The Dawn of Knowledge and The Most Great Peace
Price 25 cents
Published by
Bahá'í Publishing Society
Chicago, U. S. A.
At the earnest request of many friends, to whom we delivered orally the
following message — the work was begun in the Summer of 1901, and finished
about the first of 1902, for their special benefit; there being no intention
originally to publish these Talks in book form; but as the increased demand
rendered it impossible to supply all those who applied for typewritten copies,
it was decided at this late date to have them printed. In view of this fact, we
desire to call your attention to the date of its completion, as many notable
events deserving special mention have occurred since then, and which of course
are not referred to in the closing Talk.
Humbly thy servant the Author.
Copyright, Paul Kingston Dealy
In complying with the urgent demand for a second edition, we deem it
necessary to add another chapter in order to make clearer some of the texts
quoted in the first edition, which seem not to have been fully understood by
readers who have not considered the verses in their broad and far-reaching
August 24th, 1903.
N. B. — Nearly two years ago the above note and new chapter mentioned
was written and forwarded to one of the friends in New York, who had the matter
of publication in hand, but for substantial reasons, the work of publishing has
been delayed up until the present time, and as many notable events have
transpired in the interim, some of which seemingly cast a doubtful reflection
on some of the statements of the first edition, we feel it necessary to call
the reader's attention to one of the leading and most horrifying events in this
connection, viz., the present war between Russia and Japan. In referring to the
tablets sent out by El-Bahá, to the different crowned heads, attention was
called to the fact, on page 22, first edition, of the wonderful advancement and
prosperity of Russia from the time she had befriended BAHA'O'LLAH up to the
time of its going to press. Since then, calamities and disasters unparalleled in
the records of history, have fallen upon that nation from all directions, and
which serves only to further confirm the substance of the last Tablet sent by
the Manifestation to the Czar of Russia.
In that most wonderful tablet He reminded that monarch that "The beneficence of
His providence hath stirred, and the sea of His mercy hath moved," toward him
for the reverence shown, but that it would continue only so long as his face
was turned towards the face of his Lord, and commanding him to "arise amongst
the people and summon the nations to God." We quote from that marvelous Tablet
the following brief extract:
"One of thy ambassadors assisted me when I was in prison, in chains and
fetters, therefore God hath decreed unto thee a station which the knowledge of
none comprehendeth save He. Beware lest thou change this lofty station, verily
thy Lord is able to do whatsoever He willeth. He cancelleth what He pleaseth
and confirmeth what He desireth, and with Him is the knowledge of all
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things in a Preserved Tablet Beware lest sovereignty prevent thee from
The Sovereign, verily He hath come with His Kingdom, and all the atoms cry out,
"The Lord hath come in His most great glory, the Father hath come and with Him
the Son" * * *
Also another quotation from the same:
"O people of deceits, do ye behold yourselves in palaces, while the King of
Manifestation is in the most ruined of abodes (Akka)? No, by my life, ye are in
the graves, were ye of those who perceive; verily, he who doth not move by the
breath of God, in His day, is indeed dead before God, the King of Names and
Attributes. Arise from the graves of your lusts and advance to the kingdom of
your Lord, the Ruler of the Throne and Earth, that ye may see that which was
promised unto you on the part of your Lord, the All-Knowing. Do ye imagine that
ye will be profited by what ye have? It will be possessed by some one in your
stead, and ye shall return to the dust without finding anyone to succor or help
you. Of what use is a life that is ruled by death, or of a continuance (in
being) which vanishes, or of a grace which changes," etc., etc.
The grace of God did prosper that Empire from the time her ambassador assisted
the prisoner in chains and fetters up to the time of the half-hearted
fulfillment of His command for her to "arise and summon the nations to God,"
when the Czar called a peace conference of all the nations, but the people of
influence in the circle of royalty prevented him, "the lofty station changed,"
and the promised blessing "cancelled," as mentioned in the Tablet. Since that
notable convention called by the Czar, events have followed in rapid
succession, which must impress the most heedless that verily this is the great
and terrible day of the Lord, the day also that would witness the return of the
chosen people to the God of Israel, the day in which, as declared by the mouth
of this prophet, "they would find deliverance in Mount Zion and in
Dear reader, what are some of the important facts in connection with this
disastrous war to Russia? Come now, and let us reason together, then
draw your own conclusions. Following the international peace conference, as
every one who reads the daily papers knows, a brutal and most heinous massacre
of helpless Jews by the bigoted, fanatic subjects of the Czar occurred in
Kishineff, and to which inhuman outrage the government of Russia paid little or
no attention, but her apathy was not destined to pass very long with impunity,
for immediately after that atrocious slaughter of innocents, Japan made
pressing demands for a hasty settlement of the Corean question, but though
small and insignificant as compared with her towering foe, yet the bold and
intrepid Japan was not to be trifled with, and the allotted time given for a
peaceful settlement of her demands having expired, war was declared and
followed up with a blood-shed and determination not to be found in the annals
of history. Since the commencement of the war but few, perhaps, have given much
thought to some of the significant incidents connected with it. When war was
declared the great ones of Russia treated the matter as a huge joke on them.
The amusing spectacle of a novice in the arts of war, a pigmy, demanding
attention from a high-classed professional warrior, a civilized, Christian
giant, was too ludicrous to pass unnoticed, and inspired articles in the
autocratic press told the funny things they would do when the great generals
arrived on the scene of action with the indomitable Cossacks, who, in sportive
manner, would gayly ride out among the diminutive foe, seize several regiments
at one swoop, and with squirming bunches of those little frustraters of Russian
designs, under their stalwart arms, carry them into camp and thus, without any
bloodshed whatever, end hostilities
[page iv]
in short order, "but their hopes have been turned into disappointment and
mourning." The warning of El-Bahá has had its effect "Do ye imagine that ye
will be profited by what ye have? It will be possessed by some one in your
stead." That much desired naval station, Port Arthur, has passed out of Russian
hands. Their dreadful war was preceded by an unmerciful slaughter of God's
chosen people in the day of return, and calamities since then have fallen upon
that nation thick and fast, and, remarkable to note, it was preceded by another
slaughter of her Jewish subjects. On the 10th of May last (1905), the daily
papers published an account of a second frightful massacre of Jews in the town
of Zhitomer, and on the 29th of the same month (19 days later) the same papers
published a full account of the complete destruction of her great navy in the
east, the effect of which has rendered her troubles there as of secondary
importance compared with the strife and bloodshed that is going on within her
own borders, among her own people. Strikes, plunder, anarchy, murder,
desertion, mutiny and violation, as the civilized world knows, are today
running rampant in that country, which confirm the warning words of the
Manifestation conveyed through the Tablet herein referred to.
At this present writing, as that deplorable country gave not any attention to
the Blessed Writings, how many difficulties came in her way of progress. But it
is certain that the Holy Words regarding Russia have not yet all been
fulfilled, as it is indicated from the above mentioned extract.
"But regarding the war with Japan, although it was brought about
through the consultations with the people of influence in the imperial family
obliging H. I. M. to proclaim war, yet the loss was universal. For, as this war
came just after the proclamation of the universal peace, undoubtedly it was
fraught with unwelcome result. But looking at the question from another point
of view it is an indisputable fact that this war will accrue and add immense
benefits to the government and the nation in Russia, that is: the freedom of
thought, the freedom of conscience, the organization of the Representative
Assembly, and the proclamation of the equality of rights amongst the subjects.
Prosperity and salvation are an unrealized fact, and impossible for any nation
without the representative government. Therefore, His Majesty, the Emperor of
Russia, desires, out of his own good will, the organization of the
Representative Assembly. There is not the slightest doubt that this gracious
intention of the Emperor will bring about great prosperity to the nation and
government in Russia, and the administration of this government will find such
a power that it will create the greatest influence in the political world. The
truth is this, that His Majesty, the Emperor, in reality is peaceful, and seeks
after justice, and there is no doubt he will be confirmed with this intention.
But regarding the proclamation of the war with Japan it is evident it was
brought about by the people of political influence, whether from the royal
family or others. However, through the generous intervention of the President
of the United States, Mr. Roosevelt, and Mr. De Witte's intelligence, the war
was happily ended, and we hope that good results will come out from this peace.
But concerning the massacre of the Jews, this was entirely against the wish of
the Czar. The fanatical, as well as the prejudiced people, perpetrated this
outrage, but its evil fell upon all. We hope that such things will not
transpire any more, and wish heartily that Russia's government and nation may
progress day after day."
P. K. D.
[page v]
The pressing demand for this, the third edition, would indicate "the signs of
the times" referred to in this little work have undoubtedly aroused the
interest of seekers to an extent which, apparently, and devoutly to be hoped,
will lead to a fuller and more complete investigation of this most vital
question. I regret exceedingly that circumstances beyond my control will not
permit, at this present writing, the carrying out of my intention, viz., to add
another chapter, calling attention, in a clear, full and explicit manner, to
the most confirmatory evidence, up to date, of the remarkable fulfillment of
prophecy, which must honestly be acknowledged and accepted by the most
Should a further demand justify another issue, I hope to be freed from some of
the pressure of work by which I am at present burdened, so that I can have
leisure to arrange some facts, by way of additional proofs, which will greatly
assist the busy ones in the cause, in spreading the light; for the present let
it suffice to call your attention, briefly, to just one important event which
has gained world-wide prominence since the first edition of this little work
appeared. I refer to the new international language, "Esperanto," which it is
claimed "now has millions of adherents, and they represent every nation,
race, religion and condition of life."
To the casual observer, the attempt to introduce a new language may not attract
much attention, but to the Bible student its deep significance, in connection
with prophecy, will be recognized and understood as the most important event
which has yet transpired, that tends towards universal peace.
Over twenty-five hundred (2,500) year ago the mouth of the prophet declared a
universal language would be established in THIS DAY, and long before the world
had heard of "Esperanto" or its distinguished author, Dr. Zamenhof,
BAHA'O'LLAH, sent forth His command for the establishment of a universal
language. Whether or not Esperanto is to be the one finally adopted we cannot
at this early stage of its growth assert, but its enthusiastic reception
throughout the entire world, by all nations, demonstrates the unmistakable
trend of current events in connection with the prophecies. Not only believers
in the new revelation, but all well disposed persons, interested in the welfare
of their fellow men — peace loving citizens and reformers who are working for
the betterment of conditions of the masses, recognize the fact that universal,
permanent peace can only be effected through an international language. It is
held by the latter that when the common people — the toilers — the producers
of all material wealth of nations, can meet and discuss intelligently, in a
familiar tongue, international questions affecting the good and welfare of all,
race prejudices will disappear and wars shall cease to be. The subjects of the
different nations shall then glory, not so much in their love of country, as
they shall glory in love for their fellowmen.
These troublous times have caused the oppressed people of all nations to think
for themselves as never before, and the result of that thinking is bringing
them to a dearer understanding of the real cause of wars. It is beginning to
dawn upon many, especially the ones upon whom the brunt of battle usually
falls, that wars are chiefly provoked for the profit and financial benefit of
the ruling class, though patriotic reasons are never wanting to show why the
common people should shoulder their rifles and march forth to kill their
fellowmen, belonging to other nations, in order to uphold the honor and glory
of their own; that, at the bottom of those patriotic appeals, lies the real aim
and object in the form of commercial supremacy, trade privileges and the
accessions of territory,
[page vi]
and it is also beginning to dawn upon the many that the most effective means of
ending this barbarous legalized human butchery (for such, in the final
analysis, is war, though it may be robed in the subtle garb of patriotism and
national honor), is through an international language. when all the people, and
especially those who are called upon to do the slaughtering and pay the cost of
war, can reason together, without the aid of interpreters, through the medium
of a universal language — intermingling in closer communion, commercially,
socially and religiously — the bonds of friendship and mutual interest will
become so strong that a resort to arms as the only effective means of settling
international disputes will be a thing of the past. The good and desirable
results emanating from a universal language cannot be overestimated, viewed
from any standpoint The cost of constructing one modern battleship, to say
nothing of the enormous expense of operating the same, after being placed in
commission, would pay ten thousand teachers one thousand dollars salary for one
year, and as it is the policy of governments to keep adding yearly those modern
monsters to their respective navies, think what an immense army of teachers a
very small per cent of this prodigious outlay could distribute among the public
schools of the world, employing them in giving free instruction in that which
will do a thousand times more to establish on earth, peace and good will
towards men than all the international peace conferences and menacing armies
and navies could ever do. The popular idea of governments that, in order to
preserve peace, they must necessarily be prepared for war, is a fallacy which
entails great hardship and adds untold burdens, which must be borne by the
masses; and the increasing drain on the resources of the plain people to keep
up the display of national strength, power and ability for the indiscriminate
destruction of human life and possessions, is making itself felt to the extent
that thinking minds see the blessed end of brutal wars, of blood and carnage,
as a means of adjusting international difficulties, in the adoption of a
universal language Blessed are the ones whose efforts in this direction are
hearing fruit, for they are the torch bearers, lighting up the path which leads
to the promised most great peace, which shall prevail according to the prophecy
of Zephaniah (Chapter 3, verses 8 and 9).
"Therefore wait ye upon me, said the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the
prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the
kingdoms," etc.
"For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may ALL
call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with ONE CONSENT."
P. K. D.
October, 1908.
[page vii]
"We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the
nations... That all nations should become one in faith and all men as
brothers... These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars, shall away, away the
`Most Great Peace' shall come." [BAHAOLLAH]
[page 8]
"And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed
you with knowledge and under standing."— Jeremiah 3:15.
"For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as
the waters cover the sea." — Habakkuk 2:14.
The substance or pith of the Bible, when rightly understood, is a clear
revelation of events which are transpiring in this present day; and the
diligent seeker of divine knowledge who studies its contents in the spirit of
honest research, will find that, throughout the entire hook, the hand on the
dial of its sacred pages invariably points to the great day in which we live.
All the Prophets struck the same keynote in their marvelous song of coming
events, the chords of unvarying harmony being the coming of the glorious God
and His Christ to set up His Kingdom on earth.
Jesus declared, Luke 4:43, that His mission was "to preach about the Kingdom of
God," and all His parables and illustrations had direct reference to God's
Kingdom here on earth; that the Lord of the vineyard would come Himself, Mark
12:9; "That He would spread a great table and invite many to partake of His
supper," Luke 14:15 — and that the people would come front
[page 9]
the east and from the west and from the north and from the south, and sit down
in the kingdom of God, Luke 13:29. Jude declared — the Lord would come with
ten thousand of His saints, Verse 14. Paul speaks of "Looking for that blessed
hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ,"
Titus 2:13. The word of the Lord came to the Prophet Micah, saying — "Hear all
ye people, harken O earth — for behold the Lord cometh forth out of His place
and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth," Micah 1:2, 3.
Solomon intimated "Will God indeed dwell on the earth!" 1st Kings, 8:27. "And
this is the blessing wherewith Moses, the man of God, blessed the children of
Israel before his death. And he said: "The Lord came from Sinai, and rose up
from Seir unto them; he shined forth from Mount Paran, and he came with ten
thousands of saints; from his right hand went a fiery law for them," Deut.
33:1, 2. The spirit of prophecy speaking through St. John, proclaimed: "I am
the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which
is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty," Rev. 1:8. And at His
coming Zechariah avers, Chapter 14; Verse 9: "And the Lord shall be King over
all the earth, in that day shall there be one Lord and His name One." Isaiah
tells us, Ch. 2:2, 3, that, "It shall come to pass in the last days that the
mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains,
and be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many
people shall go and say — Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and
we will walk in His paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word
of the Lord from Jerusalam." The Prophet Micah reiterates almost the same
words. Zechariah speaks of the same conditions at that time, Ch. 8:20-22. "Thus
saith the Lord of Hosts; it shall yet come to pass that there shall come
people, and the inhabitants of many cities: And the inhabitants of one city
shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to
seek the Lord of Hosts: I will go also. Yea, many people and strong nations
shall come to seek the Lord of Hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the
These are a few of the many passages in the Holy Book announcing the great
event which is to take place in the latter days.
To the one who has read these words carefully and understandingly, and is
convinced that they mean exactly what they state, undoubtedly the question will
arise in his mind: If God is to come and manifest Himself to His creatures and
establish His household here on earth, then how shall He appear? In what manner
shall He come? From whence shall He come? When shall He come? And how shall we
know that He is The One when He does come? Upon all these points the Bible
(when rightly understood) has clearly instructed us, and in considering this
great question, let us follow the counsel of the Mighty One — Isaiah 1:18 —
"Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord."
That He is to come, the passages just quoted clearly indicate, and should be
sufficient to convince any honest, rationally minded person; but owing to the
error of early training, to many, the manner of His coming may perhaps be
somewhat perplexing, but a proper exercise of the reasoning faculties which God
has given us, in connection with prophetic utterances, will clear our vision
and "make the crooked things straight."
The Bible teaches that no man hate ever seen God. The finite mind cannot
comprehend the Infinite Essence; the treasure cannot comprehend the Creator —
any more than the thing made can comprehend its maker. The watch cannot
comprehend the watchmaker; neither can man comprehend his Creator. But you
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may say, the comparison is not logical because the watch is inanimate matter;
whilst man is an intelligent being. Granted that this is so — that man is an
intelligent being and the watch inanimate matter — it does not affect the fact
the Creator is as much higher above the creature as the watchmaker is above the
watch — and as Heaven is high above the earth — because the maker of the
watch did not create the essence of which the watch is composed, but the
Creator of man did create the essence of which he (man) is composed and also
gave him his intelligence; therefore, notwithstanding man's intellectual
attainments, his Creator is as far above him as the east is from the west.
Man's powers being confined to his own sphere or attitude, he can comprehend
nothing beyond his limitation. Being a limited creature, how is man then going
to comprehend the unlimited Creator when He comes? Can he know or understand
Him as a lovely flower, a delicious ether filling the boundless space of man's
sphere, to be breathed into the nostrils of his imagination — or a beautiful
bird, a beautiful animal, or any other majestic, awe inspiring, living thing
outside man's limitation? Assuredly not.
Then how is mankind going to know or understand Him when He comes?
There is but one conceivable way by which we can comprehend Him, and that is in
the form of a man, adorned with characteristics and attributes possible for
mankind to attain, and in this form we must look for Him, for there is no other
that would satisfy or by which we could understand Him, and it is in this form
all the Prophets have told us He would appear. And if we reflect for a moment,
we have only to turn to the first page of the Bible to learn the astounding
fact that the form man bears is not his own, but is in reality made after the
pattern of God's; so that when He comes, it will be with His own form, of which
man's form is an image. Genesis 1:27 — "So God created man in His own image;
in the image of God created He him." In accordance with this, instead of God
taking the form of man, it is man that has taken the form of God. The so-called
human form is the one which God specially designed for Himself in order to
manifest Himself to His creatures, and bestowed upon mankind the great favor
and honor of bearing His likeness, that when He would appear they could
comprehend Him; and by compliance with His commands, fit themselves to come
into His presence and associate with Him and His chosen ones throughout
eternity. Therefore, it is clear that when He appears on earth, it will be in
the so-called human form — "like unto the son of man" — so often mentioned in
the Bible; that all mankind who desire to know Him in reality, to love Him in
reality and to enjoy Him in reality, may have that great privilege.
But again the question arises: If He is coming in the form of man, how will He
reach the earth? Will He descend suddenly with a fully matured material body?
The Bible teaches this could not be, as it plainly states flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; 1st Cor., 15:5 — "Now this I say, brethren,
that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; neither does corruption
inherit incorruption." Hence His immediate descent from the Spiritual Realms
with a material body would be at variance with Scriptural teachings, in direct
opposition to Divine Law and country to science and reason; consequently if He
comes as a man, He must of necessity, according to the law of procreation, come
in the regular way, the way in which all mankind have come.
That He shall come as a man is an assured fact, which all prophetic
utterances confirm. Christ at different times referred to Him coming "as the.
Son of Man" — i. e., a man like any other man, as for instance in Matt.
24:37, "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man
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Daniel, in his vision of the Kingdom, saw Him "as one like the Son of Man." In
the vision of Ezekiel — Chap. I, Ver. 26 — he saw Him "On his throne having
the appearance of a man." John also saw Him "Like unto the Son of Man clothed
with a garment down to the foot," Rev. 1:13. There can be no mistaking the
meaning of these utterances.
Assuredly He shall come as a man, in appearance like all other men, "That He
may do His work, His strange work, and bring to pass His act, His strange act,"
mentioned in Isaiah 28:21. Strange indeed it will seem to many that God shall
visit this earth in the human form, and establish His everlasting Kingdom. But
strange as it may seem to us, this in reality is the real purpose of His coming
as foretold by all the Prophets. Daniel speaks of the event in no uncertain
tones, Chapter 2: — "And in the days of these Kings shall the God of Heaven
set up a Kingdom, which shall never be destroyed; and the Kingdom shall not be
left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these
Kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever." Moreover, He is going to establish a
city, which shall be visited by the people of all countries, and glorious
things shall be spoken of it by those who visit it. Psalms 87:3. "Glorious
things are spoken of thee, O City of God." Verse 5, as follows, "and of Zion it
shall be said, this and that man was born in her, and the HIGHEST HIMSELF shall
establish her." The city is going to have a beautiful situation, and God is
going to be greatly praised in her. Psalms 48:1, 2 —"Great is the Lord, and
greatly to be praised is the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness.
Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the
sides of the north, the city of the great King."
Kings also are going to bring presents to Him. Psalms 68:2 —"Because of Thy
temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto Thee." Also Psalms 72:1
—"The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents; the kings of
Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts. Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him;
all nations shall serve Him."
But the question remains —How is the great King going to come? Will the
heavens suddenly open and the sound of a great trumpet announce His speedy
descent upon us? Oh no — that could not be, for material things do not exist
in the Spiritual Realms, and it would have to be a material trumpet in order
for us to hear with our material ears; and our material eyes could not perceive
a Spiritual body. Then how will He come? To harmonize with the laws He Himself
has established, and to conform to that which He bath ordained for Himself, He
must be born of earthly parents, and grow up in like manner with every child
born into this world. God will never violate His own laws, nor perform any
unnecessary miracle in order to accomplish what He has preordained.
There need be no speculation as to the manner of His coming, for the Bible is
very specific on this point, notably Isaiah 9:6 —"For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His
name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting
Father, the Prince of Peace." Many misguided people, ignorant of the symbolic
language used in the sacred writings, have confounded this passage with the
prophecies relating to the coming of Christ, and for proof of this we have only
to turn to the words of Christ Himself to understand that it did not refer to
Him, but to the One whom He prophesied should come after Him; the One whom He
declared was greater than He —"The Father, the Lord of the Vineyard, who would
come and destroy the wicked husbandman who cast his son out of the Vineyard and
killed him" —Luke 20:9; Mark 12:1. Christ did not claim
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take place at a given time in the future, is there any possible way that I can
convince you my predictions are true, until the time arrives for their
fulfillment? Certainly not. We must wait until tine appointed time, then if
they come to pass, you must, as a rational being, believe me to be a prophet;
but if they do not come to pass, then you would be justified in condemning me
as a fraud. And it is in about this relation we stand towards the Bible; until
we have been instructed in the hidden meaning of its contents, it is a sealed
Book to us, and we cannot rightly understand it; the prophecies must surely
come to pass, before we can believe them. The office of the Messenger whom God
shall send, will be to break the seals and, by His revelations, end the wonders
mentioned in Dan. 12:6, revealing to us the fulfillment of prophecy; and by
this we shall know Him.
Already the Sun of Truth hath arisen in the obscure horizon of prophetic
wonders, and its clarifying rays, so bright and penetrating, have lighted up
the understanding of the wise, and with them have caused those wonders to end.
The prophecy of Isaiah they know for a certainty has been fulfilled, Chap. 9:
V. 2, 3 — "The people that walk in darkness have seen a great light; they that
dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined?"
The Advancer, the Messenger, whom God would send, the One whom He promised He
would give us, who would feed us with knowledge and understanding, has come.
The people that walk in darkness have seen the Great Light, upon them had the
Light shined. And in our next Talk we will tell the wonderful story of how,
when and where He Came, and the marvelous things He has revealed.
[page 14]
To review briefly the salient points of our last Talk — we have seen that the
fundamental teaching of the Bible is the coming of God and His Christ, and the
setting up of His Kingdom here on this earth. That He would come in the human
form, be born a child of earthly parents, grow up, and as the Prince of Peace,
rule with great power (i. e., spiritual), majesty, justice, love and mercy.
That under His propitious government would be ushered in the Most Great Peace
and Universal Brotherhood, and that His coming would be heralded by His
Messenger whom He would send to prepare the way before Him. That
Messenger, we told you, had already come, and in this Talk we shall
relate a few particulars concerning His appearance and wonderful work.
As God declared through the mouth of the Prophet Malachi, 4th Chap., 5th and
6th verses, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of
the great and dreadful day of the Lord" — the Elijah herein mentioned (as
before stated) has already come and fulfilled His mission, has broken the seal
of prophecy and ended the wonders which for centuries have perplexed Bible
students and seekers of Divine Knowledge.
As was said of Christ during His mission, Matt. 7:28, 29, "And it came to pass,
when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at His doctrine:
For He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." The same
very fittingly applied to the Precursor of the Great Manifestation of the
Mighty God, Who in our day has come, and revealed His secrets unto the ones
whom God declared should know them. Psalms 25:14, —"The secret of the Lord is
with them that fear Him; and He will show them His covenant."
You will from now on begin to realize why these teachings are given privately.
Christ, referring to these days, said, Luke 12:3, —"That which ye have spoken
in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops." The time for
announcing this Great Truth openly to the world has not yet arrived; the
majority of the people are not yet ready to receive it, and until that time
arrives, we must be guided by the reminder of Christ, Matt. 10:16, — "Behold,
I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be ye therefore wise as
serpents, and harmless as doves." He, Christ, taught His disciples in private,
but to the multitude He spoke in parables, telling them that only which they
could grasp, Mark 4:33, — "And with many such parables spake He the
word unto them, as they were able to hear it — "as they were able to hear
it," i. e., as they were able to grasp and comprehend His explanation. "But
without a parable spake He not unto them: and when they were alone, He
expounded all this to His disciples," Mark 4:34. Matt. 13:l0-l6 — "And the
disciples came and said unto Him, Why speakest Thou unto them in parables?" "He
answered * * * Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the
Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given" * * * "Therefore speak I to
them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not,
neither do they understand" * * * "But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and
your ears, for they hear."
In the days of Christ many flocked to hear Him, not that they were impulsed by
any real spiritual motives, but because they were curious to hear His
[page 15]
tions and parables, and for this reason He charged His disciples that they were
not to cast their pearls before swine — meaning that they were not to give the
precious Truth He had taught them to those who were not seeking with their
whole heart to know God — and to such as displayed a desire to know the Truth,
He said —"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and
it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that
seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened" —Luke, 11:9, 10.
Thus clearly showing that the Truth was for the truth seeker only, and
which accords also with the word of God spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah,
Chap. 29, verse 13, "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search
for me with all your heart." And in the sermon on the Mount, Christ declared,
"Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shalt be
filled." The hungry and thirsty are the wise mentioned in the 12th Chap. of
Daniel, who would understand, "when the secrets of God should be revealed."
A few years ago there appeared in Shiraz, in that noted land of sacred history,
Persia, a very remarkable young man who proclaimed himself to be the Advancer
of the Mighty One, Who should soon be manifested, supporting His claim with the
most astonishing, logical and convincing proofs from the Sacred Writings. It is
needless to say this amazing announcement caused no little stir and commotion
in that country. The guardians of the Mohammedan faith, apprehensive of a
general falling away from the established national religion, thought at first
to snuff out His light, by simply denouncing Him as a religious fanatic or
humbug, whose audacity and ignorance were too much beneath the dignity of
sensible, intelligent people to notice. But His clear, ringing voice, tuned to
the sweetness of Truth; His great and wonderful logic; His powerful arguments;
His matchless eloquence and His brilliant mind and keen sense of love and
justice, won its way too deeply into the hearts and understanding of the
honest, thinking people, to be dismissed with a sneer; and impulsed by an
independent desire to hear and judge for themselves, many flocked around Him to
hear Him expound the Scriptures, as they had never before heard them explained,
and were so strongly convinced of the Truth He taught, that thousands, high and
low, gave up all they possessed to follow Him; in many instances, submitting to
the most fiendish and atrocious tortures, cruel afflictions and horrifying
deaths. To follow Him through all the details of His unmitigated persecutions
would consume more time than we have at our disposal at present. Our aim at
this time is simply to state the main facts and furnish necessary proofs that
the One we are discussing is no less a person than the One prophesied in the
Bible who should come and prepare the way before the coming of the Great Day of
the Lord. Volumes have been written by many noted writers of today on His
wonderful missionary work, which any one truly interested in this great matter
can obtain and read for themselves.
At present we shall briefly state this wonderful person declared Himself in
Persia in the year 1844 A. D., and was known as the BAB, the meaning of
which is gate or door. By His followers He was known as the Door of Truth, as
Christ in His day said, "I am the door" — John 10:7, 9. Through His wonderful
natural powers of oratory, reason and logic, His remarkable knowledge of
science and the hidden meaning of the sacred writings, thousands were convened
to His doctrine, to the great consternation, bitter animosity and deep-rooted
hatred of the Mohammedan Leaders, who, fearful of His persuasive influence over
their followers, instigated through their Priestly efforts a State
[page 16]
which resulted finally in His judicial murder in the year A. D. 1850. Several
prominent followers were executed with Him, their only offense being their firm
refusal to recant or to renounce their new faith.
In his book entitled —"A Traveler's Narrative," Page 213 (a history of the
Bab) — Prof. Browne of Cambridge University, England, says: —
[After the Bab was killed several Babists were led to be shot, among
whom was the Bab's uncle, Haji-Mirza-Seyyid. The crowd called them
madmen.] "Thereupon Haji Mulla Ismail turned towards them and said, `Yes, we
are Babis; but mad we are not. By God, O people, it is for your awakening and
your enlightenment that we have foregone life, wealth, wife and child, and have
shut our eyes to the world and its citizens, that perchance ye may be warned,
and may escape from uncertainty and error, that ye may fall to making enquiry,
that ye may recognize the Truth as is meet, and that ye may no longer be veiled
therefrom.' Then he took off his turban and said to the executioner, `Go on
with thy work;' and the latter, filled with amazement, struck the fatal
In those years, 1850 when the Bab was killed, and 1851, four thousand
souls were slain, many of them women and children. Still Babism increased,
many people of all nations flocked to Persia to inquire, and became converted
to it.
This is an extract from the pages of a book written by an eminent English
scholar, historian and translator of Persian and Arabic; one who is considered
the most reliable translator in these languages of any in the school of English
learning in the present day, and, because of this fact, he was chosen by the
Royal Asiatic Association of England to act for them in gathering and recording
all the facts obtainable in connection with this wonderful personage, and the
fate which befell Him and His followers And we have quoted this extract merely
to show that, although little is known, by the average person in this country,
outside the believers in this Truth, of the circumstances attending the
marvelous mission and cruel death of this great and holy man, it has been the
main topic discussed by the people of that country during the last half
Now, as to His identity. That God would send His Messenger to prepare
the way before Him, has, according to the prophecies, been clearly shown, but
the time of His coming, and the place of His appearance, according to the
prophecies, we have not yet touched upon, but will do so in this Talk. Right
here we want to emphasize the fact that the time and place of these events are
clearly set forth in the Bible. To come back to the 12th Chapter of Daniel, we
find that according to the records of history — when he (Daniel) was given his
vision, he was among the captives in the Persian Empire; and in figuring the
dates, we must reckon according to the Persian time, or the Mohammedan
calendar. In his vision, he-Daniel — (12th Chap.) saw three persons, "the one
which was upon the waters of the River," and the other two, "the one on this
side of the bank of the River, and the other on that side of the bank of the
River." Verse 6, "And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the
waters of the River, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?" Verse
7 —"And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the
River, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware
by Him that liveth forever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and
when He shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all of
these things shall be finished."
In this wonderful chapter, there are three persons and three periods mentioned.
viz.: the first period (in Ver. 7) "time, times and an half;" the second period
(in Ver. 11) "and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken
[page 17]
away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a
thousand two hundred and ninety days;" and the third period (in Ver. 12)
"Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five
and thirty days."
In considering this marvelous Chapter, we shall at present take up the fifth
and sixth verses, and first part of the seventh verse, as they have to do
particularly with the beginning of the end of the wonders, which the Bab
would unfold.
The first part of the seventh verse, ending at "time, times and an half" — is
the answer to the question stating when the end of the wonders should be; and
the last part of the verse, to the time when all these things shall be
finished, the thousand two hundred and ninety days — mentioned in Ver. 11. In
brief, the first part of the seventh verse refers to the time of the appearance
of The Messenger (the Bab), and the latter part of the verse to
the time when the Lord of Hosts would have manifested Himself, finishing all
these things, ending the wonders which up to His day would be veiled by the
closed up words and sealed book of prophecy, by the breaking of the seals, as
mentioned in Revelation, and thus revealing to the real truth seeker the hidden
meaning of the mysterious Utterances of the Scriptures by a clear
interpretation of the symbolic language which sealed the Book.
In this Talk we will consider the first period mentioned, as it has to do
especially with The Messenger, the Bab. As before mentioned,
Daniel was in Persia when this vision was given to him, hence we must reckon
according to Persian time, and also look to that part of the world for
the event to take place, as the connecting links, in the next Talk, will fully
Regarding the time of His appearance, the Angel told Daniel to "close the Book
and seal it to the time of the end" — signifying that the prophecies could not
be understood until the time appointed by God for them to be revealed. In other
words, the prophecies would be a wonder until that time; then he, Daniel, asked
how long it would be to the end of those wonders-and was answered, "that h
shall be for a time, times and an half."
Now according to astronomical reckoning, a time is 360 days, and according to
the Bible a day in prophecy stands for a year-see Ezekiel 4:6 "And thou shalt
bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days; I have appointed thee each
day for a year." Also Numbers 14:34 —
a time — which means one time |
......................360 |
times — which means two time |
......................720 |
half a time —means one-half of 360 |
......................180 |
Twelve hundred and sixty Persian or Mohammedan years. Their time is Lunar time,
354 days comprising a year. Our time is Solar, 365 days comprising a year. In
order to better understand these figures we will reduce their time to ours by a
simple and accurate calculation —1260 years multiplied by 354 (the number of
days in the Mohammedan year) give us 446,040, the total number of days in their
1260 years; and this divided by 365 (the number of days in our year) give us
1222 Solar or Christian years. The Hegira of Mohammed, i. e., the time their
year of reckoning began, was in our year A D. 622; so 1222, the actual number
of years, when reduced to our time, added to 622, gives us 1844 A. D., the year
in which the Bab declared Himself-breaking the seal of the Book that was
closed and ending the wonders;
[page 18]
thereby fulfilling the prophecy of Habakkuk 2:2, 3, "And the Lord answered me,
and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that
readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it
shall speak, and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely
come, it will not tarry."
In that same year a very notable event occurred in this country which is well
remembered by many that are living today, and many of whom participated in it.
About that time, there was in this country a religious sect known as the
"Millerites," whose peculiar views and remarkable interpretations of Scriptural
Prophecy won for them no little notoriety, but whose mistaken predictions and
disappointed hopes (in the year 1844) were the cause of much ridicule and
derision, joking among the witty ones, and pity, commiseration and sorrow among
the tolerant, self-satisfied ones. In fact, through the failure of their dearly
cherished faith and expectation, they became the laughing-stock of the whole
country. They had figured on the literal coming of the Lord, as described by
Paul in 1st Thess., Chap. 4, had set the year and day of His coming, announced
it publicly, and waited patiently for Him. The anxiously awaited day came, but
the Lord they looked for did not come, and so they became the butt and ridicule
of the scornful throughout this country. But in this day these people have the
respect and sympathy of those who know. While they erred in judgment, they at
the same time furnished convincing evidence that what had transpired in
Persia was the appointed prelude to the Great Event, which they were
looking for and expecting to take place in this country. They overlooked The
Messenger who was first to come before the great and dreadful day of the
Lord, mistaking the time referring to the appearance of the forerunner for that
alluding to the day of the Lord (or rather the coming of Christ). Though in the
eyes of the world, their predictions apparently failed, nevertheless it was no
mere speculation on their part, for God certainly had revealed unto them in
part that which was surely going to take place. They were like the blind man,
whose sight was restored by Christ, when He "put His hands upon him, He asked
him if he saw aught. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.
After that He put His hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up; and he
was restored, and saw every man dearly. And He sent him away to his house,
saying, Neither go into the town nor tell it to any in the town" (Mark
8:23-26). These people had received but partial spiritual sight, and in their
hazy vision they saw The Messenger as the MIGHTY ONE HIMSELF
coming in the literal clouds. Had they received full sight, they would have
seen the prophecy clearly, and would not have told it to the people of their
town. Notwithstanding, though their mistaken conclusions incurred the odium of
the earthly wise, God will not forsake them on that account, "for His mercy is
with them that fear Him." These people were godly people, and no doubt used, by
Him, for a purpose, as you will clearly understand when you receive the Message
in full. The fact that they looked for His coming in 1844 A. D. should carry
conviction to the mind of every honest investigator in this country that what
occurred in Persia in that year was a complete fulfillment of prophecy, and
should impress them with the serious importance of heeding the warning words of
Christ regarding the day in which we live —Mark 13:35-37, "Watch ye therefore;
for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight,
or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly He find you
sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch."
[page 19]
If the majority of the people but realized the importance and deep significance
of these words of Christ, they would be prepared for sudden shocks: "But as the
days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the
days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and
giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not
until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the
Son of Man be." (Matt. 24:37-39). Also Matt. 24:40, "Then shall two be in the
field; the one shall be taken, and the other left — i. e., the one who is
seeking God shall find Him, but the indifferent and heedless one shall not know
when He comes, consequently shall be left. When the Pharisees desired that He
would show them a sign, Christ answered (Matt. 16:1-3) and said unto them,
"When it is evening, ye say, it will be fair weather; for the sky is red. And
in the morning, it will be foul weather today; for the sky is red and lowering.
O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the
signs of the times?"
In our last Talk we pointed to the Great Event which was to take place in the
latter days, the coming of the Great Manifestation of God to establish, here on
earth, His Everlasting Kingdom, and also the preceding event which should be
looked for beforehand; the coming of The Messenger, who would prepare
the way before Him.
In this Talk we have given you a brief outline only, of the latter's
appearance, His place of birth and death. To attempt more than this in one
short Talk would not be doing justice to Him or to the great and glorious cause
for which He sacrificed His life. A full account of His private life, public
acts and tragic death, can be had in print, which any one can obtain and read
for themselves. Of course many noble acts and wonderful powers displayed by Him
are known but to the believers, which the people coming into this Truth can
learn from them only. For the present suffice it to say, He was a most
wonderful person in every respect; though no college graduate, His literary
powers were marvelous; being a very rapid and voluminous writer, He left many
valuable documents behind, concerning Spiritual matters, which the MIGHTY ONE
who would come after Him would reveal and fully confirm. He, the Father, the
Lord of the Vineyard, He who would come "as a thief in the night," as in the
days of Noe, "when the people would be eating and drinking, marrying and giving
in marriage" — in short, when the people of the world would be attending to
material affairs in the usual way, heedless and indifferent of the warnings of
Christ and the Prophets, then He would suddenly come to His temple — His body
of flesh-come "as a thief in the night."
And now it becomes my delightful privilege to disclose to you the glad-tidings
of great joy. All these wonderful utterances have been fully
"The Lord whom we have sought has suddenly come to His temple"—"The
Lord who would come down and tread upon the high places of the earth" — the
Great Manifestation — the Hope and Expectation of the ages —-has
come —"And His secrets (now) are with them that fear Him, and He has shown
them His covenant." He has fulfilled to the letter the prophecy of Isaiah,
Chapter 28:21; He has done "His work, His strange work," and brought "to pass
His act, His strange act."
Also Psalms 60:3, "Thou hast shewed thy people hard things: Thou hast made us
to drink the wine of astonishment."
Having passed through a like experience to that which you are undergoing, we
realize and feel how astonishing this whole story must sound to you; and
[page 20]
indeed, what utterances that ever before fell upon your ears can equal what you
have just heard? Comparisons are simply inadmissible. You have indeed been
shown a hard thing, and it is no figure of speech to say that the one who is
not fully prepared to receive this astounding revelation will assuredly "drink
the wine of astonishment," and bewilderment as well. Few people grasp and
comprehend it all at first hearing; in fact it leaves some in such a dazed
condition that they don't know whether to believe or not. Many will never
believe; as Christ said, "Many are called, but few are chosen" (the seeker must
first accept God before God chooses him). Also Matt. 7:14, "Because strait is
the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that
find it." The one who disbelieves and rejects this message, by his act,
confirms the very thing which he refuses to believe, as it is written in the
Book — Habakkuk 1st Chapter, 5th Verse — "Behold ye among the heathen, and
regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which
ye shall not believe, though it be told you?"
There is much we have to tell you concerning the earthly visit of our
GLORIOUS GOD, which cannot be told in a few short Talks; and as we are beings
limited to the human station, beyond which we can know nothing, "without that
wisdom which is from above," it will be to our personal advantage to ask the
Giver of all good and perfect gifts to grant us wisdom, knowledge and
under-standing, that we may comprehend the great and marvelous things there are
for us to know if we so desire.
Ponder well what you have just heard, and be prepared to hear more wonderful
things in our next Talk.
[page 21]
In our last Talk we gave a brief sketch of the Bab who appeared in
Shiraz, Persia, in the year A. D. 1844, and declared Himself as the forerunner
or advancer of Him "Whom God would manifest;" touching hurriedly upon the main
facts only concerning His office; the date of His appearance (according to
prophecy); His wonderful powers of argument; His profound knowledge,
Self-sacrifice, barbarous persecution and cruel death; and closing our
discourse with the amazing disclosure that the Lord of Hosts promised in the
Bible had already come; He "Who would suddenly come to His temple" after
The Messenger had prepared the way.
In delivering this part of the message, we can at this present time state the
principal facts only, as there is so much to tell that is beyond the capacity
of human beings to grasp and fully understand at one hearing. But to the hungry
seekers who desire to know God in reality, the bearers of this Great and
Glorious Message can give all the precious food they can digest, from the Table
of Divine Knowledge, to which they have free and bountiful access.
Christ said, Matt. 5:6, "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness for they shall be filled." And in accordance with His blessed
assurance, the opportunity is afforded in this day to every one desiring to
know God in reality, and to worship Him in spirit and in truth, to be
instructed in the way which He has appointed and promised to the earnest seeker
— Jer. 3:15, "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall
feed you with knowledge and understanding." And in this connection we are
reminded that God is realized only through knowledge and understanding; which
fact is fully confirmed by His word spoken through the Prophet Hosea, Chapter
4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected
knowledge, I will also reject thee;" and the importance of our attaining this
knowledge He has very emphatically set forth through the Prophet Jeremiah,
Chapter 9:23, 24 —"Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in
his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man
glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he
understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise loving
kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth; for in these things I
delight, saith the Lord."
To know and understand God intelligently is mankind's highest attainment on
this earth, and with a proper exercise of the reasoning faculties with which we
are endowed, we are certain this can never be acquired through blind faith,
superstition and imagination, but only by compliance with the commands of the
Most High, who has assured mankind, Jen 29:13, "And ye shall seek Me, and find
Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart." And the Spirit speaking
through the Apostle Paul expresses the same blessed assurance, Romans 10:13,
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." But if we
do not know that Name, how can we call upon Him? It is only those who have
sincerely sought Him that shall know that Name. That every one does not know
it, is shown in Proverbs 30:4 — "What is His name and what is His Son's name,
if thou canst tell?" Other texts imply the same. Psalms 91:14,
[page 22]
"Because He bath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set
him on high, because he hath known My Name." Also Isa. 52:6, "Therefore
my people shall know My Name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am
He that doth speak: behold, it is I." In the 14th and 15th Verses, Romans, 10th
Chapter, Paul questions — "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have
not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?
and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except
they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach
the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" Accordingly we
shall know the commissioned of God by the glad tidings they bring. It has been
our blessed privilege to receive such joyful tidings from one of God's
witnesses, as mentioned in Isa. 43:10 and 11, "ye are my witnesses, saith the
Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and
understand that I am He: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there
be after me. I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." And
having received these Glorious Tidings ourselves, no greater happiness could be
imparted to us than the delightful privilege of delivering the message to the
devout and faithful seekers, who have "eyes which see and perceive, ears which
hear and understand;" for such we are assured will not be swayed by the
fallible opinions of man, but will ponder well this wonderful message, and with
earnestness of heart and honesty of purpose, thoroughly investigate the
truthfulness of the marvelous message we are about to deliver, to the very
As before mentioned, the Bab, whose name was Ali Mohammed (Elias-Ali),
was killed in the year A. D. 1850. Before His departure, He instructed His
followers as to when the MIGHTY ONE would appear; in fact stating in His hooks
the precise date that He would openly declare Himself to the world, and
charging them to be on the watch for His coming; assuring than that they would
surely know Him by His wonderful revelations; and admonishing them that when
such an One did appear, to forthwith transfer their allegiance to Him.
In A. D. 1852, the Lord of Hosts, promised in the Bible, the Great
Manifestation of God, appeared in Teheran, Persia, and later to the faithful
followers of the Bab disclosed His identity, which was duly recognized
by them; and He was joyfully accepted as the One Whom the Bab had
instructed them to expect.
Before taking up the leading events which followed the declaration of THE
MANIFESTATION, let us again refer to one of the Bible passages quoted in our
First Talk, viz., Micah 1:2, 3 — as follows: "Hear, all ye people;
hearken, O earth, and all that therein is; and let the Lord God be witness
against you, the Lord from His Holy Temple. For, behold, the Lord cometh forth
out of His place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the
earth." Observe, the command here is for all the people to hear, for all
the earth to hearken. The command is not addressed to the Jew only, or to the
Christian, or any of the other religious sects, who are looking for the coming
of their Promised One; but is addressed to the people of all the nations
and religions; hence the One who appears and puts forth the claim of Divinity
must, of necessity, show forth all the characteristics, qualities and
attributes of God; be able to furnish proofs which can be verified from the
text books of all religions (of divine origin) and possess the power of drawing
all hearts together and, by the convincing evidence of His claim, unite them
into one harmonious whole. To accomplish this miraculous undertaking,
thoughtful minds are agreed, would indeed require the
[page 23]
special power and actual presence of the Mighty One Himself, and the text just
quoted confirms this belief as it plainly states, " * * * let the Lord God be
witness against you, the Lord from His Holy Temple. For, behold, the Lord
cometh forth out of His place, and will come down, and tread upon the high
places of the earth."
It is needless to say, all the predictions of the Bab concerning "Him
Whom God would manifest!" have, in every particular, been completely fulfilled,
and the Divine characteristics, qualities and attributes of the BLESSED
PERECTION fully manifested in the person of BAHA'O'LLAH.
That such a great Teacher was needed in this age of diversified doctrines,
creeds, fads and "isms" — what honest, thoughtful person will deny? Mankind
left to his own will, and following the dictates of human desire, passion and
lust, has ever arrived at an alienated condition from His Lord; thus
necessitating a Manifestation of God to reclaim him and teach him the way of
right living; and foreseeing the conditions which would obtain in the latter
days, He declared through Christ and the Prophets, that the Lord of the
Vineyard would come Himself and "make the crooked things straight;" "He whose
going forth has been from of old from everlasting" — the word that was
in the beginning, the word that was with God, the word that was God, the same
word would be made flesh and dwell among us —(John, 1st Chap.).
The followers of BAHA'O'LLAH claim and believe He was that Word manifested in
the flesh; and that all the prophecies relating to the advent of the Lord of
Hosts have (in Him) been fulfilled to the letter, supporting their claim with
the most convincing proofs. But the greatest of all proofs are the Words, and
the works, the purity and perfection of the beautiful life of BAHA'O'LLAH
Himself. That He was the Divine Manifestation promised, Who would appear in
the latter days, notwithstanding the Rulers of — "The people that walked in
darkness who saw the great light, they that dwell in the land of the shadow of
death and upon whom the light shined" — as recorded in the second verse of the
9th Chapter of Isaiah — failed to recognize "Him Whom God would manifest," as
declared by the Bab; but on the contrary, being led by that flagrant
spirit of hatred and malice, which found pleasure and satisfaction only in
persecuting and killing the Bab and His faithful followers, they flashed
the malevolent arrows of their bitter enmity against Him, and for a number of
months consigned Him, bound in chains, to the inclosed gloom of solitude and
prison walls. But these extreme measures of torture, oppression and persecution
did not stop the spread of His Heavenly teachings; but on the contrary, served
only as a powerful reflector to spread the Light more brilliantly, which Light
has already reached the uttermost parts of the earth. To follow Him in detail
from Teheran to the Holy City, or even to relate but a very few of the
wonderful things we have to tell, would indeed be more than human mind could
absorb at one hearing.
Like the time of Christ — "He (Christ) spake to them as they were able to hear
it," — i.e., as they were able to grasp and understand the things He had to
tell concerning the Kingdom. Our purpose in this Talk is simply to give some
leading facts and proofs. Then, to those who desire to hear more, we shall be
most happy to gratify their wish at any stated time, upon which we can mutually
BAHA'O'LLAH, most generally alluded to by Believers as the "Manifestation" or
"Blessed Perfection," was born in Teheran in the year A. D. 1817; and declared
Himself, as before mentioned, to His notable followers in the year 1862. In
1852 He was imprisoned in Teheran four months, and all
[page 24]
His personal property confiscated. After His release from the prison, He was
sent to Bagdad, where he remained twelve years; from thence He was seat to
Constantinople under a military escort; after a few months' stay at the latter
place, He was sent to Adrianople. At Adrianople he was kept about five years;
after which time He was exiled to Acre, a seaport in Syria on the
Mediterranean, arriving there on August 31st, 1868. Acre (or Akka) is a penal
colony in the possession of the Sublime Porte, the Sultan of Turkey. It is
situated as described in Psalms 48:2 — "Beautiful for situation, the joy of
the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the City of the
great King." "On the sides of the north" — i. e., on the opposite side of the
Harbor of Haifa (Syria) facing Mount Carmel; in the center you might say of the
land of prophecies and Divine Manifestations.
Between the years 1864 and 1868, Tablets were sent out by El-Bahá, through
special carriers, to the Crowned Heads of all the nations; to the Pope of Rome
and other noted dignitaries; notifying them that their Lord had come, and
inviting them to partake of His great Supper; thus literally fulfilling the
prophecy of Christ, expressed in the parable of the great supper, Luke 14th
Chapter, beginning at the 15th verse —"And when one of them that sat at meat
with Him heard these things, He said unto Him, Blessed is he that shall eat
bread in the kingdom of God," — meaning material and spiritual bread. (16th
verse)— "Then said He unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade
many: And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden,
Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make
excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must
needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have
bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: pray thee have me excused.
And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come," etc, etc
— material considerations of this ephemeral life being to them of greater
importance than that which is eternal. Just here let us call your attention to
the fact that the land, five yoke of oxen and wife, mentioned in these verses,
have a deep significance (in a symbolic sense) which can be explained in order.
As a matter of course nearly all these invitations were treated with silent
contempt by the recipients.
The President of the United States received a most wonderful Tablet a copy of
which is in our possession.
The Emperor of France made the receipt of his first Tablet an occasion of great
swelling words. That Tablet alone is a sufficient proof of the Divinity of the
BLESSED PERFECTION. It was revealed when Napoleon in was so powerful that he
said, "On this Globe I am the one God?" In such a time, the second
Tablet was sent him, and its contents published over the world. For his sneers,
the BLESSED PERFECTION told him in this latter Tablet that he would lose his
kingdom and he himself die in exile. It was published two years before the
prophecy came to pass. The following is an extract from that remarkable Tablet,
which can be found in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society:
"Because of what thou hast done, affairs shall be changed in thy kingdom, and
the empire shall depart from thine hands as a punishment for thine action. Thou
shalt find thyself in manifest loss, and commotion shall seize the people;
then, unless thou ariseth to assist in this matter, and followest the Spirit in
this straight way — thy glory hath made thee proud — by My life: verily, it
shall not endure, but shall pass away, unless thou takest hold of this firm
rope. We have seen humiliation hastening after thee while thou art of those who
[page 25]
To comprehend the real import of these words, we have only to recall the
subsequent stirring events in France, in the year 1870, which doubtless are
fresh in the memory of all. Up to the middle of the year 1870, no Crowned Head
felt the dignified assurance of royal safety and security as did the Emperor of
France. Napoleon III believed himself and his kingdom to be impregnable; but
to quote the words of a French historian, no greater delusion ever found repose
in the breast of royalty.
Regarding this particular time, Sutherland Menzies, in his history of France
from the earliest time to 1880, says:
"In these days a dictatorship can only be temporary. Napoleon III knew it
well, and at the same moment that he took possession of the throne, he had
promised that liberty should one day crown the new political edifice. After
Solferino (N. B. — His great victory over Francis Joseph of Austria, 1859), he
meditated bringing it back to French institutions, to which it was recalled by
the increasing confidence and prosperity of the country." "In the midst of this
prophecy and these hopes, a storm suddenly arose under which the Empire
foundered and France was precipitated into an abyss of grief and misery," —
the war against Prussia, July, 1870.
Two years before this, he, the Emperor, received these words of warning from
the BLESSED PERFECTION; but he heeded them not, and as a result, the
humiliation that He told him was hastening after him, overtook him before the
end of 1870. In July of that year, the world was suddenly stunned by the
amazing announcement that Prussia, in that day considered, in the eyes of the
world, an insignificant nation, had the boldness and temerity, single-handed,
to declare war against the great warlike nation of France; a nation which only
a little over half a century before, made all Europe tremble, and her allied
armies quake with fear and dread. Notwithstanding, Prussia demanded the
Provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, and served France with notice that if her
demands were not complied with forthwith, she would seize them by force of
arms; dignified France, intoxicated with the flattering memories of past
victories, achieved through the prowess and greatness of her military standing,
scorned their presumption, and to the surprise of the world, Prussia called to
arms 1,500,000 trained men to enforce her demands; the most formidable
machinery of war that the world has seen.
Napoleon marshalled the proud army of France to meet his foe, but alas!
"humiliation was hastening after him." The terrific shot and shell of the
determined Prussian threw the valiant columns of France into helpless confusion
and disorder, and like reapers in the harvest field, the sturdy soldiers of His
Teutonic Majesty mowed down the proud armies of France like grass. Such
tremendous slaughter was never before heard of, in the space of time in which
the engagements lasted between these two nations. War was declared in July
(1870), and by the 6th of August, Weissenburg, Reichshofen and Forbach had
fallen, before the crushing advance of the deadly foe. On September 2nd, the
Emperor capitulated at Sedan; Marshal Bazaine at Metz, October 26th. Following
this, Strasburg succumbed after a short but sharp bombardment; then, the order
was given by the victorious commander of the Prussian forces, to march
to Paris. Here a last determined resistance was made; but in spite
of their courage, against disciplined and victorious soldiers, the provincial
armies were crushed; and when, after 131 days of siege, after a month's
bombardment, famine forced Paris to lower the drawbridges of her forts, in
unconditional surrender, nothing more remained but to submit to the law of the
conqueror; and thus the glory of the
[page 26]
Proud Emperor and the greatness of his kingdom faded away, like snowflakes
before the melting rays of a summer sun. After the blood and carnage of the
invading army had subsided, the subjects of the Emperor were seized with a
violent commotion, which resulted in the overthrow of the Monarchy, and the
establishment of a Republic; which form of government has lasted up to the
present day. Finally, he sought refuge in England, where he died (in exile)
shortly after; as foretold by the BLESSED PERFECTION.
The facts connected with the downfall of the last Monarch of France, and the
disruption of his kingdom, should be sufficient to awaken any thoughtful mind
to a realization of the Great Day in which we are living; the Day which has
witnessed the Lord of Hosts among us.
The Franco-Prussian war was the shortest, sharpest and most decisive to be
found in the annals of history. And why? Because the Lord of Hosts declared
"humiliation was hastening after the Emperor; that his Empire would depart from
him; that commotion should seize the people, unless he arose to assist in the
Cause of the Righteous and follow the Spirit in the right way; that his glory
had made him proud; but it should not endure, but should pass away, unless he
was moved to take hold of the firm rope."
The Shah of Persia received a most wonderful Tablet, dealing with the religious
rights and liberties of the people. The messenger who delivered it was seized
by the Royal Guards and put to death in the most fiendish manner. While it is
not claimed that the act was in compliance with the command of the Shah,
nevertheless His Highness did not interfere to prevent the extreme cruelties
inflicted, which ended in a slow and tortuous death. It is a remarkable
coincidence that both the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of Turkey, under whose
respective rule these barbarous persecutions were sanctioned, should both be
suddenly cut off by the hand of an assassin. The Sultan and several of his
Cabinet Ministers were murdered, as you know, while holding a cabinet meeting,
about the close of the Turko-Russian war in 1876, and the Shah in the spring of
1896, in the midst of his Jubilee Celebrations. The latter event must be fresh
in the memory of all, as our daily papers gave full and graphic accounts of the
tragic affair.
The Queen of England condescended to send a polite reply to the effect that,
"if He were God, nothing could overthrow Him or His teachings, but if He were
not, He would come to naught;" or words to that effect. In reply the BLESSED
PERFECTION assured her that she would enjoy a long and prosperous reign; and we
all know that this has been fully verified, as no Crowned Head of England
reigned so long as Queen Victoria.
The Russian Government also showed due courtesy; and it is remarkable to note
that no nation in the world has advanced as she has during the past thirty
years; her population has been doubled, and her territory almost trebled. These
are facts which can be had from statistics. It is also remarkable that the Czar
of Russia should be the first to call a Peace Conference of all the nations.
Regarding the prophecies concerning the place and time of the Lord's coming, we
shall at this present time quote a few passages to show that the events we have
so far related are in exact accord with the Scriptures. We read in Hosea,
Chapter 2, Verse 15: "And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the
valley of Achor for a door of hope; and she shall sing there, as in the days of
her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt." And in
Isaiah 65:l0 — "And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor
a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me."
[page 27]
The "herds" and "flocks" in prophecy refer to people, as shown in Ezekiel
34:31, as follows: "And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am
your God, saith the Lord God." Accordingly Achor is to be a door of hope for
the people of God; a place for His people to lie down in, who have diligently
sought Him; where they may rest in a real, true knowledge of God; and through
which door shall go forth the uplifting word to the uttermost parts of the
earth. (N. B. — This is the same Acre mentioned in history, that Richard
Coeur de Lion, King of England, with his French allies, besieged for two years
from A. D. 1187, during the holy wars of the Crusade. It was at this same Acre
where Napoleon Bonaparte met his real defeat in 1799 A. D., as recorded among
his sayings: "The slightest circumstances produce the greatest events," said
Napoleon. "Had St. Jean d' Acre fallen, I should have changed the face of the
world;" and again, "The fate of the East lay in that small town."
In that obscure but remarkable place, the triumphant march of the renowned
infidel, who hoped to rule the world, was checked; there indeed, and not at
Waterloo, as generally supposed, was his lofty ambition crushed and all hope of
realizing his cherished dream destroyed. And there, too, in the next century,
was the Glorious Standard of God raised to wave in the breeze of justice, love
and universal peace, over the people of all the earth. Infidelity, arrayed in
all the glory of grandeur of Imperial Greatness, nourished by popular
admiration and the widespread flatteries of like aspirants, encouraged by
military success, and supported by national enthusiasm, and the most formidable
army the world had ever seen, met with its downfall at Acre. And the spirit of
the GREAT GOD, arrayed in the modesty and simplicity of spiritual attire,
lowliness, meekness and humility, oppressed and persecuted by Kings and
Princes, misrepresented, maligned and vilified by national animosity, and the
wide-spread antagonism of the most diversified army of creeds, doctrines, fads
and -isms the world has ever seen, arose at Achor, to shine forth in all
the fullness of its splendor, grandeur and magnificence, and to reflect its
brilliant rays of transcendent light, to enlighten and uplift humanity, through
the Chosen Mirror, the Prisoner and Exile, the Aspersed and Persecuted
Many wonder why He, who is all powerful both in heaven and on earth, should
tolerate the wrongs imposed upon Him when by the utterance of a single word He
could stop it. In answer to this, we can only remind you that He was to come
as the "Prince of Peace;" and coming as such, He must under all circumstances
show forth corresponding qualities and attributes; in fact, the great sign by
which the PRINCE would be known would be by the manifestation of these very
qualities and attributes. And as the tree is known by its fruits, we know that
BAHA was that Prince, by his qualities and attributes; for to those who reviled
Him, He reviled not again; He loved them that hated Him; did good to them that
spitefully used Him; and laid the foundation for the attainment of knowledge
and science, the like of which is not to be obtained in all the colleges and
libraries of the world.
In the 24th Chapter of Matt., Christ, speaking of these days, said: "Behold, I
have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, He is in
the desert; go not forth; behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is,
there will the eagles be gathered together." Here Christ reminds us that He
shall come from the East. As the material Sun rises in the East, to light the
physical world, so also the Sun of Truth will rise in the East, to shine forth
[page 28]
spiritual light, and, "wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be
gathered together." The second Chapter of Daniel also gives us to understand
that He will appear in Persia (the East). And the word of God, speaking through
the Prophet Jeremiah, 49:38, emphatically declared, "I will set my throne in
Elam (Persia), and will destroy from thence the king and the princes, saith the
At the time of this prophecy, Elam formed a part of Persia (as may be seen by
referring to the Bible Atlas), extending from above the head waters of the
Persian Gulf, to its western boundary; that section of territory which today
takes in the capital city, Teheran, the place where BAHA'O'LLAH, The Great
Prince, The Manifestation of God, first appeared. The same spot where the
Prophet Daniel was given his wonderful vision, confirming the above prophecy of
Jeremiah, in the most emphatic and convincing manner, giving the exact place
and date of the beginning of the New Dispensation, where, and when, He would
set His Throne, as recorded in the 8th Chapter of Daniel, 2nd, 13th and 14th
Verses. "And saw in a vision; and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was at
the Palace at Shushan" — the palace, which is in the Province of Elam;"
(Daniel 8:2) — "In the Palace at Shushan — i.e., the Capital
City of the King. And is ft not somewhat significant that BAHA'O'LLAH declared
Himself in the Capital City of the Persian Kingdom in this day? Verses 13 and
14, 8th Chapter of Daniel, refer to the date of the second coming. In this
vision of Daniel's, he asked that certain Saint, how long it should be that
both the sanctuary and the host be trodden under foot, and he answered: "Two
thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." This
prophecy dates from the 20th year of the reign of Artaxerxes; that is to say,
in the year 299 of the foundation of Rome, or 456 years before Christ; thus
2300 minus 456 equals 1844; or vice versa, 1844 plus 456 equals 2300. By
figures we are brought to the year 1844 of our era or the year 1260 of
the Hegira of the Prophet Mohammed, whose Caliph successors conquered, and have
occupied, to this day, the Holy Land, and trodden the Holy City under foot
forty and two month — l260 years.
The 8th and 9th Chapters of Daniel are wonderful chapters containing prophecies
of the first and second coming of Christ. To explain them fully here, would
occupy too much time and space; but some time in the future the Author hopes he
may have that pleasure.
Christ did not give any date Himself, but when asked the question referred them
to Daniel. Matt. 24:3 — "And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples
came unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what
shall be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world? After cautioning
them about certain deceptions which would be employed to deceive the people,
and against which they were to be guarded, He refers them to Daniel for their
answer, 12th Chapter, 11th Verse, as follows: (Matt. 24:15), "when ye therefore
shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand
in the holy place (whoso readeth, let him understand)."
In our last Talk we referred to this same passage; calling your attention to
the fact that three distinct periods were mentioned in that Chapter, viz.:
Time, times and an half; one thousand two hundred and ninety days; and the one
thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. The first referred to the time
the Bab would appear, which figures 1844; the second period, which is
found in the 11th Verse, refers to BAHA'O'LLAH, the Manifestation — and which
reads as follows: — from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be
[page 29]
taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a
thousand two hundred and ninety days."
The time of the daily sacrifice refers to the Jewish sacrifice. They had a
daily sacrifice, a weekly, monthly and yearly sacrifice. This sacrifice was
taken away from Jerusalem in the time of Titus, who took the city and destroyed
the temple; which had been destroyed before and had been rebuilt. When this
event happened, although they could not worship in the city itself, still they
secretly observed the daily sacrifice throughout Syria. Later they had the
opportunity of re-entering Jerusalem; and although they could not rebuild the
temple, they observed their daily sacrifice in secret in the city. Now this
continued until Islam arose, which was in the year A D. 622; fifteen years
after the rise of Islam, its Omar entered Jerusalem, destroyed the daily
sacrifice, and completely degraded the Jews, by making a compact with the
Archbishop against the Jews; so that they would not be permitted to remain, or
to worship, in Syria. This was the time when Omar (Mohammedan Caliph) built the
Mohammedan Temple on the site of the Jewish Temple (Temple of Solomon).
The angel told Daniel that from the time the daily sacrifice should be taken
away, and the abomination of desolation set up, would be 1290 days, and 1290
days, reduced to our time, equals 1251 plus 622 plus 15, equals 1888; the year
mentioned in Daniel when all these things should be finished In that same year,
which is equal to the Hegira 1305, the Sultan gave BAHA'O'LLAH
freedom to go outside the city wall; and His first act, when given His
liberty, was to go to Zion — Mount Carmel — and pitch His tent, where he
received those who sought Him; teaching, counseling and advising all who called
upon Him, for spiritual enlightenment; thus fulfilling the prophecy in Daniel,
and also in Isaiah 2:2, 3 — "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that
the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow
unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of
His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the
law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
The BLESSED PERFECTION married and raised a family, who accompanied Him in His
exile. In our next Talk we will have occasion to speak more fully concerning
the different Branches, especially of the Greatest Branch — He
who hath branched from the Ancient Root — and the prophecies in the Bible
referring to Him.
In 1892 BAHA'O'LLAH passed away; and 19 years before, prophesied the date of
His departure. He wrote many volumes which shall soon be translated into the
different languages, for the world to read; and left behind written laws and
ordinances, to guide the people; and which ere long shall rule and govern the
inhabitants of the earth.
The following quotations from His precepts in the Hidden Words will serve to
show the beauty and purity of His wonderful expression:
"O Friends!
"Plant not but flowers of Love in the garden of the mind; and withdraw not
thine hand from holding to the Nightingale of Affection and Yearning. Esteem
the companionship of the just; but withdraw both thy mind and thy hand from the
friendship of the wicked.
[page 30]
"O, Son of the Soil!
"The wise among the people are those who speak not unless they find a listener;
as the cup-bearer never offers a cup unless he finds one desiring it, and as
the lover, who, unless he has attained to the Beauty of the Beloved, never
cries out from the depth of his soul. Therefore, ye also should sow the grains
of Knowledge and Wisdom in the holy ground of the mind, and conceal them there
until the Hyacinth of Divine Wisdom springs up in thine heart, and not in the
"O, My Servant!
"Shake off the fetters of worldly possessions, and free thyself from the prison
of Self. Seize the opportunity, because thou shalt never see this time again,
nor shalt thou find a similar opportunity."
"O, Emigrants!
"The tongue is specially for Commemoration, pollute it not with slander. If ye
be conquered by fiery passion, occupy yourself with mentioning your own faults,
and not with slandering My creatures; because everyone is more conscious of and
better informed of his own soul than of the souls of My servants."
This — an extract from a Tablet:
"Defile not the tongue with cursing or the execration of any one, and guard the
eye from that which is not seemly —— Be not a cause of grief, much less of
strife and sedition. It is hoped that ye will be nurtured in the shade of the
Lotus tree of Divine Grace, and practice that which God desireth. Ye are all
leaves of one tree and drops of one sea."
"O, Friends!
"Consort with all the people of the world with joy and fragrance. If there be
to you a word or essence whereof others than you are devoid, communicate it and
show it forth in the language of affection and kindness; if it be received and
be effective, the object is attained; and if not, leave it to him, and with
regard to him, deal not harshly, but pray. The language of love is the
lodestone of hearts and the food of the soul; it stands in the relation of
ideas to words, and k an horizon for the shining of the Sun of Wisdom and
BAHA'O'LLAH says in His Books:
"Is it possible that a reasonable man would take a declaration rendering him
ridiculous to everybody, unless that man were sustained by God? They have made
conjectures that I have had in view the immortalizing of My Name, but is it
possible one uncertain of living until the morrow would work for nothing but
his glory? I have always seen the sword hanging over my head. If God ought to
punish you because you have believed in Me, from what motive would He have
refrained from punishing you for your previous belief? Give your proofs. What
are the proofs that make you believe in God to-day? and what are the proofs
which make you refuse to believe in Me?"
As before mentioned, He departed in the year 1892; and delivered the Kingdom to
His eldest son, ABDUL-BAHA ABBAS, as foretold in the Bible, in different
places, notably: Psalms 89:26, 27, "He shall cry unto me, Thou an my father, my
God, and the rock of my salvation. Also I will make him my first-born, higher
than the kings of the earth." Psalms 2:2, "The kings of the earth set
themselves against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let
[page 31]
Us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us," Psalms
2:6, 7— "Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the
decree: The Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten
thee — "Zechariah 6:12, 13 —"And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the
Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; and he
shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord: Even
he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear the glory, and shall
sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the
counsel of peace shall be between them both." And it is a known fact, that the
BLESSED PERFECTION always consulted with the Greatest Branch, "The man
whose name is The Branch" who to-day is the Lord and Master of
the Father's Kingdom on this earth, the same one whom the Christian Church is
looking for and expecting to come, and like the Father, He is also a prisoner
in the Holy City! and His own brothers are against Him, as foretold in the
Bible, Psalms 69:7, 8, 9— "Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame
hath covered my face. I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien
unto my mother's children. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and
the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
In our next Talk you will hear more concerning the GREAT KING, whose
possessions extend to the uttermost parts of the earth, with additional Bible
proofs, which no sane man can ignore or reject.
[page 32]
As has been clearly shown in former Talks, the essence of the Bible is the
coming of God and His Christ, in the latter days; to set up His everlasting
Kingdom on earth; and that preceding the event, His Messenger would appear to
prepare the way before Him. So that in considering this great subject, three
important persons are to be taken into account: The Messenger, THE
PRINCE or PEACE and the man whose name is The BRANCH; and all three must
agreeably link together, in order to form a harmonious, complete and perfect
chain. As the strength of a chain is measured by its weakest link,
therefore, to be perfect, all the links must be equal in strength. So likewise,
each respective link in the chain of events we have been considering must of
necessity be regarded as of equal importance, in order to complete the perfect
chain of evidence required to confirm and establish — beyond all doubt or
dispute — the Great Truth which, in importance to mankind, transcends all
things else. And in our analysis of this Great Question, we found that The
Messenger — Elias — corresponded with the Bab; The Prince of
Peace with BAHA'O'LLAH, and she Anointed One — the Man Whose
Name is The Branch — with Abdul-Bahá Abbas. The latter, Who is
the chosen servant of God, to confirm His covenant, is, as we have
told you, with us to-day, the Guiding Star of Believers, and their
Beloved Lord and Master. He is that King Who to-day sits upon the Father's
Throne "in the Holy Hill of Zion" at Acca; the "Priest who shall build up the
Temple of the Lord," and the interpreter of the words of God; which the Angel
told Daniel "to shut up and seal to the time of the end," at which time the
seal would be loosened, and the Book opened by Him, the only one who in the
latter day should "prevail to open the Book, and loose the seals thereof," as
mentioned in the 5th Chapter of Revelation.
The Bible is no longer a mystery; its miracles and so-called fairy tales, so
flippantly denounced and rejected by higher critics, no longer perplex, confuse
and confound the subjects of the Great King, who sits and rules upon the Throne
of Glory, crowned with a brilliant halo of Divine Knowledge, who lights up the
darkened understanding of all who seek, and who ask, and who knock, with
sincerity. The so-called miracles and fairy tales, which "are as foolishness
unto the learned and great," seen through the light of His revelation, become
symbols of enlightenment; which give a key to unlock the mysteries of the
sacred writings; and without which key, the Book is effectually sealed and
locked up.
At the close of our last Talk, we informed you of the departure of the
Manifestation-BAHA'O'LLAH, and the succession of His eldest son, the Greatest
Branch, Abdul-Bahá, and quoted a few passages from the Bible, referring
to this time; also stating that more proofs would follow in this Talk. To give
all the proofs which have been presented to us would be impossible at one
hearing, or indeed at many hearings. To the earnest seeker there is no end of
proofs to he gathered from an honest investigation of the Great Question. But
as our time is limited, we shall quote just a few striking proofs which no
thoughtful mind can ignore or reject.
[page 33]
Concerning the departure and succession, we desire to call your attention to a
most wonderful prophetic passage, in what may perhaps be the oldest Book of
which you have heard or seen. We refer to the Book of the Secrets of Enoch. As
you are aware, the Christian's Bible refers to Enoch as having walked with God;
and His prophecy of the coming of God with ten thousand saints. But strange to
relate, it does not give us the Book of Enoch; nevertheless, His writings are
still extant, and will be a great surprise to the earnest seeker of Divine
Knowledge, who reads His Book in connection with the Great Truth — "the
knowledge of the Glory of God which ere long shall cover the earth as the
waters cover the sea."
The fact that this Book has been unheard of for centuries, and has only been
discovered during the past decade, is in itself a most wonderful evidence of
its sacred importance; and when considered in connection with the utterances
contained in its pages, one is compelled to admit that here is something there
is no getting away from. That it should come to Believers through an out-side
channel, at this particular time, is also very remarkable; as will be seen by
the fly leaf, as follows:
The Book
of the
Secrets of Enoch
Translated from the Slavonic
W. IL Morfill, M. A.
Reader in Russian and other Slavonic Languages —
Edited with introduction, Notes and Indices
Trinity College, Dublin-and Exeter College, Oxford.
At the Clarendon Press
As it is important to understand the date of its discovery, and a brief
history of the Book itself, we herewith quote from the Preface as follows:
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch cannot fail to be of interest to
students of Apocalyptic literature, and of the origins of Christianity. It is
with a view to help such that this, the first edition of the book, has been
undertaken. In certain respects, it will appeal also to specialists in
Assyriology. So far indeed as it does so, I have been able to do little more
than refer to the leading scholars in this department, as my knowledge of such
subjects is very slight, and all second-hand.
This book has had a peculiar history. For more than 1,200 years, it has been
unknown save in Russia, where acquaintance with it goes several centuries back.
Further, by its present name, it was never known in any literature save the
Slavonic. Even in Slavonic the name was not quite constant, it we may trust
one of the MSS (B); for there it appears as "The Secret Books of God
[page 34]
which were shown to Enoch." And yet the Book was much read in many circles, in
the first three centuries of the Church, and has left more traces of its
influence than many a well-known Book of the same literature (see section 5)
and it is undoubtedly of much greater importance in respect of exegesis. In its
Greek form, it passes current probably under the general designation of Enoch.
Occasionally we find that it was not distinguished by those who used it from
the older Book which has come down to us through the Ethiopic. We have, in
fact, in this Book, another fragmentary survival of the literature that once
circulated under the name of Enoch.
That such a Book has ever existed, was not known in Western Europe till 1892,
when a writer in a German Review stated that there was a Slavonic version of
the Ethiopic Book of Enoch. By Mr. Morfill's help k soon became clear that
there was no foundation whatever for such a statement, and subsequent study
showed that we had recovered therein an old and valuable pseudo-pigrapha The
next step was naturally to secure its publication, and this was soon made
possible through the kindness of the Delegates of the Press.
It will be generally understood that great difficulties beset such an
undertaking, and particularly in the case of a Book of whose existence there
had never been even a surmise in the world of scholarship, and to which there
was not a single unmistakable allusion in all ancient literature * * * "
We read in the 33rd Chapter of this wonderful Book, where God speaks to Enoch
concerning the last age — Page 48:
"Give than the words written out by thee, and they shall read them, and know Me
to be the Creator of all; and shall understand that there is no other God
beside Me — They shall distribute the Books of thy writing to their children's
children, and from generation to generation, and from nation to nation. And I
will give thee, Enoch, My Messenger, the great Captain Michael, for thy
writings, and for the writings of thy fathers, Adam, Seth, Enos, Kainan,
Malaleel and Jared, thy father. And I shall not require them till the last
age, for I have instructed My two Angels, Ariukh and Pariukh, whom I have
put upon the earth as their guardians. And I have ordered than in time to guard
them, that the account of what I shall do in thy family, may not be lost in the
deluge to come." God tells Enoch that He will give him the great Captain
Michael for his writings, and that He will not require them (His writings) till
the last age. Now, who is Michael? Daniel says (12th Chapter, 1st Verse) —
"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the Great Prince which standeth for
the children of thy people; and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never
was since there was a nation even to that same time; and at that time thy
people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the Book."
According to the Bible Dictionary, Michael means, "Who (is) like unto God"
—which, of course, refers to the MANIFESTATION and His day, including His
successor, "the Anointed One, whom He would set upon His holy hill of
Zion, to declare the decree of the Lord" (Ps. 2:6, 7).
Now let us review briefly the facts before us; then draw our own conclusions.
What was it that God told Enoch concerning his writings? "That He would give
him the great Captain Michael for his writings, and that He would not require
them until the last age." When was it that the writings of Enoch which for
centuries had been lost sight of, were discovered or brought to light? In the
year 1892. The same year in which the great Captain Michael stood up. The
MANIFESTATION finished His earthly mission in the year 1892; which
[page 35]
is, of course, equivalent to standing up; and passing away that same year,
delivered the Kingdom into the hands of His Anointed, "The man Whose
Name is The Branch, Who would perpetuate the Divine Command, confirm the
covenant bequeathed to Him, and build up the temple of the Lord." The GREAT
PRINCE began the work of His Kingdom in the year A. D. 1852, and was forty
years completing His labors, including the new covenant; which contains laws,
ordinances and teachings, to rule, govern and guide the people of the world.
The accomplishment of this was necessary, before He could fully and effectively
stand up. The same year (1892) in which the writings of Enoch were brought to
light (which writings God told Enoch He would not require until the last age),
the Great Captain Michael stood up; i. e., the precious fruits brought forth by
Him were fully matured, ripened and delivered into the hands of His First Born;
Whom God declared, "He would make higher than the Kings of the earth;" to be
put forth by Him, as foretold by Moses in Dent 33:14. Daniel said that
that time would be the beginning of great troubles. Has there been any unusual
trouble in the world during the past ten years? Well, the affairs of the
nations, as published in the Press, will answer that question.
In the year 1892, a gold panic started in South America, extending to
Australia, crushing the great banking houses there; which reacted upon the
leading banking firms of England, causing great and widespread distress among
the people of that country; extending to other European countries, and finally
reached the United States in 1893; causing unprecedented business depression
and failures, which entailed greater hardship to the people of this country
generally, than any event which ever happened before, outside actual war. The
panic circled the world, and left more traces of general financial loss,
suffering and distress, among the masses, in its path of ruin, than any that
was ever known in the world before.
Following closely in the wake of this, a fierce war broke out between Japan and
China, in which the latter met with disastrous defeat. In fact, all the nations
of the world have been engaged in active warfare since the year 1892. England
has not had a peaceful day since; she has had disastrous wars with different
tribes of India, Africa and the Soudan, besides taking part in the late China
invasion by the nations of the world. And also came very near getting into war
with this country, over the Venezuela affair, in 1895.
France had trouble in the East, which threatened complications with other
Italy met with disastrous reverses in her war with Abyssinia.
The wars between Turkey and Greece, Spain and the United States, and the late
China war, in which all the Great Powers were engaged, are too fresh in the
minds of all to need comment.
Besides these wars mentioned, all manner of troubles have visited the nations
of the world. Famine, earthquakes and innumerable calamities and disasters have
afflicted the different countries since the year 1892. There was the great
famine in India, which carried off millions of people (over 15,000,000 being
affected in one district). Others in Russia, Persia and Ireland, and many
other places; besides numerous plagues and disasters of unparalleled severity,
throughout the entire world; of which the St. Louis tornado, and Galveston
tidal wave, in this country, were painful examples; the latter so destructive
to life and property.
To enumerate all the calamitous events, chronicled in the Press, which have
occurred since 1892, would indeed be a lamentable recital of endless tales of
woe. In Governments, in the social, political, industrial and religious world,
[page 36]
there ever such a time of splitting up, disquietude, unrest, dissatisfaction
and disturbed conditions, as that which obtains today? Is it possible to meet
a single individual (of sound mind), who wilt honestly affirm that he or she is
enjoying a peaceful, untroubled mind? "The heart knoweth its own bitterness."
Gain the confidence (if you can) of any in the world to-day and they will tell
you they are troubled, one way or another, as never before. These are facts
which there is no disputing; and they confirm the prophecies relating to this
present time. The people are looking in every direction for a solution of the
great problem as to how they can improve conditions. Never before in the
history of the world have so many schemes been advanced and plans suggested for
reforms in social, political, industrial and religious circles, which is
conclusive evidence that the great mass of the people were never so troubled as
during the present day.
When the Pharisees asked Christ for a sign, He said: "When it is evening, ye
say, it will be fine weather, for the sky is red: And in the morning, it will
be foul weather to-day, for the sky is red and lowering. O, ye hypocrites, ye
can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the
times?" And so it is with the people of to-day, they can discern from the
sacred writings, in a vague sort of way, that a Heavenly King is to come; but
they cannot observe the most patent signs, mentioned by Christ and the
Prophets, observable at the time of His coming. Jesus clearly showed their
condition when He said: "Eyes have they which see, and perceive not; ears have
they which hear, and understand not." Moses in blessing the twelve tribes of
Israel, foretold this day in a way which there can be no mistaking, Deut. 33rd
Chap., verses 13, 14, as follows: "And of Joseph He said, Blessed of the Lord
be His land. for the precious things of Heaven, for the dew, and for the deep
that coucheth beneath. And for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun,
and for the precious things put forth by the moon." Here is a beautiful
example of the symbolic language used in the Book of God, which effectually
sears the Bible to those who do not understand its great meaning. The "Sun"
and "Moon" in the Bible, have different meanings, which the context explains.
Sometimes they refer to Governments or Nations, and sometimes to a
Manifestation and His successor, as in the 12th Chapter of Revelation, 1st
verse, the former meaning is understood; "And there appeared a great wonder in
heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her
head a crown of twelve stars." Here the "sun" refers to Persia. The old
Persians sacrificed to the sun and adopted it as a fitting emblem to adorn the
Royal Standard. The "moon" refers to Turkey, whose Royal Standard bears the
crescent moon. The "woman" represents a religion; and the "crown of twelve
stars" — twelve princes — which that woman, or religion, would beget, who
successively would be the Chief Heads; accordingly the verse refers to the
birth of the Mohammedan religion, which is the national religion of these two
countries — Persia and Turkey.
Mohammed was the descendant of Ishmael; whom the angel told Abraham, God would
bless and make fruitful and multiply exceedingly — Gen. 17:20, "And as for
Ishmael, I have beard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him
fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and
I will make him a great nation." Also to Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, the
angel spake saying, Gen. 16:11, 1 2, — "And the angel of the Lord said unto
her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name
Ishmael; because the Lord bath beard thy affliction. And be will be a wild man;
his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and be
shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." Also Gen. 21:12, 13 — "And
God said unto
[page 37]
Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of
thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice;
for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman
will I make a nation, because he is thy seed." And the angel of God said to
Hagar, Gen. 21:18 and 20 — "Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine
hand; for I will make him a great nation. And God was with the lad; and he
grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. And he dwelt in the
wilderness of Paran" (Arabia), from whence came Mohammed, who established the
Mohammedan religion which begot twelve Princes, known as the twelve Caliphs,
successors of Mohammed. The entire Chapter, which is couched in symbolic
language, is a most wonderful revelation, referring to the Mohammedan religion,
and events concerning the present day. The "woman," mentioned in Rev. 12:1, we
are told in the same chapter, sixth verse, "fled into the wilderness, where she
hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two
hundred and three score days" (1260 Lunar years), which when reduced to our
dine (Solar) corresponds exactly with the first period mentioned in Daniel,
"time, times and a half," the year A D. 1844, the year the Bab appeared.
In other words the Mohammedan religion would stand from its rise, which was in
622 A. D. until 1844, the date upon which the new dispensation was declared by
the Bab. Notwithstanding the fact that "the dragon (mentioned in Rev.
12:4) stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her
child as soon as it was born," and despite the combined attacks of the allied
armies of Europe, who, during the Holy wars of the Crusade, tried hard to crush
Mohammedanism and dispossess her of her territory, Islam has held the holy land
with a firm grasp, and trodden down the holy city, forty and two months (1260
years), as stated in Rev. 11:2 — the time declared by the word of God, spoken
through His prophets, that this religion would prevail — until the new
dispensation would be ushered in — "until the fulness of the Gentiles be come
in," and "There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer," as mentioned in Romans
11:25, 26; the Deliverer, the Great Prince, Michael, who would stand for the
people of Daniel, bringing them the promised new covenant.
Their allotted time being now fulfilled, sure and rapid destruction awaits
them; as foretold in many places in the prophecies; "his hand has been against
every man, and every man's hand against him." As the Jews were punished for
their rejection and denial of Christ, so also shall the Mohammedans, according
to prophecy, be degraded for their treatment of the PRINCE or PEACE. "The sun
shall be darkened, and the moon turned into blood;" this will be fully realized
in the third period, mentioned in the 12th Chapt., 12th verse of Daniel —
"Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five
and thirty days." Isaiah 24:23 — "Then the moon shall be confounded, and the
sun ashamed, when the Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and in
Jerusalem, and before His ancients gloriously."
With this explanation of the meaning of the "sun" and "moon" in the Bible, let
us return to the prophecy of Moses, Deut. 33:l4 — "And for the precious fruits
brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by the moon."
As before explained, the Sun and Moon refer sometimes to the MANIFESTATION and
His successor; at other times to Governments or Nations. Moses was the Sun, and
Joshua the Moon; in the day of Jesus, Christ was the Sun, and Peter the Moon;
in this day BAHA'O'LLAH the Sun, and Abdul-Bahá the Moon. In the
prophecy of Moses above mentioned, it has a dual application, and can be taken
in either sense. The MANIFESTATION brought forth these
[page 38]
precious fruits in Persia — ("the precious fruits brought forth by the sun");
and the Greatest Branch is putting them forth from Turkey — ("and for
the precious things put forth by the moon"). The lamp of this Great Truth was
first lighted in Persia, and today its light is being reflected to the
uttermost parts of the earth, from Turkey. Brought forth by the Sun,
BAHA'O'LLAH, in Persia; put forth by the Moon Abdul-Bahá, in Turkey—
"The Man whose Name is The Branch" (Zech. 6:12) — "And He shall grow up
out of His place, and He shall build the temple of the Lord."
To sum up, we have seen that The Messenger; The PRINCE OF PEACE, and the
man whose name is The Branch, have all three come, and fulfilled to the
letter, according to prophecy, their respective parts, each link in this
marvelous chain fitting together with wonderful exactness, in complete and
perfect harmony.
The statement in our Second Talk that the "Millerites" of this country, while
they erred in judgment in 1844, were not so far astray after all, is confirmed
by the fad, that upon the night of the same day the Bab declared
Himself, the Greatest Branch was born in Persia, and it is a well known
fact that at that same time the "Millerites" of this country watched till after
midnight for the coming of the Lord, in the literal clouds. Several, well known
to us personally, who participated in the event, and who have since received
the Message, have testified to this fact
In the face of all this convincing evidence, what rational mind can question
the validity of the claims of the followers of BAHA'O'LLAH? Yet, there are
those who say, "We believe in the prophecies, but how do we know He is the
One?" which shows conclusively that they have not grasped, or comprehended,
what has been told them; for if they were to reflect for a moment on the one
circumstance alone of His final banishment to Acca, by His bitterest enemies,
they would be compelled to admit that no stronger proof of His identity could
possibly be established than the very act of His being sent there to end His
earthly days. He did not ask to be sent there. It was not of His own volition
that He was exiled to Acca. His wish or will in the matter was never consulted
by His oppressors; in fact, had they the least suspicion it would have been
agreeable to him, or the faintest suggestion that in doing so, they were
performing a crowning act of confirmation to the claims of Himself and
followers, nothing within their power would have been withheld to prevent His
ever seeing the place. His powerful presence in their midst was a source of
great irritation, the fragrant waves of His holy breath disturbed the peaceful
atmosphere of their self-satisfaction. For some reason they feared to condemn
Him to the fate of the Bab, so to be rid of Him, they banished Him to
Acca. At that time, due to neglected sanitary conditions, it was the most
desolate and unhealthy spot they could send Him to; which they did with the
hope that malaria would do its work, and hasten the much desired end. But in
doing this, they unconsciously assisted in the fulfillment of the great
prophecies concerning these days.
The arrival of BAHA'O'LLAH and His followers at Acca was the beginning of the
literal fulfillment of the entire 35th Chapter of Isaiah, as well as many other
prophecies. "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and
the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose" (Isa. 35:1). "It shall
blossom abundantly and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon
shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the
glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God" (Isa. 35:2). The meaning of
Bahá is — "The glory of the Lord," and Sharon and Carmel surely saw it
in the person of BAHA'O'LLAH.
[page 39]
The promise in the 15th verse, 2nd Chapter of Hosea, has already been
fulfilled — "And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of
Achor for a door of hope: ——" Also Isaiah 65:10 — "And Sharon shall be a
fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in,
for my people that have sought me."
Is it at all likely His adversaries would have banished Him to this desolate
spot, had they realized the consequence, or understood the Scriptures?
Assuredly not. But the will of God prevailed, and so — "the wilderness and
solitary place has indeed been glad for them, and the desert — at the present
time — rejoices (in reality) and blossoms as the rose." The beautifying touch
of the hands of power during the past twenty-five years has turned this desert
into a delightful garden, perfumed with the Divine sweetness of purity, peace
and good-will toward mankind. "The parched ground has (in reality) become a
pool and the thirsty land springs of water," from which flows a fountain of
pure knowledge, that satisfies the thirsty soul and washes away all impeding
stains of superstition and imagination.
The tense of this Chapter (Isaiah 35) can now be changed from the future to the
present. In this day pilgrims are visiting Sion, "with joy and gladness" — and
also as mentioned in Daniel, "many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be
increased." Now that the seal has been loosened and the Book opened, many are
running to and fro, through the sacred pages, increasing their knowledge
understandingly. Also many are going and coming from the Holy City, telling us
glorious things of the Holy Household, as foretold in the 87th Psalm, 3rd verse
— "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God." "And of Zion it shall
be said, This and that man was born in her: and the Highest Himself shall
establish her" Ps. 87:5. The same mentioned in the 48th Chapter Psalms, 2nd
verse — "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion,
on the sides of the north, the city of the great King."
To quote all the passages of Scripture referring to Acca would necessitate
reading a great portion of the Bible, and for which we can be justly excused.
The proofs already given (if duly considered), should be sufficient to convince
any honest seeker that this is the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the
Truth; and if it is not all this, then there is no Truth, and life itself but a
Read over again all the texts quoted in these Talks, and you will see them in
an entirely different light; and be convinced that assuredly He is the God of
our salvation, promised from the beginning; and that the prophecies relating to
the coming of our Lord of Hosts have all been fulfilled to the letter "The
mountain of the Lord's house has been established in the top of the mountain,
and is now exalted above the hills, and all nations, in this day, are flowing
unto it, as mentioned in the second Chapter of Isaiah, and fourth chapter of
Micah. The 25th Chapter of Isaiah, from the 6th to the 9th verses inclusive,
is, at the present time, being fulfilled, and the last three verses of the same
chapter will very soon be realized. From the 6th to the 9th verses reads:
6. "And in this mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a feast
of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of
wines on the lees well refined."
7. "And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all
people, and the veil that is spread over all nations."
[page 40]
8. "He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears
from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off
all the earth: for the Lord hath spoken it."
9. "And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for
him, and he will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for him, we will be
glad and rejoice in his salvation."
The 6th verse has reference to the Holy City, New Jerusalem; which John saw
coming down from God out of Heaven (spiritual condition); the feast of fat
things, the great supper foretold by Christ; the wines and fat things mean
spiritual food. The Table of God means the Divine Knowledge which God alone is
able to impart; and the earnest and sincere seeker, who has found his God
(according to God's way, the way laid down by Christ), the one who has entered
in by the door, and has not attempted to climb up some other way, is partaking
abundantly of this precious food to-day.
The 7th verse refers to the Great Revelation He will, at this time, unfold to
the people of the world, by destroying the face of the covering cast over all
people — the veil that is spread over all nations. The angel having told
Daniel to "shut up the words and seal the Book to the time of the end" — and
Peter having declared — (2nd Peter 1:20), "Knowing this first, that no
prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation," no one could
instruct us in the deep and hidden things of the Bible, until the one appointed
to "open the Book and to loose the seven seals thereof" should come, as shown
in the 5th Chapter of Revelation. The seven seals refer to the seven great
religions, the seven lamps, mentioned in the 4th Chapter of Zechariah, which in
their respective day have lighted the nations of the world. The one spirit —
the same that was in Christ — was in them all; see 1st Peter, 1st Chapter,
10th and 11th verses. But all these Lamps have become blurred, the secular
accumulations of time, the dust of decaying faith and the obscuring fumes of
man's "private interpretations" — have cast a covering over them that has
veiled the pure light of God, which in the beginning shined with inspiring
brightness through them, and which at this time needs His presence to destroy
the covering and to remove the veil, which has already been accomplished in
this mountain, according to the promise in the 7th verse, revealing to mankind
the pure word of God in a way which appeals to the hearts of men, and which
they can reconcile with reason, natural law, science and logic. As just stated,
He has, in this day, removed the veil that has been spread over all the
nations, i. e., He has opened the eyes of the (spiritually) blind, and made
plain all the mysterious things of the Bible, to those who have honestly sought
Him, showing clearly that all the religions (of Divine origin) in their
purified state teach one and the same thing; that all are the creatures of God,
and all must look to Him, the one and only God, for eternal salvation, and that
through the knowledge of Him all men shall become brothers.
As there must, of necessity, first be a father before a child, so likewise, God
must first be known and accepted as the Father of all before there can be a
universal brotherhood of man. With this covering destroyed, that is cast over
all people, the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man is rendered possible;
but without the removal of the veil that is spread over all nations, how could
it be possible? The 8th and 9th verses (Isa. 25th Chap.) have more direct
reference to the Jews. All are dead (spiritually) outside the Kingdom, and the
promise is more especially to them, "He will swallow up death in victory." The
triumph of Truth over error will gather into the fold all who sincerely seek
and desire to
[page 41]
know God; and as death came to the Jew through his rejection of Christ, so
shall he be resurrected by the Deliverer who, "After the fulness of the
Gentiles be come in" —"Would come out of Zion, and turn away ungodliness from
Jacob," Romans 11:25, 26; the latter part of the 8th verse (Isa. 25th Chap.) —
"and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth; for
the Lord hath spoken it.
Much as the Jews are despised by some of the people of the world, they are,
nevertheless, God's chosen people; great things are promised them, and He hath
declared — Zech. 2:8 — "he that toucheth them, toucheth the apple of his
eye." His promise to take away their rebuke from off all the earth is being
rapidly fulfilled, as witnessed by the great number of Jews who are accepting
this Message, and exclaiming in the words of the 9th verse, "Lo, this is our
God; we have waited for him, ——."
It has been openly announced from a most reliable source that in one Oriental
City alone, with a population of 5,000 Jews, 4,000 out of that number have
accepted this Truth, and the other 1,000 are on the way. And the same may be
said of all religions. Not any who honestly investigate the New Revelation can
deny its power to "Break them with a rod of iron (the pure, strong word of God)
and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" and attract them to "The stone
that has been cut out of the mountain without hands."
And now that we have quoted numerous Bible texts, to show that the Hope and
Expectation of the ages have already come to pass; let us digress for a little,
and quote from an outside source, to show how those who are not spiritual
seekers, are affected and impressed in the presence of these Holy People.
Prof. Brown; to whom we had occasion to refer in our Second Talk, concerning
the persecution of the Bab and His followers, several years after his
journey to Persia visited Acca (in 189), and from his published account of that
visit (which was purely as a recorder in search of facts concerning the
persecutions of these people), we wish to quote his own words regarding his
meeting with the Manifestation, BAHA'O'LLAH, and His Eldest Son — The
Greatest Branch — (Abdul-Bahá) Abbas Effendi. Of the latter he
"I arose next morning (April 14th), after a most refreshing sleep. Soon after
this, a sudden stir without announced the arrival of fresh visitors, and a
moment after, my companion of the previous evening entered the room accompanied
by two other persons, one of whom proved to be the Babi Agent, while the other,
as I guessed from the first by the extraordinary deference shown to him by all
present, was none other than Bahá's eldest son, Abbas Effendi. Seldom have I
seen one whose appearance impressed me more. A tall, strongly-built man,
holding himself straight as an arrow, with white turban and raiment, long black
locks reaching almost to the shoulder, broad, powerful forehead, indicating a
strong intellect combined with an unswerving will, eyes keen as a hawk's and
strongly marked but pleasing features-such was my first impression of Abbas
Effendi, `The Master,' as He par-excellence is called by the Babis. Subsequent
conversation with Him served only to heighten the respect with which His
appearance had from the first inspired me. One more eloquent of speech, more
ready of argument, more apt of illustration, more intimately acquainted with
the sacred books of the Jews, the Christians, and the Mohammedans, could, I
should think, scarcely be found, even amongst the eloquent, ready, and subtle
race to which He belongs. These qualities, combined with a bearing at once
majestic and genial, made me cease to wonder at the influence and esteem which
He enjoyed, beyond the circle of His Father's followers."
[page 42]
"In this illustrious company did I partake of the midday meal. Soon after this
conclusion, Abbas Effendi and the others arose with a prefatory —— ."
"A quarter of an hour later we alighted in front of the large mansion
aforesaid, whereof the name, Behje (Joy), is said to be a corruption (though a
very happy corruption) of Baghcha (garden)."
"So here at Behje was I installed as a guest, in the very midst of all that
Babism accounts most noble and most holy; and here did I spend five most
memorable days, during which I enjoyed unparalleled and unhoped-for
opportunities of holding intercourse with those who are the very fountain-heads
of that mighty and wondrous spirit, which works with invisible but ever
increasing force, for the transformation and quickening of a people who slumber
in a sleep like unto death. It was in truth a strange and moving experience,
but one whereof I despair of conveying any save the feeblest impression. I
might, indeed, strive to describe in greater detail the faces and forms which
surrounded me, the conversations to which I was privileged to listen, the
solemn melodious reading of the sacred books, the general sense of harmony and
content which pervaded the place, and the fragrant, shady gardens whither in
the afternoon we sometimes repaired; but all this was naught in comparison with
the spiritual atmosphere with which I was encompassed."
"Persian Moslems will tell you often that the Babis bewitch or drug their
guests so that these, impelled by a fascination which they cannot resist,
become similarly affected with what the aforesaid Moslems regard as a strange
and in-comprehensible madness. Idle and absurd as this belief is, it yet rests
on a basis of fact stronger than that which supports the greater part of what
they allege concerning this people. The spirit which pervades the Babis is
such that it can hardly fail to affect most powerfully all subjected to its
influence. It cannot be ignored or disregarded. Let those who have not seen,
disbelieve me if they will; but, should that spirit once reveal itself to them,
they will experience an emotion which they are not likely to forget."
"During the morning of the day after my installation at Behje, one of Beha's
younger sons entered the room where I was sitting and beckoned to me to follow
him. I did so, and was conducted through passages and rooms at which I scarcely
had time to glance."
"I dimly suspected whither I was going and whom I was to behold. A second or
two elapsed ere, with a throb of wonder and awe, I became definitely conscious
that the room was not untenanted. In the corner where the divan met the wall,
sat a wondrous and venerable figure, crowned with a felt headdress of the kind
called taj by dervishes, round the base of which was wound a small white
turban. The face of Him on whom I gazed I can never forget, though I cannot
describe it. Those piercing eyes seemed to read one's very soul; power and
authority sat on that ample brow, while the deep lines on the forehead and face
implied an age which the jet-black hair and beard flowing down in
indistinguishable luxuriance almost to the waist seemed to belie. No need to
ask in whose presence I stood, as I bowed myself before one who is the object
of a devotion and love which kings might envy and emperors sigh for in vain!
"A mild, dignified voice bade me be seated, and then continued: `Praise be to
God that thou hast attained! * * * Thou hast come to see a prisoner and an
exile. * * * * We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the
nations; yet they deem us a stirrer up of strife and sedition, worthy of
bondage and banishment. * * * That all nations should become one in faith, and
all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of
[page 43]
should be strengthened; that diversity of religion should cease, and
differences of race be annulled — what harm is there in this? * * * Yet so it
shall be; these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the
`Most Great Peace' shall come. * * * Do not you in Europe need this also? Is
not this that which Christ foretold? * * * Yet do we see your kings and rulers
lavishing their treasures more freely on means for the destruction of the human
race, than on that which would conduce to the happiness of mankind. * * * These
strifes and this bloodshed and discord must cease, and all men be as one
kindred and one family. * * * Let not a man glory in this, that he loves his
country; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind.'"
These are the words of BAHA'O'LLAH, the Manifestation of God, spoken to Prof.
Browne, of Cambridge University, England, at Acca.
And who can hear them without being impressed with their Divine tone and
uplifting power? Could any save the incarnate tongue of God utter such broad
and loving words? The one who hears and understands, answers emphatically, No!
Imposters never sacrifice all personal comforts, interests and possessions for
the benefit of others.
The Son has followed in the footsteps of the Father, suffering martyrdom since
His earliest childhood; thus fulfilling the prophecy in Psalms 6 :7 — "Because
for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face. I am become a
stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children. For the zeal
of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached
thee are fallen upon me."
In BAHA'O'LLAH and His son, Abdul-Bahá, the entire 2nd Chapter of Psalms
has been literally fulfilled. "The Kings set themselves, and the rulers took
counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed, saying, Let us
break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us." "He
that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in
Soon the opposers of this Great Truth shall find themselves in the minority;
then the laws and ordinances of God shall prevail to guide, rule and govern the
nations of the world; then shall be ushered in the Most Great Peace that is
promised — "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war any more, but they shall sit every man under his vine and under his
fig tree." "Blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred
and five and thirty days," — reduced to our time, equals 1917. The people of
this day shall see it; and this is the Message we have to deliver, the Glad
Tidings of Great Joy.
God has come and set up His Kingdom, the door of which is open to every sincere
and honest seeker; and inside awaits him that which "as it is written, eye hath
not seen, nor ear heard. neither have entered into the heart of man the things
which God hath prepared for them that wait for Him." — 1st Cor. 2:9; Isaiah
You have now the opportunity to enter the Kingdom if you so desire, but it must
be by your own choosing. The bearers of this Message cannot coax, force, scare
or drive any into accepting. All that God requires of the bearer of these "glad
tidings" is to deliver the message; then leave the one who is advancing towards
God, to himself. In Christ's parable of the great supper, "The Lord said unto
the servant, go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in."
He did not intend by this that he was to resort to any undue means, sensational
methods or forcing against the will. Not at all. What he meant was that
[page 44]
he (the servant) should deliver the Message of His Lord in such a clear,
comprehensive, intelligent manner, that it would appeal to the heart and reason
of man, so that he could not logically reject it; therefore, be compelled to
accept the invitation.
We have delivered to you the pith of the wondrous Message; and all that we can
now say, is, follow the counsel of the Mighty One; use your reason. We have led
you to the door; it is for you yourself to say whether or not you shall enter.
God has given man many powers; among the foremost is reason, also judgment. If
he did not intend man to use them, He certainly would never have given them to
him. He has also given us independence, and He will never interfere with our
free exercise of this quality. In this matter you stand entirely alone. You
must judge and act for yourself. You can accept or reject as you like; no one
has any right to interfere with your personal affairs. But being independent,
you are also responsible. The condition of free will, independence, is
responsibility; so that it is essentially necessary, in the free exercise of
will, reason and judgment should be respectfully consulted.
If what we have told you does not, in your judgment, carry conviction, then it
is only fair and honest to us and to yourself that you investigate further. So
far, you are yet in your A-B-C's; you have only part of the alphabet. If you
desire earnestly to read the sacred books, you must learn the whole alphabet of
the Kingdom. A man born into this physical world comes as a babe and grows up;
so also the one entering the Kingdom of God is born a spiritual babe, and grows
up likewise. There is the physical birth, and the spiritual birth. As Christ
said, "to enter the Kingdom of God, you must be born again" (be born
spiritually). As before remarked, there is no end to the knowledge to be
acquired in the Kingdom of God. We have simply pointed the way which leads to
its attainment. If you want to gain this great knowledge of the mysteries of
the Kingdom (for truth-sake), you have only to ask to be admitted; and by
compliance with its commands, your desire shall be granted; and you will
receive His Greatest Name, by which to call upon Him, and which is known only
by the children of the Kingdom, as shown in the Scriptures: Isa. 52 —
"Therefore my people shall know my name; therefore they shall know in that day
that I am he that doth speak; behold, it is I." Psalms 91:1 — "Because he hath
set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high,
because he hath known my name." Proverbs 30:4 — "Who hath ascended up into
heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound
the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what
is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?"
God has promised to put His words in our mouth. The following are some of His
Own and if used faithfully will enable the sincere to see those things which
the natural man cannot see nor understand, "because they are spiritually
O God, give me Knowledge, Faith and Love. Adorn my head, O God, with
the Crown of Thy Providence; my heart with the Light of Knowing Thee; my tongue
with the utterance of Thy Greatest Name; and my ear with listening to Thy Holy
Word; for Thou art the only One Whose action was, is and ever shall be
glorified, and Whose commands shall ever be obeyed.
O God, help me to be just; lift me up from the ocean of Superstition and
Imagination, and grant me a discerning (strong spiritual) Sight to see and
realize from the surrounding existence, Thy Oneness and Thy Truth.
[page 45]
It has been questioned by some as to whether the troubled condition of society,
in the present day, can have any special significance, in a prophetic sense; in
support of which the claim is advanced that troubles, in the human family, have
always existed since the days of Adam, — which fact goes without question. I
is freely admitted that all kinds of calamities have visited the dwellers upon
earth since man's first appearance upon it, but the Prophet Daniel emphasized
the fact that at the "time of the end" (the consummation of the ages — the
appointed time when old things should pass away and all things become new)
those troubles would be increased to a degree never before reached in the
history of the world. And what rational mind, informed of the doings of the
world — of nations and individuals — can deny the truth of existing realities
such as the world has never seen. So general and widespread have been those
unusual troubles and phenomenal events, since the declaration of the Messenger,
that thoughtful minds in all parts of the world have been agitated by them.
Philosophers are vainly trying to explain the cause; prominent writers have
made it a subject for leading articles in the press; and the rank and file
throughout the world are attributing all manner of cause — but the right one
to account for the unusual commotion everywhere observable in the political,
industrial, social and religious world. In private life, where is to be found
the individual who is entirely free from distressing troubles? Who can boast
exemption from the trials and tests which afflict the people in this day? As
foretold by the prophet Zech., 8th Chapter, 10th Verse: * * * "Neither was
there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for
I set all men every one against his neighbor."
The above quotation amply expresses present conditions, and the experience of
every close observer fully confirms the fact that never since the beginning of
nations have there been such disturbed conditions as those which afflict the
present generation, and alas ! — "the end is not yet." Further comment is
unnecessary. Sufficient mention has already been made to awaken thoughtful
minds to a realization of the Great Day in which we live; and if the troublous
times spoken of in the 12th Chapter of Daniel are not to be regarded as having
any special significance, — how about its accompaniment mentioned in the same
Chapter, 4th Verse, viz.: that * * * "Knowledge shall be increased?" While it
may be somewhat difficult for those whom severe trials and afflictions have not
yet visited, to behold the signs of the times in the general, upset conditions
of affairs in the world at large, it is by no means difficult to realize the
indisputable fact that since the Day of the Manifestation, knowledge has been,
and is, increasing as never before, and with such vastness and rapidity as to
exclude all doubts, quibbling and dispute concerning the certainty of THE
To enumerate all the marvelous discoveries, inventions and mysteries revealed
since the birth of the Manifestation would fill many pages. Indeed, it is
no exaggeration to say that the diffusion of knowledge in general during
the past eighty-six years, equals — if not exceeds —that of all the past ages
together. Can this be regarded as a mere coincidence, or is it a fullfilment of
the prophecy that at the same time when the troublous times would begin,
knowledge also would
[page 46]
be increased? That it is not a coincidence but is in accordance with the Divine
Command, is proved by the order in which knowledge has come to us; and the
discoveries and inventions themselves confirm it. For instance, the locomotive
came first, and following closely upon it came the telegraph. Here are the two
most wonderful factors in the world's general progress and development1 coming
almost together. Why did not the telegraph come first? Because transportation
facilities were most needed, so the Ruler of all things gave us first the
locomotive. But with its introduction arose the urgent need of the telegraph;
for as all very well know, the successful running of trains, without the aid of
the telegraph, would be impossible; so the Supreme Ruler and Controller of all
the hidden powers of nature decreed that the telegraphic power of electricity
should be revealed, and at an opportune time, when He and His Anointed came and
set up His Kingdom on earth, it was done. And that it was by Divine Order and
Appointment, who can question?
The same Voice that spoke to Daniel concerning the dine of troubles and when
knowledge should be increased, also challenged Job in the following words: Job
38:35 — "Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say
unto thee, Here we are?" Here is your telegraph, which for thousands of years
had been reserved only to be revealed in the Great Day of the Lord, when He
would set up His Kingdom on earth; the same Day in which was born His Anointed,
the Center of His Covenant, at this present time, "Sits upon His holy hill of
The first line of telegraph run and operated was between Baltimore and
Washington in the year A. D. 1844.
Now, in considering the Divine Utterances as spoken through the prophets, it
should be remembered that there is an inner and outer, a spiritual and material
meaning to be understood, as previously explained concerning the "sun and
moon," according to the prophecy. At the time of the end, troubles and
knowledge, both spiritual and material, would simultaneously be increased And
that the prophecy has been fully verified, who can deny?
While a deep significance attaches to all the important discoveries and
inventions, since the Advent of the Blessed Perfection, perhaps there is none
more striking than the telegraph. When thoughtfully considered, its nature and
date of introduction are truly marvelous. In the year 1844 the amazing fact was
announced that through the power of electricity, mechanically applied, the
people of the earth could communicate with each other by "sending out
lightning" — flashing their words to all parts of the world, "saying,
here we are." That same year, the Great Herald appeared, proclaiming the dawn
of the New Day, on which would arise the Sun of Transcendent Knowledge, whose
"sevenfold light, as the light of seven days," would penetrate the blinding
veils of ignorance, superstition and imagination, illuminating the
understanding of the honest seeker with the Truth which makes one free, by
having access to the Fountain Head of knowledge through direct, personal
communication on earth with the Lord of Hosts, the Manifest Word, which
intimated to Job the marvelous power of communication which has been revealed
and practically demonstrated in His Great Day.
With the Advent of the Messenger, the birth of the Greatest Branch and the
introduction of the telegraph (all occurring in the same year) came also the
beginning of the great troubles prophesied by Daniel, 12th chapter, and
foretold by Christ, Matthew, 24th Chapter: "For then shall be great
tribulations, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be." As before mentioned, sufficient reference has been made
to these troubles and
[page 47]
calamities to awaken thoughtful minds, who are cognizant of existing
conditions. But for the benefit of those who "seeing see not," and have raised
the question that troubles have always existed, and that the present disturbed
conditions cannot be regarded as having any special significance, we shall
briefly mention some of the notable events which have occurred among the
nations since the declaration of the Messenger in the year 1844, to show how
general they have been, and their remarkable relation to the wonderful
knowledge which has been revealed, side by side, with these increasing,
world-wide tribulations.
Starting from the year 1844, a continuous war cloud has cast its gloomy shadow
over different parts of the globe up to the present time. Scarcely has the
echo of the cannon's roar died out in one country, ere the thundering of other
guns proclaimed the beginning of fresh hostilities on the battle plains of some
other country. History records the following great wars among the leading
About this time a war was in progress between China and England, terminating in
the loss of Hong Kong to the former. A treaty of peace was signed between them
in 1848.
In the year 1846, war was declared between Mexico and the United States. Peace
treaty signed, 1848.
The Crimean war-England, France and Turkey against Russia-1854.
The atrocious Sepoy mutiny, 1857-1858.
France and Italy against Austria, 1858-1859.
Civil war of United States, 1861-1865.
Franco-Prussian war, 1870-1871.
Russian-Turkish war, 1876-1877.
Aid during the last decade the wars between China and Japan, Turkey and Greece,
Spain and the United States, the late China invasion by all the great powers,
and the late Boer war.
The above mentioned are among the principal wars, — to say nothing about the
numerous outbreaks, massacres, revolutions, etc., among the different tribes
and smaller powers throughout the entire world; all of which have entailed
untold misery, distress, devastation and woe, diffusing their direful fruits
around the domestic hearths of these respective countries, and fulfilling the
first part of the prophecy of Christ, Matt. 24 :6 — "And ye shall hear of wars
and rumors of wars; see that ye (the believers) be not troubled; for all these
things must come to pass, but the end is not yet."
Of those who discern not the troublous signs of the times, we would ask, — at
what period since 1844 has the atmosphere been cleared from the smoke of
battles and rumors of wars? And what is the prospect for the much desired
universal peace to-day? Is it very promising, or do the signs better correspond
with the words of Christ, promising that "the end is not yet"? The Scriptures
assure us that the vexatious Eastern question and all disturbing questions
between nations shall be permanently settled according to the promise that "the
Most Great Peace shall come," — when the nations "shall beat their swords into
plow-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up a
sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit
every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them
afraid; for the mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it." — Micah 4:3, 4;
Isa. 2:4.
But before this blessed state arrives, the prophecy of Joel and Revelation must
come to pass; Joel, 3rd Chapter, beginning at the 9th verse: "Proclaim ye this~
among the Gentiles: Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let a'! the men
[page 48]
of war draw near; let them come up: Beat your plowshares into swords, and your
pruning hooks into spears: * * * Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of
decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."
To do justice to the text referring to the tribulations of these days would
require more space than a condensed work of this kind admits. Thus far we have
dealt with the material troubles only. But as before explained, it should be
remembered that these troubles apply both to material and spiritual conditions.
And who will affirm that peace, unity and tranquillity have characterized the
sacred precincts of religious organizations during the period we have under
consideration. From the time of the appearance of the Messenger down to the
present day, thousands have been slain; men, women and children put to
death—-murdered, tortured and butchered in the most fiendish, cold-blooded,
atrocious manner, for no other offense than the firm refusal to give up their
abiding faith in the living God. Murders on a small scale, and massacres on a
large one, have been going on among different religious sects, in the name of
their God, from the forties down to the present day; and the great nations who
profess belief in the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man have
looked on these flagrant barbarities with apparent indifference.
In the great Christian church in which we were reared, we have seen, during
this period, the temporal power taken away from the Mother Church and all her
descendent denominations disturbed, agitated and divided up by the so-called
heresies of advanced thinkers and the unorthodox views put forth by leading,
eminent professors in the different theological seminaries. In consequence of
which, many have wandered from the different folds to embrace new doctrines,
and being seduced by the attractive allurements of the diversified doctrines,
fads and isms established by new thought elements, during the period treated,
became identified with them, to the sorrow and dismay of former friends and
associates in the old faith, causing troubles which have destroyed the
tottering faith of many in the spiritual world, and thus, by their thoughtless
apostasy, have literally fulfilled the prophecy of St. Paul, 1st Timothy, 4th
Chapter: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall
depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of
Pardon this digression. Our purpose at this present writing is not to comment
further on the troubles and tribulations, but merely to show to those who doubt
the significance of these calamities, that the other side of the text must also
be taken into account, viz.: that "many shall run to and fro and knowledge
shall be increased." When both are duly considered, it will be found that the
one confirms the other.
The astonishing advancement in transportation facilities, by land and by sea,
since the beginning of the New Day, has rendered travel so convenient, easy and
available that a trip around the world in the present day is not considered so
great a journey as the hazardous undertaking of migrating from the remote part
of one State in the Union to that of another State was fifty years ago; in
fact, it is no figure of speech to say that more traveling — " running to and
fro" — is done in one year now than was done in a century in the days before
1844. This statement stands irrefutable. And not only the greatly increased
material "running to and fro" is going on, but the spiritual as well; the
breaking Of the Seven Seals by the "Root of David who hath prevailed to open
the Book, and to loose the Seven Seals thereof" — Rev. 5:5 — revealing the
hidden mysteries of the sacred writings, rendering them so plain, clear and
comprehensible that thousands and thousands of all religions are "running to
and fro" through the gages of the
[page 49]
Book of books, and visiting "the mountain of the Lord" as before referred to,
thus increasing their knowledge understandingly as never before. The verse,
"They shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased" has, and is,
being fulfilled, both spiritually and materially, to a degree never dreamed of
by the people of the world.
We have glanced at the list of the principal wars, of the leading nations, as
recorded in history, and whose entailed calamities have caused inexpressible
trials and tribulations to their respective subjects.
Now, let us glance down the list of marvelous knowledge revealed through the
wonderful inventions and discoveries made during the same period. The list is
so long we may be justly excused from going into detail. Mention of a few of
the principal ones will suffice.
Beginning at the year 1844, the telegraph heads the list.
First sewing machine patented 1846.
The cylinder printing press, 1847.
First harvester, the McCormick mower, exhibited at the world's fair, London,
with practical success, 1851.
Before proceeding further, let us analyze the list thus far mentioned,
and note the remarkable significance of each in relation to the spiritual
events transpiring at the time.
The telegraph furnished means for the people throughout the earth to
communicate with each other, and the Advent of the Manifested Word furnished
means for truth seekers to hold communication with the Kingdom of God on
At a time when the people would "run to and fro" more new garments would be
needed; a greater demand for extra clothing would arise, so the sewing machine
came to supply the increased demand by its extraordinary power of production
over old methods of turning out the finished article in a hurry. And it also
typified existing conditions in the spiritual world. Thousands and thousands
who in this day are coming into the Kingdom and laying aside the old,
ill-fitting, soiled garments of secular attire, and donning the new, pure robes
of righteous-ness, which are being supplied through the marvelous power of the
Spirit at work in the Kingdom of God on earth. The garment of Joseph — the
coat of many colors — representing the various religions, came on the back of
him who alone could reconcile into one united whole the different religions of
the world. At the time the sewing machine made its appearance, and to-day,
Buddhists, Brahmans, Zoroastrians, Jews, Christians, Mohammedans—-all-are
applying for new garments of like pattern, at the same great establishment, and
all are being served and fitted with such perfect exactness and sameness that
the different colors blend into an indelible hue so clear and lucid as to
reflect only the cardinal virtues of agreement, harmony and oneness, "as the
soul of one dwelling in many bodies."
At the time, too, when "running to and fro and knowledge should be increased,"
the doings in the different parts of the world would be flashed "by the
lightnings" to the great centers of population, and to impart such intelligence
to the public wedd require greater printing facilities; so the cylinder press
came right in season. Few outside those directly connected with the publishing
business realize the vastness and importance of this most wonderful invention,
and where pages only could be printed before, volumes could be turned out by
the new device. At the time of its introduction, the Tongue and the Pen of the
Great Herald — the Dawn which preceded the Great Light, was fully engaged
explaining the hidden mysteries of the Kingdom. And as in the temporal, so also
in the spiritual
[page 50]
world, the Divine powers were manifested on earth as never before. The spoken
and written words of the Brilliant Lights of Heaven in this Day exceed the
combined writings of all the former Manifestations, and the time is not far
distant when the cylinder press shall be taxed to its fullest capacity to
supply urgent demands of the people of all the earth for the wonderful and
prolific Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding uttered by the
"Messenger, the Prince of Peace and the Man whose Name is The Branch," through
whom in this Day the Spirit of the Divine Essence has been poured upon the
earth more bountifully than ever before.
Following the increased fruitage produced from the seeds of knowledge scattered
through the general diffusion of printed matter, more effective means would be
needed to reap the harvest, and so the wonderful reaping machine came in order,
at the time of the beginning of the great harvest mentioned by Christ and all
the Prophets, "when the Lord would come with ten thousand of His Saints."
The appearance of the ingenious Reaper and Binder in the material field
typified what was and is being witnessed in the spiritual. It mows down wheat
and tares together, which, after being threshed out, passes through the
separator and is cleansed, the tares being cast aside. So in the spiritual, the
Lord of the harvest came with ten thousand reapers-the number which
acknowledged Him at the time of His declaration, and which number has been
many, many thousand times increased since then, who are continuing the work of
the bar-vest in accordance with that which Christ said concerning this time —
Matt. 13:39-43, "the harvest is the end of the world (end of this dispensation)
and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned
in fire, so shall it be in the end of the world."
We might elaborate further to show the astonishing relations between the
material and spiritual events which have occurred since the beginning of the
New Day. But the foregoing should suffice to awaken thoughtful minds to a
realization of the vast importance of investigating this momentous subject for
themselves, allowing no flimsy pretext whatever to hinder them from an honest,
sincere and earnest examination of this vital question. A wise one has said,
"there is none so blind as he who will not see." The proofs and signs
concerning this Great Truth are as dear and plain as the light of day, but if
one chooses to close his eyes and refuses to open them, he cannot see the
light, and though he argues that there is no light because all is darkness to
him, his arguments will not affect the fact that the light is there, and if he
but opens his eyes he will behold it. So it is also with the one who has
received the key to this Great Truth, if he does not "run to and fro" through
the sacred pages, he will not be able to discern the signs of the times, which
are as clear and obvious to the sight and understanding as the noonday sun in
the cloudless sky above us.
Passing over the many stupendous wonders revealed in the world of science, art
and industry since the introduction of the harvester, we shall touch briefly on
a few of the late discoveries, to show that as the days go by, the proofs and
confirmation become stronger and stronger, and that the words of prophecy are
sure words and not to be unheeded.
It was prophesied nearly three thousand years ago that in this day "The
chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in
[page 51]
broad ways; they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings."
— Nahum 2:4. (Note, there is no mention of horses in connection with these
Compare with this prophecy, the published accounts of the Automobile Open Road
Races between Paris and Madrid, and the late Irish Road Race, — especially the
former, in which over two hundred contestants entered, but of whom nearly
two-thirds dropped out before the end of the first run was reached owing to
accidents due to the "jostling one against another," which the lightning speed
attained rendered inevitable. Can anything be plainer than this prophecy?
"They shall jostle one against another in the broad ways." Stand at a street
corner in the crowded thoroughfares of any important city, when the busy hives
of industry turn out their swarms of workers at the close of the day, and watch
the electric motors hurrying along to convey them to their homes after the toil
of the day is ended, jamming, hustling and jostling at the crossings in the
general push to cross first And as you look on, think of the words above
quoted, and, also, the rest of the verse, "They shall seem like torches, they
shall run like the lightning" Observe the torches, the rows of electric lights
on either side of the car, which flash when the button is touched. Note the
speed and its resemblance to the lightnings, as the cars run, flashing electric
sparks from the wheels and wires above, which in reality is lightning itself.
Then glance down the boulevards and see the automobile flying along at
lightning speed. "The chariots shall rage in the streets, " etc. A writer in
One of the daily papers likened them to a lot of crazy locomotives running wild
on the public thoroughfares. Accustomed as we are to look upon the locomotive
as the ne plus ultra of motive power, the comparison seems a fitting one, but
it does not do justice to the auto, for the latter has greatly eclipsed the
speed of the former, having covered the distance from Versailles to Bordeaux,
342 miles — in the great Paris-Madrid race — in five hours and thirteen
minutes; 342 miles in 313 minutes, or within a fraction of 66 miles an hour
from start to finish-on parts of the route a rate of 85 miles an hour was
reached. In his description of the race, a writer in one of the magazines says:
One of the contestants ""lost control of his automobile, which plowed into a
crowd of spectators and killed three of them; a tragedy that drove its
horrified author temporarily insane. Such a series of fatalities left no cause
for surprise when it was announced that by order of the French Government the
race was not to be continued. Meanwhile the contest among the leaders was
being carried on at a pace that defies the imagination to follow." What
imagination indeed can conceive a vehicle running on a public country road at
the rate of 85 miles an hour! Yet nearly three thousand years ago the Prophet
declared in this day "The chariots would rage in the streets and run like the
lightnings," etc. Were no other prophecy given to assure us of the signs of the
times, this one alone should be sufficient to convince any honest seeker that
the great and unmistakable day of the Lord has come, "The day that shall burn
as an oven" — (Mal. 4:1).
The fires of troubles and tribulations, which would be lighted to test His
people, to "refine them as silver is refined, and try them as gold is tried"
(see Zech. 13:8, 9) have been burning with increasing heat since the
Appearance, and shall continue until the "multitudes" are overcome "in the
valley of decision," then shall come the promised "Most Great Peace."
That the blessed day is drawing nigh is assured by the obvious signs of
marvelous knowledge revealed (during this present year A. D. 1903), through
[page 52]
the diligent labors of science assisted by that wondrous power which declared
Centuries ago that in this day "knowledge should be increased."
To enjoy the promised material blessing that is to follow the Great Peace when
"they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig trees" — two things
are necessary, viz.: sound physical condition and fertile soil. Our dependence
upon the latter for our material needs is too well understood to need comment.
All know that while we remain here, we require food, clothing and shelter, and
all this comes from the land. But the soil in many parts of the world has
become exhausted, and much of it that is naturally sterile is incapable of
producing without the aid of costly fertilizers, which fact renders the tilling
of such lands unprofitable. Late discoveries, however, will replenish those
lost elements from the soil and restore its fertility through the utilization
of natural elements which the All-Wise, All-Powerful Designer and Creator
intended should supply the needs. And still other discoveries made are going to
improve physical conditions so that the dwellers on earth shall be in a sound,
healthy state to enjoy the fruits thereof.
In the early part of the summer, one of the great Sunday papers devoted
considerable space to the wonderful discovery of Radium. Its heading read:
Newest, Greatest, Most Mysterious
Force in Nature Just Discovered
And Utterly Beyond the
Power of Science
to Understand
or Explain.
On the same page another article by Prof. Sir William Crookes with the
following heading:
How Can It
Give Out Light, Heat and Energy Without Combustion,
Loss of Weight, or Any Perceptible
Change Whatever?
By Professor Sir William Crookes,
The World's Greatest Living Physicist and
Experimental Scientist.
Another heading treating the same subject (same paper):
What Is It?
What Makes This Newly Discovered Metal Shoot Out 7,000,000 Particles a
Without Ever Exhausting Itself?
We quote an extract from the above. It states as follows:
"Radio-Activity, the ray-producing property of Radium, may be the clew to the
mystery of life and the universe. It may be made to light the streets, run the
machines and do all the work without exertion on the part of man. It has
already made blind men see, and is able to destroy microbes and conquer
"The great scientists, Professors Crookes and Lodge, and Professor Curie, the
discoverer of Radium, have now declared their belief that it furnishes a clew
to the nature of all matter.
"The old theory that the atoms of elements consist of indivisible units of
matter has now been discarded."
[page 53]
To quote from Sir William Crookes' article, he says:
"The phenomena of Radium require us to recast many of our ideas of matter,
electricity and energy, and its discovery promises to realize what for the last
hundred years have been but day dreams of philosophy." Here is some-thing for
those who "trust in the arm of flesh" and doubt the signs of the times, to
think over. In this highly intellectual age, this advanced and pedantically
enlightened young 20th century — the greatest scientists of the day
acknowledging that the phenomena of Radium require us to recast many of our
ideas, etc., etc., and declaring their belief that through the discovery of
Radium and its relation to the nature of all matter, "the old theory that the
atoms of elements consist of indivisible units of matter has now been
Why has its discovery upset pet theories and old established claims at this
particular time? And why can it not be understood and explained? Because, He
"Whose going forth has been from of old, from everlasting," "Whose Spirit was
in Christ and all of the Prophets," "The Word that was in the beginning, the
Word that was with God, the Word that was God, the same Word which became flesh
and dwelt among us, declared through the itinerant tent-maker 1900 years ago:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the
understanding of all the prudent. Where is the wise? Where is the disputer of
this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For ye See your
calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty,
not many noble, are called. But God bath chosen the foolish things of the world
to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to
confound the things which are mighty. And base things of the world, and things
which are despised, bath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to
naught things that are-that no flesh should glory in his presence. He that
glorieth, let him glory in the Lord." — 1st Corinthians, 1st Chapter: 19, 20,
26, 27, 28, 29, 31.
Adequate knowledge of the wonderful power of the new discovery (Radium) and its
great benefits to mankind will be granted in God's good time. Enough has
already been revealed for us to realize the important factor it wilt be, with
the faculty, in the successful treatment of disease, in conjunction with the
marvelous advancement of surgery, and a better understanding of natural laws —
restoring the physical conditions of man to that of primitive days, so that he
can fully enjoy the increased fruits of the earth which the latest great
discovery is destined to achieve. Already, Radium has accomplished remarkable
cures in restoring sight to the physically blind. But, in these days of
sentimental theorizing, superficial reasoning and intellectual groping in the
darkness of imagination for a visionary God to suit temporal fancies, the
greatest of all the extraordinary power revealed has been its wonderful effect
upon the blindness of science itself, restoring its sight to the most important
fact that the atom can be divided, for upon this fact rests the remedy
for spiritual blindness. Now that the old belief has been discarded by the
leading scientists, the personality of God, i. e., the manifestation of the
divine essence, which can be proved scientifically on this basis, must be
accepted. (For the benefit of the faithful let me here remark, the
divisibility of the atom was confirmed by Abdul-Bahá several years in advance
of the discovery of science. See pamphlet, "Table Talks with Abdul-Bahá Abbas,"
issued several years ago. Page 10.)
The late great discovery made by the Bureau of Plant Industry-Vegetable,
Pathological and Physiological investigations of the U. S. Department of
[page 54]
culture — is, in its immense importance to mankind, the crowning discovery up
to date.
To convey an intelligent idea of this wonderful discovery, I cannot do better
than to quote from an article published in the Saturday Evening Post (July
18th, 1903), as follows:
"In propagating nitrogen-breathing bacteria by the billion and shipping them,
without impairing their vitality, to all parts of the United States to be used
in multiplying the yield of crops from 100 to 1,000 per cent, and in adding
lasting fertility to the soil, the United States Government has brought about a
great achievement in science. It is a triumph which those who know say means
the regeneration of the earth. It has passed the experimental stage, and the
United States Government is now ready to start innumerable armies from the
laboratories in Washington, where they are recruited, to levy upon the infinite
supply of nitrogen in the air and convert it to the uses of mankind.
Significant as the work of these bacteria will be in stimulating plant
productivity and in renewing depleted soils, it will be equaled if not eclipsed
by their further service of imparting to foodstuff the albumenoids and proteids
which are of primary importance in the diet of human beings and animals." "That
the agricultural future of the world is to depend on minute creatures reared by
the American Government, may sound incredible," said a Washington scientist,
"But experts throughout the world have been eagerly awaiting results of our
experiments. Many tests abundantly prove our claims. The world's problem in
agriculture has been to secure available nitrogen for plant life. It has been
known to students of agriculture that bacteria on the roots of legumes enabled
them to absorb nitrogen from the air. The effort to cultivate these bacteria,
and to invent a method by which this could be preserved and transported to be
used by farmers for the inoculation of seed crops, has absorbed the scientific
attention of one branch of the U. S. Government for over a year. Now we have
mastered the mystery of growth of these microscopic friends of husbandry, and
we are prepared to introduce a factor destined to revolutionize the whole field
of American agriculture. Henceforth the farmer, if he chooses, can get his
fertilizing material in miniature packages by mail, instead of by the ton and
wagon load." (Further information can be had by writing the U. S. Department of
The time of this discovery is also significant.
The guano deposits are nearly exhausted, and the nitrate beds of Chile and
Peru, which were supposed to be inexhaustible, are found to be giving out.
Recently it was predicted by scientists that we would see a nitrogen famine
before another generation passed, notwithstanding the fact that eight4enths of
the air is composed of nitrogen, — 38,000 tons of nitrogen hanging over every
acre of land, but of which scientists believed no agency could be found to
extract any available portion therefrom. But God has provided the agency. The
work has been reserved for the tiny microbes, those infinitesimal animalcules
that live in the dust, to play the part assigned them in His Great Day. Psalm
30:9: "Shall the dust praise Thee? Shall it declare Thy truth?" Psalm 145:10:
"All Thy works shall praise Thee, 0 Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee" at
this "time of restitution of all things." Acts 3:21. When also, His estranged
and persecuted people shall be restored, of which the Zion movement is a
significant sign. "Then shall the Lord be jealous for His land and pity His
people. Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto His people, Behold I will send
you corn and wine and oil and ye shall be satisfied therewith, and I will no
more make
[page 55]
you a reproach among the nations." — Joel 2:18, 19. And we are
reminded (Isa. 4:2, 3): "In that day shall the Branch of the Lord be beautiful
and glorious and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them
that are escaped of Israel, and it shall come to pass that he that is left in
Zion and he that remaineth in Jerusalem shall be called holy." Who is this
Branch that is beautiful and glorious and holy that has been left in Zion
(Acca)? Abdul-Bahá is His Name, the Son, "begotten in This Day" — Psalm 2:7;
and through Whom alone can the Father he reached, —the Center of His
Covenant to Whom all must turn and look to for passports into the eternal
realms. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me." — St. John, 14:6. The same is true at
this time. Those who do not fully recognize the position of the Master trifle
with eternal life. The enormity of the offence may be realized from the
following, 2nd Peter, 2:21, 22: "For it had been better for them not to have
known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from
the holy commandment delivered unto them.
"But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned
to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the
Can anything be more abominable, loathsome or abhorrent to refined senses than
the disgusting spectacle of a dog vomiting up a mess of partly digested food,
then turning around and licking it up again? Yet, this, the Holy Spirit has
declared, is how the violators of the Covenant appear to the faithful. But
offensive as the sight is, it is not any more nauseating to God than the
easy-going neutrality of the intellectually refined. who rely upon ethical
observances as sufficient to insure a high place in the Kingdom, for He has
declared, Rev. 3:15, 16: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot;
I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither
cold nor hot, I wilt spue thee out of my mouth."
To the one who has followed closely the prophecies of Scripture, the
correspondence between them and the wonderful knowledge revealed, through the
discoveries of science, is clear and manifest. The last is specially
The restoration of the earth's fertility that material food may be supplied in
abundance, coming at a time when the heavenly table has descended, spread with
an abundance of all kinds of delicious spiritual food, confirms what we said in
the outset that the order in which discoveries and inventions came to us, was,
in itself, the strongest proof that they came by Divine Order and
And now! To those who question the signs of troubles and calamities as having
any special significance, we repeat: "How about the fourth verse of same
Chapter (Daniel 12th), as follows:
"But thou. O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of
the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."
It has been proved to us by the only positive and convincing proofs, viz.: a
clear, logical explanation of the hidden mysteries of the wonderful Book, so
plain, comprehensive, consistent — fitting together with such perfect harmony
and agreement — that we know for a certainty the seal has been broken, which
fact at the same time proves, without any further evidence, that this is the
"time of the end." All can have these proofs in the same way we obtained them,
if they will take the trouble to seek, ask and knock.
[page 56]
That running to and fro, both spiritually and materially, as before
explained, has been increased to a degree exceeding that of centuries combined,
who, in the face of plain, patent facts, can deny? And that revealed knowledge
has been increased more in the last eighty-odd years than in many centuries
combined, who can gainsay?
Whether there are those who still attach no importance to the troublous signs
of the times, or not, they have come nevertheless; as the wail of misery and
distress, which comes from all parts of the world, beareth testimony. At this
time, nearing the end, the Prophets foretold great troubles and Christ
specified many of them from the beginning of the new day. He said many shall
come in my name saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many; that we should
hear of wars and rumours of wars; that nation would rise against nation and
kingdom against kingdom; that there would be famines, pestilences and
earthquakes in divers places; that many false Christs and false prophets would
arise and show great wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they would
deceive even the very elect. And because iniquity should abound, the love of
many would wax cold, and that the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached in
all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. All
these things have been witnessed by the present generation, but many have been
given eyes that seeing, see not and ears that hearing, hear not, as it is
written, — Mark 4:12: "That seeing they may see and not perceive: and hearing
they may hear, and not understand." The same referred to by Christ, Matt
16:3, "O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not
discern the signs of the times?" And these signs of tribulations have been
confirmed by the breaking of the seals, revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom,
the wonderful growth of travel, "the running to and fro" — and the marvelous
increase of knowledge which is beyond ordinary minds to grasp that has been
revealed in these latter days.
The opposers of this Truth may flatter themselves with the vain belief that by
expert reasoning, based on what they consider sound, intellectual deductions,
they can overthrow what they are pleased to term the delusive claims of those
who pin their faith to the prophecies — whom they say are "living and moving
under the power of suggestion." But their reasoning will indeed need to be
expert in a superlative degree and their arguments of the highest intellectual
standard in order even to attract listening ears to any arguments they can
advance to disprove the fact that, during the period, knowledge has been
increased as never before. They may succeed in persuading themselves and
unthinking persons into the belief that the troublesome times have no special
significance; but they cannot quench the dazzling light of knowledge which has
accompanied these troubles and confirms them from every side.
It is written, 1st Cor. 3:18, 19: "Let no man deceive himself. If any man
among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may
be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is
written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness."
We have seen the claims of the worldly wise of one period overthrown by the
wisdom of the wise of another period. But the Wisdom of God is for everlasting,
and no man can overthrow it. He has promised through His Mouthpieces, the
Prophets, many great things would take place in the latter days, and these
promises we see are being fulfilled to the letter. All the wonderful
discoveries correspond with that which is going on in the Spiritual Kingdom.
They are types which assure us of Eternal Greatness.
[page 57]
The latest are Signs of great Heavenly Bounties.
If the X-Rays can penetrate solid, opaque substances; the telephone transmit
speech in distinct accents from city to city; the wireless telegraph flash our
words across the ocean from one hemisphere to the other; the phonograph
reproduce the audible sounding words spoken into it by the tongue of man in
articulate exactness; the powerful Radium restore sight to the blind and
destroy the germs of malignant disease; and tiny little nitrogen-breathing
microbes increase the fruits of the earth, then we are assured the "All Seeing
Eye" can pierce the heart and discern the secret thoughts of His creatures as
declared in Romans 8:27: "And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what
is in the mind of the spirit." His Truth has been accentuated through His
telephonic instruments, the Prophets, as mentioned in Hebrews, 1st Chapter, 1st
Verse: "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto
the fathers by the prophets." In this day He speaks through His chosen
servants, as referred to in Isaiah 43:10, 11: "Ye are my witnesses, saith the
Lord, whom I have chosen; that ye may know and believe me7 and understand that
I am he; before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. I.
even 1, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." These witnesses are
further described in Psalm 68:11: "The Lord gave the word; great was the
company of those that published it." Without any visible agency His
Voice can and will reach the remotest parts of the universe in accordance with
the promise to the faithful, Isaiah 30:21: "And thine ears shall hear a word
behind thee! Saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right
hand, and when ye turn to the left." His manifestation was the Phonetic
Instrument into Whom He spoke, and by Whom His words were reproduced.
accentuated by the power of Divine Perfection, as shown in Hebrews 1:2: "Hath
in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of
all things," and which is confirmed by the words of Christ, St. John, 14:23,
24: "If a man love me, he will keep my words; and my father will love him. He
that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings; and the word which ye hear is not
mine, but the Father's which sent me."
The scintillating rays of undiminishing light emitted from the Divine
Radium of unsearchable knowledge, wisdom and power, will, according to the
promise, restore sight and heal the sick, Isaiah 29:18: "And the eyes of
the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness." Exodus 23:25: "And
ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water;
and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee." Also Jer. 30:17: "For
I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the
And the fruitful garden of His bountiful Paradise is fully equal to the
promise, Mal. 3:10: "And prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I
will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that
there shall not be room enough to receive it." Also Deut. 7:13: "And he will
bless the fruit of thy land, thy corn and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase
of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep." And Isaiah 25:6: "And in this
mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a
feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees
well refined."
In the face of all this evidence, who, in possession of their sane faculties,
can doubt the signs of the times?
To satisfy those who complain that prophecy is not clear on the length of time
the Blessed Perfection's mission would last, and the principal place of his
[page 58]
sojourn while on earth-we refer you to Micah 7:14, 15, which confirms
absolutely former references. It is written:
"Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thine heritage, which dwell
solitary in the wood, in the midst of Carmel; let them feed in Bashan and
Gilead, as in the days of old.
"According to the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew unto
him marvelous things."
What do we learn from the above? A glance at the Bible Atlas shows that in the
locality of the Valley of Acca, he would feed His people with His Rod-the Word
of God, the Teachings — according to the days of the coming out of Egypt. How
long was Moses leading the children of Israel? Forty years, was it not? And how
long was the Blessed Perfection feeding His people personally? He appeared in
1852 and departed in 1892; 1892 minus 1852, equals forty — the number
of years He fed His people, "showing them wonderful things" ending His earthly
days in the "midst of Carmel," where He pitched His tent, after being given His
freedom to go outside the walls of Acca, and spent many of His remaining days
teaching, counseling and advising His people who visited Him. Nothing can be
plainer than this prophecy.
Some cannot understand why, if this be the Truth — if the Father has come —
if God has again manifested Himself in the flesh — the whole world does
not know about it and receive Him with open arms. To such we can only ask, how
much of the world knew of Christ and accepted Him in His earthly days?
According to the records He was not known without a radius of thirty miles, and
during His mission did not have one hundred followers, and those followers He
did have all forsook Him at the last, so that at the time of His crucifixion,
not a single one acknowledged Him, and for three days the Truth He taught was
dead and buried, but it arose on the third day after He appeared to Mary
Magdalen (in a vision) and assured her He was still alive and would be with
them forever. She being alive to the real conditions, hastened to the disciples
and told them of her experience, and by her fervor and earnestness aroused the
disciples so they got together again and while assembled in a room Christ
appeared (in a vision) to them and revived and confirmed them, so that they
went forth and preached His doctrine, never faltering the remainder of their
days. Christ came to His own, but they received Him not — and why? Because
they looked for a literal fulfillment of prophecy; they expected to see "the
earth cast out its dead, the sun to be darkened and the moon turned into blood,
the Heavens to be rolled together as a scroll, the wolf and the lamb to dwell
together, the leopard to lie down with the kid, the calf and the young lion to
feed together and a little child to lead them," — but in all these looked-for
signs, they were disappointed hence the rejection of their Messiah. They had
forgotten the words of Isaiah that "All vision had become unto them as the
words of a book that is sealed," and the command delivered to Daniel to "shut
up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end." The sealing of the
Book being their inability to understand the symbolic language in which it was
couched, but which Christ would have explained to them had they but listened;
but they refused to listen, thus "the natural branches were broken off and the
wild olive tree (the Gentiles) were grafted in among them." They are known now
as Christians, and Christ promised them He would come again, and the Church is
looking for His Second Advent. Like the "natural branches that were broken off"
they are looking for the literal fulfillment of prophecy. They are waiting for
the sound of the "trump of God and the dead in Christ to rise first with
[page 59]
their material bodies, then to be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in
the air," notwithstanding the words of Peter upon Whom the Church was built,
that "no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation."
Not until "The Root of David hath prevailed to open the book, and loose the
seven seals thereof" could its meaning be rightly and fully understood.
That the Church would be likely to fall into the same error as the House of
Israel is evinced by the warning given to it by the great Apostle Paul. — Rom.
11:17 to 22:
"And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree,
wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of
the olive tree:
"Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the
root, but the root thee.
"Thou wilt say then, the branches were broken off, that I might be grafted
"Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be
not high-minded, but fear;
"For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also
spare not thee.
"Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God; on them which fell,
severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in His goodness;
otherwise thou also shalt be cut off."
In the day of Christ, the Jews had many invitations to investigate the claims
He set up, but they treated them with indifference — to their evident loss and
degradation. The same invitation is extended to the people of the world in
this day.
An honest investigation will reveal to those who have sung, with doubtful
assurance, the old song:
"Joy to the world, the Lord has come,
Let earth receive her King," etc.
that in this day, it is a Reality; and the philanthropic workers of reform will
discover that upon this Great Truth depends the reformation of the world and
the general amelioration of mankind; that party measures or any organized
efforts for the propagation of the philosophies of man, will never effect a
permanent good. The reform must begin in the individual heart, and the first
step in this direction must be taken in the straight and narrow path which
leads to an intelligent knowledge of God; that knowledge which engenders faith
from which springs that yearning to fulfill the first great command "to love
God with all the heart." When this desirable condition is reached by
individuals, genuine love towards mankind and unselfish interest in his
welfare, will follow.
The contents of this Chapter furnish food for serious thought, and it is to the
interest of all to investigate to the end. In the words of the great Apostle,
Heb. 2:3: "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?"
No attempt has been made to work on the sentiments or emotions, or to draw on
the imagination. We have simply stated facts. These stern realities must be
faced by all, and whether we are to reach a higher plane of existence or
descend to one lower than the animals, is for each individual to decide for
"Oh God, we are Thy servants, and in Thy Hands. Confirm us to do that which
brings the wave of the sweet fragrance of Thy Pleasure."
[page 60]