Last of the continental collections from Shoghi Effendi's ministry (1921–1957).
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FOREWORD The long-anticipated publication of the messages and letters of the Guardian to believers and institutions in Latin America constitutes a major achievement. This is the last of the continental collections gathered from the whole of his ministry (1921–1957). An adequate understanding of the unfoldment and growth of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in Latin America will necessarily involve a careful study of its contents. The volume covers Shoghi Effendi’s direction given to the Latin American community throughout the course of the initial stages in the execution of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan for the worldwide propagation of His Father’s Faith: the first Seven Year Plan (1937–1944), the second Seven Year Plan (1946–1953), and the World Spiritual Crusade (1953–1963). Its contents have been carefully gathered over the course of several decades from official Bahá’í archives and the papers of individual believers throughout the hemisphere. Based on Bahá’u’lláh’s promising words addressed in His Most Holy Book to the “rulers of America and the Presidents of the Republics therein,” Shoghi Effendi outlines the future greatness of the Faith throughout the Americas: Let them ponder the honor which the Author of the Revelation Himself has chosen to confer upon their countries, the obligations which that honor automatically brings in its wake, the opportunities it offers, the power it releases for the removal of all obstacles, however formidable, which may be encountered in their path, and the promise of guidance it implies for the attainment of the objectives alluded to in these memorable passages. It is that same honor which prompted Shoghi Effendi to designate the members of the Latin American Bahá’í communities as “associates” in the execution of the Divine Plan. In this capacity those communities, in association with the Plan’s “chief executors” in North America, received and won significant goals throughout the first stages of its unfoldment, especially during the Ten Year Crusade. We follow in these messages the inspired guidance of Shoghi Effendi while extending the Bahá’í Administrative Order through the opening of all the southern republics, through the development of the initial Bahá’í groups and then, eventually, the election of Local Spiritual Assemblies. That, in turn, led to the formation of two Regional National Spiritual Assemblies in Latin America in 1951—these two being divided into four in 1957. The Crusade included the establishment of independent National Assemblies in all the Latin American republics as a major goal. This was achieved in 1961, after the Guardian’s passing, enabling the full participation of these national bodies in the momentous election of the first Universal House of Justice in 1963. Shoghi Effendi has explained that the creative energies released by the successive Revelations of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh have subsequently, in the Formative Age of the Faith, crystallized into potent agencies and processes for the promotion of the Bahá’í teachings. Many of these numerous processes of the Administrative Order were developed in Latin American Bahá’í communities, following their introduction and initial operation in North America. One such process is elucidated by the Guardian’s repeated emphasis, as seen in these messages, on the role and duty of Spiritual Assemblies to stimulate and continually enrich the spiritual life of the growing number of believers under their jurisdiction. Likewise we find numerous references to the all-important process of conveying the Faith to the original inhabitants of the Americas—the indigenous populations—a mandate deriving from a passage of the Divine Plan itself. This resulted in the first large-scale enrollment of native peoples in South America, during the last year of Shoghi Effendi’s life. The spread of the Bahá’í Faith in Latin America began in 1919 through the historic and intrepid efforts of the incomparable Martha Root, in response to the call of ‘Abdul-Bahá in His Divine Plan. Her heroic travels in South America were the first stage of her many memorable services to come, and led to her eventual elevation to the rank of Hand of the Cause of God. With Martha Root’s diary in hand, an intrepid young American believer, Leonora Holsapple (later Armstrong) arose to become the first pioneer to settle in South America. Arriving in Brazil at the end of the Heroic Age of the Faith, she was, at the time of her passing, designated by the Universal House of Justice as the “spiritual mother” of South America. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself had sent her two memorable Tablets after she reached her post. Leonora later introduced the Faith to several additional Latin American territories, including Venezuela, British Guiana, Trinidad, and some other Caribbean islands. Notably, the second part of this collection of messages includes Shoghi Effendi’s numerous letters of encouragement to her in those early years. The volume also reflects the early intimate interaction between pioneers in the field and their Guardian—a bounty which necessarily lessened as his duties and responsibilities increased with the worldwide growth of the Cause. Not only does this volume stand as a tribute to the tireless efforts of the many pioneers and first Latin American believers, it constitutes a further record of the inestimable role of Shoghi Effendi in advancing the vital interests of the Cause of God throughout the world. Hooper C. Dunbar EXCERPT FROM A MESSAGE TO THE BAHÁ’ÍS OF THE WEST 1 5 June 1947 To the prosecutors of the Divine Plan in the United States of America, and the Dominion of Canada; to their co-workers and associates throughout Central and South America, and their representatives on the continent of Europe Dearly beloved co-workers: . . . 1 In the far-flung Latin American field, where the first-fruits of the Divine Plan, operating beyond the confines of the North American continent, have already been garnered in such abundance, the Latin American Bahá’í communities, from the Mexican border to the extremity of Chile, should bestir themselves for the collective, the historic and gigantic tasks that await them, and which must culminate, ere the expiry of the present Plan, in the formation of two National Spiritual Assemblies for Central and South America. 2 The marvelous progress achieved as a result of the operation of the first Seven Year Plan, as evidenced by the establishment of full-fledged Spiritual Assemblies in the virgin territories of no less than fourteen Republics, and the formation of active groups in the remaining Republics, has been enhanced by the even more startling expansion of Bahá’í activity since the termination of the first stage of the Divine Plan. As a result of this expansion Spiritual Assemblies have been established in all the remaining Republics, the number of localities where Bahá’ís reside has been raised to over a hundred, almost double the number of localities in which the Faith had been introduced after the completion of the first Seven Year Plan, the number of Spiritual Assemblies has swelled to no less than thirty-seven, three of which have been duly incorporated, a notable impetus has been given to the activities of the distributing centers of Bahá’í literature in Argentina and Panama, historic conferences have been held in these two Republics, summer schools have been inaugurated in Argentina and Chile, and a tract of land has been presented as a site for the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in Latin America. No community since the inception of the hundred-year-old Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, not even the community of the Most Great Name in the North American continent, can boast of an evolution as rapid, a consolidation as sound, a multiplication of centers as swift, as those that have marked the birth and rise of the community of His followers in Latin America. 3 The colossal tasks that now summon this Latin American Bahá’í community to a challenge, cannot but dwarf, if faithfully and promptly accomplished, the magnificent achievements that have immortalized the first decade of organized activity in Latin American Bahá’í history. The seed-sowing stage associated, in the main, with the labors and travels of that saintly soul, that star-servant of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, the incomparable Martha Root, links this decade of organized Bahá’í activity in Latin America with both the closing years of the Heroic Age of our Faith and the first fifteen years of the initial epoch of the Age we live in. 4 The emergence of organized local communities in most of the Republics of Latin America will be for ever associated with the exploits that have shed such luster on the first stage of the Divine Plan launched during the concluding years of that first epoch of the Formative Age of our Faith. The constitution of two independent duly elected National Spiritual Assemblies for the northern and southern zones of Latin America is now to be regarded as one of the most vital objectives of the second Seven Year Plan, whose inauguration synchronizes with the opening years of the second Bahá’í century, and which will be chiefly associated with the first phase of the second epoch of that Age. The emergence of these two National Assemblies, precursors of the institutions which must participate in the election, and contribute to the support, of the Universal House of Justice—the last crowning unit in the erection of the fabric of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh—must lead, gradually and uninterruptedly, and in the course of successive epochs of the Formative Age, to the constitution, in each of the Republics of Central and South America, of a properly elected, fully representative National Assembly, constituting thereby the last stage in the administrative evolution of that Faith throughout Latin America. 5 In order that these future tasks may be carried out with dispatch, efficiency, harmony and in strict accordance with the administrative and spiritual principles of our Faith, the Latin American promoters of the present Seven Year Plan must focus their attention on the requirements of the present hour, close their ranks, reinforce the bonds of unity, of solidarity and of co-operation which unite them, rededicate themselves individually to the sacred, all-important and vital task of teaching, exert strenuous endeavors to deepen their knowledge of the history and fundamentals of their Faith, steep themselves in the spirit and the lore of its teachings and acquire special training for future pioneer activity throughout the length and breadth of the vast stretches of territory which extend from the confines of the Great Republic in the north to the Straits of Magellan in the south. 6 The process of the steady multiplication of Spiritual Assemblies, already numbering thirty-seven, of groups whose number equals that of the Assemblies, and of the forty localities where isolated believers reside, must vigorously and uninterruptedly continue. The incorporation of well-grounded Spiritual Assemblies, following the example set by the Spiritual Assemblies of San José, Costa Rica, of Bogotá, Colombia, and of Asunción, Paraguay, as a preliminary to the incorporation of the future National Assemblies to be established in Latin America, must be strenuously and efficiently carried out. A beginning, however modest, should be made in the direction of establishing local funds, supported by native believers and designed to supplement the financial assistance extended by the parent community in North America, for the furtherance of pioneer activity, for the dissemination of Bahá’í literature, for the maintenance of local Bahá’í headquarters, for the gradual initiation of Bahá’í endowments, such as the land offered for a Bahá’í Temple in Chile, for the holding of conferences and of summer schools, for the creation of publicity agencies, and for the conduct and expansion of youth activities. 7 Strong and sustained support should be given to the vitally needed and highly meritorious activities started by the native Latin American traveling teachers, particularly in the pioneer field, who, as the mighty task progresses, must increasingly bear the brunt of responsibility for the propagation of the Faith in their homelands. Full advantage should be taken of the facilities provided by the use of practical workshop courses in Latin American pioneering at the International School in Temerity Ranch. The two summer schools in Ezeiza and Santiago, as well as the one planned in Vera Cruz, should be utilized, not only as centers for the acquisition of Bahá’í learning, but as training grounds for pioneering among the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking populations of all the Republics of Latin America. The regional conferences held in Buenos Aires and Panama should be followed by conferences of a similar character, at which a growing number of attendants from among the ranks of Latin American believers will assume an ever-increasing share of responsibility in the initiation and conduct of the affairs of a continually evolving community. A deliberate effort should be made to increase, through correspondence teaching and its extension to all the Spanish-speaking countries, the number of the active supporters of the Faith, so desperately needed in view of the vastness of the field, the mighty responsibilities that have been incurred, the smallness of the number of laborers, and the shortness of the time at their disposal. 8 Other agencies, such as publicity and advertising in the press, the multiplication of accurate and improved radio scripts, the extension of teaching projects through regional teaching committees, visual education and the organization of public meetings, should be fully utilized to capture the attention, win the sympathy, and secure the active and unreserved support of a steadily increasing proportion of the population of the various Latin American Republics. The publishing activities of a constantly growing community should, likewise, be stimulated, their scope should be continually widened, the quality of Bahá’í publications, in Spanish, Portuguese and French, be improved, and their dissemination over a wide area be ensured. The two Spanish Bulletins, the one already published in Santiago and the other planned in San José, should, likewise, as an adjunct to Bahá’í publications, be developed and widely circulated. The contact established with the two hundred and forty-four Masonic Lodges should be reinforced by similar contacts with schools as well as business firms established throughout the various Republics, for the sole purpose of giving further publicity to the Faith, and winning ultimately fresh recruits to the strength of its followers. 9 Particular attention, I feel, should, at this juncture, be directed to the various Indian tribes, the aboriginal inhabitants of the Latin Republics, whom the Author of the Tablets of the Divine Plan has compared to the “ancient inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula.” “Attach great importance,” is His admonition to the entire body of the believers in the United States and the Dominion of Canada, “to the indigenous population of America. For these souls may be likened unto the ancient inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula, who, prior to the Mission of Muḥammad, were like unto savages. When the light of Muḥammad shone forth in their midst, however, they became so radiant as to illumine the world. Likewise, these Indians, should they be educated and guided, there can be no doubt that they will become so illumined as to enlighten the whole world.” The initial contact already established, in the concluding years of the first Bahá’í century, in obedience to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Mandate, with the Cherokee and Oneida Indians in North Carolina and Wisconsin, with the Patagonian, the Mexican and the Inca Indians, and the Mayans in Argentina, Mexico, Peru and Yucatán, respectively, should, as the Latin American Bahá’í communities gain in stature and strength, be consolidated and extended. A special effort should be exerted to secure the unqualified adherence of members of some of these tribes to the Faith, their subsequent election to its councils, and their unreserved support of the organized attempts that will have to be made in the future by the projected National Assemblies for the large-scale conversion of Indian races to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 10 Nor should the peculiar position of the Republic of Panama be overlooked at the present stage in the development of the Faith in Latin America. “All the above countries,” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, referring to the Central American Republics in one of the Tablets of His Divine Plan, has affirmed, “have importance, but especially the Republic of Panama, wherein the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans come together through the Panama Canal. It is a center for travel and passage from America to other continents of the world, and in the future it will gain most great importance.” “Likewise,” He moreover has written, “ye must give great attention to the Republic of Panama, for in that point the Occident and the Orient find each other united through the Panama Canal, and it is also situated between the two great oceans. That place will become very important in the future. The teachings, once established there, will unite the East and the West, the North and the South.” 11 The manifold activities initiated since the launching of the first Seven Year Plan should, under no circumstances, be neglected or allowed to stagnate. The excellent publicity accorded the Faith, and the contact established with several leaders in that Republic should be followed up, systematically and with the greatest care, by the growing community within its confines. The initial contact with the Indians should be developed with assiduous care and unfailing patience. Furthermore, the strengthening of the bonds now being forged between the North American communities and their sister communities in Latin America must constitute, owing to the unique and central position occupied by that Republic, one of the chief objectives of the Panamanian believers, the progress of whose activities deserves to rank as one of the most notable chapters of recent Latin American Bahá’í history. 12 Nor should the valuable and meritorious labors accomplished since the inception of the first Seven Year Plan in Punta Arenas de Magallanes, that far-off center situated not only on the southern extremity of the Western Hemisphere, but constituting the southernmost outpost of the Faith in the whole world, be for a moment neglected in the course of the second stage in the development of the Divine Plan. The Assembly already constituted in that city, the remarkable radio publicity secured by the believers there, the assistance extended by them to the teaching work in other parts of Chile, should be regarded only as a prelude to the work of consolidation which must be indefatigably pursued. This work, if properly carried out, in conjunction with the activities associated with the Assemblies of Santiago, Valparaiso, and Viña del Mar, and the groups of Puerto Montt, Valdivia, Quilpué, Temuco, Sewell, Chorrillos, Mulchén and other smaller ones, as well as several isolated localities in that Republic, may well hasten the advent of the day when the Chilean followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh will have established the first independent National Spiritual Assembly to be formed by any single nation of Latin America. 13 Whoever it may be among these Latin American communities who will eventually carry off the palm of victory, and win this immortal distinction, all without exception, and with equal zeal, must participate in this vast and collective enterprise which is engaging, in an ever-increasing measure, their attention and challenging their resources. Let them remember that the Author of their Faith has in His Kitáb-i-Aqdas, the Mother-Book of His Revelation, singled out the company of the Presidents of their countries, together with those of the North American continent, and addressed them in terms that sharply contrast with the dire warnings and condemnatory words addressed directly and indirectly to the King of Prussia, the French and Austrian Emperors and the Sulṭán of Turkey, who, together with those Presidents, are the only sovereigns and rulers specifically mentioned by Him in that Book. 14 “Hearken ye, O rulers of America and the Presidents of the Republics therein!” is His summons sounded in that mighty Charter of the future world civilization, “unto that which the Dove is warbling on the Branch of Eternity: There is none other God but Me, the Ever-Abiding, the Forgiving, the All-Bountiful. Adorn ye the temple of dominion with the ornament of justice and of the fear of God, and its head with the crown of the remembrance of your Lord, the Creator of the heavens. Thus counselleth you He Who is the Dayspring of Names, as bidden by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise. The Promised One hath appeared in this glorified Station, whereat all beings, both seen and unseen, have rejoiced. Take ye advantage of the Day of God. Verily, to meet Him is better for you than all that whereon the sun shineth, could ye but know it. O concourse of rulers! Give ear unto that which hath been raised from the Dayspring of Grandeur: Verily, there is none other God but Me, the Lord of Utterance, the All-Knowing. Bind ye the broken with the hands of justice, and crush the oppressor who flourisheth with the rod of the commandments of your Lord, the Ordainer, the All-Wise.” 15 Let them ponder the honor which the Author of the Revelation Himself has chosen to confer upon their countries, the obligations which that honor automatically brings in its wake, the opportunities it offers, the power it releases for the removal of all obstacles, however formidable, which may be encountered in their path, and the promise of guidance it implies for the attainment of the objectives alluded to in these memorable passages. 16 To the eager, the warmhearted, the spiritually-minded and staunch members of these Latin American Bahá’í communities who, among the followers of Bahá’u’lláh, already constitute the most considerable body of recruits from the ranks of the most deeply entrenched and powerful Church of Christendom; whose motherlands have been chosen as the scene of the earliest victories won by the prosecutors of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan; launched on their crusade for the spiritual conquest of the whole planet; the establishment of whose projected National Spiritual Assemblies must constitute a notable landmark in the second epoch of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation; whose leading Spiritual Assemblies are now establishing direct contact with the World Center of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the Holy Land; the photographs of whose elected representatives, at their chief centers, will soon adorn the walls of His Mansion at Bahjí; a few of whose members have already arisen to carry back the torch of Divine Guidance entrusted to their care to the peoples and races from which they have sprung—to this privileged, this youngest, this dynamic and highly promising member of the organic Bahá’í world community, I feel moved, before I dismiss this aspect of my theme, to direct this general appeal to rise to the heights of the glorious opportunity which destiny is unfolding before its members. Theirs is the opportunity, if they but seize it, to adorn the opening pages of the annals of the second Bahá’í century with a tale of deeds approaching in valor those with which their Persian brethren have illuminated the opening years of the first, and comparable with the exploits more recently achieved by their North American fellow-believers, and which have shed such luster on the closing decade of that same century. Shoghi MESSAGES TO REGIONAL AND NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLIES 2 12 July 1950 National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of Meso-America and the Antilles and South America Dearly beloved friends: 1 The formation of the first National Spiritual Assemblies of the Bahá’ís of Central and South America—an event hailed by the entire Bahá’í world—constitutes a landmark of the utmost significance not only in the history of the evolution of the Faith in Latin America, but in the annals of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation as well. It signifies the termination of the first Epoch in the rise and establishment of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in Central and South America—an Epoch that was ushered in on the morrow of the revelation of the Tablets of the Divine Plan through the pioneer services rendered by individual believers, among whom ranks as foremost that immortal and heroic soul, Martha Root, and which culminated with the successful prosecution of two successive historic campaigns initiated by the North American Bahá’í Community in pursuance of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan. 2 This second and momentous Epoch in the unfoldment of the Faith, now being entered upon, is signalized by the emergence of two newly established, independent, firmly-knit regional communities, embracing all the Republics of Central and South America, stretching from the borders of Mexico as far as the southern extremity of Chile, comprising no less than forty organized Local Assemblies, many of them already incorporated, every one of them animated by the spiritual verities of one common Faith, and all of them functioning in accordance with the principles of a vigorously operating, divinely appointed Administrative Order. 3 This new phase in the development of an irresistibly advancing Faith presages, moreover, the formal association of these twin newly-emerged communities with their parent community in the North American continent in the prosecution of the Plan, conceived by the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant, among the Latin American races now awakening to the clarion call sounded by Him in His immortal Tablets. Though not enjoying the status and privileges conferred in that same Plan by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá on the North American Bahá’í Community, yet, in view of the momentous and stirring summons issued by the Author of the Revelation in His Most Holy Book addressed to the Rulers of all the Republics of the Western Hemisphere, both of these communities may be said to have been invested with rights and duties which no community in any continent of the Eastern Hemisphere can claim to possess. 4 This association, which will be formally inaugurated with the termination of the Second Seven Year Plan, and which is destined to reveal its potentialities in the course of the unfoldment of the Formative Age of the Faith, and particularly as a consequence of the formation of separate National Spiritual Assemblies in each of the Republics of Latin America, is a distinction which every adherent of the Faith, whether a native believer or a North American pioneer laboring in Central or South America, must constantly bear in mind. Its importance cannot be overestimated, nor can its full significance be assessed at the present hour. 5 The consolidation of the existing Assemblies; the multiplication of groups; the steady development of the process of Bahá’í incorporation; the expansion of the all-important task of translating, publishing and disseminating Bahá’í literature in Spanish and Portuguese; the consolidation of the recently inaugurated national and local Funds; the strengthening of such institutions as Bahá’í National Committees, Summer Schools, Conventions and Regional Teaching Conferences; the acceleration of the highly meritorious work already commenced amongst the Indians in both Central and South America; the progressive proclamation of the verities of the Faith to all sections of the population of Latin America; above all the triple task of constantly deepening the spiritual life of the individual believer, of enriching his understanding of the spiritual and administrative principles of his Faith, and of cementing the unity of each local community—these stand out as the foremost responsibilities to be assumed during these two concluding years of the Second Seven Year Plan by the two newly formed National Spiritual Assemblies of Central and South America, in preparation for the launching of specially conceived, clearly defined plans, the initiation of which must mark the formal association of the Bahá’í Communities of Latin America with the National Bahá’í Communities in the United States and Canada, for the furtherance of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s world-embracing, master Plan, now still in the embryonic stage of its development. 6 Afire with the vision now unfolding itself before their eyes; conscious of the sacred responsibility which, as implied in the ringing words recorded in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas, they must increasingly shoulder; fortified by the contemplation of the manner and rapidity with which their beloved Faith has struck its roots into the soil of their homelands; confident that the same mysterious and unconquerable Power that has watched over the operation, and ensured the consummation, of the specific Plans undertaken by various National Bahá’í Communities in recent years in both the East and the West will, as they prepare to launch their own collective enterprises in the years immediately ahead, vouchsafe to them Its sustaining grace and unfailing guidance, the members of these newly emerged Communities and, above all, their recently elected national representatives, must display, during this period of transition, a spirit of dedication, a tenacity of purpose, a willingness for self-sacrifice, that will surpass anything as yet exhibited in their past history, which will at once excite the envy and admiration of their older sister communities in all the continents of the globe, and enable them to acquire the spiritual potentialities that will assist them to take their honored place in the ranks of those same Communities which, in various regions of the world, are collectively and energetically carrying out their own national campaigns in the service and for the glory of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. 7 That they may prove themselves worthy of the mission with which they will soon be formally invested; that they may never allow anything to interfere with the successful conclusion of this present preparatory phase of their historic task; that they may, through the quality of their devotion and the solidity of their achievements, rejoice the souls of the Concourse on high, and, above all, the Spirits of the Holy Báb, of Bahá’u’lláh, and of His beloved Son, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá; that they may contribute their share, as independent pillars, in sustaining the House, whose erection must mark the culmination of the establishment of the Administrative Order of their Faith, is the dearest wish of my heart, my constant hope and my ardent prayer. Your true brother, Shoghi 3 11 July 1951 [Dominican Republic] National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Meso-America and the Antilles Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 5, 1951, as well as the report of the Convention and minutes of your first Assembly meeting, and the photographs you sent, have reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 It gives him very great happiness to address this first letter to your Assembly, newly come into the field of international service to the Faith, and so ready and eager to embark upon its truly historic tasks. 3 The believers of Central and South America are embarking upon their services at a most important time, not only in the history of this great Cause, but also in the history of mankind. Never has the outlook in this physical world been darker—with the shadow of perhaps another devastating conflict lengthening on the horizon—never the spiritual promise greater, for we see the Message of Bahá’u’lláh at last spreading all over the globe and planting its banner in the most distant countries. 4 The opportunities for this new National Assembly to distinguish itself are therefore unique and its privilege priceless. He feels sure that the Latin American believers are going to demonstrate their readiness and capacity in such a way as to rejoice their fellow-Bahá’ís and the heart of the beloved Master. 5 Like the United States and Canada, Latin America is the New World; it has the freshness of youth, the vigor and hope that youth possesses, and far from such ancient civilizations as those of Europe and Asia, with their interminable problems and grievances, it can undertake service to Bahá’u’lláh under more auspicious circumstances. 6 He feels that your Assembly must, now at the very beginning of its work, devote its energy primarily to laying a sound and abiding foundation for the future. What does this imply? First and foremost establishing harmony, love and understanding amongst the Bahá’ís under its jurisdiction. When the friends are united in the love of God all problems can be solved and all work carried out with success. Personal problems, differences of race, nationality, origin, are dissolved in the crucible of Bahá’í brotherhood. 7 Second, the teaching work: the Local Assemblies must be maintained and strengthened and the groups encouraged and protected, so that they may attain Assembly status as soon as possible; extension teaching work must also be undertaken and news of the existence of this Faith broadcast as much as possible. 8 Third, the National Fund must be supported. The friends are, for the most part, not well-to-do, but they must realize that to give to the Fund, even in a small way, is the important thing, for it is a visible sign of their unity, their devotion, their desire to support the institutions which now represent them and belong to them. 9 Fourth, your Assembly, in conjunction with that of South America, should devote particular attention to Bahá’í literature, as in the past the publication of really adequate translations and their dissemination has been often delayed and the books inferior in style. The Spanish-speaking Bahá’ís, becoming more numerous all the time, have a right to possess the literature of the Faith, so infinitely rich and inspiring, in their own tongue and well translated. 10 The Guardian feels that during the coming few years your Assembly should not hesitate to lean on and consult the American Assembly. This in no way implies any weakness or inadequacy on your part, but is logical and organic. The American National Spiritual Assembly is one of the oldest in the Bahá’í world, it has gone through a lot, and consequently acquired an experience which cannot be obtained overnight. It also looks upon with pride, affection, and concern this beautiful daughter, so to speak, that it has brought into being. So your tie is a deep and natural one. 11 Shoghi Effendi is also most anxious for the Message to reach the aboriginal inhabitants of the Americas. These people, for the most part downtrodden and ignorant, should receive from the Bahá’ís a special measure of love, and every effort be made to teach them. Their enrollment in the Faith will enrich them and us, and demonstrate our principle of the Oneness of Man far better than words or the wide conversion of the ruling races ever can. 12 You may be sure that the Guardian will watch your work with the keenest interest, and surround you all with his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 11 July 1951 [Peru] National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 7, as well as the report of your first Convention and the minutes of your Assembly meeting, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 His heart was filled with joy upon hearing of the success of the first Convention, and the sentiments expressed by your Assembly touched him deeply. 3 He feels sure these two new National Bahá’í Bodies will greatly enrich the Bahá’í World Community, and accomplish noble feats in the service of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 It is truly significant and inspiring to think that there are now four National Assemblies in the New World. It shows what vitality and promise these young nations have, and these characteristics will aid them in their Bahá’í service. 5 Your Assembly is called upon to direct and safeguard the activities of our Faith in a truly vast and impressive area. But the very newness of the work, the room for spiritual conquest, the great need of the people, both aboriginal and European in origin, to hear of Bahá’u’lláh, is stimulating and challenging, and must call forth the best in every believer. 6 Now that you have the privilege of building from the very beginning a new National Institution he feels special attention should be devoted to laying a deep and permanent foundation. The basis of all successful work in this Faith is that true brotherhood and unity should prevail amongst the believers. To promote unity and love amongst the friends is your first duty. 7 Your second is undoubtedly the teaching work: to maintain and increase the existing Assemblies, develop the groups into new Assemblies, carry on extension teaching work, and bring the Cause before the public. 8 Next to this comes support of the National Fund: all the believers must be encouraged to give financial help to the work; the Guardian realizes the friends are for the most part not well-to-do, but they must realize that the act of giving, however modest the sum, is a sign of unity and brings blessings to the united work all are undertaking for Bahá’u’lláh. 9 Another important matter is to provide, in conjunction with the Central American National Assembly, adequate literature in good translations. Your Assembly will, naturally, have the added responsibility of Portuguese literature. 10 The Guardian feels that special efforts must be made to enroll the primitive peoples of South America in the Cause. These souls, often so exploited and despised, deserve to hear of the Faith, and will become a great asset to it once their hearts are enlightened. 11 Shoghi Effendi, as you know, attaches particular importance to Magallanes and to maintain the Assembly there is one of your responsibilities. It constitutes one of the distant outposts of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, and represents a hard won trophy; it must be maintained at all costs. 12 Your Assembly has not entered upon its stewardship empty-handed; on the contrary, unlike most National Bodies that have begun with nothing, so to speak, you are already enriched by having two Summer School properties under your jurisdiction: Loncoche and Ezeiza. He hopes these budding institutions will grow and flourish, and rejoice the hearts of the dear friends who so generously, in the beginning of the work in Latin America, established them for the glory of Bahá’u’lláh. 13 It is truly inspiring to think that in relatively so short a time the Bahá’í Community of the United States should have given birth to these two beautiful daughter-Assemblies in the southern part of the New World. He, therefore, considers it wise and proper that for a few years your Assembly should keep in close touch with its “parent,” who, like all parents, has had the benefit of long years of experience, and passed through many trials, and is therefore in a position to help you with advice and other support. 14 For the first time in Bahá’í history we see constellations of National Bodies, so to speak, co-operating for the good of the Faith: in Africa, England is working closely with the National Spiritual Assemblies of Persia, Egypt, India and the United States. Upon the success of the close co-operation between your Assembly, that of Meso-America, and the United States during the coming years will depend, to a great extent, not only the speed of achievement in the future, but also plans to be undertaken by the National Bodies of the New World. 15 All your work will be watched by the Guardian with the keenest interest, and his loving prayers be offered for your success and guidance. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 16 P. S.In answer to the question raised in your letter of June 5 as regards divorce: The Guardian says that if within a country divorce, because of affiliation of Church and State in this matter, is considered illegal, the Bahá’ís must be bound by this law. At the present time they must under no circumstances raise such matters with any Government in question. This means that it is not right for a believer to get a divorce outside of, say Colombia, and then remarry outside and return there, where his divorce would be illegal. 5 15 July 1951 [National Spiritual Assembly of South America, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Enclosed please find a receipt for the loving and generous contribution forwarded by you (in your letter of May 2nd) for work on the Shrine of the Báb. 2 The Guardian was much touched by this sum gathered on the historic occasion of the first South American Bahá’í Convention. Surely contributions such as these enrich the spiritual significance of the holy Edifice being erected at the World Center of the Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 3 Assuring you of my deepfelt appreciation of the spirit animating the friends and the members of your Assembly in making their contribution, and of my ardent and loving prayers for the success of their high endeavors, Your true brother, Shoghi 6 30 June 1952 [Panama] Miss Elena Maria Marsella, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of July 10 and 20, September 3, 6 and 26, signed by the treasurer, Mr. J. V. Facey, October 6 (2), November 2, December 4, 27 and 31, 1951, and January 17, March 12 and 21 and May 13, 1952 with their enclosures have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. I am also enclosing a receipt for the sum sent by the friends for the work on the Shrine of the Báb. 2 He was particularly pleased to see that members of your Assembly have been out traveling and contacting the friends in an effort to deepen their understanding of the workings of the administration and also their knowledge of the Faith in general. He feels that particularly at present in Latin America this intimate, loving and friendly approach will do more to further the work than anything else. Indeed, he would go so far as to advise your Assembly to avoid deluging the friends with circulars and unnecessary bulletins. You must always bear in mind the genuine difference between the peoples of the south and the peoples of the north; to use the same techniques as those adopted in the United States would be disastrous because the mentality and background of life are quite different. Much as the friends need administration, it must be brought to them in a palatable form, otherwise they will not be able to assimilate it and instead of consolidating the work you will find some of the believers become estranged from it. 3 Whenever you feel at all discouraged you should remember how many years it took for the administration to get as well established as it is at present in North America. Problems repeat themselves and in the earlier stages in the U.S.A. the body of the believers was very loosely knit together, many of the friends were, as they now are in Latin America, affiliated with various more or less progressive cults from which they had come to the Faith and from which they could not be suddenly cut off; they had to be weaned and educated; the same thing you must now do. He urges you therefore to be very patient with the believers, and, through loving consultation and education, gradually insist that the old allegiances must give way to the great and all-satisfying bond they have now found with Bahá’u’lláh and His Faith. 4 Mature teachers are the greatest need of the Faith everywhere, and no doubt in your area too. One wise and dedicated soul can so often give life to an inactive community, bring in new people and inspire to greater sacrifice. He hopes that whatever else you are able to do during the coming months, you will be able to keep in circulation a few really good Bahá’í teachers. 5 He was delighted to receive the documents concerning your incorporation and feels this is a great step forward. He also appreciated having the minutes sent him in English. 6 The various enclosures you forwarded were also appreciated. 7 The recent Convention, though poorly attended, will no doubt have constructive repercussions in the lives of the believers and stimulate the growth of the communities. Your task is great, but the Bahá’ís are devoted and loyal and will, he feels sure, rise to ever greater heights as time goes by and they see the first-fruits of their labors being garnered. 8 He assures you all, and through you the body of the friends, of his loving prayers on your behalf. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 9P. S.Regarding the status of the Antilles: this is a matter which has to do with the plan to be undertaken in the next ten years and nothing to do at present with your Assembly’s plan. Dear and valued co-workers: 10 Despite my intense occupation with the complex and numerous problems and grave issues that have confronted me, and absorbed my energies during recent months at the World Center of the Faith—cares and anxieties that have unfortunately been responsible for the unavoidable delay in acknowledging your Assembly’s communications, I have nevertheless been following with unqualified admiration the progress of your activities, and have been deeply impressed by the perseverance, the fidelity, the devotion and single-mindedness which have characterized the services you have performed for the spread and consolidation of the Faith in Central America. 11 The Two Year Plan you have spontaneously initiated, the vigor with which you are prosecuting it, the noble aim that has animated you ever since its adoption, the vigilance and thoroughness with which you endeavor to safeguard the interests of the nascent institutions of the Faith, and promote their welfare and consolidate their foundations, merit the highest praise. I feel truly grateful for the manner in which you face your manifold responsibilities and discharge your sacred and pressing duties. Though the issues confronting you are complex, numerous and urgent, the spirit of consecration you have consistently displayed since the assumption of your high office augurs well for the future expansion of your activities and the consummation of your allotted task. 12 The year we have just entered, marking the closing stage of the Plan you have undertaken and the termination of the initial chapter in the life of your newly-emerged Assembly, must witness as it speeds to its end, a dedication to your collective task more compelling than any you have already demonstrated and a vigorous prosecution of the work on which you have embarked more splendid than any that has thus far distinguished your stewardship of His Faith. As the interval separating the birth of your Assembly from the assignment of a new mission that will enable you to participate in the World Crusade, destined to be launched by the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in both the East and the West, rapidly diminishes, your efforts must be correspondingly redoubled to arouse the entire community of the steadfast and devoted believers in every Republic of Central America and throughout the Greater Antilles, and enable them to appreciate the nature of their future task and the urgency of their present responsibilities, and to more completely dedicate themselves to the work in which they are now engaged—a work which should be regarded as a prelude to the enterprises they will be called upon to launch on the morrow of the world-wide celebrations of a steadily approaching Holy Year. 13 For not only in the Western Hemisphere and its neighboring Islands, but farther afield, amidst the numerous Islands and Dependencies of the South Pacific Ocean, must the community of the Most Great Name, now firmly rooted in Central America and the West Indies, demonstrate its capacity to establish, on solid foundations, the administrative structure of a world-embracing divinely conceived Order, and win its greatest victories. Nothing short of a rapid consolidation and a steady multiplication of the administrative centers so laboriously brought into being, and a fuller understanding, on the part of those who are summoned to participate in the great undertakings of the future, of the essential truths underlying their Faith, of the provisions of the Covenant that acts as its shield, and of the distinguishing features of the Order which is to be regarded as its stronghold, can empower them to launch, efficiently and confidently, the enterprises that must signalize the inauguration of their Mission beyond the confines of their native lands. 14 That they may become increasingly aware of the requirements of the present hour; that they may lend increasing support to your Assembly in the discharge of your multitudinous duties; that your own Assembly may set a sublime example to the rank and file of the believers within your jurisdiction; and may, through its able conduct of its affairs, win the admiration of its sister communities throughout the Bahá’í world; and, through its inspiring leadership, attract a bountiful measure of the blessings of the One Who in His immortal Tablets anticipated the birth and rise of your community, is the dearest wish of my heart and the object of my ardent prayers. Your true brother, Shoghi 7 30 June 1952 [Peru] Mr. Manuel Vera, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letters of May 17, August 3, September 3, October 29 and December 28, 1951, and January 5, January 11, February 16 and April 7, 1952, with enclosures, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 With the rapid growth of the Cause everywhere the Guardian finds it increasingly difficult to write frequently to various National Assemblies, hence the delay in answering your letters. However, he follows with keen interest the progress of the work, and feels that notable growth is evident in your region. 3 He was particularly pleased to see the Plan you have formulated for the coming year; it seems a well-balanced one and possible of achievement—a most important point, as otherwise the friends become discouraged if they fail. 4 Your recent Convention was also an obvious success and very well attended, all things considered. 5 He was very happy to note the offer of dear Mr. and Mrs. Juan Casavelos to pioneer. They, and the dear Tormos, can no doubt add a great deal to the teaching work in their region during the coming months. 6 The news of the incorporation of so many Local Assemblies was also very welcome; he hopes the Argentina ones will soon be added, and thus complete the circle for South America. 7 The loving sympathy conveyed by your Assembly on the occasion of Mr. Maxwell’s passing was much appreciated, and he was glad to see the friends had held a meeting at the grave of dear Mrs. Maxwell. 8 He fully appreciates the fact that the believers are still somewhat attached to the different cults from which they have come; this is a problem which always faces the Faith in a new region; it existed a long time in America, and seems part of the growth of the Cause. He feels your Assembly can afford to be patient with the friends, while at the same time educating them into a deeper understanding of the Cause. As their awareness of the true significance of Bahá’u’lláh grows, they will become weaned from the old ideas and give full allegiance to His teachings. 9 The Latin American communities are still on the threshold of their international Bahá’í life; he feels sure that they will rapidly grow into it. Compared with the length of time it took the North American, the British, and the French communities to grow up and spread, their growth is like lightning. As the Cause spreads all over the world its rate of acceleration increases, too, and new centers in Africa, in some mysterious way, have spiritual repercussions which aid in forming new centers everywhere. 10 Please assure all the friends of his admiration for the progress they are making and of his loving prayers for the achievement of their new Plan. 11 He assures you, and all the members of your Assembly, of his loving prayers. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 12 P. S.As regards the question you asked: Now is not the time to present the Words of Bahá’u’lláh to the Rulers of America; when the Cause becomes stronger in Latin America you can reconsider the advisability of doing so. Dear and valued co-workers: 13 The multitudinous activities and enterprises which have, in recent months, required my close and immediate attention, have, to my great regret, interfered with the prompt acknowledgment of the letters which various National Assemblies have addressed me in the course of this year so crowded with developments at once historic and far reaching in their significance. I have, however, followed with keen interest and ever deepening admiration the steady growth and consolidation of the nascent institutions of the Faith now rising so hopefully under your guidance throughout the South American Republics. The reports you have enclosed in your communications, the minutes of your Assembly, the copies of the Spanish Bulletins and other publications, the description of your annual Convention, above all the One Year Plan you have so splendidly formulated—all attest the vigor, the fidelity, the constancy and the devotion that have characterized your conduct of Bahá’í affairs since the emergence of your Assembly as an independent future pillar of the Universal House of Justice destined to crown the Administrative Edifice of a world-embracing Faith. 14 The year that has just opened will be regarded by posterity as a prelude to the initiation of the large-scale enterprises destined to be launched by the Bahá’í communities throughout Latin America in foreign fields, as the rightful associates of the chief executors of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, and on the morrow of the inauguration of a fate-laden fast approaching Holy Year. 15 Whilst these budding, highly promising, swiftly consolidating communities brace themselves, individually as well as collectively, for active participation in the World Crusade, the launching of which will constitute the chief feature of the celebrations which are to signalize the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s Mission, their members must, as the present year unfolds, display an extraordinary degree of consecration and intensify to an unprecedented extent, their activities, for the multiplication of Bahá’í centers, for the enrichment of their spiritual lives, for the consolidation of their newly-born institutions, for the dissemination of the literature of their Faith, for the incorporation of their newly formed Assemblies, for the forging of fresh links binding them to their spiritual brethren overseas, and for a fuller understanding of the aims and purposes of the Order within whose Orbit they function and of the Covenant under whose sheltering shadow they labor. 16 The task awaiting them within as well as beyond the confines of the Western Hemisphere, as official participators in two of the four intercontinental conferences planned for the immediate future, is truly historic and too vast to be properly assessed at the present hour. Every day that passes must be prized and utilized to the fullest extent in preparation for the Mission which has to be undertaken, the responsibilities that are to be shouldered, and the collective contribution which is to be made towards the spread of the Cause of God by the Latin-American followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in various continents and islands of the globe. 17 Time is running short. The hour is critical. The Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh is entering upon a new, crucial and glorious stage in its unfoldment. Though young in years, though inexperienced as compared to its sister communities in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, though its material resources are strictly circumscribed, though the area in which it operates is vast and the obstacles standing in its way manifo1d, this community, now still standing on the threshold of its independent existence, must, in recognition of the bounties showered upon it from on high, and as a token of its gratitude for the privileges bestowed upon it, arise, and exhibit such a spirit of dedication as to astonish the entire Bahá’í world, and seek to repay, however inadequately, its debt to the spirit of an ever-vigilant Master, through the operation of Whose Will it was called into being and to Whose immortal Tablets, bequeathed in the evening of His life, it owes the impulse that has generated its very life. 18 I will, in my hours of meditation and prayer, recall the spirit which has animated this community since its birth, will gratefully acknowledge the services it has already rendered, and will supplicate with added fervor for its further illumination, its continued expansion and the ultimate fruition of its destiny. Your true brother, Shoghi 8 11 June 1953 [Peru] To the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Our beloved Guardian has been greatly encouraged by reports reaching him from all parts of the Bahá’í world of the victories already gained, and the plans being laid for the prosecution of the Ten Year Crusade. 2 They have evoked his awe-inspiring and soul-stirring cablegram of May 28th, calling for the immediate settlement of all the 131 virgin areas of the Plan. He is convinced that the friends will arise and translate their enthusiasm into action, because the keynote of the crusade must be action, action, action! 3 The beloved Guardian has directed me to write your Assembly to amplify some of the aspects of his dynamic message. 4 The settlement of these virgin areas is of such an emergency nature, that he feels pioneering in one of them takes precedence over every other type of Bahá’í service—whether it be in the teaching or administrative fields of the Faith. 5 In the United States some 150 people have volunteered for pioneer service, and some of them already are preparing to leave for their posts. The Guardian has informed the United States National Assembly, that because of their being the chief executor of the Divine Plan of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for teaching throughout the world, their pioneers may be sent to any virgin area in the world, regardless of which National Spiritual Assembly it may be assigned to. If any of their pioneers wish to settle in any of the areas assigned to your Assembly, they will communicate with you. 6 There are some general observations which the Guardian shares with you, and then some specific suggestions which are enumerated below: 7 1. Every individual who offers to pioneer should be encouraged and assisted in every way possible by the National Assembly. 8 2. Every application for pioneering must be expedited, and not allowed to drag in any way, either in the handling by the National Spiritual Assembly, or any committee working out the details for the National Spiritual Assembly. 9 3. The National Assembly must make the settlement of their virgin areas the first order of their business. In other words, nothing is more important at this time, than settlement in the 131 virgin areas. 10 4. More than two pioneers should not be sent to any one place, unless, of course, they are members of one family. In fact, what is wanted is to settle each area with Bahá’ís, and therefore, one Bahá’í will fulfill the initial task. 11 The specific suggestions which the Guardian makes are: 12 a. Areas close at hand and easy of settlement should be filled first. Then the areas more difficult, and finally, the difficult ones. 13 b. Whenever a pioneer enters a new territory, a cable should be sent at once to the beloved Guardian, giving the name, place and any pertinent information. 14 c. A report should be sent each month by your Assembly to the Secretary-General of the International Bahá’í Council, giving the progress of your teaching work in the virgin areas of the Plan, particularly the development of your plans for settling them. This does not mean your Assembly should correspond with the International Council concerning administrative matters, as all administrative matters should be handled in the usual manner, directly with the Guardian. It simply means that reports and data concerning the development of the Plan should be sent to the International Council for consolidation with other reports, for the Guardian. 15 d. The Guardian feels the following areas should be easily settled; and he would appreciate your arranging to send pioneers there at the earliest possible date. Chiloé Island Galápagos Islands Juan Fernández Islands Leeward Islands Windward Islands Cook Islands 16 As his dramatic cable indicates, the Guardian is preparing an illuminated “Roll of Honor,” on which will be inscribed the names of the “Knights of Bahá’u’lláh” who first enter these 131 virgin areas. This “Roll of Honor” will be placed inside the entrance door of the inner sanctuary of the Tomb of Bahá’u’lláh. 17 From time to time, the Guardian will announce to the Bahá’í world, the names of those holy souls who arise under the conditions outlined in his message, and settle these areas, and conquer them for God. 18 Now is the time for the Bahá’ís of the world to demonstrate the spiritual vitality of the Faith, and to arise as one soul to spread the Glory of the Lord over the face of the earth. The Guardian is sure the spiritual power released with the launching of this great Ten Year Global Crusade will carry the consecrated and devoted friends to complete victory. 19 He will pray for the members of your Assembly, whose sacrificial services he greatly values. Faithfully yours, Assistant Secretary 9 19 June 1953 [Panama] Miss Elena Maria Marsella, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letters of May 24 and 30; July 5 and 18 (2); September 25; and October 29, 1952; and January 7 and 27 (2); February 5, and March 17, 1953, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The enclosures have also been received. 2 Regarding the matters you have raised in your letters: 3 Such details as to whether the Local Spiritual Assemblies should ratify your Declaration of Trust or not are left to your Assembly to decide. He already, in any case, replied to you by cable. 4 The Guardian encourages the various National Spiritual Assemblies to show initiative and originality in minor matters whilst adhering to uniformity in major matters; he therefore feels your Assembly is capable of developing its own Newsletter along the lines best suited to the needs in the various countries under its jurisdiction. What you outlined as your present policy sounded quite all right to him. 5 Please express to . . . his appreciation of the help he gave you in regard to your National Incorporation. A distinguished lawyer in Canada has for many years helped the friends in similar matters at no cost to them. Such good friends are very dear to our hearts. 6 He was pleased to hear the Assembly members had been so active in traveling and stimulating the work. 7 He received the material on Panfrish sent by Mr. Fitz-Henley, and is happy to see such an energetic thinker is now active in promoting the Faith; the Cause of God needs such enterprising promoters, and he hopes this dear friend will render great services in the teaching field. 8 As regards the “Administrative Manual”: he urges you to not add to the rules and regulations, but try to cut down on these and decide cases as they arise; there is a natural tendency to codify the teachings and produce handbooks of procedure: there are not enough Bahá’ís in the whole world to justify this, and he continuously urges the various National Spiritual Assemblies to beware of this tendency. He has no time, at all, to go over such things himself; indeed, your Assembly, and all the others, will have to assume increasing responsibility for your work in order to relieve him. He is worn out with all his work and added material to read. . . . 9 The Guardian feels confident that the believers of Central America, under the able leadership of your Assembly, will succeed in achieving all the objectives of their portion of the Ten Year Plan, and will thus add to their spiritual stature and to the glory of the Cause of God in Latin America. They must realize that their period of youth, so to speak, is now passed, and they have emerged into the responsibilities of maturity; ever increasingly upon their own efforts will depend the success of their labors. He will be following the course of their activities with eager interest, you may be sure. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 10 The splendid achievements which signalized the birth and early development of the National Spiritual Assembly representing the Central American Bahá’í community—achievements that merit the highest praise and have evoked profound admiration in the hearts of the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in both East and West—have, no doubt, qualified its members to take their place, and play a distinct and notable part, in the newly launched and decade-long World Crusade destined to illumine the annals of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation. 11 The vigilance, fidelity, single-mindedness and perseverance displayed by them, as well as by their elected national representatives, in recent years; the series of projects they have successfully carried out, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá’í activity, which have, in no small measure, contributed to the multiplication of Bahá’í centers, the consolidation of Bahá’í institutions, and the dissemination of Bahá’í literature; the endeavors they have so devotedly exerted to give publicity to the Faith, to its aims, purposes and principles—these constitute a record of achievement which augurs well for their future contribution to the progress of the world-wide enterprise initiated by their fellow-believers embracing every continent of the globe, and which bids fair to eclipse any previous collective undertaking embarked upon by the adherents of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh since the inception of the Formative Age of His Dispensation. 12 The task that now challenges their limited resources, that demands the undivided and close attention of each one of them, will, if worthily fulfilled, add imperishable luster to the mighty and brilliant record of unforgettable achievements which will for ever be associated with the stalwart followers of His Faith dwelling in the Western Hemisphere. 13 The first and foremost duty devolving upon them is the prosecution, with whatever resources they command and with all the enthusiasm, the resolution and consecration of which they are capable, of their Ten Year Plan that constitutes so vital a part of the global Crusade to which the entire Bahá’í world now stands committed. 14 Of all the objectives which the members of this valiant community must assiduously strive to attain, ere the termination of the present decade, the dispatch of pioneers to the seven territories and islands—four of which are situated in the Western Hemisphere and the rest in the South Pacific Ocean—allocated to the members of this community must be considered of paramount importance, requiring the immediate and concentrated attention of its elected national representatives. Every effort should be exerted, every sacrifice should be made, to ensure the attainment of this primary objective ere the conclusion of this current year. This supreme, immediate objective, as well as the acquisition of the site of the First Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of Central America, should be regarded as the outstanding features of the initial phase of the Plan launched so auspiciously by the Bahá’ís of Central America on the morrow of the celebrations commemorating the centenary of the birth of the Mission of the Founder of their Faith. 15 The prompt settlement of at least one pioneer in each of these virgin territories; the selection and purchase of the site of the future Temple, within the limits, or in the immediate outskirts, of the city of Panama, which need not exceed, for the present, an area of approximately one acre; the formation of an American as well as of an Asian Teaching Committee that will vigorously and speedily arise to discharge its duties—these constitute the first obligations to be assumed by the Central American National Assembly in the course of the opening year of the Plan. 16 Already its sister National Assemblies have been urged to participate, through financial contributions, in an undertaking which, in the course of years, will culminate in the erection of a Bahá’í House of Worship in the heart of the Western Hemisphere, and in a country singled out for specific mention by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His immortal Tablets. 17 While these preliminary measures are being carried out by the members of this Assembly, the process of the steady multiplication of Bahá’í centers and the formation of Bahá’í Spiritual Assemblies must, under no circumstances, be allowed to slacken. It should, indeed, be accelerated, by every means at the disposal of your Assembly, for upon it must depend the early formation of independent National Assemblies in both Central America and the Antilles—an objective which, though not immediate, is nevertheless worthy to rank as the most vital among the aims and purposes which the prosecutors of the Plan have set themselves to achieve. 18 The field that stretches before them is so vast; the challenge that confronts them is at once severe and thrilling; the mission with which they have been entrusted is truly glorious and demands the utmost sacrifice; the reward that awaits them, if they worthily fulfill it in the allotted time, is immeasurably rich; the gratitude they will earn from their fellow Crusaders, should they attain their aim, will be profound and abiding. 19 However strenuous the task, however prolonged the effort, however circumscribed their resources, let them remember that He Who guides, animates and watches over the operations of this momentous, world-embracing Crusade will, if they but play their part, abundantly reinforce, through the outpourings of His Celestial strength, all those battling for His Cause and will assure them a victory which He alone can bestow. 20 That they may discharge nobly their task; that they may never allow, in the course of the coming years, anything to deflect them from their high purpose; that they may speedily and victoriously consummate the immediate requirements of their Plan; and befittingly terminate the first phase of their glorious Mission, in their capacity as associates in the execution of the Design conceived by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, is the object of my constant prayers and one of the dearest wishes of my heart. Shoghi 10 19 June 1953 National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters of June 23, July 22 and 30, August 7 and 16, September 2 and 3, October 25, 1952, and January 2 (2), January 14 (2), February 3, March 11 and 20, April 24 and May 20, 1953 have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. The various enclosures you sent, as well as photographs and other material sent separately, have also been safely received. 2 The progress in the work your Assembly has made during the past year has pleased him very much, and he feels sure that a firm foundation has been laid for the great tasks that lie ahead of you during the next ten years. 3 He believes that the many trips made by members of your Assembly to different centers stimulated the work, and brought about a greater feeling of solidarity, and he hopes that this type of service can be continued during the coming year, as much as proves feasible. 4 He was also very happy that you received your legal incorporation, which is another milestone in the unfoldment of the Faith in South America. 5 The news you conveyed to him that one of the Bahá’ís had voluntarily given up attending the South American Convention this year in order to contribute the sum that he saved towards the passage of the Argentina member of your Body to the United States, to attend the Intercontinental Conference, greatly touched him. Please assure this friend that this gesture of Bahá’í love and unity immensely pleased our beloved Guardian. 6 It was indeed wonderful that so many of the Latin friends and pioneers, and members of the Central and South American Assemblies could be present for the dedication of the Temple and could attend the Intercontinental Teaching Conference. No doubt the inspiration gained will be carried back and shared with all the believers at home, and a new feeling of solidarity and oneness, a new confidence in the never-failing aid of Bahá’u’lláh and a new sense of responsibility be conveyed to the friends at home who did not have the privilege of being present. 7 He considers it at the present time premature to make territorial divisions so that groups and isolated believers can take part in the election of delegates. . . . 8 The Bahá’ís, in spite of the conditions prevailing in their country, must make every effort to live up to the laws of Bahá’u’lláh. However, the Guardian considers that your Assembly was quite right in the reply it gave to the . . . Assembly, and that this believer should not have been deprived of his voting rights but rather should be encouraged to settle his affairs in a Bahá’í way and be given time to do so, and if he fails he should be admonished and warned, and, only as a last recourse, deprived of his voting rights. 9 He urges your Assembly to now turn its complete and undivided attention to the all-important task of getting pioneers out to your nine virgin fields; the pioneers can be drawn from the ranks of the South American believers or may be volunteers from other countries, if available, who will work for your Plan under your direction. The vital thing is to find them and send them on their historic mission. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 10 The splendid record of service which has so greatly enriched the annals of the Faith in the South American continent since the formation of the South American National Assembly has truly rejoiced my heart, and has, no doubt, evoked profound admiration and gratitude in the hearts of the followers of the Faith in both the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. The constancy with which the members of this Assembly have conducted their manifold and ever-expanding activities; the zeal and fidelity they displayed; the care and vigilance they have invariably shown in safeguarding the interests of the Faith, in promoting its welfare, and in consolidating its nascent institutions, deserve the highest praise. I feel truly proud of the standard of their accomplishments, and am confident that the quality and range of the work they have achieved fully qualify them to undertake the vast, the sacred and urgent responsibilities which it is their privilege to assume at this important and vital stage in the unfoldment of their historic Mission. 11 As associates of the chief executors of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan, the members of the South American Bahá’í community have a great and splendid task to perform. They are confronted with responsibilities that are at once weighty, pressing and inescapable. They stand on the threshold of a new Era marking the inauguration of their Mission beyond the borders of their homelands. Their responsibilities, which are continually growing as they themselves mature, are twofold. They must devote their attention henceforth to both the multiplication and consolidation of the institutions they have already established throughout the South American Republics, and assiduously endeavor to implant the banner of the Faith in the nine virgin territories and islands assigned to them as their share in the prosecution of the decade-long world spiritual Crusade recently launched by their fellow-believers throughout the world. 12 The first and foremost objective claiming their immediate attention is, no doubt, the settlement, if possible ere the termination of the current year, of pioneers in the nine virgin territories allocated to their National Assembly in accordance with the provisions of their Ten Year Plan, which constitutes a landmark of the utmost significance in the evolution of the Faith in that continent. No sacrifice can be deemed too great for the attainment of so noble and glorious an objective. The resources of the community, meager though they are, must be devoted primarily to this end. The work, though arduous, and which must challenge severely the spirit of the entire community, requires, no doubt, utter consecration, extreme vigilance, devoted self-sacrifice and the utmost constancy. 13 While this supreme objective is receiving the concentrated attention of the elected representatives of this community, the no less vital task of multiplying and consolidating the newly established Assemblies and groups throughout the length and breadth of that vast continent must be pursued with undiminished care, unswerving purpose and inflexible resolve. For upon it will depend the early formation of independent National Spiritual Assemblies in the Republics of the South American continent. The prizes already won in that field must not only be safeguarded, but every effort must be exerted to increase their number through a steady multiplication of Spiritual Assemblies and a corresponding increase in the number of groups and isolated centers, which constitute the foundation of future National Assemblies to be formed in the ten Republics of that continent. 14 As the site for the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of South America has already been acquired in the capital city of Chile, the attention as well as the resources of the members of the entire community must, in the course of the present year, be focused upon the attainment of the twin above-mentioned objectives—objectives which constitute the distinctive features of the opening phase of the Ten Year Plan. 15 The field stretching before the members of this virile and promising community is immense. Their responsibilities are unique and manifold. The time at their disposal for the fulfillment of so meritorious a task is limited and will swiftly pass. The blessings which the adequate performance of such a task will bring in its wake are inestimable. Its repercussions upon the immediate destinies of the Faith throughout Latin America will be permanent and far-reaching. 16 The members of the South American Bahá’í community, who have demonstrated already, in no small measure, the quality of their faith, the degree of their devotion, the nobility of their purpose, the excellence of their accomplishments, must now arise, at this crucial hour, to ennoble the record of their unforgettable services to the Cause of God, in some of the most promising countries in the new world, constituting the southern outposts of the Faith in the Western Hemisphere, by acts of unprecedented heroism which will excite the envy and the admiration of all their fellow-laborers in the Divine Vineyard, and which in the eyes of posterity will be considered as signalizing one of the brilliant chapters in the history of the Faith in the South American continent. 17 It is my earnest prayer and fondest hope that this community will befittingly respond to the plea which I now address to them with all the fervor of my heart, and will continue to labor with undimmed vision, with unfaltering faith, with undiminished vigor and with incorruptible loyalty, until the last objective of the Plan entrusted to its care will have been fully attained. Shoghi 11 14 June 1954 [Peru] Miss Dorothy Campbell, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your Assembly’s letters dated June 8, 11, 16 (2), 25 and 27, August 15, September 7, October 1 and November 17 (3), 1953, and March 30 and May 10, 1954, with their enclosures, also packages sent separately, have all been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to see the remarkable progress your Assembly has made in settling its pioneer territories during the first year of the Ten Year Crusade. 3 When one realizes that the organized work in Latin America is not even two decades old, and that there are now two National Bodies in that area; twenty National Bodies in prospect of formation ere the expiry of another decade; that you have already acquired your Temple site (he regrets the error in stating this situation was Santiago);1 that so many members of your Community were able to visit the Intercontinental Conference; that two of the dear Hands of the Cause made an extended tour of the countries under your jurisdiction—when one contemplates all these facts, one sees indeed the vitality of these newly-enrolled believers in the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, and the great promise for the future that the work there holds. 4 It was a great pleasure to have one of the members of your Assembly, Mrs. Fabienne Guillon, here as a pilgrim. Indeed the visit of the first Chilean Bahá’í to Haifa was another landmark in the unfoldment of the Faith throughout that region. 5 He does not consider it necessary for you to ask his permission before enrolling any Oriental people as voting members. You should write your Assemblies, and urge them to concentrate on teaching native Latin Americans and Indians, and to ignore, as far as possible, Orientals, without antagonizing them unduly. 6 In view of the situation prevailing in Dutch Guiana, he thinks that more latitude could be allowed, but the pioneers there should be very careful with Muslims, and be absolutely sure of the purity of their motive before proceeding to teach them or to accept them. 7 He sees no objection to your pioneer teaching work for all your goals, including one Asian territory, being carried out under the supervision of the New Territories Committee. He does not think a separate committee necessary for just one Asiatic country. 8 As regards your question of languages, the Guardian made out a general list of languages for different parts of the globe, into which Bahá’í literature was to be translated during the Ten Year Plan. He does not, however, insist that every single one of these languages be used. If the friends find out, through investigations on the subject, that one of these languages is relatively insignificant, and another language much more commonly spoken in that area, he does not object to a substitution being made, though he would like, as a general principle, to have as few substitutions made as possible. 9 He therefore approves of your translating literature into Quechua, Aymará, Guaraní, and Araucano. A pamphlet is sufficient for the purpose, but he advises you to use a substantial pamphlet, similar to the one that the British National Assembly has been using throughout Africa for African languages, and not something wholly insignificant. 10 He was very touched to hear of the manner in which Mr. José Ollino embraced the Faith, assisted the Tormos in their pioneering, and passed away under tragic circumstances. Surely such a soul is richly rewarded in the world beyond. It seemed as if it was his destiny to be given this great blessing of not only hearing of Bahá’u’lláh, but rendering Him a service, before his life came to an end. The Guardian has prayed for him in the holy Shrines. 11 He feels sure that, with the staunch and enthusiastic spirit of the body of the believers throughout the Community under your jurisdiction, you will go forward and accomplish great things during the present Bahá’í year. The Bahá’ís must never be discouraged. They must look to their blessings, and, confident of the unfailing support of Bahá’u’lláh, persevere in the work of the Ten Year Crusade. 12 He will remember all the members of your Assembly in his prayers in the holy Shrines, and will supplicate that the pioneers, the teachers and the rank and file of the believers, may render ever greater services to the Cause of God. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 13 The South American Bahá’í Community, firmly established and steadily consolidating itself, throughout so vast an area in the Western Hemisphere, is now entering, at this crucial hour in the unfoldment of the Ten Year Plan on which it has embarked, a period which bids fair to eclipse all preceding periods since its inception more than fifteen years ago. Its responsibilities have greatly multiplied, the scope of its operations has considerably widened, and its share in the prosecution of the worldwide tasks confronting the followers of the Faith has notably increased. 14 The moment is appropriate for the members of this Community to pause and call to mind the successive stages which have marked its inception and development, and which constitute a shining episode in the evolution of the Bahá’í Faith in the western world. The opening phase of this mighty process may be said to have been ushered in by the response made by the Heralds of the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh, during the closing years of the Heroic Age of His Faith, and particularly by His exemplary and consecrated handmaiden, Martha Root, to the call raised by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and the settlement of the first Bahá’í pioneer in the city of Bahia. This initial stage in the introduction of the Faith in the South American continent was greatly accelerated, in the years following the rise and establishment of the Administrative Order of the Faith in the North American continent, through the operations of the First Seven Year Plan, set in motion by the members of the North American Bahá’í Community, for the purpose of establishing the basis of that same Order throughout the Republics of Latin America. This far-reaching and highly blessed enterprise was greatly reinforced by the initiation of yet another Plan, which culminated in the emergence of the South American Bahá’í National Assembly, an achievement that was worthily commemorated in the course of the festivities celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s Prophetic Mission. The formation of this National Assembly was signalized by the adoption of various measures elected by the representatives of the South American Bahá’í Community and which yielded their fruit on the eve of those same festivities. This period of internal consolidation was soon followed, on the morrow of these worldwide celebrations, by the launching of a Ten Year Plan, designed to lend a fresh impetus to the development of this Community, and constituting its share of the spiritual Crusade launched by the followers of the Faith in all continents of the globe. 15 The opening phase of this decade-long Plan inaugurated the Mission of this newly consolidated Community beyond its homelands, and was brought to a successful conclusion through the opening of every single virgin territory assigned, in accordance with that same Plan, to this Community. 16 This notable success, achieved by the South American believers—a success which posterity will regard as a milestone of great significance in the history of the Faith in those regions—must, at this hour when the second phase of this historic Plan is opening, be followed up by still greater victories within the confines of the South American Republics, enhancing thereby the prestige of this Community and hastening the formation of an independent National Spiritual Assembly in each of these Republics. 17 Whilst careful attention is being paid to the preservation of the prizes won in the newly opened nine territories in the American and Asiatic continents, a special effort must be exerted for the multiplication of Bahá’í centers and for the formation of Local Assemblies in each of the South American Republics, for the sole purpose of broadening and reinforcing the foundations on which future independent National Spiritual Assemblies must be raised. A swift increase in the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith, particularly of those belonging to the Indian race, is yet another responsibility which the prosecutors of the Plan must courageously face and nobly discharge. Prompt measures should moreover be taken for the purchase, in the city of Lima, of a building which need not be pretentious, that will serve as the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds of the present South American National Assembly, and will be regarded as the national administrative headquarters of the future National Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of Peru; and will herald the establishment of similar institutions for the remaining South American Republics. The establishment of Bahá’í endowments in that same city should likewise be speedily inaugurated. Every assistance must moreover be extended to the United States National Spiritual Assembly in hastening the translation and publication of Bahá’í Literature in the Indian languages assigned to that Assembly. The translation, publication and dissemination of Bahá’í Literature must be carried on, uninterruptedly and with ever-increasing vigor, in both the Spanish and Portuguese languages. The process of incorporating Local Spiritual Assemblies must be continually reinforced, as one of the most effective means for the consolidation of the entire Community. The establishment of a Bahá’í Publishing Trust must be undertaken in the city of Rio de Janeiro in conformity with the principles laid down by the British National Assembly for their Publishing Trust. Nor must the elected representatives of this Community neglect their supreme responsibility to safeguard the spiritual life of its members, to continually enrich that life by every means in their power, to deepen their grasp of the distinguishing features and the fundamental verities of the Bahá’í Faith, and to encourage and inspire them to reflect its spirit and precepts in their personal lives and conduct. 18 May this Community, which, ever since its inception, has shown such promise, and which, in recent years, has achieved so notable a success both at home and abroad, continue, with undiminished consecration, the task which it has so resolutely shouldered, and enhance, in the days to come, the enviable record which will ever remain associated with the opening years of its existence, Your true brother, Shoghi 12 24 June 1954 [Panama] Mr. Esteban Canales, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 The letters of your National Body dated June 17, July 3 (2), 7, 8 and 19, and October 10, 1953, January 25 and May 1, 1954, with enclosures, have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was extremely pleased that your Assembly was able to purchase the site for the Bahá’í Temple in Panama before the expiration of the first year of the Ten Year Crusade. He advises your Assembly, while safeguarding and maintaining the property, and living up to the terms of the contract which you signed, to spend as little money on the site as possible. Your resources are too limited, and the needs in the teaching field are too urgent, for money other than for the purpose of the purchase and bare maintenance of the property to be spent on the Temple site, at the present time. The important thing was to buy it, and this has been satisfactorily accomplished. 3 He is also very proud of the fact that Central America has filled all her pioneer goals with the exception of the Marshall Islands, to which Mrs. Steward is now en route. 4 He has read with attention the consolidation plan prepared by the National Teaching Executive Committee, a copy of which you forwarded to him in your most recent letter; and, although he thinks that the general outline of activities is excellent, there are two points to which he would like to call your attention. 5 The first is that he has not decided that there will be definitely no Regional National Assemblies prior to the establishment of independent National Assemblies for each Latin American country. As the work unfolds and the centers multiply, this matter will have to be carefully considered. At present it is premature to reach any conclusions. 6 He also believes that, before any abolition of the present basis of electing delegates to the National Convention (in other words, the delegates represent Assemblies, and not Groups and isolated believers as well) is made, the Cause must grow much stronger in each of the Central American republics. 7 Perhaps your Assembly is not aware of the fact that, with the exception of the United States and Persia, the two countries where the mass of the believers is the greatest in the Bahá’í world, all other National Assemblies are elected by delegates who are elected in their turn by Local Assemblies, and not by the body of the believers residing in any particular country. 8 He considers the introduction of the latter system premature in Latin America. You must first have many more active Groups and isolated centers, before there is any point in calling a National Convention, and directly electing the national delegates for the Central American Convention by the method used in the United States at present. 9 This is one of the reasons why he is urging the Bahá’ís everywhere to, above all, concentrate on increasing the number of Spiritual Assemblies and Groups, as well as isolated believers, educating them more deeply in the administrative and spiritual fundamentals and doctrines of the Faith, and increasing their awareness of their great responsibility as Bahá’ís in both the teaching and administrative work of the Faith. He always considers that, until the foundation is securely laid, there should be no attempt at elaborating the superstructure. 10 This principle applies everywhere, and he does not yet think that the administrative foundation is secure enough in Latin America (and indeed in many other countries) to permit of any elaboration of the present methods which he has outlined for the friends to follow. 11 He hopes that the Auxiliary Board, working in conjunction with the Hands of the Cause, will be able to carry a new impetus to the teaching work, and, in collaboration with the National Assemblies, help to strengthen and revitalize weak centers. . . . 12 Another matter to which he attaches the greatest importance is that of keeping the pioneers at their posts, and urging upon them the necessity of persevering at all costs, lest one of the so hardly-won goals of the Ten Year Crusade suffer even a momentary eclipse. 13 Your Assembly must feel very proud of the fact that a number of its members have gone into the pioneer field. The National Assembly must always show forth signs of true spiritual leadership; and he is very happy that your Body is so active, so devoted and so united. 14 He hopes that, in the unfoldment of your work throughout that region, you will pay special attention to teaching the Indians and minority groups, and converting them to the Faith. He attaches the greatest importance to this work, and is always glad to receive news of the names of any new Indian tribes represented in the Cause of God, or contacted. 15 It was a great pleasure to have the Chairman of your Assembly here as a pilgrim, after the New Delhi Conference. Indeed, who would have believed, a few years ago, that representatives from both Central and South America would attend an Intercontinental Teaching Conference in New Delhi, the other side of the world, and then come, bearing the love and devotion of their co-workers in distant parts of the New World, to the World Center, as pilgrims? He is sure that this direct contact will link your Assembly even closer to the World Center here. 16 You may be sure that, in his visits to the holy Shrines, he remembers you all most lovingly in his prayers, and supplicates that the dear Bahá’ís of Central America will become ever more active, more courageous, more self-sacrificing and more spiritually aware of their great calling. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 17 P. S.The Guardian considers that the National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in each of the Latin American countries, which must be established in conformity with the provisions of the Ten Year Plan, should be a building owned by the Bahá’ís. It does not have to be erected by them especially for this purpose. It can be a piece of property either bought by them, or donated by some believer to the Faith for this purpose. 18The same applies to a local Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds. If it is a rented room or hall, it is to be designated as the Bahá’í Center. When it is owned by the friends, it must be called the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds. Dear and valued co-workers: 19 The Central American Bahá’í Community, occupying so pivotal a position in the heart of the Western Hemisphere, stands, at this hour, marking at once the termination of the opening phase of the Bahá’í World Spiritual Crusade and the commencement of the second period in its unfoldment, on the threshold of an epoch of glorious expansion, both within its homeland as well as in foreign fields. 20 Its members can do no better than to recall, at this juncture, with joyous gratitude, the series of historic events which have led, in the course of almost four decades, to its gradual emergence, its rapid rise and steady consolidation. The epoch-making travels of some of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s disciples, headed by the incomparable Martha Root, during the concluding years of the Heroic, and the opening decade of the Formative, Age of the Faith, in response to the Call raised by the Center of the Covenant in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, may be regarded as the prelude to the formal and definite introduction of the Faith in that vast and prominent region. These preliminary years of widespread and strenuous seed sowing paved the way, on the morrow of the establishment of the framework of the Administrative Order of the Faith in the Western Hemisphere, for the launching of the First Seven Year Plan formulated by the American Bahá’í Community, which culminated in the laying of the Administrative foundations of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in the Republics of Central America and the Antilles. This initial stage in the rise and establishment of the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh in the Heart of the Western Hemisphere was immediately followed by the initiation of yet another Plan which attained its climax, on the morrow of the centenary of the Báb’s Martyrdom, through the formation of the Central American Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly—an auspicious event that was befittingly celebrated in the course of the festivities commemorating the centenary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh’s Mission. This notable and unforgettable event in the annals of the Faith in the New World was destined to be succeeded by the launching of a small Plan albeit carefully devised by the newly launched National Spiritual Assembly and which culminated in those same never to be forgotten festivities. 21 The launching of this Plan was in itself a prelude to the initiation of a Ten Year Plan, formulated to meet the immediate needs of the Central American Bahá’í Community, in conjunction with a spiritual Crusade embarked upon by national Bahá’í communities throughout the entire globe. 22 The opening phase of this Ten Year Plan, which may be said to have inaugurated the Mission of this same Community beyond its homelands, has now drawn to a close, a year that has witnessed the opening, with a single exception, of all the virgin territories assigned, in accordance with that same Plan, to this Community. 23 This great victory, in which the followers of the Faith in Central America have themselves played a notable part, and which has virtually set the seal of triumph on the initial stage of this glorious Crusade, must, at this hour of the unfoldment of the second phase of this historic enterprise, prove in turn a forerunner of a period of unprecedented, rapid and systematic expansion and consolidation of the Faith in each of the Republics of Central America and of the Antilles. 24 Whilst every effort must be strenuously exerted to safeguard at any cost the prizes won in the six newly opened territories in the American and Asiatic continents, attention must, in the course of the present year, be focused on the multiplication of Bahá’í centers, and on the formation of Local Assemblies, in order to broaden the foundations on which future independent National Spiritual Assemblies must ultimately rest. A no less assiduous effort should be exerted to increase rapidly the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith, particularly among the Indians, whose spiritual potentialities ‘Abdu’l-Bahá repeatedly emphasized. Steps should moreover be taken to ensure the prompt purchase in the city of Panama of a modest property that will serve as the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds of the present Central American National Assembly and the national administrative headquarters of the future National Spiritual Assembly of the Republic of Panama, and which will set in motion the process of the purchase of similar properties designed to serve as administrative headquarters for the future independent National Assemblies in that area. A beginning must also be made in the establishment of Bahá’í endowments in that city. Simultaneously measures should be speedily undertaken to assist the United States National Assembly in expediting the translation and publication of Bahá’í Literature in the Indian languages specifically mentioned in the provisions of the Ten Year Plan. No effort should moreover be spared in assisting the South American National Spiritual Assembly in the all-important work of translating, printing and disseminating Bahá’í Literature in both the Spanish and Portuguese languages. Particular attention should likewise be devoted to the acceleration of the process of local Bahá’í Incorporation, so vital to the further consolidation of the newly emerged administrative institutions of the Faith in Central America and the Antilles. 25 As the process of internal expansion and consolidation gains momentum, the elected national representatives of this Community must not fail to consecrate themselves to the no less fundamental task of enriching continually the spiritual life of its members, of deepening their understanding of the essential verities, tenets and principles underlying their Faith, of demanding a strict adherence to its laws and statutes, and of setting an example to their fellow-believers through a fuller reflection, in their personal lives and conduct, of the ennobling truths animating the Revelation of Bahá’u’lláh. 26 May this Community which, in the course of over a decade, has demonstrated so conspicuously its devotion to the ideals of the Faith it has risen to champion, furnish, as the years roll by, further proofs of its staunchness, its courage, its fidelity, its watchfulness, its single-mindedness and unswerving determination to fulfill its high destiny through the attainment of every single objective of the Plan to which it stands committed. Your true brother, Shoghi 13 13 July 1955 [Peru] Miss Dorothy Campbell, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of October 7th and December 6, 1954, May 17, June 7 and 9, 1955, as well as June 22nd, with enclosures have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that our dear friends, Mrs. Beecher and Mr. Baker, have arrived in the British West Indies to take up their pioneer duties which were so dear to the heart of the Hand of the Cause, Dorothy Baker. He feels sure that their activities will greatly reinforce the work, and strengthen the Faith in that area. 3 He hopes your Assembly is doing all in its power to encourage the pioneers who have left their homes and gone out to neighboring territories and islands under your jurisdiction. At all costs, these precious goals must be kept open and the work strengthened. This is the primary duty of your Assembly. In preparation for a greater degree of administrative responsibility in the near future, the Assemblies in the far-flung area over which you have jurisdiction should exert their utmost to strengthen their own foundations, to carry on extension teaching work in nearby centers, and to encourage any surplus members they may have—by “surplus,” the Guardian means any number over fifteen—(providing the Assembly is firmly established) to go out and pioneer in new centers, or reinforce existing groups and assist in the creation of the greatly-needed future Spiritual Assemblies. 4 The literature in Portuguese, he trusts, is being speedily expanded, as well as that in Spanish; and he urges your Assembly to bear in mind that shortly National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds will be needed in each country, and that the friends should begin to look about for suitable Centers that will under no circumstances be too expensive, nor too far out from the center of the city. 5 The Central and South American National Assemblies, in conjunction with their parent Body, the American National Spiritual Assembly, must ever-increasingly assume a greater degree of responsibility for the conduct of the Bahá’í affairs in the Western Hemisphere. The Guardian’s own work is steadily increasing, due to the wonderful expansion of the Faith all over the world; and National Assemblies must shoulder their full portion of work and responsibility, and thus assist him in lifting the heavy load of the Faith, a treasured and precious load! 6 He will remember you all in his prayers in the holy Shrines, and supplicate that you may be guided and blessed in your endeavors. He deeply appreciates your services for the Faith and the spirit that animates you. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7P. S.Both groups and Assemblies in virgin areas should be very careful regarding publicity lest they arouse opposition and risk losing the hard-won goals so recently and painstakingly achieved. Dear and valued co-workers: 8 The activities which the South American believers, under the guidance and through the impetus given by your Assembly to the forward march of the Faith in the South American Republics, have achieved in recent years constitutes a notable chapter in the history of the marvelous unfoldment of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh in Latin America. These successive historic achievements, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá’í service, may well be regarded as a befitting prelude to the opening of yet another chapter in the annals of the Faith in the South American continent—a chapter that will commemorate the emergence of Regional as well as independent National Assemblies which are destined, first indirectly and later directly, to play their part in the ultimate formation of the Supreme Legislative Body in the Bahá’í world—the International House of Justice. 9 The work initiated throughout the virgin territories assigned, under the Ten Year Plan, to your Assembly has been successfully accomplished and is indeed highly meritorious in the sight of God. The first national Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds of South America has been purchased. The land on which the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in that continent is destined to be erected has already been acquired through the spontaneous and generous action of one of the South American believers long before the initiation of the Ten Year Plan. The translation and publication of Bahá’í literature in both the Spanish and Portuguese tongues has been vigorously undertaken and merits the highest praise. 10 Though much has been accomplished in these spheres of Bahá’í activity, the work that still remains to be undertaken, prior to the emergence of the Regional National Assemblies of South America, is enormous and highly challenging. Time indeed is very short. A brief span of less than two years separates the South American Bahá’í Communities from the historic and shining goals they have set themselves to attain. 11 A systematic effort of unexampled intensity, at once sustained and consecrated, must needs be exerted on the part of individuals, groups and Local and National Assemblies, in order to befittingly pave the way for the convocation of the forthcoming memorable Bahá’í Conventions and the subsequent election of the pivotal institutions that are to presage the definite establishment of the pillars of the Universal House of Justice in the South American continent. 12 A rapid increase in the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith in every Republic of South America; a marked multiplication of groups, and particularly of Local Assemblies, in each of these Republics; the maintenance, at any cost, of those already functioning; a notable acceleration in the process of the incorporation of definitely established Local Spiritual Assemblies; the speedy purchase of the nine remaining National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds throughout the South American continent; the establishment of national endowments in each of the South American Republics; a notable advancement in the process of translating and publishing Bahá’í literature into American Indian languages, particularly those specified in the Ten Year Plan; the preservation and enhancement of the rich prizes so swiftly won in distant and virgin areas of the globe; the establishment of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust in the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil—these must be accounted as the most pressing and challenging tasks confronting the valiant South American Bahá’í Communities in these crucial years—tasks which demand, on the part of individuals, groups and Assemblies, the utmost vigilance, unrelaxing resolution, constant and utter consecration, steady co-operation and exemplary self-sacrifice. 13 The ordeal which our loved, long-suffering, steadfast brethren in the cradle of our Faith are now experiencing should spur on every would-be Bahá’í Crusader to rise to still nobler heights of heroism, to evince a still higher degree of courage, a greater self-abnegation, and a more wholehearted dedication to the ideals, principles and purposes of our precious Faith, to the objectives of the stupendous global Crusade its adherents have launched, to the institutions its Founder has ordained, and to the Plan which the authorized Interpreter of its teachings has conceived. 14 The eyes of the world are now upon those who bear the Bahá’í name. Its redoubtable foes fondly cherish the foolish hope of a decline in its fortunes and of its ultimate extinction. Our oppressed brethren cry out in their distress to the more privileged among their co-workers to arise and compensate for the loss they have sustained. 15 Now is the time to display, in a never-to-be-forgotten way, those sterling qualities that will unmistakably proclaim, to foes and sceptics alike, the incorruptible grandeur of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, and demonstrate the enduring verities on which it has been founded, and the creative, the regenerating and irresistible power which has brought it into being, which has sustained it to the present day, and which will, no doubt, continue to impel it forward until its destiny has been fully consummated. Your true brother, Shoghi 14 15 July 1955 Mr. Esteban Canales, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 The beloved Guardian has received letters dated May 29, October 18, November 9 with enclosure, and December 12, 1954, and January 8 and 28, 1955, some written by you as Secretary and some by the Chairman of your Assembly. 2 He is very happy to see that your Assembly is facing, with a spirit of unity and determination, the tasks that lie ahead of it; and he feels sure that with confidence, consecration and enthusiasm, you will be able to lead the believers whom you represent, to victory in attaining the goals of their part of the Ten Year Plan. 3 He noted that you are being very vigilant in protecting the good name of the Faith from any association with political parties and the general political unrest in that area. The non-interference of the Bahá’ís in political matters cannot be too strongly emphasized. Any side-taking can jeopardize their status as members of a World Faith, seeking to bring about the unity of the entire human race, and peace on earth. 4 Recent events in that region have clearly demonstrated how unstable the affairs of men are; and that the only hope for the future lies in furthering the affairs of God, in other words, His Cause for this day. As ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said, Our party is God’s party—we don’t belong to any party. 5 The Guardian considers that at present it is premature to reconsider the basis of apportioning Bahá’í delegates. They must be elected by the Local Assemblies as heretofore. The thing for the friends to recognize is that, if they have a share in electing the National Assembly or not, the most important thing is to teach the Cause; the administrative functions are only a means to this end. Everyone can teach the Cause, and should teach it, regardless of whether he votes, or is elected or functions on a Committee. 6 As regards your question about giving the Faith publicity, in the places that pioneers have moved to in order to fill the goals of the Plan: It depends on the place. If there is absolutely no danger of publicity stirring up antagonism, or leading to the expulsion of the Bahá’í or his being deprived of his residence visa, then there is no objection to publicity. The general principle, however, is this—that the Bahá’ís should keep as quiet as possible, seek out and confirm the receptive souls, and build their future Assemblies on a solid foundation. To broadcast the news of their activities is not essential in these virgin areas at the present time, and can in most cases be dangerous, and hinder the spread of the Faith. 7 As regards your question about consolidation: He interprets this to mean that the important Centers that have already been established, at so much cost of time and sacrifice, should be maintained, and the Assemblies not allowed to fall back into Group status; the Groups increased until they can become Assemblies; and the requisite number of Spiritual Assemblies created, before the end of the Ten Year Plan. In other words, ground should not be lost, but should be maintained and steadily gained. 8 He urges your Assembly to bear in mind that shortly National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds will be needed in each country, and that the friends should begin to look about for suitable Centers that will under no circumstances be too expensive, nor too far out from the center of the city. 9 He was delighted to see that, following speedily upon the purchase of the Panama Temple site, the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds of the Bahá’ís of Central America has also been acquired. 10 He is very proud of your achievements, and of the response you have met with from the Bahá’ís. He feels sure that, with sufficient effort and determination on the part of all, great strides forward will be made during the coming year. 11 He assures you that he will remember you in his prayers in the holy Shrines; and he deeply appreciates all that you have accomplished, and the spirit that animates you. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 12 P. S.Since commencing the above letter, the beloved Guardian has received your other letters dated April 9 (two), and April 12 and May 14. 13He was very happy to know that you have increased the holdings of the Temple property in Panama. Please thank . . . on his behalf for this generous act on her part, an act which will be appreciated increasingly as time goes on and the Temple itself is erected. 14As the Guardian has already sent a Message to all Conventions, he does not feel it necessary to make any exceptions and send special messages to different ones. Indeed the pressure of work here at the International Center is now so great, through the marvelous expansion of the Cause all over the world, that it is becoming increasingly impossible for him to communicate with so many Centers directly in separate messages. Dear and valued co-workers: 15 The year which has just been concluded has witnessed a succession of achievements on the part of the members of the Central American Bahá’í Communities, and particularly of the elected body of their national rep resentatives, worthy of the highest commendation. In both the teaching and administrative spheres of Bahá’í activity, these newly-fledged Communities have demonstrated their firm attachment to the Faith they have espoused, their loyalty to its fundamental verities and principles, and their inflexible resolve to extend the range and reinforce the foundations of their collective and meritorious activities and achievements. 16 They are now, by virtue of the splendid services they have performed, the spirit they have so powerfully evinced, the noble example they have set, approaching a stage in the evolution of the Faith in that highly promising area of the globe, which bids fair to eclipse the magnificent efforts which have been exerted, and the noteworthy services which have been performed, since its inception in the Antilles and the Central American Republics. They will soon be entering a period which is destined to witness the emergence of Regional National Assemblies which are to be regarded as stepping-stones, paving the way for the ultimate establishment of independent National Spiritual Assemblies, which are destined to act as pillars, and participate directly in the formation, of the future International House of Justice, ordained by Bahá’u’lláh as the supreme Legislative Organ of His World Order. 17 Now is the time for these Communities to prepare themselves, in the course of the two fast-fleeting years separating them from the opening of the third phase of a World Spiritual Crusade, individually as well as collectively, to assume befittingly the staggering responsibilities so soon to be placed upon them. 18 They have, thus far, discharged their task with befitting courage, zeal and loyalty. The foundation they have securely laid must now be both enlarged and strengthened. The virgin areas of the globe, assigned to their elected representatives, under the Ten Year Plan, have been triumphantly and speedily opened. The translation and publication of the literature of the Faith into both the Spanish and Portuguese tongues have been vigorously undertaken. The plot whereon the first Mashriqu’l-Adhkár of Central America must needs be erected has been purchased in the Republic of Panama, the importance of which has been so clearly stressed by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. The first two of the historic National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds that are to be established in the capital cities of the Republics of Central America and the Islands of the Antilles have been acquired. A beginning has been made in the translation of Bahá’í literature into the American Indian languages spoken in those regions. 19 The tasks, now confronting them in the course of this current year and of the next, demand a still greater exertion on their part, a more complete dedication to the aims, purposes and principles of their Faith, a firmer resolve to achieve the immediate goals of their Ten Year Plan, and a still nobler self-sacrifice in the path of the Cause they have espoused and championed. 20 The two crucial years, constituting the concluding year of the second, and the opening year of the third, phase of the Ten Year Plan must be signalized, if they would prove themselves worthy of their stewardship to their Faith, by a series of achievements much more conspicuous than those that have distinguished the opening years in the annals of that Faith in Central America and the Antilles. 21 The number of the avowed adherents of the Faith must, throughout that area, be speedily and substantially increased. Simultaneously a notable multiplication of groups and Assemblies must be ensured in order to enlarge and reinforce the foundations of the forthcoming Regional National Assemblies. The incorporation of firmly established Local Spiritual Assemblies must likewise be expedited. The prizes won in distant and virgin fields must not only be preserved but continually enhanced. The translation of Bahá’í literature into the American Indian languages assigned under the Ten Year Plan must also be energetically prosecuted. The establishment of national endowments throughout that area must be, moreover, diligently undertaken and rapidly carried out. Above all, the purchase of National Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in the remaining Republics of Central America and the Antilles must, ere the conclusion of the second year of the second phase of the Ten Year Plan, be consummated. 22 Then, and only then, can the Central American Bahá’í Communities, that have won such superb victories in the past, confidently assume the sacred burden of responsibility incumbent upon them in the course of the third phase of this world-encircling Crusade. Then, and only then, can they demonstrate to the Bahá’í world their capacity to carry out in its entirety their share in ensuring the triumphant conclusion of this world-wide enterprise launched by the valiant upholders of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 23 The tribulations now experienced by their brethren in the land of its birth should, far from crushing their spirit or dampening the zeal which animates them, infuse into them fresh courage and a more determined resolve to arise and compensate for the loss which the Cause is now sustaining. Individually as well as collectively, in their capacity as teachers and administrators, they should prove by their conduct the world-redeeming capacity of their Faith, demonstrate its incorruptible spirit, proclaim the sublimity of its teachings, and silence the criticism of its opponents. 24 Theirs is a glorious opportunity which they must not, in these days of test and trial, neglect. Theirs is a sacred duty which they must befittingly discharge. May they arise as one man, and, armed with the invincible power of Bahá’u’lláh, play their part in a manner that will bring everlasting consolation to the hearts of their persecuted brethren, and dishearten thoroughly those redoubtable adversaries who are so artfully and persistently laboring to undermine its foundations and extinguish its light. Your true brother, Shoghi 15 10 November 1955 [Peru] National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of South America c/o Miss Dorothy Campbell, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving letter of October 18th was duly received and presented to the beloved Guardian. 2 The Guardian feels that the instructions issued concerning membership in the Masonic lodges in the British Isles and the United States must likewise apply to membership in Freemasonry in South America. He has in mind of course his previous letter, in which he indicated that the National Assembly should have patience with Bahá’ís who have been Masons, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, etc. and they should be gradually weaned away from these former attachments. 3 The Guardian now feels that the friends must gradually give up these previous beliefs, and become firm and vigorous Bahá’ís, endeavoring to establish and spread the Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. He therefore feels that your Assembly should take this matter in hand, to see that the friends gradually give up their attachment to their previous beliefs, including membership in the Masonic lodges. 4 The Guardian assures you of his prayers in your behalf, and sends you his loving greetings. Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas 16 29 June 1956 [Peru] National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’í of South America Care of Miss Dorothy Campbell, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters of June 13, July 12, October 13, November 11 and November 16, 1955, and January 11, May 15 (two) and June 5th 1956, with enclosures have all been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The news received at Convention time of the marked progress of the Faith throughout South America, and the encouraging increase in centers, as well as the formation of new Assemblies, greatly cheered his heart, and exceeded his fond expectations of the nature of the report he might be getting from your Assembly, on the occasion of the beginning of the new Bahá’í administrative year. 3 He is indeed proud of the labors of the friends; and feels confident that, with such a spirit, and with this ever-increasing zeal and devotion which they are manifesting, they will be able to attain all their objectives, and, by the end of the Ten Year Crusade, have laid a truly firm and lasting foundation for the new national bodies which must be elected to represent the Bahá’ís of each Republic of South America. 4 No force is as important in spreading the Faith and carrying forward the teaching work as unity amongst the friends. When they co-operate with each other to achieve their objectives, they receive divine inspiration and assistance, which otherwise would be denied them. Unity is like a mirror, which attracts the rays of the sun of God’s bounty. 5 The very generous gift which . . . has made of some land constituting the national endowment for Chile was deeply appreciated, as well as the correspondingly generous and loving gift of . . . made for the same purpose in Brazil. He would like your Assembly to please thank these dear friends on his behalf for their constant devotion to the Faith and their generosity in helping to create its institutions. 6 The news of the arrival of so many Persian immigrants in Brazil augurs well for the development of new centers in that country. He feels that your Assembly should urge these Bahá’ís to settle as families or groups in new cities, where they form a nucleus of new Spiritual Assemblies, and not to congregate in the centers where there are already Assemblies. 7 It was a great pleasure to him to receive a member of the South American National Assembly as his guest here in Haifa, and to feel this renewed contact through the pilgrims with the believers of Latin America. 8 The remarkable progress which has been made in the purchase of the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds for the different South American Republics, as well as the commencement in obtaining the endowments for each of these Republics, has encouraged him greatly; and he feels sure that these buildings will be a rallying-point for the Bahá’ís, and inspire them and help them in their teaching work, as well as attracting the attention of the public to the Faith. 9 As regards the question you asked him about whether Nengre, which has already been translated, may be substituted for Arawak, he approves of this in view of the fact that there is no written language for Arawak. If the believers find that there are any other languages in common use amongst the indigenous population in South America, they could choose one of these as a substitute for Arawak, and thereby add an additional language to those chosen under the Ten Year Plan. He leaves this matter to the discretion of your Assembly. 10 He hopes that, during the coming year, the Bahá’ís laboring in South America will, encouraged by the sight of the feats they have accomplished already, forge ahead on the teaching front and establish many new centers and Assemblies. 11 His loving prayers and thoughts will be offered on their behalf and for all of you on the National Body who are so arduously and conscientiously toiling to lay the foundations of Bahá’u’lláh’s World Order in that important continent of the globe. 12 As regards the question about spiritualism, the Guardian does not feel that this is the time for him to make any special statement on this subject. Visiting teachers and the National Body must make every effort to wean the friends away from these practices, but we must not make too much of an issue of it at the moment. There are more important things for the friends to concentrate their attention upon, namely, the establishment of new Assemblies and groups. 13 Your letter of June 5th has also been received and the Guardian wishes me to acknowledge it on his behalf. 14 He assures you all of his most loving prayers for your success. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 15 The remarkable expansion of the activities of the South American Bahá’í Community, both at home, and in the territories assigned to it, in accordance with the provisions of the Ten Year Plan, particularly during the last twelve months, has been highly encouraging, and has served to deepen my admiration for the devotion of its members to the Faith and my confidence in their ultimate success. The Community now stands on the threshold of a new era in the evolution of the Faith in Latin America. The rapidity with which the nascent institutions of a divinely appointed Order have developed, first under the direct supervision of the United States National Assembly, and, in later years, under the guidance of your Assembly, has paved the way for the opening of such a glorious Chapter in the history of the Faith in Latin America. The loyalty of the members of this Community, their high and persistent endeavors, their inflexible resolve, their vigilance, perseverance, and self-sacrifice have, no doubt, hastened the attainment of such a landmark in the evolution of the Cause of God in that continent. I truly marvel at the vastness of the work accomplished, the multiplicity of the activities which have been initiated, the steady consolidation of the institutions that have been created, the increasing maturity of the rank and file of the believers, their unity and solidarity, and the growing evidences of their ability to conduct, independently and efficiently, the affairs of the Faith, and to carry it a stage further along the road leading to its eventual triumph and the fulfillment of its high destiny. 16 Particularly gratifying has been the success that has attended, in the course of the past year, the exertions of your Assembly to multiply the institutions of the Faith, to establish its administrative centers, to purchase its endowments, to swell the number of its supporters, to enlarge both the local and national Funds designed to support its institutions, to expand its literature, and consolidate the foundations laid by its pioneers. The Concourse on high cannot but applaud such vigorous action, such concerted effort, such selfless devotion, such dogged perseverance, such fidelity to the wishes of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, and such unwavering determination to achieve their part of the global task entrusted to His loved ones under the Ten Year Plan. 17 Though much has been achieved, in divers fields of Bahá’í activity, the year destined to usher in this highly promising era, which is to witness the erection of the pillars of the Universal House of Justice in that vast continent, must needs witness a still greater consecration on the part of the South American believers, young and old of both sexes, whether veterans or newly enrolled, at home as well as in the newly opened territories, in both the teaching and administrative fields, and in spite of any obstacles, however formidable, that may stand in their way. 18 As the day approaches when the long-awaited provisional Regional Assemblies will have emerged, an effort, on the part of each and all members of this valiant, this firmly established, great-hearted, high-minded Community, more determined and consecrated than ever before; a spirit of heroism nobler than any that has thus far been displayed; a courage more inspiring than that which has animated them thus far; and a self-abnegation unsurpassed since the inception of the Faith in Latin America, must needs be displayed, in order to adequately meet the challenge of the mountainous tasks that are to be faced in the future, and to discharge befittingly the responsibilities which are soon to confront them. 19 The multiplication of isolated centers, groups and Assemblies must, meanwhile, continue unabated. The process of the incorporation of Local Assemblies must not be allowed to lag. The establishment of Bahá’í endowments must be speeded up. The efforts exerted to enroll a great number of American Indians under the banner of the Faith must be redoubled. The translation of Bahá’í literature into the Spanish, the Portuguese and the Indian languages must be given a tremendous impetus. The newly opened territories, won over at the cost of so much sacrifice, must, under no circumstances, be jeopardized, but rather should be closely watched and consolidated. The number of the adherents of the Faith must be considerably increased and given first priority by your Assembly. Above all, the spirit animating its avowed supporters must, through every possible means, be fortified, and enriched. 20 The South American Bahá’í Community, through the qualities it exhibits, the acts it has performed, the strides it has made, the fame it has won, ranks high amongst its sister communities both in the Western Hemisphere and throughout the Bahá’í world. 21 The Author of the Cause it serves so diligently and devotedly is well pleased with the range of the exertions of this Community, the victories it has successively won, the bright prospects now opening before it. His manifold blessings will, no doubt, be fully and unreservedly vouchsafed to its members, without exception, if they but persevere along the path they have chosen to tread. 22 I will, in my admiration for their high endeavors, for their extraordinary progress, and their enduring achievements, continue to pray for them all, with redoubled ardor, that they may, in the days to come, march to victory, and enrich immeasurably the annals of God’s Cause in that highly promising continent. Shoghi 17 30 June 1956 [Panama] National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America Care of Mr. Esteban Canales L., Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters of October 28, 1955 and January 5, 1956, with enclosures, have been received by the beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has been made very happy over the news of the progress of the Faith throughout Latin America during the past year. Especially the purchase of all of the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and the commencement in obtaining the national endowments have been very encouraging, and show that the believers are full of vitality and determination. He feels sure that these buildings will be a rallying-point for the local communities, and a marked asset in teaching the Faith to the public. He hopes that, during the coming year, every Central American Republic will have its Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and its national endowment; and that there will be a tremendous increase in the number of Bahá’ís, groups and Assemblies, throughout the area under the jurisdiction of your Assembly. 3 The friends must be made to realize that the increase of Assemblies, in other words, teaching work, is the most important of their activities, because on the achievements in this field must rest the foundations of the future independent National Assemblies throughout that area—National Assemblies which will supersede in not very many years’ time the Regional Assemblies to be elected next April. Therefore, too much attention cannot be given to the teaching work. 4 Far from feeling discouraged, the Bahá’ís must look upon the tremendous advantages they possess. They not only have the vision of the future, but Bahá’u’lláh has placed in their hands the means of attaining it; namely, His Administrative Order and its institutions. 5 To the degree to which the friends learn to function lovingly and harmoniously, in full consultation and co-operation, will be the degree of their success in attracting new souls, and creating new Assemblies. 6 It was a great pleasure to him to receive here one of the Central American Community members as a pilgrim. The news which the pilgrims can bring of the activities in their region is always most welcome; and the fact that they have been able to visit the holy Shrines, and can carry back to their Community fresh inspiration, is indeed a great privilege and bounty. He hopes the day will come when many of the friends from Latin America can make the pilgrimage. 7 The pioneers which the Central American friends have been able to send out to different parts of the globe should indeed be a great source of comfort and inspiration to them. When they realize what the young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Fernie, have achieved in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, they must feel truly awestruck and proud, as well as challenged to follow in their footsteps. 8 He hopes that, during the coming year, many more of the Latin friends will arise to reinforce the weak points, go out into the virgin territories, and become more active in every way they can in the teaching work on the home front. 9 He assures you all and, through you, the believers whom you represent, that he will remember you all in the holy Shrines, and pray for your success in every field of Bahá’í activity. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 10 I have, in recent years, and particularly during the year just concluded, noted, with increasing admiration and hope, the remarkable progress achieved by the Central American Bahá’í community in the discharge of their manifold responsibilities under the Ten Year Plan. The task entrusted to them is admittedly vast, complex and highly challenging. Thus far, though their resources are still inadequate, their numbers small, and their experience limited, they have through their response to the call that has been sounded, and the demonstration of the quality of their devotion and the character of their faith, as well as through the range of their accomplishments, amply justified the hopes which I, as well as their parent community, have cherished for them. No less is the admiration felt by their sister communities the world over for their notable share in the prosecution of the world spiritual Crusade, now engaging the attention of the entire Bahá’í world. 11 The purchase of the administrative headquarters of the elected representatives of all the national communities in Central America; the establishment of Bahá’í endowments; the opening of the virgin territories assigned to them; the consolidation of the home front through the multiplication of isolated centers, and groups and Assemblies; the steady increase in the number of the newly enrolled believers; the splendid work initiated among the Central American Indians; the incorporation of Local Assemblies, the purchase of the Temple site in Panama—these stand out as the most significant among the collective achievements of this valiant, forward-marching, steadily consolidating, much loved community. 12 The work, so auspiciously inaugurated, and now so vigorously pursued, is, however, still in the early stages of its development. The forthcoming formation of two Regional Assemblies, marking yet another milestone along the road leading that community towards the achievement of its high destiny, must lend an unprecedented impetus to the advancement of the Faith, in all spheres of activity, both at home and abroad, thus paving the way for, and hastening the fulfillment of, the final and most glorious objective of the Plan—the emergence of an independent National Spiritual Assembly in each of the Republics of Central America and the Antilles. 13 Particular emphasis should be placed upon the twin immediate objectives, calling for the sustained and undivided attention of the Central American Bahá’í community, namely the further consolidation of the home front through a still more rapid multiplication of the avowed supporters of the Faith, of isolated centers, groups, and Assemblies, as well as through the preservation of the newly opened territories. 14 A more universal participation on the part of the rank and file of the believers in these meritorious and urgent tasks, a greater degree of heroic self-sacrifice, a fuller measure of consecration, and a more dogged perseverance, are the pressing needs of the present hour. 15 Every obstacle barring the way must be speedily surmounted. Every other consideration must be subordinated to the inescapable demands of this world-encompassing, majestically advancing Crusade. The confidence of those brave warriors crusading for Bahá’u’lláh must, above all, remain unshaken. Setbacks, if any, should, far from dampening their zeal, spur them on to more strenuous efforts, and impel them to achieve still nobler victories. 16 The Author of the Tablets of the Divine Plan, as recorded by His own infallible Pen, watches over their historic labors, and will unfailingly sustain, bless and crown their high endeavors. The Author of the Faith Himself has unmistakably promised to vouchsafe His aid to whomsoever will arise to aid His Cause. 17 Nothing short of active and continued participation in the manifold activities of this mighty and divinely propelled Plan can ensure the flow of that divine grace that can alone bring about its final consummation. 18 May this community, so youthful, so virile, that can well boast, among its exploits, so stirring a victory as that recently achieved by two of its former members in a distant island of the South Pacific, add fresh laurels to the crown it has already won, and contribute still more notably, through still more brilliant achievements, in its homeland as well as in distant fields, to the enrichment of the annals of the Faith in Latin America. Shoghi 18 30 July 1956 [Panama] Mr. Esteban Canales, Secretary Central American National Spiritual Assembly Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Please consider this as a postscript added to the letter of the beloved Guardian recently mailed you; since writing it he has received your letter of June 15th. 2 As regards questions raised in this letter: Local Assemblies established in the virgin American areas cannot participate in the election of the Regional National Spiritual Assemblies. As Jamaica has already participated in the establishment of the Central American National Spiritual Assembly it may participate in the elections for the Regional National Spiritual Assembly. Bermuda likewise, as it is not a virgin area. 3 The islands around Nassau should be on the isolated list, and, as the number of believers increases, form their own Local Assemblies. 4 The Guardian has instructed the Bahá’ís everywhere that they should withdraw from Masonic lodges. What Mr. Ioas wrote applies to Central America. 5 Another pioneer should by all means be sent to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands as the situation there has improved. The Guardian attaches the greatest importance to this. 6 It is quite correct to appoint National Teaching Committees for the virgin areas to promote the work there. 7 The Guardian sends you all his loving greetings, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 8P. S.He will specially pray for the success of the activities of the two National Teaching Committees. 19 24 October 1956 [Panama] Mr. Esteban Canales, Secretary Central American National Spiritual Assembly Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 As regards the questions you raised in your recent letter, concerning provision of funds for pioneers, the beloved Guardian feels that, as the new Latin American National Spiritual Assemblies will be elected in about six months’ time, there is no use going into these matters now. No doubt, many adjustments will have to be made to meet the new phase the Faith in Latin America is entering, and the time to consider these matters will be when the new regional bodies are formed. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 20 26 April 1957 [National Spiritual Assembly of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia] 1 ASSURE NEWLY ELECTED ASSEMBLY BUENOS AIRES FERVENT LOVING PRAYERS PROMOTION INTERESTS FAITH ATTAINMENT GOALS PLAN. 21 July 1, 1957 Mrs. Dee Worth, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the Greater Antilles Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your communications, together with enclosures, have arrived safely, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated May 5 and 17. 2 He was very happy to see the photographs of your convention and the new Assembly, and has placed the latter in the mansion, where the visiting friends can enjoy seeing the members of this new national body. 3 It was a great disappointment, he knows, to the Haitian believers to be deprived at the last moment of acting as host to this historic convention, also of not being able to send their delegates to Jamaica. However, whenever the situation improves in that part of the world and circumstances permit, they have the assurance of knowing that the seat of the national body will be in Port-au-Prince, so they can afford to be patient. 4 Your Assembly was certainly born in a very auspicious atmosphere, and he hopes that the love, unity and enthusiasm which pervaded the convention will animate you all during the coming year, and, through you, stream out to the communities it is your privilege to serve and guide. More important than any material consideration is the spirit which animates the believers and their administrative bodies. When the spirit is right, the blessings will be far greater, because they can flow unhindered through a pure channel. The degree to which all over the world the Bahá’í community is becoming representative of the vast majority of the human race, in other words, non-whites, is very salutary. As the majority of the people in at least three countries under your Assembly’s jurisdiction are negro, they will, he hopes, become the predominating element in the communities. However, the minorities, Spanish, Americans etc. should receive attention also, in order to demonstrate the representative character of our Faith and the extreme kindness we always show to those who are minorities, in order to compensate them for what is a disability in political circles, but not in our Faith. 5 The most important work of all is the teaching work, and he hopes you will encourage the friends all the time to go forth and teach. You must help the believers to realize that ultimately it is upon each individual that the progress of the Faith depends. The Bahá’ís are prone to attaching too much emphasis to their being on Assemblies and committees. This kind of work is essential, because somebody has to do it, but it is not the most important. The individual responsibility to teach the Faith is the most important thing of all, and this has been clearly pointed out by Bahá’u’lláh, Himself. 6 There is a tendency, a very natural one, of administrative bodies to want to administer, and consequently to build up rules and regulations, and deluge the friends with admonitions. The Guardian has seen this take place so many times in his own experience in watching over the interests of our Faith, that he feels it wise to warn you against allowing this tendency to creep upon you unawares, so to speak. There must be a free flow of strength, stimulation and energy going out to all the centers, and not a flow of detailed instructions. To the degree to which your Assembly is able to accomplish this, will it demonstrate its maturity. To complicate matters is invariably a sign of immaturity; true wisdom is to simplify them. 7 He feels sure this is going to be a wonderful year of achievement in that area. The fact that what were previously the Central American and South American National Spiritual Assemblies have split up into four new regional bodies cannot but of itself strengthen the work, and stimulate and challenge the friends. It also, through making it more wieldy, by compromising a smaller unit, enables your Assembly to carry on its affairs in a much more efficient manner. Naturally this applies equally to your three sister Latin American Assemblies. 8 You may be sure that, as you carry forward your activities, formulate the details of your Six Year Plan, aid the friends to spread the Faith, increase your Assemblies, groups and isolated centers—in short, in all that you do—you will be surrounded by his most loving prayers, and he will be eagerly anticipating a row of sizeable and concrete victories presented to your second convention next Riḍván. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 9 The emergence of an independent Bahá’í community in the Greater Antilles, attested by the formation of a separate Regional Spiritual Assembly for that area, situated between the North and South American continents, is a clear and convincing indication of the remarkable progress achieved, in recent years, by the followers of the Faith both in Central America and the neighboring islands. The work already achieved by the members of this valiant community, both in its quality and range, and despite formidable obstacles, is indeed worthy of the highest praise, and augurs well for the eventual formation of a separate National Assembly in each of the islands and republics included in that area. 10 A task of unprecedented significance and highly challenging in its nature now confronts the members of this steadfast, consecrated and virile community. The obstacles standing in their path are varied and numerous. The field in which their elected representatives are called upon to operate is admittedly vast, and its pitfalls are many and far from negligible. Nothing short of a continuous and systematic effort, and an unyielding determination to tear down every barrier obstructing their path, and a wholehearted consecration to the collective enterprise they have embarked upon, can ensure, during the fast fleeting years which lie immediately ahead, the attainment of their goals and the opening of a still more glorious chapter in the annals of their Faith in that highly-promising region. 11 The Six Year Plan, launched on the morrow of their first historic convention, should be regarded as the primary and effectual instrument for the achievement of the goals they are now summoned to attain. Its most vital objective—the rapid and unprecedented increase of the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith throughout that area—must receive the earnest and immediate consideration of all those who share in the prosecution of this Plan. Simultaneously, a concerted effort on the part of the members of this community and their elected representatives must be made to ensure the multiplication of isolated centers, of groups and of Local Assemblies, for the purpose of broadening and reinforcing the foundations of a steadily rising Administrative Order. All firmly grounded Assemblies must, moreover, be incorporated in order to strengthen still further the basis of these newly fledged administrative institutions. Equally important is the obligation to secure from the authorities concerned recognition of the Bahá’í marriage certificates as well as of the Bahá’í holy days. Particular attention should be directed to the work initiated in the newly opened territories allocated to the former National Assembly of Central America and of the Greater Antilles, for the purpose of enlarging the scope, and of contributing to the stability, of the institutions so laboriously erected in those regions. The establishment of Bahá’í summer schools and the dissemination of Bahá’í literature, are, furthermore, objectives of vital importance which should, under no circumstances, be either forgotten or neglected. And, last but not least, the selection and purchase of a site in each of the republics and islands included in that area for the future construction of a Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, is a task which should be carefully considered and energetically carried out. 12 A collective enterprise, at once so vast and so arduous, to be accomplished during so brief a period, by a community so limited in the number of its members, and so restricted in its material resources, and whose field embraces so wide an area, merits, from the very hour of its inception, the highest degree of consecration, and calls for the utmost vigilance and self-sacrifice, as well as an inflexible resolve on the part of its participants to crown it with speedy and unqualified success. 13 Now is the time for the followers of the Most Great Name throughout the Greater Antilles to display these very qualities so essential for the consummation of their epoch-making task. Now is the time for them to rise to such heights as to astonish their brethren, not only in Latin America and throughout the Western Hemisphere, but in every continent of the globe. 14 That they may discharge their weighty responsibilities in a manner that befits their high calling, and to a degree that will draw forth from the Source on High a still fuller measure of celestial grace and divine assistance that will enable them to advance still more rapidly on the high road of their destiny, is a hope that I greatly cherish—and the object of my ardent prayers. Shoghi 22 3 July 1957 Miss Dorothy Campbell, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your communications with their enclosures and material sent under separate cover have all arrived safely, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated: May 5, 6 (two), 8 (two), 12, 29 and June 10. 2 Before the division of the South American National Assembly into two new Regional Bodies, the Guardian received many letters from the old Assembly, which he is not acknowledging according to date, but they arrived safely. As many matters in the correspondence with the old Assembly were attended to by separate letter to the Secretary, I will not go into them again here. 3 As regards the question you asked him about purchasing Temple sites, these should be in the neighborhood of the capital city of the country in question, and within reasonable driving distance, so that they can be reached by bus or by train without too much difficulty. Naturally if it were closer to the city, it would be preferable, but often land close to capital cities is very expensive. . . . 4 He was happy to see the progress made during the past year in establishing new Spiritual Assemblies. He feels sure that the division of the Spiritual Assembly into two areas will make it much easier for the new National Bodies to function—even though the distances encompassed under their jurisdiction are so vast, it is nevertheless an improvement over the past. 5 He hopes there will be a great deal more teaching activity during the present year, and that the Latin American Bahá’ís will increasingly feel that this is their Faith, and consequently their obligation, primarily, to spread it amongst their own people. Great as are the services rendered by pioneers, and unforgettable as are the deeds they accomplish, they cannot take the place of the indigenous element, which must constitute the bedrock of the Community, carry on its own affairs, build its own institutions, support its own funds, publish its own literature, etc. A mother gives birth to a child, but the child then has to grow for itself. The older it gets, the more responsible it is for its own acts. The Latin American friends are rapidly coming of age, and they are showing this by the manner in which they are arising to serve the Faith, to demonstrate it, to sacrifice for it, to protect it and consolidate it. 6 He hopes there will be a marked increase in centers throughout the area under your jurisdiction during the coming months, and that, by next Riḍván, your Assembly will rest on a much wider foundation of Local Assemblies than at the time of its election. 7 Your Assembly should devote particular attention to getting the Bahá’í Publishing Trust established in Brazil, as per the requirements of the Ten Year Plan. You cannot very well have a Branch under your jurisdiction in Buenos Aires, which is located in a territory under the jurisdiction of your sister Assembly. 8 You should keep in close touch with your sister National Assemblies as regards all publications in Spanish. The responsible com mittees should concentrate on having literature available in good readable Spanish, and accurate as to subject matter—particularly the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá should be translated from the books already available in English, and these should be published as soon as feasible. 9 He was surprised to hear, in a recent letter from one of the friends in Venezuela, that the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds has not yet been purchased there, and feels that your Assembly, in collaboration with the American National Spiritual Assembly, should make a concerted effort to resolve this problem, as it is the last remaining National Headquarters which, according to the Ten Year Plan’s provisions, needs to be acquired in Latin America. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 10 I welcome, with feelings of exultation and pride, the formation of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís residing in the Northern Republics of the South American continent—an event of enduring and far-reaching significance in the annals of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in Latin America. The emergence of this interim Regional Spiritual Assembly should be hailed as the forerunner of the independent National Spiritual Assemblies which, in the course of the evolution of the Ten Year Plan, are to be firmly established in these Republics, and which will signalize the triumphant termination of yet another epoch in the history of the evolution of the Administrative Order of that Faith in the South American continent. 11 That the Bahá’í communities, laboring so devotedly and so assiduously in these five Republics, should have, as a result of their steadfast exertions and wholehearted response to the Message of the New Day, reached so swiftly so important a milestone on the high road of their glorious destiny proclaims, in no uncertain terms, the high quality of the faith which animates their members, and evokes in the hearts of all those who have, in recent years, watched the development of the institutions committed to their charge, feelings of unqualified admiration, and reinforces their confidence in the capacity of these rapidly advancing, steadily consolidating communities to achieve their ultimate objectives. 12 The selfsame diligence, fidelity and perseverance which have so markedly characterized their stewardship of the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh in the past, must henceforth distinguish their collective endeavors. Nothing short of the highest degree of dedication, of complete unity and harmony, and of an inflexible resolve to attain their goals, can guarantee such a consummation and set the seal of triumph on the historic undertaking upon which they have embarked. 13 The Six Year Plan, on which the attention of the members of these communities must be focused, should be regarded by them as the chief and unfailing instrument for the execution of their high purpose. All, both young and old, veterans as well as newly-enrolled, must participate with unflagging energy, with complete consecration and undeviating loyalty. 14 A supreme effort must be made to swell, as rapidly as possible, the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith in each of these Republics, and to multiply the isolated centers, groups and Local Assemblies constituting the foundations of the rising Bahá’í Administrative Order in these extensive territories. All firmly established Assemblies must, moreover, be incorporated in order to consolidate the foundations of this Administrative Structure. Recognition must, likewise, be secured from the authorities concerned for the Bahá’í Marriage Certificate as well as the Bahá’í Holy Days. The historic work initiated, so laboriously and so auspiciously, in the newly opened territories, allocated to the Bahá’í communities of South America, must be zealously pursued, extended and reinforced. The translation, publication and dissemination of Bahá’í literature in the Spanish, Portuguese and American Indian languages is yet another task which must be carried out with the utmost care, efficiency, vigor and vigilance. The increase in the number of summer schools, and the lending of a fresh impetus to the conversion of the American Indians and of other Minorities must henceforth receive the close and uninterrupted attention of all those who are primarily responsible for the prosecution of this Plan. The Publishing Trust to be established in the capital city of Brazil, and constituting one of the foremost objectives of the Ten Year Plan, should be speedily and firmly established. And, last but not least, a site should be selected and purchased, in each of the four remaining Republics, for the purpose of the construction, at a future date, of a Mother Temple in each of these countries. 15 Upon the complete and befitting discharge of the admittedly weighty responsibilities now resting upon the privileged, elected representatives of these five communities, in this crucial, transitional period of their evolution within the orbit of the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, must, to a marked degree, depend their entering a new and still more significant stage in the unfoldment of the potentialities of the Mission which, as decreed by the Almighty, they are called upon to bring to a successful conclusion. 16 The opportunities now given them by the Supreme Author of their destiny must be seized with eagerness, confidence and promptitude. Theirs is the golden chance to approach and discharge their tasks, which are at once sacred and inescapable, in a spirit and in a manner that will win the unqualified esteem and unbounded admiration of their sister as well as parent communities throughout the Western Hemisphere. 17 My fervent and constant prayer for the members of this newly emerged Assembly, as well as for all those whom they represent within the confines of these Republics, is that they may never falter, fail or flinch in the task they shoulder, that they may rather go on from strength to strength until they hold the palm of total victory in their hands, and merit thereby the applause of the Concourse on high and a still fuller measure of the blessings promised by the Divine Author of their Faith to all who will arise to glorify His Name and contribute to the ultimate triumph of His divinely appointed Order. Shoghi 23 28 July 1957 Mrs. Amy McAllister, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Central America and Mexico Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer on his behalf your letters (two) dated May 30, (two) June 26, and July 16, and acknowledge receipt of the enclosures. 2 He was delighted to hear that the Convention was such a success, and that the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Khadem, was able to visit so many centers throughout that region. He feels sure that the spirit he imparted to the friends, as well as the stirring events of the Convention and the election of your Assembly, will all mark a turning point in the work in that area and give the forward march of the Faith a new impetus. 3 Now that the new Regional Assemblies in Latin America have been formed, and that each one embraces a more limited area than the previous Central and South American Assemblies, the work should be much easier to handle, and therefore go ahead much faster. He anticipates great things from your Assembly and is eagerly awaiting news of fresh victories. 4 The paramount task is, of course, the teaching work; at every session your Assembly should give it close attention, considering everything else of secondary importance. Not only must many new Assemblies be developed, as well as groups and isolated centers, but special attention must be focused on the work of converting the Indians to the Faith. The goal should be all-Indian Assemblies, so that these much exploited and suppressed original inhabitants of the land may realize that they are equals, and partners in the affairs of the Cause of God, and that Bahá’u’lláh is the Manifestation of God for them. 5 Another of the important tasks facing your body is that of purchasing sites for future Temples in the outskirts of the capital cities of all the Republics under your jurisdiction, with the exception of Panama, which has its Temple site already. The land need not be large, two or three acres being quite sufficient for our purposes at this time; it need not be in the city but anywhere within a radius of fifteen kilometers; and economy should be borne in mind. If, when the time comes to build a House of Worship, the site is not suitable, it can be exchanged or sold and another one acquired. 6 Wherever the laws permit, firmly established Local Assemblies should be incorporated, thus laying a foundation on which the future independent National Spiritual Assemblies can build when they come into being. 7 Every step forward in the expansion of our glorious Faith releases new spiritual energies. The believers, as well as your Assembly, must seize upon this opportunity they now have with both hands, and arise to new levels of self-sacrifice, service and dedication, confident that Bahá’u’lláh is only waiting for the instruments to be put in His hands in order to fulfill His Divine purpose. 8 The Guardian assures you he will support you, one and all, with his prayers, and supplicate that you may be guided in carrying out your great work, strengthened and protected. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 9 The formation of a Regional Spiritual Assembly representing the Bahá’í Communities of Central America and Mexico, with its seat fixed in the capital city of a Republic the future of which the pen of the Center of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant has extolled, is, indeed, an auspicious event of far-reaching significance, to be acclaimed as the forerunner of no less than seven National Spiritual Assemblies, designed to support, each as a separate pillar, the noble and divinely-conceived structure of the Universal House of Justice. 10 There can be no doubt that the remarkable progress achieved, singly and collectively, in both the teaching and administrative fields, by the followers of the Most Great Name, laboring, in the course of two decades, so diligently, for the propagation of His Faith, throughout the length and breadth of an area linking the northern and southern continents of the Western Hemisphere, has been responsible for this great step forward that has been taken towards the consummation of so historic a task. 11 The various and urgent enterprises, now challenging both their spirit and resources, demand a consecration as complete, a resolve as firm, and a zeal as ardent as any they have hitherto evinced. 12 The Six Year Plan formulated to enable them to meet the immediate requirements of their Mission should be prosecuted with the utmost diligence. Attention, on the part of all the members of the seven Bahá’í communities participating in this World Crusade, as well as their elected representatives, should be continually focused on its objectives. 13 A systematic effort must be made by the rank and file of these communities to increase rapidly the number of the avowed supporters of the Faith, of isolated centers, of groups and of Local Spiritual Assemblies. Every firmly grounded Assembly should, at the earliest opportunity, be incorporated for the purpose of reinforcing the foundations of the rising structure of a divinely conceived Administrative Order. Every avenue should, moreover, be explored in order to obtain recognition from the civil authorities concerned of the Bahá’í Marriage Certificate and of the Bahá’í Holy Days. Nor must the meritorious work, so zealously undertaken in the newly opened virgin territories, be, under any circumstances, neglected. The translation of Bahá’í literature into the Spanish and Indian American languages, its publication and dissemination, should, likewise, be carried out with efficiency and vigor. The all-important enterprise, aimed at winning the wholehearted allegiance of the members of various tribes of American Indians to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, and at ensuring their active and sustained participation in the conduct of its administrative affairs, must likewise be seriously considered and strenuously pursued. And, last but not least, a site of modest dimensions should, in the neighborhood of the capital cities of each of these seven Republics, with the exemption of Panama, be chosen and promptly purchased, designed to pave the way for the ultimate erection of a Mother Temple in each of these Republics. 14 Marvelous opportunities, which if not seized at once may not recur, have been vouchsafed, at this auspicious hour, to the prosecutors of this historic and momentous Plan, on which the immediate destinies of these communities, now gathered under the shadow of Bahá’u’lláh, depend. Theirs is the privilege and sacred duty to exploit them to the full, ere it is too late, and to play their part, befittingly as the co-executors of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Divine Plan and members of that band of Crusaders now battling for the triumph of His Father’s Cause, in building up the institutions, and in broadening and reinforcing the foundations, of the embryonic World Order of His Faith in the heart of the Western Hemisphere. 15 No matter how severe the tests and trials they may encounter, however arduous the task that confronts them, they must, one and all, pursue steadily the path they now tread, with undimmed vision, undeviating loyalty, unstinted devotion and unyielding determination, until the Plan they are pledged to execute will have been carried out in its entirety, and the fondest expectations entertained for their success by their watchful brethren throughout the Western Hemisphere, and, indeed, in every continent of the globe, are triumphantly fulfilled. 16 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh bountifully sustain them while discharging their manifold and pressing responsibilities, and may the Author of the Divine Plan, Whose design they are painstakingly laboring to create, and Whose mandate they have willingly arisen to obey, guide every step they take, remove every obstacle obstructing their path, fulfill every hope they cherish, and enable them, through a still greater measure of His abounding grace, promised unequivocally to all those who will respond to His call, to write an unforgettable chapter in Latin American Bahá’í history, and contribute a share to its enrichment which posterity will never cease to extol. Shoghi 24 29 July 1957 Mr. Athos Costas, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letters dated May 25 and June 1, with enclosures and photographs, have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The formation of four Regional Spiritual Assemblies in Latin America marks a great step forward in the progress of the work being carried out in the Western hemisphere. He feels sure that all those responsible for the administrative work will find that, through this division into smaller units, the teaching work will now go forward much faster and the problems that inevitably arise can be dealt with more efficiently and with greater firsthand knowledge of the reasons that caused them. 3 He was sorry that he felt it necessary to insist that the secretary of your Assembly must be located in Buenos Aires, so that the Secretariat can be located in the Headquarters of this region; this is a general principle which he has insisted the friends adhere to everywhere. A situation similar to yours arose in Scandinavia, where the secretary was in Oslo instead of Stockholm, and a change was necessary there also. As the Ten Year Crusade unfolds it is increasingly important for the work to go forward in a uniform manner and according to general principles applicable to all. 4 The reports he has received of your first Convention were most encouraging, and he has great hopes for the future of your work in that area of South America under your jurisdiction. The Hand of the Cause, Mr. Varqá, was deeply impressed by the spirit of devotion he found amongst the friends there, and submitted a most enthusiastic report to the Guardian. 5 As you formulate the goals which must receive your undivided attention during the coming years he urges you to bear in mind the most important one of all, namely the multiplication of the Spiritual Assemblies, the Groups and the isolated centers; this will ensure both breadth and depth in the foundations you are laying for the future independent National Bodies. The believers should be urged to consider individually the needs in their immediate region, and to go forth to pioneer in near and distant cities and towns. They must be encouraged by your Assembly to remember that small people, often poor and obscure people, have changed the course of human destiny more than people who started out with wealth, fame and security. It was the Sifter of Wheat who, in the early days of our Faith, arose and became a hero and martyr, not the learned priests of his city! 6 The news that one of the objectives of the next six years had already been achieved before the Guardian had announced it—namely the acquisition of a Temple site in Buenos Aires—pleased him greatly. This donation, coupled with that of the land so generously given many years ago by . . . , means that you have only three Temple sites to acquire, one in Bolivia, one in Uruguay and one in Paraguay. The area need not exceed three acres, and should be anywhere within fifteen kilometres of the capital cities of these countries. Economy should be carefully considered, and you should remember that, if at this time an ideal site is not within your reach, the plot you buy may, when the time comes to actually build the Temple, be exchanged or sold, and a more desirable site acquired. 7 Now that your Assembly has been formed and its seat is in Buenos Aires, he wishes you to consider the grave of the first martyr to be laid to rest in the southern part of the Western hemisphere as your special trust; it should be properly kept up, so that Bahá’ís, and the ever-watchful non-Bahá’ís, may see that it is befittingly maintained. The only comparable spot, within thousands of miles, is the resting place of the unique and glorious teacher, Martha Root, who is buried in Hawaii. 8 He was particularly happy to see that some of the Indian believers were present at the Convention. He attaches the greatest importance to teaching the original inhabitants of the Americas the Faith. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Himself has stated how great are their potentialities, and it is their right, and the duty of the non-Indian Bahá’ís, to see that they receive the Message of God for this day. One of the most worthy objectives of your Assembly must be the establishment of all-Indian Spiritual Assemblies. Other minorities should likewise be especially sought out and taught. The friends should bear in mind that in our Faith, unlike every other society, the minority, to compensate for what might be treated as an inferior status, receives special attention, love and consideration. 9 He urges your Assembly, as it embarks upon its great work, to refrain from introducing rules and regulations which serve no useful purpose at this time when the communities are small and undeveloped, and will only stifle the spirit of the friends and confuse them. Like a wise and loving parent the Assembly should conduct the affairs of the Bahá’ís, constantly and patiently, encouraging them and instilling enthusiasm for the work to be done. 10 He looks forward to receiving the news of many victories from your Assembly, and assures you, one and all, of his most loving prayers for your success, and that you may be strengthened and guided to carry out your manifold tasks with distinction. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 11 The formation of the Regional Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís residing in the southern part of the vast South American continent may well be regarded by them, as well as by posterity, as an event of major importance, constituting a significant landmark in the history of the Faith in Latin America, which, by its very nature, must pave the way for the emergence, in the years immediately ahead, of no less than five independent National Spiritual Assemblies, each of which will act as a pillar of the mighty and divinely appointed institution of the Universal House of Justice. 12 The emergence of this transitional vitally important Assembly, whose seat has been fixed in the capital city of the largest and most outstanding of these Republics, in the neighborhood of which reposes the dust of one of the star-servants of Bahá’u’lláh and dearly-loved handmaid of the Center of His Covenant, for ever distinguished as the mother of two of the oldest communities in Europe and in the North American continent—the emergence of such an Assembly owes much to the ability, the devotion, the single-mindedness and perseverance with which the promoters of the Faith of God have labored so unitedly in that faraway section of the globe. 13 The opportunity which this momentous development in the progress and consolidation of Bahá’í institutions offers them, at this auspicious hour, is immense and infinitely precious. The responsibilities which such a progress confronts them with are manifold, sacred, pressing and inescapable. The reward which will undoubtedly crown their combined and consecrated efforts will be inestimable and enduring. 14 The most effective and speediest method, which can guarantee at once the befitting discharge of such weighty responsibilities, and the winning of so rich a reward is, no doubt, the wholehearted and systematic prosecution, on the part of all concerned, of the newly formulated Six Year Plan, on which the immediate destinies of each of these five communities now depend. 15 An effort, unsurpassed in its range and intensity in Latin American Bahá’í history, must be exerted by the members of these communities to increase the number of the avowed adherents of the Faith, to multiply the groups, and the isolated centers, as well as the Local Spiritual Assemblies. Whilst this strenuous and challenging task is being carried out every avenue should be explored in order to obtain the necessary recognition, from the civil authorities concerned, of the Bahá’í Marriage Certificate as well as of the Bahá’í Holy Days. Each and every firmly established Assembly throughout these Republics must, moreover, be incorporated for the purpose of reinforcing the legal basis of the rising Administrative Order now being so laboriously erected. The no less essential task of establishing the foundations of this Order in the newly opened virgin territories should simultaneously receive the close attention of the members of all Bahá’í communities, and particularly of their elected representatives. The translation, publication and dissemination of Bahá’í literature in both the Spanish and American Indian languages; the multiplication of summer schools; the acceleration of the process of converting the Negroes as well as the American Indians, and of encouraging them to take an active part in teaching the Faith to the members of their respective races, and to participate effectively in the administration of its affairs—these constitute additional and vital obligations which should, under no circumstances, be lost sight of nor be, for a moment, underrated. And, last but not least, a site of modest dimensions, in the neighborhood of the capital cities of the Republics of Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia, should be carefully selected and expeditiously purchased, as a prelude to the eventual erection of a Mother Temple in each of these Republics. 16 The field stretching before the members of these newly fledged communities, occupying so important a position in the South American continent, is extremely extensive, and the objectives to be attained, throughout its length and breadth, varied and highly challenging. The resources at the disposal of these communities are admittedly meager. The period of time assigned for the consummation of so tremendous and arduous a task is short and swiftly passing. The potentialities of that mysterious and propelling force which the Faith, with which these communities stand identified, inherently possesses are, however, such as to carry forward irresistibly their members towards the attainment of their goals, if they but arise to diligently accomplish, and persevere in the carrying out of, their sacred Mission. 17 That these communities, which have, since their inception, contributed so markedly to the rise and establishment of the embryonic World Order of Bahá’u’lláh throughout Latin America, may in the years immediately ahead, through the exertion of a concerted, a systematic and prodigious effort, unsurpassed in the annals of the Faith in the South American continent, promote, in both the teaching and administrative fields, its vital interests, and, whilst ensuring its protection, proclaim far and wide its fundamental verities, and noise abroad its fame, is a prayer that I will never cease to offer to the throne of Bahá’u’lláh in the course of my ardent supplications at the threshold of His Holy Shrine. Shoghi 25 26 August 1957 [National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela] 1 . . . ADVISE FILE BAHA’I MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE GOVERNMENT IN ADDITION CIVIL CEREMONY . . . 26 30 August 1957 Mr. Athos Costas, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 In answer to questions raised in your recent letter, the beloved Guardian feels that in view of the distances involved in Latin America, and the advantages Buenos Aires seems to offer as a place to publish Spanish literature, there can be two Publishing Trusts established, the one in Rio and the other in Buenos Aires. 2 The literature of the Faith can be gotten out by other Regional Assemblies than those which have the two Trusts in their area, but a practical basis should be the first consideration in making decisions, and the four Regional Assemblies should consult and do all they can within reason to support the two Trusts. 3 All details as regards which books to publish, how many, etc. are matters for consultation between the Regional Assemblies concerned, if there is a difference of opinion. If the Publishing Trust gets a straight order for a book, say in an Indian language, there is no reason to consult, except with the one Regional Assembly which is ordering it. 4 The Guardian has already said that questions arising from the apportioning of the virgin territories among the four National Spiritual Assemblies are matters for them to decide, and not for him. 5 He would be delighted if they added new territories, as this would increase the rapidly swelling number of countries and territories opened to our beloved Faith. 6 The devoted services of your Assembly are deeply appreciated, you may be sure. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 27 26 September 1957 Mr. Athos Costas, Secretary National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 In answer to the questions raised in your recent letter: 2 The Guardian has instructed me to say that companionate marriage, where there is no legal or religious marriage, is an immoral relationship, and we cannot accept as believers those who are openly behaving in this way. 3 Your Assembly should not remove the names of Bahá’ís from the voting list just because they do not attend meetings, or just because their addresses are unknown. It is hard to make Bahá’ís; and you must try and help them and reactivate them, and find those whose addresses are unknown if you can. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani ______________ 1.The original endowment land was located at Loncoche. Land near Santiago was acquired later. MESSAGES TO OTHER INSTITUTIONS, GROUPS, AND INDIVIDUALS 28 26 May 1925 To the Bahá’í Friends in Bahia, Brazil c/o Miss Leonora S. Holsapple Alláh-u-Abhá! Dear Bahá’í Brothers and Sisters, 1 Shoghi Effendi was delighted to get your greetings from the first Naw-Rúz Feast in Bahia. The Greatest Holy Leaf and the other members of the Holy Household also reciprocate your loving greetings most heartily. They all hope that year by year your group may grow in numbers, in strength and devotion, thus hastening the fulfillment of the Master’s glowing prophecies about Bahia. 2 Shoghi Effendi assures you of his warm appreciation of your devoted efforts to spread the Cause in Brazil and assures you of his heartfelt prayers that you may be guided and assisted in your noble task. Your brother in the service of the Beloved, J. E. Esslemont My dear and precious fellow-workers: 3 Your most welcome letter has rejoiced my heart. I am so glad to have received a direct word from you and the memory of your working for the Cause in those distant fields is a great encouragement and inspiration to me in my work. I will always remember you individually and collectively in my prayers at the three holy Shrines and assure you of my keen desire to help you and serve you in any way I can. Persevere in your efforts, do not regard your small numbers nor your limitations and your present-day influence. Fix your gaze on the all-conquering Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh and remember that the time will surely come when Bahia and the whole of Brazil will joyously respond to and universally recognize the call of Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá. Happy are you, the pioneers of this glorious Cause! Shoghi 29 26 May 1925 [Brazil] Miss Leonora S. Holsapple Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Since writing you on May 23rd I have been asked by Shoghi Effendi to reply on his behalf to your kind letters of 12th March and 21st April. He is very pleased to hear that you have been translating the teachings from English into Portuguese and should like, if possible, to have copies of all these translations—in print, if they have been printed, and in manuscript, if not. 2 We are very glad to hear that when you last wrote the manuscript of “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era” was ready for the publisher. So far as I know your translation will be the first to be published, although others are in preparation. We are exceedingly grateful both to you and to Snr. Faria Ribeiro, for the self-sacrificing pains you have taken over the translation and shall be glad to see the volume when it appears. We are delighted also to hear that Snr. Faria and Snr. Costa are now working with you on a new translation of Hidden Words. Shoghi Effendi has recently revised his translation of the Arabic Hidden Words and the revised form will be published in America shortly. He hoped to revise the Persian Section also, but has been so overburdened with other duties for the last few months that he has found it impossible to undertake the revision, and it will have to be postponed for some months yet, I fear. 3 Shoghi Effendi feels that for the present it would be a pity to interrupt the valuable work you are doing for the Cause in Brazil, somewhat disheartening though it may be, at times. This is the time of seed-sowing, not of fruit-gathering. It is not surprising that Theosophist and Spiritualist Groups lose interest, as naturally their first concern is for their own Group. Much more important than “interesting” large numbers whose interest does not go further than attending meetings (provided they are sufficiently attractive) and reading some of the literature to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, is the discovery of a single soul here and there who is really athirst for the teachings and who when he finds the “water of Life” will be like the germinating seed in springtime, that when the rain comes strikes root and sends up its shoots towards heaven, and in due time bears fruit, it may be 30, 60 or 100-fold. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said that if every true Bahá’í gets one other to become a true Bahá’í in the course of a year, the Cause will soon illumine the whole world. One soul who becomes really selfless and devoted to the service of the Beloved is worth a thousand who are only “interested,” and large meetings have little value unless they lead to the discovery by some really thirsty souls of the true “water of Life.” 4 Think how few became real, devoted, selfless followers of Christ during His lifetime, and how disappointing were the results of the big gatherings He often addressed! The merest little handful of apparently unimportant and uninfluential men and women followers was the apparent result of His three years’ unremitting and self-sacrificing labor. Yet subsequent history showed that His labors were not wasted. That little handful of people changed the world. 5 So we must not be disappointed if our labors outwardly show little fruit in the early stages. We must go on patiently “living the life,” especially seeking those who are thirsty for the “water of Life” and hungry for the “bread of Life,” be they important or unimportant in the eyes of the world. 6 Shoghi Effendi hopes that it will be possible for the friends in the U.S.A. to send some teachers to Bahia to assist you in your work. Undoubtedly that would give a fresh impetus to the Cause, and Bahia might be made a base for missionary work in other parts of Brazil. The field there is immense. It was a very good move on your part to write to the Teaching Committee suggesting that this opportunity be made known to the Bahá’ís. Shoghi Effendi in his letter to the forthcoming Convention at Greenacre will urge upon the friends there the importance of sending teachers to outposts of the Cause such as yours in Bahia. 7 The results of your work among the factory workers are encouraging. 8 Shoghi Effendi assures you of his heartfelt prayers for blessing on the noble efforts of Miss Mickle and yourself and your little group of helpers. The Beloved Master spoke glowing words about the future of the Cause in Bahia and without doubt the confirmations of the Spirit will be with those who sincerely strive to give effect to His glorious promises by spreading the Cause there. 9 When the right time comes we trust you will have the happiness and blessing of a visit to Haifa. . . . 10 Shoghi Effendi, the members of the Holy Family and all the friends here join in loving greetings and best wishes, Your brother in the service of the Beloved, J. E. Esslemont Dear spiritual sister: 11 I always eagerly await your news and every information you can give me as to the progress of your valuable work. Never feel disheartened. Remain steadfast and confident. The hour of triumph will strike and the record of your heroic efforts and services will ever adorn the annals of this mighty Cause. I assure you of my continued prayers. Shoghi 30 27 December 1925 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] My dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Our Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, has been very glad to receive your long, interesting and encouraging letter of November 15th. 2 The news of your many efforts towards the spread of the Cause in Brazil and the already apparent results of your work have been a source of immeasurable joy to Shoghi Effendi and have assured him of the future progress of the Movement there. 3 You must be glad in your pioneer work in Bahia and although as all pioneer work it is difficult and needs much wisdom and perseverance, we trust that it won’t be long before you can make of Bahia a Bahá’í stronghold in South America. 4 Shoghi Effendi has been very pleased with the paper you are regularly publishing. He hopes that it will in future gain in importance and obtain a wide circulation and he will be very glad to extend to you every possible help in his power and express his views on your work. It is only due to your unflinching faith and devotion that already so much has been accomplished, and the burning fire within you, kept and fed by our gracious Master, will always move you onward and help and strengthen you in your work. Of the prayers of Shoghi Effendi and of the whole family of the Master, you must rest assured. Their thoughts are always with you and they pray to God that you may be guided to do His divine Will. 5 The pamphlets which you have had translated and published, copies of which you have sent to Shoghi Effendi, are of great benefit at this early stage of your work, but we trust that the translation of the book of the late Dr. Esslemont will give the Spanish people a book to read with the greatest care and thought. We hope that you will succeed in having it properly translated. 6 I wonder if you have heard of the sad news of the passing away of our devoted brother Dr. J. E. Esslemont? He was of such great help to Shoghi Effendi and his effective work for the Cause had only started. He passed away here in Haifa and was buried in our Bahá’í cemetery. He has left us a book, however, that will keep his memory always fresh in our thoughts. . . . 7 I am sure you would be interested to know that the Cause has made wonderful progress in North and Central Germany of late and also in Austria. In Hamburg they have a splendid Assembly where through the efforts of Dr. Grossmann, a new Bahá’í, they are doing some fine work. Mr. Herrigel is also doing well in Austria. 8 In Geneva Mrs. Stannard, an English friend, has established an International Center and Miss Martha Root, who has been to South America, works with her also. They succeeded in making good connections with the Esperanto Congress in Geneva last summer. 9 Here in Haifa our Guardian is in good health. We have as yet no American pilgrims but we are expecting a few. 10 With much love from all, Yours in His service Soheil My dear Bahá’í sister: 11 I always welcome your letters from that faraway and promising country and desire to assure you that I ever remember you in my prayers and beseech for you Divine Guidance, strength and comfort in the arduous but sacred task which you have so bravely chosen for yourself. Persevere in your labors and remember that the seed you are so patiently and laboriously sowing will in the fullness of time yield an abundant harvest. Do not feel disheartened and rest assured of our affection, gratitude, admiration and constant prayers for you. Your true brother, Shoghi 12 I urge you to send a number of these leaflets in both Spanish and Portuguese to Mrs. Stannard, 19 Boulevard Georges Favon, Geneva. She has established in the heart of Europe a vigorous and promising center. A few also I urge you to send to the American National Spiritual Assembly and to Miss Martha Root. Shoghi 13 If you send some to the Theosophical Societies it will be very helpful. I have not yet received copies of your magazine. Please send it to me regularly. Shoghi 31 28 January 1926 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] My dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Your letter of December 21st was gladly welcomed by our dear Guardian. It is always to him a source of pleasure to know of your work and to feel that even in that faraway country you are earnestly endeavoring to promote the Cause that is so dear to our hearts. Brazil is a vast and promising country and we trust that you will sow seeds that in future will envelop the entire country and its people. Such pioneer work as yours is worthy of the greatest praise. . . . 2 We have had with us for the last few days some of the friends from California. We trust that someday you will be able to come to Haifa perhaps accompanied by the first party of real Brazilian Bahá’ís. I hardly need to assure you that our prayers are always with you and that our Guardian will be glad to help you in every way in your splendid work. 3 The magazines which you had sent him were received with many thanks. 4 Shoghi Effendi is in very good health and actively busy co-operating with his friends and fellow-workers throughout the world. He will never fail to ask our Gracious Master to bless your work and to aid and guide you in your earnest endeavors. 5 With all good wishes and much love from the family, Yours in His love, Soheil My dear fellow-worker: 6 I am glad and gratified to learn that the voice of Bahia has reinforced the call of the Bahá’ís of the world for justice and fairness in connection with Bahá’u’lláh’s House. May this combined effort, so spontaneously and gloriously displayed, yield the desired result. I assure you of my continued prayers for your welfare, happiness and success. Your brother and well-wisher, Shoghi 7 I have received the November issue of your promising Magazine and hope to receive soon the December number. Your communications regarding the House were splendid. I will inform you if the situation requires it in future. Shoghi 32 16 October 1926 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple: 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated August 15th 1926 as well as of the letter of the Assembly. He wants you to assure the friends of his earnest prayers and of his hope that, through your combined efforts, the Cause will make great progress in that land. 2 Concerning your own plans, Shoghi Effendi believes that you should stay in that land until the work is fully and firmly established. We have had many cases when a new Assembly was lost to the Cause because there was no more a person to bring them together. Shoghi Effendi advises you to take up this post of a teacher which has been offered to you. It will on the one hand provide you with the financial needs, and on the other, open up new channels for service. As a teacher of English you could come in contact with many young people and win them over to the Cause. 3 Shoghi Effendi is most appreciative of your services, he will pray for your success and eagerly awaits the news of your victories. 4 With deepest love I remain, Yours in His service, Ruhi Afnan My dearly-beloved sister: 5 Your continued presence in Brazil is, I feel, vitally important and of the greatest value. If you can find an occupation that will enable you to visit a number of states in that country it will be highly satisfactory. The bound issues of the Bahá’í periodical which you so steadfastly publish have been received and I truly appreciate your patient, self-sacrificing efforts. The Master is guiding you from on high and is truly pleased with your manifold activities. Do not despair or feel despondent, recall the promise of Bahá’u’lláh and the emphatic assurances of our Beloved. Take heart and redouble in your highly-valued efforts. Your true brother, Shoghi 6 The first issue of the bimonthly magazine has been read with deep admiration. 33 15 April 1927 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, Miss Leonora S. Holsapple, 1 Our beloved Guardian thanks you warmly for your interesting letter to him, dated January 23, 1927. 2 He is most interested in all the details of your work, and is very glad you have entered into correspondence with Miss Root, asking her for addresses of any friends in Portugal who would like to have your Magazine. 3 Shoghi Effendi is pleased to hear that you have received such friendly replies from the Theosophical Societies of South and Central America and Spain—this should open a fresh and promising field for Bahá’í work. 4 Certainly Shoghi Effendi will pray at the Holy Shrines for the group at Recife, and for the de Barros family in particular, who have been so good in helping you to organize public meetings, as well as some in their own home. This service is much appreciated by Shoghi Effendi. 5 He is also much interested to hear of the old man in prison, formerly a fierce bandit, who is corresponding with and sending leaflets to other persons. 6 Your letter has given the Guardian a much clearer insight into the situation which you have to meet and he is most pleased that you have written to him so fully. 7 Please rest assured of the constant and earnest prayers of Shoghi Effendi that you may be abundantly blessed and guided in all the good efforts you are making to serve the Bahá’í Faith, and for yourself that you may be strengthened and helped in all ways. 8 The Greatest Holy Leaf and the holy Household send you warm greetings and best wishes, in which I venture to join. Your sincere fellow-worker, Ethel J. Rosenberg My dear and valued co-worker: 9 Your detailed letter has stimulated my hopes and renewed my vigor and strength in the service of the Cause. I would urge you to concentrate on a few capable and receptive souls and by close association, helpfulness and loving kindness, imbue them with the spirit of unreserved allegiance to the Cause. I am very grateful for the translations of the appreciations of the Queen of Rumania and I trust you will be helped in future by competent assistants in the all-important field of translation. Persevere in your labors, and do not hesitate to write to me whenever you feel urged to do so. Your true brother, Shoghi 10 I shall be delighted to receive a copy of your translations and particularly “Some Answered Questions.” 34 18 August 1927 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] My dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 I thank you very much on behalf of our dear Shoghi Effendi for your letter of May 16th. 2 He is always very glad to hear from you and to learn of your pioneer work for the progress of our common Cause in that vast and faraway country. It was indeed encouraging and hopeful to read your vivid account of the various meetings and activities to which you bent all your efforts. That they will someday flower and flourish, seeds you have faithfully sown, is beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with you is and shall ever be the loving prayers of our kindly Guardian. 3 He also trusts that your return to America will be the occasion of a happy family reunion and there you will find, even among the Bahá’ís of America, rest, strength and a sense of merited appreciation which will aid and strengthen you in the mighty and glorious task that awaits you in Brazil. 4 Shoghi Effendi desires and earnestly hopes, however, that upon your return you will make a special effort perhaps with the help of others to maintain the publication of your magazine. It is a flickering light of hope, shining though humbly, yet mercifully, upon its readers; who knows but it may someday turn into a torch and blaze the path of righteousness to teeming millions of humanity. 5 Always interested in your efforts and sanguinely hopeful of the best results, our Guardian wishes me to assure you as never before of his good wishes and prayers. Yours in His service, Soheil Afnan My precious sister: 6 I feel that you should concentrate on Bahia and Ceara and not dissipate your energies along too many different lines. Your letters are always stimulating and refreshing to me. Your name, I assure you, will adorn the annals of the Cause and will inspire many a Bahá’í pioneer in future. You cannot realize the splendor and significance of the work you are doing at present. May God grant you strength, and patience in your exacting yet sublime task. Shoghi 35 27 October 1927 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] My dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 A great pleasure to our dear Guardian to receive your letter of September 19th from on board the boat, and it meant very interesting reading, and also the enclosures you had sent. 2 Shoghi Effendi has been very glad of your journey to the various centers in and around Panama on your way to Bahia. Of course not much can be expected from these hurried visits but once the contact is made perhaps you could keep connections with them even from Bahia through correspondence. You are all alone in such a wide and endless field but that makes it all the more absorbing when one puts his heart and soul into it. Of that there is no doubt that our Guardian will always pray for you and expects to see through your sustained efforts innumerable centers in and around Bahia established as beacon lights of guidance for the teeming millions of the continent. 3 With all good wishes for your work and heartfelt greetings, Sincerely in His service, Soheil Afnan My dear co-worker: 4 I rejoice to learn of your activities and progress in those distant countries—until now a virgin soil for the seeds of our beloved Faith—and of your determination to resume your pioneer work in Brazil. I am deeply grateful to you for the translation you have sent me and hope to receive the rest in the not distant future. Always praying for you at the holy Shrines, Your true brother, Shoghi 36 18 October 1928 [Brazil] Miss L. Holsapple Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 I am directed by our Guardian to thank you for your most welcome letter of September 13th. 2 Always full of hope, full of faith and full of news of progress, your letters cannot but bring pleasure and encouragement to our Guardian in the midst of his pressing work and duties. They are, therefore, always welcomed, read with absorbing interest, and usually translated into Persian and circulated among the friends. . . . 3 With every good wish, I am, yours sincerely in His service, Soheil Afnan My dear and precious co-worker: 4 . . . I long to receive a copy of the translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book. Your services are engraved upon my heart and your name will live to adorn the annals of our Cause. Persevere and do not feel discouraged, for the Beloved is guiding you and sustaining you from on high. Your well-wisher, Shoghi 37 17 January 1930 [Brazil] To the Bahá’í Friends in Bahia My dear Friends, 1 It is with profound joy that Shoghi Effendi has received your letter of November 12th, above your individual signatures, conveying to him your greetings and good wishes on the occasion of the Birthday of Bahá’u’lláh. 2 He wishes me to assure you one and all of his heartfelt appreciation. In fact in the great work that he shoulders he is much encouraged and aided by the thought that far across the seas in faraway Brazil, he has devoted friends to think of him and to co-operate with him in our common endeavor to serve mankind and to bring peace of heart and the spirit of true brotherhood in the world. 3 He wants me to assure you also of his affection and of his prayer that you may study more and more the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh and with the application of His principles establish a great Bahá’í center in that promising country. With loving regards, Yours in His Name, Soheil Afnan My dear co-workers: 4 Your joint and most welcome message has rejoiced my heart. Your work will surely prosper and revive that faraway land. Persevere and study the teachings, and be assured that my prayers will be offered in your behalf at the holy Shrines, that the Almighty may bless you, guide you and enable you to render memorable services to the Cause of God. Your true brother, Shoghi 38 17 January 1930 [Brazil] My dear Miss Holsapple, 1 I am directed by the Guardian to thank you for your letter of December 16th with enclosures. 2 He is very grateful for your second instalment of the translation of “Some Answered Questions.” When it is revised he hopes it will someday be published. 3 I am answering on his behalf the letter of the friends written in Portuguese and I am sure you will be kind enough to forward it to them. 4 As regards your work in Bahia, Shoghi Effendi feels that you should not at all be discouraged. In all pioneer work, the beginning is difficult and results are very slow to come, but the seeds you have so lovingly and devotedly sown in Bahia will never be lost nor altogether die away. In fact to work earnestly when no results are apparent, to teach the Cause to people who receive it coldly and indifferently, is no easy or encouraging task and only those who like yourself are fortified by an unflinching faith and a courage that is born of the burning fire of conviction can stand it. 5 In years to come those seeds will someday flourish and if we are there to witness it or not, He will bless our endeavor. Perhaps it would be useful to try and reach different classes of people as their outlook often differs. 6 With the assurance of the Guardian’s affection and prayers, Sincerely yours, Soheil Afnan My dear and precious co-worker: 7 Persevere in your arduous and historic labors. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Will you kindly send direct to Mr. Horace Holley in New York and as soon as possible a report on your activities and the progress of the Cause during the last 2 years in Brazil and South America for incorporation in the forthcoming issue of “The Bahá’í World”? I feel it is essential and valuable. Will you also send to my address to Haifa, as soon as possible (latest by end of March), a group photograph of the Bahá’ís and those interested in Brazil? Your true and affectionate brother, Shoghi 8 I strongly feel that you should undertake the translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book into Spanish rather than attempt other translations into Portuguese. May the Beloved assist you and inspire you in this great work! Shoghi 39 5 April 1930 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple: 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated March 12th as well as the enclosed photo of the friends there. He hopes that through your constant efforts this group will daily increase in number, that you will be able to attract many noble souls and establish many centers. 2 The work that you have undertaken in opening up a new field is surely difficult and for some time may seem discouraging. But the truth is that we should be patient and give time for the seed to germinate. In every country where the Cause entered newly, little sign of progress was seen at first, but soon the Movement obtained its acceleration and greater speed was acquired. So much so, that now in some countries where the Cause has been existing for some time, groups are beginning to enter. Individuals are no more counting. Shoghi Effendi hopes that before long you will experience the same thing and see that land aflame with the love of God. 3 The translation of the literature is surely very important, for books can do the follow-up work as no single person. And among our literature Dr. Esslemont’s book is the most comprehensive. 4 In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and loving greetings. Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan My dear and precious co-worker: 5 Your most welcome photograph has reached me in time, and I thank you from all my heart. I am now looking forward to the translation of Esslemont’s book into Spanish, and I will pray that you may be guided and fortified by the spirit of our beloved Master Who I am sure is guiding you, watching over you and sustaining you in your labors. Persevere, and never lose heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 40 8 April 1931 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple: 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated March 15th 1931 giving him some news of your activities. He sincerely hopes that this group you mention in your letter will keep on their interest, study the teachings thoroughly and end by forming a properly constituted Assembly. Once this is formed then the work will take an easier and more encouraging turn. Have them also study the “Íqán” for there are found the basic tenets of the Faith. The work may be discouraging just at present but that is true of every pioneer work. Bahá’u’lláh has, however, promised us ultimate success. 2 Anyhow while visiting the Shrines Shoghi Effendi will think of you and of your little group and ask for you all divine help and guidance. Please convey to them his loving greetings. 3 This year we have had quite a large group of pilgrims from America. For a few days all the rooms of the Pilgrim House were occupied. Most of them have gone but we still have a few. 4 The Greatest Holy Leaf is quite well and as the weather is getting warmer she can leave her room. 5 With best wishes, Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan My dear and valued co-worker: 6 The memory of your visit is still fresh in my mind and I am looking forward to the time when you will be able to send your spiritual children to the Holy Land. Do not feel disheartened. Persevere, and rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered for you at the holy Shrines. With my loving appreciation of your unsparing efforts, Your true brother, Shoghi 41 26 March 1932 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple: 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to drop you these few lines mainly to enquire about you and your work. It is a very long time he has not heard from you, nor received any report concerning the progress of the services you are rendering to the Faith. Those who are in the field should always keep in touch with the center and write even though they have nothing of great interest to report. So please write. 2 The other subject concerning which Shoghi Effendi wishes me to write to you is the Spanish translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book. When you were here in Haifa you told him that you were going to attempt it as soon as you returned home; but you never wrote to say how that work is progressing. Shoghi Effendi wishes you to exert all your efforts along that line. He believes that it is very important to have this book translated into as many different languages as possible for the need may suddenly arise and we may be unprepared to satisfy it. He would very much like to send some financial help for its publication when the translation is completed. You may be interested to know that it is already published in a dozen different languages, and there are many other translations being made. 3 In closing may I express to you Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings and assure you of his prayers. Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan 42 30 July 1932 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 I am directed by Shoghi Effendi to acknowledge the receipt of your kind letter dated July 1st, 1932 and to extend to you as well as to our Bahia friends the expression of his loving appreciation and sympathy. 2 The general tone of your letter seemed to indicate how slow the Cause is progressing in Brazil, and this lack of responsiveness on the part of the Brazilian public has apparently served to discourage some of the believers. I cannot but sympathize with them. For the religious crisis through which we are now passing, besides being unprecedented in its intensity, is being coupled with economic conditions of the most distressing character. Human society is today attacked by both spiritual and material forces and under the pressure of these combined powers the very basis of our social life is being gradually undermined. 3 But we Bahá’ís, who are fully conscious of the outcome of such world-wide catastrophic changes, cannot remain discouraged and let our activities be paralyzed. For we have been promised by our Master that the future is ours and that, however heedless the people may be, however cynical their outlook upon our principles and teachings may appear, yet such a state of affairs is but only transitory and will only serve to pave the way for the spread and the triumph of the Cause. 4 Shoghi Effendi wishes you, therefore, to persevere, to remain firm as a rock and to face courageously any obstacle that may seem to hinder your work. He is fully conscious of the difficulties of every sort which you have to face and solve. But he sincerely hopes that through your devotion and self-sacrifice you will be able to overcome them all. He wishes you also to do your best for getting Dr. Esslemont’s book translated into Spanish as such a work will constitute the first Bahá’í book in that language. With the assurance of his best wishes for yourself as well as for the rest of our friends, Yours sincerely, H. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 5 I was so pleased and cheered to hear from you after such a long silence, and trust that you will continue to keep in close touch with me and inform me frequently of the progress of your valued activities. I feel deeply attached to your work. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 43 28 October 1932 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated October 8th. 2 He appreciates your sympathy in the inestimable loss that he has in the passing of the Greatest Holy Leaf. You have been amongst the fortunate believers who had the privilege to meet her in this world and upon whom she has personally bestowed her kindness and blessing. I am sure that this cherished memory will be to you a source of strength to encourage you in your efforts to serve the Cause to which she has offered her life. 3 The Guardian has sent you in August a copy of the tribute that he has written to her; apparently it has not reached you; therefore he is sending you another copy, hoping that this time it will reach you safely. It is a touching report of dear Khanum’s life, where the Guardian emphasizes the various stages of her sufferings, testifying to her astounding devotion and love to her Almighty Father and Beloved Brother. 4 Shoghi Effendi greatly values the efforts that you are exerting to serve the Cause in Brazil. He urges you not to feel disheartened if now the result is not favoring you. Be sure that your single-handed endeavor will certainly one day produce the most wonderful results. The light of guidance, which has been shed before you by Bahá’u’lláh, will effectively help you to prepare the hearts of the people to receive His Message. The Guardian’s sympathy and cheerful hope in your task will follow you and fortify you in your noble enterprise. 5 Shoghi Effendi was glad to hear that Esslemont’s “New Era” will be soon published in Spanish. It is a marvelous effect of your laborious attempts. Of course it will be a great help to you as it will assist you to display to the reader the history and the teachings of the Cause. He is pleased to announce to you that this same book has been translated and published into fourteen languages, and is being translated into another sixteen additional languages. 6 . . . He hopes that it will be soon printed and attract the attention of the public. 7 I should like to assure you, dear Bahá’í sister, of the Guardian’s prayers at the Holy Shrines, for the success of your efforts and the attainment of an ultimate victory in the spreading of the Faith. 8 With my best personal wishes, Faithfully in His Name, Mehranguise Rabbani Dear co-worker: 9 Your letter truly cheered my sad and overburdened heart. I value the sentiments it conveyed as well as the news it imparted. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart, and urge you to write to me more frequently, for I long to be in close touch with your pioneer and meritorious activities. I shall be glad to receive 50 (fifty) copies of the Spanish version of Dr. Esslemont’s book for the library in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh at Bahjí close to His sacred Shrine. May He protect, guide and sustain you. Shoghi 44 15 January 1933 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple: 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated December 18th 1932. He was very glad to obtain some news from you, for it was a long time he had not heard anything from you. Those who are scattered in isolated places, endeavoring to promote the Faith, should write the Guardian every now and then and give him any news they have regarding the progress of their work. By keeping in touch with the center they may be able to face their problems better. 2 Shoghi Effendi wishes you to exert your efforts towards having the work on the Spanish translation of Dr. Esslemont’s book completed as soon as possible. To provide such first-class books for circulation is the first requisite for an intensive teaching work, this is why the Guardian attributes so much importance to the publication of this book in as many languages as possible. 3 Shoghi Effendi wishes me also to ask you to send him fifty copies of the Portuguese translation of “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era.” He needs them to distribute in case some visitor may ask for them. 4 Under separate cover he is sending you a copy of that book translated by Lydja Zamenhof into Esperanto. They say it is a wonderful piece of work. She has translated other books as well and they could be obtained through Dr. H. Grossmann of Germany. 5 In closing may I assure you of Shoghi Effendi’s prayers and best wishes for your success in serving the Faith. Yours ever sincerely, Ruhi Afnan Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your letter imparted intense gladness to my heart. Your services, your high endeavors, will never, never be forgotten. Rest assured. I am looking forward, with keen expectation and joy, to the publication of the Spanish version of the “New Era.” It will constitute an added and memorable service rendered by you, despite formidable obstacles, to the Sacred Threshold. Persevere and rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered on your behalf, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 45 1 October 1933 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Friend, 1 Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge on his behalf the receipt of your welcome letter dated August 18th, 1933, and to express his deepest appreciation of your precious efforts in connection with the Spanish translation and publication of Dr. Esslemont’s book. He hopes that its wide and speedy circulation will pave the way for the extension of the Cause in South America. The most valuable book to be translated next to that of Dr. Esslemont is, undoubtedly, the “Book of Certitude” by Bahá’u’lláh, which contains the very essence of the Teachings, and because of its clarity and its relative simplicity can greatly appeal to every thoughtful reader. Dr. Esslemont’s book gives a general panorama of the Cause and is the best introductory book on the subject. The “Íqán” deepens the knowledge of the reader by acquainting him with some of the basic theological problems of the Faith. It is, therefore, indispensable for every student of the Movement, and its publication should be considered as an essential step for the effective and wide spread of the Teachings. 2 The Guardian will also advise you to translate “Some Answered Questions,” which is in many ways unique in the literature of the Faith. “The Dawn-Breakers” can be also of a great help in spreading the Teachings. But as it is too voluminous a work to be translated at present it would be preferable if you could simply translate some of its important chapters and have them published in a magazine. 3 In closing let me assure you once more of Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and of his fervent prayers for the advancement and success of your work. Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 4 I wish to convey to you in person my deep sense of gratitude for the manifold services you have recently rendered to the Abhá Threshold. The translation and eventual publication of the Spanish version of the “New Era” will add fresh laurels to those you have already won in your career of service to so precious and sacred a Cause. I am looking forward to the day when I can place the printed edition in the international library in the Mansion close to the Shrine of Bahá’u’lláh. Persevere, be happy and confident. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 46 28 December 1933 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 The Guardian was deeply gratified to receive your letter of December 11th, and to learn once more of your ever-expanding and highly-meritorious services to the Cause. He hopes that your stay in the States has been beneficial to you, both spiritually and physically, and that you are now refreshed and quite ready to resume your teaching work in Brazil. Your departure from Bahia has left a gap in the teaching field which you alone can effectively fill in. May the Beloved assist and strengthen you by the divine and invisible army of His hosts, and may He enable you to win fresh victories in the path of service. 2 Concerning the Spanish version of the “New Era,” the Guardian has already requested you, in one of his former communications, to send him fifty copies of this book. But he has as yet received nothing. He wishes you, therefore, to inquire about this matter, and to forward to his address 50 copies of the Spanish translation. He fully approves of your suggestion to send out [a] few copies to Spain and to various other parts of South America, as he feels that such an action is bound to give some publicity to the Cause. He would advise you to send copies of this same book to important university libraries in the South. For professors and scholars will probably be interested in that subject which will surely be a novelty to most of them, and they may be led to review the book in the newspapers or through the pages of their religious and scientific reviews. 3 In closing please extend Shoghi Effendi’s loving greetings to Mrs. Higman of Worcester and to Mrs. Rachel Small of Boston whenever you write to them. May I also assure you of his fervent prayers on your behalf and on behalf of your father, sister and aunt. May the Almighty keep and strengthen you all. Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and precious co-worker: 4 I grieve to learn that the books have failed to reach their destination. I long to receive and place them in the international Bahá’í Library in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh close to His Shrine and side by side with the twenty-five printed versions of this same book. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart, and wish to renew my plea for perseverance and redoubled activity despite the difficulties with which you are beset and which you will no doubt surmount through the all-conquering power of Bahá’u’lláh. Your true brother, Shoghi 47 8 March 1934 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 On behalf of the Guardian I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your most welcome letter of January 31st, and to thank you for the fifty copies of the Spanish version of Dr. Esslemont’s “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era” all of which have reached him safely. 2 I feel I must express once more his deep and abiding appreciation of the spirit and the manner in which you are promoting the interests of the Faith in Brazil. Your heroic self-sacrifice is, indeed, remarkable, and will no doubt be of immense benefit to your spiritual advancement, and to that of your collaborators in the field of teaching. 3 Shoghi Effendi will continue to supplicate on your behalf that the sphere of your activities be widened still further, and that your painstaking efforts may soon result in the safe and speedy establishment of the Cause in Brazil. 4 With his best wishes and sincere Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and precious co-worker: 5 I am deeply grateful to you for the books you have sent. I have placed most of them in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh at Bahjí close to His sacred Shrine. They will constitute a touching and constant reminder of your untiring and meritorious services in a country so remote from His resting-place. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Your true brother, Shoghi 48 24 May 1935 [Loulie Mathews, Brazil] Dear Mrs. Mathews, 1 The Guardian has asked me to thank you for your letters dated February 5th, April 4th, 12th, 22nd, and 29th with their enclosures, all of which he has profoundly enjoyed reading. He wishes me to convey to you his renewed and deep-felt appreciation of your teaching activities in South America, and particularly in Brazil, where, thanks to your valued endeavors and to the warm assistance extended to you by that indefatigable pioneer teacher of the Cause Miss Leonora Holsapple, a genuine interest in the Teachings has been aroused. 2 Shoghi Effendi trusts that after your departure from that country, you will continue communicating with those whom you have succeeded in attracting to the Message, and with the view of intensifying and maintaining their interest in the Faith. He fully agrees with your suggestion that without some exact knowledge of the theory and practice of the Administration, it would be impossible to establish a permanent group of believers capable of developing one day into an Assembly. The Bahá’í teacher must not only strive to deliver and expound the Message, he must, in addition, make an effort to consolidate his teaching work by establishing a small group of sincere and active people who have a genuine interest in the Cause. The only power that can hold these people together, and unify and direct their activities, is the Administration, which does not only give them a clear vision of the task they have to perform, but also provides them with the necessary incentive to translate into actions and deeds the ideals they have embraced. 3 In view of that, it would be quite splendid if in addition to the purely teaching side of your activities you make a special effort to teach and establish the Administration in the countries you visit. 4 The Guardian has lately received a letter from the Honolulu Assembly, expressing their appreciation of your teaching activities in their center, and requesting him to ask you to pay a second visit to their group some time during the coming winter. Shoghi Effendi thinks, that in case this trip does not interfere with your teaching plans in South America, it would be very useful if you undertake a journey to Honolulu. The friends there are in great need of competent teachers, and would immensely appreciate any assistance you may extend to them in this respect. 5 Wishing you always full success in your labors, and with Shoghi Effendi’s best wishes and prayers for your welfare and guidance, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and highly valued co-worker: 6 You have in the course of your South American tour added fresh laurels to the crown which your endeavors in distant fields have won you in the service of the Cause. I am highly gratified and deeply thankful. I would urge you to do all you possibly can, through correspondence and consultation with the American National Assembly, in order to maintain the interest and consolidate the work you have so splendidly initiated in the southern continent. I will pray for your success from the bottom of my heart. Shoghi 49 26 July 1935 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Beloved Bahá’í Sister, 1 The Guardian has read with deepest interest and satisfaction your warm and welcome message of May 31st, and has been greatly encouraged to learn of the slow, though steady progress which the Cause is making in South America. He is specially gratified that Mrs. Loulie Mathews’ visit has been of such a tremendous help and encouragement to you, and that through her a few people of capacity have been attracted to the Faith. 2 The problem of converting the natives is, as you rightly state, an exceedingly difficult one. But not until it has been solved, even though partially, can there be any hope of establishing the Cause firmly and permanently in the South American States. Foreigners, of course, have to start the work. But their work should be mainly centered on finding the ways and means whereby the natives can be won to the Cause. 3 This is, therefore, what the Guardian wishes you to concentrate upon. Your immediate objective should be to bring together a small group of beginners, to cultivate and deepen their interest in the Message, to make them accept it in its wholeness, and to give them the scope as well as the stimulus to help in spreading it among their fellow-countrymen. When such a group of native Bahá’ís is established you can then feel confident that the work will continue progressing, with some slight drawbacks, of course, but without any serious danger. 4 Your task, though highly difficult, is by no means insurmountable. Your perseverance can and will, no doubt, remove any obstacle that may threaten to hinder the progress of your work. The Guardian is continually praying for you, that Bahá’u’lláh may continue to keep, guide and strengthen you in your magnificent and pioneering labors for the establishment of the Faith in South America. 5 With regard to . . . referred to in your letter, he wrote a letter to the Guardian last winter. In reply Shoghi Effendi sent him some literature in Spanish, and also wrote him a letter of appreciation and encouragement. But since he has received no word from him. His wife must have probably turned away his attention from the Cause. 6 With warmest Bahá’í greetings from the Guardian, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 The impetus which Mrs. Mathews’ visit has lent to your teaching activities will, I am sure, enable you to extend the scope and deepen the influence of your magnificent and unsparing efforts for the establish ment of the Faith of God in that far-off country. I will pray that your historic work, performed with such diligence, devotion and loyalty, may be crowned with signal success. I shall ever remember you at the holy Shrines. Rest assured. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 50 5 December 1935 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Your most welcome letter of October 28th is at hand, and its perusal has greatly rejoiced the Guardian’s heart. The news of the new meeting center you have chosen for your gatherings, and of the ever-increasing interest with which the friends are studying the Message has truly inspired him, and confirmed his hopes for the future expansion and consolidation of the Cause in Brazil. He particularly cherishes the hope that Bahia will soon develop into a leading Bahá’í center in South America. His gratitude for the self-sacrificing and sustained efforts you are exerting to that end is boundless. He feels confident that your exemplary steadfastness and devotion will result in a glorious triumph for our beloved Faith, and will serve to stimulate the friends to a renewed and vigorous effort in the field of Bahá’í pioneer work. May the Beloved ever protect and assist you in your labors, and enable you to fully attain your heart’s most cherished and ardent desire. 2 In his prayers at the Holy Shrines the Guardian is continually supplicating Bahá’u’lláh on your behalf, that through His confirmations you may be guided and assisted in your labors for the establishment of His Faith in Brazil. 3 With his renewed and loving appreciation of your painstaking endeavors in this connection, and with all good wishes and greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dearly-beloved co-worker: 4 If the translation of the “Íqán” is completed and ready for printing I would certainly urge you to exert your utmost to have it printed. I shall be only too glad to help financially, and would be pleased to learn of the approximate cost involved in printing the Book. Rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered on your behalf. My admiration for your devotion and steadfastness is profound and ever-increasing. Your true brother, Shoghi 51 20 March 1936 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 On behalf of the Guardian I acknowledge with deepest thanks the receipt of your letter of the 21st February. 2 He is very glad indeed that you have completed the translation of the “Kitáb-i-Íqán” into Spanish, and wishes me to convey to you his hearty congratulations upon the success of your efforts for the preparation of this manuscript which constitutes, beyond doubt, a most important addition to the literature of the Cause in Spanish. 3 He is enclosing a draft for fifteen English pounds for the printing of five hundred copies, and wishes you to start immediately the work, once the manuscript has been carefully revised and is ready for publication. He is quite of your opinion that it would not be very advisable to have a large number of copies printed at this time. 4 With his renewed greetings and best wishes for your health, and for the continued development and success of your labors for the Cause in Brazil. Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I am delighted with the news you give me, and wish to assure you in person of my continued, my loving and fervent prayers for the realization of your dearest hopes. I will be so glad to learn of the publication of the “Íqán” in Spanish, and will refer to it in the forthcoming issue of “The Bahá’í World.” Will you kindly mail to my address one hundred copies as soon as the book is printed? I will place them in the library of the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh close to His holy Tomb. Your true brother, Shoghi 52 6 May 1936 [Elsa Blakely, British Guiana] Beloved Bahá’í Sister, 1 The Guardian is in receipt of your letter of April 8th and is truly delighted to learn of the success of your teaching trip to British Guiana. He is very grateful to you for the services you have so ably rendered the Cause throughout this journey, and would urge you to keep up the contacts you have succeeded in forming with so many different classes and types of people. 2 He also cherishes the hope that the results you have already achieved will serve to encourage you to undertake similar teaching trips in the near future. There is so much need for able traveling teachers nowadays, and all the believers who can be of some assistance in this respect should consider it their obligation to render all the help they can. 3 The Guardian is fervently praying for you at the Holy Shrines, entreating Bahá’u’lláh to guide and assist you in every step you are taking for the spread and establishment of His Cause. 4 With warmest greetings and all good wishes, also to your dear husband, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I deeply appreciate the work which you and your dear husband have achieved. I trust and pray you may be enabled to carry on this beneficent, historic and pioneer work, and may be able to extend its scope and deepen its influence. I am sending a message to Mr. . . . and will mail to his address Oriental Bahá’í Literature. Assuring you of my loving prayers and grateful appreciation. Your true brother, Shoghi 53 3 July 1936 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 Thank you very much for your kind letter of May 17th to the Guardian, informing him of the receipt of the draft for fifteen English pounds which he had sent for the publication of the Spanish translation of the Kitáb-i-Íqán. He feels quite assured that through your wise and energetic endeavors the work will be completed with the least possible delay. He is certain that you will spare no effort in this connection. 2 It will surely encourage and stimulate you to know that the printing of this same book in Swedish is proceeding quite satisfactorily, and that the printers hope to have the book ready for distribution towards the end of this month. This is no doubt very cheering news. 3 Thank you for your very appreciative remarks regarding the Guardian’s latest general communication, “The Unfoldment of World Civilization.” He hopes that you will make a deep study of this pamphlet which, he trusts, you will also utilize in your teaching work. Your offer to have it translated into Spanish is splendid indeed, and meets with the Guardian’s full approval. 4 With his renewed thanks and hearty greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved guide every step you take, and assist you to promote continually and effectively the manifold interests of His Faith in that faraway center, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 54 27 April 1937 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 Shoghi Effendi has received your welcome letter of the 9th April, and has learned with deepest gratification of the recent visits you have had with various Bahá’í travelers to South America, and particularly with Mr. Kevorkian and his family. They are indeed very devoted believers, and will surely lend a most valuable assistance to the progress of the teaching work in those regions. It would be splendid if you, and the friends in the States, could occasionally visit them, as such a contact and close collaboration are the most effective means of establishing the Cause. You should, in any case, keep in closest touch with them through correspondence and extend to them any assistance they need in their teaching activities. 2 With regard to your activities in connection with the training and education of children in the Cause: the Guardian would approve of this type of work in which you are engaged, as he feels that through it you can bring many souls into the Faith. It is certainly far more vital than the purely humanitarian activities, inasmuch as its primary purpose is the teaching of the Cause. 3 The Guardian does not think it advisable, however, that you should concentrate all your efforts on this type of Bahá’í activity, and would consider it premature for you to expand it beyond its present scope. 4 He is praying for your guidance and for the success of your efforts. Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved guide your steps, cheer your heart, fulfill your hopes, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to establish a firm foundation for His Faith and its institutions, Shoghi 55 8 May 1937 [Haik Kevorkian, Argentina] Dear Mr. Kevorkian, 1 The Guardian has just received your most welcome letter dated April 9th and is indeed delighted to learn of your safe arrival in Buenos Aires. He is also very pleased to know that you stopped on your way in Bahia, and called on our distinguished pioneer friend, Miss Leonora Holsapple. For although short your visit must have meant so much to her. She herself has written about her meeting with you and your family, and expressed the great joy and inspiration which this contact with Eastern believers had brought to her heart. You should certainly keep in closest touch with her through correspondence, and if feasible, by occasional visits to Bahia. 2 What has also deeply rejoiced the Guardian is the news of the conversion of Mr. Khalili to the Cause. He trusts that now that he is fully convinced of the truth of the Bahá’í message, he will strive heart and soul to spread it as widely as his time and means permit. He would be most pleased to hear from him, and of the teaching work in which he is engaged. Do encourage him to persevere and to be confident in the guidance and unfailing assistance of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 In view of the fact that you are living so far from the East, and are not in sufficient touch with any nearby Bahá’í center, the Guardian has thought it advisable to direct the Haifa Spiritual Assembly to send you regularly a copy of their English newsletter, which gives a report of the major activities of the Cause throughout the East and particularly Persia and the Near Eastern countries. He hopes that through this medium you will be able to maintain your contacts with the Oriental believers. He does not know whether the American National Spiritual Assembly is sending you a copy of the “Newsletter”; in case you do not receive this bulletin, be sure to write that body to this effect. 4 Although the feast of Riḍván has just ended, I wish nevertheless to convey to you, and to each and every member of your dear family, the Guardian’s best wishes and his heartiest greetings for a very happy feast. 5 With his renewed and loving appreciation to you all, Yours ever in the Cause, H. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 6 I wish to assure you in person of my continued, my ardent and loving prayers for your welfare, your spiritual advancement, and the success of your pioneer and meritorious efforts. Persevere in your arduous yet noble task, and rest assured that the Beloved will bless richly your high endeavors. Shoghi 56 26 May 1937 [Beatrice Irwin, Mexico] Dear Miss Irwin, 1 Your welcome communications of December 28th, February 4th, March 8th and May 2nd with enclosures have been duly received and their contents have been read with profoundest interest by our beloved Guardian. He is most happy that you have safely reached Mexico, and that your long-cherished hope of teaching the Cause in that country has at last been fulfilled. Your knowledge of the history and social conditions of that land, and the great sympathy you feel towards its people, fully qualify you, indeed, to undertake this teaching journey, whose many benefits to the Cause you cannot fully estimate at present. You should be confident that the seeds you are now patiently sowing will in due time bear an abundant fruitage. Be happy, therefore, and wholeheartedly persevere in your valuable endeavors. 2 Your chief objective, the Guardian feels, should be to establish a nucleus of firm, loyal and enlightened believers who would be able, after your departure, to carry forward your teaching work. Individual and personal contacts are most helpful for the formation of such a group, and you should, therefore, make every effort to approach such individuals as you think will be able to embrace the Cause. Such souls are necessarily few in number, but they can be found and easily reached, provided one makes the necessary investigations and effort. 3 The Guardian is, in the mean time, ardently praying that the mission you have undertaken to accomplish may be crowned with success, and bring forth such good results as to encourage you to prolong for some time your stay in Mexico. Yours ever in the Cause, H. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless you and keep you, and graciously and continually assist you to render memorable services to His Faith and its rising institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 57 29 May 1937 [Nellie French, Chile] Dear Mrs. French, 1 Your letters dated February 26th, and March 24th have duly reached the Guardian, and the news of the success of your teaching trip to South America has deeply rejoiced his heart. He is happy too that the trip has proved to be so beneficial to Mr. French’s health, and that you also have been so refreshed through this change of air, and reinvigorated spiritually through contact with the friends and sympathizers of the Cause in the different centers you have visited on your way. 2 He fervently hopes that the seeds you have sown in this journey will soon take root and germinate, and thus give you added stimulus to undertake such teaching trips in the future. 3 It will surely rejoice you to learn, in this connection, that the teaching work in South America has been lately reinforced through the settlement in Buenos Aires of an Armenian Bahá’í family of five persons who were formerly living in Aleppo, Syria. The man, by name of Nazar Kevorkian, is a fine believer, having been a very active worker in Aleppo for many years. On his way to Argentina he stopped at Haifa and met the Guardian, who advised him, immediately upon his arrival in Buenos Aires, to inform the American National Spiritual Assembly of his plans to settle in Argentina. 4 The Guardian hopes that with this Bahá’í family as a nucleus, the Cause in Buenos Aires will have a great chance of expanding. He wishes you to endeavor, by any means you can, to further stimulate the progress that has been so unexpectedly accomplished. 5 With the assurance of his prayers for your success and guidance, and for the confirmation of . . . , whom you have contacted during your last cruise to South America, Yours ever in the Cause, H. Rabbani 6 Wishing you signal success in the high endeavors you are continually exerting, both at home and in distant fields, for the spread of the Faith and the rise and consolidation of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 58 10 September 1937 [Mexico] Dear . . . , 1 The Guardian has received your welcome communication of the first August and was indeed pleased to hear of the further progress of your activities in Mexico. He hopes that these six months of uninterrupted and concentrated effort will have the result of preparing the ground for a more intense and widespread teaching activity throughout that land. The few individuals you have attracted, though still unable to constitute a working group, should, now that you are away from the country, be encouraged to persevere in their efforts for the study of the Teachings. The Guardian would therefore urge that you correspond with them as frequently and regularly as possible, so as to keep alive, nay deepen, their interest in the Faith. They should be stimulated to correspond with individual Bahá’ís and centers, and to cultivate fellowship with the friends, even though only by means of correspondence. . . . 2 May they all become soon confirmed believers, and arise in their turn to carry forward the Message. Yours ever in His service, H. Rabbani 3 Wishing you all success in your notable and historic task, Your true brother, Shoghi 59 14 December 1937 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 The copies of the Spanish version of the “Kitáb-i-Íqán” which you have sent the Guardian have duly reached him, and he is indeed most pleased and grateful to know that this important publication is at last ready, and is available in sufficient quantity for teaching purposes throughout Spanish-speaking countries. This book is the more welcome and timely in view of the teaching campaign which is now being organized and efficiently conducted in South America, and it is hoped that its circulation will result in awakening widespread and intense interest in the Cause among all sections of the population. 2 The Guardian feels indescribably grateful to you for this historic service you have rendered the Faith by undertaking in person the translation of the book, and for having so kindly accepted to arrange for its publication. He will continue to pray for you at the Holy Shrines that you may be given strength and capacity to render still more outstanding services to the Cause in the years to come. 3 Be confident, happy and persevere in your noble and historic efforts, Yours ever in His service, H. Rabbani 60 10 January 1938 [Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 The Guardian wishes me to thank you for your letter dated December fifth, and also to acknowledge the receipt of the one hundred copies of the Spanish translation of the “Íqán” which reached him safely a few weeks ago. The book is beautifully printed and is very handy, and is indeed a most timely publication, in view of the teaching activity which is being intensely carried out in various parts of South America, and which necessitates an increasing number of Bahá’í publications in Spanish. 2 As regards your suggestion to issue a new Portuguese edition of the Esslemont book, following the newly-revised English edition, and also your idea of a monthly Bahá’í periodical in which articles both in Spanish and Portuguese might be printed, he would advise you to consult with the Inter-America Committee as to the advisability of taking any action in those matters at present. He is certain that through such co-operation you will be guided in fostering the very best and most vital interests of the Faith throughout South America. 3 May I again assure you of his prayers for the success and continued extension of your activities in Brazil, and for the promotion of your work with the children. He hopes that the classes you are conducting will prove effective means for the confirmation of new souls in the Cause. With the season’s best greetings to you, Yours ever in His service, H. Rabbani 4 With the assurance of my abiding appreciation of the many and varied services you are so nobly rendering the Faith under such trying circumstances, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 61 13 March 1939 [Loulie Mathews, Mexico] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Your welcome communications of January 23rd and of February 9th, as well as the copy of the letter addressed to you by Mrs. Stewart regarding the Inter-America teaching campaign, have duly reached our beloved Guardian, and their contents read with feelings of utmost satisfaction. 2 He has also received the copies of the printed translation of the prayers in Spanish, and wishes me to assure you, and through you the Inter-America Committee, of his thanks and gratitude, and to express his full satisfaction at the progress of your plans for the publication of Bahá’í literature in Spanish. The booklet of prayers is quite attractive, and indeed excellent in production, and the translation, it is hoped, is also of a high literary standard, and accurate in rendering. He trusts further translations are ready for printing, and that sufficient funds have been allotted and are available for this purpose. 3 The Guardian was also most delighted to note that your meeting with the National Spiritual Assembly in California has been marked with such singular success, and that the members were all so responsive and generous to your suggestions, and to those offered by Mr. Mathews. He values beyond words the loving co-operation which he is so ably extending to you throughout your teaching travels, and will pray that your joint and self-sacrificing exertions in this field may continue to widen in range, and be crowned with ever-increasing success. 4 As to the news of the wonderful and quite unexpected results so rapidly won by dear Mrs. Stewart during her recent journey to Argentina and the adjoining countries, the Guardian believes that, in view of the unprecedented success accomplished by this able and distinguished teacher, and also in view of the warm response which the Message is receiving in these South American states, no effort should be spared in order to enable Mrs. Stewart to prolong her stay and to prepare the ground for the formation of a Spiritual Assembly in the near future. 5 The Guardian also feels it would be an excellent idea for Mr. Pedro Espinosa, our dear Mexican believer, to attend the Convention this April, and wholeheartedly approves of the National Spiritual Assembly’s decision to extend to him such an invitation. His contact with the American believers, and in particular with the members of the National Spiritual Assembly, cannot but help in deepening his knowledge of the Cause, and intensifying his love and devotion to the Faith. 6 Assuring you again of the Guardian’s prayers for your health and your continued confirmation in your services, Yours ever sincerely, H. Rabbani Dear and precious co-worker: 7 Your last letter of February 11 has also reached me, and I grieve to learn of the condition of dear . . . , for whom I will assuredly pray from the depth of my heart. I deeply sympathize with him and pray that he may be given the strength to withstand these trials and to persevere in his work of service to the Cause, which he has so ably and magnificently started. I am glad to hear that Mrs. Stewart has prolonged her stay and am replying to a letter I just received from her. As to your own dear self I am thrilled by the news you give me and by the manner in which you discharge your manifold and vital duties. I am so pleased to know that Mr. Mathews is so closely collaborating with you. May the Beloved protect and guide you both in the great work you are doing for His Cause. Shoghi 8 I will place the photo of the Mexico Assembly and the Spanish translations in the Mansion, close to the room where Bahá’u’lláh passed away. Sh. 62 24 October 1939 [Philip Marangella, Cuba] Dear Mr. Marangella, 1 Your delightful message dated August 10th was received and read with grateful appreciation by our beloved Guardian. He deeply regrets, however, that owing to present circumstances, and also due to the heavy pressure of work on him during the last few weeks, he could not answer you earlier. 2 He felt so encouraged at the report of your splendid teaching achievements in Cuba during the last few months, and noted with special gratification the valuable contacts you have been able to establish with so many individuals of high and responsible position in Havana. His fervent hope is that such avenues of contact as you have been able to find will permit you, in the near future, to bring into the Faith people of capacity and spiritual understanding who, through the power of their wealth and social position, and first and foremost through their devotion to the Cause, and their enthusiasm to promote its truth, will contribute in their turn in further extending the scope and strengthening the foundations of the teaching work throughout that island. His prayers will be specially and most ardently offered to Bahá’u’lláh that He may richly bless your labors, and crown your efforts with complete success. 3 The Guardian wishes me to seize this opportunity of extending to you and to Mrs. Marangella his heartfelt good wishes on the occasion of your marriage, and of assuring you also of his prayers that this union may prove a step toward more effective service on the part of you both to the Faith in Latin America. 4 With his warmest good wishes and loving greetings to you both, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 5 Wishing you ever-increasing success in your steadfast and devoted efforts in the field of pioneer teaching, and assuring you of my special prayers for the speedy realization of your highest hopes in His service Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 63 30 October 1939 [Wilfred Barton, Uruguay] Dear Mr. Barton, 1 The Guardian wishes me to gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your most welcome letter of October 7th, reporting on your teaching work in Uruguay. He is delighted and deeply thankful that you should have offered yourself for pioneer service in that country, and has full hope that with the unfailing help and guidance of Bahá’u’lláh and your own persistent, vigorous and self-sacrificing efforts you will carry your mission to a successful conclusion. 2 It pleased him to know of the opportunities you have had of delivering the Message to so many people while on your way to South America, and he trusts that these contacts will someday blossom and bear fruit for the growth and establishment of the Cause in these Latin American countries. 3 Your meeting with dear Miss Holsapple and Mr. and Mrs. Worley in Brazil, and the news of recent Bahá’í translations into Portuguese undertaken and completed by the former, was also a source of deep gratification to the Guardian. He earnestly hopes that such individual efforts on behalf of our pioneers will be welcomed and encouraged by the Inter-America Committee, and result in further stimulating the advancement of the teaching work in these southern territories. 4 The Guardian would advise that you consult the Inter-America Committee, and in particular our dear and distinguished sister Mrs. Stewart, whose experiences in the field of inter-American teaching stand truly unique, regarding the most suitable type of literature to be used by teachers in Central and South America. In general, however, he would recommend that Bahá’í teachings on the subject of world unity should be used, and special stress be laid on the principle of the oneness of mankind, which constitutes indeed the very core of the Message of Bahá’u’lláh. 5 As regards your suggestion concerning the establishment of a summer school in Montevideo: Shoghi Effendi indeed welcomes your idea, and is delighted to know that in consultation with our first believer in Uruguay, Mr. Simon Rosenzweig, you have already started working out tentative plans in this connection. He will pray for the success of your endeavors, but would advise that before deciding on any definite scheme, you seek the considered view and obtain the full sanction of both the National Spiritual Assembly and the Inter-America Committee. 6 With his renewed and most loving greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 Your exemplary response to the teaching call addressed to the American believers has evoked profound feelings of admiration in my heart. I will specially pray for your success from the bottom of my heart, and am eager to learn of the progress of your ceaseless activities in such a distant field and under such difficult circumstances. The Master must indeed be well pleased with you. Persevere, be happy and confident. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 64 11 December 1939 [Louise Caswell, Cora Oliver, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sisters, 1 The joint message you had addressed to our beloved Guardian dated November 26th reporting on your teaching activities in Panama has just reached him in the Holy Land, and his heart is indeed filled with gratitude at this fresh and striking evidence of your determination to implant the banner of the Faith in that virgin territory. Knowing as you certainly do of the glowing references made by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá regarding the spiritual future of that country, you should consider it your high and sacred privilege to be the first Bahá’í pioneers working in that land, and you should rest assured that Divine confirmations will strengthen and bless your efforts, and will enable you to attain your hearts’ highest desire in service to His Cause. 2 The Guardian is glad to know that you are both endeavoring to perfect your knowledge of Spanish and would urge you to persevere in your efforts, so that you may acquire a good mastery of that language and thus be able to present and teach the Message in an effective manner. 3 Also he views with great favor your plan of establishing contact with as many sections and classes of the population as possible, and hopes that you will equally succeed in attracting to the Faith individuals of high social position and influence, as well as those of lowly and humble origin who, no matter how limited in their capacity and influence, can nevertheless, once introduced into the Cause, render services of far-reaching value, outshining those which their fellow-believers of higher origin and of better social standing may be able to accomplish. 4 Assuring you both of his prayers for the confirmation of your teaching services, and with renewed and affectionate greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 My heart overflows with joy at the news you give me. The spirit animating you both in your services to the Faith is truly exemplary, and will no doubt enable you to overcome any obstacles that may confront you. I am deeply thankful for having such staunch and devoted co-workers in the Divine Vineyard. Persevere, and be assured that I will continue to pray for you both from the depths of my heart. Your true brother, Shoghi 65 28 February 1940 [Clarence Iverson, El Salvador] Dear Bahá’í Brother, 1 Your most welcome message to the Guardian dated January 19th has been duly received, and he was indeed greatly heartened by its perusal, and particularly rejoiced to know that you had safely reached San Salvador, and are now actively engaged, together with dear Mr. Eichenauer, in establishing the Faith in that country. 2 This teaching mission you have of your own accord undertaken to accomplish is truly meritorious, and doubly so because of the economic difficulties and other material obstacles which you have to surmount in connection with its execution. You should, however, remain confident in the assurance that Bahá’u’lláh, Whose Word you have so nobly and so heroically arisen to promote, will strengthen and bless your efforts, and provide you with all the opportunities and means you require for the execution of your task. 3 . . . The beginning, as in every undertaking, must be hard and difficult, particularly in such an environment which is entirely new to you. But you should persist, and confidently strive to overcome each and every obstacle in your way, and thus pave the way for the consolidation and further extension of your pioneer work. 4 The plan you have in mind to enter school together with Mr. Eichenauer with the view of perfecting your knowledge of Spanish, and also of acquiring a better intellectual training, particularly along lines most suited to your teaching work in Latin America, meets with the Guardian’s wholehearted approval. He wishes you both every success in your endeavors in this field. 5 Assuring you also of his prayers for the confirmation of your teaching efforts, and for your own welfare and protection in these hard and trying times, Cordially yours, H. Rabbani Dear and prized co-worker: 6 Your letter was a source of great joy and encouragement to me. The rising generation will be inspired by and extol what you are now so devotedly achieving. The Beloved will reinforce your efforts and guide your steps and crown your work with signal success if you persevere in His path. I will continue to pray for you from all my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 66 2 March 1940 [Jeanne Bolles, Argentina] 1 GLORIOUS LIFE CROWNED GLORIOUS DEATH SUPREME CONCOURSE EXTOL ACHIEVEMENTS ILLUSTRIOUS LIFE. ADVISE INTERMENT BEFITTING SPOT BUENOS AIRES SOUTHERN OUTPOST BELOVED FAITH LOVING APPRECIATION SYMPATHY.2 67 5 April 1940 [Amalia Ford, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Sister, 1 Your kind and welcome message dated March 4th has just arrived and it truly delighted the Guardian to know of the preparations you have made for sailing to Costa Rica. He hopes that nothing has happened since to delay your departure and that this letter will find you safely there engaged in teaching the Cause. 2 He is eagerly awaiting to hear the news of your activities, and wishes you to kindly inform him of any developments regarding your teaching work in that country. 3 Needless to say you will keep in regular touch with the Inter-American Committee, and will seek their help and guidance in the furtherance of your teaching mission. 4 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you have so well arisen to promote, ever bless and strengthen your efforts, and send down upon you such measures of His grace and confirmations as would enable you to fully and speedily attain your goal. 5 With renewed and most loving greetings, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 6 Wishing you ever-increasing success in your brilliant efforts for the spread and consolidation of our beloved Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 68 9 April 1940 [Brazil] Dear Friends, 1 Your joint message dated March 16th addressed to our beloved Guardian conveying to him your sympathy in the passing away of dear Mrs. Maxwell has been received, and his heart so deeply grief-stricken at this truly sad event was indeed greatly comforted by your kind words, and most particularly by the assurances you have expressed of redoubling your efforts in the prosecution of your teaching mission in South America. 2 Surely the loss which the American believers, and more specially the teaching force, have come to sustain through the sudden and unexpected removal of so earnest and capable a promoter of the Cause is most heavy, but it surely can, in the long run, be compensated by the determination, resourcefulness and self-sacrifice which the teachers and pioneers of the Cause are so increasingly evincing in the conduct of the teaching campaign set before them in the Seven Year Plan. 3 It is for them, each and all, to draw from the life and work of Mrs. Maxwell such an example of steadfast, selfless and constructive service as would inspire them to faithfully and unremittingly follow in her footsteps, and to strive to attain the high goal which she herself did so remarkably and so well deservedly attain in service to our beloved Faith. 4 I take this opportunity of conveying to you both the Guardian’s best wishes and prayers for the furtherance of your teaching work in Brazil, and with the season’s best greetings, Yours very sincerely, H. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved of our hearts aid you to work as devotedly and unremittingly as our dearly-beloved and valiant pioneer, Mrs. Maxwell, and aid you to carry on the work for which she gave her life, and thus set so noble an example to those who will labor after her in the Divine Vineyard, Your true brother, Shoghi 69 29 October 1940 [Felipe Madrigal Nieto, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Brother, 1 Your most welcome message dated August 13 addressed to our beloved Guardian has been duly received and his heart was immensely cheered by the perusal of its contents, and in particular at the news of your confirmation in the Bahá’í Faith. 2 It indeed gives him the utmost pleasure to be able to welcome you into the world-wide fellowship of Bahá’u’lláh, and he has every hope that in His divine teachings you will increasingly find the fulfillment of your highest spiritual aspirations, and the key to the solution of world problems confronting mankind in this age. 3 His advice to you is to continue deepening your knowledge of the Cause, and to strive, in close collaboration with other believers in Costa Rica, to further disseminate its teachings, and first and foremost to rally to its banner a few more receptive souls who together with you would then be able to constitute the first local Bahá’í Assembly in that land. His prayers and good wishes will be ever with you in the accomplishment of this your high and indeed most meritorious task. 4 It would certainly please him to hear frequently of the good news of the progress of your activities, and to be able to extend to you any help by way of advice in the conduct of your teaching work. 5 With his renewed thanks for your very cordial message, and with loving greetings to the friends in your center, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 6 Wishing you ever-increasing success in your efforts to spread our beloved Faith, and assuring you of a most hearty welcome into the ranks of its supporters and servants, Your true brother, Shoghi 70 1 November 1940 [Amalia Ford, Gayle Woolson, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Sisters: 1 Your joint and welcome letters dated August 6th and 9th, enclosing copies of reports you have submitted to the chairman of the Inter-America Committee covering your teaching activities in Costa Rica, have all safely reached our beloved Guardian, and he was indeed immeasurably delighted by their perusal. 2 He feels truly proud and rejoiced at the notable successes you have both so remarkably achieved, and judging by the number of contacts you have already established, the ground there seems to be quite fertile for the spread of the Cause. Though the number of confirmed believers is only four, you should be hopeful that through your painstaking and persistent efforts, as well as through the guidance and confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh, you will be able to raise to nine, and thus be in a position to proceed with the formation of your first Local Assembly in that land. This is the chief objective which the Guardian wishes you to set as your goal for this year, and he himself will earnestly pray that your joint endeavors to that end may be crowned with speedy and complete success. 3 With his loving good wishes and greetings to you, and to our four dear believers in San José, and assuring you again of his abiding appreciation of your devoted services, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 4 May He Who watches over and sustains His Faith, protect, guide and bless you always, and aid you to add fresh laurels to the crown you have won in the service of His glorious Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 71 3 November 1940 [Clarence Iverson, El Salvador] Dear Bahá’í Brother, 1 The Guardian has been most delighted to receive your good letter of June 29th, though he infinitely regrets that so much delay should have been caused in informing you of its arrival. 2 That the pioneer work in which you and our dear John Eichenauer are so devotedly engaged should draw upon you such great measure of Divine confirmations is surely a conclusive proof that Bahá’u’lláh is well pleased with the efforts you are jointly exerting for the propagation and establishment of His Cause in San Salvador. It is to be confidently hoped that now that your stay in that country has been indefinitely prolonged you will have the full time and opportunity to consolidate the work already achieved, and that soon you will have the boundless satisfaction, and the well-deserved merit of establishing the first Bahá’í Assembly in that land. The ever-increasing interest shown by so many people in the Teachings, and the ever-widening attendance at your teaching classes should indeed fill you with renewed and absolute confidence in the glorious success that must needs crown your able and devoted exertions. 3 The Guardian’s prayers continue to be offered on your behalf, as well as on behalf of dear John Eichenauer. Kindly assure him how deeply he has appreciated the message he had appended to your letter, and how pleased he feels to know that he has secured work as a stenographer. With loving greetings to you both, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani 4 May our Beloved pour out fresh and continued blessings upon your meritorious work, which I admire and for the effects of which I cherish bright hopes, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 72 30 November 1940 [Leonora Holsapple, Brazil] Dear Miss Holsapple, 1 Your most welcome letter dated June 9th, enclosing copy of your communication of October 23, 1939, have both duly reached our beloved Guardian, and he has noted their contents with very close attention, and with feelings of boundless gratitude. 2 The news of the formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly in Bahia has particularly rejoiced and encouraged him, and he wishes you to convey to the members, whose names he has noted, his heartfelt congratulations upon this momentous step they have taken which, he confidently hopes, marks the beginning of a new era of steady and rapid expansion of the Faith throughout Brazil. He will specially pray for you all, that your labors throughout this year may be richly confirmed, and that your Assembly may function with the utmost unity and harmony, and in such manner as to excite the envy and admiration of our newly-established communities in both Central and South America. 3 The Guardian was highly pleased to know that you have arranged for the printing of the Portuguese translation of “The Goal of a New World Order” and of “The World Religion.” He certainly would be pleased to have copies of these publications and also further copies of the Portuguese “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era.” 4 As regards the Portuguese translation of “Security for a Failing World,” and that of “Some Answered Questions,” he would recommend that in this, and in similar matters concerning Bahá’í publications in Portuguese, you should consult with the Inter-America Committee, and act in close collaboration with that body, so as to avoid any possible duplication of work, and also in order to ensure that the highest standard of printing and of literary accuracy is maintained throughout these publications. 5 In closing the Guardian wishes me to express his grateful appreciation of the teaching work you have been lately engaged in accom plishing in various parts of Brazil. He certainly will pray that you may succeed in so arranging your affairs as to have more time and freedom to pursue, with greater vigor and intensity than before, your pioneer work for the Faith in that country. 6 With his loving greetings to you and to the friends in Bahia, Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I rejoice to learn of the formation of the first Spiritual Assembly in Brazil, and I wish to congratulate you on the success that has crowned your devoted and painstaking efforts. I will specially pray for the protection of its members, the extension of its activities, and the consolidation of its accomplishments. You are often in my thoughts and prayers in these days of turmoil, of danger and strife, and I pray that the Beloved may shower His richest blessings upon you. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 73 17 January 1941 [Salvador Tormo, LSA Buenos Aires, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Brother, 1 I am directed by our beloved Guardian to gratefully acknowledge the receipt of your communication of May 30th written on behalf of the Buenos Aires Assembly, reporting on the memorial meeting held by the believers on the 26th of April last in honor of our well-beloved sister, the late Mrs. May Maxwell. 2 He has noted with deep satisfaction that the meeting was well attended by all the friends, whose names he was particularly pleased to read on a separate sheet which you had enclosed, and feels also glad to know that you had as special guest on that occasion our dear sister Mrs. E. Boice Nourse of New York, who had so kindly arranged the program of your meeting. 3 Kindly convey to all the friends, and to the members of your Assembly in particular, his keen appreciation of their efforts, and his gratitude for this token of love they have so well deservedly paid to the memory of one whose name will ever remain associated with the formation of the first Bahá’í Assembly in Buenos Aires. 4 The Guardian has also noted with special gratification the list of the members of your newly-constituted Assembly, and wishes me to assure you, and your fellow-members, of his prayers for your guidance and strength in the discharge of your duties, and that also under the wise and able leadership of your Assembly the Cause may achieve steady and rapid progress throughout Argentina in the course of this year. Yours in His service, H. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 My heart truly rejoiced at the receipt of your most welcome message. I am so grateful to you all for the great work which you have initiated, a work that has been the direct consequence of the self-sacrifice of that valiant soul, May Maxwell. I will pray for you from the depths of my heart, and long to receive regularly the news of the progress of your activities. Your true brother, Shoghi 74 15 April 1941 [Ellsworth and Ruth Blackwell, Haiti] Dear Bahá’í Pioneers: 1 Your letter to the Guardian of January 24th was received with enclosures, and he has instructed me to answer you. 2 He deeply appreciates the spirit of courageous self-sacrifice that led you to volunteer as pioneers and which has since sustained you in your difficult task in Haiti. 3 All over the world the horizons are dark in these days, and the Bahá’ís meet often with indifference and animosity when they offer the cup of divine healing to their sorely-tried fellow-men. But this must never discourage them. 4 Shoghi Effendi greatly admires the spirit in which you have met the opposition to the spread of the Faith, and he feels certain that whatever you do—whether the National Spiritual Assembly decides it is best for you to return to America or remain in Haiti—the work you have already accomplished will not be lost or forgotten. 5 You may be sure the Guardian will often pray for you as well as for those souls whom you have already been teaching in Haiti. You have sown the seeds and, God willing, someday the harvest will be bountiful. 6 With loving Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dearly-beloved co-workers: 7 The work you have done, the sacrifices you have made, the historic mission you have initiated, are highly praiseworthy, meritorious and unforgettable. I will specially pray for you both that in whatever field you may labor in the days to come, Bahá’u’lláh may reinforce, guide and bless you and aid you to enrich the record of your pioneer services. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 75 15 April 1941 [Louise Caswell, Cora Oliver, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Pioneers: 1 Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your letter to him of March 2nd. 2 He was most happy to receive all your good news, as well as the enclosed photos. The range of your combined activities seems to hold very bright promise for a future harvest of Bahá’ís. 3 You may be sure his ardent prayers are offered for your teaching work and for the confirmation of the souls newly attracted. 4 The Guardian was pleased to learn that such a capable young person as Emerita Guevara has declared herself a believer, and he hopes she will be able to serve her fellow-countrymen as a Bahá’í. 5 In these dark days such bright reports of the work of the Faith in far-off lands greatly cheer Shoghi Effendi as well as the Bahá’ís of other, less fortunate, parts of the globe. 6 Assuring you both of his ardent prayers for your work, With Bahá’í love, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 7 I was so pleased to hear from you and to know that you are well and active in such a distant field and in the service of so noble and precious a Cause. You can rest assured that my prayers will continue to be offered on your behalf. Persevere in your high endeavors, and never allow any difficulties or obstacles to dampen your zeal or to weaken your determination to reinforce the basis of your splendid achievements. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 76 18 April 1941 [Helen Bishop, Mexico] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your letters to him of January 3rd and 13th, 1941. 2 He was very happy to hear from you and receive your reports of the work in Mexico, also to learn that your dear mother was able to accompany you and your husband and thus have a share in the wonderful work of spreading the Faith amidst the Central American peoples. 3 The Guardian feels very strongly that you are admirably fitted for the work of the Cause in these Central and Southern republics of America. Your knowledge of Spanish, your knowledge of the teachings, and your great devotion to the Cause, all fit you for this all-important task, and Shoghi Effendi hopes you will devote yourself to the work in these countries of such vital importance at present. He will pray that every obstacle be removed from your path to enable you to accomplish this great service. 4 He was pleased to hear that Mr. Bishop is feeling better and is helping you in your devoted efforts for the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 5 The spread of the Cause in countries of such mixed population and wide range of social development—and often lack of development—must naturally engender many delicate problems. But the Cause is so great that these momentary difficulties are soon lost in the workings of its benign and unifying powers. 6 The Guardian hopes that you will keep in touch with him and give him the good news of your activities. 7 Assuring you of his prayers for you and Mr. Bishop, as well as your mother, and with loving Bahá’í greetings, I remain Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 8 Your letter of February 4th has also reached me, and I feel truly grateful to you for the work you have undertaken in Mexico, and the devotion, the care, tact and perseverance with which you have promoted the interests of the Faith in that country. I trust and hope that this visit will be only a prelude to an extended and fruitful contact with the centers in both Central and South America. You are eminently qualified for this noble task, and I pray that you and dear Charles may be able to seize this splendid opportunity and render in these virgin fields services that will enrich the record of your past work in both Europe and the North American continent. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 77 21 May 1941 [Marie Poghaharian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your letter to him of April 14th, which, as you see, arrived in a very short time. 2 His heart has been greatly rejoiced by the wonderful news of the Cause’s progress in Buenos Aires! He welcomes you as his Bahá’í co-worker, in this wonderful Faith which serves all mankind, and he hopes that you, together with your brother, will render the Cause great services in this newly opened country of Argentina. 3 The work done by dear Philip Sprague in that country will never be forgotten. The reports he has sent to the Guardian of the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires, their work and their great devotion to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, have been a source of genuine comfort to his heart in these dark days. He rejoices with you all at the bright prospect of the spread and increase of the Faith in that city and country, and you may be sure his loving prayers and thoughts are very often with you all. 4 He deeply appreciates the loving spirit which impelled the friends of that city to visit the grave of Mrs. Maxwell. The devotion to the Cause of God which inspired her whole life was truly exemplary, and he feels sure that her spirit must be an inspiration to you all. 5 The Bahá’í youth, as well as all the believers, must at all times conduct their activities in an atmosphere so truly Bahá’í and nonpolitical in every way that their government could have no reason to doubt for a moment the motives of the Faith or the loyalty of its various adherents in their respective countries. 6 The unity of the believers, their spirituality and detachment from the storms now sweeping with such fury through the hearts of the majority of the world’s citizens, are their greatest protection and safeguard at this time. 7 Shoghi Effendi will particularly pray for the work of the Bahá’í youth of that city—that they may grow to become outstanding servants of the Cause in that new and promising field: South America. 8 Assuring you of his loving prayers for yourself and his hopes for your future services to the Faith, 9 In with Bahá’í love, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 10 May the Almighty bless you and guide you, and aid you to assist in promoting the Cause of God and in consolidating its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 78 1 July 1941 [Salvador Tormo, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your welcome letter to him of May 24th, 1941, and to thank you for the enclosed photographs. 2 He was very happy to hear from you as his thoughts are very often with you in that far and promising land. 3 The truly remarkable progress the Cause has made in Buenos Aires; the formation of its first Spiritual Assembly in that country; the wonderful spirit of love, harmony, and devotion to the Faith which he can so clearly see animates you all, is a constant source of happiness to him. 4 He has the greatest hopes for the future work of the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires. They have accepted the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh with both faith and understanding. They are united in their determination to establish it firmly, in all its beauty and purity, in Argentina. Such a spirit, he feels convinced, will attract the divine outpouring of the Holy Spirit and enable them to become one of the most outstanding new Bahá’í communities. 5 Shoghi Effendi was very pleased to know that you all profited by the visit of Mr. Philip Sprague. He is a truly outstanding Bahá’í, and his profound devotion to the Faith is an example to all. The Guardian hopes he will again be able to visit Buenos Aires; in his letters he has shown his great admiration for you personally and for all the Argentine Bahá’ís. 6 The Guardian was also very pleased to note that you were able to remove entirely any misapprehension as to the motives and purpose of the Bahá’í Faith from the minds of the police. The whole teaching of the Cause is so sane and well balanced that, unless grossly misrepresented, no one could possibly take exception to it. 7 He wishes you to assure all the members of the Spiritual Assembly, as well as all the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires, of his constant loving prayers for their happiness and their services to the Faith. He assures you and Mrs. Tormo of his deep appreciation of your devoted services and his loving prayers and thoughts. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 8 I was truly delighted to receive your letter, and I feel truly proud of the work which you and your collaborators have thus far achieved. For the success of the efforts of your historic Assembly I will specially and fervently pray. Be assured, and never relax in your meritorious efforts, which the Beloved, Whom you serve so splendidly, will assuredly bless. May He enable you to follow in the footsteps of that valiant soul, May Maxwell, whose dust reposes in your city, and whose association with your center, through her self-sacrifice and death, is an eternal inspiration to all who labor in your promising country. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 79 5 July 1941 [Marie Poghaharian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter to him of May 27th. 2 He was very happy to receive the good news of the progress of the Cause in Buenos Aires, and the effort that all the friends are making to increase the harmony of their Bahá’í community life and deepen their understanding of the teachings. No doubt very great responsibilities rest upon the shoulders of all the Bahá’ís at present—for they are the custodians of the teachings and order of Bahá’u’lláh. They will find themselves tested from within and without, but tests, like a storm that shakes a tree, only drive its roots deeper and make it more determined to live and grow. 3 The Guardian feels confident that the friends of Buenos Aires will prove themselves to be one of the leading Bahá’í communities of that great continent. He cherishes great hopes for their future work, and he often prays for them. 4 He was also very pleased to learn that you and your brother are so active in the work, and feels sure you will be able to render, both within the community and in the field of teaching, many valuable services to the Faith. 5 He would advise you to make a thorough study of “The Dawn-Breakers,” the narrative of Nabíl, as this is not only of historical importance but a profound source of inspiration, and should be greatly appreciated by the sensitive and warmhearted Latin people of South America. 6 Assuring you of his loving prayers, and with Bahá’í love, I remain yours in His service, R. Rabbani 7 May the Beloved pour forth His blessings upon you, deepen your understanding of the essentials of His Faith, widen your vision, reinforce your efforts, and aid you to advance the best interests of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 80 19 July 1941 [Gayle Woolson, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Pioneer: 1 Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer your most welcome letter of April 24th. 2 The Guardian was truly overjoyed by the news of the formation of the Spiritual Assembly of Costa Rica. This constitutes a landmark in the southward march of the Faith of God, and you and Mrs. Ford should feel the most justifiable pride and feelings of triumph at this truly great achievement. 3 The loving and ardent prayers of the Guardian will continue to be offered on your behalf and on behalf of the members of this precious new community and those who are not as yet declared believers. 4 Shoghi Effendi was very pleased to note that both you and Mrs. Ford have been elected to the Spiritual Assembly. In this way you can assist the new Bahá’ís to understand and practice the administration through active participation with them in handling the affairs of the community. 5 The spiritual and intellectual nature of Latin peoples should tend to make them very profound and excellent Bahá’ís. The Guardian has the highest hopes for their future services to the Cause of God and the important contributions they will make to its unfoldment and establishment. 6 Assuring you of his profound appreciation for your services and his loving prayers for your future work, 7 Yours in His service, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 8 I wish to congratulate you most heartily on such a wonderful and glorious achievement. Future generations will extol your labors, follow in your footsteps, and derive inspiration from your pioneer activities. I will specially and constantly pray that your numbers may increase, and your Assembly flourish, and your hopes be fulfilled, and your influence extend far and wide. Persevere, and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 81 14 October 1941 [Leonora Armstrong, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The Guardian has just received your letter dated June 29th, 1941. It seems extraordinary it should have taken so long to arrive! . . . 2 Your residence in Recife should enable you—as you yourself anticipate—to carry the teachings into yet another Brazilian city and thus add to the record of your untiring and fruitful labors in the service of the beloved Faith. 3 From many sources Shoghi Effendi has heard testimonies of the friends as to the wonderful services you have rendered the Cause in South America. 4 Also he deeply appreciates the translation work you have been able to do, and hopes you are in close touch with the Inter-America Committee so that they can consult with you about those works most needed in the Portuguese language, and aid you in every way. 5 The way in which the Cause is spreading throughout Latin America is indeed a source of pride and happiness to the Guardian. The hopes of the beloved Master are being fulfilled at last, and the resultant blessings will surely be great. 6 He assures you of his unfailing interest in your work, his loving prayers and gratitude. 7 Yours in His service, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 8P. S.I hope the address is correct? I thought, as we have had no news from you at Recife, to put both names would be safer. Dear and valued co-worker: 9 I wish to express in person my best and heartfelt wishes for your happiness and for your husband’s spiritual advancement. The work you have achieved in the service of the Faith I shall always remember with pride and gratitude, and I cherish the hope that you will, in concert with your husband, be able to render still more notable services to the Faith and its institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 82 19 October 1941 [Amalia Ford, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to the Guardian dated July 21st has only just recently been received, and he has instructed me to answer you in his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear from you, and, as you already know, he was delighted when he received the good news of the formation of the first Spiritual Assembly of Costa Rica. Your tireless services there have been richly rewarded, and you should feel very proud and happy. 3 Your noble intention to continue in the pioneer field of South America by going to Guatemala meets with his entire approval, and he hopes your labors there will prove as successful as in Costa Rica. He trusts it will be possible for you to make the necessary arrangements with the Inter-America Committee to continue in the field of service. 4 It would be very good if the Assembly of Costa Rica could register themselves officially. However, this is a matter for them to take up with the National Spiritual Assembly as you say they already are doing. 5 Please convey to all the dear friends in San José the loving greetings of the Guardian, and assure them they are often remembered in his prayers. 6 He thanks you most deeply for all the wonderful and selfless work you have accomplished in establishing the Cause there with Mrs. Woolson, and he assures you that in whatever field you may continue your services his prayers will accompany you. Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and prized co-worker: 7 I wish to congratulate you on your brilliant and indeed historic achievement. I am truly proud of what you have done! Your pioneer work and that of your dear co-worker, Mrs. Woolson, will never be forgotten, and will inspire the rising generation to follow in your footsteps. The friends you have won there for the Faith, and particularly the members of the Assembly are the object of my constant prayers. They are often in my thoughts, and I long to hear of the progress of their activities. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 83 14 November 1941 [Elizabeth H. Cheney, Paraguay] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your two letters dated June 23rd and 27th have only just reached the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. It seems unbelievable they should have taken so long! 2 He was very happy to at last hear from you directly. The news of the splendid services you have been rendering the Faith in Paraguay has reached him from many of the friends, and he most deeply appreciates your devotion and self-sacrifice. 3 It is very hard indeed for you that, added to the rigors and difficulties of teaching the Cause, all alone, in a strange and difficult land, you should have had the worry and unhappiness of . . . to bear. But it is just such tests and afflictions as these which temper the souls of the believers and bless, with the bitter tears of a deep sacrifice, their work for the Cause of God. 4 When one realizes how supremely important the South American teaching campaign is, it is not to be expected that it can be carried on without a degree of sacrifice on the part of the sponsors and pioneers greater than any they have hitherto been called upon to make. This sacrifice is their crown! How small their victory would be if it were not over bitter opposition! 5 Therefore you should feel the greatest joy that God tested you and did not find you wanting. . . . 6 When you write to the dear believers you were able to confirm in Paraguay, please convey to them the expression of the Guardian’s love and the assurance of his prayers on their behalf, that they may grow strong in the service of the Faith and build up a fine center in their native land. He feels that the Latin Americans have a great contribution to make to the Cause. They are a people richly endowed with both spiritual and intellectual qualities. 7 The Guardian assures you of his most loving prayers for your dear self and your future services to the Faith . . . With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and precious co-worker: 8 The services you have rendered, and which the friends have so greatly praised, will never be forgotten, and I trust and pray that you will soon be able to enrich the record of your pioneer achievements. However great the obstacles in your path, Bahá’u’lláh will no doubt aid you to overcome them, and will bless your high endeavors, and enable you to render such services as will excite the admiration, pride, and gratitude of future generations. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 84 23 November 1941 [Bahá’ís of Quito, Ecuador] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The Guardian just received your letter sent to him on the occasion of the Feast of ‘Ilm, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Your message brought great joy to his heart, as he sees in your little group the first glimmerings of the light of Bahá’u’lláh, which is beginning to dawn upon South America. 3 Though in each Latin American country the number of the believers is as yet small—yet they represent to that great continent what the early Christians did to Europe in the first centuries after Christ. They are the leaven that must leaven the lump. 4 The Guardian hopes and prays that your group will grow stronger and larger all the time, and that eventually you will be able to send out, from among yourselves, teachers to teach your fellow-countrymen the Divine Glad Tidings for this age. 5 Bahá’u’lláh has said that God will assist all those who arise in His service. The more you labor for His Faith, the more He will aid and bless you. 6 Assuring you all of the Guardian’s most loving and ardent prayers for your progress and welfare, Your Bahá’í co-worker, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 7 My heart overflowed with joy at the receipt of your most welcome message. I wish to assure you of my special and constant prayers for your protection, your spiritual advancement, the increase of your numbers, the extension of your activities, the fulfillment of all the hopes you cherish in the service of our beloved Faith. I am so eager to hear from you regularly, and I trust you will keep me in touch with your work to which I attach the utmost importance. Persevere, be happy, and rest assured. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 85 23 November 1941 [Josephine Kruka, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The Guardian was very happy to receive your letter and that of Mr. Rissanen, dated respectively June 19th and February 21st. 2 He received one message from him before, and he feels he is a truly great and devoted soul. The Guardian hopes that you keep in as close touch with him as possible, isolated from his fellow-Bahá’ís as he now is; and that through your loving encouragement he will draw strength and inspiration to go on with his important work for the Faith. Be sure and convey to him the Guardian’s love and the assurance of his ardent prayers on his behalf. 3 Shoghi Effendi has followed with the deepest appreciation your teaching activities in Cuba, and he is very pleased to hear you are going to return to that country and continue strengthening and teaching the new group there. 4 It is quite impossible for the pioneers and pioneer teachers to realize fully how great the services are which they are rendering the Faith of God, and their fellow-men, at this time. But future generations will know how to value their self-sacrifice, and the fact that, when the need was greatest, they did not fail their beloved Cause but gave up home and comforts to serve it unstintingly. 5 The Guardian assures you of his most loving prayers accompanying you on all your teaching trips, wherever you may go. 6 With Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I wish to express to you and through you to our dear friend Mr. Rissanen my deepest loving appreciation of the constant efforts you are exerting for the promotion of our beloved Faith. I feel truly proud of your work to which I attach the utmost importance. You are both often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will continue to pray for your protection, and the realization of your dearest hopes. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 86 16 December 1941 [Marie Poghaharian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter to him of September 24th, 1941. 2 He was happy to hear that the friends of Buenos Aires are so active and united in serving the Cause and that their numbers are increasing. 3 They have a very great responsibility in these dark days of war, as they are the only large community and Spiritual Assembly of believers in South America. Upon their steadfastness, courage and devotion must depend, to an ever-increasing degree, the progress of the work not only in Argentina but nearby places. Into their hands has been entrusted the task of keeping alive in their country the Faith of God and of leading others to the true path of spiritual progress. 4 In this all-important work the Guardian hopes that both you and your dear brother will take an active part. 5 He will pray for your guidance and protection, as well as for all the dear believers of Argentina, that Bahá’u’lláh may watch over and protect you all. 6 With Bahá’í greetings, Your faithful co-worker, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty aid you to proclaim befittingly the principles of his Faith, further the interests of its institutions, and reflect in your conduct the glory of His teachings, Your true brother, Shoghi 87 17 December 1941 [LSA of San José, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter, addressed to the Guardian by your secretary Mr. Guido Contreras and dated September 29th, has just been received, and Shoghi Effendi has instructed me to answer you. 2 Indeed your good news brought great happiness to his heart, and he feels most proud of the manner in which your Assembly, with so much devotion and sound judgement, is propagating the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in other districts of Costa Rica. 3 Your Assembly will go down in history as the first Bahá’í Assembly of Central America, a great distinction and blessing, and the Guardian feels that if you continue to progress so rapidly you will soon be in a position to spread the Cause, through representatives of your community, in other neighboring lands. This would be of great value to the work of teaching these divine laws and truths, as then the Latin Americans would be hearing it from the lips of their own people in their own language, which of course would be very effective. 4 The Guardian will pray that your hopes may be realized and that an Assembly will be formed in Punta Arenas in the near future. 5 He hopes that the ardor and joy with which you are serving our glorious Faith will in no way be dampened by the ever-increasing gloom which the war is spreading over the entire globe. Our eyes are fixed on the goal which Bahá’u’lláh has destined for us, and we must strive with assured hearts, confident of spiritual victory, toward that glorious goal. 6 He wishes you all to know that his thoughts and his most loving prayers are with you all, and he feels sure you will accomplish ever greater services in our Holy Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers, 7 Your letter rejoiced my heart. I am so glad and grateful to hear of your splendid and indeed historic accomplishments. You have achieved with speed, and in a sound and commendable manner, what is the avowed object of every Republic in Latin America, as the formation of a Spiritual Assembly is the cornerstone of the Administrative Order of Bahá’u’lláh. I will specially pray that you may be able to consolidate the work you have achieved, and extend the activities you have initiated. Persevere, rest assured, and be happy and grateful. Your true brother, Shoghi 88 21 December 1941 [Ellsworth and Ruth Blackwell, Haiti] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter of October 10th just arrived, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer it. 2 He was most happy to receive the good news which your letter brought, and he read with great interest the two enclosed reports. You have seen the triumph of your labors—a great, great blessing! You went to establish the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in that island, and you have, through your dedication and perseverance, succeeded in doing so. The Guardian rejoices with you in this spiritual victory. 3 He was most happy to see that there are now seven believers in Haiti, and that a new city has been opened up to the Faith, Les Cayes. 4 He wishes you to please convey to all these dear souls, especially Mr. and Mrs. McBean, who are doing so much to help you establish the Faith, his warm Bahá’í love and assure them that he cherishes the brightest hopes for their future and the services they will render our beloved Faith. 5 He is deeply grateful to you both for the devotion and perseverance you have shown, and the rich fruits you are garnering for the Beloved. Rest assured his most loving prayers surround you and your teaching activities, and be confident of seeing the reward of your labors in the future. 6 He urges you, as well as the new believers, to persevere in your work in spite of the dark days the world is passing through. 7 With warm Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 8 I wish to assure you in person of my deepest and abiding appreciation of your devoted and indeed historic services. Perseverance will crown your labors with imperishable glory. Rest assured, and never relax in your efforts, which the rising generation will extol and admire. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. I will always be glad to hear from you, and will pray that your dearest hopes may be speedily and completely realized. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 89 1 February 1942 [John Eichenauer, Honduras] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of October 26th was received, and the Guardian wishes to assure you that with very few exceptions all letters he receives are answered, so that if you do not get a reply to a letter, it is because either your or his letter is lost in the uncertain mails. Anyway he was delighted by all the good news you conveyed, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 You have, indeed, been very blessed and privileged in the work you have done these last years in Central America. The Guardian hopes that all this presages still greater services in the future. You are now well equipped with a knowledge of both the language and peoples of Central America, and this should aid you all your life in achieving ever greater victories for the Faith you love and which, already, has rewarded you by rich confirmations and blessings. 3 The news you give, of the soundness, sincerity and devotion of the Bahá’ís in the various centers you visited on your recent trip, greatly cheered the Guardian. He hopes that this spring will witness the establishment of more Spiritual Assemblies, as they are of such supreme importance in fulfilling the Plan. Indeed, such united, organized, and active spiritual centers will be of the utmost importance to the work of the future—especially in view of the steadily worsening international situation. 4 The Guardian assures you he will pray for your guidance and protection during these difficult times, and for the divine confirmations for your noble work. 5 With Bahá’í love and greetings, Yours in the service of the Faith, R. Rabbani 6P. S.All the clippings you enclosed, as well as the translations of them and the photograph, were received. The Guardian was delighted by the excellent spirit in which the Faith is being presented to the public. Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I was so pleased to receive your letter, for I long to keep in close and constant touch with the beloved pioneers who are rendering such great and historic services to the Cause. I feel proud of you all, am constantly praying on your behalf, admire your courage and constancy and cherish the brightest hopes for your future. Persevere, however great the obstacles ahead, however dark the coming days. Bahá’u’lláh is your Guide, your Sustainer, and Protector at all times and under all conditions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 90 9 March 1942 [Louise Caswell, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of December 8th has just been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. . . . 2 Your report of the work in Central America was most encouraging, and the Guardian was very happy to receive it. The rapidity with which the work of spreading the Faith is progressing is not only remarkable but an abiding tribute to the devotion, loyalty, and perseverance of the American Bahá’ís. 3 With each passing day the challenge grows greater. The obstacles are more formidable now than when the Seven Year Plan was conceived. However this but makes each victory more precious, each sacrifice more worthy! 4 No doubt also the tumultuous character of world events is opening the eyes of people as never before, and rousing many souls who were hitherto passive and indifferent, into active truth-seekers. It is these that will reward the efforts of the believers with an ever-increasing harvest. 5 The Guardian was pleased to hear that you now have a suitable meeting-place in your home, and he hopes that the fine groundwork you have laid will give rise to a firm, active and mature Bahá’í community. Permanency is of the utmost importance in the teaching work in pioneer fields, for we can never tell what storms these young communities may have to weather by themselves in the future. 6 He assures you that his most loving prayers will continue to be offered on your behalf, and for the success of your, and Mrs. Oliver’s noble work. 7 He will also pray for the protection and guidance of your son. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 8 May the Almighty bless, abundantly and continually, the remarkable work you are achieving in the service of His Faith, remove all obstacles, however formidable, from your path, and enable you to add to the laurels that you have admittedly won in His path, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 91 7 May 1942 [Leonora Armstrong, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of March 24th was just received, and the Guardian desires me to answer you at once on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that you are busy with various Bahá’í translation work, and that you hope to have a group gradually built up in Recife to study the Faith. 3 He hopes that by correspondence—if you are not able to visit them—you will encourage and endeavor to strengthen the Bahia Bahá’ís, so that they will not fall permanently below Assembly status. It was a great triumph for Brazil to have an Assembly, and he hopes that it will not only be maintained, but new ones formed. 4 Brazil is the oldest South American Bahá’í country, so to speak, and he hopes she will continue to shine amongst her sister Communities, now growing and multiplying throughout that continent. 5 He hopes you will continue to report to him the work you are doing and the news of the Cause in general there. 6 And he assures you of his continued loving prayers on your behalf and on behalf of your husband. 7 With warm Bahá’í love, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 8 You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I deeply appreciate the devotion, constancy, and care with which you promote the interests of our dearly-beloved Faith. May the Master guide every step you take, and fulfill every desire you cherish in the service of His glorious Cause. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 92 15 June 1942 [Loulie Mathews, Honduras] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March the 11th was received last night, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear from you, as you are often remembered by him, and he has been following with keen interest the activities of your latest contribution to the forward march of the Faith, namely Temerity Ranch. 3 He was also very pleased to hear that you are helping the inter-America work, as your own experiences in that field will no doubt be of great value to those more newly initiated into its service. 4 No doubt as the Cause grows, and the believers composing it become more spiritually mature, a much higher degree of efficient co-ordination of the activities of the Faith will be achieved. We should view the Cause in the light of a perfect system, operating as yet through very imperfect instruments. Gradually, through the deepening of individual spiritual consciousness and the general change the world itself must undergo, the perfection of this divine system will become manifest and fully operative. 5 All the news from the Americas—North and South—is good news these days, and this greatly heartens the Guardian. The formation of ten Latin American Assemblies is truly a great step forward, and one you can yourself take a personal pride in, as you aided its realization! 6 The Guardian assures you, as well as your dear husband, of his continued loving prayers. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I was so pleased to hear from you after such a long silence, and I greatly appreciate the sentiments you have expressed. The work you have achieved and initiated in recent years, and which you are now extending and consolidating with such devotion, ability, loyalty and vigor is truly historic and meritorious. I will pray for the success of every effort you exert, and will always be glad to hear from you direct about the progress of your manifold activities. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 93 16 June 1942 [John Eichenauer, Honduras] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your most welcome letter of March the 11th has been safely received, as well as the photographs and newspaper clippings you enclosed. The Guardian has directed me to answer you on his behalf, and express his deep satisfaction with all you are, and have been, accomplishing. 2 He was very pleased to see that your younger brother, Marshall, has been so stirred by your exploits that he has followed you to South America, and is actively aiding the work there. Young men such as yourselves, so surprisingly dedicated to a movement which the uninitiated might associate with mature people of a philosophical bent of mind, so free from the current dissipated habits of most young people, are in a position to capture the attention and respect of both young and old alike. This Cause, although it embraces with equal esteem people of all ages, has a special message and mission for the youth of your generation. It is their charter for their future, their hope, their guarantee of better days to come. Therefore the Guardian is especially happy that the young Bahá’ís are active in the pioneer work. He hopes your brother will feel the urge to go into pioneer work as you have. 3 The formation of your first Spiritual Assembly in Honduras was a source of great joy to him, and he hopes you will do all in your power to strengthen it and help it to function smoothly. It is the nucleus of all community life, and requires often adjustment and sacrifice from all concerned, until they learn how to function according to the higher laws of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 The Guardian found the publicity you had received very sympathetic in tone. If the South Americans have the courtesy, kindness, and warmth expressed in these papers, as well as the deep capacity for faith and steadfastness, so characteristic of the Latins, they should indeed make wonderful Bahá’ís. . . . 5 Assuring you of his most loving continued prayers on your behalf, and on behalf of your brother, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.The Guardian answered your last letter. He hopes by now his reply has safely reached you. Dear and valued co-worker: 7 Your letters, as well as those received from the believers regarding your historic services and accomplishments, fill me with pride, joy and gratitude. I shall ever remember the great work you are achieving with feelings of unqualified admiration. My fervent and continued prayers surround and accompany you wherever you labor. Persevere, be happy and thankful for so great a privilege and for so fine and enduring a record of service to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 94 5 July 1942 [Marie Poghaharian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 31st has just been received, and taken a very short time on the way as you can see, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was especially made happy by the news you conveyed of the harmony and love now prevailing in the Buenos Aires community. The great gift that Bahá’u’lláh has brought to the world is unity, and only by the intensity of the love of the believers for God, and for each other, can this unity be established. 3 He has great hopes for the Latin American believers, because they are a people who, by inheritance and tradition, are warmhearted, spiritual as well as intellectual, and form deep religious attachments. He feels sure that as you all grow in knowledge of the teachings of the Faith and, above all, practice its laws and principles, you will come to be a shining example of Bahá’í community life to other Latin American centers. 4 Already the role of the Buenos Aires friends is increasing in importance; they are now able to aid nearby centers—like Montevideo—and establish new groups, as well as the translation work which they have aided and facilitated during the past two years. 5 He was very happy to hear that you are now on the Assembly. This is both a great blessing for you, and will help you to grow in Bahá’í experience. He hopes you will do all in your power, together with your fellow-members, to preserve the happiness and harmony of the community’s life, and to spread the teachings and strengthen the institutions of the Faith in that city and in that land. 6 Assuring you of his continued loving prayers on your behalf, and on behalf of your brother, and all the dear Buenos Aires friends, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty bless abundantly and continually the efforts you are so devotedly exerting for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and may He enable you to aid in consolidating the center which the dear and valued friends in that city have now established. Your true brother, Shoghi 95 26 July 1942 [Carlos Porras, LSA of San José, Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of June 14th brought great joy to the heart of the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The progress which the Bahá’ís of Costa Rica have made during the past year is little short of astounding, and shows the deep receptivity the people of that country have to the new message of God which Bahá’u’lláh has proclaimed to the world. You must all indeed be both proud and grateful that you live in a land so tolerant of progress, and which enables you to establish the blessed institutions ordained by our Faith. 3 The establishment of the new Spiritual Assembly of Punta Arenas is a great step forward, and the legal registration of the Cause and approval of the government marks a milestone in the progress of the Cause not only in Costa Rica but in Latin America. 4 The more the Guardian receives news from the Central and South American republics, the more firmly he becomes convinced of the great capacity possessed by the peoples of Latin America. They are proving themselves to be both deeply spiritual and intellectual, and he cherishes the greatest hopes for their future development and their contributions to this glorious Faith of ours. 5 How wonderful that in less than a hundred years the message that originated in the heart of Persia should have spread to the heart of Central America, and kindled such love and devotion and hope as now burns in the hearts of the new believers in that distant continent! 6 The Guardian hopes that you will not only succeed in establishing further centers in your own native land, but that the activities of the Costa Rican Bahá’ís will spread to neighboring countries and aid in the establishment of the Faith there. 7 He sends you, and all your devoted co-workers, the expression of his warm and heartfelt love, and his high hopes for your further services in our beloved Faith. 8 With Bahá’í greetings, Yours in the service of the blessed Faith, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 9 I am thrilled by the news conveyed by your most welcome letter, which is a striking testimony of the radiant spirit that so powerfully animates you in the service of our glorious Faith. Your Assembly, and indeed all the believers in Costa Rica, are often in my thoughts and prayers. You have set an example which will inspire the rising generation of Bahá’ís throughout Latin America. Posterity will extol your pioneer services, and the Concourse on High bless and praise your achievements. With joy, thankfulness, and unyielding resolve, persevere in your noble task. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 96 29 July 1942 [Marcia Steward, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of June 13th has just reached Haifa, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was greatly pleased to receive the wonderful news that there are now eighteen believers in Chile, and feels that you should be both proud and happy over this notable accomplishment in the service of the Faith . . . 3 The Guardian feels that, if your health permits, and the way opens for you to go, there is at present no more meritorious way of serving our beloved Cause than in the pioneer field, particularly in the Latin American countries. The magnitude and full implications of the work which you and your fellow pioneers are accomplishing is beyond your power to grasp at present, but in the future it will be seen in its true proportions, and your sacrifices and trials will seem to you utterly insignificant in comparison to the glorious development of the Faith which it was your privilege to help inaugurate. 4 The Guardian will always be happy to hear from you, and he wants you to know his prayers are with you, and that he hopes you will go on to accomplish even greater work in the future than in the past. 5 He will pray for the guidance and protection of the fine young believer, Mr. Fillon, whose article you enclosed in your letter. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 I am thrilled by the news you give me, and I certainly urge you to resume your historic task in Chile, if you find it at all possible. The formation of an Assembly in that country will be an imperishable crown for you, won in the service of this glorious Cause. I long to hear the news of such a consummation, and I will pray for it from the depths of my heart. Persevere in your magnificent and historic labors. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 97 2 August 1942 [Uruguay] 1 URGING ALL BELIEVERS TEACHERS REMAIN STEADFASTLY MAINTAIN SERVICES. 98 12 October 1942 [Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The news you convey in your letter of August 22nd, which only recently was received, brought great happiness to the heart of the Guardian. 2 He rejoices to see the progress the Cause and the believers are making in Buenos Aires. The radio broadcasts, the hopeful prospects of a future summer-school, the two new study groups in new centers, and the aid the Buenos Aires friends hope to extend to Paraguay—all these are the evidences of a deep spiritual vitality in the friends of Argentina, and should cause you and all of them keen happiness! 3 The Guardian would be very happy to hear that you, or another friend, had gone to the aid of the little group left in Paraguay by dear Miss Cheney. He feels you should consult with the Spiritual Assembly concerning the advisability of your going there for a time, and strengthening the believers. They can best help you in this matter. If they feel you should undertake such a trip, you have his full approval in this matter. . . . 4 He was happy to hear of the active devotion of your brother to the Faith, and wishes you to assure him, too, of his most loving prayers. 5 With the help of Mrs. Collins, a very outstanding and devoted believer, he is sure the Cause will make ever greater progress in the great republic of the south, Argentina. With Bahá’í love and greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless continually your devoted and incessant labors in the Divine Vineyard, and enable you to render, in virgin fields, whenever feasible, outstanding and historic services, Your true brother, Shoghi 99 20 January 1943 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of October 23rd has been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has often thought of you and followed with interest such reports as he received concerning your pioneer labors in far-off . . . , and he was very pleased to get your letter and hear of the small but devoted group of believers you have succeeded in gathering together, a group which he hopes will expand into a flourishing Assembly. 3 He realizes your desire to get married is quite a natural one, and he will pray that God will assist you to find a suitable companion with whom you can be truly happy and united in the service of the Faith. Bahá’u’lláh has urged marriage upon all people as the natural and rightful way of life. He has also, however, placed strong emphasis on its spiritual nature, which, while in no way precluding a normal physical life, is the most essential aspect of marriage. That two people should live their lives in love and harmony is of far greater importance than that they should be consumed with passion for each other. The one is a great rock of strength on which to lean in time of need; the other a purely temporary thing which may at any time die out. 4 He will pray for your true happiness and the solution of all your problems, as well as for the progress of the noble work you are carrying on in that land. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and prized co-worker: 5 Your letter refreshed and heartened me, and rejoiced my soul, and I assure you I will, fervently and continually, pray for you, that all the hopes you cherish may be fully realized, that you may find true and enduring happiness, and that you may be able to establish a Local Assembly in . . . , and thus render a memorable and historic service to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. Rest assured and persevere. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 100 22 February 1943 [Eve Nicklin, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 24th has just been received, together with that of Philip, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that you are now well established in Peru, and he hopes that ere long you will be able to confirm some of the Peruvians in the Faith, and thus start an active and devout nucleus of the Cause of God there. 3 You may be sure the Guardian will offer his ardent and loving prayers on your behalf in the Holy Shrines, that sincere and devout souls may be led to you and to accept the Divine Message. 4 He will be pleased to hear from you and of your work there and those whom you contact. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I deeply appreciate your high endeavors and the spirit that so admirably animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. You are often in my thoughts and prayers as you labor in that far-off land. Persevere in your glorious task, and rest assured that the Beloved will abundantly reward you for your meritorious services. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 101 8 April 1943 [Virginia Orbison, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 16th has been safely received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to hear that ten Bahá’ís were able to gather at the Feast held during Mrs. Collins’ visit, as this seems to forecast the speedy formation of a Spiritual Assembly in that important and distant land. 3 Mrs. Collins’ wonderful spirit has been of help to the friends wherever she visited, and the Guardian was very pleased that she could make this trip to South America. He feels sure it has strengthened the Bahá’í work wherever she was able to stop. 4 Please assure all the believers in Santiago of the Guardian’s deep and abiding interest in the progress of the Faith in their land, of his loving appreciation of their services, and his ardent prayers on their behalf. 5 He will particularly pray for the success of your own devoted labors, for your guidance, and protection. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your letter brought great and abiding joy to my heart. I am delighted, thankful and proud of your services and of the services rendered by your dear co-workers. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. Persevere, joyfully and resolutely, in your glorious task, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with you. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 102 23 April 1943 [Chile] 1 OVERJOYED GRATEFUL FERVENTLY PRAYING CONTINUED SUCCESS DEEPEST LOVE.3 SHOGHI RABBANI 103 3 May 1943 [Chile] To the Bahá’ís of Santiago through the secretary, Sra. Millicent Bravo Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving message, dated October 3rd, 1942, reached the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to receive, more recently, the wonderful news of the formation of a Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly in Santiago, and he wishes you all rich blessings in your service to the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 You must all feel very happy and proud that God has raised you up to serve His Cause in that new and promising land in the South, and no doubt, as time goes by, the people of Latin America will greatly enrich the Bahá’í world with their devotion, their talents, and their services. 4 The Guardian hopes that, if it is feasible, the Bahá’ís of Chile will send a representative to the 1944 All-America Centenary Bahá’í Convention to be held in the Bahá’í House of Worship in Wilmette. It would be a great stimulus to your work, and also greatly rejoice the hearts of your fellow-Bahá’ís in the United States and Canada. The believers of North and South America must become as one soul in many bodies, and be an example to others of that oneness of mankind which Bahá’u’lláh has come to establish. 5 He will ardently pray for the progress of the teaching work in Santiago, and for the happiness and welfare of you all. 6 With loving Bahá’í greetings, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty bless richly and continually your magnificent efforts, protect, sustain, and cheer you at all times, and graciously assist you to consolidate the foundations of your truly remarkable and meritorious achievements, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 104 22 June 1943 [Josephine Kruka, Jean Silver, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters of May 1st were received, and the Guardian was delighted to hear that dear Miss Silver has at last succeeded in going forth to pioneer in Latin America, and is now actively aiding Miss Kruka and the Havana Bahá’ís. 2 The tremendous amount of work the Guardian has to do at present is curtailing, perforce, his correspondence; that is why he has instructed me to answer you both in the same letter, knowing you will understand his preoccupations at present. 3 The coming Centenary of our Faith is making great demands on his time and strength, and he cherishes the brightest hopes for a most glorious celebration in the Temple in Wilmette, next May. He hopes that you will both be present on that memorable occasion, and that, if possible, one of the Havanan believers will also be able to attend and partake of the joy of that mighty and happy gathering. It will greatly add to the blessedness of the occasion to have native South American believers present whenever feasible. 4 He deeply appreciates the way Miss Kruka is doing all in her power to keep up the translation work; he fully realizes how difficult it is at present to carry on such work. 5 You may be assured his most loving prayers will be offered on your behalf, and on behalf of all the dear Cuban Bahá’ís, in the Holy Shrines, and he trusts that now you are working there together the Cause will go ahead even faster than in the past. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.Many thanks for the photographs of you both, as well as of the dear friends. How wonderful to have so many young people and children in the Faith there! 7 May the Beloved bless your pioneer activities, guide your steps, cheer your hearts, and graciously assist you to promote effectively the manifold interests of His Faith, and its infant institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 105 14 July 1943 [Virginia Orbison, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated November 6th, 1942, which arrived in April, only, and May 9th have been received, together with enclosures, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 It has greatly rejoiced his heart to know that Chile now has a Spiritual Assembly, and, indeed, a Bahá’í community as well! 3 We are at last beginning to see the first tangible responses to Bahá’u’lláh’s words addressed in the Aqdas to the presidents of the American republics! The lights of the Faith are kindling in these distant lands and will shine, no doubt, with a wonderful brilliance in the days to come. 4 He is hoping that with the marked progress already made and the caliber of people attracted to the Faith in that country, the Republic of Chile will soon become one of the strongest Latin American outposts of the Cause and be able to sustain the teaching work in other nearby lands. 5 Please assure all the members of this first historic Spiritual Assembly, and the other believers as well, of the Guardian’s loving prayers for their progress and their work in the Faith. 6 He assures you of his prayers and his deep appreciation of the wonderful work you are accomplishing. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 The work in which you are engaged, and which you are accomplishing with such devotion and love, is indeed historic, and I pray that glorious success may crown your efforts. Persevere in your meritorious labors, and rest assured that the Beloved will sustain, guide and bless you in your services to His Cause and its divinely appointed institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 106 19 July 1943 [Ruth and Ellsworth Blackwell, Haiti] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter of Naw-Rúz 1943 was received by the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was thrilled to see the pictures of the Spiritual Assembly of Haiti and the fine youth group they have there, and he wants you to know that he is very proud of, and happy over, your achievements in this pioneer field. You must indeed rejoice with all your heart that God has enabled you to render His Cause so valuable a service in such days as these! 3 The Guardian wishes you to keep in close touch by mail with the dear friends whom you have brought into the Faith and thus go on attracting and inspiring them and helping them. 4 He feels sure you will now, enriched by this invaluable experience, go on serving the Cause in America in many fields of Bahá’í activity. You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered on your behalf, that you may render yet greater services in the years to come. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Dear and valued co-workers: I feel truly proud of your achievements. You have rendered a service to the Cause for which you should be eternally grateful. I would advise you to keep in close and constant touch with your spiritual children, and to encourage and guide them by every means at your disposal. Please assure them, one and all, of my special prayers for their spiritual advancement. I will place their photograph in the Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh in the close neighborhood of His holy Tomb, and will supplicate Him to enable them to render distinguished services to His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 107 24 July 1943 [Marcia Atwater, Chile] 1 DELIGHTED PROSPECT ESTABLISH OUTPOST FAITH MAGALLANES. LONGING REALIZATION MAY VICTORY BE YOURS LOVE. 108 24 July 1943 [Marcia Atwater, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March 2nd, with photos and clipping enclosed, was received and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to hear you are back in Chile, and actively helping the friends there and reinforcing the foundation of the newly established Spiritual Assembly. If you can arrange to go to Magallanes he thinks it would be, indeed, a great service to the Cause during this last year of our first Bahá’í Century. 3 . . . Our life is in the Cause of God, and we draw our strength from it, and the world of the Cause is a world of light. 4 The Guardian is very pleased with the manner in which you have wholeheartedly devoted yourself to the promotion of our beloved Faith, and he wants you to be happy and confident and ignore any unpleasant occurrences that may take place in the course of your teaching work. Everyone encounters such things, but they must not allow them to deter them from their purpose or discourage them. 5 He assures you his loving prayers will be offered for the success of your noble work. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 I wish to assure you in person of my keen sense of admiration and gratitude for the work which you and your dear co-workers are achieving in Chile. To establish an outpost of the Faith in Magallanes, ere the termination of the first Bahá’í century, would be a glorious achievement. I pray fervently that it may be accomplished. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. Persevere in your historic and meritorious labors. Be happy and confident. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 109 15 September 1943 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 5th recently reached the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian would advise you (though in view of the time that has elapsed since you wrote to him you may already have decided on a course of action) to seek to obtain as good a position as possible in . . . (or any other South American city), and gradually pay off your debts while at the same time fulfilling the task you set out to do, namely to strengthen the teaching work in South America. Perhaps you could obtain from your creditors an extension of time in which to pay them off and thus pay less monthly. 3 Even if you have made mistakes in the past you need not make them again, and instead of feeling depressed you should profit by experience and set yourself resolutely to manage your life more capably in the future. No doubt God will help you to do this if you seek His aid in prayer and through action. 4 The Guardian will pray for the solution of your problems, and that you may render the Cause active and much-needed services. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved protect, guide, and bless you always, enable you to overcome all obstacles, and render the Faith and its institutions distinguished services, Your true brother, Shoghi 110 5 October 1943 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated April 4th and July 25th, together with the photographs you enclosed and report of believers attending the various meetings, have been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. . . . 2 The Guardian will certainly pray for your guidance, and that your work may be blessed and fruitful. He does not feel that you should allow yourself to get so discouraged, either with yourself or with others. When we see before us the ideal state of the believers, we naturally get discouraged with their present condition. But we should always remember how far they have already come from the old standards, and how dark the world, with all its evil influences, is around them. 3 As the centenary of our Faith approaches, the Guardian finds himself more and more busy. That is why he did not immediately reply to your first letter. However, he wishes you to keep in touch with him, and let him know how you find the friends there. 4 With the assurance of his loving thoughts and prayers, Yours, with Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh, Whose Cause you are serving with such devotion, perseverance, and ability, guide every step you take, sustain you in your admirable and meritorious efforts, and enable you to render memorable services to its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 111 10 November 1943 [Leonora Armstrong, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of June 15th has been received, a short time ago, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 Although he is terribly busy, as you can well imagine, during these last few months of our first Bahá’í Century, he was very happy to hear from you and from the evidently sweet and sincere girl who enclosed a letter in yours—Miss . . . 3 The Guardian has written her that he feels she should not leave Bahia if her departure will jeopardize the Spiritual Assembly’s existence, as you say that she is the 9th member there. However, if the believers there have increased in number, he feels it would be highly meritorious for her to go and help the work in some South American Republic which needs pioneers to strengthen the Bahá’í teachings there. No doubt you can advise and help this young soul to do what is best. 4 The way the Cause has leapt ahead, both in North and South America, this last year is truly inspiring and the Guardian is very proud of the American believers’ achievements and the steadfast devotion they are showing in the face of many difficulties. 5 If you could manage to attend the 1944 Convention it would be a wonderful experience for you, and one you richly deserve after so many years of dedicated service to our beloved Faith. He will pray the way may open, God willing, for you to do so. 6 The visit of dear Philip Sprague was, indeed, of great help to the work in South America, and the Guardian is happy to know you were able to work together in Bahia—the Mother Assembly of South America. 7 He will pray that your tireless teaching efforts may meet with success in Recife, and for your happiness and welfare in every way. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 8P. S.As this paper is heavy I have addressed Miss . . .’s letter to your address; fearing otherwise the two letters might not reach safely. R. R. 9 May the Beloved bless continually your efforts, remove all obstacles from your path, enable you to consolidate the newly-constituted Assembly in Bahia, and promote, in a most effective manner, the manifold interests of our beloved Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 112 10 November 1943 [Cuba] The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Havana Dear Bahá’í Brothers and Sisters: 1 Your letter of September 19th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear from you all, and to see the way our beloved Cause has taken root in the hearts of the people of Cuba. The Latin races have always been distinguished by their intelligence and religious nature, and he hopes that the Cause all over the world will greatly benefit by this influx of South American believers who are so devoted to it, so spiritual and so enthusiastic. 3 Unfortunately the Guardian will not be able to attend the Convention in 1944. His duties in Haifa are far too pressing for him to leave this country and journey so far away. But his thoughts will constantly be with the friends on that historic occasion, and he hopes that one, at least, of the Cuban believers will be able to attend the celebrations in Wilmette. 4 These days he has a tremendous amount of work to do, as the Bahá’ís East and West are increasing their activities during this last year of our first century. Indeed the work they are achieving, in spite of the war, is truly remarkable and a testimony to the way God helps those who arise to serve His Cause. 5 He will pray for you all in the Holy Shrines, and he wishes you to know that the wonderful way the Cause is developing in Cuba rejoices his heart, and raises in him great hopes for the future of the Faith in that country. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.The photograph which you enclosed was very interesting and the Guardian is delighted to see the faces of so many fine young people in the group. Dear and valued co-workers: 7 I am delighted to receive your most welcome message and learn of your activities to which I attach the utmost importance. I will, I assure you, pray for you from the depths of my heart, that your numbers may increase, that your understanding may deepen, that your unity may be cemented, and that your highest hopes may be fulfilled in the service of His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 113 9 January 1944 [Chile] 1 VERY PLEASED REPORTS TEACHING WORK. PERSEVERE FERVENTLY PRAYING LOVE. 114 21 January 1944 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated October 29th has just been received (about a week ago), and the Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to hear that you are now in a better position than when you last wrote him, and your mind thus at rest regarding your obligations. 3 He was also happy to hear that you find the . . . friends so firm in the Faith and so devoted to its interests, and that they are, in spite of their handicaps, shouldering their responsibilities as the leading Bahá’í community in South America. 4 The Guardian is very anxious that as many of the South and Central American Bahá’í delegates should attend the Convention next spring as possible. The presence of these Latin American friends will be a great addition to that memorable occasion, and afford them an opportunity of seeing the first Western House of Worship and the portrait of the blessed Báb, as well as of meeting with their fellow-Bahá’ís in North America. He hopes the Buenos Aires community will exert their utmost to send their delegate, in spite of the great distance and the difficulties involved. 5 Regarding your questions about the advisability of your marrying the person you mention in your letter: The Guardian feels this is a purely personal affair; however, he will supplicate that this young man may draw nearer to our beloved Faith, and that you may be guided to do that which will lead to your greatest happiness and your fullest service in the Cause. 6 He assures you he will pray for you, for the teaching work in Argentina, and for all the dear friends there. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7P. S.He was delighted to hear of the publication of the Esslemont book and the visits of traveling pioneers. 8 May the Beloved of our hearts guide, sustain and protect you always, remove every obstacle form your path, and graciously assist you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith and its newborn institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 115 23 January 1944 [Marcia Steward, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated September 26th, October 9th, and November 10th, together with newspaper clippings you enclosed, have reached the Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 He has been so pleased to hear of your safe arrival in Magallanes, and that you find yourself at home there and the people friendly and receptive to our beloved Faith. 3 He has instructed the National Spiritual Assembly to help and, if feasible, reinforce you by sending another pioneer, as he has always attached great importance to the establishment of the Cause in that distant southern city, and is most anxious that a group, if possible, may be formed there of Bahá’ís ere the expiry of our first century. 4 Regarding your question of how long you should remain there: The Guardian feels that it is not necessary for you to stay until an Assembly is formed, but that if you can manage it, it is highly desirable for you to remain until a firm group is established which can carry on after you leave. 5 You also ask the question of whether it is all right for you to write an article on the Guardian: There is no objection to your doing so, but generally speaking he prefers the friends to dwell on the personality of the beloved Master and on the teachings’ cardinal principles. . . . 6 He assures you of his most loving prayers on your behalf, for your happiness, and the success of your devoted labors in the Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7P. S.He was very pleased to hear in your last letter of the progress in Santiago, and that the friends are planning to send a delegate to the Convention. He attaches great importance to as many of the Latin American delegates attending as is humanly possible. He also assures you he will pray for those you mention in your letter . . . Dear and valued co-worker: 8 I am deeply touched by, and feel profoundly grateful for, your immediate and exemplary response to my request. The Bahá’ís, wherever informed, will be thrilled to hear of the historic enterprise on which you have embarked. I have already informed the friends in ‘Iráq and Persia, and sent them the envelope bearing the stamp and name of that faraway city, as a clear evidence of the high accomplishments of the American believers. Persevere in your meritorious labors, however great the sacrifices required. The Beloved is well pleased with you and is watching over you. Be happy. Shoghi 116 11 February 1944 [Virginia Orbison, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated August 25th has reached the Guardian, as you can see, after a long delay. 2 He is very pleased to receive news of the Cause in Asunción, and he hopes that your stay there will be instrumental in bringing new souls into the Faith and deepening the foundation already laid by dear Elizabeth Cheney. 3 The news he receives from other Bahá’ís in South America is likewise very encouraging and indicates a brilliant future ahead of these new centers in the second Bahá’í century. 4 He will pray for the confirmation of the souls you are teaching there, and that an Assembly may be speedily established. 5 You may be sure he will also continue to pray for the success of your tireless and devoted labors, which he deeply appreciates. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.Since writing the above your letter from La Paz, dated December 14th has been received, and the Guardian was very happy to hear you left a large and strong group of Bahá’ís in Paraguay. . . . 7Please convey his loving greetings to the Bolivian believers. He is very happy to hear you have found them firm and active. 8 May the Almighty bless your meritorious efforts, guide every step you take in the service of His glorious Faith, reward you abundantly for your high endeavors, and fulfill every wish you cherish for the advancement of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 117 23 April 1944 [Peru] 1 OVERJOYED GRATEFUL HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS DEEPEST LOVE.4 118 23 April 1944 [Marcia Atwater, Chile] 1 ADVISE REMAIN PUNTA ARENAS UNTIL A PIONEER CAN REPLACE YOU. ASSURE SANTIAGO ASSEMBLY LOVING PRAYERS. 119 15 May 1944 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March 21st has been received, together with the excellent clipping on the Faith which you enclosed, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He does not feel that you should be discouraged or feel you have failed in your duty. The first believers of . . . are the fruits of your labors, and your sojourn there has laid the foundation on which others can now build. 3 He was very pleased to hear you are returning in time for the Centenary celebrations, and he hopes you will by all means continue to translate the Bahá’í books as there will be a tremendous need for them after the war. 4 You may be sure he will pray that in whatever field of Bahá’í service you are active your labors may be blessed and rewarded. He has deeply appreciated your selfless and persevering work in the pioneer field, and hopes in the States you will still be able to pioneer in some place that needs help. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 With the assurance of my abiding and profound appreciation and gratitude for the zeal, the steadfastness, the devotion and fidelity with which you have promoted, in the pioneer field, the interests of our beloved Faith, and wishing you, from the depths of my heart, ever-increasing success in your translation work and teaching activities in the future, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 120 15 May 1944 [Josephine Kruka, Jean Silver, United States] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The Guardian was truly proud of the news you conveyed in your letter to him dated February 7th and recently received. 2 The splendid progress the Cause has made in Havana, the way the local believers are devoted and active, the radio broadcasts and newspaper publicity, and the good news that Sr. Ginés was elected delegate to the convention—all brought joy to his heart. He feels sure that these results would not have been obtained if the Havana believers and the pioneers had not been so united, for we know the divine blessings flow from the unity of the friends. 3 . . . He has been very sorry these last years that, due to wartime restrictions, he was not able to help finance the pioneer work, as no funds could be sent outside the sterling bloc. 4 He feels that both of you pioneers should return to Cuba and continue helping the devoted local community, and also gradually extend your activities to other Cuban towns in the hope of establishing new centers. 5 Regarding Miss Kruka’s question about the intercalary days: These days will have the same names as any other Bahá’í days of the week according to the dates on which they fall. 6 Please convey his deep love to all the Bahá’ís there, and he assures you and them that he will pray for the progress of the work in Cuba, and that you all may be richly blessed by Bahá’u’lláh. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7P. S.He thanks you for the clipping and the snapshots you enclosed. Dear and valued co-workers: 8 I was delighted to receive your most welcome message. I feel truly proud of your achievements. I am deeply grateful for your incessant and noble exertions. I will continue to pray from the depths of my heart for the extension of your valued activities. Persevere, nay redouble, in your efforts, and rest assured the Beloved will richly bless your noble exertions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 121 29 May 1944 [Eve Nicklin, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of April 23rd reached the Guardian, and the news you convey in it of the spread of the beloved Faith brought him great joy. 2 The formation of an Assembly in Peru was indeed a great victory, and added to the chain of Central and South American Bahá’í centers another precious link. 3 He is so happy over the work accomplished by the valiant pioneers—yourself included in that category!—and so proud of the record of the American believers’ achievements: an Assembly in every province and state of North America and a center in every Latin republic—and so many centers Spiritual Assemblies! 4 Please convey to the dear Peruvian believers his loving greetings and assure them of his prayers for the consolidation of their work there for the Holy Faith. 5 He will especially pray for you in the Shrines, and he is deeply appreciative of all you have done for the Cause these last few years in Peru. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your steadfastness, your devotion, your historic services are assets that I greatly value. I will fervently pray that the Beloved may bless your efforts, guide your steps, cheer your heart and fulfill your dearest wish in His service. Persevere in your high endeavors and rest assured and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 122 28 July 1944 [Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated January 27th, April 25th, and May 5th have been received and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 The news of the formation of the Spiritual Assembly there greatly rejoiced his heart, as you already know. It is practically impossible for those who take part in these first stirrings of the world order of Bahá’u’lláh in new lands to properly estimate their value and place in history. 3 He has been greatly overburdened with work these last few years, and that is why his correspondence—particularly during the months preceding the Centenary—has often had to wait upon more important matters. That is why he has not answered your letters earlier, particularly that in which you and . . . ask his advice about your marriage. 4 He does not interfere in such intimate personal matters; but he sees no reason why you should not join your lives in service to the Faith, as long as you both desire to do so. Bahá’u’lláh has upheld marriage as a most sacred and praiseworthy institution, and surely there is no better or more beautiful bond that can unite the hearts of two people than a common love for God and His work. 5 He will pray for your guidance and happiness and also for all the believers you mention in your letters. 6 With the assurance of his best wishes for you both, and his loving greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I deeply appreciate your meritorious and persistent efforts, and am deeply grateful for the spirit that animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 123 6 August 1944 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of June 21st reached the beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased that you wrote him and have thus given him an opportunity of himself welcoming you into our beloved Faith. Your name has often been mentioned in letters from the friends, and he greatly values your intense love for and devotion to our beloved Faith and its life-giving teachings. 3 He will certainly pray that both your daughter and husband may be led to embrace the Cause and join you in serving it. 4 He will also pray that the way may open for you to serve it in ever wider fields, even someday, God willing, in your beloved France. The French people have a great capacity for religious feeling, and the Guardian hopes that after their great sufferings during this war their hearts will gradually become receptive to this Divine Message which alone can heal the ills of all mankind. Meantime he urges you to persevere in teaching the Faith there in Bolivia. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, cheer your heart, and fulfill your dearest wish in the service of our glorious Faith and its God-given institutions. Your true brother, Shoghi 124 9 August 1944 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has instructed me to acknowledge the receipt of your letters dated December 7th 1943 (two), February 21st, March 2nd and May 2nd and 18th 1944. 2 He has been so hard pressed for time the last 18 months that his correspondence has had, perforce, to wait upon more important matters. Otherwise he would have replied to your letters sooner. . . . 3 He does not want you to feel for a moment that you have failed; your presence in . . . at the end of our first Bahá’í Century meant that the light of the Faith had penetrated there, the first foundation been laid. Now an Assembly can be formed in the future based on your work. 4 Also he does not want you to brood upon the past. The very nature of the bond binding believers together opens them to suffering and test and trial. The thing the friends must strive for most is unity—particularly in the new Centers of Central and South America. Love, an infinite degree of patience and forbearance, are necessary, and he feels sure that when you return to . . . you will be of great help to the work there in these ways. The purpose of the Cause is to weave extremes together in the indestructible fabric of one common Faith. There is room for every type and every personality as long as the individual is sincere and firmly grounded in the fundamentals of the Cause. 5 There are dark forces in the world today of despair and hatred and suspicion; the believers must, as the Master said, turn their backs on these and their faces to Him, confident of His help and protection. 6 He wants to assure you that when circumstances permit you are most welcome to visit Haifa in the future. Also his loving and special prayers are offered on your behalf, for your work, your health and your happiness. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7P. S.He will pray for those whom you mention in your letters and particularly for the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh to descend upon the Spiritual Assembly of . . . Dear and valued co-worker: 8 I wish to add a few words in person and assure you of my deep and abiding appreciation of your marvelous perseverance, your exemplary devotion, and your notable services to the Faith. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I feel truly proud of the spirit that animates you. Persevere, no matter how great the obstacles, and be assured and happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 125 19 August 1944 To the dearly-loved Latin American Bahá’í Delegates who gathered in Wilmette, Ill. July 15th, 1944 (Kindness of Mrs. Gayle Woolson) Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of July 15th written by Mrs. Woolson, and signed by all the Latin American believers and pioneers who attended the special conference arranged for the Central and South American representatives, July 9th to 16th, has been received by the beloved Guardian with great joy, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 It has been a source of great satisfaction to him that so many of the friends from Latin America were able to visit the Temple and to meet with their North American brothers and sisters. He feels sure that this association in the bonds of Bahá’í love will be productive of far-reaching results in the Western Hemisphere. It is the first time in Bahá’í history that so many duly appointed representatives of so many independent countries have gathered together, and it foreshadows the gatherings of the future, when the believers from the four corners of the globe will gather to discuss plans for the beloved Cause and to exchange ideas and suggestions. 3 He hopes that in the Latin American countries the Faith will now spread at a rapid pace. He feels that there is a great future in the Cause ahead of these new and vital Central and South American republics, and he is most anxious that the native believers (of Spanish, Portuguese, Indian or mixed stock) should themselves be active in spreading the teachings as travelers, pioneers, administrators and teachers. 4 He wishes to assure each and every one of you of his most loving and ardent prayers offered on your behalf in the Holy Shrines. He looks forward with longing to the day when he can greet you personally, and meantime asks you to convey his warm greetings to all the believers in your respective countries. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 The many and varied services you have rendered our beloved Faith are highly meritorious and unforgettable. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I cherish great and bright hopes for your future activities in the service of our beloved Faith. Persevere in your noble task, be happy, grateful and confident. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 126 17 October 1944 [Argentina] Bahá’í Youth Committee of Buenos Aires Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your warm letter of July 13th, together with the copy of the newsletter you are publishing there, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is pleased to see you have undertaken this work under the auspices of the Spiritual Assembly, and he wishes you every success in it. 3 Your youth group has the opportunity of doing great work for the Cause there, and he urges you to persevere, study the teachings deeply, develop yourselves as public speakers (in so far as possible) and seek to attract other young people to your meetings. 4 You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered for you all and for the progress of your devoted labors for the beloved Cause. With warm Bahá’í love and greetings, R. Rabbani 5P. S.The photograph of the group was also received and the letter in Spanish dated July 9th. 6P. S.The Guardian urges you to answer the Persian Bahá’í Youth Committee as it will greatly encourage them . . . 7 May the Beloved of our hearts bless your meritorious efforts, guide every step you take in the path of service, and enable you to promote at all times the vital interests of His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 127 13 December 1944 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Although the beloved Guardian has a great deal to do and many heavy problems to solve in carrying on the work of our Faith, still he was so pleased at the good news you conveyed to him in your letter of October 24th that he has instructed me to answer you at once. 2 He wishes to welcome your dear husband into our world-wide Bahá’í Community and to express his appreciation of the translation work he has undertaken. He suggests that he inform the Inter-America Committee of his work. 3 He was also very pleased to hear your daughter is so sympathetic to the Faith and hopes she will, like her father, become an active builder of the new spiritual order of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 He assures you of his loving prayers for you all and for the rapid spread of the Cause in Bolivia, a land which surely must have a great future. 5 He was interested to learn that a Theosophist has recently joined the Cause there. The Theosophists have always been the friends of the Bahá’ís and many of them have accepted the Faith. Please convey Shoghi Effendi’s greetings to this new member. With Bahá’í love, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 6 I was so pleased to hear from you, and I wish to assure you in person of my deep appreciation of the spirit that animates you, of my special prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, and of my attachment to the dear workers who are so devotedly laboring in that distant land. Your true brother, Shoghi 128 14 December 1944 [Artemus Lamb, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letters dated August 2nd, September 4th, and October 12th have been received and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He waited to get news of your work in Chile and Punta Arenas before replying to your previous letters, and a few days ago your very welcome letter from Magallanes came, giving him the good news of conditions there and of the prospects for the future and rapid development of the Cause. He feels that the plan you and Mrs. Atwater have made of your remaining there and consolidating the excellent work she has so painstakingly accomplished, while she proceeds to Santiago to help the Assembly and strengthen the community, is very sound and he fully approves of it. 3 He sees no objection to your joint plan of starting a bookstore (or stores) in Chile, providing you both feel that such an enterprise will be successful from a business point of view. He has always approved of the idea of pioneers becoming financially independent as far as possible and thus doing away with the impression of our having paid teachers. 4 Also he heartily approves of your sister, Mrs. Thornton, joining you in Chile and serving thus in the South American field. 5 You have entered a new phase of your Bahá’í life, and you may be sure that you will very often be remembered in his prayers in the Shrines, that Bahá’u’lláh may richly bless your efforts and guide you in your teaching work. 6 He deeply values the devoted enthusiasm which animates both you and dear Mrs. Atwater. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7P. S.He was sorry to hear of the accident which befell your ship and caused you to lose all your things! Dear and valued co-worker: 8 I am delighted to learn that you have at last reached your goal and are wholeheartedly engaged in your noble pioneer work in that far distant land. You are, I assure you, often in my thoughts and prayers, and I supplicate the Beloved from the depths of my heart to guide every step you take, to sustain you in your high endeavors and to crown, through the formation of a Spiritual Assembly, your immediate efforts with marvelous and enduring success. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 129 17 December 1944 [Artemus Lamb, Chile] 1 DELIGHTED NEWS ARRIVAL HEARTILY APPROVE SISTER JOINING YOU. FERVENTLY PRAYING EARLY FORMATION ASSEMBLY LOVING GRATITUDE. 130 8 February 1945 [Bahá’ís of Quito, Ecuador] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of December 12th has been received and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Your loving and loyal sentiments towards the devoted pioneer—Mr. John Stearns—who left his homeland in order to spread the Message of Bahá’u’lláh in your country greatly touched and pleased Shoghi Effendi. 3 The services of these sincere and dedicated souls who have arisen to serve their fellow men with selfless hearts cannot be overestimated, and it is fitting that their names and their example should be cherished by those people to whose lands they have brought the healing remedy of our Faith. 4 It is the Guardian’s hope that in the near future the Faith in South and Central America will have grown so strong that the native Bahá’ís of these Latin American countries will be able to supply pioneers to spread the Message in more cities and towns and amongst the Indian population. 5 He assures you all that he will ardently pray for the success of your devoted labors for the Cause and for the speedy establishment of a large and flourishing Community there. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dearly-beloved friends: 6 I wish to assure you in person of my deep and loving appreciation of your high endeavors in the service of our beloved Faith, and of my fervent prayers for the extension of your valued activities. You are often in my thoughts and prayers. Rest assured, persevere and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 131 1 March 1945 [Virginia Orbison, Ecuador, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letters dated September 17th, November 11th, and January 25th have been received, together with the clippings you enclosed, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. He would have replied sooner, but he has had many important and pressing things to attend to lately. 2 He was very encouraged by the favorable reports you give of the way the Cause is progressing in Bolivia and also Ecuador. He would be immensely pleased if a firm and flourishing Assembly in Sucre could be developed in the near future. To have more than one administrative center in a country is a great stimulus to the Faith, and leads a step further in the direction of these Latin republics eventually having their own National Spiritual Assemblies. 3 He will certainly remember, in his prayers at the Holy Threshold, all those whom you have mentioned in your letters—it is a wonderful privilege for you pioneers to touch the receptive souls with the wand of faith and see them come alive in the Cause of God! 4 The valiant and selfless services of dear John Stearns will not be forgotten, and the country is indeed blessed where a pioneer not only taught but remained and died still loving and glorifying his Faith. 5 He assures you again of his loving prayers on your behalf, for the success of your devoted labors and the solution of your personal problems. He will also pray for . . . , that Bahá’u’lláh may guide and strengthen him in His Path. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your notable services, so devotedly and energetically rendered to the Cause of God in distant fields, are, I assure you, deeply appreciated and highly meritorious in the sight of God. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will continue to supplicate the Beloved to bless your efforts, guide your steps, and fulfill your heart’s desire in the service of this glorious Cause. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 132 12 March 1945 [Artemus Lamb, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letters dated November 29th and January 11th (1945) have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to receive the news you conveyed of the excellent foundation you have found already laid in Chile for the spread and consolidation of the Faith. Mrs. Steward’s labors have certainly been exemplary, and he hopes they will bear a rich harvest in the days to come. 3 He was also very pleased to learn that Mr. Canales has gone to Punta Arenas. This is a sure sign of the vitality of the faith of these new Latin centers—the way they are producing their own workers and pioneers. You may rest assured that his prayers will certainly sustain you both in your efforts to establish an Assembly there in April of this year. 4 He is happy to see you are planning to remain in Chile, for some time at least, and that your mother and sister are joining you there. The more the friends visit each other from distant countries the better. They demonstrate the unity of the Faith and add a fresh stimulus to the local workers. 5 His prayers will be offered for you in the Holy Shrines, and he deeply appreciates the services you are rendering the beloved Faith in that distant and important field. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless your meritorious efforts in such a distant field, and guide your steps, and sustain you at all times to overcome all obstacles, and proclaim the vitalizing truths of His Revelation and establish the administrative basis of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 133 5 April 1945 [Marcia Steward, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated July 3rd, September 14th, October 12th, November 19th and 25th, and December 29th, all 1944, have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. The photographs of the Santiago Assembly and friends were also received (that enclosed in your letter and those under separate cover), as well as the clippings from Punta Arenas and Santiago papers. He was very pleased to see the faces of the dear Bahá’ís in Chile, and wishes you to convey his loving greetings to them all. 2 He was very encouraged by all the good news conveyed in your letters, and would have answered you before but for the pressure of other work. He has been particularly pleased to hear that the united efforts of yourself, Mr. Lamb and Mr. Canales are now going to bear fruit in the form of an Assembly in Punta Arenas this year. 3 Regarding the various points you raised in your letters: 4 The Master said that Socrates—the Prince of the Grecian philosophers—received inspiration and instruction from the Hebrew Prophets; so we cannot say that Greece was devoid of contact with any Prophetic Source. 5 Spiritual Assemblies are at present limited to nine members, but they can be enlarged in the future when circumstances require it. 6 He does not intervene in purely local administrative matters, and it is for the Assembly to decide, if the absence of a member is prolonged, when they should hold an election to replace that person. The principle is that the nine members of the Spiritual Assembly should be reasonably available for meetings. If their absence from town is prolonged, someone else must fill the vacancy. This would naturally apply to you or anyone else. 7 He feels that you should devote your energies primarily to teaching the Cause there in Chile. If you have time and inclination to do some outside writing, there is no objection. 8 Also, as regards your desire to teach at some future date in Afghanistan: At present no one can foresee what conditions will be like in that and many other disturbed countries. He feels your present field of service is South America, where the doors are open, the work promising, and the people receptive. 9 He is very happy over the way the Cause is spreading, and consolidating its foundation, in Chile, and he assures you his loving prayers will continue to surround you and support you in your devoted labors. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 10 May the Beloved, for Whose Cause you are laboring so devotedly, so energetically, and with such love, zeal, and perseverance, reward you a thousandfold for your activities and accomplishments, guide your steps at all times and under all conditions, and assist you to overcome every obstacle, and fulfill every wish and desire you cherish for the furtherance of His Faith and the consolidation of its institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 134 12 April 1945 [Juliet Thompson, Mexico] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March 12th, with its enclosures, reached the beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is also answering Mr. Marangella’s letter and that of the Mexican friends separately and direct to their addresses. 3 He was happy to hear you and dear Mrs. Smyth are both well and have been able to accomplish so much in Mexico. In connection with your returning to teach there he feels there is no objection to your doing so, and has written the Mexican believers that he approves of your going back there. 4 He has also urged them to study deeply the Administration, as this is a very important field of Bahá’í life, and people of every nation, who become believers, will sooner or later have to perfect themselves in it, in order to carry on the work of the Cause and build the new world order of Bahá’u’lláh. 5 He is happy to see the friends are benefiting by a study of “God Passes By”; after the long months of really very exhausting labor he put into this book, it encourages him to know that it fulfills its purpose. 6 You and dear Mrs. Smyth will often be remembered in his prayers and he sends you both his love. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 Dear and valued co-worker: I was deeply touched by your letter and greatly value the sentiments you have expressed. The services which you and dear Mrs. Smyth have been rendering in Mexico are indeed highly meritorious and valuable, and the Beloved, I feel certain, is well pleased with the perseverance, the zeal, the devotion, the care and understanding with which you have striven to enlighten, unite and edify the Mexican believers. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that I will continue to pray for you both from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 135 20 April 1945 [Chile] 1 DELIGHTED. HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS SANTIAGO MAGALLANES FRIENDS LOVINGLY REMEMBERED SHRINES.5 136 23 April 1945 [Bahá’ís of Bolivia] 1 DELIGHTED. HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS LOVING REMEMBRANCE SHRINES.6 137 23 April 1945 [Chile] 1 OVERJOYED. HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS LOVING REMEMBRANCE SHRINES APPRECIATE 5 PHOTOGRAPHS ASSEMBLY.7 138 23 April 1945 [Chile] 1 VERY HAPPY LOVING APPRECIATION REMEMBRANCE SHRINES.8 139 26 April 1945 [Dominican Republic] 1 DELIGHTED CONGRATULATIONS LOVING FERVENT PRAYERS.9 140 26 April 1945 [Ecuador] 1 OVERJOYED MAGNIFICENT ACHIEVEMENT LOVING FERVENT PRAYERS SHRINES.10 141 14 May 1945 [Josephine Kruka, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 9th reached the beloved Guardian with the interesting photos you enclosed and the clippings, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was truly delighted to see the way the Faith has progressed in Cuba and the present scope of Bahá’í activities. It shows that there are many pure-hearted, sincere and receptive souls in that country and augurs well for the future. 3 He was also very pleased to see that both Dr. Blomquist and his wife are active in serving the Faith. There is no doubt that one of the strongest influences the Faith exerts over the minds of those who contact it for the first time is seen in the living example of unity which it presents through its workers being drawn from so many races, nations and creeds. In a disunited, love-starved world, this example is a healing balm to the tired, dispirited minds of men. 4 He assures you his ardent prayers will continually be offered on your behalf and for the success of your noble work. 5 Please convey his loving greetings to all the dear friends there, and assure them they are often in his thoughts and prayers. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless your constant and meritorious efforts, guide every step you take, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to extend continually the scope of your highly appreciated activities, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 142 15 June 1945 [Virginia Orbison, Ecuador] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated April 21st has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was delighted with the formation of an Assembly in Guayaquil and interested to learn that all its members are active, enthusiastic, young people. This augurs well for its future development and for the spread of the Faith in Ecuador. 3 The youth are indeed those to whom the Cause should perforce offer its greatest appeal, as it holds alone the promise for their future security. Without that which Bahá’u’lláh has given to humanity the outlook for the future of the world would appear truly hopeless, for the evil forces in men’s nature seem to have gained the ascendancy, and only a spiritual force, direct from God, can enable the good side of human nature to again assume command of men’s lives. 4 Please give his loving greetings to all the dear friends there, and assure them he will watch their growth and activities with keen interest and pray for their success and spiritual unfoldment. 5 He will also pray for your health and that your many, much appreciated, services to the beloved Faith may be richly blessed. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless continually your highly meritorious efforts, guide every step you take in the path of service, and enable you to proclaim to all who are far and near the saving and healing truths of this glorious Revelation, and contribute a notable share to the multiplication and consolidation of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 143 16 June 1945 [Flora E. Hottes, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of April 29th, as well as the enclosed message from the members of the first Bolivian Bahá’í Assembly, and he was most happy to hear from you all. I am answering you on his behalf, and also enclosing a reply for the Spiritual Assembly. 2 He was greatly rejoiced at the formation of the Assembly there, and feels it has begun with the auspicious start of a group of devoted and enkindled souls. You must be very happy indeed to see at last the tangible fruits of your patient efforts over a period of years! 3 He was also delighted to learn there are now two capable, intelligent and dedicated believers residing in Sucre, and he hopes that you, and the La Paz Assembly, will give them every support and encouragement within your power. Please convey to them his greetings and assure them he will pray that they may soon attract a group of active truth-seekers around them and thus form the nucleus of the second Bolivian Spiritual Assembly. 4 He certainly urges you to continue your all-important work in Bolivia, and he will pray that God in His mercy makes Bolivia a radiant center of His Faith. 5 With loving Bahá’í greetings to you and the dear Cuéllars, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my deep sense of gratitude for your magnificent services to the Cause of Bahá’u’lláh, and of my constant, my loving and fervent prayers for the success of your high endeavors, and the realization of every hope you cherish for the advancement of His glorious Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 144 30 June 1945 [LSA Buenos Aires, Argentina] 1 OVERJOYED MAGNIFICENT ACHIEVEMENT FORMATION SUMMER SCHOOL. DEEPLY APPRECIATIVE TORMOS HISTORIC SERVICE OFFERING FERVENT PRAYERS EXTENSION CONSOLIDATION ACTIVITIES FOREMOST CENTER LATIN AMERICA. DEEPEST LOVE. 145 5 July 1945 [Louise Caswell, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your most welcome letter of May 24th—enclosing that of the Spiritual Assembly—reached the beloved Guardian, and he was very happy to receive it. He has instructed me to answer both on his behalf, and I am forwarding herewith, in your care, his reply to the Assembly. I might add it was most thoughtful of you to enclose a translation, as it takes time to have it sent out here to a translator. 2 The formation of this very important Assembly was a source of deep joy for him, and he feels that your persevering efforts, and those of Mrs. Oliver and all the other dear friends, have at last borne fruit in a worthy form; he hopes that the believers there will now go forward, with the greatest love and unity, to the accomplishment of the many tasks that lie ahead, such as increasing the community’s members, holding regular public meetings, teaching the Indians, etc. 3 He very greatly appreciates your own constant labors in this small but significant republic, and assures you that he will continue to pray for you, that your efforts may be richly blessed and that you may be guided and strengthened in your devoted labors for the Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 4 I am so glad to receive the splendid news conveyed by your letter, and I wish to assure you of my heartfelt and abiding appreciation of your constant, your devoted, and meritorious activities and services to our beloved Faith. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that I will continually supplicate for you at the holy Shrines. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 146 20 July 1945 [Chile] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter, dated May 31st, was received a few days ago by the beloved Guardian, and brought great joy to his heart. He has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 As you know it has been his ardent desire and hope for some years now to have a permanent center of our glorious Faith established in that distant southernmost city of the world, and it has given him deep satisfaction to see that the faithful and unsparing efforts of such souls as Mrs. Steward, Mr. Lamb, and Mr. Canales have now been rewarded through the establishment of your Assembly. 3 He hopes you will exert every effort to increase the number of believers in your city, so that the status of your Assembly will be permanently assured, and there will be no danger of its reverting to a group, through lack of sufficient members of the Faith being resident there. 4 He was very pleased to see that the Bahá’ís of Chile are now going to concentrate their efforts on establishing an Assembly in Valparaiso; he fully approves of this plan, and hopes that by next April it will be completed and the third Chilean Assembly elected. 5 From what he has heard, and judging by the great progress made by the Cause in your land, he hopes that it will soon become one of the leading members of the Bahá’í Cause in South America. You may be sure he will pray for its future in the Holy Shrines here in Haifa. 6 He will also pray for each and every one of you, that God may guide you to serve His Faith and bless your devoted labors. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dearly-beloved friends: 7 I was thrilled by the message you were moved to send me. I marvel at your accomplishments, and am proud of your services. I will pray specially for you all from the depths of my heart. Persevere in your noble task and rest assured that the Beloved will sustain your efforts, guide your steps, and enable you to crown your labors with magnificent success. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 147 14 August 1945 [Eve Nicklin, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of November 9th, 1944, reached Haifa some time ago, but due to pressure of work the Guardian has not been able this winter and spring to attend to his mail promptly, otherwise he would have written you before. He feels sure you will understand the delay was not caused by any other reason! 2 He was very sorry to hear of the death of John Stearns; he was a fine believer, and it is a pity he should have passed away so young—but his reward is assured and his name will be forever preserved in the roll-call of the early Bahá’í pioneers to South America. 3 The news of the progress of the Cause in Peru greatly pleased him, and he hopes that on the modest but sound foundation that has been laid there a flourishing and exemplary community will arise and reward you and the other dear friends for your devoted and unsparing labors. 4 You may be sure he will certainly pray for you and for the success of the fine work you are doing there. 5 Please convey his loving greetings to all the dear Bahá’ís there. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless your efforts in the service of our beloved Faith, and enable you to promote at all times the vital interests of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 148 5 October 1945 [Josephine Kruka, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of July 19th, with photos and clippings enclosed, has been received, and the Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was delighted with the good news you conveyed of your recent teaching trip, and also to receive Dr. Blomquist’s letter reporting on the remarkable reception his presentation of the Cause met with in Santa Clara. The Guardian is answering his and his wife’s letter under separate cover. He feels these two gifted souls are a great asset to the Faith and that they will accomplish much in its service. 3 Cuba seems to be a country in which the Cause is destined to make rapid progress. Your heart must rejoice to see all that has been done in the last few years, and the way your untiring, self-sacrificing and loyal labors have been crowned with so much success! 4 He was also very happy to hear that more of the teachings are being translated into Finnish, and that you are trying to re-establish your contact with that country. There is so much work to be done in Europe when conditions improve and travel again becomes possible. 5 You are always remembered, and your services very deeply appreciated by the beloved Guardian. You may be sure he will pray that the Cause may rapidly spread to other centers in Cuba and that country become alight with this glorious Revelation. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 I wish to assure you again of my deep-felt appreciation of the efforts you are so devotedly exerting for the promotion of our beloved Faith. I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart, that the Beloved may bless your efforts and aid you to win still greater victories in His service. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 149 5 October 1945 [LSA Guayaquil, Ecuador] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter dated July 16th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see that you now have a united and devoted group of believers there, and have formed the first Spiritual Assembly of your Country; your efforts must now be to build up a Community of Bahá’ís in Guayaquil sufficiently large and strong to enable you gradually to form other Spiritual Assemblies in Ecuador. 3 He was also very pleased to see that the Cause is receiving newspaper publicity there, and that you are winning the sympathetic interest of editors and people of importance. The Faith needs friends as well as adherents, and you should always endeavor to attract the hearts of enlightened leaders to its teachings. 4 The work done by dear John Stearns and other pioneers will never be forgotten; it is the Guardian’s ardent hope that from the ranks of the Latin American Bahá’ís pioneers will increasingly be found who will carry on the work in Central and South America among their own people. 5 You may be sure his loving prayers will be offered for the success of your teaching work and for your guidance and protection in administering the affairs of the Cause there. With warm Bahá’í love, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 6P. S.He will be very interested to see the photographs when they arrive. Dear and valued friends: 7 I was extremely happy to receive your letter. The sentiments expressed therein I greatly value, and I wish to assure you in person of my constant and fervent prayers on your behalf, that your newly established center may flourish, and that your meritorious efforts may be crowned with signal and enduring success. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 150 20 October 1945 [Rosy Vodanovi, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 11th reached our beloved Guardian, and he was very happy to hear from you. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and welcome you into the service of our beloved Faith. 2 As you already know, it has been a great source of happiness to him that a Spiritual Assembly has been established in Magallanes, and he hopes that all the friends there will exert their utmost to carry on the wonderful work begun by the devoted pioneers who have labored there. 3 Most important of all is that love and unity should prevail in the Bahá’í Community, as this is what people are most longing for in the present dark state of the world. Words without the living example will never be sufficient to breathe hope into the hearts of a disillusioned and often cynical generation. 4 The Guardian feels sure you will be able, with your devotion and enthusiasm, to do many things to promote the Faith in your country. Chile has responded warmly to this sacred Message, and this cannot but attract the blessings and protection of God. 5 He assures you he will pray that your heart’s desires may be realized in the service of our beloved Faith. 6 Please convey his loving greetings to all the dear friends in Magallanes. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 7 I was thrilled by your most welcome message. I wish to assure you in person of my ardent prayers for you, that the Beloved may bless continually your efforts, guide your steps at all times and under all conditions, and enable you to consolidate the foundations that have been laid in that faraway center. Be assured and happy, and persevere in your glorious task. Your true brother, Shoghi 151 23 October 1945 [Bahá’ís of Havana, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter, together with the report of the interesting lecture given by Dr. Blomquist, reached the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. Your letter, I neglected to say, was dated August 9th. 2 He is particularly happy to see that through the devoted labors of your Assembly the Message is now reaching the interior of the island. Cuba seems to be one of the leading Latin American countries enrolled under the banner of Bahá’u’lláh, and the Guardian cherishes the brightest hopes for its future. 3 The publicity you are now receiving should bring the Cause before the public in a very favorable light, and he hopes you will win for it many new adherents, as well as many sympathizers and friends. It is very important to gain admirers of the Faith in prominent positions; the very fact that they do not claim to be Bahá’ís, but praise our teachings, is an excellent aid to the spread of the Cause. 4 It will make you all happy to know that the Guardian is in excellent health, and has been able to rest more this summer after his very exhausting labors of the last few years in preparation for the Centenary. 5 He assures you he will particularly remember the Havana Assembly and community in his prayers, and supplicate that on the excellent foundation you have laid may now arise many new Assemblies in that promising and friendly land. With Bahá’í love and greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 6 I was extremely pleased to receive such splendid news from your center, and note the remarkable progress achieved in that promising country. I feel truly proud of your achievements, and will supplicate from the depths of my heart the Almighty’s richest and continued blessings on your meritorious labors. Persevere and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 152 23 October 1945 [Cora H. Oliver, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of August 17th has reached the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was happy to hear you had been able to attend the summer school at Temerity Ranch, and that it had been so instructive and successful. 3 He sees no objection to your moving to the Canal Zone as long as you are quite sure it will in no way weaken the Assembly; he suggests you take up your residence where there are already some believers (if this is possible) and concentrate on forming another Assembly. 4 The work in Panama is at last on a sound footing, and your patient labors are bearing fruit. He hopes that the Cause will gradually spread among the Indian and other colored members of the population, and thus demonstrate its truly universal and unbiased character. 5 Regarding your question about the status of the Canal Zone and the peculiarities attendant upon its unique position; he feels this matter should be taken up by the American National Spiritual Assembly and then, if they wish, they can refer to him for any advice they may feel they need. 6 You may be sure that he will pray that you may be guided and sustained in your devoted services to our beloved Faith—services which he greatly appreciates. 7 Please convey to all the dear friends there his loving greetings. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 8P. S.The Guardian shares your hope that in the future you will be able to make the pilgrimage to Haifa. In connection with your question about the Bahá’í ringstone given you by Ruhi: he sees no objection to your wearing it. Dear and valued co-worker: 9 I deeply appreciate all that you have achieved for our beloved Faith, and I cherish great hopes for your services in the future. You have truly set a noble example to your fellow-workers, and I pray that the Beloved may bless every effort you exert, and guide every step you take in the path of service. Persevere, be assured and happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 153 17 November 1945 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of August 19th, together with that of the Bahá’í youth, and to see how well the Cause is progressing there. 2 Regarding your reference to . . . , who seems to be a very enlightened and sincere man. The Guardian feels that you might point out to him that if he, as a Bahá’í, should insist on the right to support a certain political party whose platform he considers highly meritorious, he cannot very well deny the same degree of freedom to other believers; which would mean that within the ranks of a Faith whose primary objective is to unite all men as one great family under God, there would be Bahá’ís opposed to each other, vying with each other, and because of the very nature of politics, in violent disagreement with each other. Where then would be the example of harmony and unity for which the world is seeking? 3 The Guardian will pray that . . . may feel moved to sacrifice his political associations in order to fully support the divine system which is the remedy for all the ills of all the people in the world. He will also pray that your friend . . . will feel moved to courageously espouse the Faith which she so admires. 4 Your long and patient service in . . . has yielded a fruitful harvest, and the Guardian is very pleased over the report you have given him. He feels you are the best one to decide whether you should at present go home for a rest or not, as you can better judge if your temporary absence will seriously affect the work there or not. Meantime you may be sure he will pray for your continued success, guidance, and health. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5P. S.He thinks it would be an excellent idea to translate some of the teachings into the native Indian language. 6 With the assurance of my lively and abiding appreciation of your truly remarkable efforts and services, and of my continued and fervent prayers for the extension of your valued activities, and the full realization of your dearest hopes in the service of our beloved Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 154 17 November 1945 [Peru] The Bahá’í Youth of Lima, Peru Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of August 19th was received by the beloved Guardian, and he was very happy to hear from you. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Universal Friendship Club which you have formed should be an excellent means of contacting progressive and thinking young people, and of gradually introducing them to the Bahá’í Teachings. 3 There are so many movements in the world at present akin to various Bahá’í principles; indeed we can almost say that the principles of Bahá’u’lláh have been adopted by thinking people all over this planet. But what they do not realize, and what the Bahá’ís must therefore teach them, is that these principles, however perfect, will never be able to create a new society unless and until they are animated by the spirit which alone changes the hearts and characters of men, and that spirit is recognition of their Divine Origin in a Teacher sent from God; in other words, Bahá’u’lláh. When they recognize this, their hearts will change and a change of heart is what people need, not merely a change of intellectual outlook. 4 He will pray that each one of you may be blessed in serving our beloved Faith, and that your club may be a means of attracting to it many sincere and devoted young people, like yourselves. With warm Bahá’í greetings and good wishes, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved of our hearts bless richly your highly meritorious efforts, guide and sustain you always, enable you to widen continually the scope of your activities, and set a noble example to your fellow-workers throughout Latin America, Your true brother, Shoghi 155 17 November 1945 [Antranik Kevorkian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter dated July 7th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to hear that you have arisen to do pioneer service for our beloved Cause, and he hopes that your labors in Paraguay will be richly blessed. 3 He was also happy to hear that you and Miss Poghaharian are going to be married and serve the Faith you both love so dearly, together. A marriage between two believers who love the Cause more than themselves or purely selfish interests has a firm foundation from the beginning. You may be sure he will pray for you both, your happiness, and the success of your united service to the Cause of God. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless your marriage, protect and guide you always, bless your efforts in your new undertaking in the service of our precious Cause, and enable you both to render memorable services to its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 156 13 December 1945 [Emeric and Rosemary Sala, Guatemala] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 It was a great pleasure for the beloved Guardian to receive your joint letter from Guatemala City, of November 3rd, and to see the number of Latin American centers you are visiting. 2 He feels sure your trip will lend a marked impetus to the work in these newly established Assemblies, and encourage the believers to strive with greater enthusiasm and confidence in their local activities; the role of traveling teachers is very important, and fulfills a need which neither pioneer nor resident teacher can supplant; particularly in gaining publicity, and in being able to get a bird’s eye view of local problems and possibilities, can they render the Faith an essential type of service. 3 He was delighted to hear that dear Mr. Sala’s book has been published, and hopes it will not only be a success but will open the way for other Bahá’í works to be published by non-Bahá’ís. He is looking forward to receiving the copies you mention, and will place them in the Haifa and Bahjí libraries. 4 The Latin American friends have many fine traits of heart and mind, and he believes they will, in the future, when they become firmly grounded in the World Order and their numbers multiply, contribute much to the general progress of the Faith the world over. 5 He will be very interested to receive a report of your experiences and impressions, and he greatly appreciates this valuable service you are unitedly, with so much faith, love, and devotion, rendering the Cause of God. 6 His loving prayers accompany you, and are offered for the success of your work in every way. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 Assuring you of my deep and heartfelt appreciation of your strenuous activities and meritorious services for the promotion of our beloved Faith, as well as of my ardent and continued prayers for your success in the new enterprises you have undertaken, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 157 4 March 1946 [Julie Regal, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of February 10th has been received by the beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it, and to thank you for the amusing criticism of so much Bahá’í publicity! 2 He was extremely happy to hear that the conference was a great success, both in uniting the friends and in the publicity it gave to the Faith. The believers in Panama are indeed very fortunate in working for the Cause in a land so tolerant and receptive, and situated in such a useful position from a purely geographic standpoint. 3 He will certainly say special prayers for Panama in the Holy Shrines, that the friends there may arise as one soul in many bodies to consolidate the work already achieved and follow up the favorable impression created by this recent conference. 4 He will also pray for your own spiritual development, happiness and welfare. You should greatly rejoice that so early in life God has enabled you to serve His Cause in such an important field at so crucial a time! With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless richly your meritorious endeavors, guide your steps, cheer your heart, and graciously assist you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith and its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 158 5 March 1946 [Evelyn Larson, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated January 18th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 In spite of the tremendous pressure of his work he is always pleased to hear from the pioneers because he considers their labors of such vital importance to the Cause. 3 He was very glad to know you are holding the Feasts, as these form a rallying-point for the friends and help to unite them and deepen them in the Faith. 4 You may be sure he will pray for your dear mother and father and sister, that they be strengthened and freed for more active service in the Faith. 5 He will also pray for the success of your own devoted labors in Costa Rica, and that Bahá’u’lláh may guide you to receptive souls. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless richly your work, guide every step you take, sustain you in your meritorious labors, and enable you to extend the range of your valued activities and accomplishments, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 159 5 March 1946 [Shirley Warde, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of February 19th has just been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf and to tell you how delighted he is over this trip you are taking, so rich in opportunities to render the Cause a new and valuable form of service in Latin America. 2 He assures you he will ardently pray for the success of your Bahá’í and your professional work, in the Holy Shrines. 3 Please convey his loving greetings to the friends wherever you go, and urge them to increasingly shoulder their own teaching and administrative tasks in order to hasten the world-wide fulfillment of the Divine Plan. 4 With loving greetings and best wishes for your work, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless and sustain you in your deeply appreciated and meritorious labors, guide you at all times, cheer your heart, and graciously assist you to extend the range of your historic services to His glorious Faith and its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 160 6 March 1946 [Gertrude Eisenberg, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of November 8th, 1945, was received, and the Guardian was most happy over the good news you conveyed to him. 2 Your services in Asuncion have been most deeply appreciated by him, and it rejoices him to hear there are now 26 believers there. He hopes you keep in constant contact with them, as your long association with their work has no doubt endeared them to you and you to them! 3 He hopes that your labors in Sao Paulo will be equally fruitful and blessed, and that you will, with the help of visiting teachers, soon have an Assembly there. 4 You may be sure he will support your efforts with his loving prayers. 5 Please convey his loving greetings to Leonora Armstrong. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved sustain you at all times and under all conditions, abundantly reward you for your manifold and meritorious services, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win memorable victories for His Cause and its newly established institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 161 9 March 1946 [Flora E. Hottes, Uruguay] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated September 18th, 1945 and February 11th, 1946 have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf, and to assure you he was delighted with all the good news you gave him. 2 Before going any further let me assure you he will pray for those souls you particularly mentioned: . . . and, especially, the gifted and devoted man who is doing so much for the Cause— . . . He hopes this man will take the final step and give himself to Bahá’u’lláh, realizing such a bondage is the greatest freedom of all. 3 He is very pleased that you are not only remaining in Uruguay, but have found some work which makes you happy and brings you good Bahá’í contacts. He hears that the work in Bolivia is going well, so you need have no fears, and can dedicate yourself to consolidating the Faith in Montevideo with a tranquil heart. 4 He will most certainly pray that the Spiritual Assembly there may be firmly established, and that your labors may be richly blessed. . . . With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5P. S.As the Guardian always answers all his cables he cannot understand why you received no answer; presumably it got lost somehow. 6 May the Almighty guide and bless you at all times, aid you to proclaim the truths underlying His glorious Faith, and contribute, in an exemplary manner, to the multiplication and consolidation of its nascent institutions in those faraway and promising countries, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 162 9 March 1946 [Aretmus Lamb, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter dated November 18th, 1945 reached the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to hear—at the tail-end of your letter—that after all, things were going very well there! So much loving devotion has been expended on that important little center way down in the Southern Hemisphere, by you and the other pioneers, that you certainly deserve to see your labors fruitful and blessed! 3 When you consider how long it took the Faith to spread in the United States, the work in South and Central America has gone forward with unbelievable speed. But of course we must never be satisfied, but rather feel that more can and should be done—as you do. 4 He was happy to hear you now have a center for meetings, and that the Faith continues to be broadcast far and near. 5 You may be sure he will offer special prayers for the success of your much-appreciated work there, and for the community to rapidly increase in numbers. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless you and sustain you at all times, reward you for your splendid services, guide your steps, and aid you to overcome all obstacles, and win mighty and memorable victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 163 9 March 1946 [Cora H. Oliver, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 25th, 1945 was received, and the beloved Guardian thanks you for the map you enclosed and the additional information regarding Panama; he would have replied sooner, only he was too busy to do so. 2 He hopes that the friends there will make rapid strides forward in unity and in reaching members of different races with the Message. 3 You may be sure he will remember you in his prayers and pray for the success of your Bahá’í work. With warm greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless continually your meritorious efforts, guide you and sustain you, reward you for your splendid endeavors, and aid you to surmount all obstacles and win memorable victories in the field of teaching, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 164 9 March 1946 [Virginia Orbison, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of November 12th, 1945, was received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted by the good news you gave him of the progress you found in many of the centers you visited in different countries. He is looking forward to the time when the Latin American believers will play an important part in the affairs of the Faith, as he feels they have much to contribute to its progress. 3 He hopes that your labors in Brazil will be productive of great results, and that with the aid of pioneers and teachers an important Assembly will be soon thriving in Rio de Janeiro. 4 He will certainly pray for . . . He will also pray that this new work you are doing in Rio may be blessed by the Beloved and yield rich fruits. 5 Please give his loving greetings to dear Mrs. Armstrong. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved, Whom you serve with such zeal, ability, and devotion, reward you a thousandfold for your magnificent accomplishment, sustain you in your high endeavors, and enable you to add fresh luster to the glorious work you have achieved in the service of His mighty Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 165 9 March 1946 [Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated December 4th, 1945 and January 13th, 1946, have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 He also is cabling you that he approves of dear Yvonne de Cuéllar’s going to teach in Sucre. As I am replying also to a letter from her to the Guardian I am addressing you each separately, although your last letter was a joint one. 3 He is very pleased that active teaching work is now going to be conducted in Sucre, and hopes this will soon lead to the formation of a sound and thriving Assembly there. 4 He urges you not to be discouraged if you find the friends more passive than North American believers; their temperament is different, and they are young in the Faith; patience, love and your strong example will no doubt draw them into taking on more of their share of the work. 5 He was delighted to hear you are obtaining radio broadcasts and forging ahead with the translation work. 6 You may be sure he deeply values your teaching work, and will pray for it to yield a rich harvest. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such splendid devotion, bless continually your labors, reward you a thousandfold for your constancy and services, guide every step you take, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to extend steadily the range of your meritorious activities, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 166 12 March 1946 [Josephine Kruka, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated September 19th, October 29th and November 10th, 1945, have been received, with the clippings you forwarded in them. 2 The Guardian was delighted with the good news you conveyed of the progress of the work in Havana. Particularly was he pleased to hear that you are going to establish an Assembly in Santa Clara. He hopes this important step will be crowned with success and greatly enhance the teaching work throughout Cuba. 3 He was also delighted to see that the first Bahá’í marriage received publicity in the papers, and he hopes the bride and groom will be very happy and serve the Cause together. 4 You are very fortunate in receiving such favorable and free publicity! 5 Assuring you of his loving prayers for your health, and for the success of the many activities of the Cuban Bahá’ís. Yours, with Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless your meritorious and strenuous efforts, guide you and sustain you at all times, enable you to extend continually the range of your splendid accomplishments, and fulfill your heart’s desire in His service, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 167 24 March 1946 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your most welcome letter of March 5th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. . . . 2 He has felt from the very beginning that these gifted, sensitive Latins, who are capable of being both spiritual and intellectual, have a great contribution to make to the future progress of the Cause everywhere, and he is very anxious that they should become strong enough to manage their own affairs. 3 The many valuable services you are rendering the Faith . . . are very deeply appreciated by him, and he rejoices to see you and your dear wife toiling so faithfully in the service of our beloved Cause. . . . 4 He will pray that your labors for the Faith may be ever-increasingly blessed and fruitful. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 The services which you and your dear wife have rendered in Latin America are highly meritorious, and evoke my heartfelt admiration. I pray you may have similar opportunities in the near future, and that the Beloved may, wherever you labor, bless abundantly your notable activities and accomplishments. Persevere in your work, rest assured, and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 168 29 March 1946 [Chile] Mr. Carlos Bulling Petersen Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated 19th July, 1945, took some time to reach him and to be translated, but he was very pleased to hear from you and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 You have been led to our beloved Faith, as many of the believers were in the days of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, through a process of seeking for the Divine Truth in many progressive movements, and you are richly blessed by God in that your eyes remained open, always ready to recognize the Message of God when you found it. So many souls, alas, start out on the path of seeking, but stop half way, and when they do reach the ocean of this Revelation, can no longer recognize it! 3 He is very happy to see you and your dear wife are so active in helping to establish an Assembly there in Valparaiso and in teaching the Cause. 4 He assures you he will pray that Bahá’u’lláh may aid you to render His Faith many valuable services in Latin America. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving and abiding appreciation of your loyalty and devotion to our beloved Faith, of my fervent prayers for your happiness and success, as well as for the realization of your dearest hopes in the service of its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 169 29 March 1946 [Rosa Caro, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated December 29th, 1945, was received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very glad to see how devotedly attached to our blessed Faith you are, and he hopes that you will be able to render it many services in the days to come. 3 Mrs. Steward has done a tremendous work in Chile in teaching the Cause and helping the newer Bahá’ís to establish their Assemblies—but all must serve. There is such a tragic need amongst the people of the world for spiritual enlightenment and guidance, and every single Bahá’í must serve and help to spread the Message. 4 He hopes to receive the good news of the establishment of the first Spiritual Assembly of Valparaiso this April! 5 You may be sure he will pray for you and for the success of your Bahá’í services. With warm greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, and enable you to further, at all times and under all conditions, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 170 24 April 1946 [LSA Valparaiso, Chile] 1 DEEPEST LOVING APPRECIATION REJOICE HISTORIC TRIUMPH.11 171 24 April 1946 [Chile] 1 ASSURE ASSEMBLY LOVING APPRECIATION FERVENT PRAYERS.12 172 24 April 1946 [Local Assembly Rio de Janeiro, Brazil] 1 DELIGHTED ASSURE YOU LOVING PRAYERS APPRECIATION.13 173 5 May 1946 [Nicaragua] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated April 17th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear the good news you conveyed to him of the formation of an Assembly (which was to take place on April 21st), and of the progress the Cause is making in Managua. 3 Dr. Malcolm King has rendered Nicaragua a great service through his teaching work there, and the Guardian hopes that you, and the other dear believers there, will now carry on the work with constant activity and fervor. 4 The Bahá’ís in Central and South America now have a great and specific task of their own to carry out during the coming years—the formation of two National Spiritual Assemblies; this will require constant effort on their part, deeper study of the teachings and Administrative Order, and a great love and unity among the believers. 5 The Guardian assures you all of his loving prayers for the success of your Bahá’í work, and for the rapid spread of the Cause in Nicaragua. With warm Bahá’í greetings and love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless you and guide you, and enable you and your dear co-workers to promote effectively the best interests of His Faith, and consolidate your splendid achievements, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 174 26 May 1946 [Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated Jamál 2nd was received by our beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to assure you he deeply appreciated the sentiments of love, and devotion to our Faith, which you expressed in it. 2 It is a great source of joy to him to see the signs of the remarkable way the Cause has spread in Latin America, and how so many devoted and enkindled souls have embraced it and are eager to serve it with all their hearts! 3 He hopes that the believers in Argentina will strive during the coming year to establish new Spiritual Assemblies; now that the South American friends are soon to have their own National Spiritual Assembly they must rapidly increase the number of their Local Assemblies. He hopes you will be able to aid in this important work. 4 You may be sure he will pray for you and for the success of your Bahá’í services in the Holy Shrines. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, sustain and guide you, enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, and to contribute to the steady consolidation of its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 175 21 June 1946 [Louise Caswell, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of January 26th and June 9th have been received, as well as the photograph of the Assembly of Panama, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 He is delighted that the Cause is now firmly established there, the believers united and active, and the work in general progressing so well. 3 He was also very happy to hear of the prospect of the possible formation of another Assembly in Concepción, and hopes you, and the other friends who are able, will assist and stimulate the work there. 4 The sooner the work in Latin America is on a permanent foundation the better, as this will release veteran pioneers like yourself for work abroad. He would be delighted to see you go to Spain, and take part in such an historic undertaking as that of establishing the Cause in this entirely virgin field! . . . With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5P. S.He wishes also to thank you for the report on your trip to Bogota. As you know, the situation there now has greatly improved. 6 May the Beloved bless continually your historic and meritorious activities and services, guide every step you take, sustain you in every effort you exert, and aid you to extend steadily the scope of your splendid accomplishments, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 176 25 June 1946 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated May 10th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that three new souls have joined the Faith in Sucre; although an Assembly has not yet been formed there, the addition of these sincere people to the group is a great step forward, and he hopes that you and, if possible, your dear husband will again visit that town and assist the believers in teaching and in increasing their numbers to at least 9. 3 He ardently hopes that your dear daughter will join you in serving the Faith, and he assures you of his prayers on her behalf and for the success of your and Mr. de Cuéllar’s devoted services, which he deeply appreciates. He was very happy to hear of the translations Mr. de Cuéllar has been making! With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 P. S.Please convey the Guardian’s loving greetings to Miss Sholtis. 5 Assuring you of my loving and continued prayers for your success, your happiness, and the complete realization of every hope you cherish for the advancement of our beloved Faith, and the consolidation of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 177 3 July 1946 [Local Assembly of Santiago, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter, written on behalf of the Spiritual Assembly, and dated June 22nd, has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was most pleased to see that the Cause has progressed in Chile to the point of a dear friend desiring to endow it with a plot of land for use as a future Bahá’í Temple. Please assure . . . that the Guardian very deeply appreciates the generous-hearted devotion which has impelled her to make this offer of land. 3 He feels, however, that the best thing to do would be to keep the property in her own name until the South American National Spiritual Assembly is formed, and then to seek their advice as to whether it is suitable for the purpose she desires. This body will be of great help in consolidating, coordinating and expanding the work of the Faith in Latin America’s southern countries, and it is only proper such matters should be referred to it—also the Cause in Chile by that time will be in a better position to receive and administer endowments. 4 He rejoices over the great progress the Faith is making there, and assures you all of his loving prayers for your success. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 P. S.The Guardian wishes you to also inform . . . that he advises her to safeguard the land until it is legally transferred to the name of a Bahá’í Assembly. He wishes her to please send him two photographs of the land showing its situation. He will publish this in “The Bahá’í World.” 6 May the Beloved of our hearts guide, bless, and sustain you in your magnificent labors in the Divine Vineyard, aid you to extend continually the range of your splendid activities, enable you to acquire a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of His Faith, and contribute, in ever increasing measure, to the formation and consolidation of its local and national institutions in Latin America. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 178 14 July 1946 [Chile] The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter dated June 24th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to hear of your many activities, particularly of your regular radio broadcasts, as these are a means of bringing the Faith to the attention of many people who are not ready to go to meetings. 3 As regards the questions you have asked him: When he refers to the “Southern extremity of the Western Hemisphere” he means Punta Arenas; by “subsidiary agencies” he means that as the work of your Assembly expands, through the growth of the community there, you should appoint committees (teaching, children’s class, youth, etc.) to assist you in carrying on the work of the Cause; by “local administrative headquarters” is meant a center for the city of Punta Arenas—which he understands you now have. 4 You were quite right in not accepting any financial aid from a non-Bahá’í; our attitude is that this wonderful Cause of Bahá’u’lláh is our free gift to the people of the world. It is our privilege, as believers, to support it and be the means of giving it to others; we only accept money from non-Bahá’ís for charity which we then give to the needy of any denomination or race who require it. 5 The best and most successful way of attracting others to the Faith is through the example of love, unity, and noble living which your community must set. His ardent prayers are offered on your behalf and for your success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 6 I was delighted to receive your most welcome letter. You are, I assure you, often in my thoughts and prayers, and I deeply value the spirit that animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. I feel proud of your achievements, and very close to you all, despite the vast distance that separates us. Persevere in your noble work, and rest assured that I will continue to pray for you from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 179 22 July 1946 [Marie Kevorkian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter of June 7th and to felicit you on the happy occasion of the birth of your little daughter Ana-May. He hopes she will grow up to follow in the footsteps of her namesake, and he will pray for her health and development. 2 He is glad to hear that you are making every effort to establish a group in La Plata, as he feels this is very important. He was also pleased to hear that the summer school was successful, and a winter school is also being held. He assures you he will certainly pray for you and your dear husband and brother, and for the realization of all your hopes in the service of the Faith. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 3 May the Beloved reward you abundantly for your notable services, bless, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to establish a flourishing center in La Plata, and thus enrich the record of your splendid accomplishments. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 180 24 July 1946 [Cuba] Miss Silver Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of March 17th and May 28th have been received, with the clippings and photograph you enclosed, and our beloved Guardian was delighted to see that the visits of dear Dorothy Baker and the Salas had been of such help to the work there, and had received such good publicity. 2 He heartily approves of your going to some other town in Cuba to spread the Message and he hopes you will soon be able to arrange to do this. New Spiritual Assemblies are urgently needed everywhere in Latin America, in order to provide a sounder and broader foundation for the future National Spiritual Assemblies. 3 You may be sure he will pray for the success of your work in this new field. 4 Please convey his loving greetings to all the Bahá’ís there, especially dear Miss Kruka. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved abundantly reward you for your continued and strenuous labors, fulfill every desire you cherish for the promotion of His Faith, and enable you to achieve still greater victories in its service, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 181 26 July 1946 [Edward and Mary Bode, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter of April 19th, with all the good news it conveyed, was received, and the beloved Guardian would have answered you sooner had he not been very busy. 2 Now that your great longing to serve the Faith in pioneer fields has at last materialized, you can see how your efforts are being blessed and you are rendering real assistance to the Cause in South America. 3 The formation of the Rio de Janeiro Assembly delighted him, and he feels confident that the turning-point in the teaching work in that country has at last been reached. The new souls, of capacity, and full of enthusiasm, who have entered the Faith there will, no doubt, greatly enrich it, and facilitate its spread among their countrymen. 4 You may be sure his loving prayers are offered for your success in all your activities; he deeply values your services. 5 Please convey his greetings to all the friends there, and urge them to redouble their efforts in view of the fact that South America will soon be having a National Spiritual Assembly of its own. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved guide, sustain, and bless you, at all times and under all conditions, aid you to overcome all obstacles in your path, and achieve memorable victories in the service of His Faith in Latin America, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 182 26 July 1946 [Virginia Orbison, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 23rd was received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 The formation of the Assembly greatly rejoiced his heart, and you and the other dear pioneers must feel very grateful that at the last moment your labors were so richly blessed with success. 3 He assures you he will certainly pray for all the members of this new and important Assembly, as well as for . . . , who, he hopes, will feel moved to actively join in the work of the Faith. 4 He has hopes that you will be able to visit Spain, and help in the work of the opening of that great country to the Faith—her Latin American children have welcomed the Cause, it is surely time she too received it! 5 You may be sure he deeply values your untiring services, and will pray for your success in every field of endeavor. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my profound admiration and abiding gratitude for the splendid services you have rendered, and of my constant, my loving, and fervent prayers for the extension of your activities, and the full realization of every hope you cherish for the promotion of our beloved Faith and the consolidation of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 183 26 July 1946 [Gwenne D. Sholtis, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March 29th has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to hear the Faith is steadily, if slowly, progressing there, and that you have enrolled some new believers. He sincerely hopes that the recent happenings in La Paz have not endangered the lives of any of the friends, or affected the work of the Cause there? The people of the world are in such a disturbed state that we can see daily the evidences of their great need to hear of and accept the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 He was pleased to hear recently from Madame de Cuéllar of the results of her successful teaching trip to Sucre; he appreciates very much the services of this devoted couple, and wishes you to please convey to her and Col. de Cuéllar his loving greetings. 4 Your devoted and steadfast labors to promote the Faith are very deeply valued by the Guardian, and he assures you of his frequent prayers for the progress of the Cause there and for your dear self. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 He wants particularly to assure you of his prayers on behalf of your dear brother’s soul and for your parents as well. 6 May the Almighty bless continually your meritorious labors, aid you to extend the range of your activities, reinforce the foundation you have so devotedly laid, and win memorable victories for the institutions of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 184 29 July 1946 [Artemus Lamb, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letters dated February 4th, April 5th and June 11th have been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. . . . 2 He is delighted with the news you convey of the work in Punta Arenas and in Chile in general. He feels you should, by all means, travel and assist both the Assemblies of Valparaiso and Santiago, as well as do all you can to aid in the establishment of a fourth Chilean Spiritual Assembly. Chile is certainly becoming outstanding! 3 He is very pleased that you were able to visit the Convention, and, on returning to continue your important work in Chile, also visit so many other Bahá’í centers en route. The Latin American believers must work really hard now for their two future National Spiritual Assemblies. This is a great step forward, and they have a part, now, for the first time, in the Divine Plan. 4 He assures you of his continued loving prayers on your behalf. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I am so pleased and grateful for your splendid achievements. I admire your devotion, zeal, and perseverance. The work you are achieving in Chile, and particularly in Punta Arenas, is truly historic and exemplary. Persevere in your great task, be happy, and rest assured that I will continue to pray for your success from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 185 31 July 1946 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated April 28th (written in conjunction with others) and June 19th have been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. 2 . . . His mail is, alas! very heavy and tiring, but he considers it essential to keep in contact with those who are doing pioneer work, like your dear self. 3 It is certainly time, all over the world, for Bahá’ís to sever any affiliations they have with churches, political groups, etc., before being enrolled as believers; we must explain to the newcomers that it would be sheer hypocrisy on their part to remain in churches when they now believe Christ has returned with new laws in a new Dispensation! 4 . . . The prospective formation of two National Assemblies for Latin America will necessitate a great deal of work during the next four years. The Latin believers must assume more and more responsibility for the proper conduct of their affairs, and also increase the number of their Spiritual Assemblies. You can help them greatly in this through uniting them and assisting them to become maturer Bahá’ís. . . . 5 His loving prayers, you may be sure, surround you. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.Your letter of July 14th has just been received . . . As regards your diary: you can, if you so desire, will it to the Guardian, but it would be better if it were to go to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States of America. Another Bahá’í in the States has entrusted sealed documents to that body, not to be opened till after his death—or some period of time set by him—and these and any other things are quite safe in the hands of this well-organized National Assembly. It would be a pity to destroy the diary. The Guardian urges you to not be discouraged! 7 May the Beloved bless continually your magnificent activities, sustain you, at all times, in your high endeavors, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to add fresh laurels to the crown you have already won in the service of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 186 31 July 1946 [Chile] Mrs. Millicent B. de Schulder Mr. Esteban Canales Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 28th, written from Valparaiso with Mrs. Steward, has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is delighted at the progress the Cause has made in Valparaiso, and he deeply appreciates the devoted labors which you have rendered it in that city. 3 He hopes you will do all you can to consolidate the work there, and ensure the permanence of this new and important Assembly. 4 You may be sure he will pray for you both in the Holy Shrines. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my heartfelt and abiding appreciation of your splendid and historic services, and of my constant and loving prayers for the extension of your valued activities in the service of our glorious Faith and its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 187 15 September 1946 [Louise Caswell, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 10th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted with the news you conveyed to him of your work in Colón, and that you feel there will be an Assembly there by next April. This development of new Spiritual Assemblies throughout Latin America, in preparation for the two National Spiritual Assemblies to come, is of the utmost importance, and he will certainly pray for the rapid development of the group in Colón. 3 Please give his loving greetings to the believers there, and assure them he will watch with keen interest their efforts to establish a thriving Assembly and community there. 4 You may be sure he will continue to pray for your own devoted and unsparing services to our beloved Faith—services which he deeply values. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I wish to assure you in person of my deep and abiding gratitude for the many services you are rendering our beloved Faith. You will certainly be greatly rewarded by our beloved Master for your constancy, devotion, and achievements. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with you. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 188 21 September 1946 [Shirley Warde, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of August 12th, full of so much interesting and encouraging news, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 Your reports of the work there, especially of the remarkable progress being made in Brazil, pleased him greatly, and he was so happy to see that your background and training are now of such great assistance to you in serving the Cause in this very important Latin American field. 3 He hopes the conference in Buenos Aires will be a great success; it is really a very important step forward in the work in South America, and should serve to coordinate activities and unite the friends in their future labors which must lead to a National Spiritual Assembly in the near future. 4 He has just answered a letter from your dear mother; you must be proud of her work, and her example—and she in turn has every reason to be proud of you! 5 You may be sure he will pray for the Cause to make marked progress in Buenos Aires, and that your labors may be richly blessed in all your undertakings. He deeply appreciates all you are doing. Please convey his loving greetings to all the friends there, and especially to Mr. Tormo and Mr. Barras, your devoted co-workers and such faithful servants of the Cause. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved sustain you in your high endeavors, reward you abundantly for your splendid services, guide every step you take in the path of service, and enable you to extend the range of your exemplary accomplishments, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 189 29 September 1946 [Brazil] To the believers of Rio de Janeiro who wrote the Guardian on June 19th, 1946 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving message expressing so much devotion to our beloved Faith and so much firm determination to serve its interests at all times and in every way within your power, greatly cheered the heart of our beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 The progress the Cause is making in Brazil is truly great, and he hopes that, through your united labors you will soon be able to establish in Rio a large and thriving Bahá’í Community. 3 Brazil as one of the most important nations of Latin America deserves to assume an important role in the promotion of the Faith in that vast continent, and he is most anxious that Assemblies should be established in its chief cities as soon as possible, and the Divine Message reach the seeking and needy people of that land. 4 You may be sure that he watches the progress of your work with keen interest, and cherishes high hopes for your future services. He urges you all to work together with greatest love and unity as this example will most speedily attract the hearts to you and your teachings. 5 His loving prayers are offered for each and every one of you, and for your devoted services. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 6 I was thrilled by your message, and deeply appreciate the sentiments you have expressed. I marvel at the progress of your activities, and will pray from the depths of my heart for their steady extension and consolidation. 7 Persevere in your noble efforts and rest assured that the Beloved will bless your labors and crown your efforts with signal success. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 190 12 November 1946 South American Congress in Buenos Aires care Bahá’í Wilmette 1 OVERJOYED ACCLAIM HISTORIC CONGRESS. PROFOUNDLY APPRECIATE PLEDGE MARVEL MAGNIFICENT PROGRESS ACHIEVED. PRAYING FERVENTLY EXTENSION RANGE SUPERB SERVICES RENDERED BY DEARLY BELOVED COMMUNITY LATIN AMERICAN BELIEVERS FAITH BAHA’U’LLAH. DEEPLY REGRET UNAVOIDABLE CANCELLATION PROJECTED VISIT OUR MUCH LOVED INDEFATIGABLE COWORKER MRS. COLLINS YOUR CONGRESS. REQUEST ASSEMBLED DELEGATES LAY WREATH MY BEHALF GRAVE IMMORTAL MAY MAXWELL WHOSE GLORIOUS SACRIFICE WILL EVER REMAIN ASSOCIATED RISE ESTABLISHMENT FAITH LATIN AMERICA. 191 4 January 1947 [Argentina] 1 DELIGHTED SUCCESS LATIN AMERICAN REGIONAL CONGRESS PRAYING RICHEST BLESSINGS. SHOGHI 192 8 February 1947 [Shirley Warde, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of December 21st, 1946, with the very encouraging report of the recent conference which you enclosed, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to write you on his behalf. 2 The spirit, and the determination to action, which was manifest at the conference greatly pleased the Guardian, and encouraged him. The most important thing of all is that the Latin believers should arise to shoulder their own work, produce their own teachers and administrators, and become capable of managing all their own affairs prior to the election of their National Assemblies. They seem now to be well on the right way to accomplishing these aims, and he is truly delighted with the progress made! 3 He was, likewise, very encouraged to hear about the bright prospects for the summer school there, which he hopes will develop, in the near future, into a flourishing Bahá’í institution. 4 There seems to be some error in the cable he sent the conference, and so I am enclosing a complete copy in case some of the sentences were omitted through the double transmission to Argentina from Haifa via Wilmette. 5 He deeply appreciates all you and your fellow-Bahá’ís in Argentina are doing for the spread of the Cause there and throughout South America, as well as for the publishing work. 6 You may be sure his loving prayers are with you. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I am thrilled by your letter and report. I marvel at the success that has crowned your high endeavors. I am deeply grateful to you and to our dearly beloved co-workers who attended and organized this historic Congress. I will continue to pray for your success from the depths of my heart. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with you, and will bless your meritorious labors. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 193 9 February 1947 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated November 23rd, 1946, was received, and our beloved Guardian was rejoiced to hear your good news: that your dear daughter has embraced the Cause, that you were delegated to visit the Buenos Aires Conference from La Paz, and that you and your good husband were able to teach in Sucre! No wonder you are so happy! 2 He hopes you and your husband will continue to assist the teaching work in Sucre, and that you will, by all means, do some teaching work in Cochabamba—if that seems the next most receptive spot to the establishment of yet another Bahá’í group. 3 You may be sure he will pray for dear . . . as well as for . . . , that they may both deepen in the Faith and render it many services. 4 He also will pray for the success of the many undertakings of your dear husband and yourself, that Bahá’u’lláh may richly bless you. With warm love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless your meritorious efforts, guide every step you take in the path of service, and fulfill every hope you cherish for the promotion of His Faith and the consolidation of its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 194 9 February 1947 [Ecuador] Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Guayaquil Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Our beloved Guardian received your letter of September 15th, with the check you enclosed as your loving contribution towards the Báb’s Shrine completion work, and I am enclosing a receipt from him and answering you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see the devotion to the Cause which your letter evinces, and the love which unites you all in its service. Wherever there is love and unity among the believers the work will prosper and new souls be attracted. 3 Since your letter was received the wonderful conference of South American believers was held at Buenos Aires—which your delegate attended. The Guardian hopes that the great inspiration which the friends attending this conference so strongly felt, will be carried into far-reaching action throughout that continent and in your own country. 4 The news that you hope to have a second Assembly, in Quito, established this coming April, greatly rejoiced him, and he will pray that your labors there, and in other parts of Ecuador, will yield a rich harvest before 1951, when the South American National Spiritual Assembly is established. The Latin American friends have a great future to look forward to in the service of God and humanity! 5 You may be sure he will pray for your Assembly and all its members, that Bahá’u’lláh may strengthen, guide, and bless you in your service to His Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 6 I was deeply touched by your letter and value your contribution as an evidence of your strong attachment to our beloved Faith. I will pray for the success of your efforts for the promotion of the Cause of God and the consolidation of its institutions. Rest assured, and persevere in your noble task. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 195 18 February 1947 [Albert Lovaton M., Peru] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter dated October 14th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 News of the wonderful success of the Buenos Aires Conference has already reached him, and he feels that it truly marks a turning point in the development of the work in South America. It also has demonstrated that the believers of Latin America are going to be able to not only elect their two National Assemblies, when the time comes, but will be capable of managing the affairs of the Cause in these republics of the New World with dignity, efficiency and success! 3 The news you gave him of the teaching work being carried on by your Assembly in Callao gave him great satisfaction. This work is of the utmost importance, and he assures you he will pray that it may be very successful, and that a flourishing Bahá’í community may soon exist there. 4 Your devotion to, and love for, our glorious Cause touches him deeply, and he will pray that your services may be richly blessed by Bahá’u’lláh. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my deep and abiding appreciation of your meritorious and historic services to our beloved Faith, and of my fervent prayers for your success and the speedy realization of every hope you cherish for its extension and promotion, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 196 18 February 1947 [Ecuador] The Bahá’ís of Quito, Ecuador Mr. Hans Däry, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter dated September 13th, 1946, has been received, together with the check you forwarded as your contribution towards completing the Báb’s Shrine on Mount Carmel, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to send you the enclosed receipt. 2 He was very touched by your gift for the Báb’s Tomb, and to see that the believers so far away are yet so near in heart and spirit to the Holy Land. 3 He hopes that your Bahá’í work in Quito will progress sufficiently rapidly for you to have a Spiritual Assembly there by this April. He attaches great importance to the work there, and assures you all his loving prayers are offered for the success of your devoted labors. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 4 I was deeply touched by your letter and by this evidence of your exemplary devotion to the interests of our beloved Faith. You are often in my thoughts and prayers, and I will continue to supplicate Bahá’u’lláh to aid, sustain, and guide you in your meritorious and historic labors for the promotion of His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 197 18 February 1947 [Charles Petersen Bulling, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of October 7th, 1946, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that you and your dear wife are so active in serving the Faith, and that your children are receiving the inestimable benefit of growing up in this New World Order of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 He was also delighted to hear that new souls are embracing the Faith, and that you are able to carry the Message to other towns. The Cause in Chile is growing very rapidly, and the more it spreads the more the attention of the public will be fixed upon it. This imposes a heavy responsibility on the believers, as they must show forth such a spirit of love and unity among themselves as will attract the hearts of others and encourage them to enter the Faith in large numbers. We must always remember that the Teachings are perfect, and that the only reason more of our fellow men have not as yet embraced them is because we Bahá’ís, the world over, are ourselves not yet as selfless and radiant mirrors of Bahá’u’lláh’s Truth as we should and could be! We must constantly strive to better exemplify His Teachings. 4 You may be sure he will pray for the success of your devoted services, as well as for your dear family and all the believers in Valparaiso. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving and fervent prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith, and of my deep-felt and abiding appreciation of your meritorious efforts for its spread and consolidation in your promising country, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 198 18 February 1947 [Peru] Mr. and Mrs. David H. Beckett Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your joint letter, dated October 25th, 1946, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you both on his behalf. 2 He was very happy over this first Bahá’í marriage in Peru, and feels it will not only be a blessing for you, but for the Cause there. He has since heard that the whole ceremony attracted the interest of many people there and was very beautiful and dignified. 3 You have the greatest bond that can unite two people—love for the Cause of God and for humanity, and this will enrich and cement your human union; as you cling to it, you will find your marriage blessed and fortified. 4 The English believers are now becoming so numerous that one finds them serving the Faith in many parts of the world, and this pleases Shoghi Effendi very much, as they have much to contribute to our Bahá’í international community. 5 He hopes you both—representatives of the Old and the New World—will perform many valuable services for the Cause in South America. 6 He assures you he will pray for your success and for your happiness. With cordial good wishes to you both, R. Rabbani 7 P. S.As I do not have your address I am sending this in the care of Mr. Albert Lovaton M., to whom I am also writing today. 8 Assuring you of my loving and fervent prayers to Bahá’u’lláh, that He may bless your union, fulfill your hearts’ desire in the service of His Faith, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 199 19 February 1947 [Artemus Lamb, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter dated August 24th, 1946, was received and the Guardian answered directly that from the Bahá’ís of Mulchen. As he has been very occupied with various problems he felt you would understand his not replying to you immediately. 2 The Buenos Aires Conference, so outstandingly successful, greatly pleased him. It certainly appears that the South American Bahá’ís are maturing rapidly, and fitting themselves to elect and maintain their own National Spiritual Assembly by the appointed time! All this is directly due to the dedicated, self-sacrificing services of the little band of North American pioneers, of which you are a most valuable part. 3 The Cause in Chile seems to hold great promise, and he hopes that ere long it will have Assemblies scattered all over the country. Though the work at times may seem slow to you, it is really progressing wonderfully well, and the Chilean Bahá’ís have a right to feel proud and optimistic. 4 You know his prayers are with you in all you do! With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Dear and prized co-worker: How proud and thankful I feel for your superb services, rendered so far afield, with such distinction, and under such difficult conditions. The Beloved is surely well pleased with your work, and will continue to bless your arduous, historic and unforgettable labors. Rest assured that I will continue to pray for your happiness and success from the depths of my heart. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 200 22 February 1947 [Jean Silver, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated August 10th and September 9th, 1946, as well as the clippings you enclosed, were received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is so happy to see you have established yourself in Cienfuegos, and not only rented a Center there but are actively teaching a study class! This is a great step forward in the development of the Faith in Cuba, and he hopes ere long you will be able to establish the second Spiritual Assembly of that country there. . . . 3 He hopes the way will again open for pilgrims to visit Haifa—but at present the country is so disturbed that he cannot allow any visitors to come. He hopes in future the way will open for you to come. 4 You may be sure his most loving prayers are offered for the success of your very meritorious services and for the confirmation of many new souls. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, continually and increasingly, your meritorious and exemplary efforts, reward you abundantly for your self-sacrificing labors, and graciously assist you to extend the range of, and consolidate, your notable accomplishments, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 201 22 February 1947 [Marie Kevorkian, Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated December 9th has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf, and also to thank you for the newspaper clipping you enclosed. 2 He is very happy to see you and your dear husband are now actively engaged in teaching the Cause in La Plata, and that you already have a study group; This is the best way for you to begin, with a few sincerely interested souls whom you can teach in your own home, and, through love and kindness, win as your friends and friends of the Faith. 3 The Buenos Aires and Panama conferences have truly marked a turning point in the work in Latin America; the number of delegates that attended them, their enthusiasm and determination to carry on the work in their different countries, were outstanding, and he feels confident that the two new National Spiritual Assemblies, when elected, will rest on a permanent and sound foundation. 4 Please assure your brother that the Guardian will pray that he may be able to teach the people of Ezeiza the Cause and establish a group there. He will also pray for your health and that you and your husband may soon have an Assembly in La Plata . . . With loving greetings to you, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your constant and meritorious efforts, remove whatever impedes the progress of your activities, and aid you to realize every hope you cherish in the service of His Faith and its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 202 30 March 1947 [Brazil] The Bahá’ís of São Paulo Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving message sent to the Guardian on the occasion of the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Guardianship touched him very much, and he has instructed me to write and thank you for it on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see there are now so many active believers in Sao Paulo, and he assures you all he will ardently pray that a Spiritual Assembly may soon be established there and thus strengthen the Faith in Brazil. With loving greetings to you all, R. Rabbani 3 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh guide, sustain and bless you, at all times and under all conditions, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of His glorious Faith and its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 203 7 April 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated March 17th, 1947, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear you have had such wonderful experiences in Latin America, and that you find the Cause there so alive in the hearts of its new followers . . . 3 Your offer to go to Europe as a pioneer is one he accepts with great pleasure; your experience as a teacher, your trip to South America, your devotion and loyalty, all fit you to render this type of service, and he urges you to contact at once the European Teaching Committee and make your plans with them. 4 You may be sure his most loving prayers will accompany you in all you do for our glorious Faith. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 P. S.Shoghi Effendi wishes me to add this note in connection with your marriage: he does not feel that any believer, under any circumstances whatsoever, can ever use the Cause or service to it as a reason for abandoning their marriage; divorce, as we know, is very strongly condemned by Bahá’u’lláh, and only grounds of extreme gravity justify it. He feels, if . . . your husband consents to the plan, you could do some teaching in Europe; but to leave him permanently, unless you both have tried again and feel your marriage—such a sacred bond—to be impossible, is not right. 6 May the Beloved bless your meritorious efforts, reward you for your services to His Faith, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 204 26 April 1947 [LSA La Paz, Bolivia] 1 DELIGHTED. PRAYING ASSEMBLIES LA PAZ SUCRE RICHEST BLESSINGS ABIDING GRATITUDE DEEPEST LOVE.14 205 27 April 1947 [LSA Sao Paulo, Brazil] 1 OVERJOYED GRATEFUL. ASSURE YOU LOVING ARDENT PRAYERS.15 206 8 June 1947 [Josephine Kruka, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters . . . were received, dated May 5th (as well as that dated January 7th), and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. . . . 2 The news you conveyed about the satisfactory results of Mr. Illescas’ visit pleased him greatly; he agrees with your view that the Cause will make greater progress there when more native Latin Americans are active. 3 He was also very happy to hear you are now arranging to go to Sweden. He certainly approves of your spending some time in visiting Finland. The work there, though not included in the present Seven Year Plan, is nevertheless very important, and any help you can give the Cause there would be of great value. 4 He assures you of his most loving prayers for the success of your work in Sweden and Finland. . . . With warmest love, R. Rabbani 5 P. S.He was delighted to hear about Mrs. Lismore’s devoted activities; also, he assures you, he will specially pray for the rapid advancement of the beloved Cause in both Cuba and Finland. 6 May the Almighty bless your constant and meritorious efforts, and aid you to extend the range of your activities, and win great victories in the pioneer sphere of Bahá’í activity, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 207 14 June 1947 [Artemus Lamb, Panama] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated January 25th, and containing a copy of your letter to the Inter-America Committee was received, and read by him with interest, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 It pleases him greatly to see how the Latin believers are really becoming eager to take things in their own hands. They soon will have to do so! So the sooner they become adept in managing the work in their own countries, sending out their own teachers, etc., the better for all concerned. 3 He feels that the work in Central and South America is really reaching a point where, in the not too distant future, various numerically strong Latin American communities will be able to form independent National Spiritual Assemblies. The prospect is getting brighter all the time, and your heart must rejoice over the work in Chile—he feels Chile may prove a winner and carry off the palm by establishing the first National Assembly in Latin America (as opposed to the forthcoming Regional Assemblies). 4 He assures you of his constant loving prayers on your behalf. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty reward you a thousandfold for your truly remarkable and highly meritorious accomplishments, aid you to extend continually the range of your beneficent activities and historic services, and win still more glorious victories in the Latin American field, and particularly in far-off Magallanes, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 208 15 June 1947 [Cuba] The Bahá’ís of Havana, Cuba Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated January 7th, was received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Faith in Cuba has not only been well established and sunk deep into the hearts of its new converts there, but it has witnessed the establishment of an active Spiritual Assembly in Havana and the growth of the local community in that famous city. He is now very anxious to see a similar development take place in Cienfuegos—a city with such a beautiful and symbolic name! He urges the Havana believers to not only devote themselves to the teaching work in their own city, but also to assist, through teaching visits and lectures, the work in Cienfuegos. As your community is the mother community you must feel a keen responsibility for all work undertaken in Cuba. 3 He assures you all of his loving prayers for your unity and for the success of your devoted labors. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless your high and greatly valued endeavors, aid you to extend continually the range of your meritorious activities, consolidate your achievements, and win still greater victories for His Faith and its nascent institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 209 15 June 1947 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Our beloved Guardian regrets very much the long delay in answering your letter, dated October 31st, 1946, but it is almost impossible to find anyone here to translate Spanish letters; he therefore hopes that you will overlook the delay. 2 The way the Faith has spread in Chile has brought great joy to his heart, and he cherishes high hopes for the future role this country will play in Bahá’í affairs, as the Bahá’ís there grow in number and in understanding of both the spiritual truths, and the administration, of the Cause of God. 3 He assures you he will pray for your health, your happiness, and that you may render Bahá’u’lláh many services in the days to come. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh sustain, guide and bless you at all times and under all conditions, aid you to promote the vital interests of this glorious Faith, and contribute effectively to the consolidation of its institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 210 21 June 1947 [Gwenne D. Sholtis, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters, dated September 26th, 1946, and February 10th, 1947, as well as one enclosing photographs of the dear Cuéllar family, were received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. He is delighted over the progress made in Sucre, thanks to your and the Cuéllars’ devoted and unsparing efforts. Although the work may seem to you slow at times, you must look upon it as a whole and see that where there was nothing at all some years ago, now there are Assemblies and groups! This is a great triumph, and your heart should always rejoice, in spite of the many very tangible problems that arise in your path! 2 You may be sure he will pray for you in the Holy Shrines and for the success of your devoted labors. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 3P. S.He wishes you to know that it is only pressure of work here that keeps him from answering your letters more promptly; he is always happy to receive your news. 4P. S.Since writing the above your letter dated May 21st has arrived, together with your photograph of the Sucre Bahá’ís, and he was delighted to learn there is now such an active and devoted community. He is also very glad to hear of your teaching work in Cochabamba, and urges you to persevere in it. He will pray for the Cuéllars and appreciates greatly their steadfast labors. Dear and valued co-worker: 5 I wish to assure you in person of my keen and abiding appreciation of your manifold, meritorious and constant services to our beloved Faith, and of my ardent and continued prayers for your success. The Beloved is well pleased with your activities, and will surely bless abundantly your labors. Persevere in your high endeavors, and rest assured that the Beloved will guide your steps and reward you for your splendid accomplishments. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 211 29 June 1947 [Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 2nd, with photos and enclosures, was received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to hear of the way the Faith is progressing in Cienfuegos and of the visit of dear Mr. Remey. 3 He also wishes to assure you he will pray for . . . , that God may illumine his heart with the light of His Cause. He will also pray that . . . may learn to conform in every respect to our teachings. We must not be exacting on young believers, especially at this stage of the teaching work. However, the National Assembly is the one to refer these problems to. 4 Your devoted and untiring efforts are very much appreciated, and he assures you he will pray for the realization of your fondest hopes in the Holy Shrines. With warmest Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5P. S.He would have answered you sooner had he not been so busy! Assuring you of my abiding and loving appreciation of your truly splendid efforts, services and accomplishments, and of my continued and ardent prayers for your success in the service of this glorious Faith and its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 212 30 June 1947 [Valeria Nichols, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 15th has been received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is delighted with the work you and your dear brother are doing in Chile, and with the remarkable way the Cause is progressing there—so remarkably in fact that it leads one to believe it might be the first Latin American republic to have an independent National Spiritual Assembly! 3 He assures you of his ardent prayers for the success of your work. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving and fervent prayers for the success of your magnificent efforts, and the extension of your exemplary and highly meritorious labors in the service of the Faith in Latin America, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 213 19 July 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated October 18th, November 11th, December 6th and 14th, 1946, and March 11th, May 22nd and June 19th, 1947, have been received, as well as the clippings and various enclosures you forwarded with them, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. The work of the Cause is expanding so rapidly that he finds it increasingly difficult to keep up with his correspondence, and that is the only reason he has not answered you before. 2 Regarding the various points you raised in your letters: . . . 3 He feels that before any Assembly embarked on a project such as a school they should receive the advice and approval of the National Spiritual Assembly as such matters fall within its jurisdiction. 4 The situation you outlined to him in one of your letters as existing at that time in . . . he felt was regrettable, but due largely to the immaturity of the believers. Of course no Bahá’í should drink, and if he persists in it and refuses to make an effort to overcome it, the Assembly must take action. But in these newly established centers one must be very patient lest the whole group go to pieces because of too strong or sudden action. 5 The book that you outlined to him he does not feel should be in any way associated with the Bahá’ís or our teachings, because we are advocating world federation, not local federations; if these come about as part of the process of world federation, well and good, but they are not our thesis. . . . 6 He assures you of his loving prayers in the Holy Shrines for the success of your valuable labors and your happiness and welfare in every way. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7P. S.The news of the way the work is not only progressing in Costa Rica but centering about it greatly pleases him, and he deeply appreciates what you have accomplished there. Dear and valued co-worker: 8 Though overwhelmed by my work which has, alas, interfered with the prompt acknowledgment of the letters addressed to me by my dearly-beloved friends, you have, I assure you, been often in my thoughts and prayers, and the memory of your indefatigable and outstanding services has been a great encouragement to me in my labors. I greatly admire the spirit that so powerfully sustains and animates you, and I will continue to supplicate on your behalf the Almighty’s richest blessings. Persevere in your glorious task, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with your standard of service. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 214 19 July 1947 [Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian dated December 6th, 1946, was received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 Had he not been so very busy he would have replied to you sooner, but the work of the Cause is now so extensive that he is finding it almost impossible to reply to all his mail. 3 He feels the services you are rendering the Faith are much needed, and you should never permit yourself to get discouraged. We cannot always perceive at once the results of our labors. 4 You may be sure he will pray for your success in the Holy Shrines. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith and of its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 215 2 August 1947 [Panama] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated July 13th, has been received and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He does not think you have any cause to feel unhappy or discouraged. Your services to the Faith in Panama have been devoted and most helpful. Just because you have not succeeded in learning Spanish is no reason to feel you have failed—many people have not the gift of learning languages, no matter how much they may desire to do so. 3 He urges you to go on with your work in the City of Panama and assist in consolidating and building up the Community there. For the present time this is where you can do the most good and the classes you conduct, the friends you attract to the Faith, and the support you give the believers there are all needed and valuable services. . . . With warm love, R. Rabbani 4P. S.Regarding your question about the book of Juk: the Guardian regrets he can give you no information about it as none seems available at present. 5 Assuring you of my loving appreciation of your notable services to His Faith, and of my constant prayers for your welfare, and the realization of every hope you cherish for the promotion of our glorious Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 216 25 September 1947 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your welcome letter of July 29th was received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. . . . 2 The news you conveyed of the progress of the Cause in Bolivia and of the radio talks that are being given regularly pleased him greatly. He was also delighted to hear that the Cause will soon be officially registered there. 3 The seeds that are being sown, we cannot but believe, will come to fruition when the people gradually realize that all the things they are pinning their hopes on—the churches, political parties and social reform—are inadequate, and unable to solve the world’s problems. It is sad to see their indifference to the remedy God has provided; but eventually their eyes will be opened to the truth. 4 He hopes you will be able to carry out your contemplated teaching trip, and assures you his loving prayers surround you and your dear family. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 5 I wish to assure you in person of my deep and abiding appreciation of the efforts you are so devotedly exerting for the promotion of our beloved Faith. I will pray from all my heart. . . for the success of your deeply valued endeavors for the consolidation of the institutions of the Cause you love so dearly. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 217 14 October 1947 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated September 22nd, has reached him, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 You have rendered the Faith so many valuable services, and there is so much work to be done in these distressing times that it would be a great pity if you were forced into inactivity. However, if you can both reserve the right to work for the Cause wherever you are, and at the same time lead a happy domestic life, he certainly thinks this would be a happy arrangement for you. 3 He sees no objection to your marrying Mr. . . . as long as you feel confident he will not oppose your devotion to the Faith and your service to it. This is something for you two to decide, as it concerns your future life and happiness, but the Guardian will ardently pray that you may be guided in this matter, and that Bahá’u’lláh will draw Mr. . . . closer to His Cause. With warmest Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless and richly reward you for your past magnificent services, aid you and guide you, at all times and under all conditions, and enable you to promote, continually and effectively, the vital interests of our glorious Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 218 4 November 1947 [Cuba] Mr. Hamaty Miss Silver Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters to our beloved Guardian, dated October 3rd, have been received, and he is replying to you both at the same time as he is so very busy these days. 2 He is very happy to see Mr. Hamaty is so active in supporting the work of our glorious Faith there in Cienfuegos, and he hopes that, through your united labors, and those of your fellow-believers there, you will soon have a strong Spiritual Assembly established in that city. 3 To see believers from the East and West working for Bahá’u’lláh together way off in a city of the New World, both far from their own country, is truly inspiring, and must be an object lesson to the people of Cuba of Bahá’í love and solidarity. 4 He assures you both of his ardent prayers for the success of your labors and the speedy fulfillment of your hopes. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith, and for the realization of every hope you cherish for its advancement and consolidation, Your true brother, Shoghi 219 30 November 1947 [Viva C. Lismore, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated November 20th has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very glad to see you are so devoted and so active in serving our glorious Faith. Once one becomes a Bahá’í it seems indeed impossible that people can be so blind as not to see in this Cause the divine solution to the world’s problems and ills; and yet they are, alas, so blind and sleeping the sleep of the heedless! All we can do is to offer them the remedy Bahá’u’lláh has brought—but we cannot force them to accept, much as we long to, their own salvation. Each must accept for himself. 3 He will certainly pray for you in the Holy Shrines, and particularly that you may be able to confirm in the Faith those souls who are ready to receive it. He feels your services are needed right there in Cuba. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless your efforts, aid you to deepen your understanding of the essentials of His Faith, and enable you to render its institutions memorable services. Your true brother, Shoghi 220 7 January 1948 [Chile] 1 ADVISE CONGRESS CONCENTRATE EFFECTIVE MEANS ENSURE EXTENSION CONSOLIDATION FOUNDATIONS FORTHCOMING NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. URGE REDOUBLE EFFORT TEACHING ACTIVITY STIMULATE PIONEER WORK INITIATED NATIVE BELIEVERS. PRAYING SIGNAL SUCCESS DEEPEST LOVE. SHOGHI16 221 20 January 1948 [Mexico] 1 DEEPEST APPRECIATION MESSAGE CONGRESS. PROFOUND ADMIRATION LOVING ARDENT PRAYERS.17 222 25 January 1948 [Chile] Bahá’í Teaching Committee for South America Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome letter from Mr. Lamb, your secretary, and dated January 6th, has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is delighted to see your efforts are meeting with success, and that your committee is laboring so unitedly and devotedly to carry out the important work it is responsible for. He was also pleased to see the program you sent him which covered so many important subjects and activities. 3 He feels that certainly one of the prime duties of your committee is to train more of the Bahá’ís of Latin America to qualify as teachers of the Faith and lecturers. The contemplated trip of Mr. Canales should aid in this work, and also enable him to survey the field and discover ways and means of training Bahá’ís in local centers to teach efficiently. Another means of doing this is to hold special conferences and courses at summer schools to train and encourage teachers. 4 Punta Arenas, as you know, is very dear to his heart, and he will ardently pray that the work there may go forward and the Cause be safeguarded in its development. 5 No doubt the recent Bahá’í Congress held in Santiago has had a great effect in stimulating the work throughout South America, and he hopes that the summer school at Loncoche will carry this stimulus forward, and inspire enthusiasm and determination in all those who attend it. 6 His ardent prayers for the success of your important work will be offered in the Holy Shrines and he thanks you all for your tireless and dedicated labors. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 7 I was delighted to receive your most welcome message and to learn of your activities, your plans, your hopes and your determination and zeal in the service of our glorious Faith. I feel truly proud of your achievements, and will supplicate the Beloved, from the depths of my heart, to aid you to extend continually the range of your meritorious activities, and to win memorable victories for His Cause and its institutions. Persevere in your historic task, and rest assured that the Almighty will bless your high endeavors. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 223 28 January 1948 [Mary Bode, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated January 12th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. He appreciated the card you enclosed from a Brazilian friend; please thank her very much for her kind thought. 2 He feels that the services you and your dear husband are rendering in Brazil are too important for you to leave that country if you can possibly find a means of remaining there. If you find that circumstances have reached a point where you cannot see a way of earning your living there, you should ask the National Spiritual Assembly’s advice and guidance before leaving, in the hope that a solution can be found. 3 He will pray for the two sisters you mention, and for all the souls you are teaching and who are laboring for the Faith there. 4 He will also particularly pray for you and Mr. Bode, and that Bahá’u’lláh may aid you to solve your problems and continue serving there where you have done so much good and are still needed. 5 He hopes the work in Niteroy will go ahead well and produce results in the near future. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 I deeply appreciate your high and constant endeavors for the establishment of the Faith in Brazil, and feel truly proud of your historic achievements. I urge you and your dear husband to persevere in your task, however great the sacrifice involved, and to rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with you both, that He will watch over you, and aid you to render still greater services to His Cause. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 224 30 January 1948 [Eve Nicklin, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 16th has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He heartily approves of your going to Punta Arenas to strengthen the work there, as he considers it a very important outpost of the Faith and one that must be maintained at all costs. 3 The news of the very successful Congress held in Santiago pleased him very much. Now that more of the Latin believers are active and beginning to assume responsibilities, the work will go forward on a more permanent foundation, as pioneers from a foreign land can never take the place of native believers who must always constitute the bedrock of any future development of the Faith in their country. 4 Please give his loving greetings to Madame de Cuéllar and all the friends there. 5 He will pray in the Holy Shrines that your labors in Chile may be richly blessed, and that the friends in Lima will redouble their efforts and compensate for your departure. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your outstanding services, remove all obstacles from your path, assist you to extend continually the range of your historic accomplishments, and enrich the record of your magnificent activities in Latin America. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 225 18 February 1948 [Chile] To the Bahá’ís who attended the Second South American Bahá’í Congress, January 23rd, Santiago, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 It brought great joy to his heart to see how devoted the dear believers of South America are to their newly-found Faith, and how determined to spread it in their respective countries and upbuild its institutions. 3 He was also pleased to see with what enthusiasm you are fired in connection with building your future first South America Bahá’í Temple. He feels, however, that the most important and, indeed, the primary objective of your Bahá’í Fund must be, at the present time, the support of the work of teaching the Faith. In a few short years you will have your own National Assembly, and it will have full responsibility for carrying on the work in that part of the world. What is needed is a very firm and far-flung basis to support this Assembly, and the only thing that can ensure this is the formation of many new Local Assemblies and groups. These in turn will augment your financial resources, and bring closer the day when your Temple can be built. 4 He was greatly touched by the eagerness of the delegate from Colombia to have a Temple built there also! All this will come to pass, but first the foundation must be laid, and the foundation is the teaching work; the training of new souls to do this work and their circulation amidst the towns and villages of Latin America is of the utmost importance. 5 The excellent teaching and publicity work which was carried on in conjunction with your congress pleased him very much. He feels sure it will assist the work in Chile greatly. 6 His loving thoughts are very often with the Latin American believers, and he cherishes great hopes for their future. He feels they have a very distinguished career of service before them in the worldwide community of Bahá’u’lláh’s followers. Already they are winning the interest and admiration of their fellow-believers in distant lands! 7 He assures you, one and all, of his loving prayers on your behalf and for the success of all your plans in the service of this glorious Faith. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 8 Your most welcome message rejoiced my heart, reinforced my hopes for your future, and deepened my admiration for your zeal, devotion and determination in the service of our beloved Faith. I greatly value the sentiments you have expressed, and I will supplicate, from the depths of my heart, for your guidance, for the extension of your meritorious and historic activities, and the realization of every hope you cherish for the advancement of the Cause of God and the consolidation and multiplication of its institutions. Persevere, be confident and happy, for the Beloved is well pleased with the standard of your achievements. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 226 4 June 1948 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated April 5th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He feels that you should lay your feelings, regarding the work you are doing, before the Inter-America Committee, and let them advise you as to whether you should stay on in . . . or not. He will certainly pray that you may be guided to serve wherever you will do the most good, and he very much appreciates your devotion and single-mindedness in serving our glorious Faith. 3 The progress being made all over Latin America is excellent, and were it not for the labors of such devoted pioneers as yourself, it could never have been achieved in so short a time. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your spiritual advancement and the success of your efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 227 14 June 1948 [Brazil] Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bode Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 19th, with a postscript of May 20th from Mr. Bode, was received, as well as the “Declaration of Trust” in Portuguese, and the note enclosed from Mr. Bode asking for prayers for his parents, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy indeed to see this historic document in Portuguese, and congratulates all the signees, as well as the Rio de Janeiro Community, on this accomplishment. It is hard to gauge the importance of such events when they take place, but in the future they are seen to be important milestones in what will be viewed as the “early days” of the Faith there! 3 The news that you are going to be able to remain in Brazil, move to Recife, and serve the Cause there, greatly pleased him, and he assures you he will pray for the success of your work there and that you may establish an Assembly in this new Center. He will also pray for . . . 4 Your devoted labors are most deeply appreciated, you may be sure. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your constant, your valued and indeed historic services, bless your manifold activities, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you both to proclaim the verities of our beloved Faith, and contribute, in a notable manner, to the consolidation of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 228 14 June 1948 [Bolivia] Madame Yvonne de Cuéllar Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated November 29th, 1947, was received, and he has instructed me to answer it, and acknowledge receipt of the program you enclosed, on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to hear of the official registration of the Cause there, and of the new center you have opened there in more spacious quarters. Although the work may seem to go ahead slowly, the friends must never lose heart. The foundation is essential, though it does not show above the ground; but once the building is erected the original dimensions become evident. Now you are laying your foundations, and must be patient until the receptive souls are found, and the progress made, which will constitute your superstructure! 3 The service of your dear husband in translating the excerpts from “God Passes By” was deeply appreciated by the Guardian, and he would suggest that he translate the entire book—if his health permits him to do this—so that at a future date the complete text can be made available to Spanish-speaking people, and have the advantage of the “même coup de main” throughout. Unfortunately the Guardian himself does not read Spanish. But he feels sure this must be a valuable addition to the literature of the Faith in that language. 4 He assures you both of his affectionate prayers on your behalf. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 P. S.He was very sorry to learn of the death of Isaac Manje, and will pray for his soul’s advancement and happiness. 6 May the Almighty sustain and guide you, at all times and under all conditions, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith and its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 229 21 June 1948 [Bolivia] Miss G. D. Sholtis Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated January 29th, and enclosing a clipping from a newspaper, was received, and, although he is very busy and preoccupied these days, he wishes to drop you this little line of acknowledgement. 2 He is very pleased about your teaching work in Cochabamba, and hopes those you are reaching will be confirmed and arise to really serve the Cause. 3 He assures you of his prayers for your success, and for . . . to become truly awakened. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to extend continually the range of your historic and truly meritorious activities, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win still greater victories in the service of His Faith in the days to come. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 230 23 June 1948 [Flora E. Hottes, United States] Miss Flora E. Hottes Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters to our beloved Guardian, dated June 28th and November 28th 1947, were received, and he regrets the long delay in answering you, but circumstances here, and pressure of work, have necessitated it. 2 Your visit with your dear parents, your sojourn in the United States, and the opportunity to rest at home after so many years of service abroad must be doing you a lot of good, and fitting you for future labors in the field you have already given your heart to. 3 He hopes you will follow your desire to resume your teaching work in Uruguay as soon as your health and circumstances permit. There you will be doing the Cause a much needed service, and, however much you accomplish in North America, it will be negligible compared to what you could do in South America, because of your long years of experience, your command of the language and your love for the people. 4 He deeply appreciates the valuable work you have been doing in going over the translation of “God Passes By,” as well as your constant and selfless labors for the Faith. 5 Assure your dear mother of his loving prayers on both your and her behalf and that you may see your parents well and happy during any absence of yours from home. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 6P. S.He will also pray for all the dear friends you mention in your letters. 7 May the Almighty guide, sustain and bless you in your constant and meritorious services to His Faith, remove all obstacles from your path, abundantly reward you for your incessant labors, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of its nascent institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 231 24 June 1948 [Chile] Mr. Artemus Lamb Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letters to our beloved Guardian, dated September 9th (with report to Miss Cheney enclosed) and 27th, 1947, and March 23rd, 1948, have been received, and he has instructed me to answer them on his behalf. He has been very busy, and very preoccupied (as you can well imagine) of late, and that has held up his correspondence. 2 The success of the Santiago Congress greatly pleased him. It is wonderful to see the way the Cause goes ahead, and the believers succeed, when it appears as if the means for success was just not there! It clearly demonstrates the assistance of God, as promised to us. 3 He was also very glad to hear of the wide publicity given the Faith in Punta Arenas, and that Miss Nicklin, a devoted soul, is going to establish herself there. . . . 4 You should, he feels, not hold back about visiting centers where you see your efforts are rewarded by greater efficiency and coordination. He also feels that all three channels should be used to carry forward the work in Latin America: new pioneers, or visitors, should go there, whenever possible, the Latin believers must be intensively trained and encouraged to assume responsibility and the ones who are there, the North Americans, should by all means step out and set an example and pull the work forward! 5 He hopes you and your dear wife will remain, at least for the time being, in Chile, and go on with the valuable work you have been doing—work he most deeply appreciates. 6 His loving prayers are with you both, R. Rabbani 7 P.S.In bringing new souls into the Faith an effort should certainly be made to see they are sufficiently well-grounded to stay in it! 8 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh sustain, cheer, and bless you both, at all times and under all conditions, remove whatever obstacle impedes the progress of your exemplary and historic labors, aid you to fulfill the desire of your hearts in His service, and enable you to lend a tremendous impetus to the multiplication and consolidation of the God-given institutions of our glorious Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 232 3 July 1948 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters to our beloved Guardian, dated September 20th and December 13th, 1947, and March 6th, 1948, with enclosures, have been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. From the enclosed letter, to the National Teaching Committee for Central America, you will see what he feels about mentioning politics in the press. So I won’t go into the matter here again. 2 The wonderful progress made in Costa Rica pleased him greatly, and the correspondence method of teaching is certainly proving itself of great use. He hopes it will be included as a teaching method everywhere. 3 He feels that, although you could no doubt be of great help to the work in Italy, your services are much more needed in Latin America. Experience counts for a great deal, and just at this juncture the work there can ill spare any of the pioneers who have gained a knowledge of the conditions, the mentality of the people, and their “vulnerable points” as exhaustively as you and some of the other early pioneers have gained. 4 He feels that there is some truth in your thought of the bad influence of the New History Society. However, it is insignificant and should not have the origin of all the difficulties within the Bahá’í communities laid at its door! It is not that strong or that important! Much of the trouble within various Bahá’í communities in America is due to lack of maturity on the part of the individual believers and their joint function as a community. The vitality, however, of the faith and devotion of the American Bahá’ís is over and over again demonstrated by their victories—the one on their home teaching front being the latest. They need to deepen themselves more in the teachings, and to learn to be better examples to the world of what a Bahá’í is. 5 The Guardian deeply values the spirit in which you serve, and is delighted over the results obtained. He will pray for your health and happiness. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless, protect, guide and reward you for your high endeavors and splendid services, aid you to proclaim continually the verities of His Faith, and contribute, in an ever-increasing measure, to the consolidation and multiplication of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 233 11 October 1948 [Brazil] Miss Dinah Franca Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 17th, has taken a long time to reach him, as you can see; but he was very happy to receive it, and welcomes this opportunity of personally assuring you of his loving prayers for the success of your future services to our glorious Faith—a Faith which you have embraced with such joy and devotion. 2 He was very pleased to hear you have been so active, have attended the Bahá’í congress for South America, and are constantly teaching the Cause to the people. 3 He hopes that Bahia will become a strong center of the Faith. Its beautiful name, so close to that of the Faith itself, must endear it to the hearts of the Brazilian believers, and encourage them to establish there a thriving Bahá’í Community. Indeed, through Miss Holsapple’s long and devoted services, it was the first place in South America to become enkindled with the Light of Bahá’u’lláh! 4 With loving greetings to you and every wish for your success in serving the Cause of God. R. Rabbani 5P. S.I hope I have addressed you correctly? 6 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you have embraced with such zeal and determination, guide your steps in the path of service, aid you to acquire a profound knowledge of the verities of His Faith, and contribute, in the days to come, to the consolidation and multiplication of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 234 20 November 1948 [Panama] Mrs. Louise Caswell Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Our beloved Guardian was very happy to receive your letter, and the clipping you enclosed, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 The news that work has been done in the interior, and that there is now such a firm and courageous soul there as Mrs. Fabrega, pleased him greatly. Please convey to her the assurance of his loving prayers for her progress and protection in her services to the Faith. 3 He was also glad to hear of the devotion of the dear native friends in Panama, and he hopes their efforts, combined with those of the pioneers, will soon result in a larger Bahá’í community there. 4 Your unsparing teaching services are very deeply valued, and he was very pleased to hear you are going to assist the work in Colombia, where the friends have passed successfully through so many severe trials to their young faith. . . . With loving greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 The notable and indeed historic services you have rendered, in distant fields, during so long a period, and under such trying circumstances, deserve the highest praise. The Beloved is well pleased with your work and will, no doubt, continue to watch over you, and guide you in your meritorious labors. Persevere in your noble services, and assure your dear co-workers of my deep and loving admiration for their achievements and the spirit they manifest. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 235 21 November 1948 [Brazil] Mrs. Margot Worley Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Our beloved Guardian was very pleased to hear from you and receive your letter of July 15th, which took a very long time to reach Haifa. 2 Your and your dear husband’s devoted services in Bahia have been very much appreciated, you may be sure. He fully realizes the obstacles to be overcome in such a country are great, and no doubt opposition to the Faith from orthodox elements will steadily increase, as the Cause grows in membership and strength. 3 But of the ultimate victory there can be no doubt! The tragic thing is to have to witness mankind starving to death spiritually, but too blind, too perverse and misled, to take the Bread of Life offered by Bahá’u’lláh! We must offer it, but then the choice remains with the individual soul. 4 He was very pleased to hear your sister has accepted the Cause, and also Dinah Franca. He hopes that your growth will be steady, in spite of all the opposition you meet with, and he assures you he will pray in the Holy Shrines that your devoted labors may be richly blessed, and you and Mr. Worley be protected in your services to the Cause there. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 5 Your splendid services and those of your dear husband will never be forgotten. I deeply appreciate the spirit that animates you, and will continue to supplicate the Beloved to bless your work, cheer your heart, and enable you to extend the range of your valued activities. Persevere in your historic task, and be happy and confident. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 236 6 December 1948 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated November 1st, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He fully realizes the difficulties involved in maintaining such an Assembly as that of Punta Arenas. But he urges the friends, and you, not to lose heart, but rather to try new means of contacting a different range of people. Perhaps, through becoming active in some social or other type of clubs, or assistance in charitable works, or promotion of United Nations Organization support—in ways such as these—you and the believers may succeed in making new contacts which would not ordinarily respond to public meetings, advertisements or broadcasts. 3 He will pray for your success and the protection of your Assembly, in the Holy Shrines, and he greatly appreciates your determined and devoted labors. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 4 I am so pleased to learn of the progress of your work in so important and distant a field, and am profoundly grateful for your steadfast and noble endeavors. Persevere in your glorious task and rest assured that the Beloved will guide and sustain you in your labors, and will aid you to render still more notable services to His Faith and its institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 237 21 January 1949 [Guatemala] Conference care Natalia Chavez 1 SUPPLICATING ALMIGHTY’S BLESSINGS DELIBERATIONS. URGE ATTENDANTS CONCENTRATE METHODS DESIGNED EXTEND SCOPE TEACHING CONSOLIDATE ASSEMBLIES DEEPEN KNOWLEDGE SPIRITUAL ADMINISTRATIVE PRINCIPLES FAITH REINFORCE BONDS UNITING CENTRAL AMERICAN BELIEVERS.18 238 30 January 1949 [Guatemala] Congress care Natalia Chavez 2 DELIGHTED SUCCESS CONGRESS. PRAYING ACHIEVEMENT PLANS DEEPLY APPRECIATE ASSISTANCE VALUED CO-WORKER DOROTHY BAKER. 239 12 February 1949 [Colombia] Mrs. Gayle Woolson Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated January 30th, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear from you, and appreciates very much indeed all the wonderful work you have done and are doing for the Faith in the important field of Latin America. 3 He will most certainly pray in the Holy Shrines for the work in Colombia, and that your devoted efforts may be richly blessed and yield a unique harvest in that country—a country which has been severely tested, but also made great strides forward where the Faith is concerned. 4 He was very pleased to hear the Central American Conference had been such a success. The Latin friends are developing rapidly, and will, he hopes, cover themselves with distinction in the days to come. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty continually and abundantly bless your truly remarkable and exemplary labors, sustain you in your mighty efforts, aid you to win still greater victories for His Faith, and add fresh laurels to the crown you have won in its service, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 240 20 March 1949 [Bolivia] Mrs. Yvonne de Cuéllar Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated February 23, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to hear you were able to be present at São Paulo, and especially be with our dear Milly Collins, a truly noble and inspiring soul! 3 He fully realizes how difficult it is for new Bahá’ís, still weak in the Cause and, for the most part, struggling hard for a livelihood, to be strong and to assume their responsibilities for themselves, instead of always relying on others to do it for them! This has been true in every country and practically every city in the beginning. Gradually some strong souls arise who help the weak ones—as you and your dear husband are doing—and this consolidates the work and carries it forward to a more mature phase. He deeply appreciates the essential assistance you are giving La Paz and Sucre. 4 He also is very pleased to hear your dear husband is translating “God Passes By” and has finished the “Gleanings.” This is a most valuable service to the Faith, and when these books are published they will greatly strengthen the faith, and deepen the understanding, of the Spanish-speaking believers. 5 No one who has not reached the age of 21 can be elected to an Assembly or cast a vote . . . 6 He will certainly pray in the Holy Shrines . . . for the success of your and your husband’s devoted and much-appreciated services. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty shower His manifold blessings upon you, reward you for your constant and meritorious services, remove every obstacle that impedes the progress of your work, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His Faith and its newborn institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 241 28 March 1949 [Guatemala] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Our beloved Guardian was very touched to receive your loving greetings and messages sent to him in the letters of Mrs. Baker, dated January 30, and February 5. Owing to the great pressure of his work here at the present time it is impossible for him to answer each one of you individually. He feels sure you will understand this and excuse it. 2 The very marked progress the Cause is making throughout the Latin American countries pleases him immensely; and leads him to believe that the Bahá’ís there will be able to form and maintain their two National Assemblies with success, and with great promise for the future work they will be undertaking. 3 He urges you all to devote as much of your time and energies as possible to teaching, and to stimulating your fellow-believers to ever greater efforts in the service of our glorious Faith. 4 He will remember all of you in his prayers in the Holy Shrines. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide and sustain you, at all times and under all conditions, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His glorious Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 242 27 May 1949 The Bahá’ís of Santiago, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving greeting, sent on April 29, was received and the beloved Guardian thanks you for it. 2 He hopes the Faith in Chile will make great progress during this Bahá’í year, and further prepare the community there to become a befitting pillar of the forthcoming South American National Bahá’í Assembly. 3 There is so much work for each single believer to do; each Bahá’í is infinitely precious, and can and must act as a transmuting agent which will turn the hearts of those souls who are truly seeking for truth into pure gold. 4 He assures you one and all of his loving prayers for the advancement of your work and your spiritual progress. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 Your welcome message cheered my heart, and reminded me afresh of the splendid spirit of devotion that animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. I feel truly proud of the record of your services, and cherish the brightest hopes for your future activities. Persevere in your noble task, and rest assured that the Beloved will richly reward you for your meritorious achievements. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 243 5 June 1949 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter to our beloved Guardian, dated May 11, with copy of your letter to the Inter-America Committee enclosed, has been received, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He also wishes to thank you for the photographs of the Assembly of Santiago which you sent in your letter of May 3rd. 3 Regarding the matter of getting out stamps with a view to raising funds: he sees no objection to this scheme, but it must be borne in mind that we cannot sell these to non-Bahá’ís as this would mean that they were supporting our Bahá’í Fund, and as you know we do not accept any money from non-believers. It is our duty and privilege to give this great message freely to the world. 4 He is happy to see the eagerness and devotion of the friends there; and to witness their strong desire to assist the work going on in other lands, and especially the building of the Shrine of the Báb and the Temple in Chicago. 5 He will pray that ways and means may be found of realizing your hopes. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless your efforts, and enable you and your fellow-members of the Teaching Committee to promote effectively the interests of the Faith, contribute, in an ever-increasing measure, to the condition of its newborn institutions, and proclaim its life-giving verities, and demonstrate their truth and necessity, to the receptive among your countrymen. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 244 5 July 1949 [Chile] Mrs. Rosy Vodanovič Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Our beloved Guardian has received your letter, written as the secretary of the outgoing Comité de Enseñanza Bahá’í para Sudamérica, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Although he can well realize that your committee feels regrets at giving up the work it has so devotedly, and with so much love, been carrying on, he feels it is an excellent idea to have the opportunity be given to other believers, in another South American area, to carry on the work for a while, and thus gain valuable and needed experience in the service of the Cause. 3 The progress which has been made in Latin America, the remarkable growth of the Assemblies there, the increasing maturity of these new and devoted servants of Bahá’u’lláh, pleases and astonishes him. He looks forward with joy to the formation of the two National Assemblies in the near future, and feels they will render the Bahá’í world many services, both within their area of jurisdiction and in the international Bahá’í community of which they will form a part. 4 Please share this letter with the new Comité de Enseñanza Bahá’í para Sudamérica, and assure them of his most loving prayers for the success of the work they are about to undertake. 5 May you in Santiago render many new services to our Faith there and in Chile. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 6 I was so pleased to receive your welcome message, and I am deeply touched by the sentiments you have expressed, and grateful for the historic services you render. I will pray for their extension and consolidation from the depths of my heart. Rest assured, be happy, and persevere in your noble efforts. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 245 21 July 1949 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Havana, Cuba Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of June 26 has been received by our beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The devoted and persevering labors of the believers in Cuba—led by your Assembly—are a real source of joy and pride to him, and he hopes during this coming year your teaching work will expand, and firm groups be established in other centers there. 3 You now may be almost termed an “old Assembly,” tried and true, and becoming more mature all the time! 4 Please convey to all the dear believers there his loving greetings, and assure them he is praying for the success of their work for the Cause of God. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 The work achieved by your Assembly and community is indeed worthy of the highest praise. I am truly grateful to you and proud of your achievements. I will supplicate our Beloved to guide your steps, bless your endeavors, and aid you to extend continually the range of your activities. Persevere in your glorious task, rest assured and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 246 4 September 1949 [Bolivia] Madame Yvonne de Cuéllar Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 24 has been received by our beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf and to thank you for the photographs you enclosed of the Bahá’ís of Sucre. 2 The establishment of an Assembly there . . . is a very concrete achievement on your part, and one he feels proud of. Also he was very glad to hear of the lecture you gave to such a distinguished gathering, and of your radio broadcasts, all of which will no doubt bear fruit in the future. 3 He will certainly pray for conditions to improve for dear . . . ; please assure him of this and that the Guardian was very pleased to hear of his courageous devotion, and obedience, in serving the Cause there in Sucre. 4 The news that your dear and devoted husband is now translating the full text of “God Passes By” into Spanish was most welcome. This book will be of great help, in Latin America and Spain, in teaching the Faith and deepening the understanding of the believers themselves. 5 Although there is no doubt you could do much good in France, your presence in South America is much more important during these formative years for the Cause there. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 6P. S.He was very glad to hear that the members of the Colonel’s family are becoming Bahá’ís too! Dear and valued co-worker: 7 I was so touched by your welcome letter, and grateful for the sentiments it expressed and the news it contained. For the wonderful services you and your dear husband are rendering, so devotedly, so energetically and loyally I will continue to pray from the depths of my heart. Please assure him of my loving appreciation of his painstaking labors. Persevere in your glorious task, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with you and will bless your high endeavors. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 247 30 September 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter, dated September 1, has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He feels the attitude taken by you and the Assembly of . . . towards the remarkable healing powers exhibited by . . . , has been the right one. To associate such things with the Cause directly would be only to ultimately injure its reputation and misrepresent it, as her powers—which are certainly very hard to find any logical explanation for—are not common to Bahá’ís, but rather a phenomenon seen among individuals (rarely) who are derived from all sorts of religious backgrounds. 3 As to its being direct inspiration from Bahá’u’lláh, we certainly cannot say this. We can only be grateful that she has actually been able to help people who direly needed it. She herself being a devoted Bahá’í, there is no reason why she should not be known as one. But certainly it should in no way be connected with her healing powers. 4 He appreciates the devoted, careful and loyal attitude of the . . . Bahá’ís, who have certainly shown wisdom and understanding in meeting this situation, and he is glad you wrote to him about it. 5 Please assure all the friends there of his loving prayers on their behalf. With warm greetings, R. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 6 I wish to assure you of my deep and loving appreciation of your devoted and constant endeavors for the promotion of our beloved Faith. I will supplicate the Beloved to bless and sustain you, and enable you to safeguard the interests of His Faith and promote continually its vital interests. Your true brother, Shoghi 248 12 October 1949 [Peru] Miss Eve Nicklin Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 2nd was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to hear the Cause is more firmly established now in Punta Arenas, and that Tony Fillon is going to be there after you have left. 3 When you write Wilhelmina Willems please tell her how happy the Guardian is to learn of her devotion, and that she remained in Punta Arenas. Also assure her he will remember her and the work there in his prayers. 4 He hopes that the committee, now transferred to Lima, will achieve great things and he will pray for its work to go ahead smoothly. With warm love, R. Rabbani 5P. S.I am sending this care of Horace, as I am not sure your Lima address still holds good after so many months! Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your invaluable services, rendered with such exemplary devotion and in such distant fields, evoke my deep-felt admiration. I will continue to pray for your success from the depths of my heart. Persevere in your meritorious and indeed historic labors, and rest assured that the Beloved is well pleased with the standard of your achievements in the service of His Faith. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 249 12 October 1949 [Chile] Mr. Alexander Reid Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 I am sorry that your letter to our beloved Guardian dated June 30, did not get answered before. However, he has instructed me to answer it now, as it had gotten temporarily mislaid. 2 He would appreciate your going to Punta Arenas very much, as your presence there would assist the local work greatly—which often suffers from believers moving elsewhere. 3 There could be no harm in inquiring into the marble near Punta Arenas as regards its suitability for possible use in the future Temple. But, in view of the tremendous amount of work ahead of the Bahá’ís everywhere, including South America, it is difficult to foresee when such an undertaking could be financed! 4 Mrs. . . . should not neglect to have proper medical treatment for her condition. The Bahá’ís need their health in order to work for the Cause, and many of them, through neglect and overwork, get into very nervous conditions which react on the work they do with others. Her devotion is truly exemplary, and he will certainly pray for her . . . With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear co-worker: 5 I wish to assure you of my regret at the delay in answering your letter, and of my deep appreciation of your valued services for which I feel deeply grateful. I will supplicate the Beloved to bless abundantly your high endeavors, remove every obstacle that impedes the progress of your activities, and enable you to win memorable victories in the days to come. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 250 22 October 1949 [Uruguay] Miss Flora Emily Hottes Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 13th was received, but until now our beloved Guardian has been too busy to reply to it. 2 Please assure dear Emilia Martinez that the Guardian always answers letters, and in case she received no reply, he wants her to know he will certainly continue praying for her, and he deeply appreciates her loyal and devoted services, services which he greatly admires. Sometimes letters get lost, no doubt, but the Spanish letters he always makes a point of replying to as soon as possible, as he feels these relatively new believers deserve every encouragement. 3 He was sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Gambetta—such a devoted soul, who has now, no doubt, received his eternal reward. 4 He was very pleased to hear of the progress being made there, which is largely due to your loving and wise service. Your presence there is very important, and he will pray that the condition of your dear parents may improve and thus permit you to remain at this important post and continue your invaluable work. 5 Please give his loving greetings to all the dear believers there in Montevideo. With warmest love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my abiding appreciation of your valiant labors, your solid achievements, and above all, your exemplary spirit so powerfully manifested in the course of your meritorious services to the Faith and its God-given institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 251 25 October 1949 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of January 15 and June 9 and 29 have been received and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 . . . The Bahá’ís, in spite of their self-sacrificing desire to give the last drop of their strength to serving the Cause, must guard against utterly depleting their forces and having breakdowns. For this can sometimes do more harm than good, because they are so bound up in the lives of others . . . 3 There is no doubt that there is vicarious atonement for others, and our sufferings sometimes can be in the nature of a sacrifice accepted for others. But where to draw the line is a mystery. If you take better care of your own health, and build up your reserves, it would certainly be better for you and for your work. Then your sensitive, yearning heart, although you may still often suffer for and with others, will be better able to withstand its trials, and you will not get so exhausted, which is certainly no asset to your work for the Cause. 4 Your deep devotion touches him very much and he will pray that your heart’s desire, of always serving the Guardianship, may be granted. 5 The great spiritual disease, which must be shunned utterly, is Covenant-breaking. But no doubt communities have their “ailments,” so to speak, which are usually inharmony among the friends or the ever-active egos of some of the members. These conditions affect sensitive people like yourself, but the cure for them is to teach the friends to more deeply love and understand the Faith and to unitedly learn to apply the teachings to their individual and joint lives. With warmest love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-worker: 6 Your magnificent services to the Faith, rendered so devotedly, so energetically, under such difficult circumstances, and in such distant fields, deserve the highest praise, and will increasingly attract the blessings of Bahá’u’lláh, Who is well pleased with the quality of your achievements. I will continue to pray for your happiness, your success and the realization of every hope you cherish for the promotion of the Faith and the consolidation of its institutions in Latin America. Persevere, be happy and confident, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 252 5 November 1949 To the Members of the Regional Bahá’í Committee for Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of August 23rd has just been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He hopes the labors of your committee will not only be a means of rapidly spreading the Faith throughout Chile, and of establishing and fostering new groups, but also through its example and its official bulletin, be an instrument for promoting the greatest unity and harmony amongst the believers of Chile. 3 It is better to be a small but united and loving family than to be a large community of people who are indifferent to each other, critical of each other, and not one in their love for Bahá’u’lláh. This does not mean you should not make every effort to increase your numbers, to broadcast the Faith’s message to the people, and to keep the Cause before the eyes of the public. But to create love, unity and solidarity amongst the Bahá’ís of Chile should be considered one of your paramount tasks and your sacred privilege. 4 He will be eagerly anticipating news of your achievements, and has confidence in your capacity to carry out a wonderful work for the Cause there during the coming months. 5 Please thank dear Mrs. Steward for translating your letter. As no one here reads Spanish, or I should say, knows Spanish, it helps greatly when an English translation is given. 6 Wishing you all every success and trusting your new Regional Bulletin will be of great help to your work, the Guardian sends you his loving greetings. Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your meritorious endeavors, guide every step you take in the path of service, remove all obstacles that impede the progress of your labors, and enable you to fulfill every desire you cherish for the effective promotion of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 253 5 November 1949 The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Havana, Cuba Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of October 1st has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has not written any article on reincarnation, nor, unfortunately, has he any time to do so at present. He suggests you forward your request to the American National Assembly; perhaps they can have one of the believers supply you with a suitable article on this subject. 3 As the work of the beloved Cause is steadily growing everywhere, particularly in Latin America, Europe and Australia, he is increasingly called upon to answer the many letters of the new believers and Assemblies. This, together with the construction of the Holy Shrine of the Báb, is taking up all his time, and he has none left for the writing work which he would be so pleased to undertake. 4 He urges your Assembly to devote itself to the spread of the Cause throughout Cuba, and to the establishment of further groups there. 5 He will pray for all of you and deeply appreciates your loyal and devoted services. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my deep admiration for your splendid and valiant efforts for the spread of our beloved Faith, and of my constant and ardent prayers for your spiritual advancement and the success of your noble and meritorious efforts for the consolidation and multiplication of the institutions of our beloved Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 254 10 November 1949 [Cuba] PRAYING SUCCESS DELIBERATIONS CONFERENCE DEEPEST APPRECIATION . . . 255 14 November 1949 [Brazil] Mr. Vivaldo Ramos Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Our beloved Guardian received your letter of October 24, with the encouraging news you gave him of the success of the conference held in Brazil and the progress the Cause is making there. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciates the services you are rendering the Faith there, and your co-operation with the Comité de Enseñanza Bahá’í para Sudamérica will no doubt strengthen and assist the work of that Committee greatly. 3 He wishes to assure you of his prayers for you, and your dear wife; he hopes you will accomplish great things together for the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh in South America. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you are serving with such zeal and devotion, reward you abundantly for your services and high endeavors, bless and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 256 15 November 1949 [Carlos Bulling, Chile] 1 ASSURE ATTENDANTS DEEPEST LOVING APPRECIATION ADMIRATION SPIRIT ARDENT PRAYERS SUCCESS HIGH ENDEAVORS. 257 15 November 1949 To the Regional Teaching Committee of Colombia and the believers who attended the first Bahá’í Conference of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of October 8th was received, as well as the program of your conference, and delighted our Guardian’s heart. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 This new evidence of the great progress being made by the Latin American believers, in preparation for their two National Spiritual Assemblies, is very encouraging. 3 It should hearten the friends to realize that in the very country—Colombia—where the Faith has had so many obstacles placed in its path, and been attacked by the one who at first rendered it valuable services, such marked progress has been made. This shows the mysterious power in this Cause of God, which rises above every test and trial, and derives strength from persecution, and vitality and new adherents from oppression. 4 He urges you all to redouble your efforts in the field of teaching, and to go forth with confidence to conquer the citadels of men’s hearts in the name of Bahá’u’lláh. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear co-workers: 5 Your most welcome letter cheered my heart, and I greatly value the sentiments you have expressed. I will supplicate the blessings of the Almighty on your behalf, that your meritorious labors may yield the richest fruit, and that your exertions may increasingly contribute to the progress and consolidation of our glorious Faith. Persevere, rest assured and be happy. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 258 16 November 1949 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter, dated October 19th, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very sorry to hear of your physical condition and advises you to consult another tuberculosis specialist, and if he also feels you should go to a sanatorium, then you should do so. Meantime the Guardian assures you he will supplicate for your healing in the Holy Shrines. 3 When you again consider hard work (always providing the doctors feel a rest in a sanatorium is essential for you at present), he feels you should consult them, and take the kind of job that is best for your health. 4 Wherever you are, by your spirit, example and words, as well as through correspondence, you can serve the Faith we all love so dearly. At present you must put your health first for the sake of your family. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you are serving with such devotion, reward you for your labors, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 259 25 November 1949 [Mexico] 1 OVERJOYED CONFERENCE SUPPLICATING RICHEST BLESSINGS HEARTFELT GRATITUDE DEEPEST LOVE. 260 19 December 1949 [La Paz Conference, Bolivia] 1 DEEPLY APPRECIATE ASSURANCE LOYALTY ARDENTLY SUPPLICATING BLESSINGS OUTCOME DELIBERATIONS DEEPEST LOVE. 261 1 January 1950 [Argentina] 1 ASSURE ATTENDANTS HEARTFELT LOVING PRAYERS RICHEST BLESSINGS CONFERENCE DEEPEST LOVE. 262 26 January 1950 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Panama [City] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter dated December 9, with enclosed photostat copy of a letter from the President of Panama, was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to see you are persevering in your efforts to consolidate your position there, and to obtain land for the Community. He urges you not to be discouraged or depressed, but rest assured that Bahá’u’lláh will assist you. Every setback this Cause receives is invariably a means of ensuring a future victory, for God will never permit His Faith to be put out or uprooted. 3 He will certainly pray for your success in the Holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such zeal, fidelity and devotion, bless your meritorious endeavors, guide and sustain you at all times, enable you to extend continually the range of your activities, and win great and memorable victories for His Faith and its nascent institutions. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 263 20 February 1950 [Chile] Mr. Alexander Reid Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Our beloved Guardian was very happy to learn from your letter of January 25 that you are now in Punta Arenas. It is a pity so many of the chapters of “Some Answered Questions” are being left out of the Spanish edition. However, it is at present more important to get the book in the hands of Spanish-speaking people than to have it complete. Future editions can have added the other chapters. 2 As regards your question: 3 The Master uses this term “the Divine Reality is sanctified from singleness” in order to forcibly impress us with the fact that the Godhead is unknowable and that to define It is impossible; we cannot contain It in such concepts as singleness and plurality which we apply to things we know and can experience. He uses the method of exaggerated emphasis in order to drive home His thought that we know the sun indirectly through its rays, the Godhead indirectly through the Manifestations of God. 4 With warm wishes for the success of your teaching work there, Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your meritorious efforts, guide and sustain you in your arduous activities, and crown your high endeavors with signal success, Your true brother, Shoghi 264 13 March 1950 The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Santiago, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of February 8th has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to hear you are now incorporated legally, and that this will form a valuable precedent for other Bahá’í Assemblies there and enable them to incorporate too. 3 He would like to receive a photostatic copy of your incorporation papers, to be placed in the Mansion at Bahjí. 4 You may be sure he will pray for the success of your Assembly’s devoted services to the Cause of God. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear and valued co-workers: 5 Your letter brought great joy to my heart, and I welcome, and am truly grateful for, the sentiments you have expressed. I will pray for your success from the depths of my heart, that the Almighty may continually and abundantly bless your high endeavors, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith. Your true brother, Shoghi 265 15 March 1950 [Bolivia] Mrs. Yvonne de Cuéllar Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 14 reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He hopes you and your husband will be able to remain longer in Bolivia to carry the work there to a more stable point before depriving the friends of your valuable support. 3 It seems as if, in the extreme corruption of present-day society, it is becoming more and more difficult to live as a staunch Bahá’í! But this is only a phase; it must pass, and the friends, as you say, must put their trust in God and make a sincere effort. We cannot have Bahá’ís divided amongst themselves, and this is one of the things adherence to political parties does. 4 He was pleased to see the Congress was a success. Great progress is being made, but as you are so close to it, and struggling all the time, you cannot always see it! 5 With warm Bahá’í love to you and your dear husband, R. Rabbani 6P. S.The Guardian will specially pray for Mr. Alvarez’s teaching work in Sucre. 7 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you are serving with such zeal and devotion, reward you for your meritorious labors, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories for His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 266 15 March 1950 [Peru] Miss Eve Nicklin Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 16 was received, with its enclosures, and our beloved Guardian thanks you for the photo you sent. 2 He feels you should, indeed, stay on until 1951 and help the friends at this important juncture. You have accomplished so much there, and your work is very deeply valued by our Guardian. 3 The de Cuéllars are certainly exemplary in their devotion. They should never become discouraged because the Cause of God moves forward in mysterious ways, and suddenly great growth is seen. For so many years Leonora Holsapple was like a candle burning by itself in Latin America—and now look at the first harvest that is in! Others will surely come. 4 He will specially pray for the success of the teaching trip being undertaken by Mr. Alvarez to Sucre. It is most encouraging to see the Latin friends arising to do their own work. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your high and constant endeavors, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to enrich the record of your splendid and unforgettable pioneer services in distant fields, Your true brother, Shoghi 267 18 March 1950 [Panama] Mrs. Cora H. Oliver Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter, with photos enclosed, dated January 29, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is so busy these days that the mail is just being squeezed into a smaller space of time—and he has less strength for it, for the work of the Shrine absorbs so much time and energy! So excuse the brevity of this reply. He deeply appreciates all you are accomplishing there and the progress made. 3 He rejoices over the San Blas believer, and will pray this noble soul may enlighten many of his race. 4 He will pray for the success of your teaching trip; of great help to the friends, he feels sure. 5 Regarding your moving into the Zone or not: he thinks this is a matter for consultation with the Assembly and the Inter-America Committee. With warmest Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of your meritorious and continued efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith and the consolidation of its nascent institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 268 23 April 1950 [Bolivia] 1 DELIGHTED ELECTION LA PAZ ASSEMBLY LOVING PRAYERS. 269 7 May 1950 [Bahá’í Congress, Lima, Peru] 1 DEEPLY TOUCHED MESSAGE WELCOME PLEDGE SUPPLICATING FERVENTLY ABUNDANT BLESSINGS REALIZATION FONDEST HOPES APPRECIATE SUPPORT SERVICES DEAR DOROTHY URGE REDOUBLE EFFORTS DEEPEST LOVE. 270 16 June 1950 [El Salvador] To the Believers who attended the Bahá’í Congress at San Salvador, April 30, 1950 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your welcome message, informing our beloved Guardian of the success of the Congress, was received, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to see that so many Central American delegates were able to be present, and he feels sure the consultation they had with each other will prove of invaluable assistance in carrying on the work throughout that area during this year. 3 As the Latin American believers are so soon to assume authority over the management of their Bahá’í affairs, each day may be said to be of the utmost importance. The more mature and experienced the friends become, the more easy will be the task of the two new National Assemblies so soon to be formed. 4 He urges you all, therefore, to devote yourselves to assisting the friends to become united, aware of their great responsibilities as believers, and cognizant of the nature of Bahá’í administration, which is so different in spirit from the political machinations and ambitions we see in the world about us. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani Dear co-workers: 5 Your joint message cheered my heart, and served to heighten my feelings of admiration for the spirit that animates you in the service of our beloved Faith. I will supplicate the Almighty to bless continually your efforts, remove every obstacle in your path, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Cause, and contribute effectively to the consolidation of the splendid achievements of the believers in the republics of Central America in recent years. Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 271 20 August 1950 [Rangvald Taetz, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of June 28 reached our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to learn you and your dear family are setting forth as pioneers for Montevideo, and he assures you his loving prayers will accompany you all the time. 3 It is a great privilege and blessing to give one’s life to the service of this Holy Faith, especially at this hour when the need is so great and humanity so lost in spiritual darkness. He wishes you every success in this new undertaking. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless continually your meritorious efforts, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 272 5 September 1950 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Santiago, Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of July 21 was received, as well as the copy of your incorporation certificate—which the Guardian was delighted to get and which he will put in the Mansion at Bahjí. 2 He is very happy to see the steady progress of the work in Chile, and he urges your Assembly to extend every assistance it can to the Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas in order to preserve this historic prize—the southernmost Bahá’í Assembly in the entire world! All the work of the Cause is important there, but this spot has special significance and is a precious trust of the Chilean believers. 3 He assures you he takes the greatest interest in the progress of your Bahá’í activities, and will pray for all of you. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani Dear co-workers: 4 I wish to assure you of my deepfelt admiration for the spirit that animates you in your activities in the service of our beloved Faith, and of my constant and ardent prayers on your behalf, that the Beloved, Whose Cause you serve so devotedly and determinedly, may guide, bless and sustain you and enable you to promote with increasing effectiveness the vital interests of His Cause, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 273 11 September 1950 [Sheila Rice-Wray, Paraguay] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 16th has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very glad to see you are now active in such an important center as Paraguay, and he assures you he will ardently pray for the speedy achievement of your goal. 3 Please convey his loving greetings to the believers there, and urge them to not become discouraged, but redouble their efforts to serve the Faith and re-establish their Assembly. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you promote with such devotion, zeal and perseverance, reward you for your services, guide every step you take, and fulfill every desire you cherish, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith and its infant institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 274 4 October 1950 [Haiti] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 17 has been received, and our beloved Guardian is very pleased to see you are serving the Faith in Haiti once again. 2 He urges you to do all you can to promote unity and love amongst the members of the community there, as this seems to be their greatest need. 3 So often young communities, in their desire to administer the Cause, lose sight of the fact that these spiritual relationships are far more important and fundamental than the rules and regulations which must govern the conduct of community affairs. 4 He will certainly pray for the success of your labors, and urges you to remain there as long as possible. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5P. S.Please convey his loving greetings to all the friends there. 6 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 275 5 October 1950 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated August 14 has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian sees no reason why you should not continue to help sick people. As he wrote some of the believers regarding this matter previously, as long as you do not say you are healing them as a Bahá’í, or because you are a Bahá’í (because we have no “healers” in the Cause as such) there can be certainly no objection to your doing it. On the contrary, to be able to help another soul who is in suffering is a great bounty from God. 3 He urges you to do all you can to spread the Faith, and also to be patient with those who do not understand you. People are almost always suspicious of something that is different or unusual, and we must excuse this in them as mankind is immature still. 4 He urges you to be happy and confident in your services to Bahá’u’lláh’s Faith. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty guide and sustain you in your services to the Faith, remove all obstacles from you path, and enable you to promote, effectively and at all times, the vital interests of His Cause and of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 276 6 October 1950 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letters dated April 21st, May 1st, and August 1st have been received, as well as the letter (and your translation) of Mr. . . . , the reply to which I am enclosing herewith. 2 The Guardian . . . was pleased to see the Assembly was re-formed this year and not lost. 3 Regarding the matters you mention in your letters: he feels that great tact and patience should be shown the person you mentioned in your August letter as, even if his behavior is difficult, he is a member of the community and an early one. He would suggest prayers be offered on his behalf, and kindness be shown him as his conduct may change and may be due to an unbalanced nature rather than lack of faith in the Cause. 4 The Guardian does not advise sending to the clergy copies of Bahá’u’lláh’s Tablet to the Pope. It will not, he feels, convince them or awaken them, and might, on the contrary, stir up a great deal of antagonism. 5 The Spiritual Assembly needs a quorum to function, and he urges the active members to try and persuade, lovingly and gently, the inactive ones to at least try to be present once a month at Assembly meetings. These are more essential than the Nineteen Day Feast. . . . With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.Please excuse the fact that this letter to you both also replies to questions concerning . . . personally, but the Guardian is so busy, and this joint answer makes it a little easier for him! 7P. P. S.Work is being done in America on Mírzá Abu’l Faḍl’s book by Mrs. Marzieh Gail. The Guardian suggests you refer your question to her, care of the National Spiritual Assembly, as she knows both Abu’l Faḍl’s book in the original and the Qur’án well. The Guardian is too behind in his correspondence at present to go into this matter. Ask the Inter-America Committee what has been translated into Spanish already. 8 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your spiritual advancement and the success of your efforts for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 277 11 November 1950 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated September 18 was received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf . . . 2 He was sorry to hear no progress has been made in Sucre, and will certainly continue to pray for the work there and in La Paz. You should urge the American National Spiritual Assembly to send a pioneer to assist you in these few months before the elections of the two Latin American National Assemblies. 3 There is so much darkness and turmoil in the political world at present. But we see the slow, steady and deep consolidation of the Faith going on all over the world. We must fix our eyes on these large evidences of progress, and not become too distressed over temporary local setbacks. 4 Your devoted services as a family are deeply appreciated, and he urges you to never become discouraged. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you . . . of my heartfelt admiration for the spirit that so powerfully animates you in the service of our beloved Faith, and of my profound gratitude for the many and splendid achievements which have distinguished the record of your stewardship to the Faith you love so dearly, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 278 14 November 1950 [Elena Marsella Fernie, Dominican Republic] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter dated July 27 was received, as well as photos enclosed, and our beloved Guardian did not write you at once because you stated you would later be sending translations of the by-laws. However, as these have not come, he has instructed me to answer you. 2 Incidentally, he feels this is a matter for the American National Spiritual Assembly and its Legal Committee to decide on, and there is no need to send the documents to him, as that body is quite competent to take the necessary action. 3 Your long and devoted services to the Cause in Ciudad Trujillo have been deeply appreciated by the Guardian, and he feels you and the believers there have made real progress in consolidating the work and making the Faith known to the public. 4 He will certainly pray the plans for the youth to contribute to the Fund may be successful, and is delighted to hear how active and enthusiastic they are. 5 As the two Latin American National Spiritual Assemblies will soon come into being, the responsibilities of the friends increase accordingly, and he has great hopes for the way they will arise to the challenge of their new undertaking, so important to the work in the Americas and the Bahá’í world in general. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved of our hearts guide, sustain and bless you always, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith and its God-given institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 279 8 January 1951 [Venezuela] Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Caracas Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of December 12 has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciated the sentiments you expressed in your letter, and was most happy to see with what love, loyalty and devotion you are serving the Faith there and holding aloft the banner of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 The most rapid way of spreading the Faith has always been to show forth by example what it can mean in the lives of men. Unity and brotherly love amongst the Bahá’ís is the surest way of attracting the hearts of the people, for it is hatred and lack of unity which are destroying the world. 4 He will pray for each and every one of you, and for the success of your services to Bahá’u’lláh. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to consolidate your splendid achievement, and win still greater victories for His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 280 15 January 1951 [Ruth Moffett, Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated November 1, 12, 1949; March 21, May 14, and November 25, 1950, together with their enclosures, have been received, and our beloved Guardian has at last found time to answer them. His mail, as you can imagine, is becoming an overwhelming burden! 2 He is very pleased about the progress made in Cuba, which you have been so instrumental in fostering, and he feels your best field of action until next April is Central America. You should be directed by the Committee where to go and what to do. . . . 3 Regarding the questions you asked him: he feels a “declaration” card is not necessary. The less we tie people down with such things the better. 4 The American National Spiritual Assembly is the one to tell you after how long a period of inactivity a person’s name can be removed from the voting list. Sometimes people are at heart Bahá’ís, but temperament or circumstances keep them inactive. 5 It would be good for . . . to get out in the active teaching field; she should, however, consult with the committees in charge of the areas where she plans to teach, just like anyone else. 6 The Guardian has a high esteem for the self-sacrificing attitude of Mr. Moffett; if he can enable you to remain in the teaching field it is a great service at this critical time. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 P. S.He will certainly pray for . . . 8 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 281 7 February 1951 [Miss G. D. Sholtis, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 24th has been received, and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to reply to you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to note the progress the Cause is making there, and that you are welcoming seven new believers into the fold. 3 You may be sure he will pray for them; and he urges you to continue their education after they become voting members, and deepen them in an understanding of the Faith’s essentials, and especially the Covenant; as this is the rock of strength to all the friends; and we know that many tempests may lie ahead in the future for these dear souls to pass through, as well as for all of us. 4 Your devoted services are much appreciated, you may be sure. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bountifully reward you for your labors, guide every step you take in the path of service, and enable you to win great victories for His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 282 7 February 1951 [Chile] Miss Flora E. Hottes Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters dated the 28th of September, 1950 and the 7th of January, 1951, have been received; and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. As he has a great deal to do, I will make it very brief, in order to spare him as much as possible any extra work. 2 He is very happy to see that, through the love and understanding of your dear parents and their willingness to sacrifice for the Faith, you have again gone forth into the pioneer field; and you may be sure that his prayers will be offered for the success of your work, and for the dear friends in Mexico whom you find so faithful and devoted. 3 The letter of Srta. Morente arrived recently, and the answer has been mailed a few days ago. If any previous letter from her had reached him, he would have certainly replied to her. With warmest Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 283 16 February 1951 [Peru] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 This is just a little line of acknowledgment to assure you that the messages you sent our beloved Guardian in the letter you signed with Miss Cheney in Panama City, and dated May 25, 1950, were much appreciated. 2 He has been very encouraged to see the way the traveling teachers have been carrying forward the work in Central and South America; and it has made him particularly happy to note that believers who are natives of Latin America have arisen with such devotion to strengthen the faith of their fellow-believers, and give the Message to new souls. I am referring to the devoted activities of Miss Chávez and Mr. Corgas. 3 As the hour approaches for the formation of the two new National Spiritual Assemblies, his thoughts are more and more with the believers in that part of the world, and his loving prayers offered on their behalf, and for the success of their services to Bahá’u’lláh at this important period in Bahá’í history. With warm Bahá’í greetings to you all, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 284 18 February 1951 [Peru] To the Believers who attended the Fourth Bahá’í Congress of South America May 9, 1950 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian received your affectionate greetings, and appreciated the sentiments you expressed very much; but as he has been too busy to attend to his correspondence during the past months, you have not received an answer earlier. 2 He feels sure you will understand this delay; and in your many Bahá’í activities, seek to raise part of the heavy burden he is bearing, through assuming more responsibility yourselves, and urging the Bahá’ís everywhere to play their part in sustaining the administrative activities of the Faith. 3 The Latin American believers are now launching into an independent Bahá’í existence through the formation of their two first National Assemblies. Although they will still work in close collaboration and co-operation with their North American brethren, they will nevertheless find their burden of responsibility heavy and inescapable. It is their privilege, and a challenge to their characters and their devotion, to bear this new burden for the Faith with dignity and ability. 4 He assures you all, and through you, your fellow-believers, that his ardent prayers are surrounding the Latin friends at this time; and his hopes for their future services are very high. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, sustain and guide you, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 285 16 April 1951 To the Believers who were gathered together on March 25th in Kingston, Jamaica Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian appreciated very much your messages of love and devotion which Mrs. Moffett kindly forwarded to him. 2 He wishes to assure you that he will pray for you in the holy Shrines, and that your work for the Cause of God, which you have undertaken with such a spirit of dedication, may be richly blessed. 3 He urges you to persevere in your efforts; and, with hearts united in love for Bahá’u’lláh and for each other, spread the Message there in the West Indies. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 286 18 April 1951 [Conventions Latin America] 1 HAIL JOYOUS HEART CONVOCATION FIRST TWIN HISTORIC CONVENTIONS FOLLOWERS FAITH BAHA’U’LLAH CENTRAL AMERICA MEXICO ANTILLES SOUTH AMERICA ASSEMBLED ELECT TWIN NATIONAL ASSEMBLIES CONSTITUTING SUSTAINING PILLARS DIVINELY APPOINTED ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER LATIN AMERICA. CONGRATULATE ASSEMBLED DELEGATES MAGNIFICENT TRIUMPH MARKING CULMINATION FOURTEEN YEAR OLD PROCESS LINKING CONCLUDING YEARS FIRST WITH OPENING DECADE SECOND BAHA’I CENTURY. ACCLAIM FULFILLMENT VITAL OBJECTIVE TWO MOMENTOUS CAMPAIGNS SUCCESSIVELY LAUNCHED BEYOND CONFINES NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT BY AMERICAN BAHA’I COMMUNITY CONFORMITY ‘ABDU’L-BAHA’S DIVINE PLAN. GRATEFULLY RECOGNIZE IN THESE EPOCH-MAKING ASSEMBLAGES HELD SIMULTANEOUSLY PERU PANAMA REPRESENTING WELLNIGH FOUR SCORE LOCALITIES SPREAD OVER AREA STRETCHING MEXICO MAGALLANES EMBRACING INCORPORATED COMMUNITIES ALMOST ALL CAPITAL CITIES LATIN AMERICAN REPUBLICS INITIAL REPERCUSSIONS CLARION CALL VOICED EIGHTY YEARS AGO BAHA’U’LLAH MOST HOLY BOOK ADDRESSED COLLECTIVELY RULERS REPUBLICS WESTERN HEMISPHERE. APPEAL INCOMING NATIONAL ASSEMBLIES STANDING THRESHOLD SECOND EPOCH NOW UNFOLDING EVOLUTION FAITH BAHA’U’LLAH LATIN AMERICA ARISE COMPLETE UNITY EXEMPLARY FIDELITY GREATEST WISDOM UTMOST DEDICATION UNSWERVING RESOLVE HEROIC SELF-SACRIFICE BEFITTINGLY DISCHARGE THREEFOLD SACRED INESCAPABLE RESPONSIBILITIES FIRST CONSOLIDATE TWO NEWLY ERECTED PILLARS WORLD ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FAITH SECOND STIMULATE PROPAGATION ITS TEACHINGS THIRD ENRICH SPIRITUAL LIFE DEEPEN UNDERSTANDING ITS AVOWED SUPPORTERS. DESPATCHED THROUGH DISTINGUISHED CO-WORKER AMELIA COLLINS TWO LOCKS BLESSED HAIR BAHA’U’LLAH AS INAUGURAL GIFTS FIRST COMMUNITIES BELONGING LATIN RACES ATTAINING MATURITY ACHIEVING DISTINCTION THROUGH FORMATION INDEPENDENT NATIONAL ASSEMBLIES TO BE DEPOSITED PRESERVED POSTERITY TWO SPECIALLY INSTITUTED NATIONAL ARCHIVES DESIGNED COMMEMORATE TWIN OUTSTANDING SPIRITUAL ADMINISTRATIVE VICTORIES WON COURSE FORMATIVE AGE BAHA’I DISPENSATION SHEDDING GREAT LUSTER ANNALS OPENING DECADE SECOND BAHA’I CENTURY. SHOGHI 287 23 April 1951 [Cuba] 1 DELIGHTED LOVING APPRECIATION.19 288 26 April 1951 [Convention South America, Peru] 1 PROFOUNDLY APPRECIATE SENTIMENTS ASSEMBLED DELEGATES STOP PRAYING UNPRECEDENTED BLESSINGS FULFILLMENT OBJECTIVES. 289 8 May 1951 Comite Regional Bahá’í para Chile Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter dated the 25th of April has been received; and our beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He appreciates very much the work you are doing, and the bulletin you are responsible for. 3 Now that there is a South American National Assembly, the responsibility for the work of the Cause will fall directly on the shoulders of the Latin American believers; and he has great hopes for the work they will achieve during the coming year, the first year of their Bahá’í lives as an independent community. 4 He assures you all of his loving prayers for the success of your labors. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty guide, sustain and bless you, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 290 4 June 1951 [Colombia] Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Medellín Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of Jalál 17, 108, has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer it on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to see your Assembly has been formed this year of nine active believers, and he hopes that during this year you will steadily increase in numbers and form a firm and active community there. 3 The Latin American Bahá’ís must be very happy about the historic step taken in forming two National Assemblies for the republics of Central and South America. This is the dawn of a new period in the unfoldment of the Cause of God in those lands, and although, no doubt, great tests will have to be met and overcome, great bounties will flow from on high also. 4 He urges you all to work together for the spread of the Faith in the greatest love and unity. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith and its nascent institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 291 6 September 1951 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Bahia, Brazil Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 20 took some time to reach the beloved Guardian, hence the delay in answering you. Also, he is very burdened with mail, which holds up his replies. 2 He feels the Faith has entered on an entirely new phase of its development in Central and South America, and one which holds great promise. Already the Latin friends are taking hold of the work with strong and devoted hands, and he is most encouraged to see this. 3 Bahia, the first town to have a Spiritual Assembly in Latin America, must ever show forth an example of loyalty, devotion, and achievement. He feels sure you will all live up to your high responsibility, and he will pray for your success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty guide your steps, sustain you in your activities, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His glorious Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 292 7 September 1951 To the new believers who wrote the Guardian from San José, Costa Rica, on July 30, 1951 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Our beloved Guardian is most happy to have this opportunity of welcoming you into the service of this glorious Faith of ours. 2 He urges you to study the teachings deeply, as the knowledge thus acquired will confirm your faith, and enable you to teach others its truths. 3 He wishes you every success in this new spiritual life you have entered upon. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved reward you for your labors, guide every step you take, aid you to acquire a deeper understanding of the essentials of His Faith, and contribute to its promotion, Your true brother, Shoghi 293 15 September 1951 [Eve Nicklin, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian thanks you for the material you sent under separate cover, mentioned in your letter of August 15, and was pleased to see your committee is now active. 2 He wishes you every success in this important branch of Bahá’í activity, and hopes you will stimulate in the friends an interest in the fact that they are now themselves making Bahá’í history in the South. A very great opportunity lies before them. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 3 May the Beloved continually bless your highly meritorious efforts, guide every step you take and enable you to contribute to the consolidation of the institutions of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 294 15 September 1951 [Raquel Francois de Constante, Nicaragua] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 13 has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to hear, through your letter and that of Mr. Lamb, that the United Nations Regional Conference has been such a success from our standpoint. These conferences form a dignified means of the Bahá’ís taking some part in world affairs and at the same time keeping aloof from politics. 3 He was also very glad to hear of your activities in different Bahá’í centers; the believers are sincere and devoted, but they need to be encouraged to work actively in the administration of the work of the Faith and according to its laws. 4 He wishes you every success in this work and will pray for your strength and guidance. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved guide, bless and sustain you, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 295 19 September 1951 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 18th has been received, and the beloved Guardian thanks the believers of São Paulo for their loving contribution to the Shrine work. I am enclosing his receipt herewith. 2 He watches with keen appreciation the work of your devoted Assembly, and feels that the progress of the Faith in Brazil, with so many eager hearts now serving the Cause there, is assured and their future bright. 3 He sends you and the Assembly members, and the community you serve, his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and reward you and your dear fellow-members, and aid you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 296 21 September 1951 [Ecuador] Comité Nacional de Enseñanza Bahá’í para los Indígenas Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of July 27 has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to hear of initial steps you have taken to teach the Indians. 3 He adds one suggestion (he does not know if it is practicable or not): can contact not be made with Indians who have become more or less absorbed into the life of the white element of the country and live in or visit the big cities? These people, finding the Bahá’ís sincerely lacking in either prejudice or that even worse attitude, condescension, might not only take interest in our Teachings, but also help us to reach their people in the proper way. 4 It is a great mistake to believe that because people are illiterate or live primitive lives, they are lacking in either intelligence or sensibility. On the contrary, they may well look on us, with the evils of our civilization, with its moral corruption, its ruinous wars, its hypocrisy and conceit, as people who merit watching with both suspicion and contempt. We should meet them as equals, well-wishers, people who admire and respect their ancient descent, and who feel that they will be interested, as we are, in a living religion and not in the dead forms of present-day churches. 5 He wishes you every success in the important work you have undertaken, and assures you of his loving prayers. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless continually your highly meritorious efforts, guide every step you take, and fulfill every hope you cherish, for the promotion of the institutions of His Faith, and the awakening of the indigenous element of the population to the Call of Bahá’u’lláh in this day, Your true brother, Shoghi 297 30 October 1951 [Margot Worley, Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 5 has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He hopes you and your family have had an inspiring visit in the States, and will take back to South America a new impetus for the work there. 3 The Latin friends have much to learn, but then all the friends everywhere can make greater progress and achieve greater stature in the Faith! Growth is constant and constantly needed. 4 He assures you he will pray for you and your family, and for dear Eve Nicklin as well. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless continually your high and meritorious endeavors, guide and sustain you in your historic activities, and enable you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 298 31 October 1951 [Eve Nicklin, Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 25 was received by the beloved Guardian, and the news you gave him made him very happy, but as he was deluged with letters this summer he delayed answering. 2 The work in Central and South America has gotten off to a very good start, and certainly shows that forces far above mere human strength assist the work of this glorious Cause. 3 He was delighted to hear the work in Peru is going ahead and that the Callao Assembly is so firm and fine. 4 You are certainly seeing the harvest begin to come in, many seeds of which you yourself sowed with such devoted care and sacrifice! Truly you and the other pioneers have been richly rewarded and blessed. 5 He sends you his love, and prays for your strength and health to be sustained in carrying on your wonderful work. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6P. S.He thanks you for the photo and will be pleased to have others of the Assembly, Convention, etc. 7 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you always, reward you abundantly for your notable and unforgettable services, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith and its infant institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 299 11 November 1951 [Yvonne de Cuéllar, Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 6 has been received . . . 2 He was very pleased with the good news you conveyed of the progress of the work and the printing of “Some Answered Questions.” 3 He fully approves of your going to Cochabamba to do some teaching, and will pray that you may be able to start an active group there. It is often sufficient to find one enkindled soul who will undertake to keep a study class going, and he hopes you will find the right person. 4 He also hopes that you and your dear husband will remain longer in Bolivia until someone is found who will carry on the work with the same determination and faith which you both have! 5 Your joint services are deeply appreciated by the Guardian, you may be sure. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my deep and abiding appreciation . . . , and of my loving and fervent prayers for the success of your high endeavors, and the realization of every desire you cherish for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 300 22 November 1951 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Callao, Peru Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of October 12, which Miss Eve Nicklin kindly forwarded, was received by the beloved Guardian, and he thanks the Bahá’ís of Callao for their loving contribution to the Shrine of the Báb. I am enclosing his receipt herewith. 2 He was also very pleased to see the photographs you sent, and it makes him very happy to see there is now such a devoted and active Bahá’í community in Callao! 3 You may be sure he will pray for your success and that new souls may be confirmed there in the service of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 The believers of Latin America are very dear to his heart. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my deep appreciation of your contribution, and of my loving and fervent prayers for the success of your meritorious endeavors for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 301 24 November 1951 [Honduras] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 12 has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciates your devotion to the Cause of God and your dedication to its service. 3 Regarding your going to Africa: he feels that at present your work in Latin America is much more important; there are too few teachers there to afford to send one of them away at a time when so much work must be accomplished, and the new National Spiritual Assemblies have just been established. He hopes, however, that in the future you can pioneer abroad. 4 Please give his loving greetings to Mrs. Steward, and tell her she, too, is needed in Latin America at this time. 5 He will pray for your health and for the success of your services to the Cause of God. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your notable and meritorious services, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to consolidate, and extend the range of, your splendid achievements, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 302 5 December 1951 [Bolivia] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 24th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. . . . 2 The Guardian was very happy to hear that, since your return to Sucre, the Cause has been making steady progress; and that, above all, love and harmony prevails amongst the friends. This is really the foundation of all progress, and without it, new souls cannot be successfully attracted and the Community cannot grow. 3 Your devoted services are very deeply appreciated; and he assures you that his loving prayers are offered for you for your work, and for all the dear believers there. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my deep appreciation . . . and of my loving prayers on your behalf, Your true brother, Shoghi 303 29 December 1951 [Ecuador] Comité Nacional de Enseñanza Bahá’í para los Indigenas Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of November 3rd, with translation made by Mr. Kramer, also his letter dated November 5th, have been received; and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer your Committee on his behalf. 2 The question that you have raised, regarding sending a Bahá’í teacher to take advantage of the Government offer in providing a school building in the village of Oyacoto for a Bahá’í resident teacher, is a matter which should be referred to the American National Spiritual Assembly for decision, as it is quite within their competence to advise you on this subject. 3 The Guardian feels that it is a pity that, through the over-enthusiasm of the official concerned, a school building was placed at the disposal of the Bahá’ís before any official decision had been made as to whether it was possible for them to send a teacher there. 4 We must be very careful in our dealings with the public, particularly officials, lest we create situations which cause us embarrassment, and may belittle our prestige in non-Bahá’í eyes. 5 The Guardian attaches the greatest importance to your work; and is delighted to see that you are carrying on your various projects with so much enthusiasm and devotion. 6 It would be ideal if an offer, such as that made, could be accepted; but as the Cause has so many burdens to bear at this time, we are forced to do as ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said—give up the important for the most important. 7 He is anxious that literature should be provided, no matter how simple in nature, in the Indian languages; and that these souls should become gradually attracted to the Faith; but this teaching work must be undertaken with the means you have at your disposal. 8 He assures you that he will pray that your labors may be richly blessed and yield a harvest of precious souls belonging to the Indian races. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 9 May the Almighty bless your meritorious endeavors, and enable you to promote, in collaboration with your fellow-workers, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 304 11 January 1952 [Peru] Miss Eve Nicklin Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Owing to pressure of work, the beloved Guardian did not answer your letter of October 12th sooner. However, he did write in reply to the one you enclosed. 2 He is very happy to hear of the progress being made in Callao; and you know that your constant and devoted services are most deeply appreciated. 3 He feels sure you will always be guided as to the next work that is most important for you to take up; and that, in full consultation with the National Assembly, the way will open for you to be wherever you are most needed. 4 Please assure dear . . . of his loving prayers. He will pray for you, too, and for all the wonderful work you are doing. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to enrich the record of your truly meritorious services, Your true brother, Shoghi 305 13 January 1952 [Nicaragua] Mr. Artemus Lamb Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 As the Guardian has been very busy, he has not answered your letter of August 10, 1951, earlier. However, you know that your devoted labors for the Faith are always deeply appreciated, and that he remembers you in his visits to the holy Shrines, and prays for your success, your protection and guidance. 2 The National Assembly there has a great deal to accomplish within the coming year and a half; and he hopes that all the members will devote their attention to achieving their goals as speedily, and in as practical and efficient a manner, as possible. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 3 May the Almighty bless continually your meritorious labors, guide and sustain you, fulfill your cherished desire in the service of His Faith, and aid you to enrich the notable record of your achievements, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 306 13 January 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of April 25th and October 13th, 1951, together with their enclosures, have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very sorry to hear of all the difficulties you have passed through and hopes that now the disturbing element has left the community they will quiet down and the friends will now concentrate on establishing a firm Spiritual Assembly there. 3 He feels that you should work in close cooperation with the Central American National Spiritual Assembly and trusts that with patience and perseverance, the excellent foundation established there will prove the basis for a sound Bahá’í community to be raised upon it. 4 You may be sure that he will pray for the removal of your difficulties and for the protection of the believers in . . . With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your meritorious endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to enrich the record of your deeply appreciated services to His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 307 2 February 1952 [LSA Punta Arenas, Chile] Beloved Friends: 1 Our dearly beloved Guardian has requested me to acknowledge on his behalf your two bulletins; No. 7 and 8. 2 He always welcomes deeply hearing of the activities of the friends and wishes me to point out to you that you must make every effort in order to retain your Assembly status. No city can afford to lose its Assembly—a pillar of the glorious Bahá’í structure—and your city at the farthest most point of South America must guard jealously your honor in being one of these pillars. All the pillars are needed to complete this great pattern outlined for us by our Guardian and divinely given to us by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. 3 Our beloved is well and very busy and assures you of his loving prayers. Faithfully, Amelia Collins 4 P. S.I do not have at hand the name of your secretary, so am sending to Mrs. Groger. 308 12 February 1952 [Chile] Mr. Carlos B. Petersen Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of the 14th of January has been received; and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to hear of the success of the devoted services you and your dear wife and family have been rendering the Faith in Quilpué; and he was particularly gratified to learn that in April of this year you will have a firmly established Assembly there. 3 The Guardian was also very pleased to hear that a Spiritual Assembly may soon be formed in Osorno; and he wishes you to assure Mr. Bañados of his appreciation of his devoted labors there. 4 The Faith in Chile has seemed, from the very beginning, to progress in a most fortuitous manner; and he hopes that that great South American country will be richly blessed in Bahá’í centers during the coming years. The believers there are certainly very active and very devoted; and, with the help of God, great things can be accomplished. 5 He hopes you will continue to sustain the teaching work in Quilpué; and that, at a later date, when a firmly-grounded and sufficiently large Bahá’í community exists there, you will be able to render pioneer services in some other city, and establish yet another Spiritual Assembly. 6 Assuring you and your family of his loving prayers in the holy Shrines for the success of your devoted labors, With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, reward you for your labors, and aid you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 309 24 February 1952 [Peru] Mrs. Gayle Woolson Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of February 2nd has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He appreciates very deeply your eagerness to serve in a new pioneer field beginning in 1953; and suggests that you make this offer, either at the time of the Wilmette Intercontinental Conference, or perhaps an even more meritorious gesture would be to make it at the time of the New Delhi Conference. Undoubtedly the territories to be opened to the Faith in the area which the New Delhi Conference will consider are the greatest in number; and any service rendered there would be immensely welcome. 3 Your constant, loyal and devoted labors are more deeply appreciated than you can imagine; and he assures you of his most loving prayers on your behalf. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to enrich the record of your notable achievements, Your true brother, Shoghi 310 30 April 1952 [Guatemala] Mr. Julio C. Hernández Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of April 3rd has been received, and the beloved Guardian was delighted to hear that you are teaching the Faith amongst the original inhabitants of Guatemala, as he attaches the greatest importance to this work of the conversion of the Indians. 2 He hopes that, just as in an earlier period, the Arabian tribes, when brought under the holy and transforming power of the teachings of Muḥammad, attained to a high degree of civilization and knowledge, the members of these various Indian races will attain great heights, materially and spiritually, through the power of Bahá’u’lláh today. 3 He will pray that this noble undertaking of yours will be crowned with great success. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide your steps, and enable you to win great and memorable victories, Your true brother, Shoghi 311 30 April 1952 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of April 4th, with enclosure, has been received, and the beloved Guardian was most happy to learn of the broadcasts on the Faith which are taking place in that area. He considers this a great step forward, and deeply appreciates the untiring labors of the Punta Arenas Assembly. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 2 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 312 20 May 1952 Bahá’í Delegates and Visitors Who Attended the Second Annual Bahá’í Convention of Central America Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 27th has been received by our beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciated the messages you sent him, and was most happy to see the enthusiasm and determination which animated you all on that historic occasion. He feels sure that the repercussions of this second Central American Bahá’í Convention will go out into all the countries in that area, and stimulate the friends to greater efforts for the Faith, and unite them in greater love and unity. 3 The believers must realize that each and every one of them is needed for the service of Bahá’u’lláh, and that, however humble their offering may be at His Threshold, it is nevertheless acceptable, and will contribute to the world-wide and speedy establishment of our glorious Faith. Until the present goals are accomplished, future tasks cannot be undertaken; and you should all inspire your fellow-believers to arise and redouble their efforts at this time, when such a wonderful prospect is unfolding before us. 4 He assures you all of his prayers for your success, in the Holy Shrines. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such a splendid devotion, reward you for your meritorious labors, guide every step you take, bless every effort you exert, and fulfill every desire you cherish, for the promotion of His Faith and the consolidation of its nascent institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 313 25 May 1952 [Costa Rica] Mrs. Louise Caswell Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 5th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He feels that for the time being you should continue your services in Latin America, and that after visiting the Convention, at the time of the Intercontinental Conference in 1953, and seeing what teaching plans are formulated for the coming decade, you could better judge where your services would be most needed. 3 He himself would be very happy to see you pioneer in a new field during the future Plan. . . . 4 He hopes that great progress will be made during this crucial year in the work in Latin America, and will pray that your labors will be richly blessed. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you serve with such exemplary devotion, reward you for your meritorious endeavors, and enable you to extend the range of your activities, and win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 314 25 May 1952 To the Delegates and Friends who were present at the Second South American Convention, held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on May 5th Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving messages dated May 5th were received by the beloved Guardian, and he thanks you for them, and assures you that it brought him great happiness to see with what devotion and dedication you are serving the Faith in those regions. 2 He feels sure that, if you carry this spirit of love and unity and enthusiasm back to your individual centers and groups, the work will receive a great impetus, and the goals set before you will be achieved, in preparation for the tremendous plans to be made during the Holy Year which will shortly come upon us. 3 He will remember you all in the Shrines, and ardently pray for your success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bestow His manifold blessings upon your historic labors, aid you to extend continually the range of your splendid activities, and achieve unforgettable victories in the service of the God-given institutions of His Faith, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 315 3 June 1952 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of . . . have been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf . . . 2 All Bahá’ís in Latin America are eligible to the National Spiritual Assembly, whether they are pioneers from North America or not. Gradually, as the Cause spreads, no doubt there will be fewer North Americans on the Assemblies, but the basis of election must remain the same in every country. Any voter is eligible for election, and all Bahá’ís residing in any specified electoral area are free to vote for whomever they feel they should. . . . 3 The Bahá’í cycle dates from the Declaration of the Báb. 4 It is not right under any circumstances for any Bahá’í living either in the days of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, the Master or the Guardian to consider that disobedience to the Center of the Faith and His wishes is justified under any circumstances whatsoever. 5 Bahá’u’lláh suffered terribly from the acts of some of the Bahá’ís who, because of the philosophy you mention, went and martyred some of the Azalís. Such disobedience, although the motive may have been a pure one, brought infinite hardship on the Center of the Faith. 6 The moment we believe that our faulty human judgement can tell us when to disobey the Center of the Covenant for His own good, we are indeed straying far from the true path. 7 God does not want any human being to sacrifice his soul—to give our lives in the path of God, if required of us, is quite sufficient. 8 You may be sure you are remembered most lovingly by the Guardian in his prayers in the Holy Shrines, and he is glad to hear your health is better, as without good health it is indeed difficult to render the degree of service the heart aspires to. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 9P. S.Your letter of May 26th with photographs enclosed has just been received. The Guardian does not feel, whatever the workings of the case may have been, that a believer should be deprived of his voting rights because of an act of immorality with which he is charged, least of all if this event happened a long time ago. When believers are flagrantly immoral in their conduct, they should be warned by their Assembly confidentially, and given a chance to show that they are making an effort to change their ways, but such peremptory action as seems to have been taken in this case, he feels, is neither wise nor justifiable . . . should request to be reinstated in his voting rights to the National Assembly, and if they refuse, he should ask that the matter be referred to the American National Spiritual Assembly, or if necessary, to the Guardian himself . . . 10 May the Almighty bless continually your high endeavors, guide and sustain you, reward you for your meritorious labors, and fulfill your heart’s desire in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 316 10 June 1952 [Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of April 29th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has answered the message sent him by the delegates and visitors from the Second Annual Convention of Central America, and he was most happy to hear that the Convention was such a success and was so harmonious. 3 He hopes that all the friends in that area will work with renewed energy and consecration during the coming critical months. Your services are deeply appreciated. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith and its nascent institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 317 10 June 1952 [Uruguay] Miss Eve Nicklin and Mrs. Margot Miessler Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 22nd has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is pleased to see that you are going to serve the Faith in Montevideo, as he considers it an important center of South America, and he assures you that he will pray for the success of your labors during the coming year. 3 Please give his loving greetings to all the believers there. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 318 11 June 1952 [Brazil] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Rio de Janeiro Dear Bahá’í Friends: 12 Your letter of May 20th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is most happy to see the spirit of dedication that is animating you, as you enter upon a new year of Bahá’í administrative work, and he feels sure that, through your love, unity and determination, you will be able to spread the Cause more rapidly in Rio. 3 He will remember you in his prayers in the Holy Shrines, and sends you his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 319 5 July 1952 [LSA Punta Arenas, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian thanks you for your loving expression of sympathy conveyed in your letter of June 3rd. 2 It was, indeed, a great loss to have Mr. Maxwell pass on so far from his family, but he was greatly blessed by Bahá’u’lláh, and is no doubt happier now, in that other world, where he is freed from bodily illness and the cares of this life. 3 He hopes your community will grow during the coming months and assures you of his prayers for your success. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 320 15 July 1952 [Argentina] The Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Our beloved Guardian has received your letter of May 11th a short time ago, and he deeply appreciates the sentiments you expressed in it. 2 He has always taken a particular interest in the progress of the Cause of God in that city, as it was one of the first centers to be developed under the Second Seven Year Plan. He feels that, inevitably, it must play an important role in the unfoldment of the Faith in Latin America. 3 Perhaps the single most necessary thing for the progress of the work of the Faith is unity and love amongst the friends; without these the group lacks the spiritual vitality to teach and confirm new souls. He hopes that the believers in that great city will labor as one soul in many bodies for the rapid spread of our beloved Faith. Great achievements lie before you, and his loving prayers will surround you, you may be sure. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, and consolidate your splendid achievements for the furtherance of its nascent institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 321 19 August 1952 [Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas, Chile] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of June 3rd, with translation enclosed, reached the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciated the sentiments you expressed in your letter and your loyalty to the Covenant of the beloved Master. Although the blind and foolish enemies of the Faith cause harm to it, they can neither hinder its progress nor prevent it from presenting a completely united front to the world. Our unity is a unity which cannot be destroyed. 3 He sends you all his loving greetings, With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, bless richly and continually your highly meritorious services in that far-off region, and aid you to win great and memorable victories, Your true brother, Shoghi 322 8 March 1953 [Uruguay] Miss Eve Nicklin Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 17th with enclosures has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf, and to thank you for the enclosures. 2 Your labors have been of such great service to the Faith in Latin America, that he hopes you will continue, at least for part of the coming Ten Year Crusade, to work in that area. 3 Now that the objective is independent national bodies for each country, a tremendous amount of work will have to be done, and believers with a knowledge of the language, and experience of the customs of the people and their mentality such as you have acquired, will be of great value. 4 He assures you he will remember you in his prayers in the holy Shrines, and supplicate that God may richly bless your labors for His Faith. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 323 11 March 1953 [Venezuela] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 23rd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is indeed happy to learn that the believers in Caracas have now found it possible to have their first Center. He believes that having this Center, where all the activities of the Cause may be carried on unitedly, will act as a magnet to draw to the friends a greater spiritual force, and will enable them to do more effective teaching work. 3 He hopes that the Bahá’ís will one and all rally around this Center, and will redouble their efforts, so that their numbers may increase, and a strong and thriving community may be realized in Caracas. 4 The Guardian will remember you all in his loving prayers at the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 324 6 April 1953 [Panama] Miss Mabel Sneider Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of March 11th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to learn that you were able to visit Zanzibar, and was glad to know that the Cause is progressing so well in Nairobi. The Guardian appreciates very much your making the effort to visit so many of the centers while in Africa. 3 The Guardian assures you he will pray for your success in your services for the Faith in Panama, to which the Master attached such great importance, and where now the friends will begin to think of buying the land prior to the erection of their Temple. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 325 April 1953 [South American Convention] 1 CONGRATULATE ASSEMBLED DELEGATES THIRD CONVENTION BAHA’IS SOUTH AMERICA NOTABLE RECORD MERITORIOUS ACCOMPLISHMENTS SOUTH AMERICAN BELIEVERS SERVICE FAITH BAHA’U’LLAH. RANGE QUALITY WORK PERFORMED ENTITLE THEM PLAY NOTEWORTHY PART PROSECUTION IMPENDING DECADE-LONG WORLD SPIRITUAL CRUSADE. TEN YEAR PLAN CONSTITUTING NEW CHAPTER EVOLUTION FAITH REPUBLICS SOUTH AMERICA INVOLVES FIRST ESTABLISHMENT WITH ASSISTANCE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY BAHA’IS UNITED STATES NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY EACH TEN SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS ARGENTINA BOLIVIA BRAZIL CHILE COLOMBIA ECUADOR PARAGUAY PERU URUGUAY VENEZUELA SECOND INCORPORATION ABOVE-MENTIONED ASSEMBLIES THIRD OPENING FOLLOWING VIRGIN TERRITORIES EIGHT AMERICA BRITISH GUIANA CHILOÉ ISLAND DUTCH GUIANA FRENCH GUIANA GALAPAGOS ISLANDS JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAND LEEWARD ISLANDS WINDWARD ISLANDS ONE ASIA COOK ISLANDS FOURTH CONSOLIDATION FAITH EACH ABOVE-MENTIONED SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS FIFTH REGISTRATION LAND PURCHASED SANTIAGO CHILE ANTICIPATION FIRST MASHRIQ’UL-ADHKAR SOUTH AMERICA SIXTH DOUBLING NUMBER LOCAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLIES LOCALITIES EACH TEN SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS SEVENTH DOUBLING NUMBER INCORPORATED LOCAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLIES REPUBLICS SAME AREA EIGHTH ESTABLISHMENT NATIONAL HAZÍRATU’L-QUDS CAPITAL EACH TEN SOUTH AMERICAN REPUBLICS NINTH ESTABLISHMENT NATIONAL ENDOWMENTS EACH REPUBLICS SOUTH AMERICA TENTH FORMATION AMERICAN ASIAN TEACHING COMMITTEES CHARGED TASK FURTHERING TEACHING WORK PLAN ELEVENTH ESTABLISHMENT LATIN AMERICAN BAHA’I PUBLISHING TRUST RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL. SUPPLICATING ALMIGHTY GUIDE SUSTAIN SOUTH AMERICAN BELIEVERS ACTING AS ASSOCIATES CHIEF EXECUTORS ‘ABDU’L-BAHA’S DIVINE PLAN CONSUMMATE SACRED TASKS CONFRONTING THEM SERVICE FAITH BAHA’U’LLAH LEND IMPETUS PROCESS CONSOLIDATION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER FAITH SOUTHERN REPUBLICS WESTERN HEMISPHERE. 326 15 May 1953 [Brazil] Mrs. Margot Worley Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your loving letter of April 27th, and has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf. 2 He greatly appreciates the remarkable spirit which animates you in your tremendous activity in the Faith. 3 Shoghi Effendi is very happy indeed to learn of the new spirit which has seized the Bahá’ís of South America. South America is now a very vital part of the great Ten Year Crusade, and has great responsibilities. The Guardian is sure that the believers of South America will arise, as never before, in order to achieve the goals set for them. You may be sure he is praying for them continually at the Shrines. 4 The Guardian will follow with the greatest interest the teaching activities of the friends, as they open up new territories, and as they consolidate the work throughout the continent. He likewise will follow closely the teaching work of the believers, as they enter into the virgin fields assigned to them under the Ten Year Crusade. 5 The Guardian sends his loving greetings to you, your husband and the children. With Bahá’í love, Leroy Ioas 6 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 327 26 May 1953 [Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Friend: 1 Your loving letter of May 7th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf. 2 He was deeply moved by your recital of the difficult path you had to tread in becoming a Bahá’í. It is like the path which the disciples of Christ had to follow. Through their sacrifices, they became severed from the things of the world, and achieved great spiritual insight, so that they forsook everything in order to serve at the feet of their Beloved. Now you are following in their footsteps. The Beloved of the hearts has opened your eyes and given you divine insight. You must be entirely freed from attachment to the things of the world and from concern over the persecutions which are heaped upon you by members of your family etc. In fact, these persecutions should be the means of deepening your faith. 3 The Guardian values very highly your love and devotion to the Cause of God. He will pray for your spiritual development, and that divine confirmations may reach you at all times. He sincerely hopes you may be able to bring many others to the bourn of immortality. 4 He sends his loving greetings to you. With warm Bahá’í love, Leroy Ioas 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 328 3 June 1953 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 5, 1952, your postscript to that letter in the form of another letter, and one dated March 8, 1953 with pamphlet enclosed have all been received, and as the Guardian is extremely busy and worn out from the great deal of extra work he is doing in connection with the Conferences and the Ten Year Plan, I will make this answer very brief. 2 He urges you to entirely forget all these small misunderstandings, to which he himself attaches no importance whatsoever, and to concentrate on consolidating the Faith in . . . , and doing all you can in the teaching field. 3 Now is the time for action and for confidence, and not for soul-searching and unnecessary suffering. 4 The Guardian assures you that he will particularly pray for the Youth Group consisting of young people near college age whom you have been teaching in . . . , and he hopes some of these young people will decide to enter the path of service to Bahá’u’lláh. 5 He assures you of his loving prayers, and he feels sure that the work in Central and South America is now going to go forward with a greater spiritual impetus than ever before. With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to promote, at all times, the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 329 15 August 1953 [Chile] The Bahá’í Community of Santiago Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving letter of June 28th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was indeed happy to learn of the visit to your city made by the devoted Hand of the Cause of God, Valíyu’lláh Varqá, and of the healing, unifying and quickening spirit brought to you by this noble representative from himself. 3 He hopes that now, faced with the Plan he has given the Bahá’ís for the period of the World Crusade, and conscious of the heavy responsibilities placed upon the shoulders of the believers in the South American countries, you will unitedly arise to worthily play your part in this great Crusade. 4 To the friends in the South American countries has been given the task, and the bounty, of opening up to the Faith, nine virgin territories, where it is not now known. This is the most important goal for the opening phase of the World Crusade, and the sooner at least one pioneer is settled in each of these virgin areas, the better it will be. Perhaps from Chile will go forth one of these pioneers! 5 The responsibilities placed upon the friends in your land are indeed great, but the Guardian does not give to any Community, or any individual, tasks greater than their strength to accomplish. Therefore, he urges you to bend all your energy toward the successful conclusion of all the tasks given you. He knows from the moment you determine to do this, you will experience the utmost happiness and you will obtain a new power for your work. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 330 26 September 1953 [Guatemala] Mrs. Louise Caswell Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 13th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian very greatly appreciates your constant devoted labors for the Faith, and he trusts they will all be productive of much fruit. 3 The honored Hand of the Cause of God, Dhikru’lláh Khádem, is very dear to the heart of the beloved Guardian; and from every city or town he visited messages of deep gratitude are received from the believers for the spiritual joy and the greater sense of nearness to the Guardian which he imparts. 4 The Guardian would advise that you stay in Guatemala and continue your work with the Indians—for the time being, at least. As you know, he attaches great importance indeed to this phase of the Ten Year Crusade. He will pray that divine confirmations may be yours in connection with this important service. 5 Shoghi Effendi was delighted to hear of the preparation of the pamphlet in the Spanish and Maya Quiché languages, and feels sure this will prove of great assistance to the teaching work there. He hopes it may be published promptly. 6 The Guardian sends his loving greetings to you. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 7 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 331 27 September 1953 [Panama] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of August 14th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian has already replied to your letter by cable. However, he wishes me to say that he favors your pioneering. However, if you consider that your going to . . . as a pioneer will destroy your relationship with your father, then he would suggest that perhaps your wife could go now, and then you can see how things work out for your joining her later. 3 Shoghi Effendi feels this is a matter on which you two must consult, and concerning which you must reach a decision for yourselves. 4 The Guardian deeply appreciates the devotion to the Faith of your dear wife and yourself, and sends you his loving greetings. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 332 29 September 1953 [Peru] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 25th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian would suggest that you consult with the other members of the National Spiritual Assembly, so that you will as a body be able to reach a conclusion as to whether you can best serve the interests of the Faith by going forth as a pioneer, or by laboring for the consolidation of the Faith, as well as its expansion, where you are now located. 3 Your devoted services are very deeply appreciated by the Guardian, and he sends his loving greetings to you. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 333 1 October 1953 [Chile] The Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The card of loving greeting, dated September 27, 1952, which you sent to the beloved Guardian, was received by him some time ago; but pressure of work has prevented him from acknowledging it sooner. Now he has asked me to send you this note on his behalf. 2 The Guardian is hoping that Chile will be represented at the forthcoming New Delhi Conference, as that will be a historic and unique occasion. 3 In any event, the believers in your city are now aware of the goals of the Ten Year Crusade; and the Guardian is hoping they will arise with one accord to assist in carrying forward to a successful conclusion those tasks placed upon the shoulders of the devoted believers of South America for this ten-year period. 4 The Guardian sends his loving greetings to all the dear Bahá’ís there, and assures you of his prayers in your behalf. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 334 20 October 1953 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of October 3rd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Regarding the questions you have raised: As there is nothing specific in the Bahá’í Writings on the subject of abortion, it will consequently have to be dealt with by the International House of Justice, when that Body is formed. 3 The Guardian feels that your attitude towards the corrupt practice of accepting commissions from fellow physicians and pharmacists is most admirable. The more upright and noble the Bahá’ís are in their conduct, the more they will impress the public with the spiritual vitality of the Faith they believe in. 4 The Guardian does not feel that he can advise you about whether you should or should not take out citizenship in . . . This is a matter you should consult the Assembly about. However, he sees no objection whatsoever to your doing so. 5 He deeply appreciates and admires your great love for the Faith, and your devotion to it, and determination to serve it; and he assures you he will ardently pray that you may be guided in your efforts to promote it, and that you may be confirmed in your teaching work. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 335 19 November 1953 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of October 28th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian, although he feels that the establishment of new centers is of the utmost importance during the Ten Year Crusade, would not advise you to undertake any activities contrary to your husband’s wishes. If he has no objection to your teaching in some remote post, then this would certainly be a highly meritorious service; otherwise, you should continue with your important activities in connection with the teaching and publishing committees. 3 You may be sure his loving prayers surround you. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your high and constant endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 336 4 December 1953 [Brazil] To the believers who were gathered at the Teaching Conference in São Paulo on October 31st Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received the letter which was signed by all those attending, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to learn that such a spirit of harmony, and such zeal were apparent on that occasion. It is this entire dedication of the friends which will be the cause of the creation of other groups and later Local Assemblies throughout that vast country, so that Brazil may eventually have its own National Assembly, in accordance with the goals set by the Guardian for the Ten Year Crusade. 3 The Guardian will pray for the complete success of your labors in the Faith, rest assured. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your noble endeavors, guide and sustain you always, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith and of its institutions, Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi 337 10 January 1954 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of December 7th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He greatly appreciates the devotion which animates you in the service of the Faith. . . . 3 The Guardian feels that, although it would be a wonderful thing for you and also for the Cause if you could go out into a virgin area, . . . is far too important a center to be placed in jeopardy. Perhaps if more resident Bahá’ís can be found there, you will be freed later on of the responsibility you now have in helping to maintain Assembly status there. 4 The Guardian advises you to keep in close touch with the National Assembly; and assures you that he will pray that the way may open for you to fulfill your heart’s desire in the service of Bahá’u’lláh. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 338 1 February 1954 [Chile] Dr. Alexander Reid, Secretary Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of January 12th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The passing of the honored and much-loved Hand of the Cause of God, Dorothy Baker, is indeed a great loss to the Faith, and she will be sadly missed in many lands, where she had labored so tirelessly and so devotedly. She was an example and a great pillar of strength for the friends wherever she traveled. 3 We can feel sure that her pure spirit will be assisting the believers from the unseen worlds of God, and that now her reward is great. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless you and your dear fellow-members and sustain you in your incessant and meritorious activities in the service of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 339 18 February 1954 [Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your two letters of January 28th have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He appreciates very much your services to the Faith, and feels there is no objection to your offering a piece of land as a summer school in memory of your dear parents. He suggests you consult regarding this matter with the National Assembly. 3 The Guardian is very happy indeed to hear that some of your children are now active believers, and will pray for them all. He will particularly pray for the soul of your dear mother, who is no doubt much happier and freer than when she was confined to this world. 4 He wishes me to thank you for the pictures and the newspaper article which you enclosed. 5 He sends his loving greetings to all the believers in Havana. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 340 14 March 1954 [Paraguay] Miss Eve Nicklin Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of February 15th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian was indeed happy to see the booklet gotten out by the Bahá’í National Committee for Indian Work in South America, printed in the Guarani language. This is a most meritorious service, and of great importance in the teaching of these people. He is hopeful that this booklet will become the means of introducing the Faith to many receptive souls among the Indians. 3 The Guardian deeply appreciates the services of your committee, and sends you his loving greetings. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 341 14 March 1954 [Haiti] The Bahá’í Community of Port-au-Prince Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 This is just a brief note to acknowledge, on behalf of the beloved Guardian, your letter of February 13th. 2 While the sudden passing of the beloved Hand of the Cause, Dorothy Baker, is a great loss to the Faith, yet we know her reward is great, and surely her pure spirit will be assisting the friends in their teaching activities. 3 The Guardian sends his loving greetings to you all. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of your highly meritorious efforts for the promotion of the Faith and the consolidation of its nascent institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 342 27 March 1954 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 It took some time to have your letter of February 8th translated from Spanish into English, as we are not very proficient in the former here; and, seeing that you had an important question to ask, wanted to be sure we understood it. 2 The beloved Guardian says that the question of circumcision has nothing to do with the Bahá’í Teachings; and the believers are free to do as they please in the matter. 3 He will pray for the success of your services to the Faith and for your children, and that your family may become attracted to the Teachings. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 343 27 March 1954 [Costa Rica] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of February 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was sorry to hear of the trials you are both passing through; and assures you that he will pray that Mr. . . . may find work, and you may be enabled to remain in that area. 3 Most of us pass through very difficult periods in our lives; indeed even the Prophets of God did; and we must be patient and persevere until we come through them and out on the other side. 4 He urges you not to be discouraged over conditions in the Cause, but with love, patience and forbearance, help to educate the Bahá’ís. It is important to maintain the foundation that has been laid, however unworthy the building blocks may seem to be to us, so that the future work may go forward as steadily as possible. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 344 23 April 1954 [Peru] Mr. and Mrs. Mario Rodriguez Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 9th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy indeed to learn that you have gone out to pioneer in Huancayo, and he hopes that you will not only be able to establish your residence there more or less permanently, but that you will also make many contacts amongst the Indian peoples in surrounding villages, and be able gradually to convert them to our Faith. He attaches great importance, first, to their being informed of the Teachings, and second, to their being confirmed and becoming active members of the Faith. 3 He hopes that other people will follow your example, not only in Peru, but in other South American centers. 4 The indigenous population of the Americas have every right to be given the Message of Bahá’u’lláh, and we know from the words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá that, once they become converted to this Faith, they will exert a great influence on it, and become entirely changed themselves. 5 You may be sure he will remember you and your devoted services in his loving prayers in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 345 25 April 1954 [LSA San José, Costa Rica] 1 DELIGHTED PURCHASE TEMPLE SITE CONGRATULATIONS GREAT VICTORY ASSURE ASSEMBLED DELEGATES LOVING REMEMBRANCE SHRINES URGE REDOUBLE EFFORTS ATTAINMENT GOALS WORLD CRUSADE. 346 5 May 1954 [Guatemala] Mrs. Louise Caswell Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 2nd with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to receive the pamphlet in Maya-Quiché, and attaches the greatest importance, as you know, not only to teaching the Indians, but to having the Bahá’í literature, at least in pamphlet form, translated into their native tongues. 3 He hopes that you and your dear co-worker, Adriana Zuniga, will meet with ever-increasing success in this wonderful work you have undertaken. You may be sure that he prays for your success and for the confirmations of Bahá’u’lláh, in the holy Shrines. 4 The work in Latin America will certainly now go forward better than ever before. The believers are more mature, there are more native Latin Americans active, and they have a greater vision of what requires to be done. 5 He hopes that all of them will assist in achieving the goals of the Ten Year Plan, many of which, thank God, have so miraculously been won during this first glorious Holy Year. With warmest Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide your steps, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 347 2 June 1954 [Panama] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 23rd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to learn that you have gotten so well settled down, and that you have the promise of a Spiritual Assembly in the Canal Zone by next April. 3 He thinks it premature at present to make any plans for an independent National Assembly there; but as all Regional or National Assemblies are based on the principle of having a sufficient number of Local Assemblies, the Bahá’ís should redouble their efforts to bring into existence new Assemblies and new groups; and, when the time is ripe for the establishment of a National Assembly, he will tell you to do so. 4 He assures you of his prayers in your behalf. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 348 6 June 1954 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 22nd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The Guardian, in view of the fact that your husband does not really wish to be separated from you, but on the contrary is desirous of keeping your marriage together, feels that you, as a Bahá’í, have no right to destroy it because of your desire to serve the Faith. 3 Marriage is a very sacred institution. Bahá’u’lláh said its purpose is to promote unity. If the friends neglect, for the sake of the Cause, this institution, they place the Faith in a poor light before the public. In these days the people of the world are so immoral, and treat the marriage institution so lightly; and we, as Bahá’ís, in contrast to the people of the world, are trying to create a high moral standard, and reinstate the sanctity of marriage. 4 If your husband will allow you to do a certain amount of teaching work, and occasionally to travel in the interests of the Faith, all the better; but he does not think the Faith should be made the thing which destroys your family life. 5 He feels sure that, if you will talk this over with . . . , and share this letter with him, you will find him understanding and co-operative. He has proved himself in the past to be so on more than one occasion. 6 He assures you of his prayers for you both. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 349 13 September 1954 [Belize] Mrs. Cora H. Oliver and Mrs. Shirley Warde Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of August 12th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He does not consider it advisable to move from Belize to one of the villages, as you have apparently won the friendship of some of the native people, and are beginning to see the results of your labors. If you should now go to another area, most of this work would be lost. 3 Therefore, the Guardian would advise that you remain in Belize, as this is the principal city, and continue your efforts until the Faith is firmly established there; and then consider going to another village. 4 He will ardently pray that the path may open before you, so that you may together be enabled to pursue your devoted labors in that important post. He deeply appreciates your devotion to the Faith, and your eagerness to serve it in the most meritorious way. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5P. S.The Guardian also thanks you for the enclosure which came with your letter. 6 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve so devotedly and well, guide and sustain you always, aid you to extend the range of your activities, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 350 4 October 1954 [Mexico] Miss Elisabeth H. Cheney Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of August 31st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to learn that you have arrived at your new post in Mexico, and that you are again serving in Latin America in the pioneering field. He was very happy to know that you have a position, which assures your remaining there. 3 It is good to know that your teaching work has already begun, and that some of the inquirers have started to study. 4 On one occasion, the Guardian said that he could not recreate, but that if given the tools, he could use them. Now he is happy to have a very devoted tool in Monterrey. He urges you to continue your devoted labors, and never to become discouraged; but patiently, though persistently, endeavor to gradually attract and teach those who are awakened souls, so that your efforts may soon be reinforced by others who will determine to join the ranks of the servants of Bahá’u’lláh. 5 The Guardian assures you of his loving prayers, that the many difficulties which now face you may completely disappear, and that you may be assisted and strengthened to serve the Cause so dear to your heart. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6P. S.Your previous letter dated July 30 was also received and read with interest. 7 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to enrich continually the record of your splendid services to His Faith and its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 351 5 November 1954 [Costa Rica] Mrs. Emma P. Lawrence Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of September 26th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was most happy to learn that you have now become established in Costa Rica, and are engaged in teaching in the school. 3 He is most hopeful that, in a short time through the power of the Faith, you may find among the native people searching souls who have the spiritual capacity for the great Message you have to give them; so that you may be enabled to wisely but perseveringly teach these natives, and succeed in enlisting their services in the Cause of God. 4 Be assured that his loving prayers will ever surround you in your labors. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 352 15 November 1954 [Falkland Islands] Mr. John Leonard Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your loving letter of October 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and I have been instructed to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was indeed delighted to learn of the success which has attended your efforts in that far outpost of the Faith. 3 Certainly, the fireside meetings held in the home of . . . , native people of the Falkland Islands, should yield their fruit in encouraging this couple and those who attend the meetings in their home to seriously study the Cause, and in a short time to become its ardent supporters. 4 The Guardian was also very happy over the news that you have brought one believer into the Faith, and that now your efforts as a Bahá’í will be reinforced. If Mrs. McKinnon finds it possible to make the pilgrimage, she should first request permission from the Guardian, himself, who personally arranges the dates when the friends may come. 5 He hopes that, regardless of opposition, you will see the group grow rapidly before your eyes. He assures you of his ardent prayers for the spiritual enlightenment of . . . , and the other friends who have been drawn to the Truth by you, for the protection and guidance of Mrs. McKinnon, and for your own guidance and assistance. 6 He assures you of his abiding appreciation of your ardent and sacrificial services, which he trusts will, in the not-too-distant future, in co-operation with Mrs. McKinnon, bring a Spiritual Assembly into being. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7P. S.The Guardian thanks you for the photograph of Mrs. McKinnon, which was enclosed with your letter. Please extend to her on his behalf a warm welcome into the Faith. 8 May the Almighty bless abundantly your magnificent, exemplary and historic efforts, cheer your heart, and remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 353 29 December 1954 [Bahamas] Mrs. Nina Matthisen, Secretary The Bahá’í Group of Nassau Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of November 20th, with enclosures, has been received by the beloved Guardian; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is indeed happy to know that there is now a native believer in Nassau. Please extend a loving welcome into the service of the Faith to Mr. Small from the Guardian. He is hoping this young man will be instrumental in guiding many of his fellow-countrymen to the Cause. It seems he is well equipped to teach and serve it. 3 The Guardian thanks you for the newspaper clippings, and he hopes they will prove to be of great assistance to you in reaching souls of capacity in the Bahamas. 4 He appreciates the prayers of the friends on his behalf, and he assures them he will supplicate for their guidance and assistance, on his visits to the holy Shrines. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you and your dear coworkers, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 354 28 January 1955 [Caracas, Venezuela] Miss Joan Lozier Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of January 7th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is happy to hear that you are serving the Faith in Venezuela, as the work in South America needs reinforcing by North American Bahá’ís, who, generally speaking, have more “push” than is found in the Latin temperament. 3 He feels you are quite right to adapt your teaching methods to the mentality of people with a different background; and feels sure this will lead to success. Perseverance, love, tact and patience will work wonders. 4 He feels the Caracas friends should deepen their own knowledge of the Teachings, make every effort to attract new souls, and by all means try and carry on extension work in the rest of Venezuela. 5 You may be sure he will pray for you and all the friends there, in the holy Shrines; and he urges you to persevere with a happy and confident heart. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 355 23 March 1955 [Chile] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of March 6th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 As regards your question about leaving . . . , the Guardian hopes that you will not feel discouraged over the situation there. Sometimes personalities conflict, entirely aside from the purity of the teacher and his devotion to the Faith. 3 As you know, the Guardian’s chief concern is that a Spiritual Assembly should be maintained in . . . ; and he thinks that you should decide, with the South America National Assembly, the matter of your departure. As far as he is concerned, if someone goes to take your place, or the Assembly can be maintained without your presence, you are free to proceed elsewhere and serve the Faith, as he knows you always will, wherever you are. . . . 4 You may be sure that he will pray for the removal of your difficulties and for the advancement of the Faith in . . . With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His glorious Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 356 11 April 1955 [Brazil] The Bahá’í Community of Rio de Janeiro Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of March 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is happy indeed that the members of your Community have determined to rededicate themselves to the work of the Faith, and to help speed the time when Brazil will have its own National Assembly. This means more Local Assemblies must come into existence. Therefore, in cities where the believers are more numerous, they should be urged to move to other towns, in order to establish the Cause in new centers, or to help in the consolidation work, to the point where a Spiritual Assembly can be established. 3 He assures you all of his loving prayers for the success of your labors, and sends you his loving greetings. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith and of its nascent institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 357 12 July 1955 [Panama] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 26th with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He greatly appreciates your action in meeting the Ambassador of the United States to Írán and presenting to him in the name of the Community of Panama City and the Canal Zone group the letter, copy of which you enclosed, as well as the literature. 3 It is always good also to emphasize, whenever we have such an opportunity, that the Bahá’ís constitute the largest minority in Persia. 4 The Guardian deeply appreciates your devoted services, and sends you his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve so diligently and devotedly, reward you for your valued labors, and enable you to enrich continually the scope of your activities, Your true brother, Shoghi 358 26 August 1955 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of June 3rd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 A Bahá’í may marry in any way, anywhere, legally providing the marriage does not commit him or her as a Bahá’í to a declaration of Faith in another religion. 3 The Guardian advises you to consult the National Spiritual Assembly concerning this matter, so that it may become perfectly clear to you, and you may feel confident that you are acting in accordance with the law of Bahá’u’lláh. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 359 26 August 1955 [Haiti] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Port-au-Prince care of Mr. Martial B. Coulanges, Corresponding Secretary 1 Dear Bahá’í Friends: Your letter of July 15th with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciates the sentiments you express, as well as the truly excellent article appearing in the paper. 3 Although the danger to the Persian Bahá’ís appears to be as great as ever, and some have just recently been martyred including a woman; we know that the end cannot but be a victory for the Faith. 4 He considers your idea for a publication is good, but premature. The possibility of making it a success he thinks is remote at this time. He advises you to concentrate on producing such excellent articles as the one in the press which you enclosed. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your meritorious endeavors, guide every step you take, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 360 3 September 1955 [Mexico] Miss Elisabeth H. Cheney Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 31st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He considers Ciudad Trujillo a very important city, and is happy to know that you are now located there, so that you can teach the Faith and reinforce the efforts of Sheila Rice-Wray. 3 He assures you of his prayers, and wishes you every success in your efforts. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your highly meritorious endeavors, and aid you to enrich continually the record of your historic services to His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 361 16 September 1955 [Chile] To the Bahá’ís who attended the Conference held by the Regional Committee in Quilpué, August 13th to 15th Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter dated August 15th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is happy to know that you have firmly in mind the need for a wider propagation of the Faith, and the increasing of the number of individual Bahá’ís and localities where there are Bahá’ís, so that a firm foundation may be laid for the future National Spiritual Assembly of Chile. 3 Time passes quickly; and the need for this multiplication of isolated centers, groups and Spiritual Assemblies cannot be too much emphasized, as it is of the greatest importance in order to ensure victory in the establishment of your own National Assembly during this historic World Spiritual Crusade. With warm Bahá’í greetings R. Rabbani 4 P. S.When the Faith receives a great blow or setback in one country, such as has been the case in Persia, the friends in other parts of the world where there is freedom to teach, should hold aloft still higher the banner of this great Message, and thus prove to a waiting humanity that there is in this Cause a power which cannot be kept down nor defeated. The Guardian is hoping this will be the case in Chile. 5 May the Beloved bless richly your high endeavors, guide you continually in the path of service, and aid you to extend the range of your accomplishments, Your true brother, Shoghi 362 7 October 1955 [Guatemala] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of August 10th with enclosure, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted with the news it conveyed. He was very happy to know that Bahá’í literature has been translated into Nahuatl (or Mexicano); and thanks you for the pamphlet in this language which you sent him. 3 The Guardian would appreciate your sending him a list of the names of the tribes of Indians in Central America and Panama who have been contacted. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved shower His blessings upon your work, guide every step you take, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to enrich the record of your highly meritorious services to His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 363 7 October 1955 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of September 12th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 It is most encouraging news that you now have two British Honduras believers in Belize. These two newly-confirmed Bahá’ís seem to be people of capacity; and the Guardian hopes they will be firm and staunch supporters of the Faith, and will become instrumental in promoting the Cause among their countrymen. 3 The Guardian likewise is hoping the Mayan Indian may also, before long, decide to enter the Cause, and wholeheartedly lend his support to the work there. 4 He is most happy with the progress of the work in British Honduras; and now that your group has reached a total of four, he feels sure the spirit witnessed among you will attract others, and that the work will show consistent progress. 5 The Guardian deeply values your ceaseless efforts for the expansion of the Faith, and will pray that they may be abundantly blessed. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you serve so faithfully and well, guide every step you take, bless every effort you exert, and aid you to enrich the record of your splendid services to His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 364 28 October 1955 [Chile] Miss Hortensia Orellana Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Punta Arenas Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of August 24th with enclosure, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 It is good to see this further evidence of the vitality of the Faith in that land. By this means the believers will be kept informed of the activities of the friends and the progress of the Cause. The Guardian hopes it will give to all the Bahá’ís the urge and incentive to put forth even greater efforts for the expansion and steady growth of the Faith, as they read the contents of their Bulletin. 3 With warm Bahá’í greetings to the members of the Spiritual Assembly and all the friends, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless your noble endeavors, sustain you in your constant activities, and aid you to win great and memorable victories for His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 365 20 November 1955 [Mexico] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your loving letter of November 2nd was received and presented to the beloved Guardian. 2 It is the Guardian’s considered view that the time has come when Bahá’ís should establish the Bahá’í way of life, independent of any of the former attachments which individuals may have had, particularly if those attachments contain teachings or methods of operation which are contrary to the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh. 3 The Guardian feels therefore that membership in Masonic Lodges is not consistent with the pure teachings of the Faith, and that the time has now come when the believers should separate themselves from such membership. 4 The instructions therefore contained in the message to the British National Spiritual Assembly and the United States National Spiritual Assembly apply universally. 5 The Guardian hopes you and the other members of the Community in . . . will study this subject very carefully, realizing the unique opportunity, and at the same time the unique responsibility which you have in building up the Bahá’í way of life in that country, and firmly establishing one of the most important institutions of the Faith, namely, the Local Spiritual Assembly. 6 The teachings of Bahá’u’lláh will establish a new way of life for humanity. Those who are Bahá’ís must endeavor to establish this way of life just as rapidly as possible. Now that the hour has arrived when the Bahá’í Faith is gaining prominence, and is being reviewed by so many peoples, it is necessary that the adherents of the Faith should live up to the high ideals of the Faith in every way. In this way they can demonstrate that the Bahá’í Faith does create a new way of life, which brings to the individual a complete association with the Will of God, and thus the establishment of a peaceful and universal society. Divisional attachments are of men, while universal service is of God. 7 The Guardian is now anxious that all the friends achieve a universal consciousness and universal way of life. 8 The Guardian hopes that you will be able to understand this matter in the proper light, and be helpful and instrumental in properly explaining it to the others of your Community who come from a Masonic background. 9 The Guardian assures you and all of the friends of his prayers in their behalf. He sends them loving greetings. Faithfully yours, Leroy Ioas 10 The adjustment should be wisely and cautiously made, not arbitrarily and drastically. My Bahá’í love to you. 366 3 December 1955 Mrs. Muriel Miessler, Secretary National Teaching Committee of the Bahá’ís of Brazil Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of November 17th with enclosures has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Enclosed you will find a letter addressed to the Bahá’ís who attended the recent Teaching Conference held in Itatiaia. Please share its contents with the friends who signed the letter. 3 He was glad to hear that Persian Bahá’ís are assisting in establishing Assemblies in the goal towns chosen for Brazil; and hopes that, with the help of the Brazilian Bahá’ís and American pioneers, they will be able to speedily accomplish their task. 4 He feels sure that, with sufficient effort, and above all, in a spirit of love and unity, the friends will be able to accomplish the tasks set before them. The most important thing is the spirit animating the Bahá’ís themselves; for this is what above all else will attract the hearts of the non-Bahá’ís. 5 He assures you he will pray for the success of the teaching work there; and he deeply appreciates the efforts of your Committee to further the work of the Plan. With loving Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide your steps, and aid you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 367 3 December 1955 To the believers who attended the Bahá’í Teaching Conference held in Itatiaia, Brazil October 30 to November 2 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your message and the photograph of those attending the Conference; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He feels sure that, refreshed and stimulated by your consultation, you will have been able to carry back to your respective centers a new impetus to the teaching work. 3 He will pray for all of you, and for the success of your devoted labors to promote the Faith of God. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your spiritual advancement, and for the success of every effort you exert, and the realization of every hope you cherish, for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 368 14 December 1955 [Dutch Guiana] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of December 2nd has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see that you are persevering so steadfastly in the service of the Faith, and that you think that by next April you will have an Assembly in Paramaribo, which would indeed be a great step forward in establishing the Cause throughout that area. 3 He assures you that in the holy Shrines he will pray for your success, and for that of all the dear and devoted pioneers and believers there. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved reward you abundantly for your splendid labors, and guide and sustain you always, and enable you to enrich the record of your unforgettable achievements, Your true brother, Shoghi 369 21 December 1955 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letters of September 22nd and November 23rd 1954 have been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 As you know, our beloved Guardian is not only increasingly busy, as the Faith spreads all over the world, but has been very anxious during the past summer over the events in Persia. Fortunately, the situation there has now improved. This is why he has not been able to answer your letters sooner. 3 He urges you to devote yourself to encouraging the friends to arise and teach. He feels that, although prayer and meditation are necessary, with sensitive, imaginative people like you who dream vividly, there is always a danger that one may begin to interpret one’s dreams and feelings as coming in the form of true inspiration from God, and be carried away, without realizing it, by one’s personal ideas. 4 Those who are inclined by nature to be prayerful and intuitive need to become more practical; and the extremely practical friends, who are disinclined to devote sufficient time to prayer and meditation, should cultivate this other side of their natures. In this way more balance of temperaments can be produced for the service of the Cause. 5 You may be sure that he will pray for your husband and your children, and also that your own services may be richly blessed. With warm greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 370 26 December 1955 Regional Teaching Committee of Chile Care of Mr. Sergio Aparicio, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of December 15th, with photograph enclosed, has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is pleased to hear of the progress the work is making in Chile; and particularly that you are going to concentrate on establishing new centers, which is of the utmost importance, in view of the forthcoming formation of Regional National Spiritual Assemblies throughout Latin America. 3 He feels that, although literature and publicity are important, and help publicize the Faith and bring it to the attention of a wider group of people, nothing will take the place of individual teaching. The thing we need at present is not only a wider knowledge of the Faith, but particularly a larger membership; and this only comes through consecrated individual effort to create friends, to attract the hearts of these friends to ourselves as Bahá’ís, to create in them an admiration for our character and our way of life, and then to confirm them in the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 He will pray in the holy Shrines that your efforts may be richly blessed, and that the Cause there may make rapid progress. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless continually your meritorious efforts, guide your steps, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 371 12 February 1956 [Guyana] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Georgetown Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of December 7th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 The formation of your Assembly brought great joy to his heart, because it surpassed the original goal of the Ten Year Plan, which was merely to form a “nucleus” of the Faith in that country. 3 He has also appreciated the fact that the task has been difficult there, and that great devotion and perseverance have been required to accomplish it. The work of Dr. Malcom King has indeed been exemplary to the highest degree! He hopes that the different racial groups will be well represented in the Community. 4 He is urging the Bahá’ís everywhere to try and have the Bahá’í Community representative of the population of the country insofar as possible; in other words, where the majority of the people are Hindus, to try and have a majority of Hindu Bahá’ís; where the majority are Christian, Christian; where the majority are Negroes, Negroes, etc. In this way the Cause is more deeply identified with the life of the people of the country. 5 He was also pleased to hear that your Community is now strong enough to offer assistance to neighboring territories. How greatly Bahá’u’lláh blesses His servants when they arise in His name. 6 The Guardian assures you that he will pray for the advancement of your work, in the holy Shrines. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to overcome all obstacles, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 372 22 February 1956 Sr. Sergio Aparicio, Secretary Regional Teaching Committee of the Bahá’ís of Chile Dear Bahá’í Friend: 1 Your letter of December 5th, 1955, has taken some time to reach the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to answer you on his behalf, and to thank you for the photograph enclosed. 2 He is pleased to see that the work is going forward steadily in that country. Although publicity is very important, he advises your committee to encourage the Bahá’ís to teach individuals in their homes through friendship and kindness, and confirm them in the Faith. In spite of the fact that it is important for more and more people to know of the existence of our Faith, the most important thing of all, especially now in preparation for the future National Assemblies throughout South America, is to confirm more Bahá’ís and establish more Spiritual Assemblies. Wide publicity will not accomplish this—only concentrated individual teaching. 3 He will pray for the success of your labors in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 373 22 March 1956 [El Salvador] To the Bahá’ís who wrote to the Guardian from San Salvador on December 4, 1955 Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The loving message you sent to our beloved Guardian was received through the kindness of Miss Stee. 2 He appreciates very much your sentiments of devotion and steadfastness, and your determination to serve the Cause of God to the utmost of your ability. 3 He wishes to assure you that he will remember you in the holy Shrines, and pray for the success of the work in San Salvador. 4 It was a great pleasure to have Miss Stee here in Haifa, and she brought the Central American friends very close. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 374 29 March 1956 Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires Care of Miss Maruja K. de Corradi, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of March 21st, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was indeed pleased to learn that you have acquired your Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds; which means that another important goal of the World Spiritual Crusade has been achieved. 3 He urges you to persevere in your efforts for the Faith, and assures you all of his prayers for your success. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 375 5 April 1956 [Dominican Republic] To the Bahá’ís of Ciudad Trujillo Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of March 26th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see that your Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds and endowment have been purchased, and that all the friends are encouraged by this marked progress in their local affairs. He feels sure it will lend a new impetus to the teaching work, unite the hearts of the believers, and attract many new souls. He will certainly pray that this may be so. 3 He sends you all his loving greetings. Yours in His service, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 376 15 April 1956 [French Guiana] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of April 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Although you may feel that your progress is relatively slow, he is very encouraged by it. The provisions of the Plan called for a nucleus—a very small number indeed—in each of the virgin territories; and French Guiana has already surpassed the original goal! He hopes that you are able to far surpass it and fulfill your heart’s desire. 3 He urges you not to be discouraged, and assures you he will pray for you in the holy Shrines. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your meritorious efforts, guide and sustain you always, reward you for your historic labors, and enable you to win memorable victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 377 17 April 1956 [Nicaragua] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 9th, with the one from the Spiritual Assembly enclosed, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has also answered the Spiritual Assembly, and is sending the reply through you, in case that is, perhaps, a surer and more direct way of getting the letter to them. Please deliver it to the Assembly. 3 He is very happy indeed to see that the purchase of the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds has raised the spirits of the local Bahá’ís to such an extent and rewarded them for their patient and loyal services. He feels sure that this will stimulate the work to go forward on an unprecedented scale. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 378 20 April 1956 [Brazil] The Bahá’í Community of Rio de Janeiro Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 7th was received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy indeed to know that you have now taken possession of your Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, which will be the future National Headquarters of the Faith when Brazil has its own National Spiritual Assembly. It marks indeed an important step forward in the history of the Cause in that country, one of the few Latin American countries whose Bahá’í history began already in the days of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Himself. 3 He attaches great importance to the spread of the Faith in Brazil, which is a country not only vast in size, but in potentialities, and which has proved itself to be a melting-pot for people of different nationalities. It has certainly a great future in the Faith and in the world. 4 He was happy to know that so many of the Persian Bahá’ís have been able to migrate to Brazil; and hopes that they will make a special point of settling in centers where they can easily, because of their numerical strength, help form new Spiritual Assemblies, and thus broaden the foundation upon which the future Regional Assembly for that area will be formed, and eventually the National Assembly. 5 He assures you all of his loving prayers for your success in the teaching work. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you are serving with such zeal, devotion, love and perseverance, reward you for your meritorious labors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the days to come Your true brother, Shoghi 379 25 April 1956 [Brazil] Mr. Ubiratan Kupira Ere Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of March 12th has been received by our beloved Guardian, as well as the translation of it into English made by Mr. Worley; and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. No doubt one of the friends there will be kind enough to translate it into Portuguese for you, as there is nobody here who could do so. 2 It is with the greatest joy that our Guardian welcomes you into the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh. As you have no doubt heard, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá attached great importance to teaching the Faith to the original inhabitants of America, in other words, the Indians; and said that when they became Bahá’ís, their people would have a very great destiny, similar to the role which was played by the original population of Arabia after accepting the Prophet Muḥammad. Unfortunately there are not enough Indian Bahá’ís; and he hopes that you will be a means of attracting others, not only of your own tribe, but of other tribes, to the Cause of God. There is no service you could render to your people, or at the present time to the Bahá’í Faith, which would be greater than this. 3 He assures you of his loving prayers for your success, and sends you his warmest greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 380 3 May 1956 [Peru] Mrs. Gayle Woolson Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 11th, as well as the photograph you kindly sent, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He has just received the very welcome news conveyed in the cable from the South American Convention of the increase of Assemblies and Centers. He is immensely proud of this achievement, and it brought real happiness to his heart. 3 It was a pleasure to have you here, and through you, to draw closer to the work in South America and the National Body. He feels sure that you were able to convey much encouragement and stimulation to the friends in the different Centers you visited on your return from the pilgrimage. 4 Your tireless and devoted labors are deeply appreciated, and he will remember you in his prayers. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to extend continually the range of your meritorious labors in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 381 9 May 1956 [Brazil] To the Bahá’ís of Bahia Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of February 15th with enclosures has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to see from the photographs that so many young people were present, as it is the Youth who must inevitably carry forward the work in the world, including the Bahá’í work, in the days to come. 3 Bahia has special associations for us, being the first Center, established in the days of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, in Latin America, and having a name so very significant from the Bahá’í standpoint. 4 He is happy to see you are all so active and devoted, and assures you he will pray for your success in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved, Whose Cause you serve so devotedly and energetically, reward you for your labors, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 382 17 May 1956 [Cuba] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Havana, Care of Mrs. Carmelo Pérez Toledo, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of April 20th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to see that you are now getting ready to use your new Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, and hopes that this building, the future national headquarters, will be of great service to the Bahá’ís there, and a means of attracting many new people to the Faith, as well as creating increased unity and a sense of responsibility amongst the believers themselves. 3 You may be sure he will pray, for you all and for the success of the work there, in the holy Shrines. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you in your meritorious endeavors, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to win great victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 383 23 May 1956 [Brazil] The Bahá’í Community of Rio de Janeiro Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 2nd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Your message cheered his heart, and he is very happy indeed to see that there are so many believers from East and West united in serving the Faith in Brazil. He hopes that the members of the Community will constantly bear in mind the importance of establishing new Spiritual Assemblies, and remember that, even if such a prominent city as Rio de Janeiro is left with only a few members over and above the number required for their Local Assembly, it does not matter. The important thing is to have new Spiritual Assemblies to form a broad basis for the future Brazilian National Assembly, which must be formed before the end of 1963. 3 He assures you all he will pray, for the success of your teaching work, in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to overcome all obstacles, and win great and memorable victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 384 23 May 1956 [Cuba] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of May 9th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He feels that, as you will need a profession in order to earn your living in the future, you should not discontinue your studies. However, he makes two suggestions to you: that if possible you continue your studies in a school in some city where there is not a Spiritual Assembly, and where by your efforts you may be able to teach, and establish an Assembly; and that you devote as much time during the summer vacation as you can to traveling and teaching, or to going to some weak center and helping build it into a strong one. 3 As to where to go, you would do better to consult your National Assembly, as they are well aware of where the work is most urgently needed. 4 He greatly appreciates your spirit of devotion and dedication to our beloved Faith; and he hopes that you and other young Bahá’ís like you will accomplish important things in the years that lie ahead. 5 You may be sure he will pray for your success. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, remove all obstacles from your path, and enable you to lend an impetus to the progress of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 385 30 May 1956 [Haiti] Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Blackwell Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is delighted to hear of the progress of the work in Haiti, and the fact that there are now three Assemblies there. 3 Your return to Haiti he feels sure will have a great effect on the work, and assist the friends in laying an enduring foundation for the Regional Body to be elected next year, and, ultimately, for the Haitian National Spiritual Assembly of the future. 4 Please give his love to all the dear friends there. He will pray for you and them in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 386 21 July 1956 The Bahá’ís of El Salvador Care of Miss Marjorie Stee Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of June 20th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 Now that the Bahá’ís have their own Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in El Salvador, he hopes it will become an ever-increasing force to co-ordinate the efforts of the friends, and a definite advantage in the teaching work, and will, even as a magnet, attract many new souls to the Faith. 3 He will pray for the success of your devoted labors. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty, Whose Faith you serve with such zeal, devotion, fidelity and perseverance, bless your high endeavors, remove all obstacles from your path, and aid you to win memorable victories in the service of His glorious Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 387 12 August 1956 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of July 5th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was distressed to hear of the difficult conditions which exist in . . . 3 This is a problem which the Local Spiritual Assembly should endeavor to resolve. If it is not possible for that body to clear it up, then the National Spiritual Assembly must certainly do so. It is important that such matters be settled, for the protection of the Faith. 4 The Guardian assures you he deeply appreciates your watchful vigilance in the interests of the Cause. He trusts that, through the wisdom, firmness and loving unity of the believers on the administrative bodies, this condition may soon be straightened out. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve with such exemplary vigilance, love, determination and loyalty, guide, bless and sustain you in your high and constant endeavors, and enable you to enrich continually the record of your unforgettable achievements, Your true brother, Shoghi 388 10 October 1956 [Brazil] Mr. Ubiratan Cupira Erê Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of August 9th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 You have witnessed for yourself the power of prayer, and it has upheld you, preserved your faith, and strengthened you for further service. 3 The Guardian was happy to know that you are actively serving the Faith, and are now engaged in traveling through many parts of that vast country. He hopes, on your journeys, you will find ready souls, who will be eager to join the ranks of the servants and helpers of Bahá’u’lláh. 4 He assures you of his loving prayers that your labors may be blessed. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 389 20 October 1956 To those who were present on September 8th at the Teaching Congress in Brazil Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of September 8th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He hopes that, from this meeting of a few devoted souls, great results will come forth. If each one who attended will put forth every effort, before the coming historic Convention, to teach, and help to further consolidate the Faith in that promising country, and will endeavor to fire with the same determination the hearts of all the believers, this will prove that this small gathering has indeed been blessed by Bahá’u’lláh, and has served to carry forward the work of the World Spiritual Crusade. 3 The Guardian assures you all of his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your high endeavors, guide and sustain you always, and enable you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 390 21 November 1956 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 15th has been received, as well as the photograph of the Indian Bahá’í and his wife, which you sent. 2 The news of the conversion of this dear man to the Faith pleased our beloved Guardian very much, and he hopes that his wife will soon join him in serving it. He would like you to convey to them both his loving greetings. 3 It would be a wonderful thing if some young, self-sacrificing Bahá’í would go with this Indian friend to teach his tribe the Faith, and the Guardian will pray that such a soul may arise. 4 He hopes that you and your dear family are well, and assures you that your services are deeply appreciated. He will pray for you all, and that those you are teaching may be confirmed. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 Assuring you of my loving prayers for the success of the efforts you exert for the promotion of our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 391 30 November 1956 [Falkland Islands] Mr. John Leonard Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of September 20th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He sees no objection to your making a visit to Punta Arenas, as long as you will again be returning to the Falkland Islands. As you know, he is immensely proud of your pioneering work in that distant and inaccessible island, and attaches great importance to your presence there. 3 If the American government should command you to return, as a citizen you would have no alternative but to obey. However, if they merely advise you to leave, he does not think you would have to follow this advice unless you wanted to. During the present crisis in this part of the world, the American Bahá’ís serving here have been advised to leave; but they have explained that they did not wish to, because of their Bahá’í services; and that has been quite acceptable to the American representatives in this country. 4 Wherever the friends are, they must obey the government in all matters that do not affect the doctrines of their Faith. 5 Please give his loving greetings to Mrs. McKinnon, and assure her that he remembers her in his prayers, and admires very much her devoted spirit. 6 He will pray for you in the holy Shrines, that God may richly reward and bless you. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 7 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you in your historic and meritorious labors, and aid you to win great victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 392 30 November 1956 [Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of November 15th with enclosure has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He deeply appreciates the devotion which has prompted you to offer a piece of land for the future Bahá’í Temple in Argentina; and he suggests that you make out this land either to the new Regional Body which will be elected during the coming Riḍván, or the Spiritual Assembly of Buenos Aires, with the proviso that, if at a later date, when the time comes to build the Temple, the trustees feel that another piece of land would be more suitable, they may exchange or sell your land for the other site. He advises this because in that way it gives the trustees of the Faith freedom to do the right thing, whereas if you make out a legal document that forces them to use your land just for this one purpose, it might cause complications in the future. 3 In any case the present piece of land or the one ultimately chosen will forever be associated with your generosity and love. 4 He deeply appreciates the devotion you both have for the Faith, and hopes you will be instrumental in confirming many souls. 5 He will pray for you both in the holy Shrines. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 393 21 December 1956 [Argentina] Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of December 7th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very happy to hear that the suggestion he made regarding the Temple land has relieved your minds, and that you are going to follow his advice. 3 It will interest you to know that he is keeping a list of the work that the friends on their own initiative undertake, outside of the goals of the Ten Year Plan, and he considers that the donation of this Temple property is sufficiently important to be included on this list; therefore, you must be very happy. 4 He will certainly remember you in his prayers. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, guide and sustain you, and enable you to promote effectively the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 394 14 February 1957 [Falkland Islands] Mr. John Leonard Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 This is just a short note on behalf of the beloved Guardian, to acknowledge your letter of December 28th to him. 2 He is proud of your spirit and your determination to teach the Faith always to the utmost of your ability. 3 He assures you of his loving prayers in the holy Shrines for your happiness and for the abundant success of your devoted labors in that remote region. With warm Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 4 Assuring you of my loving and constant prayers for your success and the extension of your unforgettable and highly meritorious services to our beloved Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 395 15 February 1957 [Haiti] The Bahá’í Community of Port-au-Prince Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your loving message dated February 6th was received, and the beloved Guardian was happy to see that the Port-au-Prince Bahá’ís are so active and devoted. He remembers the joy it brought to his heart when your community was first established long ago, and he hopes that all of you will devote yourselves ever-increasingly to teaching the Faith, to promoting unity amongst the friends, and to exemplifying the standards of Bahá’u’lláh in your personal lives. Now that the Greater Antilles are soon to have their own National Assembly, the responsibility of the friends is increased, and he feels sure greater victories lie before them. 2 He will remember you all in his prayers in the holy Shrines. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 3 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, aid you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, and consolidate the historic work you have achieved in the service of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 396 23 February 1957 [Argentina] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires Care of Miss Maruja K. de Corradi, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of February 6th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He thanks you very much for the photographs, and the two copies of The Hidden Words which he has received. 3 He is delighted over the progress being made in Argentina, and feels that the Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires, the first city to have an Assembly, must particularly exert themselves in the teaching field. 4 He will pray that you may all be richly blessed and successful in your services. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless your efforts, guide your steps, and enable you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 397 5 March 1957 [Costa Rica] Prof. Theodore Cortazzi Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of February 20th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see with what devotion and enthusiasm you are serving our glorious Faith, and he hopes you will complete the books you have in mind, as we are in great need of suitable literature to teach the people of the Far East, especially those who have studied their own Faith deeply. 3 He has no objection to your dedicating one of your books to him if you wish to do so. 4 As there were no followers of the Báb or Bahá’u’lláh derived from the religions of the Far East in Their days, this may be the reason that They did not address any Tablets directly to these people. Also we must remember that every religion springs from some root, and just as Christianity sprang from Judaism, our own religion sprang from Islám, and that is why so many of the teachings deduce their proofs from Islám. . . . With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Spirit of Bahá’u’lláh sustain, bless, and guide you always, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to win memorable victories for our beloved Faith in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 398 18 March 1957 [Haiti] Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Blackwell Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of March 2nd with photographs enclosed has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to write you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to hear of the new community which has been formed in the village of Liancourt, and feels sure that these friends will be a valuable asset to the Faith in Haiti. 3 He is particularly happy that you both are serving in Haiti where you were so successful, and where your sympathy and love for the people is again bearing rich fruit. 4 He is delighted to hear that one of you, and later both of you, are going to be able to go on with your work there. You may rest assured he will remember you in his loving prayers in the holy Shrines. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide your steps, reward you for your meritorious labors, and aid you to win great victories in the service of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 399 18 March 1957 [Ecuador] Mr. Jorge Efrahim Páez, Secretary Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Quito Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of March 2nd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to hear that the Bahá’ís rejoice over their Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, and that it is a means of teaching the Faith to the non-Bahá’ís and of raising its prestige in their eyes. 3 You may be sure he will pray for the rapid advancement of the Faith there, and for the unity and happiness of all the friends in Ecuador. 4 He sends you all his loving greetings, and assures you of his prayers. With kind regards, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty bless your constant and valued efforts for the promotion of His Faith, guide every step you take, and fulfill every desire you cherish, for the furtherance of its interests, Your true brother, Shoghi 400 28 March 1957 [Chile] Regional Teaching Committee Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your loving Naw-Rúz greeting, which he greatly appreciates. 2 He hopes the friends in Valparaiso and in that region will rise to greater heights than ever before in their teaching efforts this year, and will pray that all your endeavors in this field of service may be richly blessed. With loving greetings, R. Rabbani 401 April 1957 [Convention Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia] [Convention Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela] [Convention Greater Antilles] [Convention Central America and Mexico] 1 With a heart full of thanksgiving, I acclaim, on this joyous occasion, the simultaneous convocation in Latin America, of four historic Bahá’í Conventions, at which the elected representatives of twenty-one Bahá’í National Communities are assembled for the purpose of electing four Regional Spiritual Assemblies, whose emergence is destined to hasten the erection of twenty pillars of the future Universal House of Justice throughout Central and South America, in Mexico and the Greater Antilles. 2 This latest momentous development in the evolution of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, within so vast an area of the Western Hemisphere, marks the opening of the fourth chapter in the history of the rise and establishment of the Bahá’í Administrative Order in no less than twenty Republics of the New World. The first Seven Year Plan, launched by the American Bahá’í Community, during the turbulent years preceding the Second World War, had, as its prime objective, the systematic introduction of the Faith and the diffusion of its light throughout each of those Republics. The Plan which immediately succeeded it, and whose inception synchronized with the world-wide celebrations commemorating the centenary of the birth of the Mission of the Báb, led, as it unfolded, to the emergence of the two Regional Spiritual Assemblies representing the newly-fledged Communities of South and Central America, whilst the third stage in the development of this mighty process—a stage initiated on the occasion of the centenary of the Mission of the Founder of our Faith—was marked by a steady consolidation of the local as well as the national institutions established in the course of the two previous Plans. 3 So auspicious an event, heralding the formation, as the present Ten Year Plan approaches its culmination, of twenty National Spiritual Assemblies, within an area extending from the southern confines of the Great Republic of the West to the extremity of Chile, should be signalized by the initiation, on the part of these interim Regional Spiritual Assemblies, of four subsidiary Six Year Plans, designed to swell, to an unprecedented degree, the number of the avowed adherents of the Faith in each of these twenty Republics, to multiply the groups and isolated centers, as well as the Local Spiritual Assemblies constituting the bedrock of the newly established Administrative Order; to incorporate all firmly grounded Local Spiritual Assemblies; to obtain recognition from the civil authorities of the Bahá’í Marriage Certificate and of the Bahá’í Holy Days; to consolidate the work already commenced in the newly opened virgin territories within their jurisdiction; to initiate four regional Bahá’í Funds; to lend an impetus to the translation, the publication and dissemination of Bahá’í Literature; to add to the number of the existing Summer Schools; to stimulate the process of the conversion of both the Negroes and the American Indians, and ensure their active participation in the administration of the affairs of Bahá’í communities; to expedite the establishment of the Bahá’í Publishing Trust in the capital city of Brazil; and to select and purchase in each of the Republics, as yet deprived of a site for its future Mother Temple, a plot suitable for this highly meritorious purpose. 4 I call upon the American Bahá’í Community, which, in pursuance of the Mandate issued in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, has, as far back as two decades ago, set in motion so momentous a process, and succeeded, in the course of three successive Plans, in extending and consolidating it, and particularly on the national elected representatives of this Community, and the Committee serving as the chief agency for the promotion of this historic task, to extend, through both material and moral support, as well as through a steady flow of Bahá’í pioneers and visiting teachers, the necessary assistance that will ensure the uninterrupted prosecution and ultimate fruition of one of the weightiest enterprises launched in the course of the execution of this Community’s glorious Mission in foreign fields. 5 May these Communities, now standing on the threshold of unprecedented achievements, which have already, through their collective endeavors, ennobled the record of Bahá’í accomplishments during the last twenty years of the Formative Age of the Bahá’í Dispensation, who are so notably contributing, through their divers national characteristics, to the enrichment of the life of the International Bahá’í Community, be vouchsafed a still fuller measure of celestial strength, that will enable them to fulfill their high destiny in the years to come, and play their part in hastening the world-wide triumph of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh and the firm establishment of its embryonic World Order. Shoghi 402 15 April 1957 [Bahá’ís of Kingston, Jamaica] 1 DELIGHTED LOVING APPRECIATION ASSURE PRAYERS.20 403 25 April 1957 [Jamaica] 1 ASSURE NEW ASSEMBLY LOVING FERVENT PRAYERS SIGNAL VICTORIES DEEPEST LOVE. 404 29 April 1957 [Roberto Cazcarra, Uruguay] 1 ASSEMBLY’S SECRETARIAT MUST BE IN BUENOS AIRES CONFORMING GENERAL PRINCIPLE. 405 5 May 1957 [Dominican Republic] Miss Elisabeth H. Cheney Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 26th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see that your long record of devoted services to the Faith in Latin America has now been enhanced by your being elected to the first National Spiritual Assembly of the Greater Antilles. This is a great blessing and a great responsibility, and he hopes that you and your fellow-believers, with the greatest love, wisdom and harmony, will be able to carry the affairs of the Faith rapidly forward in that area. 3 You may be sure he will remember you in his prayers in the holy Shrines. With warmest greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you have promoted, and are promoting, with such a splendid devotion, perseverance and single-mindedness, reward you abundantly for your labors, sustain and guide you always, and enable you to enrich the record of your unforgettable services, Your true brother, Shoghi 406 7 May 1957 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of April 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very sad to hear of your condition, and of the sad life you have had. You have, however, realized that the greatest joy and greatest blessing is this beloved Faith of ours, and you have clung to it in spite of all of your problems. 3 He advises you to try and persuade Mr. . . . to get a proper divorce and marry you, and become active in the Bahá’í community. This is what he should do, and, if he accepts to do this and is willing to, you and he should write the National Assembly, asking them to assist you to obtain this divorce in any way they can, so that your situation may become honorable and worthy of a Bahá’í. Otherwise, if this is not possible, you should separate yourself from him, because it is not pleasing in the sight of God for the Bahá’ís to live in this manner, and can only lead to nothing but sorrow and affliction of the soul. 4 He assures you he will pray for you, that you may remain firm and steadfast in the Faith under all circumstances and be enabled to serve it as every Bahá’í should. 5 He will also pray for Mr. . . . , that he may overcome this confusion and return to the Faith, and legalize his relationship to you through a Bahá’í marriage after obtaining his divorce. With warmest Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 6 Assuring you of my loving prayers for your success and spiritual advancement, Your true brother, Shoghi 407 14 May 1957 [Brazil] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Rio de Janeiro Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 Your letter of May 4th, signed by all the members of your Assembly, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very happy to see that your Assembly is so alive to the need for active service, and that you are determined, each and all, in every way you can, to support the new National Assembly, and aid it in attaining its goals. 3 The sooner the number of Local Spiritual Assemblies increases in each of the Latin American countries, the sooner will it be possible for them to have their National Assemblies. This is the primary objective of all the believers, and he urges you to undertake as much extension teaching work as possible in your area. 4 Assuring you of his loving prayers, for your success, in the holy Shrines, With Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty graciously assist you to lend a great impetus to the onward march of the Faith, and promote, at all times and under all circumstances, the vital interests of its divinely appointed institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 408 31 May 1957 [Bolivia] Mrs. Yvonne Cuéllar Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of May 21st has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was very pleased to receive all the good news you conveyed of the teaching work in Latin America, particularly the work with the Indians in Bolivia. As you know, he attaches the greatest importance to confirming these people, who constitute the original population of the Americas. He hopes many Spiritual Assemblies will be formed amongst them in their own villages, composed of Indians. They should receive every assistance from the National Assembly, and special teaching conferences should be arranged by the Bahá’ís in order to confirm them in the Faith. 3 He is pleased to see that you are going to be able to visit France, and he hopes and will pray that on your visit you may be instrumental in confirming many French people. It makes a tremendous difference if you can converse fluently in the language of the people which, alas, few of the American pioneers can, with all their goodwill; and if you understand their mentality and bring fire to your task, which he knows you will do. 4 He is happy to hear of the marriage of your daughter in the Temple last year, and he assures you he will pray for all the members of your dear family. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty, Whose Cause you serve so faithfully, so devotedly and with such a splendid perseverance, reward you abundantly for your labors, and enable you to win great victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 409 22 July 1957 [El Salvador] Mr. Quentin H. Farrand Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of June 19th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is very pleased to know that you are now in El Salvador, where you are so happy in your pioneering work, and in your association with the dear and tireless servant of Bahá’u’lláh, Artemus Lamb. The news of the steady progress of the Faith there has delighted him. 3 He assures you of his fervent prayers for the abundant success of your labors, and remembers also all the believers there in his supplications. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless abundantly your efforts, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to further the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi 410 22 July 1957 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of June 22nd has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is happy to have this opportunity of welcoming you into the service of our glorious Faith, and hopes your knowledge of its teachings and your services in its path will constantly increase as the months and years pass. 3 It would be very good if you could, as a young man, go to live in another city, and, by your life as a Bahá’í and your words, do all you can to establish the Faith in a new area. You could then see from your own experience how a Bahá’í, although alone, can reach out in spirit, and warm, attract and eventually confirm others in this great Faith. Also in this way you will be helping to consolidate the Faith still further there, in preparation for the time, not too far off, when Brazil will have its own National Spiritual Assembly. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless your efforts, guide every step you take, and enable you to extend the scope of your activities and win great victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 411 15 August 1957 [Brazil] Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of June 13th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He is happy to know that you are now a declared believer. You are very fortunate in having had careful Bahá’í training all your life. 3 The Guardian hopes you will determine to be, always, an active and devoted supporter of the Faith, and, by your words and your life as a follower of Bahá’u’lláh, to teach it, both among the youth of Bahia, and in other localities in Brazil. 4 He sends you his loving greetings. With Bahá’í love, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless, sustain and guide you, and enable you to render memorable services to His Faith in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 412 30 August 1957 [Brazil] Miss Clotilde Martins dos Santos Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 Your letter of July 14th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was delighted to learn of the eagerness and determination you are putting into the trip you are making at present to various parts of Brazil, in order to serve the Faith. He hopes the results of your labors will be most gratifying to you, and greatly aid in the teaching and consolidation work in that country. 3 It is his hope the Governor will become a friend of the Faith, as it helps us to be able to have prominent people as our friends. 4 He deeply appreciates your work and your devotion, and assures you of his prayers for your guidance and assistance. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless your endeavors for the promotion of His Faith, and graciously assist you to lend a great impetus to the enlargement of its limits and the consolidation of its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi 413 30 August 1957 Dear Bahá’í Sister: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of July 11th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was pleased to see you met the death of your mother in truly a Bahá’í spirit. In such ways we teach others, for what one soul gets from another in their radiant acceptance of the Will of God at such a time is far beyond any words or the reading of books, and goes far to put the Bahá’í roots deep in that other heart. 3 He assures you of his loving prayers for the progress of the soul of your dear mother, as well as for your own guidance and success. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Beloved cheer your heart, sustain and aid you, under all circumstances, and enable you to promote the best interests of His Faith in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 414 18 September 1957 [Venezuela] Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Caracas care of Miss Yolanda de Stronach, Secretary Dear Bahá’í Friends: 1 The beloved Guardian has received your letter of July 29th, and has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He urges you to consummate as quickly as possible the purchase of the Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds for Venezuela, which will complete one of the important goals of the Ten Year Crusade, and which institution will surprise the friends themselves by the great effect it will have on the progress of the Faith there. 3 He assures you of his prayers for the success of your labors. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 4 May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote the vital interests of His Faith, at all times and under all circumstances, Your true brother, Shoghi 415 26 September 1957 Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of August 27th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was indeed sorry to learn of the state of affairs in . . . If this local problem cannot be solved by the Local Spiritual Assembly, then it is their duty to refer it to the National Spiritual Assembly for consultation and decision. 3 He will pray that the unhappy situation existing there may soon change. 4 The fact that the believers in . . . are now actively serving the Faith was a source of great satisfaction to him. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Almighty abundantly reward you for your manifold, historic, and highly meritorious accomplishments, guide and sustain you always, and aid you to win still greater victories in the days to come, Your true brother, Shoghi 416 11 October 1957 Mr. Habib Taherzadeh, Secretary Regional Teaching Congress, Curitiba Dear Bahá’í Brother: 1 Your letter of September 7th has been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer you on his behalf. 2 He was happy to learn that the Congress was such a means of love and fellowship among the friends. 3 The goal of your teaching work should be to add to the number of existing centers and groups and to establish many new Spiritual Assemblies in that area. In this way you will provide for the independent National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, which must emerge within so brief a period of time, a broad and firm foundation. 4 He assures you all of his loving prayers. With warm Bahá’í greetings, R. Rabbani 5 May the Beloved bless and sustain you and your dear co-workers, and enable you to further, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, Your true brother, Shoghi ______________ 2.Refers to the passing of May Maxwell. 3.Refers to the formation of the first Spiritual Assembly of Santiago. 4.Refers to the formation of Spiritual Assemblies in Peru and Paraguay. 5.Refers to the announcement that there were ten Bahá’ís in Magallanes. 6.Refers to the announcement of the formation of the Spiritual Assembly in La Paz, Bolivia, and two Bahá’ís in Sucre. 7.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly in Punta Arenas. 8.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly in Santiago. 9.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly in Ciudad Trujillo. 10.Refers to the formation of the first Spiritual Assembly in Ecuador, in Guayaquil. 11.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly of Valparaiso. 12.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly of Santiago. 13.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly of Rio de Janeiro. 14.Refers to the formation of Spiritual Assemblies in La Paz and Sucre. 15.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly of Sao Paulo. 16.Message to the Second South American Bahá’í Congress, in Santiago. 17.Refers to the Caribbean Bahá’í Congress in Mexico City. 18.Message to the Central American Bahá’í Conference in Guatemala City. 19.Refers to the formation of the Spiritual Assembly in Cienfuegos. 20.Refers to the incorporation of the Spiritual Assembly in Kingston, Jamaica. INDEX References in the index refer to message and paragraph numbers. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, 16.16, 29.3, 133.4, 263.3 assistance of, 17.16, 32.5, 42.3 Greatest Holy Leaf’s devotion to, 43.3 on Indians of Latin America, 1.9, 24.8, 344.4, 379.2 on Panama’s spiritual future, 1.10, 64.1 prophecies regarding Bahia, Brazil, 28.1, 29.8, 381.3 See also Some Answered Questions (‘Abdu’l-Bahá); Tablets of the Divine Plan (‘Abdu’l-Bahá) abortion, left to Universal House of Justice to be legislated, 334.2 Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, 17.4, 270.4 developing understanding of, 6.2–3, 48.2, 134.4, 173.4 establishment of, 1.4, 2.2, 2.7, 12.20, 401.2 local believers assuming responsibility for, 164.2, 167.2, 270.4, 294.3 structure of, 12.5–11, 87.7 See also Guardianship; Local Spiritual Assemblies; National Spiritual Assemblies; Universal House of Justice Africa, teaching work in, 7.9, 301.3, 324.2 alcohol, Bahá’ís required to abstain from, 213.4 All-America Centenary Bahá’í Convention (1944), delegates from Latin America to, 103.4, 104.3, 111.5, 114.4, 115.7, 125 Alvarez [Mr.], 265.6, 266.4 American Bahá’í Community, 40.3 pioneers from, 29.6, 90.2, 199.2, 8.5 teaching work, 9.15, 162.3, 232.4 See also North American Bahá’í Community American National Spiritual Assembly, 4.13, 16.15, 61.3, 185.6 seeking advice from, 3.10, 152.5, 213.3, 223.2, 253.2, 278.2, 280.4, 303.2 Antilles, the, 6.9, 12.20, 286 See also Greater Antilles, National Spiritual Assembly; Meso-America and the Antilles, National Spiritual Assembly Argentina, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 261 formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies in, 7.5 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 72.4, 192.5 letters to, 98, 174, 326, 392, 393 summer schools in, 98.2, 144, 179.2 teaching work, 61.4, 396.3 Temple site, 393 See also Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bahá’ís of; La Plata, Argentina, Bahá’ís of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, National Spiritual Assembly cablegrams to, 20 letters to, 24, 26, 27, 401 Armstrong, Leonora S. Holsapple greetings to, 160.5, 164.4 letters to, 81, 91, 111 See also Holsapple, Leonora S. Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Caracas. See Caracas, Venezuela, Local Spiritual Assembly, letters to Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Guayaquil. See Guayayaquil, Ecuador, Local Spiritual Assembly Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Medellín (Colombia), letters to, 290 Asunción, Paraguay, Bahá’ís of, teaching work, 116.2, 160.2 Atwater, Marcia Stewart (Steward) cablegrams to, 107, 118 in Chile, 128.2, 128.6 greetings to, 254.5, 301.4 letters to, 96, 108, 115, 133 pioneering work, 12.3, 132.2, 146.3, 186.1 Australia, growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 253.3 Austria, growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 30.7 Auxiliary Board, working in conjunction with Hands of the Cause, 12.11 Báb, the Centenary of birth of Mission of, 401.2 Centenary of Martyrdom of, 12.20 Declaration of, 315.3 See also Shrine of the Báb Bahá’í Community consolidation work, 185.4, 281.3 dealing with difficult behavior of members, 232.4, 276.3, 343.4 deepening knowledge of, 58.1, 343.4 diversity in, 21.4, 370.4 importance of unity in, 124.4, 251.5 inactive members, 27.3, 280.4 indigenous believers assuming responsibility for, 164.2, 167.2, 192.2, 270.3–4 See also Bahá’í way of life; believers, new; Funds, Bahá’í; love, among Bahá’ís; unity, in Bahá’í Community Bahá’í Congresses Brazil Teaching of 1956, 416 Caribbean (Mexico), 221 Fourth South American, 284 Lima, Peru, 269 San Salvador, El Salvador, 270 See also Second South American Bahá’í Congress (Santiago, Chile) Bahá’í Cycle, 315.3 Bahá’í Faith Centenary of founding, 7.15, 11.14, 12.20, 103.4, 104.3, 401.3 consolidation work, 277.3, 328.2 deepening knowledge of, 58.1, 173.4, 292.2, 299.3 God’s protection of, 262.2–3 mysterious power of, 257.3 offering solutions to world’s problems, 86.3, 91.4, 183.2, 216.3, 219.2, 294.2 opposition to, 13.7, 74.4, 83.4, 235.2, 235.4, 351.5 as perfect system, 92.4 purpose of, 124.4 service to, 292.1, 322.2 spirit animating, 365.4 teaching through Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, 398.2 Bahá’í National Committee for Indian Work in South America, 340.2 Bahá’í Publishing Trusts, 11.17, 22.7, 26.1–3 Bahá’í way of life, 99.3, 178.5, 334.3, 365.2, 365.5, 365.6–7, 370.3, 395.1 Bahá’í Writings, translations of, 91.2., 94.4, 119.3, 119.5, 127.2, 148.4, 165.5 by Col. Cuéllar, 176.3, 240.4, 246.4 native Indian languages, 11.8–9, 16.9, 153.5, 303.7, 339.2, 346.2, 362.2 Ten Year World Crusade goal, 3.9, 11.8, 11.17 See also under individual titles Bahá’u’lláh assistance from, 17.16, 32.5, 36.4, 43.4, 50.2, 55.2, 65.2, 70.2, 71.2, 89.7, 158.5, 217.3, 389.2 Birthday of, 37.1 blessings of, 142.3, 235.3, 251.6 confirmations of, 346.3 Greatest Holy Leaf’s devotion to, 43.3 light of, 84.2 on marriage, 122.4, 347.3 recognition of, 154.3 service to, 21.5, 283.3, 292.1, 312.3, 337.4 teachings of, 197.3, 219.2, 365.6 See also Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh (Bahá’u’lláh), Spanish translation of; Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, Portuguese translation of; Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Bahá’u’lláh); Kitáb-i-Iqan (Bahá’u’lláh) Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era (Esslemont), 114.7 Esperanto translation of, 44.4 Portuguese translation of, 29.2, 36.4, 44.3, 60.2, 72.3 Spanish translation of, 30.5, 38.8, 39.3, 41.1, 42.4, 43.5, 43.9, 44.2, 44.6, 45.1, 45.4, 46.1, 46.2, 47.1, 47.5 Bahia, Brazil, Bahá’ís of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s prophecies regarding, 28.1, 29.8, 381.3 first Naw-Rúz Feast in, 28.1 letters to, 37, 381 pioneers, 11.14, 233.2 teaching work, 29.6, 35.2, 50.1, 91.4, 233.3 See also Holsapple, Leonora S., pioneering work Bahia, Brazil, Local Spiritual Assembly formation of, 40.1, 72.2, 72.7, 111.6 letters to, 291 Baker, Dorothy, 241, 269 passing of, 338.2–3, 341.2 pioneering work, 13.2, 180.1, 238.1, 241.1, 269 Baker, Frank, pioneering work, 13.2 Bañados, Ricardo, 308.3 Barras [Mr.], Guardian’s greetings to, 188.5 de Barros family, 33.4 Barton, Wilfred, letters to, 63 Beckett, Mr. and Mrs. David H., letters to, 198 Beecher [Mrs.], pioneering post, 13.2 believers, new, 352.4, 353.2 challenges faced by, 31.2, 240.3 declarations of, 55.2, 183.2, 280.3, 363.2 deepening, 231.7, 281.2–3 Guardian’s welcome to, 69, 127.2, 127.5, 379.2, 410 Belize pioneering work, 349.2–3 teaching work, 363.2 Bermuda, and Regional National Spiritual Assembly election, 18.2 Bishop, Helen, letters to, 76 Blackwell, Ellsworth and Ruth, letters to, 74, 88, 106, 385, 398 Blakely, Elsa, letters, 52 Blomquist, [Dr.], 141.3, 148.2, 151.1 Bode, Edward and Mary, letters to, 181, 223, 227 Bogota, Colombia, travel teaching to, 175.5 Bolivia, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 136, 138, 204 first Local Spiritual Assembly, 143.1, 143.3 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 131.2, 143 letters to, 165, 302 official registration of Bahá’í Faith in, 228.2 pioneers, 265.2 teaching work, 123.4, 127.4, 161.3, 165, 408.2 See also Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, National Spiritual Assembly of; La Paz, Bolivia, Bahá’ís of, teaching work; Sucre, Bolivia, Bahá’ís of Bolles, Jeanne, cablegram to, 66 Book of Certitude (Bahá’u’lláh). See Kitáb-i-Íqán (Bahá’u’lláh) Brazil, Bahá’ís of, 22.7, 164.3, 188.2, 223.5–6, 366.2, 367, 411.3 consolidation work, 50.1, 389.2 growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 189, 202.2, 255.1, 295.2, 297.3, 378.3 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, 378.2 letters to, 68, 295, 335, 369, 390, 410, 411 origins of Bahá’í Faith in, 91.4, 378.2, 381.3 pioneers, 11.14, 16.5, 16.6, 31.1–2, 34.6, 35.2, 35.4, 383.2 teaching work, 33.4–5, 33.9, 34.6, 42.2, 43.4, 47.2, 48, 50.1, 164.3, 188.2, 223.5, 243.5–6, 366.2, 367 travel teaching, 164.2, 388.3, 412 See also Bahia, Brazil, Bahá’ís of; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Bahá’ís of; São Paulo, Brazil, Bahá’ís of Brazil, National Spiritual Assembly, future formation of, 356.2, 378.2, 383.2, 416.3 Brazil, National Teaching Committee, letters to, 366 Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, National Spiritual Assembly cablegrams to, 25 letters to, 22, 401 Brazil, Teaching Congress of 1956, letters to, 389, 416 British Guiana, teaching work, 52.1 British Honduras, teaching work, 363.2–4 British West Indies, pioneers, 13.2 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bahá’ís of acquisition of Temple site in, 24.6 Bahá’í Publishing Trust established in, 26.1–3 cablegrams to, 190 growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 77, 78, 79, 86.2–3, 98 Kevorkian family’s settlement in, 55.1, 57.3–4 letters to, 321 National Spiritual Assembly’s secretariat must by moved to, 404 South American Congress held in, 190, 191, 193, 194.3, 195.1, 199.2– 3, 315 teaching work, 94.4, 188.3, 188.5 unity of, 78.4, 79.2–3, 86.2, 94.2 See also Argentina, Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bahá’í Youth Committee, letters to, 126 Buenos Aires, Argentina, Local Spiritual Assembly, 78.3 cablegrams to, 144 formation of, 20.1, 73.3–4 letters to, 374, 396 Bulling, Charles Petersen cablegrams to, 256 letters to, 197 Callao, Peru, Bahá’ís of, teaching work, 195.3, 304.2 Callao, Peru, Local Spiritual Assembly, 298.3 letters to, 300 Canales, Esteban letters to, 186 pioneering work, 132.3, 133.2, 146.3 teaching trips of, 222.3 Caracas, Venezuela, Bahá’ís of consolidation work, 354.4 first center opened, 323.2 See also Venezuela, Bahá’ís of Caracas, Venezuela, Local Spiritual Assembly, letters to, 279, 414 Caribbean Bahá’í Congress, Mexico City, Mexico, cablegram to, 221 Caro, Rosa, letters to, 169 Casavelos, Mr. and Mrs. Juan, 7.5 Caswell, Louise, letters to, 64, 75, 90, 145, 175, 187, 234, 313, 330, 346 Cause of God. See Bahá’í Faith Ceara, Brazil, teaching work, 34.6 See also Brazil, Bahá’ís of Center of the Covenant. See ‘Abdu’l-Bahá centers, Bahá’í acquisition of, 14.8, 50.1, 162.4, 178.3 in Bolivia, 228.2 establishment of, 35.2, 200.2, 323.2, 335.2, 356.2 multiplication of, 19.17, 10.13, 11.17, 16.2, 22.6, 24.5, 361.3, 380.2, 416.3 Central America, Bahá’ís of first Local Spiritual Assembly, 87.3 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 95.5, 130.2, 162.3 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, 17.2 Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, 19.14–15 pioneers, 17.7, 149.4 Second Annual Bahá’í Convention, 312, 316.2 teaching work, 76.2–3, 89.2–3, 89.6, 90.2–3, 173.4, 328.5 Ten Year World Crusade goals, 9.9, 9.10–20 travel teaching, 283.2 Two Year Plan, 6.11 See also individual Central American countries Central America, National Spiritual Assembly conventions, 6.7, 286 divided into Regional Assemblies, 21.7 formation of, 1.1, 2.1, 4.3–4, 12.20, 18.2, 270.2, 290.3 goals for, 1.4, 6.10–14 incorporation of, 6.7 letters to, 6, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19 National Teaching Executive Committee, 12.4 responsibilities to be assumed by, 2.5–6, 13.5, 298.2, 306.3 Ten Year World Crusade achievements, 14.15–16, 17.10–11 Ten Year World Crusade goals, 6.12, 12.19–26, 14.17–20, 17.12–15 Central America and Mexico, National Spiritual Assembly, letters to, 23, 401 Central American Bahá’í Conference (Guatemala City, Guatemala), cablegrams to, 237, 238, 239.4 Chávez, Natalia, 283.2 Cheney, Elizabeth H., 231.1, 283.1 letters to, 83, 350, 360, 405 teaching work, 98.3, 116.2 children, Bahá’í, 104.6, 197.2, 339.3 education of, 54.2, 60.3 See also youth, Bahá’í Chile, Bahá’ís of acquiring endowment, 16.5, 177.2 cablegrams to, 102, 113, 135, 137, 138, 171, 220 consolidation work, 1.12 future formation of National Spiritual Assembly, 207.3, 212.2, 213.3, 361.2 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 96.2, 177.2, 197.3, 199.3, 209.2, 212.2, 242.2, 308 letters to, 209, 243, 311, 337, 355 pioneers, 169.3 Regional Bahá’í Committee for, 252, 289, 311, 337, 361, 370, 372, 400 teaching work in, 1.11, 113, 130, 132, 133, 146, 150.4, 162.3–4, 184, 224.5, 225.5, 231.5, 252.2, 272.2, 273.2–3, 361.4, 370.2 Temple site, 249.3 See also Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, National Spiritual Assembly; Punta Arenas de Magallanes, Chile, Bahá’ís of; Quilpué, Chile, Bahá’ís of; Santiago, Chile, Bahá’ís of; Valparaiso, Chile, Bahá’ís of churches Bahá’ís to sever ties with, 185.3 unable to solve world’s problems, 216.3, 296.4 Cienfuegos, Cuba, Bahá’ís of Bahá’í center, 200.2 teaching work, 211.2, 218.2–3 Cienfuegos, Cuba, Local Spiritual Assembly, formation of, 208.2, 287 circumcision, no Bahá’í teachings on, 342.2 Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic, Bahá’ís of letters to, 375 pioneers, 278.3 Ciudad Trujillo, Mexico, Bahá’ís of, pioneers, 360.2 clergy, proclaiming Bahá’í Faith to, 276.4 Cochabamba, Bolivia, teaching work, 193.2, 210.4, 229.2, 299.3 Collins, Amelia (“Millie”) (Hand of the Cause), 98.4, 101.2–3, 190.2, 240.2 Colombia, Bahá’ís of first Bahá’í Conference of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, 257 Regional Teaching Committee, 257 teaching work, 225.4, 234.4, 239.3 travel teaching, 175.5 See also Asamblea Espiritual de los Bahá’ís de Medellin (Colombia); Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, National Spiritual Assembly Colón, Panama, establishing Local Spiritual Assembly in, 187.2–3 Comité de Enseñanza Bahá’í para Sudamérica, 244.1–2, 244.4, 255.2 Comité Nacional de Enseñanza Bahá’í para los Indígenas, letters to, 296, 303 Comite Regional Bahá’í para Chile. See Chile, Regional Bahá’í Committee for Concepción, Chile, Local Spiritual Assembly of, 175.3 Congresses. See Bahá’í Congresses consolidation, work of, 6.2, 14.7, 185.4, 332 See also under individual countries Constante, Raquel Francois de, letters to, 294 Contreras, Guido, 87.1 conventions, Bahá’í. See National Spiritual Assemblies, election of; and under individual regions and countries Corgas [Mr.], 283.2 Cortazzi, Theodore, letters to, 397 Costa Rica, Bahá’ís of formation of first Local Spiritual Assembly, 69.3, 70.2, 80.2, 82.2, 82.4, 82.7 letters to, 292, 316, 343 pioneers, 67, 351 teaching work, 70, 80, 82, 95, 158.5, 213.7, 232.2 See also San José, Costa Rica, Local Spiritual Assembly Costa [Snr.], translation work, 29.2 Covenant, Bahá’í, 23.9, 281.3, 321.2 Covenant-breaking, 251.5 Cuba, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 254, 287 future Local Spiritual Assembly in Santa Clara, 166.2 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 112.2, 112.5, 141.2, 253.4, 280.2 letters to, 211, 339, 384 teaching work, 62.2, 85.3, 148, 151.2–3, 180.2, 206.5, 219.3, 245.2 See also Havana, Cuba, Bahá’ís of Cuéllar, Col. Arturo de declaration of, 127.2 greetings to, 143.5, 210.1, 210.4 translation work, 176.3, 240.4, 246.4 Cuéllar, Yvonne de greetings to, 143.5, 210.1, 210.4, 224.4 letters to, 123, 127, 176, 193, 216, 228, 240, 246, 265, 277, 299, 408 teaching work in Sucre, Bolivia, 165.3, 266.3 cults, severing ties with, 6.3, 7.8 Dawn-Breakers, The (Nabíl-i-A‘ẓam) importance of study of, 79.5 translation of, 45.2 Declaration of Trust (Universal House of Justice) Local Spiritual Assemblies to ratify, 9.3 Portuguese translation of, 227.1–2 Divine Plan. See Tablets of the Divine Plan (‘Abdu’l-Bahá) Divine Reality, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Writings on, 263.3 divorce, Bahá’í teachings on, 4.16, 203.5, 406 Dominican Republic, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 139 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds for, 375.2 See also Ciudad Truillo, Dominican Republic Dutch Guiana, Bahá’ís in letters to, 368 teaching Muslims, 11.6 Ecuador, Bahá’ís of, 303.2–4, 303.6, 308.3 Bahá’í Conference of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, 257 cablegrams to, 140 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 131.2 letters to, 84 teaching work, 303.8 See also Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, National Spiritual Assembly; Guayaquil, Ecuador, Local Spiritual Assembly; Quito, Ecuador, Bahá’ís of Eichenauer, John letters to, 89, 93 pioneering to El Salvador, 65, 71.2–3 Eichenauer, Marshall, 93.2 Eisenberg, Gertrude, 160 Ellice Island, pioneers to, 17.7 El Salvador, Bahá’ís of, 386 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds for, 386.2 letters to, 293, 373, 386 pioneers to, 409.2 teaching work in, 65 El Salvador, Local Spiritual Assembly, 71.2–3 encouragement, letters of, 109, 110 endowments, Bahá’í acquiring, 11.17, 16.8 Central America, 17.2 Chile, 16.5, 177.2 England, Bahá’í pioneers from, 198.4 Erê, Ubiratan Kupira, letters to, 379, 388 Esperanto Congress (Geneva), Bahá’í connections with, 30.8 Espinosa, Pedro, tending Convention, 61.5 Esselmont, J. E., passing of, 30.6 See also Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era (Esslemont) Europe growth of Bahá’í Faith, 253.3 pioneers to, 203.1 See also individual European countries Ezeiza, Argentina Bahá’í summer school, 1.7, 4.12 teaching work, 201.4 Fabrega [Mrs.], 234.2 Faḍl, Mírzá Abu’l, book by, 276.7 Falkland Islands pioneers, 391.2, 394 teaching work, 352.3 Farrand, Quentin H., letters to, 409 Feast, Bahá’í. See Nineteen Day Feast, Bahá’í Fernie, Elena Marsella letters to, 278 pioneering, 17.7 Fernie, Roy, pioneering, 17.7 Fillon, Tony, 96.5, 248.2 Finland, teaching work, 206.3–4, 206.5 fireside meetings, 352.3, 372.2 First Seven Year Plan (1937–1944), 1.1–2, 1.11–12, 11.14, 12.20, 68.2, 90.3, 401.2 See also Second Seven Year Plan (1946–1953); Ten Year World Crusade Fitz-Henley, Randolph, 9.7 Ford, Amalia formation of Local Spiritual Assembly of Costa Rica, 80.2, 80.4 letters to, 67, 70, 82 Formative Age of the Bahá’í Faith, first and second epochs of, 1.4, 2.1 See also Heroic Age, closing years of Franca, Dinah, 235.4 letters to, 235 France, teaching work, 123.4, 246.5, 408.3 Freemasonry. See Masons, Bahá’ís to withdraw from membership in French, Nellie, letters to, 57 French Guiana, Bahá’ís of, letters to, 376 Funds, Bahá’í Bahá’ís only can contribute to, 178.4, 243.3 Bahá’í youth contributing to, 278.4 national, 3.8, 4.8 supporting teaching work, 225.3 See also Shrine of the Báb, contributions to Gail, Marzieh, book by Mírzá Abu’l Faḍl, 276.7 Gambetta, Léon, death of, 250.3 Geneva, Switzerland Esperanto Congress, 30.8 Mrs. Stannard pioneering in, 30.12 Georgetown, Guyana, Local Spiritual Assembly of, letters to, 371 Germany, progress of Bahá’í Faith in, 30.7 Gilbert Island, pioneers to, 17.7, 18.5 Ginés, Eugenio, 120.2 Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh (Bahá’u’lláh), Spanish translation of, 240.4 “Goal of a New World Order, The” (Shoghi Effendi), Portuguese translation of, 72.3 God assistance from, 99.3, 103.3, 106.2, 112.4, 231.2 love for, 3.6, 94.2 service to, 365.7 spiritual force from, 142.3 as unknowable essence, 263.3 God Passes By (Shoghi Effendi) Spanish translation of, 230.3, 230.4, 240.4, 246.4 study of, 134.5 Greater Antilles, National Spiritual Assembly formation of, 395.1, 405 letters to, 21, 401 Greatest Holy Leaf (Bahíyyih Khánum), 28.1, 33.8, 40.4, 43.2–3 Greece, contact with prophetic sources, 133.4 Grossmann, Hermann, 30.7, 44.4 groups, Bahá’í Chile, 252.2 formation of, 1.2, 16.12, 94.4, 225.3 multiplication of, 10.13, 12.9, 24.5, 361.3, 416.3 Guardianship, 202.1, 251.4 Guatemala, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 237 consolidation work, 241.3 letters to, 241, 362 pioneers, 82.3 teaching work, 241.3 Guayaquil, Ecuador, Local Spiritual Assembly formation of, 140, 142.2 letters to, 149, 194 Guevara, Emerita, 75.4 Guillon, Fabienne, 11.4 Guyana, Bahá’ís of, letters to, 371 Haifa, Israel, Bahá’ís of, 11.4, 40.3, 40.6, 55.3 Haiti, Bahá’ís of future National Spiritual Assembly, 385.3 growth of Bahá’í community, 88.3 letters to, 274 opposition to Faith, 74.4 pioneers, 398.3 Spiritual Assembly of, 106.2 teaching work, 385 Hamaty [Mr.], letters to, 218 Hands of the Cause Auxiliary Board working in conjunction with, 12.11 visits by, 11.3, 23.2, 24.4, 329.2, 330.3 Havana, Cuba, Bahá’ís of establishing National Spiritual Assembly in, 208.2 greetings to, 339.5 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 120.2, 151 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, 382.2 letters to, 151, 208 teaching work, 104.1, 166.2, 166.5 See also Cuba, Bahá’ís of Havana, Cuba, Local Spiritual Assembly, letters to, 112, 245, 253, 382 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds acquiring, 14.8–9 Argentina, 374 Brazil, 378.2 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 374 Central America, 17.2 Dominican Republic, 375.2 El Salvador, 386.2 Havana, Cuba, 382.2 national, 12.17, 13.4, 14.7 Nicaragua, 377.3 South America, 16.8 teaching Bahá’í Faith through, 399.2 Venezuela, 22.9 See also Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs; Temple, Wilmette, Illinois; Temple sites, acquiring healing / health, 247, 249.4, 251, 258, 275 Hernandez, Julio C., letters to, 310 Heroic Age, 1.3, 11.14 See also Formative Age of the Bahá’í Faith, first and second epochs of Herrigel [Mr.], 30.7 Hidden Words of Bahá’u’lláh, Portuguese translation of, 29.2 Higman, Jessie M., 46.3 Holley, Horace, 38.7 Holsapple, Leonora S. appeals regarding House of Bahá’u’lláh, 31.6, 31.7 letters to, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 59, 60, 72 magazine published by, 31.3, 31.7, 32.5, 33.2, 33.4, 34.4 Martha Root corresponding with, 33.2 pioneering work, 30.3, 34.6, 35.2, 35.4, 38.4–5, 38.7, 43.4, 47.2–3, 48.1, 55.1, 233.3, 266.3 translation work, 29.1–2, 30.5, 33.10, 36.4, 38.8, 39.3 travel teaching, 35.2 Wilfred Bartons’ meeting with, 63.3 See also Armstrong, Leonora Holsapple Holy Year (1952–1953), 6.12, 7.14–15, 314.2 Honduras, Bahá’ís of first Local Spiritual Assembly, 93.3 letters to, 301 Hottes, Flora E., letters to, 143, 161, 230, 250, 282 Houses of Worship. See Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs; Temple, Wilmette, Illinois; Temple sites, acquiring Huancayo, Peru, pioneers to, 344.2 Illescas, Octavio, visit from, 206.2 Indians, Latin American converting, 49.2–3, 310 teaching, 1.9–10, 1.11, 3.11, 4.10, 11.5, 11.17, 12.14, 23.4, 24.8, 152.4, 330.4, 344.2–4, 351.3, 362.3, 363.3, 379.2, 390, 408.2 translating Writings into languages of, 11.8–9, 16.9, 153.5, 303.7, 330.5, 346.2, 362.2 See also Bahá’í National Committee for Indian Work in South America; Comité de Enseñanza Bahá’í para Sudamérica Inter-America Committee Bahá’í publications and, 72.4, 81.4 consulting with, 60.2, 63.3–5, 67.3, 82.3, 127.2, 226.2, 243.1, 267.5, 276.7 teaching campaign, 61.1–2 intercalary days, 120.5 Intercontinental Conferences, 7.16 New Delhi, India, 12.15, 333.2 Western Hemisphere, 7.16 Wilmette, Illinois, 10.5–6, 11.3, 309.2, 313.2 Iran persecution of Bahá’ís in, 13.13–14, 14.23, 357.3, 359.3, 361.4, 369.2 pilgrims to Brazil from, 16.5, 16.6 pioneers from, 366.3, 378.4 Irwin, Beatrice, letters to, 56 Itatiaia, Brazil, Teaching Conference in, 366.2, 367 Iverson, Clarence, letters to, 65, 71 Jamaica, and formation of Central American National Spiritual Assembly, 18.2 Jesus Christ, disciples of, 29.4, 327.2 Juk, book of, 215.4 Kevorkian, Antranik, letters to, 155 Kevorkian, Haik, 54.1 letters to, 55 Kevorkian, Marie, letters to, 179, 201 Kevorkian, Nazar, 57.3–4 Khadem, Zikrullah (Hand of the Cause), visits from, 23.2, 330.3 Khalili, [Mr,], conversion of, 55.2 Khánum, Bahíyyih. See Greatest Holy Leaf (Bahíyyih Khánum) King, Malcolm, 173.3, 371.3 Kingston, Jamaica, Bahá’ís of, letters to, 285 Kingston, Jamaica, Local Spiritual Assembly, cablegrams to, 402, 403 Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Bahá’u’lláh), 1.13–15, 2.3, 105.3 Kitáb-i-Íqán (Bahá’u’lláh) importance of studying, 40.1 Spanish translation of, 45.1, 50.4, 51.2–3, 51.5, 53.1, 59, 60.1 Swedish translation of, 53.2 Knights of Bahá’u’lláh, 8.16 Kramer [Mr.], 303.1 Kruka, Josephine greetings to, 180.4 letters to, 85, 104, 120, 141, 148, 166, 206 Lamb, Artemus, 222.1, 294.2, 409.2 cablegrams to, 129 letters to, 128, 132, 162, 184, 199, 207, 231, 305 pioneering work, 133.2, 146.3 La Paz, Bolivia, Bahá’ís of, teaching work, 240.3, 277.2 See also Bolivia, Bahá’ís of La Paz, Bolivia, Local Spiritual Assembly, 143.3, 204, 268 La Paz Conference, Bolivia, cablegram to, 260 La Plata, Argentina, Bahá’ís of Bahá’í group established in, 179.2 teaching work, 201.2, 201.4 See also Argentina, Bahá’ís of Larson, Evelyn, letters to, 158 Latin America, Bahá’ís of assuming responsibility for teaching work, 11.5, 207.2, 222.3, 224.3, 234.3, 270.3–4, 283.2, 289.3, 291.2 formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies in, 91.5, 180.2 growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 1.4, 7.9, 111.4, 125.3, 164.2, 174.2, 239.4, 244.3, 254.3, 257.2, 320.2 letters to, 125 pioneers, 96.2–3, 149.4, 350.2 qualities of, 6.2–3, 79.5, 94.3, 95.4, 112.2, 156.4, 165.4, 167.2, 168.2 Shoghi Effendi’s love for, 225.6 teaching work, 1.16, 226.3, 251.5, 257.4, 301.3, 346.4 travel teaching, 1.7, 231.4 See also Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh, local believers taking responsibility for; Six Year Plan (Latin America); teaching, local believers assuming responsibilities for Latin America, National Spiritual Assemblies conventions, 286 formation of, 9.18, 10.13, 195.2, 241.2, 257.2, 277.2, 278.5, 284.3, 301.3 goals for, 2.4–5 seeking advice from, 387.3 Latin American Regional Congress (Argentina), cablegrams to, 191 Lawrence, Emma P., letters to, 351 laws Bahá’í, 10.8, 294.3 local, 4.19 See also obedience to government, Bahá’í principle of Leonard, John, letters to, 352, 391, 394 Liancourt, Haiti, new Bahá’í community in, 398.2 Lima, Peru, Bahá’ís of Ḥaẓiratu’l-Quds in, 11.17 letters to, 154 teaching work in, 224.5 See also Peru, Bahá’ís of Lismore, Viva C., 206.5 letters to, 219 Local Spiritual Assemblies all-Indian, 24.8 bringing problems to, 415 Declaration of Trust to be ratified by, 9.3 formation of, 2.2, 9.17, 13.3, 14.7, 16.2, 16.12, 40.1, 187.2, 225.3, 365.5, 378.4, 384.2, 416.3 incorporation of, 7.6, 11.17, 23.6 maintenance of, 3.5, 91.3, 111.3, 236.2, 337.3, 355.3 maturation of, 245.3 membership requirements, 133.5–6, 276.5 multiplication of, 6.13, 10.13, 12.9, 17.3, 22.6, 24.5, 174.3, 185.4, 361.3, 380.2 seeking advice from, 387.3 sufficient number needed for National Assemblies, 347.3, 356.2 voting age for, 240.5 See also Local Spiritual Assemblies under individual localities Loncoche, Chile land acquired for Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, 11.3 summer school in, 4.12, 222.3, 222.5 Lovaton, Albert greetings to, 198.7 letters to, 195 love attracting others to Bahá’í Faith through, 178.5, 194.2, 279.3, 302.2 among Bahá’ís, 4.6, 10.5, 17.5, 124.4, 1252, 150.3, 173.4, 252.3, 274.2, 312.2, 314.2, 318.2, 320.3, 366.4 Lozier, Joan, letters to, 354 Magallanes, Chile, 1.12, 207.5 Bahá’í Faith established in, 248.2–3 cablegrams to, 135 importance of, 4.11 letters to, 321, 333 pioneers, 115.2, 132.3, 207.5, 231.3, 249.2, 263.1 publicity given Bahá’í Faith in, 133.1, 231.3 teaching work in, 128.2, 184.2, 184.5, 222.4, 224.2, 311.1 travel teaching to, 391.2 See also Punta Arenas, Chile, Bahá’ís of, Managua, Nicaragua, growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 173.2 See also Nicaragua, Bahá’ís of Manifestation of God, 23.6, 263.3 Manje, Isaac, death of, 228.5 Marangella, Philip, letters to, 62, 134.2 Marie, Queen of Rumania, 33.9 marriage(s), 62.3, 99.3, 358.2–3 asking Guardian for advice on, 114.5, 122.3–4 Bahá’í, 155.3, 155.4, 166.3, 198.2–3, 217.3 Bahá’u’lláh teachings on, 122.4, 347.3 companionate not condoned, 27.2, 406.3 government recognition of Bahá’í certificates, 25 service to Bahá’í Faith not reason for abandoning, 203.5, 348 Martinez, Emilia, greetings to, 250.2 Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs Central America, 9.14–15 South America, 10.14 See also Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds; Temple, Wilmette, Illinois; Temple sites, acquiring Masons, Bahá’ís to withdraw from membership in, 15.2–3, 18.4, 365.3, 365.8 Mathews, Edward Roscoe, 61.3, 61.7 Mathews, Loulie, 49.7 letters to, 48, 61, 92 Matthisen, Nina, letters to, 353 Maxwell, May Bolles grave of, 7.7, 24.7, 24.12, 77.4, 190.2 memorial meeting for, 73.1–2, 73.5 passing of, 66.1, 68 teaching work in Buenos Aires, 78.8 Maxwell, Sutherland, passing of, 7.7, 319.2 McBean, [Mr. and Mrs.], 88.4 McKinnon [Mrs.], 391.5 going on pilgrimage, 352.4–7 greetings to, 391.5 meditation, 369.3–4 See also prayer Meso-America and the Antilles, National Spiritual Assembly, letters to, 2, 3 Mexico, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 221, 259, 286 letters to, 58, 365 pioneers, 282.2, 350.2–4, 360.2 teaching work, 58, 76.2, 76.8, 134.7 travel teaching, 56 See also Central America and Mexico, National Spiritual Assembly Mickle [Miss], 29.8 Miessler, Margot, letters to, 318 Miessler, Muriel, letters to, 366 minorities, Latin American, teaching, 12.14, 21.4, 24.8, 152.4, 163.2 Moffet, Ruth, 285.1 letters to, 280 Moffet [Mr.], 280.6 Monterrey, Mexico, pioneering to, 350.4 Montevideo, Uruguay, Bahá’ís of Buenos Aires Bahá’ís to offer assistance to, 94.4, 98.2 consolidation work, 161.3 greetings to, 250.5 pioneers, 271.2–3, 317.2 summer school, 63.5 See also Uruguay, Bahá’ís of Morente [Srta.], 282.4 Mulchén, Chile, Bahá’ís of, 199.1 Muslims, 11.6 Nairobi, Kenya, growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 324.2 Nassau, Bahamas, Bahá’ís of formation of Local Spiritual Assemblies, 18.3 native believers, 353.2 National Spiritual Assemblies administrative manuals, 9.10 bringing problems to, 415 election of, 12.6–8, 13.8, 13.11, 14.5, 192.2, 315.2 future formation of, 11.3, 11.16, 11.17, 23.6, 131.2, 173.4, 184.3, 185.4, 207.3, 244.3, 283.3 incorporation of, 9.5 increasing number of, 76, 407.3 Local Spiritual Assemblies as foundation of, 17.3, 23.6, 347.3, 383.2, 407.3 as pillars of the Universal House of Justice, 1.4, 7.3, 13.11, 14.16, 23.9, 24.11 responsibilities of, 9.4 See also under individual countries and regions native believers. See Indians, Latin American Naw-Rúz, Feast of, 28.1, 106.1, 400.1 Negroes, teaching, 21.4, 24.15, 371.4, 401.3 See also minorities, Latin American, teaching New History Society, 232.4 New Territories Committee, 11.7 newsletters, Bahá’í, 9.4, 55.3, 126.1 newspapers, publicity on Bahá’í Faith in, 93.1, 115.1, 120.2, 149.3, 201.1, 229.1, 339.4 Nicaragua, Bahá’ís of Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds, 377.3 letters to, 173, 377 Nichols, Valeria, letters to, 212 Nicklin, Eve, 297.4, 300.1 letters to, 100, 121, 147, 224, 248, 266, 293, 298, 304, 317, 322, 340 pioneering to Punta Arenas, 231.3 Nieto, Felipe Madrigal, letters to, 69 Nineteen Day Feast, Bahá’í, 84.1, 101.2, 158.3, 276.5 Niteroy, Brazil, teaching work in, 223.5 See also Brazil, Bahá’ís of North American Bahá’í Community growth of, 1.1, 1.3 Latin American Bahá’ís’ bonds with, 1.6, 1.11, 2.3 pioneers from, 231.4, 354.2 teaching campaigns initiated by, 2.1, 11.14 See also American Bahá’í Community; American National Spiritual Assembly Nourse, [Mrs.] E. Boice, 73.2 obedience to government, Bahá’í principle of, 4.16, 391.4 Oliver, Cora H. and first Local Spiritual Assembly in Panama, 145.2 letters to, 64, 75, 152, 163, 267, 349 teaching work, 90.7 Ollino, José, 11.10 oneness of mankind, Bahá’í principle of, 63.4 See also unity Orbison, Virginia, letters to, 101, 105, 116, 131, 142, 164, 182 Osorno, Chile, growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 308.3 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of Oyacoto, Ecuador, school building offered to Bahá’ís in, 303.2–4, 303.6 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of Paghaharian [Miss], marriage to Antranik Kevorkian, 155.3 Panama, Republic of, Bahá’ís of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá citing importance of, 1.10 Bahá’í conference held in, 201.3 Canal Zone, 1.10, 152.3–5, 347.2 consolidation work, 157.2–3 letters to, 214, 215, 331, 347, 357 teaching work in, 64, 75, 152, 157.3, 187, 215.2–3, 234.3, 324.3 Temple site in, 9.15–16, 12.2, 14.9, 14.13, 23.5, 324.3 travel teaching in, 35.2 Panama, Republic of, Local Spiritual Assembly first, 145, 175.1, 175.2 seeking advice from, 267.5 Panama City, Local Spiritual Assembly, letters to, 262 Paraguay, Bahá’ís of, 116.6 pioneers, 155.2 teaching work, 83.2–6, 98.2–3, 273.2–3 See also Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, National Spiritual Assembly; Asunción, Paraguay, Bahá’ís of, teaching work Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, future Local Spiritual Assembly in, 368.2 Peru, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 117 consolidation work, 121.4 first Bahá’í marriage in, 198.2–3 formation of Local Spiritual Assembly, 117, 121.2, 122.4, 122.2 letters to, 5, 122, 283, 332 pioneers, 298.4 teaching work, 100.2, 147.3, 195.3, 298.3 youth, 154 See also Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, National Spiritual Assembly; Lima, Peru, Bahá’ís of Petersen, Carlos Bulling, letters to, 168, 308 pilgrimages by Central American Bahá’ís, 352.4–7, 373.4 by Latin American Bahá’ís, 11.4, 12.15, 17.6, 209.3 pioneering / pioneers accomplishments of, 121.3, 158.2 becoming financially independent, 19.1, 128.3 compared to early Christians, 84.3 decisions regarding, 331, 332 encouraging, 13.3, 24.5, 109, 110, 214.3 indigenous believers assuming responsibility for, 224.3 persevering, 12.12–13, 40.2, 42.1, 42.4, 118, 119.4, 123.4 preparation of, 1.7 during Ten Year World Crusade, 8, 9.14–15, 11.7 to virgin territories, 10.9, 10.11–12 unity of, 120.2 See also Holsapple, Leonora S., pioneering work; and under individual regions and countries Poghaharian, Marie, letters to, 77, 79, 86, 94 politics, Bahá’í principle of non-involvement in, 14.3, 77.5, 153.2, 153.3, 185.3, 232.1, 265.3, 294.2 Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Bahá’ís of letters to, 341, 395 seat of Greater Antilles National Spiritual Assembly to be located in, 21.3 Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Local Spiritual Assembly of, letters to, 359 prayers, 61.2, 369.4, 388.2 See also meditation publicity, Bahá’í, 151.3, 157.1–2, 372.2 avoiding opposition in response to, 14.6 regarding Bahá’í marriage, 166.3–4 related to Second South American Bahá’í Congress, 225.5 of visits by Bahá’ís, 180.1 See also newspapers, publicity on Bahá’í Faith in; radio broadcasts, Bahá’í Punta Arenas, Chile, Bahá’ís of, 207.5 Bahá’í Faith established in, 248.2–3 cablegrams to, 135 letters to, 321, 333 pioneers, 115.2, 132.3, 207.5, 231.3, 249.2, 263.1 publicity given Bahá’í Faith in, 133.1, 231.3 teaching work in, 128.2, 184.2, 184.5, 222.4, 224.2, 311.1 travel teaching to, 391.2 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of See also Magallanes, Chile Punta Arenas de Magallanes, Chile, Local Spiritual Assembly, 1.12, 4.11 establishment of, 87.4, 95.3, 150.2 formation of, 107, 108, 133.2, 178.3 greetings to, 150.6 letters to, 146, 178, 307, 319, 338, 364 maintenance of, 236.2, 272.2, 307.2 Quilpué, Chile, Bahá’ís of Regional Committee Conference, 361 teaching work in, 310.2, 308.5 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of Quito, Ecuador, Bahá’ís of letters to, 84, 130, 196 teaching work, 196.3 See also Ecuador, Bahá’ís of Quito, Ecuador, Local Spiritual Assembly, 194.4, 399 radio broadcasts, Bahá’í Bolivia, 165.5, 216.2 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 98.2 Chile, 178.2, 311.1 Havana, Cuba, 120.2 See also publicity, Bahá’í Ramos, Vivaldo, letters to, 255 Recife, Brazil, Bahá’ís of, 33.4, 81.2, 91.2, 111.7, 227.3 Regal, Julie, letters to, 157 Regional Spiritual Assemblies, Latin America conventions, 24.4, 286 emergence of, 13.8, 16.18, 401.1 formation of, 12.5, 17.12, 18.2, 23.3, 24.2, 347.3, 370.2 Greater Antilles, 21.9 National Assemblies superseding, 17.3 Reid, Alexander, letters to, 249, 263 Remey, Mason, visit to Cienfuegos, Cuba, 211.2 Ribeiro, Faria, translation work, 29.2 Rice-Wray, Sheila letters to, 273 teaching work, 360.2 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Bahá’ís of Bahá’í Publishing Trust established in, 11.17, 26.1–3 cablegrams to, 172 letters to, 189, 356, 378, 383, 407 teaching work in, 164.3, 164.4, 318.2 See also Brazil, Bahá’ís of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Local Spiritual Assembly Declaration of Trust ratified by, 227.2 formation of, 170, 172, 181.3 letters to, 318, 407 Rissanen, Väinö, 85.1, 85.7 Rodriguez, Mr. and Mrs. Mario, letters to, 344 Roll of Honor (Knights of Bahá’u’lláh), 8.16 Root, Martha (Hand of the Cause) grave of, 24.7 Leonora Holsapple corresponding with, 33.2 travel teaching, 1.3, 2.1, 11.14, 13.20, 30.12 Rosenzweig, Simon, first Uruguayan Bahá’í, 63.5 Rosicrucians, Bahá’í s to withdraw from membership in, 15.2–3 Sala, Emeric and Rosemary letters to, 156 visit to Cuba, 180.1 San Blas Islands, Panama, Bahá’ís of, 267.3 San José, Costa Rica, Bahá’ís of, letters to, 292 San José, Costa Rica, Local Spiritual Assembly cablegrams to, 345 letters to, 87, 95 purchase of Temple site by, 345 See also Costa Rica, Bahá’ís of San Salvador, El Salvador, Bahá’ís of, letters to, 373 Santa Clara, Cuba, Bahá’ís of, future Local Spiritual Assembly in, 166.2 Santiago, Chile, Bahá’ís of Amelia Collins’ visit to, 101.2–3 cablegrams to, 102 first South American Mashriqu’l-Adhkár to be located in, 10.14 letters to, 103, 242, 329 newspaper clippings from, 133.1 summer school, 1.7 teaching work, 103.5, 115.7, 128.2, 184.2 Temple site in, 10.14, 11.3, 177.2 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of; Second South American Bahá’í Congress (Santiago, Chile) Santiago, Chile, Local Spiritual Assembly, 102, 103.2–3, 105, 171, 243.2 letters to, 177, 264, 272 Santos, Clotilde Martins dos, letters to, 412 São Paulo, Brazil, Bahá’ís of contributions to Shrine of the Báb from, 295.1 letters to, 202 teaching work in, 160.3, 240.2 See also Brazil, Bahá’ís of São Paulo, Brazil, Local Spiritual Assembly, cablegrams to, 205 São Paulo, Brazil, Teaching Conference, letters to, 336 Schulder, Millicent B. de, letters to, 186 Second Seven Year Plan (1946–1953), 12.20, 225.5, 401.2 Bahá’í centers developed during, 11.14, 12.20, 320.2, 401.2 goals of, 1.4–10, 1.12, 2.4–5, 2.5–6 See also First Seven Year Plan (1937–1944) Second South American Bahá’í Congress (Santiago, Chile), 222.5, 224.3, 231.2 cablegram to, 220 letters to, 225 “Security for a Failing World” (Shoghi Effendi), Portuguese translation of, 72.4 Sholtis, Gwenne D. greetings to, 176.4 letters to, 183, 210, 229, 281 Shrine of the Báb construction of, 253.3, 267.2 contributions to, 6.1, 194.1, 196.1–2, 243.4, 295.1, 300.1 Sifter of Wheat (early hero of the Faith), 24.5 Silver, Jean, letters to, 104, 120, 180, 200, 218 Six Year Plan (Latin America), goals of, 21.8, 21.11–14, 22.13–16, 23.12– 13, 24.14–16, 401.3 Small [Mr.], welcome to, 353.2 Small, Rachel, 46.3 Smyth, [Mrs.], 132.3, 134.6, 134.7 Sneider, Mabel, letters to, 324 Socrates, 133.4 Some Answered Questions (‘Abdu’l-Bahá) printing of, 299.2 translations of, 33.10, 38.2, 45.2, 72.4, 263.1 South America, Bahá’ís of Fourth Bahá’í Congress, 284 growth of Bahá’í Faith in, 11.14–17, 130.2 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in, 16.8 increase in Assemblies and Centers, 380.2 letters to, 2 Mashriqu’l-Adhkár in, 10.14 maturation of, 199.2 One Year Plan, 7.13 pioneers, 111.3, 149.4 Teaching Committee, 222 teaching work, 49.3–4, 60.1, 60.2, 68.1, 76.3, 76.5, 173.4, 230.3, 328.5, 354.2 Ten Year World Crusade goals, 10.11–17, 11.14–17, 13.8–12, 16.3, 329.3–5 travel teaching, 57, 283.2 See also individual South American countries South America, National Spiritual Assembly, 242.2 achievements of, 16.2–3, 16.15–16, 16.20–22 cablegrams to, 8 conventions, 4.1–2, 5.2, 7.4, 8, 288, 314, 380.2 divided into Regional Assemblies, 21.7, 22.2, 22.4, 24.11 first convention, 4.1–2, 5.2 formation of, 1.1, 2.1, 4, 11.14, 174.3, 177.3, 181.5, 194.4, 199.2, 201.3, 290.3, 372.2 incorporation of, 10.4 letters to, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 responsibilities to be assumed by, 2.5–6, 11.11, 13.5, 289.3, 298.2, 305.2, 326.3 Second Seven Year Plan goals, 1.4 seeking advice from, 303.4, 304.3 Ten Year World Crusade goals, 11.11, 13.8–12, 16.17–19 South American Congress (Buenos Aires, Argentina), 190, 191, 193, 194.3, 195.1, 199.2–3, 314 Spain, pioneering to, 175.4, 182.4 Spiritual Assemblies. See Local Spiritual Assemblies; National Spiritual Assemblies Spiritualism / Spiritualists, 16.11, 29.3 Sprague, Philip, 77.3, 78.5, 111.6 Stannard, Jean, 30.8, 30.12 Stearns, John death of, 131.4, 147 pioneering to Ecuador, 130.2, 149.4 Stee, Marjorie, 373.1, 373.4 letters to, 386 Stewart, Francis Benedict, 61, 63 Inter-America teaching campaign, 61.1, 63.4 travel teaching trips, 61.4, 61.7 Stewart, Marcia. See Atwater, Marcia Stewart (Steward) study groups, 98.2, 200.2, 201.2, 299.3 See also Bahá’í Faith, deepening knowledge of Sucre, Bolivia, Bahá’ís of, 131.2, 143.3, 210.4 de Cuéllars’ teaching work in, 176.2, 183.3 growth of Bahá’í Faith, 302.2 teaching work, 131.2, 165.2–3, 193.1, 210.1, 240.3, 246.2–3, 265.6, 266.4, 277.2 See also Bolivia, Bahá’ís of Sucre, Bolivia, Local Spiritual Assembly, 131.2, 165.3, 204 summer schools, Bahá’í Argentina, 98.2, 144, 179.2 Chile, 4.12, 222.3, 222.5 Cuba, 339 maintenance of, 4.12 Montevideo, Uruguay, 63.5 Sweden, pioneering to, 206.3–4 Switzerland, progress of Bahá’í Faith in, 30.8 Tablets of the Divine Plan (‘Abdu’l-Bahá), 1.9–10, 1.12, 2.1, 7.14, 9.20, 10.11, 12.20, 307.2 fulfillment of, 159.3 United States as chief executors of, 8.5, 10.4, 401.4 See also ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Taetz, Rangvald, letters to, 271 teaching Bahá’í Fund supporting work of, 225.3 correspondence method of, 232.2 of diverse populations, 76.5, 236.2 duty of, 4.7, 395.1 by example, 279.3 extension, 94.4, 371.5, 407.3 importance of, 15.3, 17.3, 21.5, 23.4, 69.3–4, 369.3 individual, 370.3, 372.2 Inter-American campaign of, 61.1 local believers assuming responsibility for, 22.5, 22.10, 130.4 by mature teachers, 6.4 preparation for, 1.7, 222.3, 222.5 related to Second South American Bahá’í Congress in, 225.5 during Ten Year World Crusade, 389.2 of youth, 32.2 See also believers, new; Latin America, Bahá’ís of, assuming responsibility for teaching work; travel teachers / travel teaching Temerity Ranch, (Colorado), International School at, 1.7, 92.2 Temple, Wilmette, Illinois contributions to, 243.4 dedication of, 10.6, 104.3 Temple sites, acquiring, 9.15–16, 22.3 in Argentina, 392.2, 393 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24.6 in Chile, 178.2–3, 177.5 in Costa Rica, 345 in Panama, 12.3, 14.9, 14.13, 23.5 in Santiago, Chile, 10.14, 11.13, 177.2 See also Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds; Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs Ten Year World Crusade consolidation during, 389.2 forming National Spiritual Assemblies, 9.10–20, 361.3, 401.3 goals, 8, 9.9, 9.10–20, 12.19–26, 323.2, 335.2, 336.2, 346.5, 371.2, 374, 376.2 launched during Holy Year, 7.15 progress of, 11.2 teaching plans, 328, 329.3–5, 330.4, 389.2 See also First Seven Year Plan (1937–1944); Second Seven Year Plan (1946–1953) Theosophists, 15.2–3, 29.3, 127.5 in Brazil, 30.13, 33.3 Thompson, Juliet, letters to, 134 Thornton [Mrs.], pioneering to Chile, 128.4 Tormo, Mr. and Mrs. Salvador, 7.5, 11.10, 144 greetings to, 188.5 letters to, 73, 78 travel teachers / travel teaching, 52.2, 56, 114.7, 156.1–2, 384.2 in Brazil, 164.2, 388.3, 412 in Central America, 283.2 in Colombia, 175.5 Francis Benedict Stewart, 61.4 Loulie Mathews, 61.3 by native Latin Americans, 1.7, 231.4 in South America, 57, 283.2 Wilfred Barton, 63.2 See also teaching “Unfoldment of World Civilization, The” (Shoghi Effendi), Spanish translation of, 53.3 United Nations Regional Conference, 294.2 United States (U.S.), Ambassador to Iran, 356.2 See also American Bahá’í Community; American National Spiritual Assembly; American Teaching Committee unity attracting others to Bahá’í Faith through, 178.5, 194.2, 279.3, 302.2 in Bahá’í community, 1.5, 10.5, 17.5, 124.4, 150.3, 251.5, 252.2–3, 270.4 among Bahá’ís, 77.6, 79.2–3, 124.4, 173.4, 274.2, 312.2, 314.2, 318.2, 320.3, 366.4 Bahá’u’lláh’s gift to the world, 94.2, 103.4 blessings flowing from, 120.2 giving to Fund as sign of, 3.8, 4.8 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds fostering, 382.2 as primary objective of Bahá’í Faith, 153.2 promotion of, 4.6, 395.1 teaching work fostering, 14.2, 16.4 See also oneness of mankind, Bahá’í principle of Universal Friendship Club (Lima, Peru), 154.2, 155.4 Universal House of Justice, 1.4, 7.12, 13.11, 14.16, 23.9, 24.11 unopened territories. See virgin territories, Latin America Uruguay, Bahá’ís of cablegrams to, 97, 404 first believer in, 63.5 pioneers, 161.3 teaching work, 63.1, 230.3 See also Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia, National Spiritual Assembly; Montevideo, Uruguay, Bahá’ís of Valparaiso, Chile, Bahá’ís of greetings to, 197.4 teaching work, 400.2 See also Chile, Bahá’ís of Valparaiso, Chile, Local Spiritual Assembly formation of, 146.3, 168.3, 169.4, 170 teaching work, 184.2, 186.2–3 Varqá, ‘Alí-Muhammad (Hand of the Cause), visit from, 24.4, 329.2 Venezuela, Bahá’ís of first Conference of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, 257 Ḥaẓíratu’l-Quds in, 22.9 letters to, 323 teaching work, 354 See also Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, National Spiritual Assembly; Caracas, Venezuela, Bahá’ís of virgin territories, Latin America appointing National Teaching Committees for, 18.6 apportioning among National Spiritual Assemblies, 26.4 establishing Bahá’í Faith in, 175.3, 409.3 forming Local Spiritual Assemblies in, 1.2, 18.2 opening, 9.14–15, 11.15 pioneering to, 10.9, 10.11–12 publicity in, 13.7 settlement of, 8, 326.4, 329.4, 376.2 Vodanovi, Rosy, letters to, 150, 244 voting rights, removal of, 10.8, 315.9 Warde, Shirley, letters to, 159, 188, 192, 349 West Indies, teaching in, 285.3 Willems, Wilhelmina, 248.3 Will of God acceptance of, 413 complete association with, 365.6 winter schools, Argentina, 179.2 Woolson, Gayle, 84.6, 82.7 letters to, 70, 80, 125, 239, 309, 380 world conditions / problems, 42.2–3, 265.3, 348.3 Bahá’í Faith offering solutions to, 86.3, 91.4, 183.2, 216.3, 219.2, 294.2 World Crusade. See Ten Year World Crusade World Order of Bahá’u’lláh, 134.4, 183.2, 213.5 See also Administrative Order of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh “World Religion, The” (Shoghi Effendi), Portuguese translation of, 72.3 Worley, Margot letters to, 235, 297, 326 Wilfred Barton’s meeting with, 63.3 Worley, [Mr.] greetings to, 235.4 translations done by, 379.1 youth, Bahá’í, 93.2, 153.1, 211.3, 328.4 in Bahia, Brazil, 381.2 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 77.5, 77.7, 126 contributing to the Fund, 278.4 in Cuba, 112.6, 384 in Haiti, 106.2 in Lima, Peru, 154 on Local Spiritual Assemblies, 142.2–3 Persian Bahá’í Youth Committee, 126.6 Zamenhof, Lydia, 44.4 Zuniga, Adriana, 346.3 |
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