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TAGS: - Cross-reference; James Heggie; Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude); Page numbers; Promised Day is Come (letter); Some Answered Questions (book)
Cross-reference between differently paginated versions of Kitab-i-Iqan, Promised Day is Come, and Some Answered Questions.
This work was a collection of quotations pertaining to Judaism, Christianity, and Islám. However, the purpose for which they are provided here is to show a cross-reference between differently paginated versions (especially if one wishes to jump to a specific page of a specific book of the Writings.)

This excerpt has been approved to be reproduced here by George Ronald, Publisher. You can purchase a copy of this book here.

Page Conversion Tables of Kitab-i-Iqan, PDC, and SAQ

The Báb
Shoghi Effendi

James Heggie, compiler

published in Bahá'í References to Judaism, Christianity and Islám

pp. 253-256, of 260 pages total

Oxford: George Ronald, 1986

Page Conversion Tables

Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
Some Answered Questions
The Promised Day Is Come

Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

The American edition used in this book is about one page longer than the British edition. By about page 85 of the American edition, there is half a page between the two; therefore subtract half a page from the reference given in this book to get to the British edition. By about page 200 of the American edition, there is a full page difference between the two; therefore subtract one page from the reference given in this book to get to the British edition, and also for the rest of the book.


There are 257 pages of text in the American edition used in this book, by comparison with 164 pages in the British edition. The first figure in this table is the number in the American edition, the second figure is for the British edition. This table shows where the beginning of any page in the American edition is to be found in the British edition. Thus the beginning of page 53 of the American edition is on page 34 of the British edition. This rule is followed exactly, even if most of the page of the American edition is on the following page of the British edition.

3 - 326 - 1749 - 3272 - 4698 - 63121 - 78
4 - 327 - 1850 - 3273 - 4799 - 64122 - 78
5 - 428 - 1851 - 3374 - 47100 - 64123 - 79
6 - 429 - 1952 - 3375 - 48101 - 65124 - 80
7 - 530 - 2053 - 3476 - 49102 - 66125 - 80
8 - 631 - 2054 - 3477 - 49103 - 66126 - 81
9 - 632 - 2155 - 3578 - 50104 - 67127 - 81
10 - 733 - 2256 - 3679 - 50105 - 68128 - 82
11 - 834 - 2257 - 3780 - 51106 - 68129 - 83
12 - 835 - 2358 - 3781 - 52107 - 69130 - 83
13 - 936 - 2359 - 3882 - 52108 - 69131 - 84
14 - 937 - 2460 - 3883 - 53109 - 70132 - 85
15 - 1038 - 2561 - 3984 - 54110 - 71133 - 85
16 - 1139 - 2562 - 4085 - 54111 - 71134 - 86
17 - 1140 - 2663 - 4086 - 55112 - 72135 - 86
18 - 1241 - 2764 - 4187 - 56113 - 73136 - 87
19 - 1342 - 2765 - 4288 - 56114 - 73137 - 88
20 - 1343 - 2866 - 4289 - 57115 - 74138 - 88
21 - 1444 - 2867 - 4390 - 58116 - 75139 - 89
22 - 1545 - 2968 - 4391 - 58117 - 75140 - 90
23 - 1546 - 3069 - 4492 - 59118 - 76141 - 90
24 - 1647 - 3070 - 4593 - 59119 - 76142 - 91
25 - 1648 - 3171 - 4597 - 63120 - 77143 - 92

144 - 92163 - 104182 - 116201 - 128220 - 140239 - 152
145 - 93164 - 105183 - 117202 - 129221 - 141240 - 153
146 - 93165 - 106184 - 118203 - 129222 - 141241 - 154
147 - 94166 - 106185 - 118204 - 130223 - 142242 - 154
148 - 95167 - 107186 - 119205 - 131224 - 143243 - 155
149 - 95168 - 107187 - 119206 - 131225 - 144244 - 155
150 - 96169 - 108188 - 120207 - 132226 - 144245 - 156
151 - 97170 - 109189 - 121208 - 133227 - 145246 - 157
152 - 97171 - 109190 - 121209 - 133228 - 145247 - 157
153 - 98172 - 110191 - 122210 - 134229 - 146248 - 158
154 - 98173 - 111192 - 123211 - 135230 - 147249 - 159
155 - 99174 - 111193 - 123212 - 135231 - 147250 - 159
156 - 100175 - 112194 - 124213 - 136232 - 148251 - 160
157 - 100176 - 113195 - 124214 - 136233 - 149252 - 161
158 - 101177 - 113196 - 125215 - 137234 - 149253 - 161
159 - 102178 - 114197 - 126216 - 138235 - 150254 - 162
160 - 102179 - 114198 - 126217 - 138236 - 150255 - 162
161 - 103180 - 115199 - 127218 - 139237 - 151256 - 163
162 - 104181 - 116200 - 128219 - 140238 - 152257 - 164

Some Answered Questions

There are 305 pages of text in the 1981 edition used in this book, by comparison with 350 pages in earlier editions. The same rules for use of this table apply as for the Kitáb-i-Íqán above.

3 - 324 - 2945 - 5366 - 7689 - 102110 - 126
4 - 425 - 3046 - 5467 - 7790 - 103111 - 127
5 - 526 - 3147 - 5568 - 7891 - 104112 - 128
6 - 627 - 3248 - 5669 - 7992 - 105113 - 129
7 - 828 - 3349 - 5770 - 8093 - 107114 - 130
8 - 929 - 3450 - 5871 - 8194 - 108115 - 131
9 - 1030 - 3551 - 6072 - 8295 - 109116 - 132
10 - 1131 - 3652 - 6173 - 8396 - 110117 - 133
11 - 1232 - 3753 - 6274 - 8497 - 112118 - 134
12 - 1433 - 3854 - 6375 - 8598 - 113119 - 135
13 - 1534 - 4055 - 6476 - 8699 - 114120 - 136
14 - 1735 - 4156 - 6577 - 87100 - 115121 - 137
15 - 1836 - 4357 - 6678 - 89101 - 116122 - 139
16 - 2037 - 4458 - 6779 - 90102 - 117123 - 140
17 - 2138 - 4559 - 6980 - 91103 - 119124 - 141
18 - 2239 - 4660 - 7083 - 95104 - 120125 - 142
19 - 2340 - 4761 - 7184 - 96105 - 121126 - 143
20 - 2441 - 4862 - 7285 - 97106 - 122127 - 145
21 - 2542 - 5063 - 7386 - 98107 - 123128 - 146
22 - 2643 - 5164 - 7487 - 99108 - 124129 - 148
23 - 2744 - 5265 - 7588 - 100109 - 125130 - 149

131 - 150163 - 185194 - 225223 - 259252 - 291284 - 326
132 - 151164 - 186195 - 227224 - 260253 - 292285 - 327
133 - 152165 - 188196 - 228225 - 261254 - 293286 - 328
134 - 153166 - 190197 - 229226 - 262255 - 294287 - 330
135 - 154167 - 192198 - 230227 - 263256 - 295288 - 331
136 - 155168 - 193199 - 231228 - 264257 - 296289 - 332
137 - 156169 - 194200 - 233229 - 265258 - 297290 - 333
138 - 158170 - 195201 - 234230 - 267259 - 298291 - 334
139 - 159171 - 197202 - 236231 - 268263 - 301292 - 335
143 - 163172 - 198203 - 237232 - 269264 - 302293 - 336
144 - 164173 - 199204 - 238233 - 270265 - 303294 - 337
145 - 165174 - 200205 - 239234 - 271266 - 304295 - 338
146 - 167177 - 205206 - 240235 - 272267 - 305296 - 339
147 - 168178 - 206207 - 241236 - 273268 - 307297 - 341
148 - 169179 - 207208 - 243237 - 274269 - 308298 - 342
149 - 170180 - 209209 - 244238 - 275270 - 309299 - 343
150 - 171181 - 210210 - 245239 - 277271 - 310300 - 344
151 - 173182 - 211211 - 246240 - 278272 - 311301 - 345
152 - 174183 - 212212 - 247241 - 280273 - 313302 - 346
153 - 175184 - 213213 - 248242 - 281274 - 314303 - 347
154 - 177185 - 215214 - 249243 - 282275 - 315304 - 348
155 - 178186 - 216215 - 250244 - 283276 - 316305 - 349
156 - 179187 - 217216 - 251245 - 284277 - 317
157 - 180188 - 218217 - 252246 - 285278 - 319
158 - 181189 - 219218 - 253247 - 286279 - 320
159 - 182190 - 221219 - 254248 - 287280 - 321
160 - 183191 - 222220 - 255249 - 288281 - 322
161 - 184192 - 223221 - 256250 - 289282 - 324
162 - 185193 - 224222 - 257251 - 290283 - 325

The Promised Day Is Come

There are 124 pages of text in the 1980 edition used in this book, by comparison with 129 pages in the previous editions. The 1980 edition is the left-hand column.

3 - 113 - 1123 - 2133 - 3243 - 4353 - 53
4 - 214 - 1224 - 2334 - 3344 - 4454 - 54
5 - 315 - 1325 - 2435 - 3445 - 4555 - 56
6 - 416 - 1426 - 2536 - 3546 - 4656 - 57
7 - 517 - 1527 - 2637 - 3647 - 4757 - 58
8 - 618 - 1628 - 2738 - 3748 - 4858 - 59
9 - 719 - 1729 - 2839 - 3849 - 4959 - 60
10 - 820 - 1830 - 2940 - 4050 - 5060 - 61
11 - 921 - 1931 - 3041 - 4151 - 5161 - 62
12 - 1022 - 2032 - 3142 - 4252 - 5262 - 63

63 - 6474 - 7585 - 8796 - 99107 - 110118 - 122
64 - 6575 - 7686 - 8897 - 100108 - 111119 - 123
65 - 6676 - 7887 - 8998 - 101109 - 112120 - 124
66 - 6777 - 7988 - 9099 - 102110 - 114121 - 125
67 - 6878 - 8089 - 92100 - 103111 - 115122 - 126
68 - 6979 - 8190 - 93101 - 104112 - 116123 - 127
69 - 7080 - 8291 - 94102 - 105113 - 117124 - 128
70 - 7181 - 8392 - 95103 - 106114 - 118
71 - 7282 - 8493 - 96104 - 107115 - 119
72 - 7383 - 8594 - 97105 - 108116 - 120
73 - 7484 - 8695 - 98106 - 109117 - 121

Views10707 views since posted 2005-05-27; last edit 2025-01-20 05:15 UTC;
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URLs changed in 2010, see
ISBN 0-85398-242-2
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History Scanned 2005-04-29 by Brett Zamir; Formatted 2005-04-29 by Brett Zamir.
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