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TITLEThe Family: Our Hopes and Challenges
PUB_THISAssociation for Bahá'í Studies Australia
ABSTRACTProceedings from the National Bahá'í Studies Conference, Hobart, Australia, July 1994.
NOTES This document is no longer available at its original host; mirrored from

Opening address
      The Hon. Justice M. A. Hannon

Problem solving in the family
      Erik Blumenthal

Requisites for family unity
      Safoura Chittleborough

Walking the tight-rope of parenthood
      John Davidson and Christine Wood

The community as family - opportunities for growth
      Ros Gabriel

The effects of addiction/alcoholism, acculturation, physical, emotional
      and sexual violence on the education of aboriginal children
      Tjanara Goreng-Goreng

The family in Bahá'í society: a unique approach to curriculum development
      Stephen Hall

Education of children - principles before pragmatism
      Sandra Rowden-Rich

The family and the future - legal perspectives
      P. E. Ringwood

The role of the father in the family
      Graeme Russell

Whanau (extended family) structures as an innovative intervention into
      Maori educational and schooling crises
      Graham Hingangaroa Smith

"A Portrait of Time"
      Vahid Chittleborough

Sex, Drugs, HIV/AIDS and Religion
      Glenn Curran

The Bahá'í Faith in Tasmania 1923-1963
      Graham Hassall

Seasons of the Soul: Reflections on "The Seven Valleys of Bahá'u'lláh"
      - The Valley of Search
      Hedi Moani

Religion and Psychological Well-Being - Is there an Association?
      Vahid Payman
Return of the Dreamtime
      Pym Trueman

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