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TITLEEvolutionary Pathways in an Unfolding Universe
AUTHOR 1Rafie Mavaddat
ABSTRACTHistory of events that have transformed primordial matter into present-day complex systems and the emergence of life, consciousness, and societies. Includes many passing mentions of the Faith, esp. pages 155-156. (Offsite.)
NOTES This document is online at
TAGS- Philosophy; Evolution; Science
Abstract: Evolutionary Pathways in an Unfolding Universe explores the evolutionary nature of our world and the history of events that have transformed the simple primordial matter at the inception of the universe into present day complex systems, leading to the emergence of life, consciousness and social organization.

The paradigm of an unfolding and evolving reality, both in terms of our physical existence and our inner world of thoughts and ideas, leads us to a 'worldview' capable of harmonizing scientific knowledge with our intuitive perceptions and the deeper shared experiences of the diverse peoples of the world.

Such a worldview may help to reconcile the present day conflicting ideologies, allowing them to give way to a unified vision for the betterment of human society and the development of a peaceful global civilization. This work is inspired by Bahá’í philosophy and teachings.

To read more about this project and download the book, see
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