- Anita Graves, comp. Andalib Collection at Louhelen (2021). Spreadsheet listing the issues of Andalib at Louhelen Bahá'í School (Davison, MI).
- Bahá'í Teachings Concerning Christ: List of References (n.d.). Five-page index to the Bahá'í Writings on various topics of Christian history and teachings.
- bahailib.com Website Archive (2021). Archive of all PDF files from the expired website bahailib.com, including Excel table-of-contents. There are 1740 files named sequentially, 1.pdf ... 1742.pdf, totaling 13GB.
- Various. Collections of Audio and Video Talks: Lists of Speakers and Titles (?-2020). List of talks and presentations in Video or Audio format found at other sites; included here for reference and keyword indexing.
- Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani. William F. McCants, trans, William F. McCants, comp. Command and Creation (Amr va Khalq): Translation of Index and Catalog of Contents (2018). Translation of Mazandarani's Table of Contents for his compilation of Baha'i Writings from 1945 — some not published elsewhere — and a catalog of the contents of each section by McCants, with some notes and partial translations of select passages.
- Bosch Bahá'í School library. Robert Stauffer, comp. Eshraghieh and Mahmoud Rabbani Collection (1998). Arabic and Persian books, tablets, and manuscripts held at the Bosch Bahá'í School library.
- Bruce Limber. I Daniel: Index (1999). An index to the contents of Robert Riggs' book I, Daniel.
- Index and Glossary to Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh (1952/1983). Index and glossary, from the 1952 and the 1976/1983 editions of Gleanings, indexed by page number and by paragraph number.
- Steven Phelps, comp. Index to Ad'iyyih-i-Hadrat-i-Mahbúb (1994). Index of the contents of an Arabic and Persian Bahá'í collection of prayers and scripture.
- Brett Zamir. Indexes of Books, and Miscellaneous Sections of the Writings Not Yet Included Elsewhere Online (2005). All of the published Sacred Writings are available online, but these items are usually scanned without inclusion of indexes, reference tables, and other content. This is a list of links to them
- Adib Taherzadeh. Indexes of Tablet names, diacritics, and transliteration: Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (1982). Indexes only, useful for (1) referencing the diacritics and transliteration of Tablet names, and (2) knowing in which books Taherzadeh discusses which tablets.
- Patricia Paccassi, comp, Frank Paccassi, comp. Indexes to Bahá'í World volumes: Obituaries, chronologies, contents, illustrations (2013). Seven separate indexes for Bahá'í World, in PDF, Word, and Excel versions.
- Iranian National Bahá'í Archives (INBA) (1976-1978). 105 volumes of Bahá'í writings and manuscripts, compiled before the Islamic revolution in Iran by the Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly and distributed as photocopies to Bahá'í scholars and archives, for preservation.
- Sen McGlinn. Leiden List: Bibliography to the Tablets of Bahá'u'lláh (2009-12).
- William P. Collins. Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre (1985:12). Overview of the nature of the Bahá'í World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the Study of the Holy Texts; access to BWC resources; classification schemes.
- List of Works in the New York Public Library Relating to Arabia and the Arabs, Arabic Philosophy, Science and Literature (1911). A single entry "Daghistani" and a section "Muhammadanism / Sects / Babis."
- List of Works in the New York Public Library Relating to Persia: Babism and Behaism (1915). Section "Religion / Parsees / Babism and Behaism."
- Steven Phelps, comp. Loom of Reality: A Partial Inventory of the Works of the Central Figures of the Bahá'í Faith (2020/2023). A website with thematic compilations of quotations from the Bahá’í Writings and beyond, and a catalog of almost 25,000 works attributed to the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, or Abdu’l-Bahá.
- Melanie Smith, Paul Lample. Major Themes of the Creative Word: Series of Books for Deepening and Studying (1987/1993). Five activity books "designed to draw the student into a study of the profound concepts found in the Bahá’í Revelation." Youth Can Move the World, The Significance of Bahá’u’lláh’s Revelation, Spiritual Conquest of the Planet, The Covenant, etc.
- Graham Hassall. Obituary: James Heggie (1999). The life and work of Heggie (1915-1992), a prominent Australian Bahá'í and long-term member and secretary of the Australian National Spiritual Assembly.
- Dharlene Valeda. Organizing Digital Collections: The Case of the Bahá'í Academics Resource Library (2001-05/2003-01). Library Science analysis of the Bahá'í Library's content and architecture, observations about online information retrieval, and ways to structure digital libraries.
- Ahang Rabbani, comp. Persian/Arabic Bahá'í Books in the Library of Ahang Rabbani (1999). Private library of Persian and Arabic sacred writings and other Bahá'í-related material.
- Roger M. Dahl, Lewis Walker. Searchable online catalogues for US National Bahá'í Library and Louhelen Library (2014-12). Overview of and links to online catalogues for two American Bahá'í archives.
- Youli A. Ioannesyan. St. Petersburg 19th Century Orientalist Collection of Materials on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths, The: Primary and Other Sources (2006). The important work of Russian scholars up to 1917 in collecting Bábí and Bahá’í materials; a detailed listing of available materials.
- Albert R. Windust, ed, Gertrude Buikema, ed. Star of the West Volume 1 (1910-1911).
- Theses and dissertations on the Bahá'í Faith: 1954-1994/2003 (1995/2003). List of dissertations, as taken from the ProQuest database. Needs to be updated.
- Merle Cates, comp. Thief in the Night: Index (n.d.). Older, alternate index to the one provided in the newer digital versions of this book. This copy is one Sears himself would sometimes share with people.
- Topical Index of Articles, Editorials, and Reviews Published in World Order (2014). Listing of articles from issues 1 through 38, 1966-2007, organized by topic.
- Wilmette Institute Presentations on Youtube.com (2011-2021). Link to Youtube channel with dozens of educational presentations and videos, listed here for keyword searching and tagging.
- خوشه هایی از خرمن ادب و هنر (Khúshih-Há'í Az Kharman-i-Adab va Honar): "From the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature" (1989-2018). Twenty volumes of scholarship in Persian, based on proceedings and papers from the Society of Persian Arts and Letters conferences (Khoosh-i-Ha'i Az Kharman-i-Adab va Honar = "from the rich harvest of Persian culture and literature").