Bahai Library Online

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TAGS: * Interfaith dialogue; - Bahá'í literature; Internet; Libraries; Ocean (software); Software; Websites
Complete search engine for Bahá'í texts and books from other religions (offsite).
See also The Ocean Adventure: Making Ocean Search, about the history of Ocean (off-site).

Ocean 2.0 Interfaith Reader:

Bahá'í Writings search engine

Chad Jones, compiler



Ocean 2.0 is a web application offering a collection of the world's doctrinal literature together with reading, listening and study tools.


    Search Engine:

    Ocean for iOS:
    Ocean for Android:

Key Features:
    Cross-Platform: Works on all computers, including mobile. Available in app stores and via web browser.

    Expanded Library: The search engine has dramatically grown, featuring a vast collection of materials, including documents from valuable external sources such as Hit results from such external sources take the researcher to the source URL.

    Narrated Audio: Most books are now available with high-quality narration, including correct Persian pronunciation. This can be a huge benefit to students, especially with all the names in historical works like ["God Passes By"]( or the ["Dawn-breakers"](

    Immersive Audio: Narration audio is meticulously aligned word-for-word with the text, letting the reader switch between reading and listening. This also allows Ocean to extract audio with selections for user compilations. Readers will notice a subtle ‘play’ button floating next to the paragraph text near the paragraph number:

    Synced User Data: Optional registration allows syncing of user data such as reading position and notes across devices.

    Linked Citations: Automatically-appended citations now include a link back to the user's selection, facilitating easy sharing of context-rich quotes. For example, a quote from the Íqán is easily shareable with citation and link:

    No sign can indicate His presence or His absence; inasmuch as by a word of His command all that are in heaven and on earth have come to exist, and by His wish, which is the Primal Will itself, all have stepped out of utter nothingness into the realm of being, the world of the visible. [Bahá’u’lláh, "The Kitáb-i-Íqán", 104] (

Download archived versions

  • Ocean_Mac_2015.dmg [53 MB]
  • Ocean_Mac_2012.dmg [link disabled due to copyright material]
  • [link disabled due to copyright material]
      The above should be extracted (it does not need to be installed) and the files placed somewhere in an Ocean 218 folder. Run the Ocean.exe (dated November 2004) file, then double-click or link to a shortcut.
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