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TY - SOUND ID - 4295 UR - WT - Baha'i Library Online T1 - Temple Song T2 - JF - Bahá'í News JA - BN A1 - Waite,Louise R. A2 - A3 - Y1 - 1910/05/17 Y2 - VL - 1 IS - 4 SP - EP - M2 - PB - CY - M1 - M3 - Audio; Music SN - LA - English L3 - DO - U1 - U2 - U3 - AB - Sheet music and audio for an early American Bahá'í song. N1 - Available from Star of the West, volume 1, issue 4, pg. 30. Encoding of another work of Louise Waite's has begun as well: Bahai Hymns of Peace and Praise. The musical score, MIDI, and audio output were obtained utilizing the Mediawiki Score extension with the Lilypond syntax (obtainable in the wiki source of the Star of the West issue mentioned above).The work is in the public domain outside of the U.S. due to the author having passed over 70 years ago (May 27, 1939 per p. 8 of Music, Devotions, and Mashriqu'l-Adhkar) and within the U.S. due to it having been published before 1923 (in 1908 per p. 39 of ibid.). See also Bahá'í Hymns of Peace and Praise (Waite, 1908). C1 - Transcribed 2013-12-09 by Brett Zamir. KW - Mashriqu'l-Adhkár (House of Worship) KW - Music ER - |