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Documents published in Religion / Religions

  1. Mina Yazdani and Omid Ghaemmaghami. Ante Litteram Critique of Orientalism, An: The Case of Abu'l-Fadá'il-i-Gulpáyigání and E.G. Browne (2023). Gulpaygani’s analysis of Orientalism as presented in his book Kashfu'l-Ghitá', which focused on the Cambridge scholar E.G. Browne and how his worldview prefigured that of Edward Said; colonial power relations. Link to article (offsite).
  2. Zackery Mirza Heern. Báb and 'Alí Muhammad, Islamic and Post-Islamic, The: Multiple Meanings in the Writings of Sayyid 'Alí Muhammad Shírází (1819-1850) (2023). Writings of the Báb can be understood as a commentary on the Qur'án, the original Qur'án, and divine revelation; the metaphors and symbolism of Gate (Báb), Remembrance (Dhikr), and Point (Nuqtah). Link to article (offsite).
  3. Siyamak Zabihi-Moghaddam. Báb on the Rights of Women, The (2023-06). Statements of the Báb on issues such as mutʿah and tahlíl marriages, polygyny, bridal consent, divorce and spousal relations, and their significance for the rights of women in Muslim juridical opinions and social customs. Link to article (offsite).
  4. Denis MacEoin. Babi Concept of Holy War, The (1982). An influential and controversial article, one of the first modern academic examinations of Bábí history. Discusses Islamic jihad, Bábí jihad, martyrdom, and political struggles.
  5. Anthony Lee. Bábí Theology in Poetry, A: The Creative Imagination of Táhirih, Qurratu'l-'Ayn (2023). Examination of Qurratu’l-Ayn's writings to discern her social, religious, and political beliefs, most of which broke with Islam's traditional theology in favor of a revolutionary new doctrine. Link to article (offsite).
  6. Peter Smith and Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Faith 1957-1988, The: A Survey of Contemporary Developments (1989). A general account of developments in the Bahá'í Faith during these three decades.
  7. Wendi Momen. Bahá'í Faith and the Equality, Rights, and Advancement of Women, The: A Survey of Principles, Praxis, and Discourse (2023). Equality of women and men; education, advancement, and rights of women and girls; their application within the Bahá’í community; Bahá'í individual and institutional efforts to influence the international discourse on women. Link to article (offsite).
  8. Bahá'í Faith, The: Doctrinal and Historical Explorations (2023). Twelve articles in a special issue "The Bahá'í Faith: Doctrinal and Historical Explorations" of the journal Religions, volume 14 (sub-issue numbers 3, 4, and 6). Links to articles offsite.
  9. Denis MacEoin. Bahá'í Fundamentalism and the Academic Study of the Babi Movement (1986). A response to Afnan and Hatcher's "Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins," on the issues of faith-based approaches to religious history and textual criticism.
  10. Michael Stausberg and Denis MacEoin, et al. Challenging Apostasy: Responses to Moojan Momen's 'Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community' (2008). Six letters to the editor published in the issue following Momen's article.
  11. Todd Lawson. Cosmopolitan World of the Quran and Late Antique Humanism, The (2021). On the Qur'an's use of the themes of epic and apocalypse to reveal its most cherished sacred truths: the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Religion, and the Oneness of Humanity. Contains no mention of the Bahá'í Faith.
  12. Geoffrey Nash. Impact of Fear and Authority on Islamic and Bahá'í Modernisms in the Late Modern Age, The: A Liberal Perspective (2015). Anthony Giddens and Charles Taylor’s conceptualisation of the self in the secular age; rationality, independent inquiry, and theophanic transformation; suggestions for a progressive religious approach in late modernity. Link to article (offsite).
  13. Denis MacEoin. Islam and the Baha'i Faith: A comparative study of Muhammad ‘Abduh and ‘Abdul-Baha ‘Abbas: Review (2010).
  14. Christopher Buck and Youli A. Ioannesyan. Last Prophet and Last Day: Shaykhí, Bábí and Bahá'í Exegesis of the 'Seal of the Prophets' (Q. 33:40) (2023). Survey and analysis of viewpoints on the meaning of "Seal of the Prophets"; the prophetic cycle and cycle of fulfillment; metaphorical and spiritual understandings of the "divine presence." Link to article (offsite).
  15. Moojan Momen. Marginality and Apostasy in the Bahá'í Community (2007). Study of a particular type of articulate and well-educated ex-Bahá'ís, here termed "marginal" and "apostates," who first appeared in the West about 25 years ago and reached the peak of their activity in the last decade.
  16. Sholeh A. Quinn. Mi'ráj in Select Shaykhí, Bábí, and Bahá'í Texts, The (2023). The ascension of the Prophet Muhammad to heaven, and commentary on its meanings by religious leaders associated with the the Shaykhí, Bábí, and Bahá'í movements. Link to article (offsite).
  17. Seena Fazel. New Wave of Bahá'í Intellectual Thought, A: The Impact and Contributions of World Order Magazine (2023). The main themes and papers in World Order, interviews with editors, listing of the number of articles by topic, and summary of available information on the most cited (from Google Scholar) and downloaded (from Bahá'í Library Online) World Order papers.
  18. Muhammad Afnan and William S. Hatcher, et al. Note on Maceoin's 'Bahá'í Fundamentalism' and 'Afnán, Hatcher and an old bone' (1986). Two shorter follow-up essays, offering closing thoughts on a previously-published debate about issues of historical accuracy, academic neutrality, and faith-based scholarship.
  19. Robert Stockman. "Race, Immorality and Money in the American Bahá'í Community: Impeaching the Los Angeles Spiritual Assembly," by Juan Cole: Commmentary (2000-04). Response to Cole's article in the same issue, which analyzes the dissolution of the Bahá'í local assembly of Los Angeles in 1986-88 by the US NSA.
  20. Moojan Momen. Religion and Relevance: The Baha'is in Britain 1899-1930, by Lil Osborn: Review (2017).
  21. Todd Lawson. Role of Wonder in Creating Identity, The (2023). The term badí', "wondrous" or "new," is used dozens of times by the Báb in his proclamatory work the Qayyúm al-Asmáʾ. Wonder plays a major role in Bábí and Bahá'í thought and practice, and in their ethos and message. Link to article (offsite).
  22. Tova Makhani-Belkin. 'This Is a Progression, Not Conversion': Narratives of First-Generation Bahá'ís (2023). Unlike personal transformation experiences in Christianity, religious conversion to the Bahá'í Faith is more often described as a gradual personal and spiritual growth analogous to progressive revelation. Link to article (offsite).
  23. Stephen Lambden. Translation of the Arabic Du'á' al-Sahar (The Dawn Supplication) or Du'á' al-Bahá' (The Supplication of Splendour) with Select Expository Scriptural Writings of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, A (2023). Translation of and commentary on the Shí'í "dawn supplication" for the Islamic month of Ramadán, and its symbolic exploration in Bábí and Bahá'í texts. Link to article (offsite).
  24. Muhammad Afnan and William S. Hatcher. Western Islamic Scholarship and Bahá'í Origins (1985). A critique of articles by Denis MacEoin, and a defense of Bahá'í interpretations of history vis-à-vis academic criticism.
  25. Moojan Momen. Who Was a Bahá'í in the Upper Echelons of Qájár Iran? (2023). The nature of multiple religious identities in a traditional society; five criteria by which many individuals can be identified as having secretly been Bahá'ís in the ruling society and administration of Qájár Iran. Link to article (offsite).

Academic journals
(mostly peer reviewed)

Australian Bahá'í Studies
Bahá'í Studies
Bahá'í Studies Bulletin
Bahá'í Studies Review
Journal of Bahá'í Studies
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
Occasional Papers in Bábí and Bahá'í Studies
Online Journal of Bahá'í Studies
Religion / Religions
Singapore Bahá'í Studies Review
Studies in Bahá'í Philosophy
World Order (and see complete issues)


Khúshih-Há'í Az Kharman-i-Adab
Lights of Irfán
Studies in Babi and Baha'i Religions


The Open Court (1904-1931)
Journal de Constantinople (1848-1849)

Other Bahá'í journals

American Bahá'í, The (offsite)
Arts Dialogue (offsite)
Bahá'í Journal UK
Bahá'í News
Bahá'í World
One Country
Star of the West


Bahá'í Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia Britannica      
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Encyclopaedia of Islam
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