RIS record for "Interview with Ruhollah Geula regarding Robert Imbrie"

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ID  - 398
UR  - https://bahai-library.com/imbrie_interview_ruhollah_geula
WT  - Baha'i Library Online
T1  - Interview with Ruhollah Geula regarding Robert Imbrie
T2  - 
JF  - 
JA  - 
A1  - Lee,Anthony
A2  - 
A3  - 
Y1  - 1997/09
Y2  - 
VL  - 
IS  - 
SP  - 
EP  - 
M2  - 
PB  - 
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M1  - 
M3  - Histories
SN  - 
LA  - English
L3  - 
DO  - 
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U3  - 
AB  - Interview by Lee, the general editor of Kalimat Press, with  his father-in-law, an eyewitness to these 1924 events in Tehran.
N1  - On July 18, 1924, American Vice Consul Robert Whitney Imbrie was beaten to death in Tehran. Initially the Bahá'ís were accused as the murderers, but follow-up reports showed the attack to have been the result of a mob uprising.  See also New York Times articles, Vice Counsel Robert Imbrie's report to the U.S. Secretary of State, and a follow-up report A consideration of the Bahai religion.
C1  - 
KW  - Iran (documents)
KW  - Major Robert Imbrie
KW  - Persecution
KW  - Persecution, Iran
ER  -