Bahai Library Online

Partial Inventory: #BB00020

inventory # BB00020 - The Báb 12400 words
title البيان العربي
Arabic Bayan
language Arabic
بسم الله الامنع الاقدس. ان ن انا الله لا اله الا انا و ان ما دو ن خل ق قل ان ی ا خل ق ایای فاعبدون قد خلقتک و رزقتک و امتک و احببتک و بعثتک و جعلتک مظهر نفسی لتتلون من عندی ایا ن و لتدعون کل من خلقته
Verily I am God, no God is there but Me, and aught except Me is but My creation. Say, worship Me then, O ye, My creatures....
abstract A condensed form of the Persian Bayán, written in the language of divine verses. While much shorter in length than the Persian Bayán, the Arabic Bayán contains eleven full unities, whereas the Persian Bayán ends with gate 10 of the ninth unity. The parts of the Arabic Bayán that are not matched by the Persian Bayán (from gate 11 of the ninth unity to the end of the eleventh unity) were written after the Persian Bayán was completed. This work is sometimes assumed to have been written before the Persian Bayán for the simple reason that it seems as if the latter is an elaboration of the former. In reality, however, like the Persian Bayán, most of the Arabic Bayán was written in Mákú, although the last sections may have been written in Chihriq. (from Loom of Reality)
notes see also BB00001, Persian Bayan
in catalog Báb's Bayan, The; Arabic Bayan, The
in tags Bayan-i-Arabi (Arabic Bayan)
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