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COLLECTIONPublished articles
TITLEJoycean Modernism in a Nineteenth-Century Qur'an Commentary?: A Comparison of The Báb's Qayyūm Al-Asmā' with Joyce's Ulysses
AUTHOR 1Todd Lawson
VOLUMEed. H. E. Chehabi and Grace Neville
TITLE_PARENTErin and Iran: Cultural Encounters between the Irish and the Iranians
PUB_THISIlex Foundation & Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University
ABSTRACTComparison of the formal structure of the two works and themes such as time; oppositions and their resolution; relation between form and content; prominence of epiphany; manifestation, advent and apocalypse; and the theme of heroism, reading and identity.
NOTES The PDF below is a corrected, lightly updated version of the published copy.
TAGS- Interfaith dialogue; - Islam; - Philosophy; Abjad system; Alast (Primordial Covenant); Apocalypse; Arising; Arts; Day-year principle; Disconnected letters of the Quran; Dualism; Dublin, Ireland; Epics; Epiphany; Giordano Bruno; Iran (documents); Ireland; James Joyce; Joseph (Prophet); Knowledge; Language; Literature; Literature, English; Modernism; Monism; Mythology; Numerology; Opposites; Pairs of words; Qaim; Qayyumul-Asma (book); Quran; Reading; Remover of Difficulties (invocation); Shiism; Time; Twelfth Imam; Typology; Ulysses (book); Words and phrases
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