RIS record for "Progress of the Faith in the United States and South Carolina"

download: https://bahai-library.com/ris/5591.ris  [plain-text file, encoded in UTF-8]

ID  - 5591
UR  - https://bahai-library.com/uhj_faith_us_south-carolina
WT  - Baha'i Library Online
T1  - Progress of the Faith in the United States and South Carolina
T2  - 
JF  - 
JA  - 
A1  - Universal House of Justice
A2  - 
A3  - 
Y1  - 2019/03/12
Y2  - 
VL  - 
IS  - 
SP  - 
EP  - 
M2  - 
PB  - 
CY  - 
M1  - 
M3  - UHJ-letters
SN  - 
LA  - English
L3  - 
DO  - 
U1  - 
U2  - 
U3  - 
AB  - While growth may not be always apparent in local regions, efforts of clusters country-wide are showing overall progress.
N1  - Transmitted by email and shared by recipient (name removed); original on file.
C1  - 
KW  - Growth
KW  - Institute process
KW  - South Carolina, USA
KW  - United States (documents)
ER  -