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TITLEBahá'í Faith and the World's Religions
CONTRIB 1Moojan Momen, ed.
PUB_THISGeorge Ronald
CITY_THISUnited Kingdom
ABSTRACTPapers presented at 'Irfán Colloquia.
NOTES Thus far, five of this book's eleven articles are available online. Mirrored with permission from
TAGS- Interfaith dialogue
Bahá'í Faith and the World's Religions
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  The Bahá'í Faith and the World's Religions
Papers Presented at 'Irfán Colloquia

Moojan Momen, ed.

Papers published in Irfan Colloquia publications represent the views of their authors.
Reproductions from this compilation are permitted provided
that the sources and authors are clearly indicated.

George Ronald: 24 Gardiner Close, Abingdon, Oxon., United Kingdom

Sponsored by the Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund
Copyright © 162 B.E. 2005 C.E.

                                   Table of Contents  
  Introduction                                                                     v 

  The God of Bahá'u'lláh
     Moojan Momen                                                                  i

  Seeing Double: The Covenant and the Tablet of Ahmad
     Todd Lawson                                                                  39

  The Sufi Stages of the Soul in Bahá'u'lláh's Seven Valleys and Four Valleys
     Julio Savi                                                                   89

  The Bahá'í Faith and Higher Biblical Criticism
     Robert Stockman                                                             107

  African Traditional Religion: A Bahá'í View
     Akwasi O. Osei                                                              115

  African Traditional Religion and the Bahá'í Faith
     Enoch Tanyi                                                                 129

  Monotheistic Religion in Africa: The Example of the Swazi People
     Margaret and Crispin Pemberton-Pigott                                       147

  The Bahá'í Approach to Other Religions: The Example of Buddhism
     Moojan Momen                                                                167

  Common Teachings in Chinese Culture and the Bahá'í Faith
     Albert K. Cheung                                                            189

  The New Age Phenomenon and the Bahá'í Faith
     Zaid Lundberg                                                               213

  The Báb's Epistle on the Spiritual Journey towards God
     Todd Lawson                                                                 231
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