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TITLELights of 'Irfán Book 6: Papers Presented at the 'Irfán Colloquia and Seminars
CONTRIB 1Iraj Ayman, ed.
PUB_THISHaj Mehdi Armand Colloquium
ABSTRACTPapers delivered at Irfan Colloquia.
NOTES All items are copied with kind permission from The Irfan Colloquia website.
TAGSIrfan Colloquia

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Papers published in Lights of ‘Irfán represent the views of their authors.
Reproductions from this compilation are permitted provided
that the sources and authors are clearly indicated.

‘Irfán Colloquia
Bahá'í National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201
Phone: (847) 733-3501
Fax: (847) 733-3502

Sponsored by the Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund

162 B.E. 2005 C.E.

Copyright © 2005, Haj Mehdi Arjmand Memorial Fund

Artwork and design by Trey and Lynne Yan cy
Edited and typeset by Jonah Winters,

                                  Table of Contents  


  The Life and Times of August Forel
     Sheila Banani.............................................................1

  A Bahá'í Understanding of Reincarnation in Relation to the World's Faiths
     Sateh Bayat and Vafa Bayat...............................................21

  Autobibliography in the Writings of the Báb
     Vahid Brown..............................................................47
     Appendix: A Provision Translation of the Khutba Dhikriyya................59

  Models and Idols: Towards a Philosophy of the Community of Mind
     Sháhbaz Fatheazam........................................................69

  True of Thyself: The Mystical Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and 
     Ken Wilber's System of Integral Philosophy
     Wolfgang Klebel..........................................................87

  Bahá'í Ontology: An Initial Reconnaissance
     Ian Kluge...............................................................121

  'Abdu'l Bahá's Tablet of the Two Calls: Civilizing Barbarity
     Manooher Mofidi.........................................................161

  SunWALK: A Bahá'í-inspired Model of Education
     Roger Prentice..........................................................173

  Interpretation and the Guardianship
     Ian Semple..............................................................203

  The Signs of Prophet-Hood: An Exposition on a Tablet by 'Abdu'l-Bahá
     James B. Thomas.........................................................217


  Infallibility of the Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith
     Research Department of the Universal House of Justice...................237

  A Commentary on the Conclusion on True Mysticism
     Enoch Tanyi.............................................................239


  Appendix I: Bibliographies and abbreviations used in this book.............241

  Appendix II: Contents of Lights of 'Irfán Books One-Five...................243

  Appendix III: Publications of the 'Irfán Colloquia.........................249 

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