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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 2017-12-07, sorted by events, ascending

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2017 7 Dec
In its letter to all Local Spiritual Assemblies the National Spiritual Assembly introduced the Community Properties Fund, "to be established to support the acquisition, maintenance and use of properties at all levels of the community," including possibilities such as facilities with residential space "dedicated to all forms of educational activity, offices to serve the needs of regional agencies and neighbourhood space to support children's classes, junior youth groups and study circles".

The Community Properties Fund were intended to provide the ongoing material resources necessary for this advancement. The National Spiritual Assembly contributed an initial $2.5 million to this Fund, and called on the community to match this amount over the remainder of the current Five Year Plan. Returns from this sum will then generate funds allocated to community properties. [Bahá'í Canada 2019-03-27

Community Properties Fund
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