Baha'i Library Online

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COLLECTIONSBook excerpts, Bibliographies
TITLEList of Works in the New York Public Library Relating to Arabia and the Arabs, Arabic Philosophy, Science and Literature
VOLUMEVol. 15:1 (January 1911)
TITLE_PARENTBulletin of the New York Public Library
PAGE_RANGE218, 239-240
PUB_THISNew York Public Library
ABSTRACTA single entry "Daghistani" and a section "Muhammadanism / Sects / Babis."
NOTES See also List of Works in the New York Public Library Relating to Persia.
TAGS- Indexes and catalogues; Libraries; New York, USA; United States (documents)
VIEWS321 views since 2023-08-25 (last edit 2023-08-25 00:29 UTC)
PERMISSIONpublic domain
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