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Collection of newspaper articles from 1998.
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Newspaper articles archive

[various authors]


Most articles mirrored from the University of Georgia Bahá'í news archive []. The contents of these items are copyrighted material and copyright restrictions apply, but they qualify for inclusion here under Fair Use, Educational, and Non-Profit exemptions.
December, 1998 -- World & I (News World Communications, Inc.)
December, 1998 -- Guinness Book of Records
December 15, 1998 -- Canoe (Canada)
Non-Christians treat Christmas with respect...
December 12, 1998 -- BBC World News
Iran condemns UN rights resolution...
December 11, 1998 -- Ha'aretz
An ode to Haifa...
December 10, 1998 -- Los Angles Times
New Lives for Women From Iran...
December 08, 1998 -- The Alligator
UF's Bahá'í Unity Club to discuss injustice in Iran...
December 08, 1998 -- Canoe (Canada)
Muslims denounce film...
December 07, 1998 -- iContrapress media GmbH (German)
Irans Behörden gehen gegen die Untergrund-Universität der religiösen Minderheit vor...
December 06, 1998 -- Kennebec Journal
Long History of Persecution...
December 06, 1998 -- Emory University
State Dept. committee to include Emory prof...
December 05, 1998 -- Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc.
Faith Under Fire, Nassar Rohani tells of Iran's attempt to destroy the intellectual and cultural life of its Bahá'í community...
December 05, 1998 -- Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc.
Long History of Persecutions...
December 01, 1998 -- The Chicago Flame
Bahais claim mistreatment in Iran...
November 28, 1998 -- The Hindustan Times
With Malice Towards One And All...
November 23, 1998 -- San Francisco Chronicle
Charity Voice-Mail Program Connects Homeless to The World...
November 20, 1998 -- Le Bien Public (French)
A la decouverte des Bahá'ís de Dijon...
November 19, 1998 -- Reuters
U.N. Panel Adopts Resolution Rebuking Iran...
November 19, 1998 -- The Daily Trojan
Education for Bahá'ís promoted...
November 19, 1998 -- The Associated Press
A U.N. committee adopted a resolution Wednesday expressing concern over Iran's continuing violation of human rights, including the use of torture, stoning and amputation...
November 19, 1998 -- BBC News Service
UN rights resolution attacks Iran...
November 18, 1998 -- Seattle Times
Everett shelter must find new building...
November 18, 1998 -- Fox News
U.N. Committee Express Concern at Human Rights in Iran...
November 17 1998 -- Reuters
PARIS, Nov 17 (Reuters) - French members of the Bahai faith said on Tuesday that fellow believers in Iran were the target of a new wave of persecution...
November 17 1998 -- CNN
Bahais warn of fresh persecution in Iran...
November 16, 1998 -- Beijing
BEIJING (Nov. 16) XINHUA - More than 50 religious scholars from 10 countries gathered today in the Chinese capital to discuss relationships between religious culture and ethic morality...
November 15 1998 -- Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Refugee Tells of Journey Out of Iran...
November 14, 1998 -- Iran Press Service
November 14, 1998 -- Giebener Anzeiger (German)
Mitglieder der Bahá'í-Gemeinde sorgen sich um Verwandte im Iran...
November 14 1998 -- White House Press Office
International Day of Prayer...
November 13 1998 -- Chronicle of Higher Education
36 Professors Arrested in Iranian Crackdown on Underground Bahá'í University...
November 12 1998 -- The Virginian-Pilot
Bahá'ís celebrate while remembering those who are still suffering for...
November 06, 1998 -- United Nations
Press Release GA/SHC/3499...
November 05, 1998 -- Bergen Record Corp.
Persecution said to grow harsher for Iranian Bahá'ís...
November 05, 1998 -- Saint Paul Pioneer Press
Persecution said to grow harsher for Iranian Bahá'ís...
November 02, 1998 -- Travel Weekly
Footsteps of the faithful: Christian pilgrims of all denominations can find meaning in these attractions...
November 02, 1998 -- The Alligator
Crowd grows feisty at UF race seminar...
October 30, 1998 -- BBC News Service
US again accuses Iran of persecuting Bahá'í community...
October 29, 1998 -- Washington File
TRANSCRIPT: STATE DEPARTMENT NOON BRIEFING, OCT. 29, 1998 (Gaza, Kosovo, Colombia, China/rights, Iran/Bahai) (4760)...
October 29, 1998 -- The Alligator
Panel to discuss state of local race relations...
October 29, 1998 -- U.S. State Department
Daily Press Briefing #119...
October 29, 1998 -- The Iranian
With Raids and Arrests, Iran Signals New Effort to Suppress Bahais...
October 29, 1998 -- Reuters
Iran Releases Most Bahá'í Teachers, U.S. Says...
October 29, 1998 -- New York Times
With Raids and Arrests, Iran Signals New Effort to Suppress Bahais...
October 29, 1998 -- Associated Press
U.S. Condemns Iranian Persecution...
October 29, 1998 -- US State Department
QUESTION: Jamie, there are credible reports of a severe round-up of Bahá'ís in Iran...
October 28 1998 -- Australian Bahá'í Community Press Release
Government Urges Iran To Respect Bahá'í Religious Freedom...
October 28 1998 -- American Association for the Advancement of Science
IRAN-- Education for Bahá'ís Attacked...
October 27, 1998 -- Mopheme/The Survivor
The United Nations Development Programme...
October 25, 1998 -- The Washington Post
Iran's Crimes at Home...
October 23, 1998 -- Reuters
Iran on Friday rejected as "political" a U.N. report which said...
October 22, 1998 -- The California Aggie
Davis Bahá'ís react to recent persecutions in Iran...
October 23 1998 -- Atlanta
Religious Injustice, A Test of Faith...
October 21 1998 -- Reuters
Rights Violated in Iran despite Reform Moves U.N....
October 20 1998 -- The Review (U of Delaware)
Bahá'í profs protest persecutions in Iran...
October 18, 1998 -- Pioneer Planet
Pacifist Bahá'ís Face Growing Persecution in Iran...
October 18, 1998 -- Times of Swaziland
Soldiers For Christ call for banning of Bahá'í Faith and Islam in Swaziland...
October 16, 1998 -- The Iranian
IHRWG condemns crackdown on Bahá'ís in Iran...
October 16, 1998 -- The Oak Ridger
Tennessee Bahá'ís attend annual meeting...
October 11 1998 -- The Times of Swaziland SUNDAY
Accept others as you would that they accept you...
October 9, 1998 -- Religion Today
Religion is making a comeback on college campuses...
October 8, 1998 -- Times of Swaziland
City council debate revealed extreme religious intolerance...
October 7, 1998 -- Iranian Times
Some 500 Bahá'í Homes Raided in Iran...
October 6 1998 -- Editorial by the Voice of America
Two of three Iranian Bahá'ís now under sentence of death at Mashhad are reportedly under imminent threat of execution...
October 7 -- M2 Presswire
Tackling South's racism, poverty is September conference goal...
October 6, 1998 -- Update On the Situation of the Bahá'ís In Iran
The National Spiritual Assembly has received an update about the situation of the Bahá'ís in Iran...
October 6, 1998 -- Assemblea Spirituale Nazionale dei Bahá'í d'Italia (Italian)
October 5, 1998 -- North Shore News (Canada)
Learning to value educators...
October 5, M2 Communications - US Deeply Stressed by Actions of Iranian Government
OCT 5, 1998, M2 Communications - The United States is deeply distressed by recent actions by the Government of Iran against adherents of the Bahá'í faith...
October 04 1998 -- Indian Express Newspapers (Bombay) Ltd.
Plea against execution...
October 3, 1998 -- Saturday Post, Johannesburg S.A.
Religious and Political Leaders Will Meet to Sign Code of Morality...
October 3 -- Washington Post
Faith Stories: Where Reason And Religion Can Coexist...
October 2 -- The Monitor (Kampala)
Let's have a Truth, Clemency Commission...
October 2, 1998 - United Press International
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 (UPI) -- The White House is urging the Iranian government not to execute two members of the Bahá'í religious minority...
October 2, 1998 Reuters Bahá'í faith in Iran
PARIS, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Members of the Bahai faith in France accused the Iranian authorities on Friday of launching a major crackdown against Bahais...
October 2, 1998 Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Accusing Iran of persecuting the Bahá'ís, the State Department said Thursday two members of the faith were in imminent danger of execution in Khorasan province and...
October 2, 1998 THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary
The United States is deeply distressed by recent actions by the Government of Iran against adherents of the Bahá'í faith...
October 2, 1998 -- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom
We have received news of further disturbing developments in Iran...
October 01 1998 -- The Christian Science Monitor
The Rule Known Around the World...
October 01 1998 -- The Morning News Online
Woman describes Iranian persecution for religious beliefs...
October 1, 1998 -- The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
Two Bahá'í friends, Sirus Zabihi-Moghaddam and Hedayat Kashefi Najafabadi, recently condemned to death by...
October 2, 1998 -- UPI
TORONTO, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- Iranian authorities are reported to have arrested at least 27 Bahais, in the latest crackdown...
October 1, 1998 -- THE US State Department
Daily Press Briefing, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1998, Briefer: JAMES P. RUBIN...
October 1, 1998 - Reuters
WASHINGTON, Oct 1 (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday called on Iran not to execute two condemned members of the Bahá'í faith...
October 1, 1998 - The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Accusing Iran of persecuting the Bahá'ís, the State Department...
September 23, 1998 -- The Seattle Times
Senate hopes to find way to fight religious persecution abroad...
September 22, 1998 -- The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnics Literature of the United States
Robert Hayden's Epic of Community. (African American poet)...
Bahá'í Youths Victims of Racial Incident -- Buffalo News
A 24 year old Buffalo man was arrested late Friday on an assault charge after police said he attacked four young people with an aluminum bat...
Mass Arrest of Bahá'í Educators in Iran Two Death Sentences Confirmed
Also reported at SNAP.COM (powered by Bloomberg)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- At today's daily briefing the State Department's spokesman, James Rubin, stated that the death sentences of two Iranian Bahá'ís have been confirmed and that 32 Bahá'í teachers have been arrested...
Mass Arrest of Bahá'ís in Iran
TORONTO, Oct. 1 (UPI) -- A Canada-based spokesman for the Bahá'í faith says Iranian authorities have arrested 32 Bahá'ís in the latest crackdown against the largest religious minority group in that country...
September 29, 1998 -- London Times
Iran Offers No Mercy to Bahá'ís...
September 29, 1998 -- BBC World News
Bahá'í death sentences in Iran...
September 29, 1998 -- Reuters
PARIS, Sept 29 (Reuters)- French members of the Bahai faith said on Tuesday they feared two more...
September 16, 1998 -- LE DAUPHINE LIBÉRÉ (French)
Des danses pour la paix au 100e anniversaire des Bahá'ís...
August 29, 1998 -- Detroit Free Press
Faiths find home on Internet...
August 28, 1998 -- su L'Unione Sarda, il pi˘ diffuso quotidiano della Sardegna (Italian)
A World-embracing vision: Bahá'ís plan convention in Naples...
August 26, 1998 -- UPI
Student faces death if deported...
August 22, 1998 -- The Dallas Morning News
Campaign of fear continues against Bahá'ís...
August 22, 1998 -- Naples Daily News
A World-embracing vision: Bahá'ís plan convention in Naples...
August 21, 1998 -- W.T. Cozby Library
August 16, 1998 -- Ha'aretz
New life and strife foe a Haifa neighborhood...
August 13, 1998 -- The Christian Century
Religious Repression in Khomeini's Iran...
August 03, 1998 Bomb Victim Refused Burial -- ABC News
A 15-year-old Russian immigrant paid the ultimate price for coming to the Jewish state-his life was taken in last week's terrorist bombings in Jerusalem...
August 02, 1998 -- Daily Telegraph (UK)
Iran attacked for hanging follower of peaceful sect...
August 01, 1998 -- St. Petersburg Times
Iran continues persecution of Bahais...
July 29, 1998 -- US House of Representatives
July 29, 1998 -- Salam Iran
President Khatami's Advice to Media Must Be Heeded...
July 29, 1998 -- Australian Broadcasting Corporation
"Religion and Moral Community"...
July 29, 1998 President Khatami's Comments
TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) -- Iranian President Mohammad Khatami made a ringing call on Tuesday for freedom of the press and religion as core principles of the Islamic republic...
July 28, 1998 -- Voice of America
July 28, 1998 Australian News Release on Bahá'í Executed in Iran
CANBERRA, July 28 AAP - Members of Australia's Bahá'í community today responded with outrage at claims from Iran that a man reportedly executed last week did not exist...
July 27, 1998 -- BBC
World: Middle East; Iran denies hanging Bahai...
July 27, 1998 -- Salam Iran
IRC Dismisses as Fiction the Report of a Bahá'í's Execution...
French Bahá'ís fear more hanging in Iran
PARIS, July 28 (Reuters) - French members of the Bahá'í faith said on Tuesday they feared three more of their co-religionists might be about to be executed in Iran...
July 27, 1998 -- AFP
Tehran Bahá'ís hold memorial for executed sect member...
Australian Government's Reaction (& More...)
CANBERRA, July 27 - Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs, has joined the growing international outcry against the execution of a Bahá'í in Iran...
July 26, 1998 -- AFP
Tehran denies hanging Bahá'í for converting a Moslem...
July 24, 1998 -- BBC
July 24, 1998(BBC) -- Officials from the Bahá'í religious community have appealed for international action...
July 24, 1998 -- The Seattle Times
Missile has no impact on U.S. hopes for Iran...
July 24, 1998 Iran Press Service
July 24, 1998 -- BBC
World: Middle East UN condemns Iran for hanging Bahai...
July 24, 1998 M2 Presswire
U.S. Dept of State: Daily press briefing...
July 24, 1998 Policonomics Inc.
Religion and Reconciliation, A Farrakhan Sermon...
July 24, 1998 all'indirizzo (Italian)
July 24, 1998 -- Seattle Times
Missile has no impact on U.S. hopes for Iran...
July 23, 1998 -- U. S. White House
STATEMENT BY THE PRESS SECRETARY Execution of Bahá'í in Iran The President was deeply troubled to learn of the July 21 summary execution of Iranian citizen Ruhollah Rowhani for the exercise of his Bahá'í faith...
July 23, 1998 Arabia On.Line
TORONTO (UPI) - The Bahai community in North America says Iran has executed a member of the faith...
July 23, 1998 Canadian News Report
OTTAWA, July 23 (UPI) _ Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy has condemned the execution in Iran...
July 22, 1998 -- NSA of the Bahá'ís of the United States
July 22, 1998 Bahá'í Executed in Iran
Press Release from UN High Commissioner for Human Rights...
July 22, 1998 Bahá'í Executed in Iran
Press Release from The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
July 22, 1998 Bahá'í Executed in Iran
Representatives of the American Bahá'í community announced today that on July 21 Iranian authorities in Mashhad summarily executed an Iranian Bahá'í who had been charged with converting a Muslim to the Bahá'í Faith...
July 22, 1998 Canadian Foreign Minister Axworthy Condemns execution of Iranian Bahá'í
Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy today condemned the execution by authorities in Iran of Ruhu'llah Rawhani, a member of the Bahá'í faith...
June, 1998 -- Hartford Seminary
Painting a Portrait of American Religion Congregational Studies as a Vehicle for Interfaith Cooperation...
June 16, 1998 -- National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
June 16, 1998 -- Congressional Testimony
June 16, 1998 -- National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
Statement by Dr. Firuz Kazemzadeh before the Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights of...
June 14, 1998 -- Athens Daily News
Area leaders honored for race-relations work...
June 13, 1998 -- Athens Daily News
Religion events. The Bahá'í Community of Athens-Clarke County will host a "Power of Race Unity" reception...
June 12, 1998 -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bahá'í community to host dialogue on local race relations...
June 12, 1998 -- Seattle Times
Bellevue festival to celebrate diversity ...
June 04, 1998 -- Nunavut Edition Headline News
Nunavut Bahá'ís attend celebrations in Montreal...
May 24, 1998 -- Indianapolis Star/News
One of two white full-time students at Morehouse completes freshman year...
May 22, 1998 -- Fayetteville Observer-Times
Race unity is still the most challenging issue...
May 21, 1998 -- Fayetteville Observer-Times
The Human Relations Commission declines to endorse Race Unity Day, and some members say the reason is prejudice...
May 19, 1998 -- Athens Daily News
Group to celebrate beginning of Bahá'í faith...
May 16, 1998 -- St. Petersburg Times
Bahais look for spiritual nucleus in all religions...
May 13, 1998 -- The Courier
Dwight Allen, Cosby will co-author book on educational reform...
May 02, 1998 -- Israel TV Channel 2
Elections of a Different Type...
May 01, 1998 -- Amnesty International
THE 86TH INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE Amnesty International's concerns relevant to the Committee on Application of Standards...
April 24, 1998 -- The News & Observer
Bahá'ís see all people as one...
April 19, 1998 -- San Francisco Examiner
Cal Day '98 - a big draw on campus...
April 19, 1998 -- Athens Daily News
Area News Briefs...
April 18, 1998 -- Dallas Daily News
Considering the good of the whole: Ridvan festival marks election of Bahá'í assembly members...
April 17, 1998 -- M2 Presswire
UN: Commission on Human Rights continues general debate on violation of rights and fundamental freedoms...
April 17, 1998 -- The Daily Trojan
Movie starts race talk...
April 06, 1998 -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bahá'í and Christian ideals show oneness of purpose...
April 06, 1998 -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Religious principles shape businesses...
April 03, 1998 -- Jewish Sightseeing
The Fourth Faith; Who are the Bahá'í's and why did they put their sacred shrine in Haifa?...
April 02, 1998 -- United States Information Agency
Riedel On Iran At Baker Institute Symposium...
April 02, 1998 -- Times of Zambia
School Accused of Forcing Indoctrination of Students...
March 30, The United States Information Service (USIS) in Geneva
US Delegation to the UN Human Rights Commission...
March 28, Los Angeles Times
Bahai Faith a Celebration of Diversity...
March 22, The Times of Swaziland
Some non-theological reactions to the Boleswa Theological conference...
March 21, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
March 20, 1998 -- Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc.
World: U.S. Lawmakers To Champion Religious Prisoners...
March 19, U.S. Senate
February 28, 1998 -- The London Free Press
February 27, 1998 -- The Daily Trojan
One Voice events to celebrate women...
February 27, 1998 -- The Daily Trojan
Bahá'í Club's push for women's rights is long overdue...
February 27, 1998 -- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Bahá'í adherents prepare for fast...
February 19, 1998 -- BBC (UK)
Banking on good faith...
February 15, 1998 Bahá'í Sentenced to Death in Iran
The Spokesman for the U.S. Department of State today condemned Iran's action in sentencing an Iranian Bahá'í to death for apostasy...
February 11, 1998 Bahá'í Sentenced to Death in Iran
An Islamic revolutionary court in Iran has sentenced to death a 49-year-old Bahá'í for apostasy...
February 08 1998, The Times of Swaziland
February 07 1998, Greenbelt Interfaith News
The 14th Annual Washington, D.C. Thanksgiving Bahá'í Youth Conference was...
January 30 1998, Amnesty International
Amnesty International is extremely concerned that Dhabihullah Mahrami and Musa Talibi may be at risk of imminent execution following reports of the confirmation of their death sentences by the Supreme Court...
January 1998, Letter to President Khatami of Iran
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States sends a response to President Khatami of Iran...
January 27, 1998
Severe discriminatory practices have had a devastating impact...
January 23, 1998 -- Associated Press
Report cites religious persecution around the world...
January 19, 1998 -- Detroit Free Press
Suburban bridge builders; As minorities grow, so may tensions. But not if these three have their way...
January 19, 1998 -- Daily Northwestern
Keeping the faith...
January 16, 1998
Campuses Are a Bellwether for Society's Religious Revival...
January 16, 1998 -- PRNews & National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States
U.S. Bahá'ís Ask Iran's President: Does His Call for Religion and Liberty Apply to Bahá'ís?...
January 12, 1998
U.N. to hold Human Rights Workshop in Iran...
January 09, 1998 -- Amnesty International
LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Religious imprisonment...
January 07, 1998 -- University of Washington's The Daily
UW Bahá'í Association garners support against Iranian actions...
January 03, 1998 -- Amnesty International
State Injustice: Unfair trials in the Middle East & North Africa - Appeals Cases...
January 03, 1998 -- News from Greece
Greece - Public performance of Dance Workshop in Neapoli...
January 01, 1998 -- Shirine: a thousand and one nights. (short story)
Shirine: a thousand and one nights. (short story)...
ca. 1998 -- Capital Times
"View from the Pew." Bahá'ís live by Faith's rules in workplace...
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