RIS record for "Bahá'í Influences on Mirza 'Abdu'llah, Qajar Court Musician and Master of the Radíf"

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ID  - 5838
UR  - https://bahai-library.com/caton_bahai_influences_qajar
WT  - Baha'i Library Online
T1  - Bahá'í Influences on Mirza 'Abdu'llah, Qajar Court Musician and Master of the Radíf
T2  - Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions
JF  - 
JA  - 
A1  - Caton,Margaret
A2  - 
A3  - 
Y1  - 1984
Y2  - 
VL  - Volume 2
IS  - 
SP  - 31
EP  - 66
M2  - 
PB  - Kalimat Press
CY  - Los Angeles
M1  - 
M3  - Articles
SN  - 
LA  - English
L3  - 
DO  - 
U1  - 
U2  - 
U3  - 
AB  - The mystical milieu of musicianship and the Bahá'í Faith's approval of music (in contradistinction to the legalistic Islam of the ayatu'llahs, which forbade it) made the Faith appealing to Abdu'llah, one of the great compilers of the Persian repertoire.
N1  - This article is incomplete; the preview at books.google.com only displayed pages 31-57.
C1  - 
KW  - Iran (documents)
KW  - Music
KW  - Mírzá `Abdu'lláh
ER  -