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TAGS: `Abdu'l-Bahá, Second Western tour; Animals; Belief; Consultation; Erich Fromm; Globalization; Laura Clifford Barney; Montreal, QC; Spirituality; Stanwood Cobb; Teaching; Tests and difficulties; Theology; Varqá, `Alí-Muhammad
43 essays on various topics, many with Bahá'í themes, most published in the Gulf Islands Driftwood of Salt Spring Island, BC.

Various Essays

Jack McLean

published in Gulf Islands Driftwood


  1. Commemoration of the Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visit to North America (2012)
  2. Divine Simplicity: Remembering the last Hand of the Cause of God, Dr. ‘Ali-Muhammad Varqa (2007)
  3. Dissidents and the Bahá’í Faith (2005)
  4. The Enigma of Time (from Under the Divine Lote Tree: Essays and Reflections, 1999)
  5. Epiphany in the Church Meadow (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  6. Eric Fromm and the Bahá’í Faith (2007)
  7. The Faith State: Vital to Theist, Agnostic and Atheist (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  8. Fall in Love With a Frog: Conversation With a Centenarian (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  9. Globalization and Humanity’s Coming-of-Age (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  10. The Heart is a Little Bird that Longs to Soar: Incomplete Impressions of Pilgrimage in Haifa, Bahji and Akká in the Days of the Universal House of Justice (2007)
  11. Hope as Creative Fiction (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  12. “Imagination, the Mistress of us All”: Commentary on Blaise Pascal’s Saying (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  13. In Durham Cathedral: A Moment With Stephen Lambden (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  14. In Search of Community (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  15. Kindness to Animals (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  16. Lessons Learned from the Columbine High Massacre (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1999)
  17. Life Tests and Other Stressful Situations (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  18. Message of the Universal House of Justice to the World’s Religious Leaders (Panel Discussion Comments at ABS Conference, 2002)
  19. My Interview With Laura Dreyfus-Barney (Paris 1967)
  20. The Nine Rites of Spring (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  21. Pain and Suffering (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  22. The Plaster Saint According to Father Thomas Merton (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  23. Preparing for the Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Visit to Montreal (2012)
  24. Public and Private Morality and the Politician (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  25. Reading Father Thomas Merton: Convergence of Spirits (2009)
  26. Religion in Ingmar Bergman’s Films (2007)
  27. Remembering John F. Kennedy, 1960-1999 (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1999)
  28. Replacing Debate With Consultation (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  29. Return to Salt Spring: Fall Impressions of an Island Refuge (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 2008)
  30. The Search for Truth (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  31. Sex and the Soul as the Body Beautiful (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  32. Short Notes on Bahá’í Belief (1994)
  33. Spirituality According to Pop Culture (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  34. Spirituality is More Than a Fashionable Word (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  35. Summer Travel-Teaching In England and France (2004)
  36. Teaching at the Café: Meeting H., an Iranian Gentleman (2008)
  37. Teaching the Faith, Magic Moments, Meeting Great Souls (2012)
  38. Unconditional Love (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1997)
  39. The Voice of Conscience in Character (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
  40. What A Young Man Learned From Laura Rumney Davis About Shoghi Effendi (1965)
  41. What Stanwood Cobb Told Me About ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (2007)
  42. Why We Need Bahá’í Theology (1995)
  43. Worshiping Eros: A Modern Myth (Gulf Islands Driftwood, 1998)
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