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Lyrics to 95 popular Bahá'í songs, including prayers and writings that are often sung.

Bahá'í Song Book

Child Education Committee of Greater Houston, compiler


I. From the Bahá'í Writings
Blessed Is The Spot 1
Love Me That I May Love Thee1
O God, Guide Me1
Remover of Difficulties1
O God Educate These Children2
Arabic Remover of Difficulties2
To Teach is to Learn2
II. Praise of God and Bahá'u'lláh
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh3
Tabarsi Theme Song3
Have You Heard of Bahá'u'lláh?3
Shine Your Light4
Gonna Tell The World5
Did You Ever Wonder?6
Sing a New Song7
Once Was a Man8
The Prince of Peace8
III. Bahá'í Holy Days
Ayyam-i-ha Is Here9
The Ayyamn-i-Ha Song10
Bahá'u'lláh's Birthday11
Naw Ruz11
IV. Attributes
Love Your Neighbors17
V. Love, Peace, Unity
Get Together18
Fellowship, Fellowship19
Flowers of God's Garden20
Good Neighbors21
A Plea For One World21
Hawaiian Unity Song22
Love, Love, Love22
Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream 23
Let There Be Peace on Earth24
World Citizen24
Oh What aa Beautiful World25
It's a Small World25
Building Bridges26
What Mankind Has to Learn27
The Rose28
O Bahá'u'lláh28
God Is One29
Magic Penny30
Queen of Carmel30
Loving Hands32
VI. General
Blessed Beauty33
Blowing in The Wind34
One Heart Ruby Red36
Time Is a One Time Thing37
Here I Am38
Bemba Song39
A Robin's Song40
God Is Sufficient Unto Me41
We are Children of The Half Light43
Soy Bahá'í43
The Wind Is Singing In The Mountains44
Hoy Es El Dia44
Zulu Song45
The Kingdoms of God46
The Three Wives of Abraham47
Will You Look Now My Friend48
What Color is God's Skin?49
Through The Year50
Seek and You Shall Find51
Hawaiian Farewell51
VII. Teaching Inspiration
Soon Will All That Dwell52
Cool Water For a Thirsty Land52
Would You Give Your Heart53
Gonna Sing My Lord53
The Garden54
Bahá'í Pioneering Song54
Look at Me, Follow Me55
We Are the People of Baha56
Marching To The Kingdom57
We Shall Not Fail58
The Greatest Name58
Each One Teach One60
VIII. Sweet Favorites
Bahá'í School61
Good Morning Sun61
Consultation Means Finding Out62
Come and Sing62
Eskimo Hunting Song62
Father Abraham63
Hoonah Lullaby63
God Loves The Best of Us64
Here's a Song64
Amazing Grace65
Navajo Lullaby66
Skid a Marink67
I Saw a Bird's Nest67

I. From the Bahá'í Writings

Blessed is the spot, and the house,
and the place, and the city,
and the heart, and the mountain,
and the refuge, and the cave,
and the valley, and the land,
and the sea, and the island,
and the meadow where mention
of God hath been made,
and His praise glorified.

Love Me That I May Love Thee
O son of being,
Love me, that I may love Thee.
If thou lovest me not,
My love can in no wise reach Thee.
Know this, O servant.

O God, Guide Me
O God, guide me, protect me,
illumine the lamp of my heart,
and make me brilliant star.
Thou art the Mighty and Powerful.

Remover Of Difficulties
Is there any Remover of difficulties
save God?
Say: Praised be God!
He is God!
All are His servants
And all abide by His bidding!

O God Educate These Children (p. 2)
O God! Educate these children.
These children are the plants
of thine orchard,
the flowers of Thy meadow,
the roses of Thy garden.
Let Thy rain fall upon them;
let the Sun of Reality
shine upon them with Thy love.
Let Thy breeze refresh them
in order that they may be trained,
grow and develop, and appear
in the utmost beauty.
Thou art the Giver.
Thou art the Compassionate.

Arabic Remover of Difficulties

To Teach Is To Learn
To teach is to learn, to learn is to work,
To work is to serve, to serve is to love,
To love is to sacrifice, to sacrifice is to die,
To die is to live, to live is to strive,
To strive is to rise above all earthly
Limitations and enter the eternal realm.

II. Praise of Bahá'u'lláh

Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh (p. 3)
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh
Baha, Bahá'u'lláh
The Glory of God...
The Lord of Hosts...
The Prince of Peace...
The Spirit of Truth...
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh...

Tabarsi Theme Song

(The Most Luminous, The Most Holy,
our God of the Angels and the Spirit)

Have You Heard of Bahá'u'lláh?

Have You Heard of Bahá'u'lláh,
Have You Heard of Bahá'u'lláh,
Have You Heard of Bahá'u'lláh,

I have heard the glad tidings
And I will tell you of Bahá'u'lláh.

Shine Your Light? (p. 4)
Shine your light on me, Bahá'u'lláh,
I am over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Shine your light on me, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Shine your light on us, Bahá'u'lláh
We are over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Shine your light on us, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Teach us how to pray, Bahá'u'lláh
We are over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Teach us how to pray, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Help us teach Your Cause, Bahá'u'lláh
We are over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Help us teach Your Cause, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Give us peace on earth, Bahá'u'lláh
We are over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Give us peace on earth, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Shine your light on us, Bahá'u'lláh
We are over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Shine your light on us, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.

Shine your light on me, Bahá'u'lláh
I am over here, Bahá'u'lláh,
Shine your light on me, Bahá'u'lláh
Glory aye, glory aye.
Glory aye, glory aye
Glory aye, glory aye

Gonna Tell The World? (p. 5)
Gonna tell the world about Bahá'u'lláh,
Gonna tell the world about Bahá'u'lláh,
Gonna tell the world about Bahá'u'lláh,
The Glory of God
Come with me to tell the world about
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God
Because the whole world needs
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God

Gonna serve mankind for
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God
Gonna shout loud and clear about
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God

Gonna spread glad tidings of
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God
And no one's gonna stop
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God
Gonna follow in the footsteps of
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God
Everyone is waiting for
Bahá'u'lláh (3)
The Glory of God

Did You Ever Wonder? (p. 6)
Did you ever wonder
Why God sent us Bahá'u'lláh?
Did you ever wonder?
Love is the answer
Love holds the universe together,
Love is the answer.
Did you ever wonder
Why God made all men brothers?
Did you ever wonder?
Love is the answer
Love holds the hearts of men together,
Love is the answer.
Did you ever wonder
Why can we teach the Cause of God?
Did you ever wonder?
Love is the answer
Love holds the universe together,
Love is the answer.
Did you ever wonder
Why God gave us mothers and fathers?
Did you ever wonder?
Love is the answer
Love holds the family together,
Love is the answer.

Did you ever wonder
Why God sent us Bahá'u'lláh?
Did you ever wonder?

Love is the answer
Love holds the universe together,
Love is the answer.

Sing A New Song? (p. 7)
Sing a new song
A new day is dawning,
Sing a new song
The promised one is come.
Waken the world with songs
Of your rejoicing
Sing a new song
Bahá'u'lláh is come.
Long the world in sorrow waited
Now the dawn of light is here
Sing a new song
An set the world rejoicing
Sing a new song
Bahá'u'lláh is come

Waken the birds
To join in exaltation
Waken the winds
To shout it to the world
Waken the sun to shine
Throughout the nations
Waken mankind
Bahá'u'lláh is here.
Now the light of God is shining,
Waken mankind from its sleep.
Sing a new song
And set the world rejoicing
Sing a new song,
Bahá'u'lláh is here.

Once Was A Man? (p. 8)

Once was a man who told a story,
Once was a man who told a story,
Once was a man who told a story,
To all mankind.

He told a story of love,
Told a story of life,
Told a story to all who lived,
Told it to my heart.

He lives in the minds of men,
Lives in the hearts of all,
Lives to teach the word of love,
He's Bahá'u'lláh.

The Prince of Peace
They called Him the Prince of Peace,
They called Him the Prince of Peace,
From Constantinople to Adrianople,
To Akka the prison by the sea.
There lived a man across the ocean,
There lived a man across the sea,
He spoke of love, He spoke of justice,
He spoke to man of unity.
His light is shining forth in all His Glory,
His light is shining for all to see.
It's covered the earth,
Given it new birth,
His light is shining forth for you and me.
His teachings spread from kings to laymen,
His teachings spread to all mankind.
His teachings took on all religions,
And left no helpless soul behind.

III. Bahá'í Holy Days

Ayyam-i-ha Is Here? (p. 9)
Ayyam-i-ha Is gift of God
A time for young and old
A time for joy, a time for fun
A time for each and everyone.
Ring out, sing out
The glad, glad cheer
Join in, be happy
Ayyam-i-ha is here.
Ayyam-i-ha don't forget
A n ailing friend, an injured pet
A time to give, a time to care
When we have happiness to share
Ring out, sing out
The glad, glad cheer
Join in, be happy
Ayyam-i-ha is here.
Ring out, sing out
The glad, glad cheer
Join in, be happy
Ayyam-i-ha is here.
Ayyam-i-ha especially,
A time for friends and family
So make that call, or write that note
Or send a poem that you wrote.
Ring out, sing out
The glad, glad cheer
Join in, be happy
Ayyam-i-ha is here.

The Ayyam-i-ha Song (p. 10)
I will buy you a present,
You will bake me a pie
Then we'll open the presents,
And all get starry eyed.
Then we'll stand around the ring
All holding hands
For Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man.
I will bake some cookies,
You will paint them bright
To celebrate springs coming,
To melt the snow and ice,
Then we'll stand around the ring
All holding hands
For Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man.
Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man,
And in the spirit of His giving
We try to understand
Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man.
Then we'll stand around the ring
All holding hands
For Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man.

Ayyam-i-ha's the gift of God to man
And in the spirit of His giving
We try to understand
Ayyam-i-ha the gift of God to man.

Bahá'u'lláh's Birthday (p. 11)
Do you know what day we remember
On the twelfth day of November?
We give thanks to the land of Ta.
For giving us Bahá'u'lláh.
Ring the bells and sound the horns!
This is the day when He was born.

Naw-Ruz is the time of year
When our hearts are filled with cheer.
Children from both far and near,
Wish each one a happy New Year.
So we all unite and sing,
Songs of joy and love we bring,
All together spread the word,
'round the world it shall be heard

IV. Attributes

Courtesy (p. 12)
If the day should feel cloudy and gloomy
And there seems to be nothing to do,
Help a friend. Tell your mother you love her,
And your soul will feel shiny and new.
Courtesy seems to be
that I make sure that you're happy
Before I take care of me.
Are you glad? are you happy?
'Abdu'l-Bahá asked the friends every day.
He wanted all of our hearts to be happy,
Courtesy makes us feel that way.

Say "please", "you're welcome"
and "thank you"
"May I do something for you today?"
Bring smiles to the people we talk to
That those words become easy to say.
Saying prayers during Feast is so special,
We feel that the Master is so near,
Now he loves us to serve one another
With hearts full of kindness and cheer.

Happiness runs in circular motion,
Floating like a little boat on the sea,
Everybody is a part of everything anyway,
You can be part if you set yourself free.

Equality (p. 13)
Men and women it's plain to see
Are the soaring wings of humanity.
And when those wings begin to fly
To an equal degree,
Mankind comes to maturity.
So let us everyone teach our
Children of unity,
To love everyone with equality,
La la la, la la la, la la la la la la,
La la la, la la la, la la la la la la,
Black or white, red or tan,
Lord a person is recognized in every land.
It's time we recognized the perversity
Of hating people by heredity.
So let us everyone teach our
Children of Unity.
To love everyone with equality
Let's open our eyes, and open our ears,
Or we're not gonna make it
Through another year.
People of all Faiths and nationalities,
From land to land, and sea to sea...
So let us everyone teach our
Children of Unity.
To love everyone with equality.
La la la, la la la, la la la la la la,
La la la, la la la, la la la la la la,
La la la la la la,
La la la la la la.

Obedience (p. 14)
The clouds of tests are gathering near,
We can hear the thunder roaring,
The storm of chaos breaks on our land.
Let us turn our souls to God,
Be obedient and steadfast,
United, not divided we stand.
Be strong, be vigilant. You'll be rewarded.
Be strong, be vigilant. You'll be rewarded
Let's remember who we are,
The eyes of so many are upon us.
Let us grow, serve, love and obey,
For by living Bahá'í lives
We bring hope instead of happiness
To a world full of crumbling and decay.

As the world around us falls,
Blind friends are stopped by walls,
Let us lead them to the light of truth.
To be strong, obey the laws.
Let us build a better world.
It really must be done by the youth.

Truthfulness (p. 15)
Telling the truth can be easy,
When grandma asks,
"Would you like yogurt to eat?"
It's easy to say, "Yes, yes, yes!"
And know it's the truth.
Truthfulness makes us strong.
Our hearts and our souls grow like giants.
Telling the truth can seem kind of scary,
Bahá'u'lláh tells us it' necessary
To always tell the truth.
Telling the truth can be hard.
When mother says,
"Did you lose your brand new shoe?"
It's hard to say "Yes, yes, yes".
When it's the truth.
Telling the truth can be scary,
It's hard to tell people
You've done something wrong.
But parents are happy
When children tell the truth.

Patience (p. 16)
A rock is patient.
It sits through lightning, snow and grime,
Rocks don't complain,
They take the time to change.
A rock is patient.
A plant is patient.
The seed grows when the time's right just right,
It know's the day's for the sun,
The night's for rest.
A plant is patient.
A cow is patient
She stands all day to chew and eat,
She gives us milk in cold and heat and rain.
A cow is patient.
Sometimes I'm patient,
When people ask I stop and wait,
Sometimes it's hard but it feels great to know,
I can be patient.

The Master was patient,
He did what God asked Him to,
I hope I grow up like 'Abdu'l-Bahá
For He was patient.

V. Love, Peace, Unity

Love Your Neighbors and Friends (p. 17)
Love your neighbors and friends,
That's the word that God sends,
For a world of unity,
Love your neighbors and friends.
I'm Bahá'u'lláh's child
He has taught me to love
All the children around the world.
I'm Bahá'u'lláh's child.
There's a faith filled with love,
Joy and happiness too.
All Bahá'ís around the world,
Give this friendship to you.
Ya Baha'u'-l-Abha!
Ya Baha'u'-l-Abha!
Sing you children around the world.
Ya Baha'u'-l-Abha!

Get Together (p. 18)

Come on people now,
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another right now.

Love is but a song we sing
Fear is the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry
Though the bird is on the wing
You may not know why.


Some people may go
Hate will surely pass
When the one who left us here
Returns for us at last
We are but in moments of life
Fading on the grass.


If you hear the song I sing
You will understand
You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It's there at your command.


Fellowship (p. 19)

Long time ago in Mazinderan
So the Dawnbreakers say,
Manifestation of God was born,
Bringing the promised day.

He sing a song to all mankind,
All the mountains they ring,
See all the people laughing with joy,
This is the song that they sing:

Fellowship, Fellowship,
Love, Love, Unity,
All the people are one
Man is a member of just one family
The age of peace has begun.

Mulla Husayn went down to Shiraz,
To find the Point of Bayan
Say, Mulla Husayn go tell all the people
The Prophet He speak again, and He say:


The Shah thought he would put out the light,
But our Lord from Iran say
"Shah what a foolish man you be --
"My Teaching has only begun!"


The Master say we should always be happy
Laughing and singing so
I want you should all join in the refrain
By now you should know how it goes.
And we sing:

Chorus: (TWICE)

Flowers of God's Garden (p. 20)

We are Flowers of God's garden,
Bright as the morning sun, fresh as the dawn
Lovely in differences, varied in loveliness,
We are the flowers of humanity.

I am a black rose, dark, exotic,
Poignant in beauty, fragrant as the night.
God has entrusted me with Joy and mystery,
We are the Flowers of humanity.

I am a red rose, sweet and lovely,
Gay as a bird on a bright, summer day,
Singing a song of God, where'ere I wander
We are Flowers of humanity.

I am a white rose, gleaming, shining,
Sparkling like snow on the mountainside.
Restless as whitecaps flung
By the oceans breeze,
We are the Flowers of humanity.

Brown is my color, rich and glowing,
Full of the warmth of God's sweet love,
Heir to all nations, grandeur my destiny,
We are the Flowers of humanity.

We are the Flowers of God's garden,
Bright as the morning sun, fresh as the dawn
Lovely in differences, varied in loveliness,
We are the Flowers of humanity.

Good Neighbors (p. 21)
Good neighbors come in all colors
Red, black, yellow and tan,
Our outsides may be different
But we belong to the family of man.

When my doorbell starts to ring,
I can't see the person's skin
Even if he had bright blue skin
I'd welcome him right in.


When my neighbor starts to cry
It hurts him and that hurts I
Even if he had orange eyes
It hurts him when he cries.


When my neighbor wants to share,
Joy and happiness everywhere
Even if had purple hair
I wouldn't even care.


A Plea For One World (p. 21)

A plea for one world
Is heard in many different lands,
This is a plea for a world
That is hungry for peace
Let all men come together,
Let all men live together,
Happy in all kinds of weather
Singing a song of peace. (2)

Hawaiian Unity Song (p. 22)

We are drops (1st group)
We are drops (2nd group)
of one ocean (1st group)
of one ocean (2nd group)
We are waves (1st group)
We are waves (2nd group)
of one sea (1st group)
of one sea (2nd group)
Come and join us (1st group)
Come and join us (2nd group)
In our quest for unity (Groups together)
It's a way of life for you and me. (Groups Together)

We are flowers (1st group)
We are flowers (2nd group)
of one garden (1st group)
of one garden (2nd group)
We are leaves (1st group)
We are leaves (2nd group)
of one tree (1st group)
of one tree (2nd group)
Come and join us (1st group)
Come and join us (2nd group)
In our quest for unity (Groups together)
It's a way of life for you and me. (Groups Together)

All the world (1st group)
All the world (2nd group)
is one country (1st group)
is one country (2nd group)
Man is one (1st group)
Man is one (2nd group)
Can't you see? (1st group)
Can't you see? (2nd group)
Come and join us (1st group)
Come and join us (2nd group)
In our quest for unity (Groups together)
It's a way of life for you and me. (Groups Together)

We are drops (1st group)
We are drops (2nd group)
of one ocean (1st group)
of one ocean (2nd group)
We are waves (1st group)
We are waves (2nd group)
of one sea (1st group)
of one sea (2nd group)
Come and join us (1st group)
Come and join us (2nd group)
In our quest for unity (Groups together)
It's a way of life for you and me. (Groups Together)

Love, Love, Love (p. 22)
Love, love, love, love,
Love your fellow man.
Love, love, love is how the world began.
God loved creation so He created thee to
Love, love, love Him and humanity.
Love, love, love the everlasting good,
Love, love, love the seed of brotherhood.
Love, all creation for He created you to
Love, love, love, Him and humanity.
Love, God's creatures be they near or far.
See each human as a shining star.
Love, all creation for He created you to
Love, love, love Him and humanity.

Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream (p. 23)
Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever had before,
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war.
I dreamed there was a mighty room
And the room was filled with men
And the paper they were signing said
They'd never fight again.
And the paper was all signed
And a million copies made
They all joined hands and circled round
And grateful prayers were said.
And the people on the streets below
Were dancing round and round
With swords and guns and uniforms
All scattered on the ground.
Last night I had the strangest dream
I ever had before,
I dreamed the world had all agreed
To put an end to war.

Let There Be Peace On Earth (p. 24)

Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me;
Let there be peace on earth
The peace was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take,
Let this be the moment now
With every step I take,
Let this be my solemn vow:
To take each moment
And live each moment
In peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.

World Citizens (p. 24)
"Glory not in this that you love your country",
Glory in this that you love mankind.
We're the fruits of only one tree
And the leaves of just one branch.
World Citizens! World Citizens!

Unity, the world cries for unity.
Its rays are dawning like the sun.
Soon the world will be one.
In unity that's how the world must be,
All its people live as one.
Like fragrant flowers in the sun.


Oh What A Beautiful World (p. 25)
Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men learn to see
Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men learn to know

Bahá'u'lláh will show us the way
Bahá'u'lláh has brought a new day
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh
Bahá'u'lláh, Bahá'u'lláh

Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men to learn to hear
Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men learn to love


Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men learn to see
Oh what a beautiful world this will be
When all men learn to know


It's A Small World (p. 25)

It's a world of laughter, a world of tears,
It's a world of hope and a world of fears.
There's so much time that we share,
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all.

It's a small world after all. (4)

There is just one world and one golden sun,
And a smile means friendship to everyone,
Though the mountains are wide
It's a small world after all.

It's a small world after all. (4)

Building Bridges (p. 26)
We are building bridges out of the walls,
Building bridges out of the walls, (2)
They keep us apart.

When the wall says stay away
We are from a different land
We're going to tell them
The earth's one country,
We're world citizens.
And turn that wall into a bridge,
Take my brother by the hand and
Walk across that bridge
To the world God promised man.


When the wall says stay away,
We are from a different race
We're going to tell them
This is just one race
That's the human race
And turn that wall into a bridge,
Take my brother by the hand and
Walk across that bridge
To the world God promised man.


When the wall says stay away,
Our religion is not the same
We're going to tell them
That we just worship
God by different names
And turn that wall into a bridge,
Take my brother by the hand and
Walk across that bridge
To the world God promised man.


What Mankind Has To Learn (p. 27)

There's only one God
Throughout the universe,
But man multiplied Him and so,
There's a "your God" and "my God".
What mankind has to learn is that
There's only one God to know.

There's only one race
Of men upon earth
But man did divide it and so,
There's a black race and white race,
What mankind has to learn is that
There's only one race to know.

Earth was one country when
God gave it to man
But man did divide it, and so,
There's a China, a Turkey;
What mankind has to learn is that
There's only one country to know.

Religions are one as the
Prophets all have sung
But mankind denied them, and so
There's just one religion
What mankind has to learn is
Religions are one thing to know.

There's only one-ness throughout
The world of God
But man won't believe it, and so
He divides and multiplies it, oh
Won't he ever learn that
There's only ONE-NESS to know.
Religions are one thing to know.

The Rose (p. 28)

Some say love, it is a river,
That drowns the tender reed,
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your heart to bleed.

Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless, aching need,
I say love it is a flower,
And you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance,
It's the dream afraid of waking,
That never takes the chance.

It's the one who won't be taken
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dying,
That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong.

Just remember in the winter,
Far beneath the bitter snow,
Lies the seed that with sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose.

O Bahá'u'lláh (p. 28)

O Bahá'u'lláh, O Bahá'u'lláh,
O Bahá'u'lláh
Bring us together in unity,
Bring together as one family
We are all waves of one sea

We are leaves of one tree,
We are all flowers of one garden,
Bring us together in unity,
Bring us together as one family.

We are all stars in the sky,
We are one in God's eye,
Bahá'u'lláh cam for mankind,
To bring us together in unity,
Bring us together as one family.

We are all angels of fire and snow,
We see the light and away we go
Spreading the news of the one foretold,
Bring us together in unity,
Bring us together as one family.

Darkness has fallen on this land,
Evil tries to force our hand,
United in God together we stand,
Bring us together in unity,
Bring us together as one family.

God is One (p. 29)

God is one, man is one
And all the religions are one.
Land and sea, hill and valley,
Under the beautiful sun.

God is one, man is one,
And all the religions agree.
When everyone learns
The three one-nesses
We'll have world unity.

Magic Penny (p. 30)

Happiness is something if you give it away
Give it away, give it away,
Happiness is something if you give it away
Give it away, give it away,
It comes right back to you.

It's just like a magic penny
Hold it tight and you won't have any.
Lend it, spend it, give it away,
It comes right back to you.

A smile is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away,
A smile is something if you give it away,
It comes right back to you.


Love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away,
Love is something if you give it away,
It comes right back to you.

Queen of Carmel (p. 30)

Standing on the mountain
Looking 'cross the bay
The Queen of Carmel reigns
She reigns majestically.

Cry out O Zion
Cry out to your Lord
Cry out O Zion
Circle 'round in adoration
Circle 'round your Lord!

Robed in white and crowned in gold
She stands for unity
Shining on the Throne of God
She lights the seekers way.


The Hidden One has come to thee
Whose glory we acclaim
God will sail His Ark on Thee
As mentioned in the Book of Names.


Peace (p. 31)

One day soon peace will fill the world
Just like a shining sun
And one day soon men will live in harmony,
In the garden.

Peace is the promise
Of the Messengers of God
Peace is the only way
Mankind can live as one
Peace brings true happiness
To you and then to me,
And peace will come.

One day soon, violence will vanish,
Just like a threatening storm that fills the air.
And one day soon broken
Hearts will be mended
Just as quick as the doctor
Heals a hurting wound.

Chorus (repeat)

Loving Hands (p. 32)

Mothers hands so soft and smooth
Here to touch and here to sooth
Rock me, swing me, through the storm
In mothers's hands I'm safe and warm.

Fathers hands so big and strong
And his fingers oh so long
Lead me, guide me, catch me quick
A loving hand is yours I'll pick.

Loving hands mean loving hearts.
Strength and wisdom they impart.
Now I trust these hands to thee
Kind and good to me.
When I'm grown I'll have
Loving hands.

Mothers hands when you are young
They pat you dry when bath is done
They do so many wondrous things
So much joy her hands can bring.

In fathers hands I fly so high
I feel like I could touch the sky
And when he's firm his hands they speak
I realize I'm small and weak.

Loving hands mean loving hearts.
This I know right from the start.
When I'm grown they'll set me free
Reaching for the world
Reaching for the world
Loving hands. (repeat)

VI. General

Blessed Beauty (p. 33)

Walking with me, talking with me
Laughing with me, singing with me
Hoping for me, caring for me.

As I walked down my troubled street
Feeling so bad and looking at my feet
I turned my face unto the sky
And I saw a white cloud passing by
And I know the Blessed Beauty
Was there and He was.


As I walk down my crooked street
I tell everyone I get to meet,
"Hey brother, don't despair, The
Blessed Beauty is there, and He is..."


Now black man, white man,
Yellow man, read man
When your hopes are shattered and torn,
Push some more,
You can open any door,
Because He is...


You people of Baha, please take heed
Don't be afraid to mount your steed
The Blessed Beauty knows you
And He knows you needs
Because He is...


Blowing in the Wind (p. 34)

How many roads must a man walk down
Before he is called a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before he sleeps in the sand?
How many times must a cannon ball fly
Before they're forever banned?


The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind.

How many years can a mountain exist before
it is washed to the sea?
How many years can some people exist before
they're allowed to be free?
How many times can a man turn his head
And pretend that he just doesn't see?


How many times must a man look up before
How can see the sky?
How many ears must one man have before
He can hear people cry?
How many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind
The answer is blowing in the wind.

Khanum (p. 35)

Asiyeh Khanum, Most Exalted Leaf,
Of the Tree of Life, wife of Bahá'u'lláh.

Bahiyyih Khanum, The Greatest Holy Leaf
Of the Tree of Life, sister of Abdu'l-Bahá.

Munireh Khanum, Holy Mother
Of the Tree of Life, Wife of Abdu'l-Bahá.

Oh, how happy you have made me
Mothers to mankind,
Always giving, never asking,
In the dark your light will guide the way.

Our dear Tahirih,
Most Great Heroine Poetess
Giving her life for the Bab.

Ruhiyyih Khanum, the Hand of the Cause
Amatu'l-Baha, wife of the Guardian.

Look how happy you have made me,
Sisters to mankind
Advocating peace and justice,
Unity, equality, for womanhood.

Asiyeh Khanum
Bahiyyih Khanum
Munireh Khanum
Our Dear Tahirih
Ruhiyyih Khanum
Khadijih Khanum

One Heart Ruby Red (p. 36)

Walking down the street I met a friend,
A friend wit skin of golden brown,
Suffrin', suffrin',
With his head a hangin' down.


One heart ruby red, one hart ruby red,
One heart ruby red, beats the heart of man.
Walking down the street I met a friend,
A friend of skin of midnight black,
Suffrin', suffrin',
With a grief upon his back.


Walking down the street I met a friend,
A friend with skin of snowy white,
Suffrin', suffrin',
Holding up the wall with all his might.


Walking down the street they all did met,
A blend of men of brown and black and white,
Softly, softly,
Softly they walked into the night.


When a friend can meet another friend,
And when for hate there's love instead,
'neath a cloak of varied hue
Beats one heart of ruby red.


Time is a one Time Thing (p. 37)

Time is a one time thing
This is a song I sing
Time is a one time thing
Time is a song I sing
Time is now, time was then
Time, it will be when
Time was before, time is forever.

Soul is a curious thing...

Love is a beautiful thing...

Man is a wonderful thing...

Now it's time and we all are here,
Let all men be drawing near
Let the love within reach out
Let the love within reach out
For you know that
Love binds us together.

Time is a one time thing...

Here I Am (p. 38)

Valley, mountain, cave and forest,
House and meadow
Valley, mountain, cave and forest,

Seek me, in the valley and the mountain
And the cave and in the forest and
The house and the meadow.

Find me, I'm in the faces that you meet
And though I'm hidden
I'm not hiding, here am I.
I'm in you. Find me.


Busca, en el valle, la prader,
La montana,
En el bosque, en tu hogar,
Donde quireras.
Mira, en las las caras de las gente,
En los ojos
Que me piensen, mirame,
Alli estoy, alli.

Love me, 'cause if you don't
My love is like the rain
That falls on barrels
That are upside down.
Share me, there are so may
Who don't know me
O, so many who'd be happy
If you would share me.
'cause I love you. Wo-o-o-oh.
Valley, mountain, cave and forest,
House and meadow
Oh won't you seek me,
Won't you feed me, love me,
Everywhere, I'm in you.
Oh, what won't you love me, turn all
Those barrels up, love me do.

Oh, won't you share me,
Make everyone happy,
Share me do.
En cualquier parte, donde
Buscas, me encontraras.
Oh, won't you seek me,
Won't you find me,
Love me, share me do

(Repeat all lines and fade)

Bemba Song (p. 39)

Lelo line na-su-mina
Muli nani, Bahá'u'lláh

Ya Baha'u'l-Abha
Ya Bahá'u'lláh
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha
Ya Bahá'u'lláh

Natu tashe kuli lesa
Batu pele nkombe ipya.


Bushe chi-shi mulo lela?
Nkombe ipya maise lelo.


A Robin's Song (p. 40)

Harken my brothers, and I will sing thee,
A lovely tune, a lovely melody;
Once I was walking, in the deep forest,
And a lovely robin sang this song for me:

Be not thou lonely, in midst of trouble
Nor be despairing, in midst of woe,
Rather be thankful, for all thy trials,
For without trails, we can never grow.

Be thou immovable as a mountain
A mighty peak firm against the blast,
For winds shall blow, and bitter
Storms surround thee,
And all is lost if thou be not steadfast.

Be thou a refuge for all who wonder,
Be thou a haven for every homeless soul
Be thou a lighthouse upon the ocean,
Guiding the vessels through the
wind and snow.

Walk thou uprightly, amongst mankind,
Be not dependent on any living soul,
For God will help thee, in time of danger,
And in times of sickness
He will make thee whole.

Show forth all meekness, unto all people,
Put not thyself ahead of anyone.
Be an example unto the righteous,
And in the darkness, be a shining sun.

Show forth uprightness, in all thy actions,
Be thou unselfish in all thy deeds,
For he shall prosper, who is trustworthy,
And if be honest, he shall have no need.

Thus sand the robin, in that deep forest,
His song of cheer, ringing through the glen.
For without trials, we can never grow."

God is Sufficient Unto Me (p. 41)

God is sufficient unto me.
He verily is the all sufficing.
In Him let the trusting trust,
In Him let the trusting trust,
In Him let the trusting trust.

Each day recall My name
And with each day My thought
Penetrates into your heart.
Then are you among those
Who are always in God's thoughts.

Sunshine (p. 42)

Open up your heart let the sunshine in
Let the sunshine into your heart
Open up your heart let the sunshine in
Let the sunshine into your heart

Open up yourself to the world;
Give yourself a beautiful view,
Open up waiting to the world
Waiting for you; what'll you do

Open up your mind let the wisdom in
Let the wisdom into your mind
Open up your mind let the wisdom in
Let the wisdom into your mind


Open up your eyes let the colors in
Let the colors into your eyes
Open up your eyes let the colors in
Let the colors into your eyes


Open up your soul let the spirit in
Let the spirit into your soul
Open up your soul let the spirit in
Let the spirit into your soul


Open up your heart let the sunshine in
Let the sunshine into your heart
Open up your heart let the sunshine in
Let the sunshine into your heart


We Are The Children Of The Half Light (p. 43)

We are the children of the half light,
We are the seekers of the dawn.
We bear the weight of a trembling world
So that we may reborn.
Born to walk the paths of justice,
Of universal love.

We are the children of the half light,
We ask the world to come and see,
The shape and form of a new day,
Of what is meant to be.
All of us are one in spirit,
And that's what makes us strong.
We are the children of the half light,
Asking you to join in our song.

Soy Bahá'í (p. 43)

Soy Bahá'í; a mi me gusta, (3)
Si, yo soy Bahá'í

Anda luchado por la justicia, (3)
Porque soy Bahá'í

Soy Bahá'í soy feliz, (3)
Si, yo soy Bahá'í.

Soy Bahá'í; a mi me gusta, (3)
Si yo soy Bahá'í

The Wind is Singing in the Mountains (p. 44)

The wind is singing in the mountains,
Across the valleys and the plain,
And joyously calling in the islands,
"Let love and unity reign,
"Let love and unity reign,
Let love and unity reign."
"The wind is singing in the mountains,
"Let love and unity reign."

The crickets crying in the valley
Can't see the brilliance of the dawn,
Can't hear the singing of the mountains
"The Promised One is come!
"The Promised One is come!"
The wind is singing in the mountains,
"Bahá'u'lláh is come!"

So let us shout it from the mountains,
And fill the world with song.
The wind is singing in the mountains,
"Bahá'u'lláh is come!"
Oh hear the song of the wind,
Come sing the song of the wind.
The wind is singing in the mountains,
"Bahá'u'lláh is come!"

Hoy Es El Dia (p. 44)

Hoy es el dia de la alegeria
Hoy es el dia de felicidad. (2)

Hoy es el dia, hoy es el dia
Hoy es el dia de felicidad. (2)

Hoy es el dia de la unidad de resas
Hoy es el dia, de la pas mundial. (2)

Hoy es el dia de la unidad del mundo
Hoy es el dia de la Fe Bahá'í. (2)

Hoy es el dia, hoy es el dia
Hoy es el dia, de la Fe Bahá'í. (2)

Hoy es el dia, hoy es el dia,
Hoy es el dia, de la pas mundial. (2)

Zulu Song (p. 45)



Rejoice, rejoice, for a new day has dawned.
The whole wide world is now one fold.
Rejoice, rejoice, for a new day has dawned,
The plan of God has now been told.

The promised one by the name of Baha
Came to bring the new day,
Let us be happy, let us say,
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha
Say Ya Baha'u'l-Abha
Say Ya Baha'u'l-Abha.

The Kingdoms Of God (p. 46)

I'll sing you a rock, can it grow, can it walk
Can it do anything but be?
No it can't grow or walk `cause it's
Only a rock in the sand by the side of the sea.

It's in the Mineral Kingdom, the Mineral
Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom of God. (2x)

I'll sing you a tree can it walk, can it see,
Can it grow and bear fruit and be green?
Yes, it surely can grow,
No it can't move or know
Though it be the best tree you've ever seen

It's in the Vegetable Kingdom, the Vegetable
Kingdom, the Vegetable Kingdom of God. (2x)

I'll sing you a frog, and a cat, and a dog,
And I'll sing you an elephant, too.
They can grow, the can be, they can walk
They can see,
But they are not quite as special as you.

They're in the Animal Kingdom, the Animal
Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom of God. (2x)

I'll sing you a boy with his heart full of joy
And I'll sing you a happy girl too,
They can run, they can grow, they can think
They can know
They can learn about God just like you.

They're in the Human Kingdom of God, the Human
Kingdom, the Human Kingdom of God. (2x)

I'll sing you song that will help you along,
So you'll always remember God's love
He wants us to know Him and love Him and so
He sends teachers of truth from above.

They're in the Spiritual Kingdom, the Spiritual
Kingdom, the Spiritual Kingdom of God. (2x)

The Three Wives of Abraham (p. 47)

From the three wives of Abraham,
The prophets came,
To teach us the Most Glorious Name.
Zoroaster and Krishna,
They brought the word,
And again the voice of God was heard.


Buddha's light rekindled the flame
Moses and the burning bush, He did the same,
Then came Jesus with the dove,
To teach us the word and the word was love.

With Mohammad's prophetic cycle
It was sealed,
A new world order had been revealed.
Through the Bab, the Gate,
Bahá'u'lláh, the Pen
It shall be on earth as it is in Heaven.


With Mohammad's prophetic cycle
It was sealed,
A new world order had been revealed.
Through the Bab, the Gate,
Bahá'u'lláh, the Pen
It shall be on earth as it is in Heaven.

Will You Look Now My Friend (p. 48)

Will you look now my friend,
At the beauty of the rose,
And tell me truthfully
Does it matter where it grows?

Are its colors and its fragrances
Any less true if its grown in a garden
Owned by me or you?

Will you look now my friend,
At the lamp that sheds light.
And tell me truthfully
It is glowing wrong or right?
When this dark world needs the light
So all men can see,
Does it matter if this lamp is
Held by you or me?

The sun of Truth has shone
In many mirrors,
The lamp may change,
The light remains the same
The prophets all spoke the truth eternal
Though each had his own mission,
His own name.

Will you look now my friend,
At the truth in every Faith,
And tell me truthfully
Does it merit life or death?
If the Word of God is evident
In every Holy Book?
Does it matter if the name is not
The one your fathers took?

Will you look now my friend,
To the nightingale's song,
And tell me truthfully
Is it glory right or wrong?
When the Lord reveals His Will for men
Where e'er it may be found
Does it matter from whose lips
The melodies of God may sound?

What Color Is God's Skin (p. 49)

Good night I said to my little son
So tired out when the day was done,
Then he said to me as I tucked him in
Tell me mommy what color is God's skin?


What color is God's skin?
What color is God's skin?
I said its black, brown, yellow
It is red it is white
Every man's the same in the good Lord's sight.


He looked at me with his shining eyes,
I knew I could tell no lies
When he said mommy why do the different
Races fight?
If we're the same in the good Lord's sight?


Son that's part of our sufferin' past
But the whole human family is learning at last,
That the thing we missed on the road we trod
Was to walk as the daughters and the sons
Of God


Through The Year (p. 50)

God be with you in the spring time
When the violets unfold,
And the buttercups and cowslips
Fill the field with yellow gold.
In the time of apple blossoms,
When the happy bluebirds sing,
Filling all the world with gladness
God be with you in the spring.

God be with you in the summer,
When the sweet June roses grow,
And the bobolinks are laughing
And the brooks with music flow,
When the fields are bright with daisies,
And the days are glad and long,
God be with you in the summer
And may He fill your world with songs.

God be with you in the autumn,
When the birds and flowers have fled,
In the paths along the woodlands,
Leaves are falling gold and red,
When the summer's now behind you
In the evening of the year,
God b with you in the autumn
And may He fill your world with cheer.

God be with you in the winter,
When the snow lies deep and white,
And the silent fields are sleeping,
And the stars gleam cold and bright.
When the land and heart are tired,
With the long winter and its quest,
God be with you in the winter
Just to guide you in your rest.

Seek And You Shall Find (p. 51)

Seek and you shall find.
Knock and the door shall be opened.
Ask and it shall be given,
And the love come a-trickling down.

O my brother, the Lord has been here.
My brother, the Lord has been here,
My brother, the Lord has been here,
And his love comes a-trickling down.

O my sister, the Lord has been here,
My sister, the Lord has been here,
My sister, the Lord has been here,
And His love comes a-trickling down.

Hawaiian Farewell (p. 51)

Allah-u-Abha my brother
Allah-u-Abha my sister
This Faith we share together
Sustains us as we part.

No tears we shed of sadness
For we are bound together
In unity forever
A joy ne'er departs.


May God guide and protect you
As you begin your venture
To carry forth this message
Uniting all mankind.

(Hum tune as Unity Prayer is read)


VII. Teaching Inspiration

Soon Will All That Dwell On Earth (p. 52)

Soon will all that dwell on earth
Be enlisted under His banner,
Soon will all dwell on earth
Be enlisted under His banner.

Ya Baha'u'l-Abha,
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha,
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha,
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha,

Cool Water For A Thirsty Land (p. 52)


Cool water for a thirsty land,
Cool water, cool water
Who'll bring water for a thirsty land?
Water for a thirsty land
Water for a thirsty land

Now the world is like a desert
And the land is parched and dried
And millions burn with a thirst for
The things that just won't satisfy.


I counted all my blessings
And the things I long to do,
I gladly give the best I have,
To the world for a purpose new.


Now there's a stream of water
That can cure and satisfy
It comes to you as you give it away
And it never, even runs dry.


Would You Give Your Heart? (p. 53)

Would you give your heart to Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you give your heart to Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you be a flame of fire,
A river of life
Give your heart to Bahá'u'lláh?

Would you pioneer for Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you pioneer for Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you walk the deserts and cities,
The jungles and towns
Telling all of Bahá'u'lláh?

Would you give your life to Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you give your life to Bahá'u'lláh?
Would you give your earthly possessions
Your worldly desires
Your whole life to Bahá'u'lláh?

Gonna Sing My Lord? (p. 53)

Gonna sing my Lord,
For all that I'm worth
Gonna sing my Lord,
For all that I'm worth
Gonna sing my Lord, Lord, Lord
'til I see Your face.

2. Gonna love my Lord,

3. Gonna laugh my Lord,

4. Gonna die my Lord,

5. Gonna live my Lord,

6. Gonna sing my Lord,

The Garden (p. 54)

Oh, won't you come to the garden?
We all sing in the garden,
It's where our hearts blossom,
Love is so sweet,
We grow like roses,
Toward heaven we reach.
In the garden, yes,
In the garden.
Oh, won't you help the garden
A wonderful place to be?
It's where we sow seeds
Of love in the hearts.
They're so many flowers
All precious and beautiful
In the garden, yes,

In the garden.
In the garden, yes,
In the garden.

Bahá'í Pioneering Song (p. 54)

Oh, Carmel, I hear Thee calling-away-
God's Holy Mountain.
Carmel, Thy voice is wondrous-away-
We're bound away,
To climb God's Holy Mountain.

Oh, Carmel, Thy call didst wake me,
In God's path thou didst confirm me,
Carmel, I hear Thee calling-away-
We're bound away,
To climb God's Holy Mountain.

Oh, Carmel, from Thy sweet fountains,
Flow God's life giving waters
Carmel, I hear Thee calling-away-
We're bound away,
To climb God's Holy Mountain.

Oh, Carmel, I long to serve Thee,
To God's path Thy call didst lead us
Carmel, I hear Thee calling-away-
We're bound away,
To climb God's Holy Mountain.

Look At Me, Follow Me (p. 55)

Look at me
Follow me,
Be as I am
'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

Teach the Faith
Follow me
Be as I am
'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

Serve your Lord
Follow me
Be as I am
'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

Love mankind
Follow me
Be as I am
'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

Look at me
Follow me
Be as I am
'Abdu'l-Bahá, 'Abdu'l-Bahá.

We are the People of Baha (p. 56)

O, we are the people of Baha,
We are the people of Baha,
We are the people of, we are the people of,
We are the people of Baha.

O, we are the lovers of Baha,
We are the lovers of Baha,
We are the lovers of, we are the lovers of,
We are the lovers of Baha.

O, we are the teachers of Baha,
We are the teachers of Baha,
We are the teachers of, we are the teachers of,
We are the teachers of Baha.

O, we are the singers of Baha,
We are the singers of Baha,
We are the singers of, we are the singers of,
We are the singers of Baha.

O, we are the children of Baha,
We are the children of Baha,
We are the children of, we are the children of,
We are the children of Baha.

Marching to the Kingdom (p. 57)

Sing sisters for the time has come
We are marching to the kingdom
Sing brothers for the time has come
We are marching to the kingdom.

The Lord looked down
And he saw it was time
We are marching to the kingdom
So come on people now step in line
We are marching to the kingdom.


The promised one has come at last
We are marching to the kingdom
Fulfilling the prophecies of the past
We are marching to the kingdom.


This is the time for unity
We are marching to the kingdom
In every city and locality
We are marching to the kingdom


The dead shall rise and live again
We are marching to the kingdom
To help us build a new race of man
We are marching to the kingdom.


We Shall Not Fail (p. 58)

We shall not fail (ECHO)
We shall not fail (ECHO)
Please God we ma achieve it
We shall not fail.

1. We'll go on foot

2. We may be poor

3. Cities and towns

4. Deserts and seas

5. We'll raise the Call

6. Ya Baha'u'l-Abha

7. This we can do

8. 'Abdu'l-Bahá

(Last verse)
We shall not fail
We must not fail
We will not fail
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha
Please God we may achieve it
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha

The Greatest Name (p. 58)

Come on all you glory boys
And hoist your banners high;
Pillars of the light are shining
On the Persian sky.
The people are awaiting
To hear the Authors' fame
Help us all proclaim the Greatest Name.


Bahá'u'lláh! Bahá'u'lláh!
Help us all proclaim the Greatest Name.
Bahá'u'lláh! Bahá'u'lláh!
Help us all proclaim the Greatest Name.

Come on all you ladies
And let love adorn your face;
For now it has been written
That you take your rightful place.
A bird with only one wing
Surely will be lame
Help us all proclaim the Greatest Name


Come on all you children
Of the Kingdom, raise your voice
For God in all His mercy
Has given men a choice
And the Hearts of desert people
Surely will see rain
Help us all proclaim the Greatest Name


Come on all you people
Who are endowed with gentle souls;
You that inherit the earth
The way the story goes;
And I will be a traveler
Who gently fans the flame ... and
I'll help you all proclaim the Greatest Name.


Each One Teach One (p. 60)

If only one with soul on fire
Arose to serve his hearts' desire
With knowledge, wisdom, love and care
Seeks someone with whom to share
One, two, four and eight
We wouldn't have so long to wait
We could set the world ablaze
By following this simple phrase,

Each one teach one
Scatter through the land
Together, individually
Reach the heart of man.

Each one teach one
Watch our number grow
If each one would teach we'd have
One world for Bahá'u'lláh.

If everyone would do his part
Plant the seeds within one heart
Nurture it with loving care
Till the hidden fruit does bear
One, two, four and eight
'til the Cause becomes so great
That everyone will know its fame
And all the world will call His Name.

Bahá'í School (p. 61)

Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song.
Learning and listening
Thinking and praying
Laughing and singing
Voices are ringing
Bringing our hearts full of joy to,
Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song
We're all here together
Friends and family
Join hands together
Spirits rejoicing
Bringing our hearts full of joy to,
Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song
We're happily, happily, here
To the world for a purpose new.

Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song
Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song
Bahá'í school, come on along
Bahá'í school, join in our song

Good Morning Sun (p. 61)

Good morning sun, good morning sun,
The night is gone, the day begun,
I'm certain while I work and play
That God will help me through the day.

Consultation Means Finding Out (p. 62)

Consultation means finding out
What everybody is thinking about
You listen to them
And they listen to you
Then you all do what
Most of you want to do.

Come and Sing (p. 62)

Come and sing with us together,
Come and sing with us today,
O God! Educate the children,
Come and sing and play.

Come and dance with us together,
Come and dance with us today,
O God educate these children,
Come and sing and play

Come and pray with us together,
Come and pray with us today,
O God educate these children,
Come and sing and play

Come and learn with us together,
Come and learn with us today,
O God educate these children,
Come and sing and play

Come and sing with us together,
Come and sing with us today,
O God educate these children,
Come and sing and play

Eskimo (Inuit) Hunting Song (p. 63)



1. Hand over eye
2. Zoom
3. Unhh
4. Thumb up and down

Father Abraham (p. 63)
Father Abraham had seven children
Seven children had Father Abraham
Some of them are black
Some of them are white
And all of them are beautiful.

Hoonah Lullaby (p. 63)

I love you and you love me
Together we will be
You and me will be the best of friends

Hand in hand we along together
You and me will be the best of friends.

God Loves The Best Of Us (p. 64)


God loves the best of us
God loves the worst of us
God loves the rest of us
No matter who we are.

Hello teacher, hello clerk
Hello lawyer and soda jerk
Hello teacher of nursery rhymes
We gotta get busy and serve mankind.


When we're loving, when we share,
It makes us happy because we care
So spread God's love and obey His will
We all have a cup to fill.


Hello England, Hello Greece
Hello America we wish you peace
Hello Guam and Mexico
We all have a long way to grow.



Here's A Song I Like To Sing (p. 64)

Here's a song I like to sing
God created everything
I do not know just what He is
But everything that is, is His

Amazing Grace (p. 65)
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far
And grace will lead me home.
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Navajo Lullaby (p. 66)

Chorus: (2 times)
Hay, nay, yah ha na
Hay yah, hay yah ha na,
Hay, nay yah ha na
Hay yah, hay yo
Hay yah, hay yo
I walk in beauty
Yes I do, yes I do,
I talk in beauty
I live in beauty
Just for you an only you
Hay ya ha na
I sleep in beauty
Yes I do, yes I do,
I lie in beauty
Yes I do, yes I do,
Just for you and only you
Hay ya ha na
I pray in beauty
Yes I do, yes I do,
I live the life in beauty
Yes I do, yes I do,
I love the Ancient Beauty
Just for you and only you
Hay ya ha na

Skid A Marink (p. 67)
Skid a marink a dink adink
Skid a marink a doooo
I love you
Skid a marink a dink adink
Skid a marink a doooo
I love you
I love you in the morning
And in the afternoon
I love you in the evening
And underneath the moon
Oh, skid a marink a dink adink
Skid a marink a doooo
I love you

I Saw A Bird's Nest In A Tree (p. 67)
I saw a bird's nest in a tree.
God loves the bird and loves the tree
And God loves me.
I saw a codfish in the sea.
God loves the codfish and the sea
And God loves me.
I saw a deer running free.
God loves the deer running free
And God loves me.
I saw a tiger in the zoo.
God loves the tiger and the zoo
And God loves YOU! I see the children on the bus
God loves the children on the bus
And God loves us.

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HISTORY Formatted 2010-07-28 by Jonah Winters; Proofread 2005-08 by Jeff Lavezzo.
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