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COLLECTIONEssays and short articles
TITLELife After Death from a Bahá'í Perspective
AUTHOR 1Diane Robinson Kerr
ABSTRACTQuotations from the Writings with some explanations, to trace the journey of the soul, the purpose of life, description of the afterlife, and the nature of belief itself.
NOTES Mirrored with permission from the author's website, where she has many other articles, and two ebooks for sale: The Coming of Age of Humanity and Mending the Circle: A Practical Guide to Facilitating Groups.
TAGSLife after death; Soul
About: The awareness of death is a reality humanity has struggled with since the beginning of time. Even the caveman pondered the demise of his companions and wondered what would happen to him when it was his turn to die. This quest for understanding in order to appease our misgivings and the answers arrived at, has molded history, driven persecutions, caused wars, and stirred the mind of most, to at least, consider the possibility.
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