A comprehensive research and educational tool for the student or teacher of the Bahá'í Faith. Includes curriculum guides, lecture outlines, annotated bibliographies, and lists of educational materials.
Chapter 3Writings of Bahá'u'lláhThe following is a list of the major writings of Bahá'u'lláh published in English. Length may vary with different editions; page numbers are just included to give the reader an idea of the size of the work. More complete bibliographic entries for those works cited in the guide are given in the BIBLIOGRAPHY, below.
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf. 193 p. Wilmette: Bahá'í
Publishing Trust. Many editions.
Writings of the BábVery little of the Báb's revelation has been translated into English. Denis MacEoin has provided the most complete description of the Báb's works in his Sources for Early Bábí Doctrine and History, which is an updated and expanded revision of his 1977 Fellowship Dissertation for King's College, A Revised Survey of the Sources for Early Bábí Doctrine and History. His Sources for Early Bábí Doctrine and History contains a full listing and summary of the Báb's known works, index of first lines, index of titles, the location of known manuscript copies, and histories of the preservation or loss of certain works. Shoghi Effendi provides a short list of the Báb's best-known works in appendix one of the Dawnbreakers.
Works of the Báb published in English: A Compilation of Passages from the Writings of the Báb. 56 p. Compiled by the Universal House of Justice. New Delhi: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1980. Bahá'í Prayers. 276 p. 2d ed. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1982. Though most of the prayers contained in this collection are from Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, there are a few from the Báb. Selections from the Writings of the Báb. 235 p. Haifa: Bahá'í World Centre, 1976. This is by far the longest and most complete collection of the Báb's writings yet published in English. Works which include some writings of the Báb: Materials for the Study of the Bábí Religion. 380 p. Compiled by Edward Granville Browne. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1918. This random assortment of material includes a few pieces of tangential use, including documents on the Báb's examination at Tabríz in 1848, a bibliography of Bábí works, and an unreliable history by Muhammad Jawád Qazvíní. Selections from the Writings of E. G. Browne. 499 p. Edited by Moojan Momen. Oxford: George Ronald, 1987. This work does not contain any translations as such, but it does include Browne's summary of the Persian Bayán as well as a wealth of other useful information and snippets of translations.
The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl's Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá'í Revelation. 685 p. By Nabíl-i-Zarandí, translated and edited by Shoghi Effendi. Wilmette, Ill.: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1932. This work does not contain any translations of the Báb's works, but it does include many of his recorded statements and his "Address to the Letters of the Living," pp. 92-4. This address has been reprinted in Hidden Words and Selected Holy Writings, Malaysia: Bahá'í Publishing Trust, 1985, pages 93-8.
Works of the Báb in French There have also been significant translations of the Báb's works into European languages, especially Russian and French. I include here only the French, since they are likely to be more accessible to the casual scholar than the Russian.
Journal Asiatique. 1866 translation of a work by Kazem Beg of an unidentified Arabic work of the Báb. Kitáb-i-nuqtat al-káf and Táríkh-i-Jadíd are two early histories of the Bábí movement translated by E. G. Browne, in 1910 and 1893, respectively. Though not containing major works of the Báb, and though their authorship and accuracy are disputed, they were influential and are still important translations. Le Bayán Arabe, translated by A. L. M. Nicolas. 235 p. Paris: Librarie Ernest Leroux, 1905. Le Bayán Persan, translated in four volumes by A. L. M. Nicolas. 669 p. total. Paris: Librarie Paul Geuthner, 1911 through 1914. Le Livre des Sept Preuves, translated by A. L. M. Nicolas. Paris: Librarie Maison-neuve, 1902. This and the above two translations of Nicolas are said to be accurate and valuable translations. Religions et philosophies dans l'Asie centrale. Comte de Gobineau. Paris, 1865. This history is the first detailed scholarly work by a Westerner on the Bábí movement. Gobineau included a partial translation of the Arabic Bayán as an appendix to this book. It is said to be a poor translation with many errors. La Religion de Bab, Reformateur Persan. M. Clement Huart. Paris: Earnest Leroux, 1889. 64 pp. Contains about 25 pages of translations.
Writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá'Abdu'l-Bahá's published teachings fall into two categories: translations of writings and transcriptions of talks. All of the former are considered authentic. The latter may contain errors, and so they carry slightly less authority. An exception is Some Answered Questions, the notes for which 'Abdu'l-Bahá personally proofread. The following list of his major writings published in English is divided between these two categories. Works that are short, old, or unavailable have been excluded. This list is culled, with permission, from William Collins, Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths 1844-1985, Oxford: George Ronald, 1990. Length may vary with different editions; page numbers are included merely to give the reader an idea of the size of the work. Multiple editions from different publishing houses are not listed. More complete bibliographic entries for those works cited in the guide are given in the BIBLIOGRAPHY, below. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's published writings:
Christ's Promise Fulfilled. 76 p. Excerpts from Some Answered
Questions. Many editions. 'Abdu'l-Bahá's published talks:
'Abdu'l-Bahá in Canada. 64 p. Toronto: National Spiritual
Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada. 1962.
Writings of Shoghi Effendi
The following is a list of the major writings of Shoghi Effendi published in English. Works that are short, old, or unavailable have been excluded. Length may vary with different editions; page numbers are just included to give the reader an idea of the size of the work. More complete bibliographic entries for those works cited in the guide are given in the BIBLIOGRAPHY, below.
Advent of Divine Justice. 90 p. Wilmette: Bahá'í
Publishing Trust. Many editions. Citations from Major Humanities Indices
This appendix is a list of articles cited in some of the major indices of humanities journals. It is not an exhaustive list of articles published on the Bahá'í Faith, for it is limited to: (1) articles published within the past two and a half decades; (2) articles found in those journals or magazines commonly available in public and college libraries; (3) articles referenced under the keywords Bahai, Bahaism, Bahá'u'lláh, Bábí, and Bábísm. It does, however, list all articles (some short book reviews have been excluded) cited in these sources. It is for the first two of these reasons that the researcher might find it helpful--that is, the articles contained herein are precisely those most easily accessible. More complete bibliographies can be found by consulting the Index Islamicus and William Collins' Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths 1844-1985, the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, and the Social Sciences Citation Index. The Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 6.2-3 (Feb. 1992) includes an appendix listing citations from AHCI and other academic indices, and many of the later issues of the Bulletin list addenda to Collins' Bibliography. Further, Seena Fazel has demonstrated in "Some Observations Regarding Bibliographic Citations in Non-Bahá'í Periodicals and the Academic Study of the Bahá'í Faith," in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 6.2-3 (Feb. 1992), and "The Bahá'í Faith and Academic Journals," in Bahá'í Studies Review, 3.2 (1994), that humanities indices, including AHCI and SSCI, are not always wholly accurate or consistent about citing Bahá'í materials.
Note: to repeat, the above listing only includes common non-academic articles. More complete listings can be found by consulting the Index Islamicus, William Collins' Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Bábí and Bahá'í Faiths 1844-1985, the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
The Bahá'í Faith in Religion Textbooks and EncyclopediasHere are listed the most common introductory textbooks and dictionaries on the world's religions, as well as some major encyclopedias, organized by the degree to which they include a useful presentation of the Bahá'í Faith. Since the focus of this bibliography is books more than authors, they are alphabetized by title. Parenthetical notes follow most entries. ** Introductory religion textbooks, encyclopedias, and dictionaries which include a complete, useful, and accurate presentation of the FaithEncyclopaedia Iranica. Ed. Ehsan Yarshater. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985-. (Without doubt the encyclopedia containing the most complete and most numerous entries on the Faith, its history, and its major personages. Articles by a veritable who's who of Bahá'í academics on a good variety of subjects, from Azalís to Cosmology, Bahá'í.) ** Introductory religion textbooks and dictionaries which include a useful and accurate but short presentation of the FaithAmerica's Alternative Religions. Ed. Timothy Miller. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. (Article on the Faith, "The American Bahá'í Community in the Nineties," is good but too specific to use as a general introductory text.) ** Introductory religion textbooks, encyclopedias, and dictionaries which include a relatively accurate but dated or marginally useful presentation of the FaithThe Encyclopedia Americana. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Incorporated, 1992. (Articles are out of date and contain the consequent inaccuracies, but are otherwise complete summaries.) ** Introductory religion textbooks and dictionaries which include
2. BCCA 3. Email 4. World Wide Web 5. Usenet 6. FTP 7. Software |
The internet is a complex, unorganized, rapidly evolving, and ever-changing environment. Thus, while the structure and technology of it can be explained relatively easily, it is rarely possible to give a complete content description for any specific topic. This document will list most of the major resources available. The reader can use these as entrance points into cyberspace, from which points he or she can search and discover the rest. One can also consult the list of Publishing Houses and Journals for email and homepage addresses. Many of these web addresses also provide lists of links and thus can serve as starting points.
The internet is often equated with the World Wide Web, largely because of the relatively recent advent of graphical web browsers like Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. These allow the user to interface with many different types of internet resource through one program, masking what is in reality a variety of distinct internet functions. The primary types of basic functions, or "protocols," are the World Wide Web, which allows one to view pages of text and graphics from distant computers; email, which allows one to send data, usually letters, from one person's private "account" to another's; the Usenet, which allows one to read from or add to a public message database, much as one would tack notes on to an office bulletin-board; FTP, which transfers files from one computer to another; and Internet Relay Chat, with which computer users who are logged-on at the same time can type messages to each other, much like a large telephone conference-call conducted through computers. There are other basic protocols but they tend to be out- dated (like gopher), little-used (like hytelnet), for somewhat advanced application (like telnet), or not yet functional (like virtual reality).
The internet rapidly changes in many ways. Web sites and listservers (defined below) come into and go out of existence with great rapidity, and their addresses change even more regularly (many are operated by students on their university's computers and so have to change addresses every time they change or leave schools). The information contained in this section is all current as of July 2000, but will gradually decrease in accuracy. Should an address be invalid, the best option is to do an internet search for it (using a source such as Yahoo or Altavista) to see if the site has relocated.
This guide to internet resources will first describe the main Baha'i source for organizing and assisting with the internet, the Baha'i Computer and Communications Association-the BCCA-and then list the major resources for the primary features in relative order of common availability: email, the web, the usenet, and ftp. Quotations included are from the relevant webpages or listservers discussed and so their sources are not cited.
The Baha'i Computer and Communications Association is, according to its mission statement, "a group of Baha'is dedicated to promoting use of computer, network and telecommunication technologies in the service of the global Baha'i community and humanity in order to foster consultation, and to propagate the healing message of Baha'u'llah." Its mandate includes: (1) providing a pool of Baha'i technical volunteers; (2) disseminating information and details on Baha'i computer projects around the world; (3) providing assistance to Baha'i institutions and individuals to develop solutions with computer and telecommunications technology; (4) encouraging individual Baha'is to form local computer user groups which will serve local Baha'i institutions in a given area; (5) creating conferencing and consultation forums linking Baha'is around the world by telecommunications and computer technologies; (6) seeking to establish computer and communications standards that can be adopted by the Baha'i World Community; (7) disseminating information on computing and communications technology to the Baha'i World Community; (8) developing Computer Mediated Communication techniques that will efficiently communicate the healing message of Baha'u'llah to the generality of humankind; and (9) providing, in a systematic way, a full range of communication and consultation facilities to Baha'i educational institutions around the world.
The Baha'i Computer and Communications Association can be contacted at: BCCA Phone: (206) 453-8766 203 Bellevue Way N.E. Suite 314 FAX:(206) 453-7083 Bellevue, WA 98004 Webpage: www.bcca.org USA Email: webmaster@www.bcca.orgThe BCCA maintains a few basic files describing matters of interest to Baha'i on the internet, an index for which can be obtained by sending a blank email to get-index@bcca.org. One of these, a good if dated summary of Baha'i online activities, can be obtained by sending a blank email to get-faq1@bcca.org.
Note: see also the FAQ at www.geocities.com/Athens/3751/faq1-list.html.
The most common use of email is for users to send messages back and forth to each other as individuals. This is not a public feature and is not a resource. However, there is a mechanism called a "listserver" by which email postings can be shared amongst a private group of individuals. One host computer will act as a central switching station for the listserver, sending a copy of every email sent to it back out to every member of the group. It is thus like the usenet (see below), save that the medium of transmission is different and it tends to be a more regulated environment. Unlike the usenet, listservers are sometimes private, not automated, in which case one must write to a contact person to get added. Like the usenet, listserver groups are each focused on one topic. Unlike the usenet, these topics tend to be more specific and useful: where the usenet tends to feature groups discussing popular culture and events, listservers often address the needs of more private professional or academic communities. Some listservers, such as talisman2000@egroups.com or zuhur19@egroups.com, also have web interfaces where one can read and post email.
There are numerous listservers, from private ones for small Baha'i clubs at individual universities or for Baha'is employed at individual corporations to public ones such as fora for Baha'i announcements, Baha'is in Japan, Baha'i singles, Baha'i literature, Baha'i women, or Baha'i academics. Since many of these are regional and/or private, far more exist than any one database could know of and list. The best ways to seek specific listservers are either to write to the BCCA at webmaster@www.bcca.org or post a question to an appropriate public one or to soc.religion.bahai (see below).
Three of the major general Baha'i listervs are bahai-announce, bahai-discuss, and bahai-faith. Baha'i-announce is a world-wide forum for announcements of Baha'i-related matters. Baha'i-discuss is probably the largest and most active of the Baha'i-only listservers, and is used for general discussion of any matter related to the Faith which members wish to discuss. Bahai-faith is the email version of the usenet newsgroup soc.religion.bahai (see below), designed for those without usenet access. To subscribe to any of these three, send your request to bahai-announce-request@bcca.org, to bahai-discuss-request@bcca.org, or to bahai-faith-request@bcca.org, resp. (include your full name, Baha'i ID #, and city/state/country of residence). To post messages to the newsgroup (which will be first screened by the moderators), emails are sent to bahai-announce@bcca.org, bahai-discuss@bcca.org, or bahai-faith@bcca.org.
Other available services include the Noble Creation list, which discusses social and economic development issues, and can be subscribed to by sending a blank email to noble-creation-request@bcca.org. Postings to Noble Creation are sent to Noble-Creation@bcca.org, and more information can be obtained at www.bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation. There is a variety of listservers for Baha'is only, including bahai-announce, which focuses on news and other announcements of interest to the Baha'i community; Bahai-discuss, which is a somewhat random discussion of Baha'i-related issues; Bahai-women-converse, of issues for and about women; and others. Listservers for both Baha'is and non-Baha'is available here include Race Unity, for discussions of racial equality and elimination of prejudice, and Bahai-Readings, a daily posting of excerpts from Baha'i sacred texts.
Some Baha'i listservers are also hosted at egroups.com, including race-unity@egroups.com (subscribe by sending a blank email to race-unity-subscribe@egroups.com) and bahai-environment@egroups.com.
To subscribe to one of these, write to bahai-request@bcca.org. Include the following in the email: (1) Email address of person subscribing, in lowercase letters only (it usually comes with the mail, but it may have an interim host included or it may have to be extracted from other extraneous header information); (2) name of the person subscribing, last name first; (3) The NAME(s) of the LIST(s) you wish to subscribe to (there is more than one list managers); if a Baha'i-only listserver, then include either one's Baha'i ID number or, if not available, then the name of a Baha'i that can verify your status; and (5) place of residence (city, state/province (for US or Canada), and country). You may include your full home address and phone numbers (home, work including area code and country code, where applicable) for inclusion in the BCCA database, but if you do, then you must indicate if this information can be given out to other Baha'is on e-mail database queries. For a description of all other BCCA mailing lists send a blank email to get-faq1@bcca.org.
A variety of scholarly listservers has been born and died in the past three years. The three main ones in existence as of this writing are Bahai-studies, H-Bahai, and Talisman (this is actually Talisman two: after a brief hiatus, the group Talisman one changed mandates and owners in June, 1996). These three groups have slightly different atmospheres, levels and types of discussion, and often different memberships. Some of these have splintered into smaller groups, as for example Talisman two has spun off talisman2000@egroups.com and zuhur19@egroups.com, and there are surely other academic Baha'i lists than these. The Wilmette Institute, for example, has its own public list for Baha'i studies announcements, which can be subscribed to by sending a blank email to subscribe-winews@lists.usbnc.org or visiting the website lists.usbnc.org/lyris/lyris.pl?enter=winews.
Bahai-studies is an unmoderated group maintained by Mark A. Foster. Its mandate is "the consultative investigation of truth/reality, using the Baha'i Teachings as its spiritual foundation. In light of the list's purposes and objectives, it is not a discussion/announcement list in the usual sense." It is available both in a regular version (mailings are received in one's mail inbox as and when posted) and as a digest (mailings are collated and received as one compilation of postings in one's inbox once per day). To subscribe, send a message to major@jccc.net. The subject line is to be left blank, and in the body of the text one writes "subscribe bahai-st" (without quotation marks). All other information, such as tag lines and signature files, should be removed. To subscribe to the digest version, do the same but write "subscribe bahai-st-digest" in the body instead. To post a message to the Baha'i Studies list, send it to bahai-st@jccc.net. For this the subject line and the body of the message can be whatever the writer wishes to post; this message will go to every member of the group, not to the automated subscription program.
H-Bahai is "an academic forum for the discussion of technical issues in the study of the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i movements. Not only university teachers and graduate students, but exceptionally qualified high school teachers, librarians, and other intellectuals are potential candidates for membership. A degree in the humanities or social sciences is usually required." Membership is restricted "to individuals who have demonstrated a serious interest in the academic study of the Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Faiths, as evidenced in professional training, publications, teaching or service to these or closely related fields, or by other relevant significant achievements or signs of ability to contribute to academic discourse on the subject." H-Bahai is sponsored by H-Net, the Humanities and Social Sciences On-line of Michigan State University. Its level of discussion tends to be fairly scholarly, and its membership is almost exclusively academic. To join H-BAHAI, send a message to listserver@h-net.msu.edu, with no subject line, and only this in the body: "sub H-BAHAI firstname lastname, institution," where personal information is substituted for "firstname lastname, institution." Capitalization does not matter, but spelling, spaces and commas do. When you include your own information, the message will look something like this: "sub H-BAHAI Jonah Winters, University of Toronto." If you have any questions or experience any difficulties in attempting to subscribe, send a message to Juan Cole, jrcole@umich.edu. H-Bahai also has a website homepage: see below.
Talisman is unmoderated, meaning that any posting automatically is sent to all group members, and unlike H-Bahai has no expectation that its members will hold a higher or post-secondary degree. The mission statement of Irfan, a now-defunct listserverer, applies equally well to both: "The purpose of the Irfan list is to disseminate information and ideas emerging from the academic study of the Baha'i Faith beyond the academic community and to facilitate discussions of issues relating to the Baha'i Faith that are informed by academic scholarship." Talisman can be subscribed to by sending a blank email message to talisman9-subscribe@onelist.com
Though the most famous and visible part of the internet, the web is actually one of its newest. It is, however, one of the most useful means of searching for and downloading information. Indeed, the number of unpublished articles, histories, and provisional translations available online, as well as the complete set of sacred writings, Baha'i International Community statements, and other official material, makes the web an indispensable source of information.
There are several hundred Baha'i oriented sites currently available online, and the number is growing by at least 20% per year. One need not list more than just a few of these, though, because one of the prime features of the web is its ability to "link," i.e. to connect different documents and distant sites to each other: from each one the internet user can find indices of numerous others and quickly explore dozens of different sites. Most of these are what are here termed "standard" Baha'i sites, so-called because for the most part they present the same information and the same links, differing mostly in manner of presentation and items of regional or personal interest.
The sacred writings have been available by ftp (see below) from the Baha'i World Center for some time. They are now mirrored to many other sites around the world and available through web browsers. An index to some of these sites is available at www.bcca.org/info/texts/topiclist.html. The BCCA homepage, http://www.bcca.org, is a good starting point for other internet Baha'i resources. From here one can find links to online compilations, The Baha'is magazine online (oneworld.wa.com/bahai/magazine/cover.html), Baha'i International Community statements, relatively complete lists of individuals' and groups' homepages, Baha'i-related photographs and clip-art, and explanations of other resources such as chat groups and listservers. Very good indices to all of these resources, organized differently and perhaps more clearly, can also by found at bcca.org/bahaivision (formerly "Glen Little's Baha'i Page"). The Baha'i International Community's homepage also opens with a good introductory online magazine on the Faith, at www.bahai.org.
Another good starting point for one wishing to explore the Baha'i webpages without necessarily searching for specific items is the Baha'i Webring. The Webring is a service which allows sites with a common theme to interconnect. When one enters a webring, one can choose options such as jumping to the next page on the ring, the previous one, or any random site. To join this service, or to enter the Baha'i Webring from the top, go to webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?home&ring=bahai (this server is frequently down; if no response, try again a day later). To enter the ring at a randomly-chosen site, type webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?id=112&ring=bahai&random into your web browser.
Finally, Baha'is who have a valid United States Baha'i identity card can access the United States Baha'i National Center's website, www.usbnc.org. This site contains among other things feast messages, news, annual reports, descriptions of the major departments at the Baha'i National Center, their functions, and answers to common question about them.
Academic Baha'i Sites are harder to find than the standard ones—while there are well over a hundred sites providing information of a personal or regional interest, and linking to the same few providers of sacred texts, images, and other common information, there is only a handful of sites providing new and original academic information, or information presented in a scholarly fashion.
The largest online resource for Baha'i studies is the Baha'i Academics Resource Library, bahai-library.org. This site features several thousand documents broken down into headings such as Primary Source Material, which includes provisional translations, letters from the Universal House of Justice, historical documents, and pilgrims' notes; Secondary Source Material, which includes articles, journalistic pieces, book reviews, court documents, and personal essays; Resource Tools, which includes a database of Baha'i scholars, bibliographies, journal indices, and philological tools; and a listing of all of the useful academic sites. This Resource Guide is also available at this site in an online format.
The other sites of academic utility will all be listed here, because it could take some time for the researcher to find them on his or her own. The H-Bahai listserver, run by H-Net, the "Humanities and Social Sciences On-Line" initiative sponsored Michigan State University and supported by National Endowment for the Humanities and the Michigan Council for the Humanities, also has a webpage at h-net.msu.edu/~bahai. Here is included a variety of articles, provisional translations, historical materials in the original Arabic and Persian (available as graphic files), book reviews, and other documents such as the "Occasional Papers in Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies" series. The H-Bahai homepage is emerging as a very useful site for original online publishing, and is the most scholarly and selective collection of academic materials available.
Juan R.I. Cole's Home Page, www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bahai.htm, was the first academic webpage on the Faith. It includes numerous original Baha'i material as well as other Islamic studies and related links. Some of these documents, and others similar, are included at the website for the H-Bahai listserver, http://h-net.msu.edu/~bahai. Both of these websites also feature documents related to Babi and Baha'i history in their original Arabic and Persian-these have been scanned and entered as photo images, which can then be viewed online page-by-page. Moojan Momen's Religious Studies page, http://www.northill.demon.co.uk/relstud, includes a few original and not otherwise-available articles authored by him, and his Arjmand Colloquia page, http://www.northill.demon.co.uk/irfan, includes abstracts from and reports on the Haj Mehdi Arjmand seminars for the study of sacred texts. Stephen Fuqua's site, Spirit of Glory: The Baha'i Faith's Studies Material, page offers a wide variety of materials, some not available elsewhere. Finally, worthy of note is Sifter: An Institute for the Study of Baha'i Writings, http://www.shodjai.org/new.html. Among other things Sifter features one thousand letters of Shoghi Effendi which are available only in books elsewhere online but here are indexed chronologically, complete with publishing information. The North American Association for Baha'i Studies also has a webpage, www.bahai-studies.ca.
The usenet is a public "bulletin-board" system accessed through applications with titles like "newsreader," "net news," or, in UNIX, "trn," "rn," and "tin." It is divided up into numerous—over 21,000—individual "newsgroups," each one dedicated to discussing a specific topic. Though joining a group is called "subscribing," joining is actually free and automated. Newsgroups have names like alt.fan.michael.jackson, alt.binaries.art.digitized, comp.macintosh.utilities, rec.humor, soc.culture.iranian, talk.clubs.boy.scouts, etc.
Thus far two newsgroups are dedicated to discussing the Baha'i Faith: talk.religion.bahai and soc.religion.bahai. The former is somewhat new and hence might not carried by all internet service providers. It is unmoderated, and tends to contain many postings, sometimes critical, by non-Baha'is. In contrast, soc.religion.bahai (often abbreviated "srb") has been in existence for a few years and is stable and reliable. It is moderated, meaning that editors read all submissions to the group before posting them publicly to screen out junk mail and the occasional hate mail.
Soc.religion.bahai's mission statement defines it thus: "The newsgroup will act as a non- threatening forum for discussing and sharing information about the tenets, history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. Prior to its formation there was a good amount of traffic on this topic in other newsgroups; this group provides a 'single point of contact' for such discussion. Examples of posts that fall within the group's scope are: (1) The Baha'i Faith's relation to other religions; (2) Relevance of Baha'i principles to current world events/problems; (3) Analysis of particular scriptural passages or themes; and (4) General Q & A."
One can subscribe to soc.religion.bahai within one's newsreader application. If it does not appear to be available, contact the customer service representative of your internet service provider to get it added to your newsfeed. More information can be obtained by visiting its website, the Soc.Religion.Bahai home page, at bcca.org/services/srb. At this site one can access the srb archives, as well as read introductory articles about srb, the Baha'i Faith, a bibliography for the Faith, and a document on Baha'i Resources on the Internet. As well, if one does not wish to or cannot use a newsreader, all srb postings can be obtained via email-see above.
To date, the original collection of sacred and related texts from the Baha'i World Center is only available via file transfer protocol—ftp—though they are mirrored in many other places via the web (via hypertext transfer protocol, http), such as at bahai-library.org/writings. If for any reason one seeks to access these files from the world center instead of from the sites mirrored on the web, one can simply use one's web browser. Type ftp://ftp.bwc.org/bahai/ into the "location" or "go" bar. Explore the directories or read the "readme" files to get directions. To download a file, simply click on the file name. Before downloading a zipped file, be sure to have the appropriate decompression software. With UNIX, at the command prompt type "ftp," then "open ftp.bwc.org." When connected, type "anonymous" as login and your login name (e.g., for me it's "winters") as your password. Commands include "help" to list topics; "ls" to list files and directories; "cd (directory name)," e.g. "cd bahai" to change directories; "cd .." (note two periods) to move to one directory higher; "get (filename)," e.g. "get nabil.zip" to download a file, and "quit" to exit. If it won't let you download it is likely that you are seeing a directory, not a file. For example, "iqan" is a folder containing different format versions of the Kitab-i-Iqan. One must first change directory, "cd iqan," then list contents, "ls," and then download the desired file, e.g. "get iqa-eng-txt01-Z." This process may seem more foreign to the new internet user and is more difficult to navigate than simply accessing the files via the web. It is listed here for the sake of completeness.
Many pieces of Baha'i-related computer software, such as search programs, can be either ordered or downloaded online. Ian Vink Software, ianvink.com/bahai, includes free programs such as study guides and graphics as well as purchasable software for community administration and other study guides. For a list of other software sites, see bahai-library.com/links.
The authoritative Baha'i Writings are available online for handheld computers, sp. using the PalmOS (i.e. Palm Pilot) and PocketPC (Microsoft) operating systems. These have been prepared by Darren Hiebert and can be found at http://www.jkl.com/eBahai.
There are at least two CD-ROMs available which have archived almost all academic and primary-source Baha'i material available on the internet on a CD-ROM. Both are designed to be an offline equivalent of surfing Baha'i sites on the web, intended largely for use by those (1) without Internet access, (2) with a slow modem, or (3) simply wishing to have all relevant sites archived on their own computer for ease of use and speed of access. One is Graham Sorenson's, which can be ordered from bahai-library.org/cdrom. The second is the Master Baha'i Library.
"Archive" is a searchable electronic textbase of the Baha'i Writings for both Macintosh and Windows computers, which features a user-friendly Mac-like interface. It features regular updates, available for free for registered users. It can be ordered from http://bahai-library.org/archive.
"Immerse: The Electronic Baha'i Library," by Bernal Schooley, is a free set of all the sacred Baha'i writings complete with a full text proximity search feature (including boolean, wildcard, and phrase support searching) which allows the user to find passages in nearly four hundred books, messages by the Baha'i Central Figures, the Universal House of Justice, and holy books from the major world religions. It is currently available for Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 only. The original website, tranquillity.com/immerse, is no longer active, but the program has appeared again at www6.zdnet.com/cgi-bin/texis/swlib/hotfiles/info.html?fcode=000EJA. See also the new homepage, at www.lotsofschooleys.com/Immerse/index.htm.
A new entry to the software market is the "Baha'i Library Multi-Media CD-ROM," billed as "the first multimedia Baha'i reference library available to date in the Baha'i world. This multimedia reference CD is a continuance of Digital Era Productions' previous product, the Baha'is Magazine CD ROM, (www.bahaicd.com) introduced in 1997 as a multimedia version of the Baha'is Magazine." It costs $129, and is available from www.bahailibrary.com.
MARS: Multiple Author Refer System is a popular Baha'i-text search engine which can be purchased online at crimsonpublications.com.
"Sifter: Star of the West" CD-ROM contains all 25 volumes of the original Star of the West in a single CD. Includes the article "Introduction to Star of the West" by Duane Troxel.
A final software resource to list is True Seeker, which is an online search engine for the Baha'i sacred writings. The True Seeker home page allows you to do key word searches of the Baha'i Writings, either by searching all texts or a specific subset. This can be found at metalab.unc.edu/Bahai/TrueSeeker.
Most of these videos on the Bahá'í Faith are designed to highlight an aspect of the Bahá'í Faith, but are usually prepared in a documentary or news magazine format, and thus are often suitable for use in the classroom. For information on how to obtain these tapes, contact the Bahá'í Distribution Service: phone (800) 999-9019; email bds@usbnc.org.
Bahá'í Education in India. This documentary explores the impact the Bahá'í teachings on education and economic development are having in rural India and describes the role of grassroots Bahá'í governing bodies (local spiritual assemblies) in fostering development.
Bahá'í National Convention Telecast. 120 minutes. This video, transmitted live from the 88th Bahá'í National Convention in Chicago in 1997, gives an insight into the proceedings of a national convention. Includes the statement "Two Wings of a Bird: The Equality of Men and Women."
Bahá'í Newsreel. Approx. 30-60 minutes. A series of news videos on current events in the Bahá'í Faith, produced three or more times a year by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. The "Bahá'í Newsreel" is designed to inform the Bahá'ís of the major developments in their religion, to emphasize the current concerns of the National Spiritual Assembly and the Universal House of Justice, and, to a lesser extent, to demonstrate what the Bahá'í Faith is doing to solve world problems. Some newsreels may be suitable for classroom use, depending on the need of the class and the nature of the audience.
From Haitian Roots. 20 minutes. A documentary about education and development projects carried out by the Haitian Bahá'í community, especially at the Anís Zunúzí School, a Bahá'í elementary school near Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
The Green Light Expedition. Several hours in length. A documentary about the trip of Madame Rúhíyyih Rabbání, widow of Shoghi Effendi and one of the most prominent Bahá'ís in the world, up the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers and into the Andes Mountains of Peru to meet indigenous peoples of South America and encourage them to strengthen their knowledge of the Bahá'í Faith. Parts may be suitable for anthropology audiences, as it highlights the relationship between the Bahá'í Faith and native peoples.
Jewel in the Lotus. 27 minutes. A video about the Bahá'í House of Worship at Bahapur, outside New Delhi, India, from its conception in the early years of this century through the enormously complex construction phase to its dedication in 1986.
Lasting Remembrances. Appr. ten hours. This series of five videos consititute the oficial video recordings of the second Bahá'í World Congress in New York, 1992. Contents include speeches, dramatic presentations, and performances by the World Congress choir.
Mona With the Children and The Making of the Mona Video. Approx. 45 minutes. In 1983 Islamic officials ordered ten Bahá'í women in Shíráz to be hanged for refusing to deny their religion and to convert to Islam. Among the ten was eighteen-year-old Mona Mahmudnezhad. She was executed for her "crime" of teaching Bahá'í children's classes. Her heroism inspired the writing of a song by Canadian pop star Doug Cameron titled "Mona with the Children" which was made into a brief "rock" video. Following the video is a description of why the video was made and what its various scenes signify. In the process, the video describes the persecution of the Bahá'ís of Iran in a powerful, poignant, and dignified way. A video particularly suitable for high school and junior college classes.
Morning Stars: A Profile of Kevin Locke. 28 minutes. An introduction to the Bahá'í Faith as it relates to Native American culture, religion, and prophecy, featuring Kevin Locke, a Lakota Sioux musician and dancer who is a former member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States.
Nova Bahá'í Video Series. A series of seven tapes, available in many languages and formats, on the basic subjects of the Faith, including Bahá'í history, teachings for leading a Bahá'í lifestyle, and how to teach the masses and spread the Faith.
Peace: The Promise. A documentary on the Bahá'í International Peace Conference, held in San Francisco in 1986, which explores the Bahá'í commitment to world peace.
The Pilgrimage. 120 minutes. A visit to the Holy Places at the Bahá'í World Centre in Haifa and 'Akká, Israel. Rúhíyyih Rabbání, perhaps the most respected Bahá'í in the world, conducts the tour. Excellent for classes interested in the nature of Bahá'í pilgrimage, the purpose of the Bahá'í World Centre, Bahá'í devotion to the lives of its founders, and its modern administrative functioning.
The Prisoner of Akka. 30 min. A popular exposition of the life of Bahá'u'lláh and his new message for humanity.
The Seat of God's Throne. 33 minutes. A documentary about the Bahá'í World Centre of the Bahá'í Faith in Haifa, Israel, its history, and the massive construction project it has initiates to complete three more monumental marble buildings on the "Arc" on the side of Mount Carmel. Though primarily designed for a Bahá'í audience, this video is suitable for non-Bahá'ís as well.
Below are listed the few Bahá'í Publishing Trusts, Associations for Bahá'í Studies, and independent publishing houses and journals that publish material the reader might find useful. The list of Bahá'í Publishing Trusts is not complete, but only details those whose publications have been cited in the Resource Guide; complete listings of all but the independent houses are included in every recent edition of The Bahá'í World. Most of the below will fulfill orders or provide catalogues upon request.[Note: be careful to distinguish between the number "1" and the letter "l" in the email addresses.]
Arts Dialogue Homepage: Arts Dialogue, produced by the Bahá'í http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7324/ Association for the Arts (BAFA), is a For subscriptions, write: Kathleen quarterly newsletter of news, letters, Babb Kirikushi, Etajima-cho profiles, articles, illustrations, Aki-gun, Hiroshima-ken 73721, photographs, poems and creative writing from Japan Email: kbabb@gol.com Cost: around the globe. The purpose of the equivalent US$20 year newsletter is to develop the arts across all disciplines and cultures, to follow what artists and arts-related people are doing, and to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and a forum for the analysis and critique of the arts. Association for Bahá'í Studies: The Australian ABS publishes occasional Australia c/o Natalie collections of ABS articles and essays. Mobini-Kesheh, secr. P.O. Box 4239 University of Melbourne Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Association for Bahá'í Studies: The Association for Bahá'í Studies: English English Speaking Europe For Speaking Europe (ABS-ESE) publishes the subscriptions, write: The Bahá'í Studies Review, which contains Secretary, ABS-ESE Rutland Gate articles of about the same level of London SW7 1PD England scholarly interest as the Journal of Bahá'í Studies. Association for Bahá'í Studies: The North American ABS is the first and North America For both largest of the world's Associations for subscriptions and editorial Bahá'í Studies. Its journal, the Journal of matters, write: 34 Copernicus Bahá'í Studies, is the preeminent academic Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7K4 journal of the Faith. Canada Phone: (613) 233-1903 Fax (613) 233-3644 Email: as929@freenet.carleton.ca Homepage: http://www.bahai-studies.ca/~absnam Bahá'í Book Collectors: Jon and "Jon and Chris Hendershot: Bahá'í Book Chris Hendershot 1039 Ninth Collectors" is an online meeting place for Street Manhattan Beach, CA collectors of Bahá'í books, magazines, 90266, USA Email: pamphlets, and ephemera in English. They jcdhender@loop.com Homepage: help organize book auctions, coordinate http://www.loop.com/~jcdhender/ collectors, and provide "want" and "for trade" lists for those seeking hard-to-find materials. Bahá'í Booksource International The Bahai Booksource International features 5755 Rodeo Rd. Los Angeles, CA the largest selection of Bahá'í books 90016, USA Telephone: available, in a variety of languages. They (213)933-8297 Fax: (213)933-1820 carry over 4,000 different items in 91 Email: bbi@booksource.org languages, as well as various gift items. Homepage: http://www.booksource.org Bahá'í Distribution Service For The Bahá'í Distribution Service is the catalogues or orders, write: 5397 central book warehouse and distribution Wilbanks Rd. Chattanooga, TN service in the United States. Most books 37343 Phone: (800) 999-9019 Fax: cited in the guide can be purchased from (423) 843-0836 Email: them. bds@usbnc.org Bahá'í Publishing Trust: Australia The Australian BPT produces, among other For subscriptions to Herald of the things, editions of compilations of the South, write: Bahá'í Publications sacred writings. Their magazine, Herald of Australia P.O. Box 285 Mona Vale the South, includes general articles on the NSW 2103 Australia Phone: (02) Faith and often features essays on or 9913 1554 Fax: (02) 9970 6710 photographic essays of greater Oceania. General correspondence, write: GPO Box 283 Canberra ACT 2610 Australia Fax: 61 (0)6 247 2943 Email: bahaipub1@peg.apc.org Bahá'í Publishing Trust: Brazil The Brazilian BPT produces some Persian and Editora Bahá'í Brasil Rua Conego Arabic editions of the sacred writings. Eugenito Leite, 350 05414 Sao Paolo SP - Brazil Phone: 55-(11)-8534628 Bahá'í Publishing Trust: Germany The German BPT produces much original Bahá'í-Verlag Eppsteiner Strasse scholarship and Persian and Arabic editions 89 D-65719 Hofheim Germany of the sacred writings. Phone: 49-(6192)-2292 Fax: 49-(6192)-992999 Email: bahai@geod.geonet Bahá'í Publishing Trust: United The UK BPT occasionally publishes works of Kingdom 6 Mount Pleasant Oakham interest to scholars. Leicestershire LE15 6HU England Phone: 44-(1572)-722780 Fax: 44-(1572)-724280 For sales, write: sales@bahaibooks.co.uk For editorial matters, write: editorial@bahaibooks.co.uk Bahá'í Publishing Trust: United The US BPT produces, among other things, States For general correspondence, World Order magazine, which is "intended to contact: Phone: 1-(708)-2511854 stimulate, inspire, and serve thinking Fax: 1-(708)-2513652 Email: people in their search to find relationships bpt@usbnc.org For World Order between contemporary life and contemporary editorial matters, write: World religious teachings and philosophy" (World Order 415 Linden Avenue Wilmette, Order statement of purpose). Its essays are IL 60091 Email: academic but not always solely on the Faith. worldorder@usbnc.org For World Order subscriptions, write: World Order Subscriber Service Bahá'í National Center Wilmette, IL 60091 Bahá'í Studies Bulletin The Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, a publication of scholarship, provisional translations, and occasional correspondence from the Universal House of Justice, was published from 1982 to 1993. Back issues or reprints of articles are not available as of the moment. However, a reprint series of most of the old Bulletin articles, as well as a new journal called Abhá: A Journal of Bábí-Bahá'í Studies, will soon be launched by Stephen Lambden's Hurqalya Publications. Crimson Publications For general Crimson Publications is best-known for correspondence, write: P.O. Box Multiple Author Refer System (MARS), usually 1613 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 known as REFER, the PC computer databases of Phone: (714) 240-2092 Fax: (714) all English writings of the Bahá'í primary 240-9599 Email: figures. They offer databases for the crimson@compuserve.com For REFER writings of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh, orders, contact either Crimson 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Shoghi Effendi, and major Publications or the Bahá'í compilations, and soon may be releasing a Distribution Service database of the secondary sources of Taherzadeh's The Covenant and the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláhseries, Balyuzi's biographies of the central figures, Nabíl's Dawn-Breakers, and Lights of Guidance. Crimson also publishes Bahá'í software designed by private developers. Deepen magazine Tsavo West Bahá'í The Tsavo West Bahá'í Institute is a Institute P.O. Box 6081 Wilmette, non-profit organization dedicated to the IL 60091-6081 Phone: (312) research, publication, and dissemination of 274-6593 Email: materials in support of the Bahá'í Faith. tsavowest@earthlink.net Webpage: Its quarterly journal, Deepen magazine, http://home.earthlink.net/~tsavowest/ publishes both popular and somewhat scholarly articles and includes teaching materials such as posters and clip art in each issue. dialogue: A Quarterly Journal dialogue was produced by a group of Bahá'ís Exploring the Implications of the in Los Angeles publishing independently. Its Bahá'í Faith for Our Time. write focus was "a more dynamic engagement with to Kalimát Press, below, for contemporary intellectual, social, ordering back issues. religious, political, and cultural currents of thought and action." (1:1, p.2) Only six issues, between 1986 and 1988, were produced. Some of these back issues can be ordered from Kalimát Press (see below). George Ronald 46 High Street George Ronald is a major publisher of Kidlington Oxford, England OX5 secondary Bahá'í books. They produce a great 2DN Email: variety of both popular and academic books. sales@grpubl.demon.co.uk For orders within the US, write: 8325 17th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Institute for Bahá'í Studies in The Institute for Bahá'í Studies in Persian Persian P.O. Box 65600 Dundas, produces many study materials and monographs Ont. L9H-6Y6 Canada Phone: (905) in Persian, and occasionally publishes 628-3040 Fax: (905) 628-3276 Persian and Arabic editions of the sacred Email: IBS@bcon.com writings. Currently they are reprinting the Athár-i-Qalam-i-A'lá series. Images International 5010 Austin Images International carries Bahá'í Rd. Hixon, TN 37343-3913 Phone: audio-visual products, including deepening (423) 870-4525 or (800) 470-4525 tapes and books on tape, as well as special Fax: (423) 870-4774 Email: materials like t-shirts. tenelex@chattanooga.net Homepage: http://www.globweb.com/image Kalimát Press Email: Kalimát Press is a small company dedicated KalimatP@aol.com Webpage: to the publication of books and other www.kalimat.com Editorial matters, materials on the Bahá'í Faith. It has write: 1600 Sawtelle Blvd., Suite produced over 100 titles since its founding 34 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: in 1978, focusing on Bahá'í history, (310) 479-5668 or (800) 788-4067 scholarship, translations from Persian, and For orders, write: Publishers Bahá'í childrens' materials. Kalimát Services P.O. Box 2510 Novato, CA publishes the series Studies in Bábí and 94948 Phone: (415) 883-3530 Fax: Bahá'í History and -Religions, cited (415) 883-4280 extensively throughout this guide. Landegg Academy CH-9405 Landegg Academy has published a few useful Wienacht/AR Switzerland Tel: materials, such as proceedings of 41-71-891 91 31 Fax: 41-71-891 43 conferences. Its main service is as one of 01 E-mail: info@landegg.org the major centers of Bahá'í studies in Homepage: Europe. Landegg also provides a listserv of http://www.landegg.org/landegg/ Landegg-related news. Write to info@landegg.org, in the subject line write "subscribe," and leave the body of the message blank. Naturegraph Publishers P.O. Box Naturegraph specializes in books on natural 1075 Happy Camp, CA 96039 Phone: history, crafts, wildlife, and Native (916) 493-5353 Fax: (916) 493-5240 American studies. They also carry a Email: naturgraph@aol.com selection of Bahá'í books on a variety of topics. One Country One Country Bahá'í One Country is published quarterly by the International Community Suite 120 Bahá'í International Community, an 866 United Nations Plaza New York, international NGO (non-governmental New York 10017 Phone: organization) which represents the worldwide 212-803-2543 Fax: 212-803-2566 membership of the Faith. Its articles Email: 1country@bic.org Homepage: include a great deal of news about United http://www.onecountry.org/ Nations activities and Bahá'í development projects around the world. OneWorld Publications For editorial OneWorld's logo is "Books for Thoughtful matters, write: 185 Banbury Road People." They publish a wide selection of Oxford, England OX2 7AR Phone: books on the Faith, both academic and 01865-310597 Fax: 01865-310598 popular. As well, they publish or reprint Email: oneworld@cix.compulink.co.uk many scholarly works on other religions, For orders within the US, write: mysticism, science, psychology, and other P.O. Box 7 New York, New York topics. 10024 Phone: (202) 799-3854 Fax: (212) 799-7116 Palabra Publications 3735 B Shares Palabra publishes a variety of teaching and Place Riviera Beach, FL 33404 deepening materials, including occasional Phone: (561 ) 845-1919 Fax: (561) compilations from the writings of 845-0126 Email: palabrapub@aol.com Bahá'u'lláh or the Universal House of Justice. They also carry Library 2.1, a software program similar to REFER but designed for Macintosh. Special Ideas 2900 W. Bristol Dr. Special Ideas is a company founded to help Bloomington, IN 47404 Phone: provide Bahá'ís with low-cost teaching (800) 326-1197 (812) 876-3742 materials. They sell introductory teaching Email: seeker@indiana.edu, or aids such as games, posters, pamphlets, bahai@bluemarble.net Webpage: displays, t-shirts, and books, and offer www.special-ideas.com Seekernet free advice and teaching tips. Special Ideas 1-800-seekernet (800-733-5376) also sponsors Seekernet, a free information Webpage: http://bahai.seeker.net service. Those investigating the Faith can call 1-800-Seeker-Net (800-733-5376) to get a free packet of introductory literature on the Faith and the number of a Bahá'í community local to their area. Unity Arts Inc. Nine Pines Unity Arts is the central Bahá'í book Publishing 26 Concourse Gate distribution service for Canada. They carry Nepean, Ont. K2E-7T7 Phone from both a full selection of Bahá'í material and both US and Canada: (800) as well certain non-Bahá'í items such as 465-3287, or (613) 727-6200 Fax: children's books. They and their Nine Pines 613- 727-3704 Email: division also publish original books and Unityarts@aol.com manufacture audio-visual and special materials. University Microfilms International UMI has copies of most master's theses and 300 N. Zeeb Rd. Ann Arbor Michigan doctoral dissertations done in North America 48106 Phone: (313) 761-4700 or and many foreign ones as well. Almost all (800) 521-0600 unpublished theses listed in this guide can be purchased from them. Average cost is around US$30-50. Whitcomb Publishing, Inc 32 Whitcomb Publishing produces both Bahá'í and Hampden Street Springfield, MA non-Bahá'í books designed to help apply 01103 Phone: (800) 354-1789 or Bahá'í principles to contemporary world (413) 737-9630 Email: issues. Their latest series of works is on paulrobbin@aol.com Bahá'í solutions to the problem of racism. White Cloud Press P.O. Box 3400 White Cloud Press has published books of Ashland, OR 97520 Phone/fax: interest to Bahá'í scholars but not directly (541) 488-6415 Email: on the Faith, including works of Háfiz and sscholl@jeffnet.org Webpage: T. Izutsu; J. Cole's and J. Walbridge's www.jeffnet.org/whitecloud translations of K. Gibran; anthologies of essays on religion and mysticism; and Wisdom of the Master, a new compilation of the writings of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, forthcoming. White Mountain Publications Box 5180, R. R. #2 New Box 1178 White Mountain Publications carries both New Liskeard, Ontario P0J-1P0 Canada deepening and teaching materials, such as Phone, toll-free from within Canada only: study guides, compilations, and some (800) 258-5451, or from elsewhere: historical material, and organizational (705) 647-5424 Fax: (705) 647-8366 aids, such as planning calendars.
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