- Aboriginal and Indigenous People, Teaching Among, by Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2000) Importance and scope of the teaching work among the masses of various countries and their aboriginal and indigenous inhabitants.
- Aboriginal Health, Healing, Spirituality, Truth and Forgiveness, by Diana Rose Yoka. (2001) On love, healing, and forgiveness; colonization of Australia in the 1700s; ceremonial burial practices; traditional egalitarian societies; Edith Cowan, the first woman member of Parliament; my life experience as an aboriginal.
- Australian Bahá'í Studies: Vol. 2, by Various. (2000) The complete issue of volume 2. Some papers were delivered at the 18th annual ABS conference "The Creative Inspiration: Arts and Culture in the Bahá’í Faith" (Melbourne, September 1999).
- Bioprospecting and Indigenous Knowledge in Australia: Implications of Valuing Indigenous Spiritual Knowledge, by John Hunter, Chris Jones. (2006-07) Co-authored/painted paper by Aboriginal and 'Western' authors primarily focusing on spiritual issues in law.
- Effects of addiction/alcoholism, acculturation, physical, emotional and sexual violence on the education of aboriginal children, The, by Tjanara Goreng-Goreng. (1995) The social problems facing many Australian aboriginal children; the need to involve indigenous peoples themselves in responding to these problems.
- Indigenous Messengers of God, by Christopher Buck, Kevin Locke. (2014-2020) 68 essays on Native American theology and history from the perspective of Bahá'í teachings.
- List of Articles on BahaiTeachings.org, by Christopher Buck. (2014/2020/2024) List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014.
- Lonely road to native title determination, A, by Walter Waia. (2000) A personal account of the Saibai Island Native Title Claim: a story of an Indigenous Australian who "walked a learning road to fulfill his obligations to his family, his clan and to the community."
- Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen. (2011) The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions; relevance to the performing arts; and the concept of refinement which comes across in both the person and the writings of the Báb.
- Protocols in Aboriginal Communities, by Darryl French. (2002) Guide to fostering respectful and productive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people; cultural sensitivity and historical awareness; Aboriginal English and communication in meetings; addressing barriers; the role of elders.
- Return of the Dreamtime, by Pym Trueman. (1995) Brief history of Christianity and missionary work in Samoa and Australia, and how native Samoan customs and beliefs were changed or lost.
- Return to Tyendinaga: The Story of Jim and Melba Loft, Bahá'í Pioneers, by Evelyn Loft Watts and Patricia Verge: Review, by Lee Brown. (2013) History of the first Aboriginal believers in Canada, who moved from Michigan to pioneer in the Tyendinaga First Nation in Ontario in 1948.
- Scholarship from an Aboriginal Perspective, by Diana Rose Yoka. (1996) Scholarship can be demonstrated in our daily lives, through how we interact with each other and put Bahá'u'lláh's admonitions into action; it is not limited to the written word: to have meaning it needs to include experiential learning.
- Something Regal: Uncle Fred Murray Extracts from a compilation of tributes, photographs and stories, by June Perkins. (2000) Stories about and pictures of Fred Murray, an early Indigenous Baha’i.