Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1974-04-20, sorted by date, ascending

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1974 Ridván
The formation of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Aylmer, QC. The inaugural members were: Rick and Margo Blake, Linda O'Neil and John Dickie, Belinda and David Erickson, Jane Ginsberg, Pyer Vaillancours, and Michael McKenny. [from an email from David Erickson dated 28 and 29 May 2022; [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich] iiiii Aylmer, QC; Belinda Erickson; David Erickson; Gatineau, QC; Jane Ginsberg; John Dickie; Linda O'Neil; Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Margo Blake; Michael McKenny; Outaouais Cluster; Pyer Vaillancours; Rick Blake First Spiritual Assembly in Aylmer, QC
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