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TAGS: Star of the West
This is a compilation of the English introductions to the Persian sections of Star of the West. The original pages were unformatted, see a sample page.

Star of the West Book 1:

Contents lists of the Persian sections

Sen McGlinn, compiler

published in Star of the West, Volumes 1:8 - 2:11


originally written or published


The Persian sections begin at Vol.1 No. 8

Vol.1. No.8 Page 15

In this initial section of six pages he [Mirza Sohrab] treats upon the power of the press and the need of a literary organ between the East and the West to spread Tablets and news of the Cause: he outlines nine articles of policy, concluding with an appeal for co-operation in this endeavour to serve humanity and make the publication a success.

Vol.1. No.9

Our Persian section this month contains: (1) a Tablet to the Washington (D. C.) Assembly; (2) an article on Universal Bahai Education, quoting from Tablets of BAHA'O'LLAH concerning the necessity of studying sciences and modern knowleges, citing statistics to show how much the United States spends for public schools and education; (3) news items of interest to our Oriental brothers and sisters.

Vol.1 No.10 page 8

Our Persian section this issue contains a Tablet to the Spiritual Assembly (H.of S.) Chicago, dated Dec 16, 1902; an article on Universal Bahai Education, quoting statistics from England and France, also Tablets; and following news items: (1) Unity Feast at Washington, D.C., (2) Mr. Remey's visit to Green Acre, (3) receipt of letters from Mashad, Persia (4) concerning Mirza Ali Kuli Khan.

Vol.1. No.11 page 7

Our Persian section this month contains: A Tablet to the New York Spiritual Assembly, received August 13, 1909; an article on College Education of Women in Europe and America, and urging the firends in Persia and other countries of the East to open schools for girls; mention is made of the newspaper and magazine articles on the Bahai Revelation, published in the West during the present year: (1) May 27, Journal of the Royal Society of Arts; (2) June 4, London Spectator; (3) July 3, New York Times; (4) July 31, Baltimore American; (5) August 1, Baltimore News; (6) August 5, Washington Post; (7) August 16, Washington herald. Mention is also made of Prof. Barakatullah in Tokyo, Japan and his monthly magazine, The Islamic Fraternity.

Vol.1. No.12 page 9

Our Persian section this issue consists of (1) a Tablet revealed for the Hoboken (N.J.) Assembly in 1907; (2) an article on Universal Bahai Language in its religious, scientific and historical aspects -- quoting from writings of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha --- concluding with a description of the Sixth Esperanto World Congress held in Washington, D.C., recently; (3) news of Abdul- Baha's sojourn in Egypt, (4) and of Aga Seyad Assadollah Gomi going to Port Said from Acca at the wish of Abdul-Baha -- to take the place of the late Seyad Taki Menshadi -- through whom all letters for Abdul-Baha from the East and the West are forwarded.

Vol. 1 No. 13 page 12

This issue of the Star of the West [i.e., the Persian section] contains (1) a Tablet to the Fairhope, Ala., Assembly, received in 1906; (2) an article on Universal Bahai Peace, with quotations from the leading thinkers of Europe and America against war, statistics of the cost of the armies and navies of the nations, and quotations from the Words of BAHA'O'LLAH in regard to Universal peace and its establishment; (3) notice of and reason for changing the name of this section from Occidental Messenger to Star of the West; (4) news of the sojourn of Abdul-Baha in Alexandria; (5) acknowledgement of the many letters received in regard to the appearance of this publication in the East, and the appreciation of the Editors for the many good wishes and kind words of their Oriental brothers and sisters.

Vol. 1 No.14 page 10

Our Persian section, this issue, contains a Tablet to the Denver, Colo., Assembly revealed about 1907, and a continuation of the article on Universal Bahai Peace. Statistics are given of the enormous number of killed in all wars and the heavy cost of some of the famous battles of history; the number of soldiers and warships maintained by the different Western nations; an outline of the Constitution of the "United Nations of the World," the "Congress of Nations," and the "Supreme Court of Nations;" quotations from voltaire, Franklin and others, against war: quotations from the note of the Emperor of Russia inviting all nations to the first Hague Conference, and quotations from Tablets of Abdul- Baha, giving the Bahai plan of the establishment of Universal Peace.
      Beginning with this issue, we present a series of Tablets revealed by Abdul-Baha for Oriental Assemblies, believing it will bring the Assemblies of the East nearer to the hearts of the friends in the West. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab has consented to translate them especially for the Bahai News.

Vol.1. No.15 page 8

Our Persian section this issue contains (1) a Tablet to the Baltimore, Md., Assembly, received some time about 1905; (2) a article on the Universal Bahai religion: (a) the evolution of the religious idea or instinct of the race from the earliest time (b) the appearance of the prophets throughout the succeeding ages of known history, (c) the establishment of the seven great religions, Brahmanism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and Mohammedanism, (d) explaining the division and difference wrought by the religious orders, (e) giving the seven points of similarity in the teachings of the Founders of these religions (f) quoting from their Books prophecies of the coming of the Universal Manifestation, (g) the appearance of BAHA'O'LLAH, whereby the prophecies of the seven great religions are fulfilled, (h) quotations from the Writings of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha to corroborate the above statements for the establishment of the Universal Bahai Religion; (3) news pertaining to the sojourn of Abdul-Baha in Egypt.

Vol.1. No.16 page 8

Our Persian section this issue contains a Tablet to the Cincinnati (O.) Bahai Assembly revealed, probably, in 1900, and an article on Universal Bahai Unity showing the power and influence of the Bahai Cause in uniting various nations and religions. This article contains quotations from the Tablets of BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha bearing upon this important subject and also answers the false statements concerning this great Cause, made in one of the Persian newspapers recently printed in Mashad, Persia.

[Vol.1. No. 17 see following number]

Vol.1. No. 18 page 9

The Persian section of the Bahai News No. 17, contained an exposition of the recent events in Mashad and Shiraz, calling the attention of the Government to stop the persecution of the Bahais and to deal justly with all their citizens so that other powers may not entertain the idea that they are not capable of self-government. The Persian section this issue contains (1) an article on Abdul-Baha's trip to Egypt, a few incidents relating to the trip, his promise to visit America, and the formation of an inter-assemblies' committee to prepare the way for his coming; (2) news of the death of Monsieur Lucien Dreyfus-Cardozo, father of Monsieur Hippolyte Dreyfus.

Vol.1. No. 19 page 8

Our Persian section this issue contains (1) three Tablets, the two recently revealed for the Star of the West and one regarding the necessity of preparing a Feast of Spiritual Foods to attract Abdul-baha to America; (2) progress of the Cause and Mashrak-el-Azkar in chicago (by Dr. Ameen U. Fareed); (3) Congress of Religions in Allahabad, India, and the presentation of the Bahai Revelation before it; (4) promotion of the Cause among the colored race in America and the assembly established in Washington, D.C., (5) new items telling of proclaiming of the second coming of Christ in a church in Washington, D.C., by Mrs. E.C. Getsinger, and progress of the Cause in England and Russia.

Vol.2. No.1 page 11

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) Naurooz (New year's) Greeting to all the friends; (2) a statement of the policies of the Star of the West as it enteres upon its second year; (3) dialogue between a Mohammedan priest and a Bahai; (4) **translation of the "Exhortations"; (5) Tablets regarding Abdul-Baha's coming to America; (6) translation of an article in a Russian newspaper; (7) review of the progress of the Bahai Cause in the West and record of the chief events; (8) invitation to the elderly and experienced Bahais of the East to write three articles concerning the lives of the Bab, BAHA'O'LLAH and Abdul-Baha.

Vol.2. No.2 page 2

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) a brief account of Mirza Ahmad Sohrab's recent visit to New York City; (2) illustration of a thirty-six-story building to be erected in that city; (3) quotations from two recent Tablets from Abdul-Baha regarding his coming to America; (4) news of the Cause in Abade, Persia, mentioning the organization of Mahfele Entezam and a branch of the Tarbiat school; (5) **local news of the Cause in Rasht telling of the organization of Mahfele Morattab; (6) news from Gazvin that articles have been written in newspapers against the STAR OF THE WEST; (7) answer of the Editor to the said articles; (8) an article from Bakon, pertaining to the benefits of Western civilization, and pointing out some of the shortcomings of Oriental countries; (9) extract from Tablet regarding the progress of the Cause in America and Japan, and that **Americans should prepare to go to China to teach the Truth; (10) departure of the five American financial advisers, with their wives and children, to Teheran; (11) suggestion is made to the Persians to send their young men and women to American schools to be educated, just as both Japan and China have done -- the Chinese government now educating nearly 2,000 students in American colleges, who will return to and be engaged in improving the condition of their native land; (12) letter from the Teheran friends to the American friends, praising them for their zeal in serving the Cause and expressing happiness at the news that Abdul-Baha may visit America.

Vol.2. No.3 page 7

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) Copies of recent Tablets to the STAR OF THE WEST; (2) copy of latest Tablet to the American Assemblies, reiterating the conditions requisite for Abdul-Baha's coming to America. [N.B. -- This Tablet will be incorporated in the Convention Report to be printed in the English section of issue No. 4. -- Ed.]; (3) sending of petition to Abdul-Baha, signed by hundreds of the friends, supplicating him to visit America; (4) outline of the purposes of the First Universal Races Congress to be held in London, Eng., in July, at which noteworthy gathering a paper from the pen of Abdul-Baha, especially written for the occasion, is to be read; (5) short synopsis of the work of the Second Internation Congress of Mothers recently held in Washington, D.C., and suggestion to the Persian women to organize mothers' clubs; (6) quotation from an article by a Mohammedan Mullah, advocating toleration of all religions in Persia; (7) description of the port of Bandare Jaz, Persia, and the martyrdom of one of the beloved friends in a nearby town; (8) photograph of the Bahais in Bandare Jaz; (9) editorial on the true greatness of a nation; (10) opening of the Third Bahai Convention in Chicago for the consideration of matters pertaining to the Mashrak-el-Azkar; (11) donation of $10,000,000 to the Cause of Universal Peace and $25,000,000 to the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.C., by Mr. Andrew Carnegie.

Vol.2. No.4 Page 16

Our Persian section this issue contains: **(1) Tablet revealed by Abdul-Baha for the Persian friends about three years ago, immediately after the declaration of the Constitution in Turkey and Persia; (2) progress of the Cause in California, written by Dr. Fareed; (3) photograph of Dr. Fareed, Mirza Faragullah Khan and Mrs. Getsinger; (4) article pertaining to Public Education, as the foundation of the progress of every nation; (5) suggestion that the Persian Government appoint a commission to go to Europe, America and Japan to study their systems of public education and establish a system in Persia; (6) announcement of the marriage of Miss Laura C. Barney and Mons Hippolyte Dreyfus at Chicago; (9) photograph of Mr. Joseph H. Hannen, one of the Washington, D.C., delegates to the above Convention; (10) Third National Peace Conference in Baltimore and Arbitration Treaty between America and England, and Mr. Chas. Mason Remey's address on the Bahai Movement before the said Congress; (11) Tablet from Abdul-Baha regarding his coming to America; (12) news from Alexandria, Egypt.

Vol.2 No.5 page 17:

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) An article by Mirza Andeleeb, of Shiraz; (2) a poem celebrating Abdul-baha's departure from Acca; (3) an article by Dr. Fareed on the city of San Francisco, Cal., and the progress of the Cause on the Pacific coast; (4) portrait of Mr. Thornton Chase; (5) the first annual report of the Hospital of Sehat, Teheran; (6) advertising the Book of Tablets of Abdul- Baha printed in Cairo, Egypt; (7) a article from Hamad, Persia, regarding the founding of a new school; (8) the cause of delay in issuing the STAR OF THE WEST in the East.

Vol.2 No.6 page 8 bears a footnote in Persian explaining the absence of a Persian section.

Vol.2 Nos 7&8 page 19:

This issue of Star of the West is a combination of issues -- the Persian section combining issues Nos. 6 and 7, while the English section combines Nos. 7 and 8 ... Our Persian section contains:

(1) Arrival of Abdul-Baha in Cairo, Egypt; (2) editorial on the subject; (3) poem celebrating the Feast of Rizwan and the freedom of Abdul-Baha, by his honor Andoleeb of Shiraz, Persia: (4) portrait of Mr. Hooper Harris, of Newark, N. J., and a short sketch of his services in the Cause; (5) translation of an interesting article which appeared in an Arabic newspaper, Valley of the Nile, publishcd in Alexandria, Egypt; (6) STAR OF THE WEST'S appreciation of the above article; (7) portrait of Mr. William Hoar, of New York city and a short sketch of his services in the Cause; (8) recent Tablets in regard to AbdulBaha's coming to America; (9) future results of Abdul-Baha's trip to Egypt; (10) table-talk by Abdul-Baha to pilgrims from Persia regarding the future of Persia and the power of the Word of God; (11) Dr. Zia Bagdadi added to the editorial staff of the STAR OF THE WEST: (12) portrait of Mr. Howard MacNutt and a short sketch of his services in the Cause; (13) letter from Moneereh Khanum, of Teheran, Persia, regarding the opcning of a new school for girls; (14) STAR OF THE WEST thanks her for this great service rendered (15) the arrival of Ghodsia Ashraf Khanum in America and her reception in various cities by the friends; (16) portrait of Ghodsia Ashraf Khanum; (17) Tablet from Abdul-Baha to the women's Bahai assembly in Teheran, Persia, giving clear commands regarding the education of girls.

Vol.2 No.9 page 8

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) Tablet of `Abdu'l-Bahá regarding the STAR OF THE WEST. (2) Tablet of `Abdu'l-Bahá pertaining to his trip to the West, revealed to a Persian Bahai. (2) Tablet of `Abdu'l-Bahá concerning the progress of the Cause throughout the world. (4) Letter from Tabriz regarding the organization of a Persian-American Commercial Company, with a capital of $19,000.00, to do business with America. (5) Editorial: The wealth and prosperity of a nation depends upon the increase of its commerce. (6) Portrait of Mr. Louise Gregory, of Washington, D.C. (7) Short account of his services in the Cause; his recent visit to `Abdu'l-Bahá in the East, and a Tablet concerning his visit. (8) Tablets in regard to `Abdu'l-Bahá's anticipated trip to America. (9) Progress of the Cause in California -- by Dr. Ameen U. Fareed. (10) Progress of the STAR OF THE WEST in the East, together with statistics showing volume of correspondence, subscriptions and other information.

Vol.2 No.10 page 9

Our Persian section this issue contains:
(1) Arrival of `Abdu'l-Bahá in France; (2) International Peace and the recent Arbitration Treaties between America, England and France; (2) Mohonk Lake Conference on International Arbitration; (4) Tablet from Abdul-Baha to Mr. C. C. Philips, Secretary of the Mohonk Lake Conference; (6) the approaching journey of American Bahais to persia; (7) recent news between Persia and America; (8) portrait of Mr. A. P. Dodge, of New York City, and his wife; (9) short account of their services in the Cause; (10) an account of the First Universal Races Congress, by Mirza Lotfollah S. Hakein.

Vol.2 No.11 page 9

Our Persian section this issue contains: (1) Tablet of `Abdu'l-Bahá revealed on the even of his departure for Europe; (2) an account of his visit to London, England; (3) regarding his coming to America.

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