilles, France's ...
- 1911-08-18 — 'Abdu'l-Baha had an exchange of telegrams with Wellesley Tudor Pole from the Theosophical Summer Sch...
- 1911-08-19 — 'Abdu'l-Baha sent a telegram to Charles Mason Remey in America inviting him to join Him in Europe. [...
- 1911-08-20 — 'Abdu'l-Baha and His party left Marseilles and traveled by train to Geneva, arriving late in the day...
- 1911-08-21 — 'Abdu'l-Baha and His party took a ferry from Geneva to Thonon-les-Bains and were met by Laura Dreyfu...
- 1911-08-22 — The Master sent for Juliet Thompson who had been waiting in London for His permission to join Him. [...
- 1911-08-23 — `Abdu'l-Baha took up residence at Thonon-les-Bains on Lake Leman (Lake Geneva). [AB140; GPB280; SBR2...
- 1911-08-23 — 'Abdu'l-Baha went for a carriage ride in the nearby hills. ["With 'Abdu'l-Baha in Switzerland" by Ju...
- 1911-08-24 — Tammaddun'ul-Mulk and Juliet Thompson arrived in Thonon-les-Bains from London via Geneva. She had la...
- 1911-08-25 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spent the morning with Juliet Thompson, part of the afternoon with Bahram Mirza and the...
- 1911-08-26 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk to those gathered at the hotel on the theme of unity. Present was Annie Boy...
- 1911-08-27 — 'Abdu'l-Baha and His party took a ferry to Vevey, a resort town on the other side of Lake Geneva (La...
- 1911-08-28 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha's visitor was Sultan-Husayn Mirza, the eldest son of Zillu's-Sultan. Bet...
- 1911-08-29 — Horace Holley and his wife Bertha arrived from Italy with their baby daughter Hertha. They stayed tw...
- 1911-08-30 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spent the morning in Thonon-les-Bain and took the ferry to Geneva after dinner. He stay...
- 1911-08-31 — During His stay in Geneva 'Abdu'l-Baha most likely returned the visits of Zillu's-Sultan Sultan-Mas'...
- 1911-09-04 — `Abdu'l-Baha arrived in London accompanied by His secretary, Mirza Mahmúd and Khusraw, His servant....
- 1911-09-05 — 'Abdu'l-Baha was interviewed by the editor of The Christian Commonwealth, Mr Albert Dawson, and late...
- 1911-09-08 — In the morning He received a small party in Lady Blomfield's drawing room. [SoW Vol 2 No 12 October ...
- 1911-09-09 — 'Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper at
31 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle Place, Vic...
- 1911-09-10 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave His first public address in the West in the City Temple Church in Holborn, London ...
- 1911-09-11 — Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper gave an "At Home" to the believers and between fifty and sixty were present ...
- 1911-09-12 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at a meeting of the friends at the home of Mrs. Thornburgh-Cropper in Londo...
- 1911-09-13 — Mrs Thornburgh-Cropper gave a reception for 'Abdu'l-Baha at her home
31 Evelyn Mansions, Carlisle ...
- 1911-09-14 — At a meeting at the office of the Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Freemasons and Theosophists ...
- 1911-09-17 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the congregation of St John's, Westminster, His second address to a Western a...
- 1911-09-21 — During 'Abdu'l-Baha's first visit to Britain, he was invited into churches and welcomed warmly by ma...
- 1911-09-22 — 'Abdu'l-Baha visited the home of Misses Marion Jack and Elizabeth Herrick, at 10 Cheniston Gardens, ...
- 1911-09-23 — Abdu'l-Baha travelled by train from London to Bristol going from Paddington Station to Bristol Templ...
- 1911-09-25 — The Master rose early, as was His custom, and from 5 to 8AM dictated letters and cablegrams. He then...
- 1911-09-28 — 'Abdu'l-Baha visited Byfleet for a second time by motorcar. He stayed the night and returned the eve...
- 1911-09-29 — A farewell reception was given for 'Abdu'l-Baha in the hall of the Passmore Edwards' Settlement in T...
- 1911-09-30 — `Abdu'l-Baha addressed the Theosophical Society in London, His last talk in England on this visit.
- 1911-10-01 — A young Persian couple asked 'Abdu'l-Baha to marry them. The union was blessed at the Higher Thought...
- 1911-10-02 — Abdu'l-Baha breakfasted with the Lord Mayor of London
at the Mansion House, City of London. The Lo...
- 1911-10-03 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk that has been entitled, "Eleven essentials: the Bahai principles as taught ...
- 1911-10-04 — The start of 'Abdu'l-Baha's third stay in France. It lasted 2 month and 9 days.
It is quite prob...
- 1911-10-05 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at 46, avenue de Malakoff (today avenue Raymond Poincaré) at the home of E...
- 1911-10-06 — 'Abdu'l-Baha invited a number of Persian students then in Paris to His apartment. [ABF63-65]
- 1911-10-14 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at the home of Hippolyte and Laura Dreyfus-Barney. This was the first of Hi...
- 1911-10-15 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at His apartment at #4 Avenue de Camoens. During the talk M...
- 1911-10-16 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk before a group of English Baha'is which was given the title The Duty of Kin...
- 1911-10-17 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke in HIs apartment about doing the will of God and not just speaking...
- 1911-10-18 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk entitled, The Power and Value of True Thought Depend upon It...
- 1911-10-19 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke of healing. God is the Great Compassionate Physician Who Alone Gi...
- 1911-10-20 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke of the relationship between East and West, The Need for Union Be
- 1911-10-21 — News of the Battle of Benghazi (17 October) was headline news. It was one of the opening salvos of t...
- 1911-10-23 — In the morning He gave a talk, The Light of Truth is now Shining Upon the East and West. [PT33-
- 1911-10-24 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk, The Universal Love. [PT3539, ABF104-108]
- 1911-10-25 — In the morning He spoke of His imprisonment. The Imprisonment of 'Abdu'l-Baha. [PT39-41; ABF
- 1911-10-26 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at His apartment. God's Greatest Gift to Man. [PT41-4
- 1911-10-27 — In the afternoon 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk at His apartment on the relation between God and man entit...
- 1911-10-28 — 'Abdu'l-Baha's morning talk at His apartment was on the theme that God was the creator of all existe...
- 1911-10-29 — The title for 'Abdu'l-Baha's morning talk was Worldly riches do not help Spirit. [ABF133, SoW vol 2 ...
- 1911-10-30 — His morning talk was titled The True Meaning of the Prophecies Concerning the Coming of Christ
- 1911-10-31 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke at His apartment on the theme of The Holy Spirit, the Intermediary Power between ...
- 1911-11-01 — His talk this day, the Feast of All Saints, was The Two Natures in Man. [ABF143-144, PT60-62]
- 1911-11-02 — 'Abdu'l-Baha's morning talk in His apartment concerned Material and Spiritual Progress. [ABF1
- 1911-11-03 — The morning talk in His apartment was on The Evolution of Matter and Development of the Soul.
- 1911-11-04 — In the morning at His apartment 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about The Spiritual Meetings in Paris. [
- 1911-11-05 — 'Abdu'l-Baha delivered an address entitled The Two Kinds of Light. [ABF155-156, PT68-70]
- 1911-11-06 — This morning's talk at His apartment was Spiritual Aspiration in the West. [ABF161-163, PT70-7
- 1911-11-07 — His morning talk was on Baha'u'llah. [ABF165-169, PT75-79]
- 1911-11-08 — His morning talk at His apartment was Good Ideas Must Be Carried into Action. [ABF169-170, P
- 1911-11-09 — The morning talk at 4, avenue de Camoëns was on The True Meaning of Baptism by Water and Fire.
- 1911-11-10 — In the morning He gave a talk at His apartment on the The First Principle—Search after Truth
- 1911-11-11 — In the morning at His apartment, 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on The Second Principle—The Unity of Man...
- 1911-11-12 — In His apartment at 4 avenue de Camoëns, 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on The Fourth Principle—The Acc...
- 1911-11-13 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk in His apartment on The Fifth Principle—The Abolition of P...
- 1911-11-14 — In the morning in His apartment 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on The Tenth Principle—Equality of Sex
- 1911-11-15 — In the morning in His apartment 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about The Sixth Principle—Means of Existence
- 1911-11-16 — In the morning in His apartment 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke on The Seventh Principle—Equality of Men
- 1911-11-17 — In the morning in His apartment at 4 Avenue de Camoëns, He spoke on the theme of non-interference i...
- 1911-11-18 — In the morning 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke in His apartment on The Eleventh Principle—The Power of the Holy...
- 1911-11-19 — In His morning talk 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about spiritual brotherhood and strongly condemned the war th...
- 1911-11-20 — 'Abdu'l-Baha's talk on this day may have been a response to the attack on the Faith made three days ...
- 1911-11-21 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about material and spiritual progress and the tragedy of war. [ABF216-218]
- 1911-11-22 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on Pain and Sorrow. [ABF218-220; PT109-112]
- 1911-11-23 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on spiritually and virtues. [The Perfect Human Sentiments and Virtues
- 1911-11-24 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke about the press coverage given to a train accident that claimed the lives of some...
- 1911-11-25 — Further to the criticism that had been directed toward the Faith, 'Abdu'l-Baha offered words of enco...
- 1911-11-26 — 'Abdul-Baha was invited to speak at Temple du Foyer de l'Ame at 7bis, rue Duval (today rue du Paster...
- 1911-11-27 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke in His own apartment in the morning and in the evening at the residence of Edwin ...
- 1911-11-28 — In the morning he gave a short talk about the meaning of the spiritual principles on which be had be...
- 1911-11-29 — In the morning he gave a talk in His apartment. It has not been translated into English.
It is ...
- 1911-11-30 — It was about this time that 'Abdu'l-Baha sent four Baha'is to Germany to assist with the teaching an...
- 1911-12-01 — In the evening in the home of Hippolyte and Laura Dreyfus Barney at 15 Rue Greuze 'Abdu'l-Baha gave ...
- 1911-12-02 — `Abdu'l-Baha left Paris for Marseilles by train from the Gare de Lyon arriving late in the day. Lit...
- 1911-12-06 — 'Abdu'l-Baha gave a talk on materialism at a meeting of theosophists, possible at 25, Boulevard Bail...
- 1911-12-07 — 'Abdu'l-Baha departed Marseilles for Egypt on board Le Portugal. It travelled to Beirut via Alexandr...