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TAGS: Akka, Israel; Holy Family; Isaac Adams; Phoebe Hearst
Brief description of Phoebe A. Hearst's transformative visit to ‘Akká in 1899, from the book Persia by a Persian by Rev. Isaac Adams.
This version mirrored from (includes photo by International Film Service). See the rest of this book here.

Note: 'Abdu'l-Bahá is not the "Messiah," as Phoebe Hearst describes. For 'Abdu'l-Bahá's status, see The Station and Titles of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (Shoghi Effendi).

Two Letters of Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst

Phoebe Hearst

published in Bahá'í World

Vol. 7 (1936-1938), pp. 801-802

Wilmette, IL: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, 1938

originally written or published


1. Text (see PDF, with photo, below)

Taken from the chapter on "Religions of Persia” from the book "Persia by a Persian,” being the personal experiences of the Rev. Isaac Adams, M.D. The book is issued in four languages, English, Dutch, German and Swedish, published in 1900.

Washington, D. C.
Nov. 19th, 1899.
Mr. Isaiah H. Bradford,

Hubbard, Minn.

My dear sir:—

Your letter of October 24th was duly received and I regret my inability to reply to it sooner, but I had left my California home when it arrived there so it was forwarded to me here; however I take pleasure in answering your questions, as it gives me great happiness to enlighten any Truthseeker, regarding the “Holy City” and the "Blessed Master” who dwells therein.

Altho my stay in Acca1 was very short, as I was there only three days, yet I assure you those three days were the most memorable days of my life, still I feel incapable of describing them in the slightest degree.

From a material standpoint everything was very simple and plain, but the spiritual atmosphere which pervaded the place and was manifested in the lives and actions among the Believers, was truly wonderful and something I had never before experienced. One needs but to see them to know that they are a Holy people.

The Master I will not attempt to describe: I will only state that I believe with all my heart that He is the Master and my greatest blessing in this world is that I have been privileged to be in His presence and look upon His sanctified face. His life is truly the Christlife and His whole being radiates purity and holiness!

Without a doubt ‘Abbás Effendi is the Messiah of this day and generation and we need not look for another.

Hoping you will find the joy that has come into my life from accepting the Truth as revealed in these great days,

I am very sincerely yours
Signed: Phoebe A. Hearst.

1. ‘Akká.

Washington, Dec. 5th, 1899
O. M. Babcock, Chicago, Ill.

Dear sir,—

Your letter at hand and in reply will say if a statement from me regarding my visit to Acca1, also my privilege of being in the Master’s presence, and my impressions of the Holy Household, will in the slightest degree confirm anyone in the faith, then I am most happy to render it.

I was not a pupil of Dr. Kheiralla’s. Mr. and Mrs. Getsinger taught me and I accepted the Truth before I left my California home to go to Europe. I never saw Dr. Kheiralla until we were on board the steamer.

My stay in Acca was very short; if I remember correctly I was there but three days, tho Mr. and Mrs. Getsinger were there three months. Acca is now a ruined fortification, its streets are narrow and dark and the houses are very primitive and rudely constructed, but when we were admitted to the Master’s presence we lost sight of our surroundings entirely.

It seems to me a real Truthseeker would know at a glance that He is the Master! Withal, I must say He is the Most Wonderful Being I have ever met or ever expect to meet in this world. The He does not seek to impress one at all, strength, power, purity, love and holiness are radiated from His majestic, yet humble, personality, and the spiritual atmosphere which surrounds Him and most powerfully affects all those who are blest by being near Him, is indescribable. His ideas and sentiments are of the loftiest and most chaste character, while His great love and devotion for humanity surpasses anything I have ever before encountered. I believe in Him with all my heart and soul, and I hope all who call themselves Believers will concede to Him all the greatness, all the glory, and all the praise, for surely He, is the Son of God—and “the spirit of the Father abideth in Him.”

Regarding the Household, I found them all quiet, Holy people living only for the purpose of serving in the Cause of God. They dress very plainly, but with a grace that gives a sort of grandeur to their most humble abode. The purity of their morals is evident from their calm, benign and guileless faces which characterize them as a people. To become spiritually more and more like them, and like the blessed Master is my daily supplication unto God.

I am not going to be in the east this winter.

Yours very sincerely
Signed: P. A. Hearst.

2. PDF (from

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